Kremlin Tower Scheme and Name Presentation. Course travel

Dubovtseva Margarita I.
Dubovtseva Anastasia

A little about Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers. List of towers
composed ranging from the southeast corner
Kremlin wall, counterclockwise.
Many towers of the Moscow Kremlin, except
The present name specified first have
And the second name is usually more older.
Moscow Kremlin - Fortress in
center of Moscow and the oldest part of it, the main
Public and political and historical community city complex,
The official residence of the President of the Russian
Located on the high left bank of Moskvid to the Kremlin
rivers - Borovitsky Hill, when pushed in her
River Neglinnaya. In terms of the Kremlin - the wrong with the big stone
A triangle of 27.5 hectares (hectares). South
Wall facing the Moscow River, North-West -
To the Alexandrovsky Garden, Eastern - to the Red


The first settlements on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin belong to the Bronze
century (II millennium BC. er). The modern Arkhangelsk Cathedral had
Found the Finno-Ugric settlement related to the early Iron Venus (Second
Half of the first Millennium BC. er). At this time, the settlement of Dyakova type occupied
The center of the upper challenge terrace of the Borovitsky Hill (modern area
Cathedral Square) and may have already had strengthening. From northeastern villages
It was protected by two ravines: one - north of the current Troitsky gate
went to the River Neglinnaya, the other lay between Petrovskaya and the second
Unnamed tower of the modern Kremlin.
In 1991, the Kremlin became the residence of the President of Russia. In the 1990s on
Kremlin's territory conducted large restoration work as a result
which was restored the red porch of the grain chamber, restored
Alexandrovsky and Andreevsky Halls of Big Kremlin Palaceconducted
Restoration of the building of the Senate. In 1996-2000, restoration was restored
Kremlin walls and towers. In July 2014, President Vladimir
Putin proposed to demolish the administrative 14th corps on Ivanovo Square
Moscow Kremlin and restore standing on his
Place of miracles and ascension monasteries. April 29, 2016 14 Corps was
Fully dismantled, and in its place created the park.


Moscow city
Year of construction 1482-1495
Kremlin Square 27.7 hectares (0.277 km²)
The length of the walls is 2500 meters
Number of towers20
Number of gates4
Tower height up to 80 m
Tower of the Kremlin:
Water commercial borotitsky gunsight
Commandant Troitskaya Kutafya
Average arsenal corner
Arsenal Nikolskaya
Senate Spasskaya Tsarist Nabat
Konstantino-Eleninskaya Beklemishevskaya
Petrovskaya Second Unnamed First
Unnamed Townitskaya Blagoveshchenskaya
Walls from 5 to 19 m
Wall thickness from 3.5 to 6.5 m

Wall architecture and towers

Existing walls and towers were built in 1485-1516.
The total length of the walls is 2235 m, their height is from 5 to 19 m,
Thickness - from 3.5 to 6.5 m. in terms of the wall form the wrong
triangle. The top of the walls on the pawnshop tradition is decorated with teeth in
The shape of a swallow tail, all the teeth at the top of the wall - 1045.
Most teeth have slick-like loopholes. In the walls are arranged
Wide, overlapped ambrusura arches. From the outside of the wall
Smooth, with internal - decorated with arched niches - traditional
Reception designed to facilitate and strengthen the design of the structure.
Along the walls there are 20 towers. 3 towers, standing in the corners of the triangle,
Have a round cross section, the rest is square. SAMI high tower -
Troitskaya, it has a height of 79.3 m.
Most towers are made in a single architectural style, attached
They are in the second half of the XVII century. From the general ensemble allocated
Nikolskaya Tower, which at the beginning of the XIX century was rebuilt
in pseudo-style style.

In 1485-1516, the construction of the walls of the Kremlin was headed by Italian
Archor Anton Fryazin, Marco Fryazin, Pietro Antonio Solari and Aleviz
Fryazin old. Brick walls were put on the line of white-named, with
a small departure outward. Starting from the Spasskaya Tower Territory
The Kremlin was enlarged in the eastern direction. First in 1485 with
the south side was laid by the Tinitskaya Tower, and in five years old
The southern part of the fortress was built. For the construction of walls and towers
used large (30x14x17 cm or 31x15x9 cm.) Brick weighing up
8 kg each. The front walls were laid out of the brick, which
filled with white stone. The highest walls were erected along
Red Square, where there was no natural water barrier.
Shopping on the walls had Spasskaya, Nabatnaya, Konstantino-Eleninskaya,
Troitskaya, Borovitskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya and Petrovskaya Tower. Initially
Inside the wall through all the towers there was a pass-through pass, overlap
cylindrical vaults. Most of the passage was over time
Fucking the construction garbage, the site has been preserved between the Konstantineleninskaya and the infrinal tower. There were also caches and passages
Under the walls, in some cases, the strengthening line.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the Nehlinnaya was reserved further from the walls. For
Installations of new guns on the towers were raw braces. At the same time
The originally existing ones of the walls were burned. In 1702-1736
For years to build arsenal, part of the wall was dismantled, later
Restored. In 1771-1773 for the construction of Kremlin
Palace on the project V. I. Bazhenova also dealt with part of the southern wall
between Beklemishevsk and the Annunciation Tower, which was later
Restored. In 1802-1805, overhaul was carried out
The towers, during which almost all the granted shooters were dismantled.
The war of 1812 inflicted the walls of heavy damage, especially injured
Nikolskaya Tower, Towers and Walls along Neglinnaya. Repair I.
Restoration of fortifications were conducted from 1817 to 1822 years. In the course
repair work to the appearance of Borovitskaya and the waterway towers
Pseudo-gas details of the decor were added.
In 1866-1870, the restoration of the walls and towers of the Kremlin
architects N. A. Shokhin, P. A. Gerasimov, F. F. Richter,
who sought to give buildings their initial species.

In the process of restoration with the Borhivitsky tower disappeared pseudo
Decorative details, however, many elements of genuine parts of walls and
The kremlin towers were lost and replaced with inaccurate copies. Damage
Towers and walls were inflicted during the second half of the XIX
century during the adaptation of their premises for business needs.
Victims in the course of the revolution Nikolskaya and Beklemishev Tower
Were renovated in 1918. Survey and partial
The restoration of the walls was carried out in 1931-1936. In 1935-1937
Ruby five-pointed stars were installed on the five towers.
The following restoration of the walls and towers of the Kremlin was held in 1946-1953
years, during which the walls were cleared and repaired,
Loafers and parapets are restored, details are disclosed on a number of towers,
The tops of the Spasskaya, Trinity and Nikolsky towers of the leaf copper. AT
The composition of the Restoration Commission included prominent scientists and
Restorers: I.E. Grabar, V.N. Lazarev, M.V. Alpatov, P.D.
Corin, DP Sukhov and others.

Water commercial tower

Water-Building (Sweet) Tower - Southwestern Corner
Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Located on the corner of Kremlin
Embankment and Alexandrovsky Garden, on the bank of the Moscow River.
Established in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton
Fryazine (Antonio Gilardi). Name SVIBLOV Tower
Comes from the boyars surname Sviblov (later Sviblovy),
The yard of which was adjacent to the tower from the Kremlin.
Modern name Received in 1633 after installation in
It is a waterfront machine made under
The leadership of Christopher Galovee, to supply water from Moskvareki to the Kremlin. It was the first water pipe from the tanks in Moscow,
Put in the upper tier tiers. Water from her was
held "in sores a hearty and fodder palace", and then in
On the Moscow River, the waterproof tower was a portal raft
For rinse in linen. On the banks of the river stood a port village with
Tower, 1883
affiliates for the flesh. In the Kremlin wall were arranged
Small portoil gates through which linen was worn.

The water tower is built in classic style. Before middle
heights it is laid out by alternating belts of serving and
West masonry. Narrow strip of white stone covering
The tower in the middle part of it, as if emphasizes the arcatent belt.
Complete tower of teeth in the form of "swallow tails" with
slots for shooting. Arcaten belt, machine, "Swallow
Tails "before did not meet in the Russian architecture of serfs
structures and were applied here for the first time. Tent over the tower
was erected at the end of the XVII century. In1805 due to
Disassembled and built again.
In 1812, Napoleon's army receding from Moscow Bonaparte
blew up the tower. Restored in 1817-1819 by architect
Osip Ivanovich Bowe. Walls treated with RUST, Loafers
Replaced with round and semi-curvous windows. Hearing windows
Decorated with Tuscan portico with columns and frontones.
Unlike other towers on which ruby
Stars, on the water-building previously there was no completion in the form of an eagle.
Star with a diameter of 3 meters was installed on the tower in 1937 and
He is the smallest of the Kremlin stars.
View by
with big

Borovitskaya Tower

Borovitskaya (Foreech) Tower -
one of the southwestern
The towers of the Moscow Kremlin. She is
It turns out to Alexandrovsky
Garden and Borovitsky Square,
Called next to the big
Stone bridge. Tower name, by
legend comes from an ancient boron,
who covered once one of the seven
Hills on which Moscow is worth.


Before the construction of a modern Borovitsky tower on her
The place existed another, having the same name.
This is evidenced by the construction record in 1461
year of the church of John the Forerunner "on Bor", where it was
It is written that this church stood from "Borovitsky
Gate. "
The new Borovitsky tower was built in 1490
year by order of Ivan III Italian architect
Pietro Antonio Solari arrived
To Moscow from Milan. At the same time, Solary was erected and
The wall from Borovitskaya to the angular waterproof
In the XVI-XVII centuries. Through Borovitsky Tower
went into the economic part of the Kremlin -
To the residential and stable courtyards, isolated
From the front part of the fortress by the wall built in
In 1493, the tower was seriously injured from the fire.
Tower, 1883 year.

By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on April 16, 1658 Borovitskaya
The tower was renamed Forerun - on the church of Christmas
John the Forerunner in the Kremlin (disassembled in 1847), but this name is not
Borovitsky gates in Kyote was the icon of St. John
Forerunners. Behind the lamps, the Nikola Strelletsky Church
located on Borovitskaya Square. The temple was destroyed in 1932
year when laying the Sokolnic Line of the Metro. Icon also
Lost in Soviet times.
In the autumn of 1935, the Soviet authorities established on the Borovitsky Tower
A five-pointed star with a height of 3.35 m (rays range - 3.2 m). Before
The tower worst double-headed eagle. Besides Borovitskaya tower, stars
Western Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Trinity and Water Tower. AT
1937 the star was replaced by a new one, which is on the tower and
Today, Borovitsky gates are the only permanent
Driving gate of the Kremlin. Through the Borovitsky tower pass and
visitors to the weapon chamber.


Borovitskaya Tower Solarari had a ferex that walked
Wooden tent. Then in 1666-1680s a wooden tent was
Removed and needed three more decreasing the four chime, one
octahedron and stone tent. Therefore, the Borovitsky Tower has
A peculiar step (or pyramidal) form. In addition, on the side
From the tower was attached a taped shooter with a pass gate.
The gate had an iron lattice, and the raw river was thrown in the river
In the XVIII century, the tower was repaired and decorated with blonde details
in pseudo-style style. When in 1812 to Moscow
French army headed by Napoleon, many architectural
Moscow monuments were injured or were destroyed as a result of fires
and explosions. So, blew up and adjacent to the Borovitsky Water Tower.
When an explosion with Borovitsky tower fell top of the tent.
In 1816-1819, the tower was repaired under the guidance
Architect O. I. Beauvais.

Apparently, at the same time, the clock appeared on the tower, at least
Started since that time drawings indicate the gate and clock.
In 1848, after the destruction of the Church of the Nativity of the Forerunner under Bor
The tower was turned into church. There moved the throne from the church and
destroyed pseudo-neutic decorations. Many other elements
The decoration of the Borovitsky tower was destroyed during the next
Repair in the 1860s.
In the 1970s, white-named decorations were restored, and above
The gate was placed the shield with the coat of arms of Moscow.
In the summer of 2006, regular repairs were held
Borovitskaya tower. During the week, government cortices traveled
through the Spasskit Gate.

Internal planning

Main Chevemer (16.68 m): The inner part of the tower has two tiers,
blocked by cylindrical arches. From the first tier you can get
In a partially flooded basement. On the second tier, the details of the decor remained
The former church here, for example, the saline of the XIX century (the tower church was
destroyed after the October Revolution)
Second Chetverik (4.16 m): The premises overlapped with a closed arch
with platforms for windows.
Third (3.47 m) and fourth four (4.16 m): combined into one
Premises and also have a closed arch with platforms for windows.
Octaging (4.16 m) and a tent (18.07 m): combined into one room,
Walls cut through long narrow rumors.
Taruses communicate with the stairs that are in the thicker
Eastern and North Walls. Screw staircase in the southeast corner
The towers passes through the entire main four from the basement to the second

Shooter and gate

The rejected shooter has a triangular shape.
She communicates with the basement of the main four. Over
The premises of the travel gate are narrow
Holes serving before the circuits of the lifting bridge
Through challenk. In addition, in the passage of the gate has been preserved
Vertical grooves for Gers (squeaver lattice).
It is believed that the Borovitsky gate is the most ancient
Kremlin gate, they are the closest to the river
From the outside of the Kremlin Wall on the collaps
The emblems are visible from white stone, clearly ancient
Origin, Lithuanian and Moscow. About time I.
The reasons for their appearance on the Borovitsky Tower Specialists
Until now, did not give an answer. In any case, two coat of arms
placed on the rejected shooter attached to the tower
In the 3rd quarter of the XVII century, however, they could be
moved here and with more ancient constructions, eg
From the main volume of the tower, rebuilt at the same time.
Gate Borovitskaya

Armory Tower

Weapon (stable) tower is located
Between Borovitskaya I. Commandant tower on the northwest side of the Kremlin Wall, stretched
Along the Alexandrovsky Garden. At the beginning of the XVII century she
There had a travel gate to the stabbing yard in the Kremlin.
From here it ancient name.
The tower was built in 1493-1495. Not excluded
that Italian participated in its construction
Architect Aleviz Fryazin (old). In 1676-1686
The tower was sustained with tent riding and
today well kept its medieval
Forms. Its modern name tower received in XIX
century on the building built in the Kremlin
Weapon Chamber.
Architectural solution of the Armory Tower Close to
architecture located next door of the Commandant
tower. On a massive square in terms of Chetverka,
Completed martial platform with parapet, located
Open fourth, topped with a satellite
Armory Tower

Commandant Tower

Commandant (deaf, crimaginal)
Tower - Tower of the North-West Part
Walls of the Moscow Kremlin, today
stretched along Aleksandrovsky
Garden. Called before the crick
Located near Ney
Kolymage yard in the Kremlin. In XIX
century tower got a name
"Commandant", when near the Kremlin,
In the pilot Palace of the XVII century settled
Commandant of Moscow.
The tower was built in 1493-1495
For years Italian Fryazin Aleviz. AT
1676-1686 this tower, like
Others, littered with decorative
Tolere riding.

Troitskaya Tower

Troitskaya Tower (earlier -
Bogoyavlenskaya, Risapoiren, Znamensk
I, Curete) - Tower with goal in the middle
northwest Wall Moscow Kremlin,
Addressed to the Alexandrovsky Garden.
Troitskaya Tower - the highest tower
Kremlin. Tower height at present
Together with the star from Alexandrovsky
Garden is 80.1 m.
Troitsky leads to the goal of the Troitsky Tower
Bridge protected by Kutafie Tower. Goal
Towers serve as the main entrance for visitors
Presidential is based in the Troitskaya Tower
Orchestra of Russia. There is a rehearsal in the tower
Hall and studios.
Troitskaya and Kutafia


The Troitskaya Tower was built in 1495-1499. Italian
Architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanian. The tower was called differently: the initial name is Bogoyavlensky, then
Ricazenenskaya, Znamenskaya (in honor of located in the territory
Kremlin Cathedrals) and Karetny (in honor of the Kareny Court). Own current
The name received in 1658 by decree of the king Alexei Mikhailovich
There was a number of society by the Troitsky Monastery. In two-story
The basis of the tower in the XVI-XVII centuries was located prison. From 1585 to
The tower was the clock clocks, cleaned after the fire in 1812.
At the end of the XVII century, the tower received a multi-tier tent superstructure
With blonde decorations in the gothic forms. In 1707, because of the threat of a Swedish invasion of the Troitsky Tower
Expanded under heavy guns. In 1870, under the leadership
architect A. A. Martynova Tower was adapted for
placement of the archive of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, as a result
What many of the original details of its design were lost. In the end
XIX century Restoration of the Tower was conducted by Architect N. A. Shokhin.

Over the Trinity Gateway in Kyote was icon
Kazan Mother of God, damaged at storm
Kremlin Bolsheviks in 1917. The fate of the garment
Icons in Soviet times are unknown. At present
time place icons over the trinity gate with
The parties of the Alexandrovsky Garden occupy the clock, and with
Kremlin's side - the same empty architectural
Niche, reminiscent of the kyot.
Until 1935, the top of the Tower Vedligar State
The coat of arms of Russia -Unglazy eagle. To the next
The date of the October Revolution decided
Remove the eagle and install on it and other main
Kremlin's Gold Plated Travel Towers
Self-color stars. Two-headed eagle Troitskaya
The towers turned out to be the oldest - 1870
years of manufacture and teams on bolts, so
dismantling it had to be disassembled on top
and Kutafia Tower,
tower. In 1937, a foolish self-auction star
1883-1905 year
Replaced with modern ruby.

Kutafia Tower

Kutafia (Premoty) Tower - the only
The preserved branch bass styling of the Moscow Kremlin. Located
Opposite the Trinity Tower, in front of the Trinity Bridge.
The tower was built in 1516 under
leadership of the Milan architect Alevision
Fryazin. Low, surrounded by moat and
River Neglinnaya, with the only goal,
which in moments of danger tightly closed
The lifting part of the bridge, the tower was Grozny
obstacle for the precipitated fortress. She is
There had fools of the plantar battle and machine.
In Starina Kutafya, like other Kremlin Towers, ended
Curour teeth and taut chopping roof. In 1685 she was crowned
An openwork "crown" - parapet with white-named items. In the XVIII century
The arch was disassembled by the arch.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the River Neglinnaya
was highly raised by dams so water
Survived the tower from all sides. Enter the tower
From the side of the city it was possible only by inclined
bridge. Currently the bottom of the tower
Filed: its initial height above the level
land was 18 meters; Now - 13.5 meters.
There are two common versions.
Origin of the name "Kutafya": from the word
"Kut" - shelter, angle, or from the word "Kutafya",
Denotsed full, ridiculous woman.
However, the first one seems very doubtful
Since the name "Kut" would have formed the name
"Kunty", but not "Kutafya".
In 2011, on the parties to the tower began
modern pavilions that, for fears
cultural heritage preservation specialists
distort the historical appearance of the monument.
The appearance of the Tower
Perestroika in 2012.

Corner Arsenal Tower

Angle Arsenal Tower (Dogkin) - the most powerful
Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. She completed defense
Line from the Red Square and controlled
By crossing the river Neglinnaya to the trade.
Established in 1492 by the Italian architect Pietro
Antonio Solari (about 1450-1493). From the moment
buildings for a long time tower
called a dog in the nearby yard
boyar dogs; The current name received after
Construction in the XVIII century Arsenal Buildings.
Original Dog's Tower was the highest
Kremlin Tower. In the past, she did not only
Defense functions. In the tower was dug a well,
which in the case of siege could use a garrison
fortress. From the corner of arsenal tower was a secret
the move towards the River Neglinnaya, and its hexadecimal volume
had seven rows of bolery; The move and focus was laid,
Arsenal Tower
probably in the 1670-1680s during the device
expanding the book base attached
semicircle to the original wall.

In 1672-1686 erected over the tower
octaigrated tent on a step base,
who ended in openwork octume with
Tatrick and weather vane. In 1707, Peter I during
Moscow preparation for defense from the Swedes gave
order to fasten the remaining unlocked five
tier tower boosters for installation
artillery. In 1812, in the explosion of French
The troops of Arsenal in the walls of the tower were formed
Cracks and collapsed a sentigious tower. Soon tower
was restored in former forms
Architect O. I. Bowe. In 1894 was
Repair tower, alteration of interiors and
Its device for the placement of Moscow
provincial archive. In 1948-1950 in the course
Restoration of the tower were restored in
Initial forms located in six
Ambrusura levels.

Average Arsenal Tower

The average arsenal tower (previously - faceted) -
The Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, located on the northwestern side of the Kremlin Wall, stretched
Along the Alexandrovsky Garden. The tower is built in
1493-1495 on the site of the corner tower
Time Dmitry Donsky. In the XV-XVI centuries near
Towers on the River Neglinnaya were dams. In the 1680s
She received completion - Open Chetverik with
four-sided taters finished through
a cloth with a tutor.
Your current name tower received when
The construction of the Arsenal building at the beginning of the XVIII century.
Previously it was called face - from the dismembered
On the face of the facade. In 1821, when broken down
Alexandrovsky Garden at the foot of the Tower
Project O. I. Beauvais was built with a fishery grotto. Arsenal

Nikolskaya Tower

Nikolskaya Tower is one of the Moscow towers
Kremlin, overlooking the Red Square. In the tower
Located Nikolsky Gate of the Kremlin. Until the end of XV
century, that is, before the creation of Red Square, from
Nikolsky gate began Nikolskaya Street.
Tower height: Star - 67.1 m, with star -
70.4 m.
Built in 1491 by the Italian project
Architect Pietro Antonio Solari. Most
It is likely that the name tower received on the icon
St. Nicholas Wonderworker, placed on
Eastern facade. A number of researchers believe that
The tower was named Monastery Nikola Old,
who was near the ancient Nikolskaya

In the fire of 1737, the Nikolskaya Tower burned down and after recovery
Under the leadership of I. F. Michurina acquired a baroque decor, as well as
The initial design of arsenal. By 1780 the tower was
K. I. Zamanka Round rolling with a low tent.
In 1805-1806, the tower was overhauled
architect A. I. Ruska, together with A. N. Bakarev: the former
The superstructure over the four was replaced by a gothic top-viewer with a high white-named tent and openwork
Decorations. Gothic appearance is the main difference of Nikolskaya
Towers from other towers of the Kremlin.
In 1612, it was through the gate of Nikolskaya and Spassk
The militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma
Minin on November 1 solemnly entered the Kremlin (October 27 was
An agreement was signed on the surrender of the Polish garrison). In antiquity, on
The tower was placed hours, the last mention of which belongs to

1883 year

Tower, October 11
Nikolsky Gate,
November 1917
1883 year

Senate Tower

Senate Tower - one of the towers of Moscow walls
Kremlin. Located on the eastern side of the Kremlin
Between the Spasskaya and Nikol Tower.
Built in 1491 by architect Pietro Antonio
Solari. The name tower received after graduation
Construction in the Kremlin
In 1787, the Senate Palace. Until that time
Special name did not have. In 1680, over the tower was
A stone shutter crawled
Golden weather vane. Inside the tower has three tiers
vaulted premises. Tower height 34 meters.
In 1918, the completed commission was installed on the tower
Sculptor S. T. Konyenkov's board "Falling for peace and
Brotherhood of Peoples. " In the 1920s, the board was removed and
He was transferred to the Russian Museum. In 1924 before the tower
On Red Square was built by the Mausoleum of Lenin. AT
1948 from the tower was a passage to Mausoleum,
In order for the members of the CPSU Central Committee to pass on the stands
Right from the Kremlin, bypassing the Red Square.
View of the tower with
Red Square

Spassky Tower

Spasskaya Tower (previously - Frolovskaya Tower) -
Coming to the Red Square One of 20 towers
Moscow Kremlin. Located in the tower
The main gate of the Kremlin - Spasski, in the tent tower
Famous clocks are installed - chimes.
Initial Name Tower -
Frolovskaya - comes from the Church of Frol and Lavra
On the meat street, where the road from the Kremlin led
through these gates. The church has not survived to our
The gate was renamed to Spass
under Aleksa Mikhailovic, April 17, 1658.
The new name of the gate was associated with the icon of the save
Smolensk, written on travel
Gate from Red Square, and with icon
Savior of the delicious, who was above the gate
from the Kremlin. Behind them is the name
Inherited the whole tower.
View from red


Spasskaya Tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan
III architect Pietro Antonio Solari, what the white-named plates are evidenced by
With memorable inscriptions installed on the entrance gate of the tower. With exterior
Parties tower inscription made in Latin; With the inner - in Russian. Before
The construction of the existing tower at this place was Frolovsky Sagitney
Belocamena Kremlin 1367 years. When repairing Strelnica in 1464-1466
V. D. Yermolin installed on it white-named reliefs depicting patrons
Moscow Princes - Saints George Victorious and Dmitry Solunsky; these
Reliefs moved to a new tower, where they were located until the XVII century.
In 1508, through the tower over the tower wooden bridge. Already at the end of the XVI century
The tower walked wooden top with a double-headed eagle. In 1624-1625
English architect Christopher Galoney with the participation of the Russian Master Bazhen
Ogurtsova erected over the tower multi-tiered top in the Gothic style (in the fifth tier
There are arkbutans) with elements of manherism (incorporated nude statues "DOOLS"), whose shared solution goes back to the tower of the Town Hall in
Brussels (finished in 1455), ending with a stone tent. Fantastic
figures - decor element - with Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich whose nudity is shameful
Covered specially sewn cloth caps. In 1628, the figures strongly
burned during the fire and were removed from the tower. In the middle of the XVII century to the main
The Kremlin Tower was dropped by a double-headed eagle, which was the coat of arms of the Russian
states. Subsequently, the two-headed eagles appeared
On Nikolskaya, Trinity and Borovitsky Towers.

SPASSKY Gates were the main of all Kremlin and always worshiped saints.
Through them could not be riding, and men passing through them should
were shooting hats in front of the savior written on the external
side of the tower illuminated by the restless lamp; This custom has been preserved up to
XIX century. The one who dismissed the Holy Rules should have done 50 Earth
Poklov. For the image of Sven Smolensky, the criminals sentenced to death,
which were executed on the frontal place. SPASSKY GATOR was a front entrance to
Kremlin. From the sacred gate went on the battle of the shelves, and here they met foreign
ambassadors. All the goddes from the Kremlin walked through these gates, all rulers of Russia,
Starting with the king, Mikhail Fedorovich, in front of the coronation, solemnly passed through
them. There is a legend that when Napoleon drove through a spas gate in
Captured by Moscow, then the gust of the wind pulled his famous tri-fingell. For
The retreat of the French army from Moscow Spasskaya Tower was ordered to blow up
However, the bisted Don Cossacks have extended already litiot.
On the left and to the right of the Space gate were always chapels. Left stood a chapel
Great Council Revelation (Smolensk), right - the Great Council angel
(Spasskaya). Chapels are built by stone in 1802. In 1812, they were destroyed and
Restored by a new project. In 1868, during the restoration of the Spasskaya Tower
Architect Project P. A. Gerasimov, chapels were dismantled and re-built. 22.
October 1868, new tent one-eyed chapels were consecrated. Both chapels
belonged to the Pokrovsky Cathedral. The duties of the prisons of the chapel included care for
Non-2013 lampada at the Sunset Sunset Icon. Both chapels were
demolished in 1925.

Tsarskaya Tower

Tsarist Tower - the youngest and smallest
The Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, constructed in the 1680s.
Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but by the stone, the tent,
Put on the wall. On the plans of the end of the XVI - early XVII
century on the site of the modern tower is shown four-headed
The volume crowned with low tent completion is likely
Wooden. The name of the tower is associated with the legend in which
Tsar Ivan IV (Terrible) loved to observe from here for events,
We happened on Red Square. But the legend remains
legend, Ivan IV could hardly be lifted here because
Stone tent was built after him.
Modern octaigrated tent on the bunny
Pillars built in the 1680s. White belts on
pillars, high pyramids in the corners with gilded
flags, tent ending with gilded elegant
Wheel, - All this gives the tower a fairy tale terme.
It is known that the bells of Spassky were previously located on the tower
Nabata - Kremlin Fire Service. In the bottom
tier tier exists an arched pass-cutting passage, which is
Continuing the chassis of the Kremlin Wall. Tower Good
Keep your original forms.
View of royal
With Vasilievsky

Nabotaya tower

Nabataya Tower - Tower of the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin.
Located on the slope of the Kremlin hill
Opposite the church of Vasily blissful. Name
comes from the Spassky Nabatny
Bell served for fire alarm.
This preserving ancient tower forms was
Built in 1495. Main Chetverik
Ends with parapet machines. His inside
Consists of two tiers: lower with flat overlap
and numerous premises, stairs and
Pieces that provide access to the walls and top
With a closed arch.
In 1676-1686, the year was prescribed on the tower
Upper arched fourth and tent with observation tower.
Chetverik is open in the cavity of the tent. Details and decoration
View of the tower
Upper Chetserik and Tent (Brick semi-colonels
with red
Chetserik and looking tower with blonde
capitals and belly) remind
Completion of arsenal tower.

Nabot bells of the Kremlin

Total in the Kremlin there were three nailed bells: Spassky (on the Battle Tower),
Troitsky and Tainitsky.
By decree, Alexei Mikhailovich from 1668, violent signals were
In the event of a fire in the Kremlin "beat all three Nabaths in both edges, the Poscro"
With a fire in the China City "beat into one Spassky Nabath in one edge, soon"
in a fire in the White Town - "beat to Spassky in both edges and in Nabat that
Troitsky Bridge in both edges of Potiche
With a fire in the earthen city beat to Nabat on the Tainytskaya Tower "Quiet custom"
In 1771, during a plague riot, the rebels hit the Spassky Nabat and
Thus gathered Muscovites to the Kremlin. At the end of the Bunta Catherine
II ordered to remove the language of the bell. Over 30 years old, the bell saved on
tower without language. In 1803, the bell was moved to Arsenal, and in 1821 - in
The weapon ward, where and now hangs in the lobby.
The inscriptions on the bell report: "1714 of July 6 poured this vulgar
The bell from the old violence of the bell whose Kremlin of the city was crashed to
Spassk gate. Weight in it 150 PUD "," Lil This Bell Master Ivan Motorin. "

Konstantino-Elenin Tower

Tower (previously Timofeevskaya) - Tower
Walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located on Eastern
Side of the Kremlin, above the Beklemishev Tower.
The tower was built in 1490 by Italian
Architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazine)
On the site of Timofeevsky gate of white
Kremlin Dmitry Donsky. Modern Tower Name
Received after the construction nearby in the Kremlin in XVII
The age of the Church of Konstantin and Elena (disassembled in 1928).
The tower was designed to protect the entrances to
Pier on the Moscow River and the nearby streets of the Great
Posadov, going to the side of the charge: ALMSHA
(now Barbarka) and the Great (later who became Mokrinsky
Lane, and now and completely disappeared). Initially
Konstantino-Elenin Tower was a pass, with
lifting bridge through ditch and tenacious shooter
(Additional tower connected to the main bridge). View of the tower
With Vasilievsky
After 1508, the second rejected

In the 1680s over the main square chime, arched
Chetserik with slender toll riding. After loss at the end of the XVII century
The Great Street of its Gate value was closed, and the tap
Strelnitsa and the lower tower tier turned into prison. In 1707.
The brainits of the Konstantino-Elenin Tower were raised for more
Powerful guns. In the XVIII century, the grooves and the bridge and the bridge were demolished.
Arch of the laid gate, partially closed late layers, so far
pores are clearly visible on the facade of the Tower from the side of Vasilyevsky descent, as well as
Deeperation for the comradized icons and traces of vertical slots for levers
lifting bridge.
On the top platform of the main four are machines, inside
It is divided into two tiers, blocked by brick vaults. First tier
previously served for travel, and the second was used for service
premises. Rise to the top platform of the tower - by
The thickness of the wall is a narrow staircase.
The tower was restored in the 1950s and 1970s.
Thimofeevsky gates located in antiquity on site
Konstantino-Elenin Tower, Dmitry Donskaya left in 1380
on the Kulikov battle.

Beklemishevskaya Tower

Beklemishev Tower (also known
As Moskvoretskaya) - Tower of the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin.
Located in the southeast corner of the Kremlin triangle,
Near Moscow River and Moskvoretsky Bridge. Name
Comes from the courtyard Boyarina I.N. Beklemisheva, who was
Located inside the Kremlin near the tower. After execution
Beklemisheva Vasily III yard together with the tower
As a prison for an optocobal boyars. Located near the compound
Moscow river with moat, the tower performed important
defensive function, covering, among other things, Brod and
Crossing through Moscow river.
The High Round Tower was built in 1487-1488
Project of the Italian architect Marco Ruffo. Main
The cylinder is located on a white-edged base with semicircular
Roller in the articulation site. The tower has four tiers with
The possibility of circular shelling: three tiers of round vaulted
premises and upper tiers where the machine is arranged and combat
playground. The tower was arranged a well and a cache-ear for
Pilp prevention. In 1680 over the main cylinder
An octarique was prescribed with a narrow tent and two rows
rumors. The tower tower does not have internal overlaps.
View of the tower
with Moskvoretsky

Under Peter I in 1707, the tower was
Re-equipped for defense against
Swedes. In particular, the tower loins were
raised to install in them more
powerful guns (restored in source
when restoration in 1949).
Beklemishev Tower - one of the few
Kremlin towers that are practically not
Rebuilt. After invasion
Napoleon Beklemishev Tower was
Repaired. Also, during the assault
Kremlin Bolsheviks in 1917 top
Tatrick was shot down by a projectile (in 1920
Restored by architect I.V. Rylsky).
View of Beklemishevskaya
Tower with bell tower temple
Saint Sophia

Petrovskaya Tower

Petrovskaya Tower (also Ugrest) - Tower

Next to the Beklemishev Tower. Names occur OT
Foreigner of the Ugreshsky Monastery with the Church of Peter
Metropolitan, which from XV to the XVII century was
Located within the Kremlin near the tower.
This tower, externally different from the neighboring
The towers, rejected again many times. The first time
the construction of the Petrovskaya Tower is definitely unknown
It is assumed that it was erected with other towers
South Walls in the 1480s. During Polish
Interventions of Troubles Tower was destroyed
Shoots from guns in 1612, then erected again.
When restoring the tower in the completion of its main
A quadricular volume staged false machines. AT
1667 Church was arranged in the tower. In 1676-1686.
For years on the main four of the tower were prescribed two
new fourthics and low tent; Supported
Chetveriki got different from other towers
Decoration: in the framework of windows and in the corners of the volumes were
Mincons introduced.
View of the tower
With Kremlinovskaya

The tower was dismantled in 1770 (according to some sources, in 1771
year) when preparing the construction of the Bazhenovsky Big Kremlin
palace; At the same time, the foundation of the Ugreshsky Monastery was destroyed
Together with the church of Peter Metropolitan adjacent to the tower. In 1783.
The Petrovskaya Tower was restored.
In 1812, the tower was blown up by retreating French; In 1818.
It was restored under the supervision of the architect O. I. Bov.
The volume of the Petrov tower is somewhat stretched from north to south. Tower
Completed by an eight-marched pyramidal tent. Nizhny Chetverik
ends with false cars, the top is framed by eaves and
half-colonels on the corners.
Although the Petrovsky Tower was erected "for better view and strength ",
It was used for the economic needs of the Kremlin gardeners.

First nameless tower

First Nameless Tower (powder) - Tower
Walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located in the southern part
Kremlin Wall, passing along Moscow River, east
From the Townist Tower.
This simply in architecturally tower has been touched
re-many times. The first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547.
the tower collapsed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion
The powder warehouse arranged in it. In the XVII century was
erected anew, and on the main thing, he was prescribed
Second tent tier. The tower was dismantled in 1770 at
Preparation of the building V. I. Bazhenov Big Kremlin
Palace. After stopping the construction of the palace in 1776-1783
years tower with a wall between her and the second nameless
The tower rebuilt in a new place, closer to Tenitskaya
tower. In 1812, the tower was blown up by retreating
French. In 1816-1835 was restored under
View of the tower
Observation of the architect O. I. Bov.
With Kremlinovskaya
The tower ends with a simple four-headed pyramidal
Shatter. The inside of the tower is formed by two tiers
vaulted premises: lower tier with a cross arch and
Upper tier with closed arch. Upper Chetverik is open in
The cavity of the tent.

Second Unnamed Tower

Second Unnamed Tower - Tower
Walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located in the southern part
Kremlin Wall, passing along Moscow River,
East of the first nameless tower.
The tower was built in the 1480s as an intermediate
Tower of the South Side of the Kremlin. In the 1680s over
The main fourthist was joined by a cross-cutter and
Quadruple tent with a sentigious tower,
Eight-marched tolkit and vane. At the beginning of XVIII
Century in the tower were laid down the gate later. Like I.
Many other South Wall Towers, Second Unnamed
The tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation
Building Bazhenov Big Kremlin
Palace and after the cessation of the construction of the palace
rebuilt again.
The inner part of the tower includes two levels.
on the tower
premises; The lower tier has a cylindrical arch, and the view
With Kremlinovskaya
Upper - closed, with platforms. Upper
Chetserik disclosed inside the tent.

Tainitskaya Tower

The Townitskaya Tower is one of 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin,
Central Tower of the South Wall of the Kremlin. First in time
Buildings of the Kremlin Tower - it is with the Townist Tower
The construction of modern walls and towers began.
AT last years XV century Ivan III conceived restructuring
towers and walls of the Kremlin. The beginning of this construction is closely
associated with the name of the architecture with the Italian roots of Anton
Fryazin. Italian architect arrived in Moscow in 1469
year as part of Sweets of Polish Cardinal Vissarion for
Preparation of Marriage Ivan III and Sofia Paleologist.
In 1485, Anton Fryazin laid the tower ("Strelnitsa")
On the spot of Czech (Chushkov) Gate of the fortress 1366-1368
years, providing inside the well-cache and hidden
access to the Moscow River, in connection with which the tower was called
Tianitskaya. When taking a tower, the architect was used
brick. Some authors consider it the first use view of the tower
Brick in the fortress construction of Moscow. But,
With Sofia
"Brick Shooter" (apparently, on the spot of the Nabataya Tower) of the Embankment
existed in the Kremlin already by the 1450s.

The tower played an important role in the Defense of the Kremlin from the river. She had
Travel gates and a taping shooter, equipped with lifting
mechanism and connected with a stone bridge. Later on the tower
On duty were sent to the clocks that were observed behind the zamoskoreshore and the bell signals
Let's know about fire. Until 1674, there were hours with a battle on the tower.
In 1670-1680, the Russian masters erected over the four of the tower of the tower
Stone top - Outdoor arched fourth, completed
Quadruple tent with observation tower.
Until the XVIII century on the Moscow River, opposite the Tainitsky gate was arranged
Jordan on the feast of the Epiphany. Royal access to Jordan was one of
The most magnificent ceremonies.
In 1770-1771, due to the estimated construction of the Kremlin
Palace on the project V. I. Bazhenova, the Tainytskaya Tower, like the three neighboring
Unnamed towers, disassembled, and in 1783 they restored, but rejected
The shooter acquired a new form. (Wed. Picking and Mahaev engravings with
Watercolor camospise).
In 1812, during the retreat of Napoleon's troops from the Kremlin, the tower
I suffered from the explosion, repaired in 1816-1818.

In 1862, on the project of one of the family
Artists of Campion (A. S. Campioni)
The shooter was also renovated. Before
1917 with Sagittarius Tanytsky Tower
Kremlin's shot was made daily
Alarm gun noting Muscovites about
Afternoon occurrence - similar to tradition
Shot of the Petropavlovsk cannon in St. Petersburg.
In 1932-1933, Strelnitsa again
Disassembled. Then the travels were laid
Gate and loosened well.
Tanytsky Tower S.
Gateway in the XIX century

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower - Moscow Wall Tower
Kremlin. Located in the southern part of the Kremlin Wall,
passing along the Moscow River,
Between the waterfront and taneytsky tower. Name
associated with an appeal icon, which, according to legend,
miraculously manifested on the northern wall of the tower in
The reign of John Grozny.
The tower was built alleged in 1487-1488
years; In the 1680s above the main four
Stone four-walled tent with decorative sentiginal
The lower fourthics of the tower ends with machines,
Playground for defense and parapet. Domestic
The space of the lower four has a form
wrong four-broth and blocked closed
Arch. Middle Arched Celebration With Wide Windows
separated from the tent flat overlap. The same flat
Overlap separated tiers inside the tent. In Starina B.
The tower also existed underground floor, now
half-plated There is a suggestion that the lower
Part of the tower is the balance of the Belocameamy Kremlin 1367
View of the tower
With Sofia

In 1731, the church was attached to the tower
Annunciation on the project of the architect G. Shedil. For
This sentient tower of the tower was redone in
bell tower with seven bells, and the fluger is replaced
Cross. The tower was renovated in 1866. WITH
1891-1892 Annunciation Tower
was used as a chapel of the church, at the same time
There were rates in large windows.
In 1932-1933 during the restoration of the tower
architect N. D. Vinogradov Blagoveshchenskaya
The church was disassembled, raised loopholes on
The facades are narrowed, the cross is replaced with a vane.
Near the Blagoveshchensk Tower (from the side
Water Tower) in the Wall of the Kremlin until 1831
There were so-called porthoe gates,
Through who went ashore of the Moscow River to
Porto raft for washing "ports" - linen.
The remains of these now laid gates are noticeable with
The inner side of the Kremlin Wall.
Under Ivan Grozny in the Blagoveshchensk Tower
Prison was placed.
Blagoveshchensky Tower
and the church portal
Gate at the beginning of XIX
century (right)

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"Towers of the Moscow Kremlin" prepared: Educator GBOU VLG №1389 Repina Anastasia Viktorovna

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya) Tower located near the Connection of the Moscow River with the moat, the tower performed an important defensive function, covering, among other things, the ferrod and crossing the river. The High Round Tower was built in 1487-88. According to the project of the Italian architect Marco Ruffo. The height is 46.2 m. The tower was arranged a well and a cache-rumor to prevent the subpople.

Konstantino - Elelenian (Timofeevskaya) Tower Tower was built in 1490 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazine) at the Timofeevsky Gate of the White Kremlin Dmitry Donskoy. The modern name tower received after the construction near the Kremlin in the XVII century. Konstantin and Elena church (the church was dismantled in 1928). The tower was designed to protect the entrances to the pier on the Moscow River and nearby streets.

Nabataya Tower The name comes from the Spassky bell hanging on it, which served for fire alarm. This preserving ancient tower forms was built in 1495. Height 38 m.

The tsarist tower of the Tsarist Tower is the youngest and smallest Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, constructed in 1680. Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but a stone Terem, the tent vested on the wall. Once there was a small wooden turret, with which, according to legend, King Ivan IV (Grozny) loved to watch the events that took place on Red Square - hence the name of the tower. Height 16.7 m.

Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) Tower tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan III architect Pietro Antonio Solari. SPASSKY Gates were the main of all Kremlin and always worshiped saints. Through them could not be riding, and the men passing through them had to shoot hats in front of the Savior. Chorans's dials with a diameter of 6.12 m are out of four sides of the tower. The height of the Roman digits is 0.72 m, the length of the clockwise direction is 2.97 m, minute - 3.27 m. Tower height 71 m.

The Senate Tower of the Senate Tower was built in 1491 by the architect Pietro Antonio Solary Tower name received after the construction of the Kremlin in 1787 by the Senat Palace. Until that time did not have a special name. In 1948, a passage to Mausoleum was taken from the tower. Tower height 34.3 m.

The Nikolskaya Tower was built in 1491 on the project of the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. It is most likely that the name tower received on the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, located on the eastern facade. In 1612, it was through the gate of the Nikolskaya and Spassky towers, the people's militia, led by Prince, Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma, the Kremlin solemnly joined the Kremlin. In antiquity, the clock was placed on the tower, the latter mention of which refers to 1614. Height of 70.4 m.

The angular arsenal (dog) tower was erected in 1492 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (about 1450-93). From the moment of construction, for a long time the tower was called a dog in the nearby Yard Dogian boy; The current name received after the construction in the XVIII century. Arsenal buildings. Initially, the tower was the highest tower of the Kremlin. In the past, she performed not only defense functions. A well died in the tower, which in the case of siege could use the garrison of the fortress. Height 60 m.

The average arsenal (faceted) tower tower was built in 1493-95. At the site of the Corner Tower Time Dmitry Donskoy. The Tower's current name was received by the construction of the Arsenal building at the beginning of the XVIII century. Previously, it was called face - from the facade dismembered on the verge. The height is 38.9 m. In 1821, when he was broken down by the Alexandrovsky garden at the foot of the Tower on the Project O. I. Bov, the entertainment grotto was built.

Troitskaya Tower Troitskaya Tower is the highest tower of the Kremlin. The tower was built in 1495-99. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin. The height of the Tower Currently, together with the star from the Alexander Garden, it is 80 m. The Trinity Bridge, protected by Kutafia Tower, leads to the gate of the Troitskaya Tower. The tower gates serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. The Russian Orchestra of Russia is based in the Troitskaya Tower. In 1658, his current title was obtained in 1658 by the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the foundation of the Trinity Monastery.

Kutafya Tower is the only preserved Kremlin from the premissive towers (not embedded in the wall, but served to protect leading bridges in the fortress). Built in 1516 by Aleviz Fryazin. It is located opposite the Troitskaya Tower, connected to it by an inclined bridge. The name comes from the word "Kut" - "Shelter", "Corner". Height 13.5 m.

The commendant (criang) tower tower was built in 1495 by the Italian Alevis Fryazin. In the XIX century The tower was called "Commandant", when near the Kremlin, in the racing Palace of the XVII century. Commandant Moscow settled. Height 41.25 m.

Weapon (stable) tower at the beginning of the XVII century. She had a travel gate to a stable yard in the Kremlin. Hence its ancient name. The tower was built in 1493-95 years. The tower was obtained in the XIX century. According to the building built on the territory of the Kremlin, the building of the Armory Chamber. Height 38.9 m.

Borovitskaya (Forerovskaya) Tower The name of the tower, according to legend, comes from an ancient boron that onceed one of the seven hills on which Moscow is worth. The Borovitsky Tower was built by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. In the XVI-XVII centuries. Through the Borovitsky tower went into the economic part of the Kremlin - to the residential and stable courtyards, isolated from the front part of the fortress by the wall, built in 1499, the height of 54 m.

Water-building (Sweetov) Tower was erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton Fryazin. The current name was obtained in 1633 after installing a water-made machine, made under the leadership of Christopher Galovee, to supply water from Moscow-River to the Kremlin. It was the first water pipe from the tanks set in the upper tier tiers. Water from her was held "in the sovereigns of a hearty and fodder palace", and then in the gardens. Height 61.25m.

The Blagoveshchenskaya Tower name comes from the "Annunciation" icons previously existing on the tower. The Blagoveshchenskaya Tower was used as the peel of the church, while the loopholes were raised into large windows. The tower was built alleged in 1487-88. Near the Blagoveshchensky Tower (from the side of the water tower) in the Wall of the Kremlin until 1831 there were so-called porthoe gates that provided access to the bank of the Moscow River to the port of a port rode for the washing of "ports" - linen. The remains of these now laid out the gates are noticeable from the inside of the Kremlin Wall. With Ivan Grozny, a prison was located in the Blagoveshchensk Tower. Height 32.45 m.

The Townitskaya Tower with the Tenitsky Tower began the construction of the existing Kremlin walls and towers. In recent years, XV century Ivan III conceived the restructuring of towers and the walls of the Kremlin. In 1485, Anton Fryazin laid down the tower ("Strelnitsa"), providing inside the well-cache and hidden way out to the Moscow River, and therefore the tile was called Tynitsky ... When taking a tower, a brick was used for the first time for serf construction. This innovation was the beginning of the full update of the Moscow Kremlin. Height 38.4 m.

Right nameless tower for the first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547, the tower collapsed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion of the powder warehouse arranged in it. In the XVII century It was erected again. Height 34.15m.

The second nameless tower tower was built in the 1480s as the intermediate tower of the South Side of the Kremlin. At the beginning of the XVIII century. In the tower were laid down the gate later. Like many other South Wall Towers, the second nameless tower was disassembled in 1771 when preparing the construction of the Bazhenov Big Kremlin Palace and after the cessation of the construction of the palace rebuilt. Height 30.2 m.

Petrovskaya (Ugreshkaya) Tower The time of the first construction of the Petrovskaya Tower is definitely unknown, it is assumed that it was erected along with other towers of the southern wall in the 1480s. In 1667, the Church was arranged in the tower. The tower was disassembled in 1770 (according to some sources, in 1771) in the preparation of the construction of the Bazhenov Greater Kremlin Palace; After the cessation of its construction, rebuilt again in 1783, but without the Church. In 1812, the tower was blown up by retreating French; In 1818, the architect O.I. was restored Bovy. Height 27.15 m.

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Beklemishev Tower Beklemishevskaya Tower (also known as Moskvoretskaya) - Tower of the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Built in 1487-1488 for the project of the Italian architect Marco Ruffo. The main cylinder is located on a white-edged crook with a semicircular roller in the articulation. The tower has four tiers with the possibility of circular shelling: three tiers of round vaulted rooms and upper tiers, where the machine is arranged and a combat site. The tower was arranged a well and a cache-rumor to prevent the subpople. In 1680, octague with a narrow tent and two ruma rumors was prescribed above the main cylinder. The tower tower does not have internal overlaps. Located in the southeastern corner of the Kremlin triangle, near the Moscow River and Moskvoretsky Bridge. The name comes from the courtyard Boyarina I.N. Beklemisheva, who was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. After the execution of Beklemishev Vasily III yard together with the tower was used as a prison for an optocobal boyars. Tower height - 46.7 meters. Located near the compound of the Moscow River with the moat, the tower performed an important defensive function, covering, among other things, the ferrod and crossing the Moscow river.

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Petrovskaya (Ugreshkaya) Tower is located in the Kremlin Wall, passing along the Moscow River, next to the Beklemishev Tower. The name comes from the foundation of the Ugreshsky Monastery with the church of Peter Metropolitan, which from the XV century to the XVII century was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. In 1771, to liberate the place for the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the monastery was destroyed. Tower height - 27.15 meters. This tower, externally different from neighboring towers, was rejected again many times. The time of the first construction of the Petrovskaya Tower is definitely unknown, it is assumed that it was erected together with other towers of the southern wall in the 1480s (some sources indicate 1485-1487).

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The first nameless tower of this simple in architectural relation to the tower was rebuilt many times. The first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547, the tower collapsed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion of the powder warehouse arranged in it; In the XVII century, it was erected again, and the second tent tier was prescribed on the main thing. The tower was dismantled in 1770 when preparing the construction of the Bazhenov Big Kremlin Palace; After the cessation of its construction, it was rebuilt in a new place, closer to the Tenitskaya Tower, in 1783. In 1812, the tower was blown up by retreating French; In 1816-1835, he was restored by the architect O.I. Bov.

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Second Unnamed Tower. The tower was built in the 1480s; In the 1680s, a four-frame tent with a sentigious tower was used above the main four. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the goal was laid later in the tower. Like many other South Wall Towers, the second nameless tower was dismantled in 1771 in the preparation of the construction of the Bazhenovsky Big Kremlin Palace and after the cessation of the construction of the palace rebuilt. Height - 30.2 meters. Above the Upper Ferry of the Tower is an eight-marginal shutter with a fluger; The upper four is open inside the tent. The inner part of the tower includes two levels of premises; The lower tier has a cylindrical arch, and the upper - closed.

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The Taneytskaya Tower in recent years of the XV century Ivan III has conceived the Great Perestroika towers and the walls of the Kremlin. The beginning of this construction is closely related to the name of the architecture with Italian roots (Anton Fryazin). The Italian architect arrived in Moscow in 1469 as part of Sites of Polish Cardinal Vissarion for the preparation of Marriage Ivan III and Sofia Paleolog. Anton Fryazin in 1485 laid the Kremlin Taneytsky Tower and used for the first time for serf construction brick. This innovation was the beginning of the universal update of the Moscow Kremlin. In 1670 - 1680, the Russian masters erected over the fourthist of the tower - an open arched fourthist, completed by a tetrol tent with a banding tower. The height of the tower is 38.4 meters. Until the XVIII century on the Moscow River, in front of the Tainitsky gate, Jordan was arranged on the feast of the Epiphany. The royal access to Jordan was one of the most magnificent ceremonies. In 1770 - 1771, in connection with the construction of the Kremlin Palace on the project V. I. Bazhenova, the Tainitsky tower was dismantled, but then restored.

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The Blagoveshchenskaya Tower name comes from the "Annunciation" icons previously existing on the tower. Tower height - 32.45 meters. The tower was built alleged in 1487-1488; In the 1680s, a stone tetrahedral tent with a decorative pediatric tower was prescribed above the main four. The lower fourthics of the tower ends with a cleaner, a platform for defense and parapet. The inner space of the lower ferechka has the shape of an incorrect quadrilateral and overlapped with a closed arch. The average arched fourth window with wide windows is separated from the tent flat overlap. The same flat floors shared tiers inside the tent. In the old day there was also an underground floor in the tower, now semi-plated.

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The water tower is located on the corner of the Kremlin Embankment and the Alexander Garden, on the shore of the Moscow-River. Erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton Fryazin (Antonio Gilardi). The name of SVIblov Tower comes from the boyars surname Sviblov, the yard of which was adjacent to the tower from the Kremlin. Tower height - 61.25 meters. One of the most beautiful buildings of the Kremlin. The current name was obtained in 1633 after installing a water-made machine, made under the leadership of Christopher Galovee, to supply water from Moscow River to the Kremlin. From here and the modern name is water. It was the first water pipeline in Moscow from the tanks put in the upper tiers. Water from it was carried out "in the sovereigns of a hearty and fodder palace", and then in the gardens.

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Borovitskaya (Forerotcheskaya) Tower comes out to the Alexander Garden and Borovitskaya Square, located next to the big stone bridge. The name of the tower, according to legend, comes from an ancient boron, which once covered one of the seven hills, on which Moscow is worth. On another legend, the tower received its name from the builders of the Belocameamy Kremlin at Dmitry Donskoy - built this part of the residents of Borovsk. Tower height - 54 meters. Before the construction of a modern Borovitsky tower in her place there was another, having the same name. This is evidenced by the record of building in 1461 by the Church of John the Forerunner "on Bor", where it was written that this church was standing at the Borovitsky Gate. The new Borovitskaya tower was built by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari during the repair of the Kremlin in 1490, by order of Vasily III (Architect in 1490 arrived from Milan to Moscow).

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The weapon (stable) tower is located between Borovitsky and the Commandant Tower on the north-western side of the Kremlin Wall, today stretching along the Alexander Garden. At the beginning of the XVII century, she had a travel gate to the stable courtyard in the Kremlin. Hence her an ancient name. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters. The tower was built in 1493-1495. It is not excluded that the Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin (old) took part in its construction. In 1676-1686, the tower was sustained with tent riding and to date well retained its medieval forms.

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Commandant (Clavymaya) Commandant Tower (deaf, criangle) Tower on the northwestern side of the Kremlin Wall, today stretching along the Alexandrovsky Garden. He was called before the Kolymaya via located near her, the Kolymaya Yard in the Kremlin. In the XIX century, the Tower was called "Commandant", when close to the Kremlin, in the funnaya Palace of the XVII century, the commandant of Moscow settled. Tower height - 41.25 meters. The Commandant Tower was built in 1495 by the Italian Alevis Fryazin. In 1676-1686, this tower, like everyone else, was injected with decorative tent riding.

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Troitskaya Troitskaya Tower Tower (earlier - Risapor, Znamenskaya, Kareny) - Tower with gates in the middle of the northwestern Western Wall of the Moscow Kremlin, addressed to the Alexandrovsky Garden. Troitskaya Tower is the highest tower of the Kremlin. The height of the Tower Currently, together with the star from the Alexander Garden, it is 80 m. The Trinity Bridge, protected by Kutafia Tower, leads to the gate of the Troitskaya Tower. The tower gates serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. The Russian Orchestra of Russia is based in the Troitskaya Tower. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanian (ITAL. ALOISIO DA MILANO). The tower was called differently: the Risapoiren, Znamenskaya and Kareny. I received my current name in 1658 by the name of the Trinity Saving of the Kremlin. In the two-story base of the tower in the XVI-XVII centuries, a prison was located. From 1585 to 1812, there were hours on the tower.

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Kutafia Tower Kutafia (Preparable) Tower - Tower opposite the Troitskaya Tower, at the end of the Trinity Bridge. Is a barbacan. The height of the tower is 13.5 meters. The tower was constructed in 1516 under the leadership of the Milan architect Alevis Fryazin. The low, surrounded by the moat and the River Neglinnaya, with the only goal, which in the moments of danger tightly closed the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable obstacle for the precipitated fortress. She had fools of the plantar battle and machine. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the River Neglinnaya was highly raised by dams, so that the water surrounded the tower from all sides. The initial height of it above the ground level was 18 meters. You could enter the tower from the side of the city only by inclined bridge


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