Egypt: resort cities not spoiled by the flow of mass tourism. Resorts on the Mediterranean

Approximately 5 million travelers a year prefer to spend their holidays on the coast of Egypt. The tourism industry in this country is dynamically developing, the old resorts on the Red Sea are being improved and previously unknown ones are being opened.

Due to the Arab Spring, Egypt has ceased to be the main destination for the inhabitants of Russia. But at present, the tourism business has been successfully restored, and the sunny beach is again waiting for visitors.

These places are distinguished by impeccable zones for tourism: beautiful cities, a large number of attractions and civilized diving. Egypt itself is unique in that it is washed by two seas: the Mediterranean and the Red.

The last sea is inland, belonging to the basin indian ocean, and is located in a tectonic basin. It is noticeably different from the rest with clear, clean water, since not a single river flows into this sea. In addition, it is the warmest of all, and even in the coldest months the temperature never drops below +19–24 °C. Another one characteristic- this is the most salty sea (41 g / l).

Resorts of Egypt on the Red Sea are the most popular and are designed for have a great holiday.

Its waters are inhabited by a considerable number of inhabitants:

  • "the bats";
  • barracudas;
  • blue "lips";
  • dolphins;
  • yellow tuna;
  • marlin;
  • sea ​​stars;
  • angel fish;
  • butterfly fish;
  • clown fish;
  • swordfish;
  • slopes;
  • sultanok.

One of the most fascinating of them is the ancient sea turtle.

The resorts of Egypt on the Red Sea have a lot of advantages, and their feature is reefs and corals. Many people mistakenly believe that these are plants. Absorbing calcium from water, these smallest organisms build colonies, the length of which reaches impressive sizes. They are located in the water area - this is nature reserve, which is guarded, and workers observe the actions of vacationers.

It is strictly forbidden to break and damage corals, they are considered state property of Egypt. Moreover, it is not recommended to even just touch them, as certain varieties are dangerous and can harm a person. The best time to admire these beauties is at night, it is at this time of day that the entire color palette of amazing marine inhabitants is revealed.

  1. ancient pyramids. Among them are large-scale, stepped and with a smooth surface, very well preserved and reminiscent of a pile of ruins. These are grandiose crypts, ancient dead rulers. They are shrouded in a halo of myths and secrets, and some consider them powerful energy sources.
  2. sphinxes. It is believed that this amazing sand beast guards the tombs of the pharaohs.
  3. Treasures of Tutankhamen. Exhibition in the Cairo Museum, treasures found in the tomb.
  4. Luxor tombs. 64 tombs of the Valley of the Kings, which have survived to this day in their original form.
  5. Picturesque Nile. Cruise on a luxurious liner, during which you can visit various sights, temples, ancient cities.
  6. Various ruins and ruins. The island of the pharaohs with a unique coral reef, the rock of Abu Simbel, with temples carved in stone.
  7. Holy places. Monastery of St. Anthony and St. Paul, in honor of the founder of monasticism and a famous hermit. St. Catherine, which was erected in the 6th century. BC. Mount Moses, where hundreds of pilgrims from around the world flock to climb to the very top and receive atonement for sins.

Rates fluctuate depending on the time of year, the level of the resort or city. In the market it is possible to buy fruits for $1.5–3 and souvenirs for $1.5–2. A banquet in a restaurant for 2 persons will cost $30, and lunch in an inexpensive eatery - $2-3, scuba diving - $45, a fixed-route taxi - $0.6. Approximately for a week for everyday expenses, you need to take $ 250-300 with you.

Hurghada resort - for any holidaymakers

One of the main tourist spots Egypt is the sunny coast of Hurghada. The former fishing village has been transformed into one of the most popular resorts. Almost 160 thousand people live here. The very first hotels in Egypt opened here. Tropical desert warm sun is easier to carry in Hurghada, thanks to the distinctive features of the geography of the region (because the resort is not covered by a high massif).

According to average indicators, in winter the temperature is 21–28 °С, and in summer it is 30–40 °С. Rain, showers are very rare, they can be observed in autumn. The resorts of Egypt on the Red Sea are pure fine sand, without shells and stones, the areas are equipped with everything necessary for entertainment: cocktail bars, showers, toilets, rescue towers, health centers, beds and umbrellas.

Old Vik, Dream Beach are considered expensive.

Bringing food and alcohol with you is not allowed. It is for this reason that there is a restaurant-bar in the area. Among the younger generation, the most famous beach is Mojito. In the morning and afternoon it is possible to swim here, take sunbaths. And in the evening and at night, dance at the disco, in addition, performances and shows are held here.

Of the attractions can be noted:

  1. Dolphinarium- is under open sky. After the show with seals and bottlenose dolphins - swimming with dolphins and memorable photos.
  2. Mosque of Abdulhasan Elshazi– Amazing minarets 40 m high. It was built in honor of the preacher.
  3. Paradise Island- a paradise where you can swim in the open sea, traveling on a comfortable liner, take part in incendiary dances and see the underwater world in fins and a mask.
  4. Shoab el Erg- a reef where flocks of dolphins live.
  5. Palace "1000 and 1 night" - castle in oriental style beautiful lake and huge gates. Beautiful camels and horses of elite breeds, an ancient wedding ceremony, costumed performances, a show of singing fountains, a cafe with oriental cuisine will be presented here.

Various entertainment programs are being conducted, all kinds of trips are organized:

  1. The streets of the Old City (El Dahar) with a special atmosphere and local flavor.
  2. The largest mosque in the city, El Mina, enchants with oriental architecture.
  3. A Coptic church with an Islamic-style façade, but inside it resembles a Slavic Orthodox church.
  4. Museum of Marine Biology, where collections of corals, fish, algae are presented.
  5. Sheraton street with many shops.

The hotel infrastructure has both noisy apartments for nightlife and family apartments with a huge choice of recreation for children. Moving around the metropolis is easy - he travels around Hurghada public transport (fixed-route taxis and buses). Due to democratic and inexpensive prices for stay, food, rest and flights, travelers with any financial means can come here.

Makadi Bay is a respectable resort center

This is an expressive bay, which is one of the best places for diving and represents the young resorts of Egypt. Hotels on the Red Sea are mostly 4, 5 stars, and the beaches are in secluded bays. Zone for elite vacation- several kilometers of coastline with coral reefs, which are home to hundreds of species of marine animals.

In this area, there is an intense current, which forms excellent conditions for diving (diving is possible up to 60 m). There are beautiful landscapes and several shipwrecks. Visibility is more than 30 m, and prices in popular centers range from 35 to 290 euros. The most favorable time of the year for diving is all 12 months of the year, with the exception of unusually hot days.

Diving spots:

  • « Aquarium"– a huge number of coral fish;
  • "Abu Hashish"– for swimmers with a breathing tube;
  • "Ras Abu Soma"- live large turtles and moray eels.
  • "Coral Lagoon"- a fabulous underwater world for diving. Reefs of hard and soft corals, labyrinths, corridors, hedgehogs, sharks, turtles.

This resort is very unusual, because, unlike the others, there are almost no locals living here, and it was founded only for travelers to relax. The beaches are sandy, strewn with small shells, but this does not bring any inconvenience to the legs. There are many hotels, most of which are five-star. Each has its own section of the beach.

Well-known (Makadi Oasis, Makadi Beach, Makadi Saray Resort) offer respectable service on the coast. The price of a double room is 7.3–10.9 thousand rubles. per day. Rest in these places is suitable for families with children, young people may seem bored, as discos, bars, restaurants are concentrated exclusively in finished areas.

Sharm El Sheikh resort - upscale resort areas

Rapidly formed over the past 25 years and is the second resort in Egypt in terms of fame. It was created one of the first and strongly resembles the European one.

Located in the southern part Sinai Peninsula and is regionally divided into bays, each of which has its own name, and the popular ones are:

  1. Shark Bay- because of the beautiful reef is in exceptional demand. There are many nightclubs, a conference building, restaurants with Russian cuisine, as well as an indoor ice skating rink.
  2. Naama Bay located along the coast, here life does not stop day or night. There are many trendy hotels and the most decent beaches. In new hotels, entry into the sea is carried out on special floating pantones, and in the earliest hotels, entrances were cut through.
  3. Sharm El Maya- harbor with a sandy beach. There is a smooth entry into the sea and mostly four star hotels. Nearby is a huge water park and market.

In Sharm El-Sheikh, there are quite bright sightseeing activities that allow you to go to the coral islands of RAS Mohammed and visit the monastery of St. Catherine and Mount Moses. Trips are organized to holy places, as well as to the famous mummies, pyramids, galleries.

Marsa Alam - a new modern resort

One of the young resorts in Egypt, which is constantly being modernized. New hotels are opening here, the tourist infrastructure is improving. It is located more than 70 km along the Red Sea. The city has a large number of 4- and 5-star hotels, any room in which is equipped with the utmost comfort.

Travelers are provided with rooms with private facilities, warm water and air conditioning. Hotel staff in best traditions Egypt will provide timely services to each guest. The diet is formed taking into account the national features of the cuisine.

Notable hotels:

  • for VIP-visitors and romantic getaway - The Palace Port Ghalib (5 stars);
  • for a solid family holiday - Siva Port Ghalib (5 stars), Port Ghalib Resort (4 stars);
  • with a spacious area and a sandy-coral beach - Royal Brayka Beach Resort(5 stars);
  • with an interesting coral reef - Deams Beach Resort Marsa Alam (5 stars);
  • for both honeymooners and families - Hilton Marsa Alam Nubian Resort (5 stars).

The clean coastal zone is of interest to a huge number of connoisseurs of sunbathing on the beach. And for an energetic holiday there is free diving. The water temperature in the warm season reaches +28 °С, and in the cooler month of the season (February) +16 °С.

El Gouna - Egyptian "Venice"

The resort is distinguished by its picturesque and quaint architecture, being the most beautiful. It is located 32 km from Hurghada and was founded by the millionaire Samih Sawiris on a common project. In general, it represents approximately 22 islands, between which there are channels where boats move slowly. It is because of this feature that it is often compared to Venice.

Bridges and passages connect the islands with each other, and the coastline stretches for 10 km.

There are many lianas and palm trees, and the sunny beach is considered elite, and therefore the prices are high. Another distinguishing feature is that not only hotels, but entire regions are designed by famous architects. There are no high-rise hotels, and housing is represented by small houses. The bulk is built on 3 floors and has 3, 4 and 5 stars.

The guests are mostly Dutch and Germans. Hotels here were built with the expectation that absolutely all tourists will like it. the globe. For example, there are special buildings for Americans, for connoisseurs of the exotic, built in the Tuscan genre and Cuban villas.

All of them are located on the coast of the lagoons:

  1. Mangroovy- here is the center of the boats.
  2. Tawila- thanks to the deserted sandy beaches, it is chosen by couples in love.
  3. Gobal- the best for snorkelling.
  4. Mahmeya- the most well-appointed.

Nearest attractions:

  1. Aswan- outlandish and one of the hottest cities on earth. Here you can visit Botanical Garden with interesting plants, see the remains of the temple of Khnum and archaeological finds in the local museum.
  2. Dendera- the city of the goddess Hathor, the patroness of the milky way. It is made of sandstone, with images of various patrons and celestial bodies.

In the summer season, the air warms up to +29–34 °C, the sea - up to 28 °C, and in winter - up to 26 °C, the coolest month is January. The territory of the sandy beach is fully equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas, sports grounds, there is a dance school and restaurants.

The local land has medicinal qualities, cures skin diseases and the musculoskeletal system. People experiencing these ailments are buried in a special black sand containing radioactive components and minerals.

Dahab resort - an oasis of peace

Sunny Beach with training in various water sports is a feature of the resort. The city is located on the Sinai Peninsula. The name is translated from Arabian as “gold”, since the sun, sunset, sand here have such a shade. Powerful wind, comfortable for yachting, windsurfing and kiteboarding, is typical for this region almost all year round.

Scuba diving is in great demand. Due to the proximity of the other shore, large waves do not form here, and the sea is constantly calm. The proximity of the mountains softens the climate, so there is more greenery. Divers dive directly from the beach as the reefs are very close. There are several popular diving areas, for example, the Blue hole is the most dangerous in the state.

For sanctioned diving, there are more than 50 free diving centers.

The main composition of vacationers are amateurs sailing, kiteboarders and windsurfers from all over Europe. There are few residents of Russia here and almost no Russian is spoken in hotels. The most common accommodation formats are BB (lunch only) or HB (lunch + dinner). Mostly 3 star hotels, but come across with 1 and 2.

Lunch is prepared simply, as most guests at sea spend the whole day. There are no snack bars either, and simple cafes offer refreshing non-alcoholic drinks. There are practically no historical sights, entertainment projects and animation.

But there are trips to the Bedouin village, off-road safaris to the desert. There is no central shopping area, and for lovers of shopping this place is not suitable. There is also a lack of sun loungers and a heavy congestion of the beach.

Taba resort - moderate price zone

The resorts of Egypt on the Red Sea are lured by coral reefs, there are many lagoons, bays, mountains. The city is located on the border with Israel - 13 km. Eilat (Israel), Aqaba (Transjordan), Hakl (Saudi Arabia) are approximately 15–20 km away. Industry sunny beach is formed very slowly, due to the development of the nearby resorts.

The cost of rest is significant - if compared with the price of tours to Sharm el-Sheikh, then a trip to Taba will cost 25-40% more. This is not the most famous resort, it is comfortable only for connoisseurs of privacy. From this place it is most convenient to go on excursions to Israel, Jordan. The price of the trip is from $50.

Local Attractions:

  1. Island "Pharaoh" with the fortress of Saladin - the first buildings here were created by the Phoenicians. Here is a grandiose fortress of the 12th century, which is especially beautiful at night, when the lights are lit.
  2. "Castle Zaman"modern building, which acts as a cafe with a pond and a shopping mall. It is built from broken bottles and glass, without the use of metal and concrete.

Food in regional hotels is not as varied as in other resorts, there is also little entertainment. There is practically no animation and no discos. Hotels are mostly 3, 4 and 5 stars. It has its own international airfield, golf course and casino.

Safaga is a small budget resort

Egypt's Red Sea resorts with a sporty orientation and impeccable diving areas, like Safaga, are not uncommon. Here you can observe not only peaceful marine life and sunken ships, but also sharks. Located on the coast, 60 km south of Hurghada. Consists of many resort areas: Middle Reef, Panorama Reef, RAAS Abu Soma and Abu Kafan.

Interesting places to visit:

  1. Residential Bedouin Village- They lead a sedentary lifestyle, friendly and open. A local doctor will always tell you how to quench your thirst in the desert and about the various centuries-old traditions combined with the authentic modern living environment of the village.
  2. Luxor- Mecca in the depths of the desert, with many archaeological sites and historical monuments. Here are images of the ancient Egyptians, water clocks, water meters, and structures covered with writing, which are historical heritage. IN " city ​​of the dead» you can see the Necropolis and burial temples.

At the disposal of hotels (mostly 3 and 4 star hotels) there are large recreation areas and long beaches. The organization of recreation is mainly family-type, and all fun and activities take place exclusively on the territory. Outside the hotels there are no places of entertainment.

Comparative table for the resorts of Egypt on the Red Sea

Resort Respectability Hotel categories Nearest diving Local Attractions Beach categories Price (for 1 person per day)
Hurghada average 2–5 Giftun Islands Palace "1000 and 1 night",

Mosque of Abdul-Hasan Elshazi

Private (from $6),

little depth,

landscaped swarms

from 2500
Makadi Bay average 2–5 coral lagoon Field trips Private (from $5), landscaped swarms from 4500
Sharm El Sheikh elite 2–5 Reserve Ras - Mohammed,

Bay of Sharm El Maya.

Papyrus Museum;

Al Mustafa Mosque

Private (from $10), well-appointed triplets from 4500
Marsa Alam average 2–5 reef samadai Mines of Cleopatra,

Wadi El Gimal park

1st line - private, well-appointed,

Line 2 - paid, not equipped. (from 5$),

from 5500
El Gouna elite 2–5 shabaha reef Kafr Private, paid (from $10), shallow, black sand from 6000
Dahab budgetary 1–3 blue hole, Gabr-Il-Bent Park,

ras abu galum park,

Not equipped, the bottom - corals, hedgehogs. from 4500
Taba average 3–5 Pharaoh Island Field trips Private, landscaped (from $5) from 4500
Safaga budgetary 2–4 There is Field trips Private, equipped and not (from $5) from 2000

Tourists on a budget are better off heading to Safaga. Dahab, Marsa Alam are suitable for sports diving and windsurfing. For romantic and unforgettable trip El Gouna is the best. For young people who love night dancing and entertainment - El Gouna, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada.

Hurghada, Makadi Bay, Sharm El Sheikh are suitable for families with children. In general, Egypt is a unique tourist destination, the country can offer tourists resorts with different services and opportunities for active or passive recreation- for every taste.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the resorts of Egypt

The best beaches Egypt:

Let's talk about how to relax in Egypt from the heart. We have collected the most up-to-date information about the coastal cities of the country. Detailed list of major resorts. Read soon.

Egypt continues to be one of the most popular tourist destinations. Great beaches, developed infrastructure and, in particular, the unique underwater world, attract many people from various countries here.

What is the sea in Egypt?

The very question "Is there a sea in Egypt" is incorrect. After all, the country is lucky. She immediately has two exits to the expanses of water. On the one hand, it is washed by, on the other, the Red is a separate part of the Indian Ocean, which is located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.

Map of resorts and coast

There are four main regions on the territory of the country, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Coast of the Red Sea;
  • Coast mediterranean sea;
  • Coast of the Sinai Peninsula;
  • A group of cities near the Suez Canal.

The first three regions are the most interesting for travelers, so we will focus on them. Check out our overview of the popular resorts in Egypt.

Resorts on the Red Sea

The Red Sea coast is the most popular among compatriots. The main advantages are an excellent choice of hotels of any level of comfort and cost, a rich excursion program and the Red Sea, which is unforgettable in terms of the diversity of its inhabitants.

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The largest resort city on the coast of the Red Sea. Long sandy beaches, characterized by a smooth increase in depth, the absence of stones and coral fragments at the bottom make it especially convenient for families with small children.

A developed network of hotels, many of which offer service according to the “ all inclusive» all year round attract thousands of tourists from all over the world. It was from Hurghada that the tourist boom in Egypt began, so the hotel fund includes a number of outdated hotels. At the same time, the city has the most affordable prices for accommodation and entertainment.

The central part, Sakkah, attracts tourists with an abundance of discos and nightclubs. Here, tourists visit small shops and cafes in the traditional Arabic style to get acquainted with local customs and color. Hurghada is the most convenient place from which to easily visit the sights of Luxor. Autumn is considered the most comfortable time for rest.

El Gouna

In El Gouna, hotels are located on small areas of land that are separated by channels. For transportation, small boats and boats are used. Because of this, many compare it with the famous Venice.

On the main island, which is called El Kafr, there are cafes and restaurants and shops. Other islands offer relaxing holiday where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of tourists. El Gouna is especially popular with Europeans who appreciate a comfortable and measured rest.


Safaga is known as a family holiday destination. It is also a popular place for kite and windsurfing. Safaga Bay is protected by two small islands that are located off the coast. Diving enthusiasts will be interested in several sites where sunken ships are located at the bottom.

Finding entertainment here in the form of discos and night bars is very difficult. The hotel fund is quite modest, most of the hotels have a rating of 3 or 4 stars. The beaches are not the most comfortable, but many hotels have a vast adjacent area.

Marsa Alam

A young, only gaining popularity resort. Marsa Alam not the right place for beach holiday due to the presence of corals at the bottom. In the immediate vicinity, close to the coast, there are many reefs. The place is very popular with divers. Hotels usually have their own diving schools and equipment rentals. There are relatively few hotels, and housing prices are above average.

Makadi Bay

Most of the hotels are well-known luxury hotels with a rating of 4-5 stars. They offer a high level of service and have a vast landscaped area. The beaches are sandy, with a smooth increase in depth, they are regularly cleaned and equipped. The level of prices for housing and entertainment is higher than in Hurghada. The Makadi Bay resort is a vacation spot for wealthy and middle-aged tourists from Europe.

Resorts of the Sinai Peninsula

A characteristic feature of the region is the abundance of small rocky bays on the coast. The bottom is covered with coral debris. Almost everywhere you need special shoes to go into the water.

Sharm El Sheikh

The largest resort Egypt is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. In total, there are more than 500 hotels of different levels of service and price categories.

Sharm El Sheikh is divided into several parts with its own characteristics:

  • Naama Bay is a respectable part where the main entertainment is concentrated - shops, restaurants, nightclubs;
  • Sharm al Maya - here is the Old City and the famous market;
  • Ras Umm el Sid - known for hotels with the most picturesque coral reefs;
  • Nabq - strong winds periodically blow, so the opportunity to swim is often limited;
  • Sharks Bay - well-developed infrastructure, comfortable hotels and good diving opportunities.

A significant part of the hotels have their own "home" reef. The entrance to the sea is difficult, as the bottom is abundantly dotted with corals. To immediately get to the depth, pontoons are often used. Although many hotels clear the bottom and the beach, in most cases tourists have to swim in protective shoes. For children, such conditions may not always be convenient.

The best sightseeing trips from Sharm El Sheikh -pyramids of Giza, Israel, ancient Petra in Jordan. Entertainment is concentrated mainly inside the resort area. The choice of hotels is very large. At the same time, prices for accommodation and entertainment are on average higher than in Hurghada.


It is considered the most youthful and party place of the Sinai Peninsula. The word "dahab" in translation means "golden", which very accurately describes the color of the sand on the beaches. The resort has been actively developing in recent years. It is especially popular among European youth who prefer water sports. Although new hotels and entertainment centers are constantly being built, Dahab still remains a place for secluded recreation.

The city is conditionally divided into two parts:

  • Tourist - where there are expensive and comfortable hotels;
  • Bedouin - inexpensive are concentrated here guest houses, rent of which is available to budget tourists.

Numerous coral reefs are located in the immediate vicinity of Dahab. There are about 80 diving centers where vacationers take a course and rent equipment for diving.

  • Travelata , Level.Travel , OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - see the order of prices in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance so you don't worry on the way.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


A small village offers a quiet and respectable holiday. There are no noisy discos and night bars. The hotel fund is diverse. The territory of the hotels is relatively small, the beaches are clean, the bottom is regularly cleared of coral debris.

An important advantage of Taba is its unique geographical location. The resort is located near the border with Israel and Jordan. From here it is most convenient to visit the sights in these countries, including such unique places as ancient Petra, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. You can do this on your own and as part of organized tours.

In the vicinity of Taba there are historical sights: Rimmon Peretz, the place where the Israelis camped during the flight from Egypt in search of the Promised Land, as well as the island of the Pharaohs, where the remains of the Crusader fortress, which was built during the Crusades, have been preserved.


The area stretches for 30 km along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Sinai. There are three areas of Nuweiba:

  • The city of Nuweiba is the most respectable and developed part of the resort, where most of the luxury hotels, shops and entertainment centers are concentrated;
  • Maisen - a port from where walks along the coast are offered;
  • Tarabin is a settlement of nomadic Bedouins with bamboo huts of local residents. Tourists often visit it during excursions.

Feature of Nuweiba - coral reefs, which are located close to the coast. Due to this, the place is popular with beginner divers.

In the vicinity of Nuweiba, there is the Colored Canyon, which is the third deepest in the world. The resort is a convenient starting point for visiting famous attractions - Mount Moses and St. Catherine's Monastery.

Resorts on the Mediterranean

Previously, mainly local residents preferred to relax on the Mediterranean Sea. IN last years foreign tourists began to appear on the coast.


A large city located on the Mediterranean Sea, which is gaining popularity among vacationers. Hotels are usually located within the city limits and have a relatively small territory. The advantages of the resort are a combination of beach holidays and a rich excursion program. Alexandria - The largest city Egypt, whose history spans several millennia.

Of interest to tourists is the old part of the city, as well as modern areas where shops and souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes offering seafood at reasonable prices are located. Housing prices are lower than in other places.

Most hotels in the city do not have their own beach, so usually vacationers have to visit public recreation areas. The underwater world of the Mediterranean Sea is much inferior in diversity to the fauna and flora of the Red Sea. During the summer months, the air and water temperatures on the Mediterranean coast are not as high as in other Egyptian resorts. This makes it possible to relax here with comfort in the hot season.

Mersa Matruh

The location is especially popular with locals. During the high season, the beaches are often filled with vacationers, and housing prices rise. The quality of the beaches is very high, and the water is clean and clear. Unlike other Egyptian resorts, the neighborhood of Mersa Matruh boast attractive natural landscapes. On the coast there are picturesque grottoes and rocks. A trip around the surrounding area will be a good way to diversify a measured beach holiday.

Egypt offers comfortable and varied recreation which will be of interest to everyone. This country has a unique combination of such factors as the unique beauty of the underwater world of the Red Sea, famous historical sights and developed tourist infrastructure.

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Hello dear friends! Kristina is back with you. Today I will touch on an important topic that "torments" more than one tourist with the pangs of choice. This is Egypt and its resort cities. I think many of you have often wondered which one to give preference to. Where is the best place to relax, have fun, get enough impressions? Why is this or that resort of the country of the pharaohs better. Where should you go with your family, and where should you go alone?

I will try to answer all questions today. The theme of Egypt is always relevant, even at the moment, when it is possible to go from Russia to it. It is relevant because the Egyptian direction is one of the favorites of our compatriots. It's inexpensive, the Red Sea has a rich underwater world, a huge number of attractions and the all-inclusive food concept so loved by many. So what should be guided by when choosing?

First, decide what you expect from the rest.

  1. If you are traveling to Egypt with kids, then debug a beach holiday. The most gentle entrance to the sea is on the beaches of Hurghada.
  2. Want to hang out, have fun full program? Sharm El Sheikh is an excellent choice. The resort will delight not only with entertainment clubs, incendiary parties, but also with a magnificent coral reef.
  3. Fans of excursion programs can choose among several resorts. From Hurghada it is more convenient to get to Cairo, Edfu, Luxor, Aswan. Sharm will delight you with an excursion to Israel, Dahab - a visit to a unique holy place, the Church of St. Catherine. At the same time, at any resort there is an opportunity to ride camels, ATVs, take a boat trip.
  4. For lovers active rest: windsurfing and kitesfing - the resort of Dahab will be a great place.
  5. When choosing vacation spots, I recommend to find out in advance when

The large and well-known resorts of Egypt are not really of particular interest to me, so I want to dwell on the “special” offers in more detail. After all, a wonderful vacation can be in other places.

Little-known Egyptian resorts

I don’t know what this is connected with, but most of our compatriots prefer Sharm and Hurghada. But other resorts are quite good, if not even the best. Yes, and the prices will be much lower. There is one more advantage of such places - a cleaner sea, beaches, untouched coral reefs, sparsely populated.

So, study!

  1. Safaga. Located just an hour from Hurghada. The resort is famous for its magnificent coral reefs and the cleanest beaches. There are no more than a dozen hotels here, mostly "three" and "four". Perfect for families with children, and will also delight diving enthusiasts.
  2. Soma Bay and Makadi. Parts of the coast, administratively still related to Hurghada. But the hotels are only new, exclusively 4 - 5 *. Prices are much lower, and there are very few tourists. If you like quality service, serene rest, water sports - you are here. Entertainment - exclusively on site.
  3. Dahab. Let me just say, my love. A small resort is located in the east of the Sinai Peninsula. From Sharm el-Sheikh, the distance is no more than 100 kilometers. The most amazing place for active, young people, especially those who are fond of diving and surfing. There are still very few "star" hotels, but the variety of campsites is impressive. I will continue a more detailed description of the resort a little later. This is a special place for me and I can't ignore it, but what's there - the whole site is dedicated to it.
  4. Taba. A coastal tiny town bordering Israel. From it opens amazing view to the stunning bay, as well as to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel. Hotels are mostly three-star. The disadvantage is the remote location from the sea coast. And outside the hotel there is practically nowhere to go. But in general, the resort is suitable for a quiet family holiday. The disadvantage is the long distance to the airport, you will have to spend at least 5 hours on the way.
  5. Marsa Alam. The newest resort in Egypt. From Hurghada the transfer is 5 hours. Noisy, due to construction, but not crowded. All hotels are modern and located at a great distance from each other. I recommend Marsa Alam to divers. Here you will find the richest underwater world, untouched coral reefs.
  6. El Quseir. Inexpensive, quiet place with wonderful coral reefs and white sandy beaches. All entertainment takes place on the territory of the hotels. Popularity in recent years is growing due to reasonable prices and quality service.
  7. El Gouna. A special place, different from the rest, a charming little town. Hotels are located on separate islands, and boats and boats run between them (for free!). By the way, for this feature the place has the name "Venice on the Red Sea". I will disappoint you with the prices - they are quite high. But all hotels are five-star.

Regardless of which resort you choose, it will not be superfluous to know important tips for the most comfortable holiday in Egypt.

  • In small resort towns, Egyptians speak English language. Street names are predominantly in Latin or Arabic script. But on popular resorts employees of restaurants, hotel shops have a good command of Russian and the inscriptions here are understandable for our tourist.
  • Upon arrival at the resort, find out what is important, especially given that the planes depart in local time.
  • It is clear that you want to capture a lot during your vacation in the photo, video. Never take pictures of local people without permission, it is strictly forbidden by the Quran.
  • When swimming in the sea, try not to touch the marine life. Many of them are poisonous, in particular sea ​​urchins. You don't want to spend time in a hospital bed, do you? I recommend buying plastic special shoes for safety, especially since they are inexpensive.
  • Bargain constantly. You can bring down the price not only twice, but even three or four times! Surprisingly, the more firmly you stand your ground, the more respectful attitude of local merchants towards you. I think they enjoy it.
  • When visiting temples, mosques, monasteries, do not wear shorts (applies to both women and men). Women need to cover their arms, shoulders, and wear ankle-length skirts.
  • If necessary, contact the special tourist police, which is in each locality. It is easy to recognize them - by a bandage with the inscription "Tourist Police".

And of course, check out the article. « », It will go a long way in helping you prepare for your trip.

Of course, everyone chooses for himself how to relax. Each Egyptian resort is good in its own way. Yes, and the choice can be made according to your tastes, preferences, since diversity allows. You can relax both on a grand scale, chic, and quite budget.

The main thing is not to forget to “grab” a good mood with you! The right attitude is the key have a great holiday. We leave all the troubles at home, and go ahead - towards the sun, the sea, gorgeous beaches, and maybe even the sea and the wind! And let the whole world wait!

Do you have any questions? Ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. In order not to miss important news about the features of holidays in Egypt, do not forget subscribe for blog updates. Always glad to see you visiting. Until we meet again, bye bye!

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Tatyana Solomatina

Resorts of Egypt: description and features of the holiday

Hello dear readers! Egypt has always been a popular destination. There is nothing surprising in this - the inhabitants of the northern countries come here primarily in order to profitably exchange one or two weeks of slush, mud or sub-zero temperatures, for the hot sun and a carefree pastime in the company of the same vacationers on the shores of the warm sea.

After the tragic events of 2015, Egypt has ceased to be a mass destination for Russians. Tour operators do not sell package tours to this country. However, some tourists continue to visit the resorts of Egypt, organizing holidays on their own, because the charms of this place are difficult to replace with something else. Many believe that soon the political situation will change, and it will again be possible to safely visit the country. I believe in this, and I, therefore, open a new heading "Egypt", before you the first article: Resorts of Egypt description and features of the rest.

Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh? Or maybe Dahab or El Gouna? In the article I will talk about the main resorts of Egypt: Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Alexandria, Dahab, El Gouna, Nuweiba, Taba, Safaga, Makadi Bay and Soma Bay. Read the description of the resorts, remember and rediscover this mysterious Arab country!

This city is one of the main tourist centers of Egypt on the Red Sea coast. Almost 161 thousand inhabitants live in Hurghada. It is cooler here than in the same Sharm el-Sheikh due to the fact that the resort is not surrounded by a mountain range.

Hurghada is perhaps the most famous Russian resort in Egypt. This is due to the fact that mass tourism in Egypt began here. And it was here that the conveyor construction of hotels for the rest of foreigners along the entire coast began. Here are the most "age" hotels. What positively influences the prices in them.

The tourist center of Hurghada - Sakkah - is full of entertainment, here you will find oriental-style cafes, shops, bars and discos. And supporters of a relaxing holiday can have a good time on the beach, so everyone can find something for themselves here. The resort has beautiful beaches and an impressive hotel infrastructure.

In terms of sightseeing trips, Hurghada significantly outperforms Sharm el-Sheikh in Luxor, but is inferior in terms of the pyramids located within Cairo. This should be taken into account, since eight hours in a bus through the desert is not easy to overcome.

In the quick access zone there is the Red Sea Museum and the Marine Aquarium, active tourists can choose a camel or quad bike safaris. Trips to the Sindbad water park are also organized from here.

Hurghada will suit tourists with any requests. If desired, here you can find both noisy hotels with a vibrant nightlife, and family hotels with a large selection of entertainment for children.

Sharm El Sheikh: Royal Bay

Sharm el-Sheikh is located in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, its name means "King's Gulf". Tourists who come to rest in Sharm el-Sheikh have the opportunity to enjoy the fabulous reefs that nature has generously scattered along the entire coast of the Red Sea.

There are more than 500 hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh, there are both well-known world lines, and low-budget, but no less comfortable Egyptian options. Most of the hotels are located in the famous Naama Bay, known as the tourist center of the Sinai region. This is where you should go if you have a desire to spend an evening full of entertainment. Clubs (including the legendary Hard Rock Cafe), restaurants, countless shops (including duty free), casinos, banks - Naama Bay is teeming with life from morning to night.

Near Naama Bay is the oldest area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh - Sharm al-Maya, also known as the Old Bazaar. There you can stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, and discover the exquisite taste of seafood. Finding interesting souvenirs is a pleasure for those who do not want to leave Egypt empty-handed.

Sharm el-Sheikh is famous for its abundance of marine flora and fauna. The richest underwater world of the coastal waters of the resort provides an excellent opportunity for boat trips, as well as for snorkeling or diving near the shore.

Otherwise, Sharm el-Sheikh is the same Hurghada with minor variations. The same relaxed family vacation. However, the riot of underwater fauna has left its mark on a beach holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. The fact is that swimming without special shoes is far from possible everywhere - coral cutting is carried out only locally. Such bathing areas are usually marked with buoys. They are typical for Naama Bay - the oldest part of the Sharm el-Sheikh resort, the most comfortable part of it. When choosing a hotel, always specify the description of where it is located and what type of bottom is on its beach.

Sharm el-Sheikh is suitable for literally all tourists. However, the success of the holiday depends on the right place on the coast, depending on the purpose and desires of pastime. Snorkeling along the entire coast of the resort will meet the wildest expectations. For families with children, you need to carefully choose a hotel. Focus on the name of the beach, read the description of the hotel and reviews.

Alexandria: a city on the Mediterranean

The famous Alexandria is the second largest city in the country with more than 4 million inhabitants. Alexandria is divided into 27 districts and has everything you would expect from a thriving city: squares, palaces, libraries, museums, schools, universities, religious centers. If somewhere in Egypt the influence of European civilization is noticeable, then it is in Alexandria.

Unlike the resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, Alexandria is a city that already existed when history was being made. ancient world when empires were created and collapsed. Historically, the Egyptians themselves traditionally rested in Alexandria, while the eastern coast of the country was left to foreign tourists.

A rare hotel in the city has its own comfortable beach. If you decide to stay within the city, then most likely you will have to be content with the city beach. It is much better to stay in the suburbs, here any hotel will provide you with quality service, including beach service.

What you should see first of all: Fort of Alexandria (visiting card of the city), Library of Alexandria, Montaz Palace, Museum fine arts, Ras el-Tin Palace, Greco-Roman Museum. The price level in Alexandria will pleasantly surprise you - it is much lower than in resorts oriented towards Europeans.

The city is unlikely to surprise with its intimate charm and wild beaches, but if you're mainly focused on sightseeing, then Alexandria is a great starting point. From here you can go on a journey through the desert, see a beautiful oasis and the incredible natural formations of the Western Desert.

I think it is obvious that Alexandria is a great option for those who prefer not to move away from the city and are interested in the history of the ancient world. Suitable for tourists who are tired of annoying hotel animators and standard all-inclusive pastime. To meet a Russian speaker here is a great miracle. Do you love history? Are visiting castles, forts, museums, the old part of the city as important to you as a beach holiday? To Alexandria!

Golden Dahab

Dahab - translated as "golden", is an hour's drive from Sharm el-Sheikh, and is a great alternative to this famous resort. In 2004, there were only 1,300 permanent residents, most of them Bedouins.

It is hard to imagine that just a hundred kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh, there is a piece of paradise ideal for a savage vacation. Dahab is perhaps the only resort in Egypt where you do not have to worry about booking a hotel in advance. Due to the distance from the airport, there are many times fewer tourists.

Dahab is located on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba and is divided into two parts:

  1. In the first, tourist, there are several fairly good hotels. Are you a wealthy person, but prefer to relax like a hermit? This is for you. And if you still love water sports - doubly for you.
  2. The second part, the so-called "Bedouin", is campsites offering inexpensive, to put it mildly, accommodation from $5 per day. Can you imagine it? For $ 10 it is quite possible to find an apartment with air conditioning. And what else do young people need who do not care about comfort and convenience? Colorful establishments for food and recreation in the national style, hookahs ... All this against the backdrop of a fantastically beautiful landscape.

This place is located near coral reefs, so it is often chosen by divers, there are about 80 dive centers. Inexperienced divers will be offered introductory dives. More experienced divers can choose from a wide variety of packages, and night dives can also be arranged.

In Dahab, you can relax well, there are centers for yoga, massage and meditation. Rest in this resort will appeal to young people and all tourists who prefer both a quiet holiday against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes and active pastime with masks and flippers. There are no entertainment centers here, only simple cafes and bars.

El Gouna: Venice in Egypt

El Gouna is a resort twenty-five kilometers north of Hurghada. Built on water, designed by Gene Bates and Fred Para, creators of EuroDisney. Like Venice, the resort is surrounded by lagoons and canals. Hotels in El Gouna are considered among the best in all of Egypt, built on separate islands, between which you can move along the canals by boat.

The main contingent of tourists are amateurs inexpensive vacation from Western Europe- Germans, Dutch. Not all hotels have their own beaches with access to the sea (you need to carefully read the description of the hotels). True, you can swim right in the canals, but again, not everywhere. However, the sea is easily accessible by one of the regular boats.

Half a kilometer shallows are a big plus for families with children, but an adult swimmer is unlikely to like it. It should also be noted that the pyramids in Cairo and the temple complex in Luxor from El Gouna can be quickly reached by air - the resort has its own small airport.

This resort is perfect for families with children, tourists who want to relax in a luxurious atmosphere with all the advantages of decent all-inclusive hotels (animation, food, beautiful large territory and unusual for Egypt, the landscape - canals) will like it.

Nuweiba coast

Nuweiba is the name of a coast about thirty kilometers long in the east of the Sinai Peninsula, which includes many small settlements located at a short distance from each other. This place is located almost two hundred kilometers north of the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Nuweiba is divided into three parts:

  1. Tarabin is a Bedouin village that attracts tourists from all over the world with its bamboo huts (everything inside is made from bamboo sticks). In this part of Nuweiba you will find the ruins of a fortress that was supposed to protect Sinai from invading Turkish troops in the sixteenth century.
  2. In the southern part of Nuweiba is Maizena, a seaport where you can enjoy a walk along the promenade.
  3. The most interesting part of the Nuweiba resort is the city of Nuweiba, a luxurious tourist center with many hotels and restaurants.

Nuweiba resort is a paradise for lovers of water sports and diving, there are more than 15 diving centers. Interestingly, attractive coral reefs are located very close to the coast. This is an ideal place for beginner divers, for those who only dream of conquering the underwater world. From the port of Nuweiba, you can go on exciting sea voyages on high-speed catamarans along the Sinai Peninsula - Aqaba (Jordan) route.

If you drive not far from Nuweiba (about 30 km), you will see the magnificent Colored Canyon. The depth of this canyon is more than 2.5 km, which makes it the third largest canyon on Earth. The colored canyon literally shimmers with seven colors - from white to dark red, hence its beautiful name. Once here, you can visit the camps of the Israelis, which are located in the neighborhood (20 km) - Kibrot-Gattaavy, Taber, Rita and Ashirofe.

If you want to take the opportunity during your stay in Egypt to visit the Christian monastery of St. Catherine or climb Mount Moses, then Nuweiba is the most suitable for this purpose. Trip to Mount Moses: three hours of night climbing under the guidance of a professional Bedouin guide. Tourists can watch the dawn at Mount Moses, one of the most beautiful landscapes you can imagine.

Rest in Nuweiba is suitable even for a demanding vacationer, here you can find accommodation and leisure for every taste and budget. Great place for snorkelers and divers.

Taba: a relaxing holiday on the border with Israel

Taba - a small resort located near Nuweiba, has a little more inhabitants than the city of Dahab, about 4700 people.

This is very quiet place, where even with all the desire you will not find noisy bars and discos. Taba seems to be a small and inconspicuous city, but it gives pleasure to those who appreciate the comfort of the highest level, here is the Taba Hilton (casino).

Beaches in hotels of different plans, you can find comfortable for small children with carved corals on the shore, there are hotels with standard pontoons and rich underwater flora and fauna.

If you want to go everywhere, and there is only one vacation, then keep in mind that Taba is located in the border zone, in close proximity to such states as Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Spending your holidays in Taba, you can get acquainted with the most beautiful places that are outside of Egypt. Organized here day trips to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, you can find out the description of excursions from the booklets of travel agencies.

This city is a real find for history buffs. Traveling 24 miles to the southwest, you will reach Rimmon Peretz (the biblical camp of the Israelites, which they pitched during their journey to the Promised Land). 250 m from the sea is Pharaoh's Island, where you can see the ruins of the Crusader castle.

This might be the perfect place for tourists who like the luxury of Naama Bay, but at night they would prefer the tranquility of Dahab. A great place for a quiet family vacation in comfortable hotels with a worldwide reputation.

Safaga: a paradise for water sports

Safaga resort is located 50 km south of Hurghada airport and is one of the best places in the country for windsurfing and kiteboarding. The city is small, next to it there are two islands - "Tobia Island" and "Tobia Kebira". They are a natural protective barrier for the city.

Tourists tend to have different opinions about Safaga. This is not surprising - the city is located on the border of two worlds: very expensive and luxurious hotels side by side with low budget ones. But the main competitive advantage of Safaga is not hotels, but a long line of hotel beaches, and their low “population” with vacationers. Plus, there are several wrecks near the islands, which are very interesting for lovers of the underwater world. The reefs here are really very attractive.

Nightlife in Safaga is not particularly diverse, of course, there are restaurants and bars, but their level is still low and experienced tourists, as a rule, prefer the entertainment offered in hotels.

In Safaga, you can go on excursions to the Turkish fortress, the Harbor of the Pharaohs, the Roman quarries.

Safaga is more suitable for those who want to spend their holidays in a mask and fins, who are looking for a vacation on the beach without a large crowd of people, while being ready to be content with entertainment at the hotel.

Makadi Bay: a new resort near Hurghada

Makadi Bay is a new respectable resort, located thirty kilometers from Hurghada, offers 4-5 * hotels. The quality of service in Makadi is much higher than in other resorts in Egypt. However, all nightlife here is concentrated on the territory of hotels, and this, perhaps, is not the best choice for young people who want to actively spend their holidays.

Makadi Bay is a relatively new resort, it is mainly known for its beautiful beaches. Of course, there is an entertainment infrastructure here: shops, bars, cafes and discos, but it is far from the active life of Hurghada.

Makadi Bay is suitable for a relaxing beach holiday with the whole family. Remoteness from noisy cities and towns will allow you to enjoy the silence and decent service.

Soma Bay: luxury getaway

The resort of Soma Bay, in fact, like Makadi Bay, is a new Egyptian resort that claims to be the most respectable in the country. If the hotel, then 5 *, if the sand, then pure gold, and so on. Soma Bay offers absolutely all types of recreation - both beach and active, both sightseeing and treatment-and-prophylactic (good courses in the SPA-salon).

Soma Bay is ideal for lovers of relaxation in a luxurious atmosphere. Here you will find a range of cafes, bars and beautiful sandy beaches. Many will appreciate the large golf course.

The resort is especially suitable for wealthy tourists, for whom a high level of comfort and service in hotels is important. Gorgeous beaches and the wealth of the sea will leave a pleasant impression of the rest.

Egypt - ancient country. To see Egypt in two weeks is a utopia. An even greater utopia is just to try to understand what Egypt is during this time. But you can love or hate Egypt at first sight. There are many supporters and opponents of this country among tourists. Let the resorts of Egypt fall short in terms of service to European resorts Mediterranean, but in terms of price / quality ratio, in my opinion, they are unrivaled, especially for a beach holiday in winter.

Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh? You will find the answer to the question.

If you are one of those tourists who visited Egypt on their own after the closure of the destination, share your experience with readers, tell us how you got to the country, what is the situation there now, what has changed over the past two years. I am sure that the readers of the blog will be grateful to you for the latest information on this country and the description of the resort where you rested in Egypt. Read about how to post a review on my blog.

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On this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

Tatyana Solomatina

Egypt is a country that fascinates and enchants with its architectural monuments erected millennia ago. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans came here to relax and have fun, and visit these unforgettable architectural creations. But that's not all! Unforgettable experience the Red Sea and its underwater world will produce on you; a sky covered with billions of stars; the real silence of the desert and the view of the Sinai mountains at sunset; romantic cruises on the Nile, the longest river in the world; luxury hotels offering a wide range of services to the most demanding tourists. It is full of life day and night. Visit Egypt and you will find out why for thousands of years it was preferred by emperors and empresses, kings and queens! You can relax here all year round. In winter, the water temperature does not fall below 20-22 degrees, and the air temperature is 22-25. In summer, the air temperature reaches 40 degrees, and water 28-30. The climate in Egypt is exceptionally dry, and even the summer heat is more easily tolerated in the resorts of the Red Sea than in the resorts of the Mediterranean, where, as you know, the climate is humid and mild. sea ​​breeze makes staying on the beach enjoyable even during the hot summer months.


"Bay of the Sheikhs" - this is how Sharm El Sheikh sounds in Arabic. This is the most prestigious seaside resort in Egypt, located on the edge of the Sinai Peninsula, at the junction of the continents, between Africa and Asia. At any time of the year, charter planes bring here tourists from Western Europe, and in recent years - from Russia. Among the guests of this resort here you can meet high-ranking persons, such as the Sheikh Saudi Arabia and King of Jordan, Israeli Prime Minister and former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Most international business meetings in the Middle East take place in Sharm El Sheikh. Leading politicians of the world have been here: Clinton and Yeltsin, Mitterrand and Chirac. Sharm el-Sheikh is especially appreciated by diving enthusiasts. It is here that national park Ras Muhammad, which has no equal in the Northern Hemisphere in terms of the number and variety of corals, marine life and fauna. On the beaches at the hotels you can also see unusual fish and colorful corals. It can be said that the entire tourism industry here is subordinated to one great pleasure - scuba diving: local shops are overflowing with special equipment, sportswear and various accessories that are useful and necessary for professional and beginner divers. About two dozen diving centers offer everything necessary for diving enthusiasts. For those who are not interested in diving, there are many other entertainments in Sharm el-Sheikh: moto and jeep safaris, tennis courts, equestrian clubs, mini-golf clubs, windsurfing, parasailing, jet skis and exciting excursions. Naama Bay will amaze you with its variety of restaurants, souvenir shops and nightlife. It is in this bay that many high-class hotels of world famous chains are located, such as Hilton, Marriott, Movenpick, Sofitel, Sonesta. Nightlife is famous for its discos, nightclubs, casinos and show performances. In the evenings, all restaurants, cafes and bars are packed to capacity, and it doesn’t matter where you come from, because everyone has fun together!


Hurghada is ideal for families with children. Here the sun shines all year round, endless sandy beaches against the backdrop of desert mountains, excellent opportunities for surfing and scuba diving. More than two hundred modern hotels have been built on the coast of Hurghada. Almost all well-known hotel chains are represented here - Hilton, Marriott, Sheraton, Intercontinental and many others. And, in spite of this, new hotels and hotel complexes continue to build and improve. Almost all hotels are suitable for families. The hotel staff has a sufficient stock of phrases to communicate with representatives of any European country. It is not surprising that the Russians feel almost at home in Hurghada. Meals in hotels, as in other Egyptian resorts, are organized according to the principle " buffet”, and the assortment is diverse and plentiful, a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish are offered. During the day, you can have a bite to eat in one of the many restaurants located both in the hotels themselves, often right on the beach, and in the old, exotic part of the city. Upon arrival in Hurghada, you will be offered an exciting excursion program: trips to Luxor and Cairo, a boat trip to the coral islands, an exciting jeep trip to the desert. Diving enthusiasts can rent scuba gear, as a rule, here, in the hotel. In order to see the beauty of the underwater world, it is not even necessary to go scuba diving - through the windows of the Sinbad submarine, which descends to a depth of twenty meters, you can observe fish of the most bizarre shapes and colors. It gets dark early here, but this does not affect the life of the resort in any way - many discos, restaurants, cafes, casinos are waiting for night visitors. You can visit the legendary Thousand and One Nights Palace, where theatrical performances are held every evening on the themes of life in Egypt during the era of the pharaohs. In the hotel you will find a dance show and famous oriental dishes. A variety of souvenir and jewelry stores offer a wide range of gold and silver items. There are duty-free shops in Hurghada, where, upon presentation of a passport, foreigners can purchase three units of alcoholic beverages and a block of cigarettes, as well as other goods necessary for the traveler.


Taba is a small town located on the border between Egypt and Israel. Wonderful views of mountains, lagoons, canyons and gorgeous beaches This is Taba. There are luxury hotels here, offering their guests a wide variety of services for a great holiday. You can enjoy the view of multi-colored granite mountains, bordered by a strip of sandy beaches and green oases of hotels, taste fresh sea fish, visit the island of the Pharaohs, where the Crusader fortress - Salah El Dina, built in the 12th century, has been preserved. There is also a coral reef, which is the most popular dive site among divers. In the evening, in just a few minutes, the boat will take you to the island, where you can enjoy the sound and light show and look at the evening lights of Jordan on the other side of the bay.


Marsa Alam is one of the youngest and fastest growing resorts in Egypt. It is located on the wonderful coral coast of the Red Sea, 270 km south of Hurghada. Many tourists from around the world are attracted by the favorable weather in any season, very clean and warm water, the diversity of flora and fauna of the coral reefs of this resort. Do not forget about the historical value of the area where Marsa Alam is located. Overcoming about 200 km, lovers of antiquity will discover dozens of historical monuments ancient egypt. Such as temple complex Abu Simbel and majestic Luxor - the capital of the Upper Kingdom. 145 kilometers to the south, in the desert, is the Tomb of Sayad al-Shazli, who was a great Sufi ruler in the 13th century. His tomb was restored at the beginning of the 20th century. But don't go there without a guide or a good map, as you can never find it yourself. You will be pleased with the high quality of service and comfort of Marsa Alam hotels. And the quiet cozy atmosphere of a remote city will save you from the hustle and bustle. Adherents of outdoor activities are always welcome in diving clubs, where there are exciting programs for experienced and beginners. Clear water, ancient shipwrecks, turtles, crocodile fish, sleeping sharks, lionfish, parrot fish and butterfly fish. It is impossible to describe all the temptations that await you in the underwater world of this resort town. Only corals are worth something, spherical and tree-like, soft and hard. It will also be interesting for those who like windsurfing and yachting.


Nuweiba is a calm, quiet resort in Egypt, located on east coast Sinai Peninsula, 170 km north of Sharm el-Sheikh. It is great for a secluded vacation with the family by the sea. Nuweiba has both beautiful sandy beaches and coral coasts. Water sports enthusiasts will find a lot of entertainment for themselves here. The proximity of the Colored Canyon, Israel, as well as the ferry crossing to Jordan attracts tourists who want to devote more time to excursions. The distance from here to the monastery of St. Catherine and Mount Moses is 110 kilometers.

Many years ago, Nuweiba was one of the main points where pilgrims gathered and from where believers began their journey to Mecca. Nowadays, pleasure boats depart from the port every day, taking tourists along the route from the Sinai Peninsula to Jordan. Nuweiba is not a city in the usual sense of the word. The resort is located on the coast with a length of approximately 30 kilometers. It includes the seaport of Nuweiba, small settlements, as well as several hotels that are located quite far from each other. The Turkish citadel, built in the 18th century, divides Nuweiba into two districts. Each of them has its own merits. In the southern part, near the bay, there is the port of Museumna. It is a small fishing village, interesting for its coral barriers and beautiful beaches. The port is located at high mountains. The magnificent beaches of these places and the amazing coral reefs rising from the water have long been loved by tourists. To the north is Nuweiba El Tabarin. It is located on a remote strip of land that forms a bay. This area includes many tourist complexes. A variety of shops and restaurants are concentrated here. The territory of Nuweiba El Tabarin is inhabited by several Bedouin tribes. Despite the magnificent beach, the area is not as developed as Museena. In the central part of Nuweiba there is a commercial center. It is adjacent to the park area. There are many bazaars, supermarkets and vegetable shops here. Local bazaars are quite different low prices. In addition, you can bargain here. Most often, tourists buy cotton textiles, aromatic oils, gold, alabaster and leather products.

Nuweiba generally has everything to make your vacation memorable. Nuweiba is one of the most suitable places for diving enthusiasts. There are many professional diving centers where everyone can learn how to dive. Multilingual instructors will tell you all the features of diving under water, as well as show you all best places for this. In addition, tourists can visit various excursions. Many visitors make a hike up to famous mountain Moses (Mount Sinai). Its height is more than 2 thousand meters. The legend says that a person who met the dawn on the top of this mountain will be forgiven of all sins. At the foot of Mount Sinai is the ancient monastery of St. Catherine. Connoisseurs of picturesque nature usually visit the Ras Mohammed underwater reserve, where you can see the most beautiful corals. It is located near Sharm El Sheikh.


Dahab is located in the east of the Sinai Peninsula, on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea, 100 km north of Sharm el-Sheikh. In the past, this is a Bedouin village, which today has become a cozy holiday destination for tourists from around the world. A distinctive feature of this resort are beautiful mountains and magnificent coastline. Unlike most resorts in Egypt, Dahab is a calm and quiet place, where, nevertheless, everyone will find suitable rest and entertainment to taste. Hotels in Dahab are represented by small complexes offering their guests a decent level of comfort and service. The wind constantly blows from the sea, which softens the heat during the day, and in the evenings gives this place a unique softness and charm. The central district of Dahab is Masbat (Old City), along the entire coastline of which a beautiful and cozy embankment stretches. On its territory there are several souvenir shops, diving centers, cafes, restaurants, entertainment complexes and discos where you can always have fun. But due to the fact that there are few such establishments in Dahab, this resort retains a reputation as a calm and fairly quiet place.

Dahab has ideal conditions for diving and windsurfing. There are many stations offering boat trips, diving, parachuting (kitesurfing) on ​​the waves. The unusually beautiful coast of Dahab will give a lot of impressions from diving into the abyss of the sea with scuba gear. You will be able to see the most beautiful coral reefs and unique animals and vegetable world Red Sea. Not far from Dahab is located worldwide famous place- A blue hole, which is a coral wall that goes into the sea to a great depth. The wind that constantly blows on the coast attracts windsurfers to Dahab, who, in in large numbers ride the waves and perform a variety of tricks. For a few days in Dahab, you can swim in the sea, sunbathe, scuba dive almost the entire underwater world of the coastal space, and also learn how to windsurf. However, this is not all the possibilities for recreation. Here they offer a huge number of excursions: Boat trip on a comfortable boat in the waters of Dahab, a jeep trip to the mountains to the Bedouins, an excursion to the Orthodox monastery of St. Catherine, a quad bike safari, visiting several national parks and nature reserves and much, much more. In Dahab, you will definitely find something to entertain yourself and make your vacation interesting and exciting.

El Gouna

El Gouna - unique tourist resort on the coast of the Red Sea, located 20 km north of Hurghada International Airport and known as the "Pearl of the Red Sea" or "Venice in the Sands". The city rises majestically from the sands of the desert, stretching between the azure waters of the Red Sea and the crimson peaks of the Etbay ridge.

Founded in 1990, in a few years the resort has become unique place with unique architecture and many islands: all the hotels and buildings of the El Gouna resort are located on small islands, interconnected by bridges and canals, through which special pleasure boats ply. These unusually beautiful sea channels and lagoons have become the hallmark of El Gouna, it is because of them that El Gouna is compared to Venice. The resort has everything you need for a full-fledged vacation of the highest class: secluded beaches and amazing hotels, luxurious golf courses and dizzying desert safaris, entertainment programs for the whole family and vibrant nightlife for the young and energetic. The territory of the city has several round-the-clock guarded entrances, which makes your stay here safe and comfortable.

Despite the fact that the resort is located on a relatively small area, he managed to combine a lot of opportunities for a relaxing holiday and active entertainment. During the day you can relax on the magnificent beaches, experience the unforgettable adrenaline of water activities, as well as visit unique festivals and holidays, get to know Arabic traditions and indulge in shopping. The nightlife of El Gouna will surprise you no less: after sunset, this eastern city opens up to the viewer from a completely different angle. Meeting friends in the cozy atmosphere of a cafe on the shore of the lagoon for a drink or a hookah, exciting gambling at the Alladin casino or incendiary dancing all night long in one of the lively clubs of the city. Here you will always find something that suits your mood. Thanks to year-round sunshine and crystal clear sea water, El Gouna has become the best place for water activities, which include yachting, fishing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, water skiing and diving. Here you can see magnificent coral reefs, the wreckage of wrecked ships and a riot of colors of the underwater world.

Sahl Hasheesh

Sahl Hasheesh is a young and actively built resort on the Red Sea coast in Egypt. It is located 18 km from international airport Hurghada towards the city of Safaga along the bay of the same name with a length of 12 kilometers. There is no bustle of the dusty streets of Hurghada with lively merchants and residential areas of the local population. Exclusively 5 * and deluxe hotels, as well as luxury apartments. The entire territory is guarded around the clock, which, combined with the relative remoteness and isolation from Hurghada, creates a feeling of privacy and comfort.

Many years ago, this area was called Isis - in honor of the patron goddess of witchcraft and magic. Isis was big trading port, flourished for more than two thousand years in a row to the delight of its inhabitants, until one day it went under water. Norman Foster, a modern world-famous architect, undertook to realize the idea of ​​rebuilding the city. Under his leadership, a group of architects developed a resort project that involves the maximum preservation of the natural landscape of the area. Only 14% of the resort's area is allocated for development, the rest of the territory remains according to the plan for exotic gardens, man-made canals and lagoons, golf courses, etc. The "Sunken City" is the "highlight" of Sahl Hasheesh. The architects took into account and wonderfully played up the history of the once flooded port of Sahl Hasheesh: ruins can be seen above the sea near the shore ancient city pharaohs and the tops of the columns, which can be appreciated in full glory only under water.

Sahl Hasheesh has a wealth of diving and snorkeling opportunities, with sea waters hiding stunning reefs right off the coast that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. The splendor of corals and the diversity of marine life is so impressive that it’s worth going here if only to see with your own eyes all this unique untouched underwater world. Entry into the sea here is mostly convenient, gentle and sandy (maybe sand + “slab” of carved corals), and even in windy weather the sea is calm, without strong waves. In addition to the sea and its colorful inhabitants, Sahl Hasheesh has much to admire on land. Pier Sahl Hasheesh is located directly next to the "Sunken City" and goes 250 meters into the sea. In the ground part of the pier (under it), you can walk along the "gallery of arches". Arrivals Piazza - "square of colored fountains" - a delightful, beautiful complex that will impress the most sophisticated traveler. Overflows and cascades of fountains and an elegant palace around them create an atmosphere of sophisticated oriental luxury. Sahl Hasheesh is still under construction, its territory is being developed, new hotels are gradually opening. Many experts agree that due to the exclusivity of the landscape and elegant architecture, harmoniously combined with the surrounding nature, the resort will soon surpass not only such famous Egyptian complexes as Sharm el-Sheikh and El Gouna, but also many tourist centers Europe. First of all, Sahl Hasheesh can be recommended to those who do not like the bustle of the city, dust and noise.

Makadi Bay

Makadi Bay is a seaside resort in Egypt, located on the Red Sea. It is a bay 37 kilometers from the center of Hurghada. characteristic feature Makadi Bay is that the hotels located here stand on a deserted shore, there are no nearby settlements. Bars, restaurants, shops, discos and other infrastructure - only on the territory of hotels. The absence of noisy residential communities around the resort, as well as streets and roads overloaded with vehicles, makes it possible to enjoy a truly calm and comfortable rest. The coastal zone of the resort is famous for its sandy beaches with a gently sloping seabed and a convenient entrance to the sea, which is another plus in favor of having a rest here with the whole family with children. Makadi Bay is called a corner of Europe in Egypt, as the local hotels stand out for their first-class service. Their high quality service is able to satisfy the most demanding taste. Makadi Bay is the only resort in Egypt that is not populated local residents: it was created specifically for the guests of the country.

Holidays in Makadi Bay and the proximity of Hurghada allows tourists to see local attractions and purchase national souvenirs. The tranquil nightlife of the resort is conducive to a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday. However, fans of outdoor activities will also find a lot of entertainment here. Diving enthusiasts will be surprised by the rich underwater world of the Red Sea: in Makadi Bay there are many unique coral reefs, which can be reached directly from the resort's beach. The relatively young age of this resort has not yet allowed tourists to change the appearance of the coastal part of the underwater world. For everyone, there are four superbly equipped diving centers and a base for windsurfing. If tourists want an active evening rest, then you can drive to Hurghada and enjoy the nightlife of this noisy exotic city with its varied entertainment program.

Entertainment Makadi Bay will appeal to every tourist, but outside the city there is peace and quiet. Here you can admire the magnificent sunsets and sunrises, listen to the soothing sound of the sea surf, get vivid impressions from contemplating the world of the Red Sea, visit the "City of Ghosts". All Makadi Bay hotels will offer party and shopping lovers shops, bars, cafes and discos that are located on their territory.

El Quseir

El Quseir is a small resort town in Egypt, on the coast of the southern part of the Red Sea. From the capital of resorts Hurghada it is separated by 130 km. To the neighboring resort, Marsa Alam, the distance is slightly less - about 90 km. From Hurghada International Airport, the bus journey will take 2.5 hours. The road to the resort lies through Safaga. So along the way you can admire the views of the wonderful Egyptian landscape. Since the mid 90s. of the last century, the resort gradually began to gain fame due to its rich diving opportunities. The beauty of the Red Sea, its underwater world were then absolutely untouched. Diving is still one of the most attractive and unique features of El Quseir. The coral reefs of Abu Dabab, El Finstone and Samadai are rich in colorful flora and fauna. Its beauty is not inferior in attractiveness to all the famous reefs of the Sinai Peninsula. Today, El Quseir is a quiet resort town famous for its azure sea, sandy beaches and coral reefs.

The resort hotels are diverse, they allow each tourist to choose exactly what he likes. The only thing that unites them all is luxury and comfort. All hotels have a fairly large area where you can find everything from swimming pools, gyms and billiard rooms to shady courts and even their own stables. El Quseir is a very original place, with a measured and calm course of life, not yet disturbed by modern skyscraper hotels, a vibrant nightlife with thundering music and wide paved embankments and highways. This city to this day remains a quiet backwater among the azure sea spaces of the Red Sea, where the local population lives according to its own internal laws, unspoken routines and traditions, working every day under the hot desert sun.


The famous Egyptian resort of Safaga is located on the Red Sea coast, 60 kilometers south of Hurghada. The bus journey from Hurghada takes approximately 45 minutes. Between Hurghada and Safaga there are two lagoons: Soma Bay and Makadi Bay. One of the oldest ports of the Red Sea is located in Safaga, which was created under the Egyptian king Sahure as a base for trade and exploration of the Red Sea. For many years, the port of Safaga was the center of a lively trade, and today this city, bordered by wide azure bays, long sandy beaches and beautiful islands, has become a popular tourist resort and famous sports center of the Red Sea Riviera.

Safaga consists of several resort areas: Panorama Reef, Middle Reef, Abu Kafan and Raas Abu Soma. The tourism infrastructure in Safaga is well developed. Along the coast there are several comfortable hotels and many excellent fish restaurants. Most Safaga hotels are three or four star (there are almost no five star hotels). However, compared to Hurghada, local hotels have at their disposal a larger territory and a very long beach. In general, luxurious sandy beaches, not overloaded with vacationers, are Safaga's competitive advantage.

Holidays in Safaga are usually closely associated with water sports and visiting local attractions. There are practically no opportunities for entertainment outside the hotel, so lovers of shopping and vibrant nightlife will be bored here. This feature, however, makes Safaga ideal for families with children and just a relaxing holiday by the sea. That is why most of the hotels here specialize mainly in family vacations. Safaga is home to several outstanding Red Sea dive centers that provide all the snorkeling opportunities. Ideal places for diving are Panorama Reef, Middle Reef and Abu Kafan, where among the coral reefs you can often find large marine animals - sharks and tuna, as well as discover the places of sunken ships.

The main attraction of Safaga is the Turkish fort of the 16th century. 60 km to the south is the harbor of the Pharaohs, through which spices, precious stones and ivory from Somalia were obtained during the time of Ancient Egypt. The city is a convenient starting point for a trip to the eastern desert, where you can see the ancient quarries of Mons Claudianus, dating back to the 1st-6th centuries. AD, in which the Roman emperors mined granite and marble of the highest quality for the construction of their monumental structures. Local tour operators also organize excursions to Luxor, home to many of Egypt's most impressive sights.

soma bay

Soma Bay is a young developing resort on the Red Sea coast, located in picturesque secluded bays on the small peninsula of Abu Soma. The resort is 40 km from Hurghada International Airport (transfer takes less than an hour). Remoteness from the noisy city, silence and harmony, the warm sun and the gentle sea attract here all those who love solitude and seek to take a break from the fast and fussy rhythm of city life. It is perfect for lovers of a calm and comfortable pastime by the sea, lovers of water sports, including diving and windsurfing, tennis, squash, as well as connoisseurs of high-quality service. All resort hotels are five-star and provide the highest level services. Even the most sophisticated and demanding guest will not find a single flaw in the service. The weather in Soma Bay is magnificent both in winter and in summer: the bright sun shines here all year round. That's why holiday season here, too, lasts throughout the year. average temperature in summer it reaches +33°C, and in the winter months it does not fall below +20°C (although in January and February it can drop to +15°C at night). It rains very rarely here, and the dry air makes it easy to endure the heat. Such a favorable climate is one of the most comfortable on the entire coast of the Red Sea.

A large marina is currently under construction in Soma Bay, which will allow more than 60 yachts to moor at the same time. In the future, it is planned to connect most of the resort's hotels with the resort's shopping and entertainment centers. Today Soma Bay has a diving center and a windsurfing school. The golf club is located at Les Residence Des Cascades. The club has 9 and 18 hole golf courses and a golf school. Rental equipment for the game, golf clothes, as well as a free shuttle bus to the golf club from any Soma Bay hotel is willingly provided by the golf club itself.

The proximity of Hurghada gives tourists the opportunity to visit the oriental bazaar with its original and unique atmosphere, indulge in exciting shopping in local boutiques and shops rich in various souvenirs. You can enjoy oriental cuisine in numerous cafes and restaurants located on the streets of Hurghada. Inimitable oriental rhythms invite everyone to plunge into the boiling nightlife city ​​with its eternal holiday, spend time in various entertainment centers cities and break away at night discos. Resting in Soma Bay, you can make bus or car tours to various surrounding areas of Egypt. You can visit the Valley of the Kings or the Nile Valley, as well as visit the temples of Karnak and Luxor. A trip to Cairo promises interesting trip visiting museums, meeting world-famous Egyptian pyramids. Having visited the ancient quarries of Mons Claudianus and Mons Porphyrites, you can see with your own eyes how the ancient Romans many centuries ago mined stone here for the construction of their great structures. Also from Soma Bay you can go to Alexandria and Jerusalem, take an exciting jeep safari, take a walk on a catamaran with a transparent bottom or dive into the sea in a bathyscaphe and a submarine.

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