Union of the Comoros. School Encyclopedia


Union of the Comoros

Square: 2235 sq. km

Administrative-territorial division: 3 islands of the Comoros archipelago: Ngazidzha (Grand Comore), Njuani (Anjouan), Mwali (Moheli)

Capital: Moroni

Official languages: Arabic and French

Currency unit: Comorian franc

Population: OK. 800 thousand (2007)

Population density per sq. km: 358 people

Share of urban population: 15 %

Ethnic composition population: antaloatra (descendants of Arabs mixed with Malagasy and Bantu)

Religion: Islam

The basis of the economy: Agriculture

Employment: in agriculture - approx. 95%; in the service sector - approx. 5 %; in industry - 0.5%

GDP: 462.8 million USD (2006)

GDP per capita: 580 USD

Form of government: federalism

Form of government: presidential republic

Legislature: unicameral parliament

Head of State: the president

Head of the government: the president

Party structures: multi-party system

Fundamentals of government

Union of the Comoros (until 2002 - Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros)small state V Indian Ocean, between Africa and the island of Madagascar. Until 1975 - a colony of France.

The current Constitution was adopted in December 2001 after being approved by referendum. A fundamental change in the Basic Law (this is the fourth constitution in the history of the country) is connected with the attempt of the islands of Njuani and Mwali (1997) to join the French Republic, like the island of Maore (Mayotte), which, shortly after independence, in December 1976, based on referendum received the status of a special territorial unit of France. The new Constitution granted the islands wide autonomy. Maore Island is formally also part of the Union. The Basic Law of the Union of the Comoros is very short, with only six chapters and thirty-seven articles. Amendments to the Constitution are adopted at three levels - in the union parliament, in the parliament of each of the islands and then submitted to a referendum. Minor changes do not require a referendum.

The head of state is the president, who is elected on a rotational basis. This means that representatives of each of the islands alternately hold the highest state post. The presidential term is four years. In May 2006, Ahmed Sambi, a representative of the island of Njuani, became president of the country.

Federal Legislative Assembly (Union Assembly) consists of thirty-three deputies. Eighteen of them are elected by direct universal suffrage in two rounds, the rest are appointed by the parliaments of the islands (five from each, excluding Maore). Parliamentary powers last five years.

Government (Council of Ministers) is a body controlled by the president. The head of state not only heads it, but also appoints ministers.

Judicial system

The judicial system of the Union of the Comoros includes Supreme Judicial Council, which simultaneously acts as an appellate instance and body of constitutional control, criminal, civil and labor courts. Given that Islam has the status of the state religion, Sharia courts are widespread.

Leading political parties

Since the declaration of independence, an extremely unstable situation has developed on the islands - almost every year there have been coups d'état organized by various forces. (The last one, organized by General Staff Colonel Osman Azali Assoumani, took place in April 1999.) Under these conditions, until 1992, only the pro-Islamic Democratic Union, United National Front, Democratic Rally of the Comorian People And Union of Comoros for Progress. Separatist organizations operated on the islands of Njuani and Mwali, the goals of which differed: some sought complete independence, others advocated joining France. Currently enjoying popular support Movement for renewal and democratic action, founded in 1990 (leader - Issa Abdoy); National Association for Development, appeared in 1996 as a result of the merger of small groups that mainly supported the government (leaders - Omar Tammu, Abdulhamid Affretan); Movement of citizens for the republic, institutionalized in 1998 (leader - Mahamud Mradabi); Movement for Democracy and Progress, established in 1999 (leader - Jussuf Abbas). According to the results of the elections of 2002 (the last at the time of publication of the book), two parties are represented in the union parliament - Autonomous Islands Party And Convention for the Revival of the Comoros.

The president

Since May 2006 - Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi

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Comoros Vladimir Dinets, 2006Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros (FIRCO) is one of the five Islamic republics on the planet, located in the Indian Ocean halfway between about. Zanzibar (Tanzania) and about. Madagascar. In 1974, the three islands voted for

Comoros on the map of Africa
(all images are clickable)

Comoros or Comoros - African country without land borders. It is an archipelago in the Mozambique Channel, between the east coast of the continent and Madagascar. The republic owns a scattering of small reefs and three more major islands: Moheli, Grand Comore and Anjouan. The state also lays claim to Fr. Maore - disputed territory, which is conditionally considered a French region.

Geographical position

Comoros, located south of the equator, washed by the waves of the Indian Ocean - this is a chain of rocks and islands with total area about 2.2 thousand km²

The relief features are explained by volcanic origin: mountains over two kilometers high are interspersed with lava plateaus. The coastline is rocky, heavily indented, surrounded by numerous reefs. In some places there are fertile plots of land, waterfalls and lakes.

The weather conditions in the Comoros are typical of the tropics. Temperatures vary slightly throughout the year (between +25 and +35 °C). Periodic droughts, from which the rest of East Africa suffers, do not happen here, heavy rains irrigate the islands all year round.

Relatively "dry" is the season from late May to mid-autumn, at which time the rains become less regular, and the stuffiness recedes.

Flora and fauna

Despite the difficult local terrain, vegetable world islands is rich and exotic. Here you can see flowering fields and mangroves, orange groves, eucalyptus, date palms and various shrubs.

The fauna is more difficult - the Kamors do not have the abundance of animals that many other African countries are famous for. But the available species are almost all rare, unique in their own way. In addition to viverras, wild boars, lemurs, chameleons and snakes, in these places you can see endangered green turtles and flying foxes (bats), and in coastal waters divers sometimes manage to meet coelacanth, a prehistoric fish, the same age as dinosaurs.

State structure

Comoros map

Comoros is officially called a federal Islamic republic. Each of the three main islands has its own government, and the general leadership is carried out by the president, who is selected from applicants from Fr. Grand Comore, Moheli or Anjouan (in turn). The local parliament also includes representatives of all autonomous regions.


The UN recognizes Maore part of a single state Comoros. This is opposed by the local inhabitants themselves, who voted to be under the protectorate of France. Whether the disputed territory is considered to be part of the country depends on the question of the population (without citizens of Maore - about 800 thousand people, and with them - about a million). The capital of the state is the city of Moroni (O. Grand Comore).

The indigenous people are predominantly mestizos of Afro-Arab origin. Three languages ​​officially coexist in the country: French, Comorian proper (based on Swahili) and Arabic. The main religion is Islam (in a mild variation). Despite the difficult health situation, the life expectancy of citizens of the federal republic is higher than in most countries of continental Africa.


Comoros is one of the poorest countries in the world. There are no minerals here, industry is practically absent, as a result, imports are four times higher than exports. The country is forced to buy not only energy resources, but also food - the issue of survival largely depends on foreign aid.

Agriculture is focused on the production of exported products - ingredients for perfumery, copra and vanilla. Potentially promising area may be international tourism, however, due to the underdevelopment of local infrastructure, it requires too much investment.

The strategically advantageous location of the archipelago has attracted the attention of neighbors for centuries: Arabs, Persians, and inhabitants of continental Africa. In the middle of the 19th century, France became interested in this territory, and by 1909 all the islands were officially declared its colonies.

The issue of the independence of the state was decided in a referendum in 1974, when the citizens of the three islands spoke in favor of getting rid of the guardianship of the metropolis. Over the following years, the country experienced six military coups. At present, destructive moods are fueled by the population of Fr. Anjouan, who seeks complete autonomy.


Comoros is exotic landscapes and unique animal world. Of great interest are architectural monuments which bear the imprint of a variety of traditions and cultures. Not far from Moroni there is a settlement of wood carvers, and the capital of Anjouan is famous for the Sultan's Palace and picturesque waterfalls.

Geographical position

Comoros located in the Indian Ocean, at the northern entrance to the Mozambique Channel, between Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique (Africa). The archipelago consists of four small islands - Ngazidzha (Grand Comore), Njuani (Anjouan) and Moili (Moheli) are part of the Union of the Comoros, and the island of Maore (Mayotte or Mayotte) has the status of an overseas territory of France.

The total area of ​​the country is about 2.17 thousand square meters. km (Ngazidzha - 1148 sq. km, Njuani - 414 sq. km, Moili - 290 sq. km).

The capital is Moroni (Island of Grand Comore).

How to get there

By plane

The most logical way to get to the Comoros is by plane from Madagascar Air flights Madagascar.

Comores Aviation International flies to Mayotte, Madagascar and Tanzania. Comores Air Service - to Mayotte.

Kenya Airways also flies between Kenya and Comoros, offering convenient connections with flights from London, Dubai and Paris.

Air Austral flies from Paris and Marseille with a stopover in Reunion. Yemenia Airways flies to Comoros from Yemen. Air Tanzania organizes weekly flights from Tanzania.

by sea

By sea, the Comoros can be reached from the islands of Madagascar and Zanzibar (Tanzania). It costs less than flying by plane, but takes much longer. You need to negotiate prices with the captain (with a good bargaining skill, the price can be brought down to 100 euros). Also, passing ships can be caught in Reunion, Mombasa (Kenya), Mauritius and Mayotte.


Russian citizens need a visa to visit the Comoros
, which is issued upon arrival at the office of the Immigration Service.

The following documents are required to apply for a visa on arrival:

Passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry. The passport must have at least one visa page;
-two questionnaires completed in English, French or Arabic (issued upon arrival).
Upon arrival, each foreigner undergoes a fingerprint scanning and digital photography procedure. The data specified in the application form, along with a digital photograph, is transferred to a visa sticker, which is immediately printed out and pasted into the passport.

Validity tourist visa - 45 days.

Visa fee is charged in the amount of $50. The fee is paid in dollars or in another freely convertible currency equivalent to the specified amount.

In the case of transit through the territory of the Comoros to third countries, a visa is issued free of charge, provided that the stay on the islands is not more than 24 hours. The status of this visa can be changed to a tourist visa by contacting the Immigration Office in Moroni. You will need to provide a completed application form and pay a visa fee, the amount of which depends on the length of stay.


Tropical, quite hot and humid
, with two distinct seasons: warmer and wetter from November to April, and cool and dry for the rest of the year. Average monthly temperatures fluctuate from +24 C to +27 C, annual precipitation falls from 1100 mm. in the central regions of the islands up to 3000 mm. on mountain slopes and coastal plains. The wet season from November to April is not a good time to visit the Comoros - the heat is sweltering and the air humidity reaches 100%. best time to visit is in the cooler period between May and October, when most of the islands have an almost perfect climate, the air does not warm up above 25 C, is saturated with the aroma of flowering ylang-ylang, carnations, cinnamon and vanilla, and is constantly refreshed by ocean trade winds. But sometimes during this period the weather can deteriorate sharply, which is associated with the arrival of monsoon winds and cyclones from the ocean.



Population is
549,338 people (1995), average population density about 295 people per km2. The islands are mostly inhabited by Comoros - descendants of Arabs, mixed with Malagasy and immigrants from the east coast of Africa, there are also Malagasy, Africans. The country has two official languages ​​- Arabic and French, many residents speak the local dialect - a mixture of Swahili and Arabic. Sunni Muslims make up the majority of believers (86% of the population), Catholics - 14%. Birth rate - 46 newborns per 1,000 people (1995). Mortality - 11 deaths per 1,000 people (child mortality rate - 77 deaths per 1,000 newborns). Average life expectancy: men - 56 years, women - 61 years (1995).


The Comoros archipelago is of volcanic origin and is quite mountainous.
. On the relatively small territory of this island group there are about three dozen active and extinct volcanoes, and the highest point of the country - Le Kartala (2360 m, Ngazidzha island) is an active volcano.

Ngazidja Island(Grand Comore) - the largest and youngest island of the archipelago, whose natural conditions are also the most typical for the whole group. It is a vast volcanic massif with a central ridge stretching from north to southeast and narrow and long grassy plains descending steeply to the coastline. The northern part of the island is occupied by a rather extensive rocky plain known as La Grill. The southern third of the island is a single massif of the Le Cartal volcano (2360 m), whose crater reaches almost two kilometers in diameter, making it one of the largest in the world. Since 1857, almost two dozen major eruptions have been recorded here (the most extensive occurred in 1918), and the most recent dates back to 2003.

The coast of the island is composed of black lava rocks that form coastal cliffs and is framed by sandy shores of dozens of shades, which gives them the status of one of the most colorful on the planet ( total length coastline about 340 km). Almost the entire island is surrounded by a chain of young coral reefs.

The natural world of the islands- one of the relics of the biological history of the planet. Due to their isolation and intermediate position between the African continent and Madagascar, the islands have long retained many of the most ancient forms of life. Suffice it to say that it was in these waters that coelacanth, the oldest lobe-finned fish known today, was first discovered, 65% of the "perfume plants" of the planet grow here, a giant bat lives here - Livingston's flying fox (wingspan of about 1.2 m) and about a dozen endemic bird species. It was here until the 17th century that the wingless giant dodo bird or epiornis (Aepyornis, up to 3 m high) lived, which was found only here and in Madagascar.

And at the same time, the Comoros themselves are quite deserted, and agricultural land occupies up to 36% of the island's land area, which inevitably causes soil erosion and deforestation. Therefore, the once vast ancient forests (in the south) and grassy plains (in the center and north of the islands) are preserved here only at altitudes of more than 800 meters above sea level.

Hotels, hotels, prices

Hotels in Comoros
do not differ in luxury and brilliant service, but are known for local flavor and hospitality. In addition to a hotel room, you can rent a villa, a bungalow or a room in guest house- it all depends on what type of vacation you prefer - active or calm. In any case, both the hotel and the villa will offer you the services of a diving instructor, guide and concierge.

Basic moments

The largest volcano is Kartala (2361 m), located on the island of Grand Comore. The central part of each island is occupied by a mountainous volcanic massif, gently descending towards narrow coastal lowlands. Lava fields, craters, black basalt blocks, caves create a unique, almost unearthly landscape. Lifeless crests volcanic mountains contrast with ocean-facing wooded slopes and verdant coastal plains fringed with coral sand beaches.

The climate is hot and humid: average monthly temperatures 24–27 °C, precipitation per year varies from 1100 mm in the central regions of the islands to 3000 mm on the slopes and coastal plains.

Tropical high-stem forests on the slopes abound in special native species plants and animals: colorful huge tree-like ferns, large club mosses and horsetails, on the edges you can see lemurs, tenrecs, viverras (mammals, which include mongooses). In the waters surrounding the Comoros, lobe-finned fish were caught - coelacanths that lived in the ocean 400 million years ago.

The ethnic composition of the population (about 900 thousand people) is very variegated, but the majority are the people of Antaloatra, formed as a result of mixing the descendants of Arabs with Malagasy and Bantu. The inhabitants of the Comoros are mainly engaged in agriculture (one of the main crops grown is vanilla, as well as other spices). The applied art of the Comorians, formed under the influence of Muslim culture, is represented by richly ornamented and inlaid with mother-of-pearl and copper wooden products. capital and most Big city archipelago - Moroni (Island of Grand Comore). There are many ancient mosques here, but the main attraction of the city is a large bright and colorful bazaar.


In the volcanic archipelago of the Comoros, four main islands: Ngazidzha (Grand Comore), Nzvani (Anjouan) and Mwali (Moheli) make up the Republic of the Comoros, and the island of Maore (Mayotte (French Mayotte)) has the status of an "overseas territory" of France, since he voted against independence from France, but is still claimed by the Comoros. The island of Anjouan is showing separatist sentiments and even announced the creation of an offshore zone, which was not recognized by the official authorities of the Comoros.

Highest point - active volcano Kartala (2361 m). The islands are mountainous (height up to 2560 m). Surrounded by coral reefs. The climate is tropical, humid and hot. Precipitation from 1100 to 3000 mm per year. The upper parts of the slopes of the mountains are covered with dense tropical forests, below there are savannahs and shrubs. All year round there is a risk of contracting malaria.


O. Anzhuan (according to archaeological excavations) was inhabited as early as the 5th century. AD In the 12th century the archipelago fell under the rule of the Sultanate of Kilwa, created by the Arabs on east coast Africa (the territory of modern Tanzania). The islands were first described in 1598 by the Dutch traveler K. Houtman. An attempt by the Portuguese on their way to India to settle on the islands in the 1610s failed due to rebuff local residents. After the collapse of Kilva, there were numerous sultanates at war with each other, and the influence of Islam, planted by immigrants from Shiraz (Persia), increased. Since 1600, the second wave of settlement of the islands by people from Africa, the countries of the Arab East, Indonesia and Madagascar began. The archipelago was also a haven for pirates who brought captive Indians and Chinese here. Since 1785, raids were made from the island of Madagascar in order to capture slaves, which is why at the beginning of the 19th century. the island of Mayotte was practically depopulated and, together with the island of Moheli, was controlled by the rulers of Madagascar.

In 1841, France captured the island of Mayotte and from 1843 it became its protectorate. In 1886-1892, a protectorate was established over the islands of Anjouan, Grand Comore and Moheli. Since 1909, the archipelago was officially declared a French colony, and in 1912 administratively attached to the island of Madagascar. The colonists' farms were based on the cultivation of vanilla, cloves and coffee. The local elite worked closely with the colonial administration. After the occupation by British troops during the Second World War, according to the new constitution of France in 1947, the status of its "overseas territory" was received. In 1957, the Government Council was established (in 1961 it was headed by a native of the country, S. M. Sheikh), in 1961, an elected Chamber of Deputies. Local self-government (except for matters of finance, defense and foreign relations) was introduced in 1968. In 1968, the administrative center was transferred from the city of Dzaudzi (Mayotte Island) to the city of Moroni (Grand Comore Island). The administration was represented by the High Commissioner. The first political organizations representing various groups of the Muslim aristocracy arose in 1962: the Democratic Union of the Comoros (UDKO, created by S.M. Sheikh) - the so-called. the "Green Party" (the party of senior civil servants) and the "Democratic Association of the Comorian People" (DOK), called the "White Party" or "Prince Party". In 1963, the Comorian community in Tanganyika created the Movement for the National Liberation of the Comoros (MOLINACO), recognized by the OAU as the leader of the national liberation movement on the islands. Since 1970, its branch, the Comoros Evolution Party (PEK), has been operating on the archipelago. In 1972, the "Party of the People" ("Umma") was created on the island of Grand Comore. In a referendum on the independence of the archipelago (December 1974), 96% of the inhabitants of the islands of Anjouan, Grand Comore and Moheli voted for its separation from France, and 64% of the population of Mayotte opposed it. On July 6, 1975, the Chamber of Deputies unilaterally proclaimed the independent Republic of the Comoros (RKO) as part of the islands of Anjouan, Grand Comore and Moheli. Ahmed Abdallah, chairman of the Government Council, became president. This council was abolished, a parliament was formed, a constitution was adopted and the Arabic names of the islands were restored. In November 1975 Comoros was accepted into the UN as part of four islands as a single state. France, having recognized the independence of the RKO, secured the status of its "territorial unit" for the island of Mayotte.

As a result of a bloodless coup d'état on August 3, 1975, Ali Sualikh came to power, proclaiming the course of the so-called. "national socialism": the nationalization of large land holdings and property of French colonists expelled from the country, the introduction of planning into the economy, the abolition of Sharia law and limiting the influence of the Muslim clergy, the dissolution of political parties. The anti-Islamic orientation of the government's policy led to the destabilization of the situation in the country. RKO found itself in conditions of international isolation. In May 1978, a new coup took place, led by the French mercenary B. Denard (A. Sualikh was killed, power again passed to A. Abdallah). The activities of the administrative apparatus, private French and local companies were resumed, land was returned to large owners, foreign investment was encouraged, and diplomatic relations with France were restored. According to the constitution of 1978, the country was renamed the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros (FIRCO) (French République Fédérale Islamique des Comores; lang-ar, parliament - the Federal Assembly, and Islam was declared the state religion. After the introduction of a one-party system (1979), the only party became the ruling "Comorian Union for Progress" ("Ujima", established in 1982).The authoritarian regime of A. Abdallah, re-elected in 1984 (99% of the vote), and the suppression of any opposition views led in November 1989 to a coup, during which he was killed. The presidential elections of 1990 were held in conditions of a multi-party system (14 legal parties were created. Said Mohamed Johar was elected president (55.3% of the vote). The constant confrontation of the parties contributed to a new coup in September 1995, carried out by foreign mercenaries. In 1996-1998, Mohamed Taki held the presidency Abdulkarim The new constitution (1996) established the existence of a multi-party system and Islam as the state religion. After the death of the president, this post was taken by T. Massunde. Deterioration economic situation(including due to falling world prices for vanilla and cloves) and separatism (the unilateral declaration of independence by the islands of Anjouan and Moheli in 1997) destabilized the situation in the country. As a result of a military coup on April 30, 1999, Colonel Azali Assoumani came to power. In 2001, government troops prevented attempts at military coups on the islands of Anjouan and Moheli. Following a referendum in April 2002, a new constitution was approved, granting the islands more autonomous rights. The country became known as the Union of the Comoros (UKO). In the presidential elections on April 14, 2002 (postponed several times and held in two rounds), A. Assumani won. In March-April of the same year, the presidents of the islands of Ajouan and Moheli were elected. In May 2002, A. Assumani's opponent A. S. Elbak was elected president of the island of Grand Comore (63% of the vote).


The Comoros is one of the poorest countries in Africa. Main income items: export of ylang-ylang (the world's largest exporter), vanilla (the world's second largest exporter after Madagascar); tourism, fishing.

The state of the Union of the Comoros is located on three islands - Nyazidzha (Grand Comore), Mwali (Moheli), Nzvani (Anjouan), which are united by the common name Comoros. The Comoros are located in the Mozambique Channel.
The islands that make up the Comorian archipelago are of volcanic origin. A heap of volcanic masses is concentrated in the central part of the islands, and narrow lowlands form the shores. Korila, located on the island of Nyazidja, is the largest active volcano on the islands. Its height reaches 2560 meters, it is the most high point island country. During the coldest period of the year average temperature is 23 ° C, in the hottest period - 28 ° C. In the mountains, almost 1100 millimeters of precipitation falls annually, and in the coastal lowlands this amount reaches 3000 millimeters.

Freshwater lakes have formed in the craters of many extinct volcanoes. Dense tropical forests grow on volcanic slopes sheltered from the prevailing winds, savannahs and dense shrubs are located in the lowlands and at the foot of the mountains. Endemic animals are found on the islands - bristly hedgehogs, lemurs, huge bats.

As a result of archaeological excavations, it has been established that the islands of the Comoros archipelago were inhabited as early as the 5th century. At the end of the 15th century, Arab settlements were formed on the islands of Nzvani and Nyazidzha. From the 17th century, mass migration of people from Madagascar, Africa, and Indonesia began to the islands. The Arabs created a settlement in the coastal areas, Africans and other settlers settled in the hinterland.

In 1841, France occupied the island of Mahore, subsequently capturing all the islands. In 1909, the Comoros were officially declared a French colony. After the end of World War II, the struggle for independence intensified among the inhabitants of the islands. In a referendum held in 1974, 95% of the population voted for the independence of the islands, however, over 60% of the inhabitants of Mahore Island spoke out against independence. On July 6, 1975, the sovereignty of the Republic of the Comoros was recognized. Mahore Island remained an overseas colony of France.

The Union of the Comoros belongs to the group of the least developed countries in the world. There are no minerals on the islands. The main branch of the country's economy is agriculture. Rice, sweet potato, cassava, bananas are grown on plantations to provide the population with food. Although it is not possible to fully provide the population with food, therefore, half of the necessary food products have to be imported. Plantations grow essential oil plants necessary in the perfume industry - ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon mint.

In terms of exporting ylang-ylang essence, which is obtained from the flowers of a special type of orchid, the country is in first place in the world and in second place in the production and export of vanilla. The production of dry vanilla takes place using only manual labor. It's extremely laborious process. To get 1 kilogram of dry vanilla, you need to collect and process 3 - 4 kilograms of green. Comoros ranks third in the world in the collection and export of cloves. The bulk of this spicy-aromatic seasoning is exported to Indonesia. Industrial production is concentrated in small processing plants producing essential oils and dry vanilla.

The main mode of transport in the Comoros is cars and small boats. In total, almost 900 kilometers of roads have been laid on the islands, more than 440 kilometers have an asphalt surface. Railways No. For communications between the islands, small ships and air transport are used. The port of Mutsamudu located on the island of Nyazija can serve ocean-going vessels of small and medium displacement. Ocean-going ships of large displacement anchor in the open sea near the cities of Fomboni and Moroni on the island of Mwali. international Airport located near the country's capital Moroni.

On the islands, the vast majority of the population is Comorian or Antaloatre. The Comoros people were formed as a result of the mixing of African peoples with Arabs, immigrants from India, Malagasy and other peoples who at different times inhabited the islands of the Comoros archipelago. In addition to them, about 5 thousand representatives of the Makua people live in the country, 2 thousand Arabs and Malagasy each, and a small number of Europeans. More than 90% of the population lives and works in rural areas.

The capital of the Union of the Comoros - Moroni is located on the island of Nyazidja. The main attraction of the capital is the People's Palace, which was built in 1985. The administrative center of Nzvani Island is Mutsamudu, and the Mwali Islands - Fomboni.

International tourism in the country is developing slowly. Tourists come to the islands to admire the colorful volcanic slopes and lakes, relax on comfortable beaches and go spearfishing near the coral reefs.

Comorian franc (CF or KMF), equal to 100 centimes. In circulation there are banknotes of 10000, 5000, 2500, 1000 and 500 francs, coins of 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 francs, as well as 20 centimes.

The main attraction of the Comoros is the untouched wild nature, warm sea with rich water world and clean sandy beaches. But apart from pleasant beach holiday, Island state can offer tourists to visit the Old Friday Mosque, which is located in the capital of the state - Moroni.

This attraction popular place among tourists and is located on the shore of the harbor. The mosque was built presumably in 1472, and since that time, for five centuries, services have been conducted in it. The temple is built of white coral limestone. According to traditional Arab architecture, the Old Friday Mosque has arched two-tier galleries, a carved border around the perimeter of the roof and a square minaret crowned with a green dome with a crescent moon.

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