Where is the best place to relax in Portugal. Resorts of Portugal on the sea: the best places to stay

Sights of Portugal. Photos and descriptions! Basic information about the country: visa, cities, islands, tourist places- where to visit

It's time to get to know yourself Western country Europe. The birthplace of port wine, global cork producer and connoisseur of Fado's musical style. Where people greet each other with the phrase "Ola" and the oldest bookstore in the world is located, and now Good THERE will tell everything in order.

Portugal is one of the most inexpensive and fascinating places in Europe. The country has a rich maritime past, excellent beach resorts, brooding cities and landscapes surrounded by olive groves, vineyards and wheat fields. This little seafaring country has always been a place of adventure. In Portugal, you are sure to find something to do, you can go hiking on Caldeira das Sete Cidades (volcanic crater) or explore the vineyards of the Doura Valley, or you can just bask on the Algarve beach. The country's coastline is blessed with gorgeous beaches that are considered some of the most beautiful in the world.


The Portuguese speak the official Portuguese and Mirandese languages.


The country, whose name comes from the name of the city of Porto, is home to 10 million Portuguese. According to another version, it is believed that the parts "porto" and "gaul" were combined into one word due to the settlement of the Gauls in the 9th century.


Most Portuguese are Catholics.


1 euro (€) = 100 cents

Banknotes: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5

Coins: euro 2, 1 and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent

Phone country code

351, in case of emergency dial 112


  • Taxi: round up to the nearest €5 of the total fare
  • Hotels: a few euros at the end of the stay
  • Restaurants: 10% in tourist areas, but check the bill because the service may be included
  • Bars: usually a euro or two if the service was good, otherwise don't leave

Climate, when is the best time to go

Land in the middle of the water causes a Mediterranean climate, characterized by high humidity. The Atlantic influences a certain softness and humidity on and off the coast.

Generally, the weather is similar to other parts of Europe and can be divided into tourist seasons:

  • low season(December-March) - short-term rains during the day, with low temperatures in the highlands. Many attractions close earlier, the advantage is the lack of tourist crowds and more low prices.
  • Average season(April-June and September-November) - warm days with a cool breeze from the ocean, this is the perfect time for outdoor activities and hiking. Moderate number of tourists and rather low prices than in the high season. June is festival season.
  • High season(July and August) - very warm and more comfortable ocean temperature. All attractions are open longer, but accommodation prices increase by 30%, so expect large tourist crowds, especially in coastal areas.

Cities and resorts

  • Capital of Portugal Lisbon considered one of the oldest and most comfortable cities in the world. It was formed a century before the appearance of Paris and Rome on the maps. Almost 50% of the Portuguese live in Lisbon and Porto. The tenth richest in all of Eurasia. The black and white streets of Lisbon are due to the patronage of Saint Vincent, who walked among the white houses in a characteristic black robe.
  • Portuguese Saint Petersburg - city ​​of Porto. The rest of the regions are reserved for the supervision of such cities as Minho, Aveiro, Coimbra, Algarve and Viseu. For reference, the most famous Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo lives in the Madeira region.
  • Beach, thermal and ski resorts countries attract tourists from all over the world. Favorite beach placesAlgarve with long beaches; the small and clean island of Madeira; Azores with dolphins and exotic parrots. Thermal waters Geres help you feel better and enjoy wildlife states. There is snow in the mountains for several months a year, so lovers of snowboarding or skiing have a rest in Hotel Serra da Estrela will be to your liking.

What types of recreation exist

  1. Sightseeing holidays are developed in the city of Porto, you can plunge into the Middle Ages in the village of Obidos.
  2. Aquariums, water parks, zoos in the capital are provided for children. For little tourists, little Portugal is the Portugal in Miniature park, located in Coimbra.
  3. All kinds of outdoor activities are available all year round. Everything that modern man can imagine is present here. Kiting, surfing, golf, diving, windsurfing, etc. In June, you can already swim, and most importantly, the day of the country is celebrated.
  4. Autumn is ideal for excursions, although until the end of November, the air and water temperatures allow you to cool off in the ocean. In winter, 15 degrees Celsius and this is a great time to purchase discounted ski passes.

Holidays and festivals

Every summer Saturday, vacationers on Modeira watch fireworks, although there are enough other holidays in the country, for example, New Year , as in the CIS, they meet on January 1. All Saints' Day November 1 is celebrated, but February 28 begins Carnival. Regattas, fairs and festivals are constantly held to attract vacationers. But the absolute icing on the cake is Feast of Saint Anthony. Basil, garlands, grilled sardines are the calling card of the celebration. Basil pots are given as a token of love. The administration on this day allocates money for weddings, many brides and grooms walk around the city. Folk parades and carnivals waiting for you from 12 to 13 June annually.

Where is the best place to stay

Regarding European prices, Portugal is an affordable country. Let's start our list in ascending order:

  • cheapest way to stay overnight couchsurfing(free as in any country)
  • bed in hostel can be rented for 10 euros, a separate room for 40 euros
  • accommodation in a tent on the seashore will cost 20 euros for two, such camping is called camping
  • small but clean room in a three star hotel will cost 60-90 euros
  • life in a castle or rural authentic area costs from 100 euros per day

Traditional cuisine

The main pastry of Portugal - pastel de nata. It is a must try. This traditional quiche is considered the country's gastronomic wonder. This dish was invented by the monks of Lisbon in the 14th century. It looks like a slightly burnt dessert with a thin dough and a slide of hot cream, but the taste is indescribable.

Be sure to check out the central Bolhao market. Here are the classic fruits and vegetables of the country, fish and olives in a very non-standard container. In Portugal, olives are sold by the bucket. But most of all there are cheap souvenirs. Port wine it is more profitable to buy in the center, on Silvaira street in a small wine shop. There are enough places with cheap food in Porto. The main secret is to have enough strength to get to them. It's 5-7 blocks from the center, but you can have dinner for only 4 euros. For example, order Francesinho. The dish is similar in shape to a sandwich, but it is made from bread, steak and large slices of cheese on top, covered with beer sauce. You can not only eat, but also get drunk.

Secret welcome from a local! All restaurants in Portugal have a menu for tourists and a menu for locals. Ask for Portuguese - there the prices are much lower and the dishes are more traditional. Gazpacho is different from the traditional Spanish dish. It's somewhere between a cold soup and a refreshing salad. The most important local fish is extremely salty bacalhao. Locals love cod so much that they even eat it at Christmas. It is impossible to leave a hot country without tasting one of the freshest tuna steaks. Here, its freshness is calculated not in days, but in hours. Grilled sardines is the culinary face of Portugal.

When you order food, the waiter will bring bread and olives before serving. But remember, it's not free, and if you don't want to overpay, just say no!

What to bring from the country as a souvenir

Bring home the symbol of the country - ceramics, corks, port wine, a souvenir in the form of a Portuguese rooster and much more. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to import and export potatoes, chocolate, pornography, drugs, perishable products and antiques.

Do I need a visa to enter Portugal?

Only electronically, you can get a visa to Portugal, without which entry into the country for residents of the Russian Federation is impossible. For paperwork, you will need a photo, a passport, medical insurance, an extract from a bank account. If you are traveling with children, then a birth certificate.

How to get to Portugal

by plane

For example, you can quickly and easily get there by plane with a transfer in Istanbul. In 13 hours, on average, you can be in the desired place, the cost of a ticket will be 11,250 rubles. average price for the main way for departure from Moscow 170 euros per person. From Moscow, the flight will take 12 hours 30 minutes, from St. Petersburg 7 hours 20 minutes with a transfer, from Kazan 8 hours 45 minutes, from Yekaterinburg - 8 hours 20 minutes, from Vladivostok - 12 hours 21 minutes.

For economical tourist the cheapest way to fly from the main airport of Barcelona (Spain). You can get there in 25 minutes by local train, the ticket for which costs 4.10 euros. Tickets throughout Europe are cheap, on average a flight between countries is from 5 to 10 euros. Therefore, the most important rule of an economical traveler is to get to the nearest European country.

You can use the services of a tour operator and then a 2-week vacation will cost 2,000 euros per person. At the same time, you do not need to worry about flights, stops, buses, how to get there and where to stay.

By train

By railway you can’t get directly from Moscow, but you can get there from Spain and France for 200 euros per person.

By bus

The situation is similar with buses. If you don’t buy a ticket in advance at “low cost”, it’s most profitable to travel from nearby countries.

Movement around the country

Traveling around the country is most profitable by bus or plane with a pre-purchased ticket. The capital has a metro and tourist passes.


  • Portugal's monarchs were replaced by republicans in 1910. The Portuguese are a very hardworking people. sea ​​port and Lisbon Airport in total serves 29 million passengers a year.
  • The Portuguese are religious and conservative people. Thus, they preserve traditions, but rarely open up to something new.
  • transport and food here are cheap compared to the CIS countries, but luxury accommodation will cost a tidy sum.
  • the state is calm, the population is in a positive mood and there are no fights with showdowns. But the bag should be looked after, pickpockets have scattered all over the world and you should always be on the alert.
  • only in this country do entrances even for 2 apartments. It was in the city of Porto that the Portuguese language was born. A ticket there from Barcelona costs only 17 euros.
  • when meeting all the Portuguese necessarily kiss each other twice on the cheeks.

Pros and cons of holidays in Portugal


  • Portugal is very humid due to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. In summer this is great, but in winter this fact causes a lot of inconvenience. There is no central heating in the country, so it is better to visit it during the warm season.
  • in comparison with the CIS countries in Portugal, medicine leaves much to be desired. The doctor can not be called to the house, fever is not a reason to see a doctor. The therapist does not prescribe tests, but can prescribe an antibiotic and drink plenty of water. Therefore, be healthy, it is better not to get sick here.
  • tourists should take into account the siesta. Most of the shops are closed from lunch to evening.
  • high fines for administrative violations.


  • The first plus is high-quality and inexpensive products, excellent wine. The country is considered one of the safest in the world. Even on public holidays no fights. The Portuguese are very hospitable people. If you do not speak English or Portuguese, they will take you by the hand and take you to the place you need.
  • inexpensive transport allows you to fly cheaply to the nearest cities and countries.
  • you don’t have to worry that during the holidays there will be a coup d’etat or mass lawlessness.
  • environmentally friendly environment.
  • onwe recommend starting a tour in Porto, we recommend starting right from the station. It would seem a strange offer, but all tourists come to this place for a reason. The entire Saubento hall is lined with bright azulejo tiles. For the Portuguese, this is not just ceramic tiles, but national pride. 20,000 tiles were used to decorate this hall. The work lasted for 10 years and these are not just ornaments, but huge paintings. Each panel has its own plot: the history of Portugal, rural life, battle hay, etc. Azulejo performs not only a decorative role, but also a practical one. In winter, tiles protect against moisture, and in summer from heat.
  • on Porto must be seen from above. One of the best viewing platforms is located on the Rua de pento de Victoria. The city is built on hills, so you need to be ready to swing your legs. Everywhere ups and downs, but beautiful!
  • of the free things to do in Porto popular is the museum of photographs. The Portuguese made a museum in the former prison. All photographs are over 50 years old.
  • the most colorful area of ​​Porto- Ribeira. It used to be the poorest area where there was no food. And now there are crowds of tourists and the most expensive restaurants. On the embankment, someone will always arrange a free concert. And we will offer to finish the pedestrian embankment under the Luis I bridge. This building is suspiciously similar to eiffel tower, after all, he was erected by a student of Eiffel. The subway rides on the upper part, cars on the lower part. Pedestrians are allowed to walk both above and below. This bridge offers the best sunset in Portugal and a view of the Douro River. Which in translation means "river of gold", because before it fed the whole country, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • come to Portugal and not to see the ocean, it would be strange. But it still needs to be reached. The cheapest way is to travel by bus. At the place where the river flows into the Atlantic Ocean, you understand how the sea wave differs from the ocean wave.
  • to feel the real spirit of Portugal, be sure to listen to the fado here- a national song and the pride of the country. This is the folklore of those times when the Portuguese discovered new lands, traveled a lot, and women yearned for their loved ones. In 90% of the fado, it is women who sing, but men can also squeeze the “very strong Portuguese melancholy” with their voice.
  • cathedral tower showcase the beauty of the Ria Formosa. This a natural phenomenon where a river with many canals and islands flows into the ocean. There are practically no trees in Faro and it is almost impossible to withstand the hot sun. Therefore, locals stretch fabric sheets to create shade.
  • Withcreepy church Portugal - Temple of Carmo. It was built in the Baroque style, but tourists come here to see one very strange memo - the chapel of bones. All its walls are lined with the bones of monks. The dead did not have enough space in the cemetery and their remains began to be transferred to the cellars. This was not enough, and they decided to make such a chapel.

What to do before leaving

Once in Portugal, try to fully soak up the atmosphere of a new place. As you walk down the narrow alleys, imagine the life raging here many centuries ago. Before leaving visit the oldest bookstore "Livraria Lello" (Porto) and hide a couple of euros and a letter of wishes to your relatives, who someday will also visit this amazing country.

Portugal was well told in the video Eagle and Tails


Having visited Portugal, you will definitely not want to leave here. Since here, you had an amazing opportunity to ride giant waves, wake up in the best places with the most amazing views and sounds of the waves, and eat the most delicious pastries while chatting with the locals.

And when you have to say goodbye, you will finally understand the true meaning of the Portuguese word saudade, which describes a strong attraction to the country, its people, amazing weather and culture.


Holidays in Aybufeira are recommended for those who are tired of the intense life in the metropolis and want to be alone with their thoughts. Here you can find harmony with nature and enjoy the unique beauty of this amazing city. The azure sea, the sun and the beach will make your vacation unforgettable!


The Algarve resort is first and foremost great beaches and warm ocean. This Portuguese province will appeal to lovers of swimming, sunbathing and water activities, also in the Algarve good conditions for holidays with children.


One of the oldest cities in the world and at the same time progressive European capital drenched in spirit historical heritage city ​​on the Atlantic coast - it's all Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. The resort of Lisbon is attractive for tourists with its beauty and attractions.


Porto - northern capital Portugal, where you can feel the atmosphere of a maritime city at every step. The clean smell of the ocean, the seagulls flying around the city, the mountainous terrain - all this is impressive and gives pleasant memories. This is one of the oldest cities in Europe, which received the status of an object in 1996. world heritage UNESCO.


The Portuguese resort of Sintra is often called the treasure of Portugal, and it is deservedly so - the city is very beautiful, here great views on the coast, many attractions and picturesque nature. Sintra has all the conditions for a successful holiday, including family vacation with kids.


The Portuguese resort of Faro is located on the shores of the Ria Formosa, in the south of the country. The city is small and cozy, Faro is quite suitable for a measured family holiday with children. The resort will appeal to lovers of ancient monuments, hiking and South Portuguese cuisine.


Portuguese resort of Cascais is considered the center of youth entertainment, here life is in full swing day and night. People rarely come to Cascais to relax with children, this place is more suitable for lovers nightlife. There are also many attractions in the city that will not let tourists get bored during the day.


The popular Portuguese resort of Estoril is located on the coast washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Life here is full, tourists are offered a lot of entertainment - from golf and surfing to gambling in casinos and European-level racing.

Holidays in Portugal are famous for football, delicious cuisine, gorgeous beaches. Life local residents associated with the ocean, which is not surprising, given the traditions of this country.

Portugal is located in the southwestern region of the Iberian Peninsula. The country includes more than 10 districts, which are divided into 308 districts. The largest cities are Porto, Setubal, Funchal. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

The country has a subtropical Mediterranean climate with temperate features. This means that there are no strong jumps in air temperature in the country.

Portugal in spring

Spring in Portugal is beautiful, everything blooms and smells sweet. The weather in spring does not allow swimming in the ocean yet, but you can slowly explore all the interesting places. The coolest weather in Porto, here in March is +16°C, and the warmest in Madeira, here in spring +20°C.

Portugal in summer

Opens from mid-June beach season holiday in Portugal, which lasts until mid-September.

At this time, the air temperature is + 30 ° C, but the cold Atlantic current does not allow strong heat and allows you to relax comfortably.

Portugal in autumn

Autumn in Portugal is warm weather and invigorating water. The influx of tourists in autumn is small, so every vacationer can be in silence and alone with nature.

Portugal in winter

A beach holiday in Portugal in winter is unacceptable, but it is green just like in summer. Winter - good time for leisurely walks, and a comfortable temperature allows you to see a lot interesting places. average temperature in the afternoon + 13-18 ° С.

5 best months in Portugal for a beach holiday

The beaches of Portugal stretch for 1800 km, among them there are pebble, sandy and rocky ones. On many beaches you can rent sunbeds and umbrellas. There are also many wild places that nature lovers will definitely like.


A beach holiday in Portugal in June pleases with the absence of strong stuffiness and heat. The weather at this time of the year is almost rainless and comfortable. During the day the temperature is +23°С and +27°С, and in the evening +19°С. There are precipitations this month, but they are unobtrusive and warm. In the northern region of Portugal, it is a little cooler in June, the temperature is +22°С, and +14°С in the evening. The water in the ocean in June warms up to +19°С and +22°С.

A beach holiday in Portugal in June pleases with good weather.

This summer weather helps to combine beach holiday with extensive tours. It also ripens at this time. a large number of exotic fruits, so that the supply of vitamins is guaranteed to every vacationer. The price of a tour in June, on average, costs from 44,586 rubles. from a person.


In July, the temperature in Portugal is +29°C, and in some areas it can reach +35°C. Surprisingly, in Madeira in July it is 4 degrees colder than on the mainland, and the nights are 3 degrees warmer. There is almost no rain in July, there are no strong winds either, so you can come to the beaches at least every day.

In July, you can’t count on super-comfortable swimming. The average water temperature is +21°C. In addition to comfortable weather, you can do many water sports. There are many beautiful beaches, many of which have been awarded the Blue Flag. The cost of the tour in July is not cheap: from 91094 rubles.


Beach holidays in Portugal in September this velvet season hard to name. This definition fits the end of the month, and most of September is a continuation of the summer. Autumn in Portugal is comfortable and warm, people still bathe.

At this time there is no heat, warm ocean + 23 ° C and free beaches. In September it is only cold at night up to +15°С. Autumn in Portugal is good for excursions. In September, you can buy a ticket to Portugal at a price of 87,625 rubles.


There is always something to do in Portugal this month, and the weather is conducive to walking. It is sunny, it rarely rains, and the air warms up to +19°C. The beach season is not yet open, the water is at +13°C. In March, you can go on an excursion and get acquainted with the multifaceted culture of this country.

In the spring, a chocolate festival takes place in Portugal. On this occasion, you can see large chocolate sculptures and attend many different events. A tour in March costs from 36,000 rubles.


In February, in Portugal, the air temperature during the day is + 15 ° C, and at night + 9 ° C. The water temperature off the coast is only +10°C. In winter, it is densely cloudy, but such weather is not a hindrance to walking along the Riviera and sightseeing.

In February, gusty winds often blow, so you need to wear windproof warm clothes on excursions. The cost of the tour in February to Portugal is from 52,000 rubles.

5 best oceanfront vacation spots in Portugal

A huge number of vacationers from all over the world come to the republic for a beach holiday. This is facilitated by mild winters, warm summers and a clear ocean.

Below are best places by the ocean in Portugal, where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and first-class service:

Name Location When is the best time to go
Azores center of the atlantic ocean July
Algarve Atlantic coast August
Albufeira south of Portugal, Faro district August
Portimão west of Portugal, Faro district September
Lagoa center of the Algarve between Silves and Portimão September


A beach holiday in the Azores in Portugal is characterized by a mild climate with little temperature fluctuations. The best time to visit is between June and September. The ocean at this time warms up to 24 ° C, and the air temperature reaches + 22 ° C.

During the day, the weather on the islands is unstable: rains are replaced by clear skies, and so on several times a day. In the Azores, sometimes there are heavy fogs, because of which flights are canceled. This should be taken into account when planning a vacation.


Most of the beaches of the Azores are located on Faial and there is also a beach with golden sand - Porto Pim. Also of interest to tourists can be secluded beaches, such as Castelo Blanca and Praia de Pedro Miguel, they are surrounded on all sides by rocks.

There is also a beach near the Comprido volcano. Santa Maria Island has a white sandy Praia Formosa beach. All beaches are superbly equipped. Here you can do water sports or cozy up under an exotic palm tree.


Blue Islands, due beautiful view, opening from the top of the mountains, are popular among tourists. Also here is one of the seven wonders of Portugal - the land of Sete Cidades.

Here are 2 large lakes right in the funnel of a once active volcano.

One lake has blue water, the other green. Also on the islands there are thermal springs located in San Miguel. Here you can also walk around the tea plantations and take a tour of the tobacco factory.

In Portugal, there are many hotels and hotels operating on the All Inclusive system. The most inexpensive are 2-star hotels. Near each such hotel there are shops, bars, ATMs. The distance to the beach is short, about 12-15 minutes. walk.

It will appeal to couples with children, for whom an affordable price and developed infrastructure are important. The hotel rooms have balconies, bathrooms and kitchenettes. For children, the hotels provide swimming pools.

In the rooms:

  • TV;
  • fridge;
  • Dishwasher;
  • iron;
  • electric kettle;
  • microwave.

Hotels are mainly located on the first coastline, which is why they are so popular.


Algarve is located in the southern part of the country and its length is about 200 km. atlantic ocean. The Algarve is different from other cities clean beaches, many of which won the Blue Flag nomination. The Algarve itself goes 50 km inland from the coast to the mountains of Manshika. The capital of the Algarve is Faro and its main resorts are Albufeira, Quarteira, Alvor.


High cliffs, sea caves, golden sand attract millions of tourists to the Algarve every year:


In the Algarve there is entertainment for every tourist. For vacationers there are water parks, tennis courts, excursions, as well as yacht trips. In the Algarve, you can arrange a shark hunt or go to a bullfight. In local water parks, people sunbathe on the lawn grass, and sunbeds are on the pavement next to the pools. There are also many discos, nightclubs, restaurants and shops.

Cheap hotels and hotels "All inclusive"

Many hotels in the Algarve are close to famous landmarks, fairgrounds and business centers.

The most inexpensive room, costing 550 rubles. includes:

  • TV;
  • free Internet;
  • bathroom;
  • sofa.

Also on the territory of almost every hotel and inn there are swimming pools for children and adults, free parking.


Albufeira is a city in the south of Portugal. This is the main resort in the Faro region, which is famous for its beautiful beaches, bustling atmosphere and picturesque center.


The pride of Albufeira are the beaches, of which there are more than a dozen.

All of them are clean, for 10 euros you can rent an umbrella, a deck chair, there are also changing cabins and toilets:


Many tourists come to Albufeira to enjoy the beach, but here you can also enjoy exploring the city. In addition, Albufeira has a museum and a city art gallery. Also in the city you can go to the show of fur seals and dolphins.

Albufeira has many shops and souvenir shops. There are cafes, restaurants and cinemas. Albufeira has many shops where you can buy souvenirs and a large shopping complex with boutiques, restaurants and cinemas.

Cheap hotels and hotels "All inclusive"

Albufeira hotels are presented in different price categories: you can book a cheap hotel room or a premium class. The cost depends on the location of the hotel and the level of comfort, as well as proximity to attractions.

For only 2000 rubles. you can rent a room in a hotel or hotel that has:

  • air conditioner;
  • bathroom;
  • telephone;
  • TV;
  • closet;
  • Electric kettle;
  • bed.


Portimao is the most major city, which is located 66 km from Faro at the mouth of the Aradu River. It is separated from the capital of Portugal by 200 km, which can be driven in a few hours. 36,000 people live in the city, but when the beach season opens, there are much more people.

Previously, the city was considered a fishing center, but then the scope of activity changed to a resort. Plenty in Portimao historical monuments the Middle Ages, which include old churches and monasteries.


Portimão has a large number of beaches with beautiful landscapes that are difficult to describe, they must be seen:


In Portimão, there are many entertainments on the beaches:

  • water sports sports;
  • windsurfing;
  • yachting;
  • kayaking;
  • jet skiing.

There is a lot to rent all the necessary equipment, and learn to scuba dive with a coach. You can also participate in golf tournaments in Portimão. You can visit the attraction, dolphinarium and many cafes. There is a water park in the city where everyone will be interested.

Cheap hotels and hotels "All inclusive"

Tourists in Portimao can choose a variety of rooms: guesthouses, simple apartments, hostels or hotels. In inexpensive hotels you can stay for only 30 dollars. If you get a discount on hotel and hotel booking sites, you can rent a room for $25. Hotels located in the central area of ​​Portimão offer vacationers rooms from $40.

Each room is equipped with:

  • shower;
  • electric kettle;
  • microwave oven;
  • sofa;
  • dining area;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • closet.


Lagoa is located on a hill and is surrounded by vineyards on all sides. It was once the capital of the Algarve. The city is over 2000 years old and has an old seaport. Before the earthquake there were many houses, palaces and churches.

Lagoa is a promising city for tourism that attracts beautiful nature, beaches and attractions. The first slave market in Europe was established in this city. In addition, there is an observatory of Henry the Navigator, who was the organizer of many expeditions at sea.


Beach holidays in Portugal in Lagoa are presented with beautiful landscapes and are suitable for those who want to avoid the crowds of vacationers in the summer.

Almost all Lagoa beaches are located away from the city:


There is a zoo in Lagoa, which is definitely worth a visit with children. Here you can look at animals all day and relax in cafes and gazebos. There is also a golf center in the city, on the territory of which there is a golf school, it accepts everyone who wants to learn the game.

The city has many spas that are located in the city center: they offer a large selection of relaxing and massage treatments.

Cheap hotels and hotels "All inclusive"

In Lagoa, there are 25 hotels with medium and low price categories. The price of rooms in such hotels is approximately from 800 to 2500 rubles. per day. All hotels and hotels have free internet access. Despite the low cost, the service in hotels is on top. There are outdoor and indoor pools, satellite TV.

All rooms have air conditioners, refrigerators, TVs. For children there is a special playground, free parking.

Portugal - interesting country with their own customs and traditions. Here you can have a good rest on the beach, visit medieval cathedrals and castles, and diving enthusiasts have something to see.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about a beach holiday in Portugal

Portugal Algarve, Albufeira Beaches, Oura Beach:

Review the best resorts and the beaches of Portugal. Where and when is it better to relax at sea in 2020? Reviews of tourists. Monthly weather with air and water temperatures.

Measured rest, rich cultural leisure and lack of crowds annually attracts millions of tourists. As a rule, these are well-to-do British and Germans, fed up with "o-links" and expecting new and vivid impressions from the rest. In Portugal you can find many beautiful places for seaside holidays and active leisure. You will learn about the best places in this review.

When to go on vacation to Portugal?

The climate in Portugal is mild and comfortable: with cool summers and warm rainy winters. There are no sharp temperature drops here, although it is a little colder in the mountains than on the coast. Most precipitation falls in the north of the country, the warmest regions are the Madeira archipelago and the Azores. You can relax on the islands all year round, however, in the winter-spring period, recreation acquires an exclusively cultural, educational and health-improving connotation.

Complete beach holiday in Portugal is possible from the beginning of June. At the beginning of summer, the fishing season starts and comfortable conditions for windsurfing are formed. In June in Lisbon, Algarve and Faro during the day +25°С, water temperature +17...+19°С. Best of all, the water warms up near the coast of Madeira + 21 ° С.

IN July And august all temperature indicators increase: +27...+29°С in Lisbon and Algarve, not so hot in Porto and Madeira +25°С. In Portugal, during these months it is best to relax in Madeira, where the water off the coast reaches +23°C.

Holidays in Portugal at sea September still quite possible. On the Atlantic coast, moderate heat: during the day +26°С, water +20...+23°С. IN October the beach holiday season in Portugal is coming to an end, and despite the relatively high temperature air + 22 ... + 24 ° С, the cooling effect of the ocean affects - it rains more and more often and fogs creep.

November to April in Portugal low season(excluding New Year and Christmas holidays). At this time, the wind blows from the ocean, the water temperature is not higher than + 15 ° C, it is relatively warm except on the islands. In the south in the Algarve +17°С, in Lisbon +15°С, in Madeira +19°С. It is coldest in the northern part of the country, but even here it does without frosts, in the daytime +5 ... + 9 ° С.

At the end of February in Portugal it is already noticeably warmer. Precipitation is not uncommon, but there are more sunny days. In March in Lisbon and Algarve +17...+18°С, in Madeira +19°С. The water in the ocean is still cold +14...+16°C, much warmer off the coast of Madeira +19°C.

IN April in Portugal, it is getting warmer by a couple of degrees, it is already becoming comfortable for sunbathing and long walks. In May, the amount of rain gradually decreases, the air warms up to +22°C. The water is cold +16...+18°С everywhere, except for the shores of Madeira - there is +19°С.

The best seaside vacation spots in Portugal

The most popular resorts in Portugal for a beach holiday are the Lisbon Riviera, the Algarve province, Madeira and the Azores. All beaches in the country are public with a sandy surface, with the exception of Madeira, there are pebbles or imported sand.

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This southern province a country that is famous for its landscapes and rich architectural heritage. In the western part of the province, mostly rocky beaches, in the east - sandy. You can relax in the Algarve all year round: in spring it is +20...+25°С, in summer +27...+30°С, in winter +14°С. Beach holidays at sea in this region of Portugal are most comfortable in August and September on the coast from Albufeira to Lagos. At this time, the warmest water (+21...+23°C), although not everyone will find this temperature pleasant.

Most of the coast of the province is occupied by nature reserves; there is a unique natural Park where you can see pink flamingos. Golf courses, surfing and diving schools are organized for outdoor enthusiasts.

The center of the province is the city of Faro. This beautiful town with medieval buildings and ruins of ancient Roman settlements. The airport is also located here. Not far from Faro are most popular seaside resorts in this province, Villamura, Albufeira and Portimão.

Villamura- large resort complex, according to reviews, the best place for outdoor activities in Portugal at sea. There are parachuting centers, diving and surfing schools. Lots of entertainment for children: zoo, water park and amusement parks. The best beaches- this is the shallow Falesia beach, popular with vacationers with small children, as well as the city's Marina beach, located near the marina.

IN Albufeiro seafood lovers tend to relax, because local restaurants offer the most delicious dishes from them. The city has three sandy beaches, the most popular of which is Peneku, located in the historical part of the city. Not far from the city there is a zoo with a dolphinarium.

Resort Portimao known for its Praia da Rocha beach. This is one of the most picturesque beaches Atlantic, surrounded by low cliffs and medieval buildings. Many hotels of various levels, as well as cafes and restaurants have been built along it. The resort is not considered expensive, they like to relax here both with children and with youth companies, only when booking a hotel it is advisable to clarify the presence of nearby nightlife venues.

(Photo: dronepicr / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Lisbon Riviera

All resort towns in this area - Estoril, Cascais, Carcavelos and others - are located half an hour from Lisbon. The water in the sea is usually cool, even in summer it is only +17 ... + 19 ° С, therefore those who want to combine a beach holiday in Portugal with cultural and educational activities prefer to relax here.

Respectable Estoril with his historical center has long been known among wealthy tourists. The first line of the town is completely built up with expensive hotels and luxurious villas. Cascais And Carcavelos- typical youth resorts, windsurfing centers and nightlife.

The most famous beach real paradise for windsurfers, this is Guincho beach. For small children, the shallow warm shell beach Salir do Porto near San Martino do Porto is ideal. Not far from Cascais are the famous natural attractions - the cliff of Boca de Inferno and Cape Cabo de Roca. From an excursion point of view, it is interesting to visit the capital Lisbon with its mosaic square and the Old Quarter.


The Azores are always moderately warm: +25°C in summer, +15°C in winter. According to the reviews of tourists, it is best to relax on the islands of Portugal from June to September, when the weather is usually dry and sunny. With the advent of autumn, rains and fogs become more frequent. There are few sandy beaches, most of them are located on the islands of Faial and San Miguel, in other places the beaches are volcanic. Almost every hotel has a pool.

Main must see for all tourists - this is Furnas with its lake and geysers, the islands of Terceira, Flores and San Miguel with their relict forests, museums and temples. The island of Pico has well-preserved reefs, and in its vicinity lies the whale migration route, which attracts crowds of tourists every year.

In general, holidays in the Azores are more contemplative than passive beach. Prices for services please with their availability. Perhaps that is why European and Canadian pensioners like to relax here so much.

(Photo: p_v a l d i v i e s o / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Madeira is a volcanic island, famous for its mild climate and natural beauties. The climate of the island is subtropical, and due to the action of the Gulf Stream, the air temperature varies slightly throughout the year: +17°C in winter, +27°C in summer. The water temperature is kept at an average annual mark of + 19 ° С.

There are few cultural attractions, so the main entertainment for vacationers is hiking trails along trails and levadas, cable car and a botanical garden in Funchal, exploring rocks, caves and waterfalls. Many opportunities for outdoor activities: yachting, water skiing, fishing, surfing, diving, horseback riding, tennis and golf.

Many beaches are naturally rocky, so they are covered with imported sand. According to tourists, the best places for a beach holiday in Portugal on the sea are in Madeira - here the water is the warmest. The best is considered Calheta beach, covered with sand from the desert and closed by a breakwater. Good sand beach is on the island of Ponto Santo, you can get there by ferry from Madeira.

First photo: dronepicr / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where it is better to relax in Portugal throughout the year.

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Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where it is better to relax in Portugal throughout the year.

In our diverse world, each country has something special. In this regard, Portugal is an example of a civilized respectable holiday. Although people lived here long before the beginning of known history, in some areas of this country nature has been preserved in excellent condition. Portugal also offers a variety of outdoor activities. In summer, you can safely go here with children of all ages.

Where to go in Portugal with children

In principle, for both children and adults for a beach holiday, it is better to go to South coast Portugal, in the so-called. Algarve. More people stay here, you can find more water activities, visit natural areas and water parks. In addition, on the cool Portuguese coast in the Algarve region, sea water is warmer. TO popular resorts this area includes Villamoura, Faro and Albufeira. Due to the high popularity of the Algarve, accordingly, prices here are higher than in the whole country.

If the child has reached adolescence, then you can go with him to a slightly less popular coast Lisbon Riviera, represented by the resorts of Estoril and Cascais. Rest here is no longer associated with beaches (although they are here too), but with city sightseeing and eco-tourism.

Other places of recreation and entertainment for children include the Lisbon Zoo and Aquarium, the colorful Pena Palace in Sintra, and the Portugal in Miniature theme park in Coimbra.

Calm and secluded holidays in Portugal

This country in tourist season besieged by crowds of tourists. Madeira and the Azores are much less crowded and more relaxed, however, the prices there are high even for Europeans. For tourists, Madeira has its own characteristics. The sea here is deep near the shore, and the beaches are very narrow due to overhanging rocks. Visitors swim mainly in the pools. For this reason, the island is more attractive for nature tourism and attractions. Where exactly to choose a place to stay in Madeira depends on the hotel.

In Madeira you can visit:

  • the highest point of the island - Pico Ruivo;
  • the Monte Palace with its surrounding tropical garden;
  • Cathedral in the city of Funchal.

The Azores are one of the most alluring places on earth. The beaches here are covered with volcanic sand and debris. Although the local resorts are very sparsely populated, the islands can be very active, scuba diving and climbing volcanoes. The Azores are best place in Portugal for diving. In addition, spa treatment is developed here.

In the Azores you can visit:

  • caves of Terceira island;
  • the Sete Fontes nature reserve;
  • historical museum in Ribeira Grande;
  • Church of St. Barbara;
  • ancient villages of the island of Flores;
  • Pico Alto and Caldeira volcanoes.

In mainland Portugal, the village of Sagres is considered the most secluded place. This is the extreme southwestern point of Portugal, it closes the Algarve coast from the west, the nearest major city is Lagos. In the village you can visit the fortress of Belishe, Fort Sagres, the fortress and Cape St. Vicente.

Sights of Lisbon

Many people in Portugal prefer to get acquainted with its history and culture to a beach holiday. Lisbon is not very suitable for spending a complete vacation here, the best option would be to visit it with a guided tour. Interesting sights of the Portuguese capital include:

  • monastery of Jeronimos;
  • triumphal arch;
  • elevator Santa Justa;
  • Queluz Palace;
  • fortress of St. George;
  • Cathedral;
  • maritime museum;
  • aqueduct of Aguas Librish.

Of course, neighboring Spain takes away a lot of popularity points from Portugal because of its greater "hype". If a beach holiday in both countries is absolutely the same, then in terms of "excursion" they bear little resemblance to each other. Portugal combines surprisingly well leisure and comfort.

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