Miraculous wonders of the world. Wonders of nature - it's hard to believe! Grand Canyon, North America

Seven wonders of nature November 28th, 2011

The Swiss New7Wonders Foundation has published a very unexpected list of the new seven wonders of nature. Contrary to popular belief about the most beautiful places on our planet, the list natural wonders very little-known locations were included. The winners of the competition were determined by public voting. It seems that people are already tired of the old wonders of nature and have chosen new ones that are not so popular in geography textbooks.

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

The name of the bay itself is translated from Vietnamese as “where the dragon descended into the sea.” By beautiful legend O. Halong was created by a huge dragon, which hollowed out valleys and hollows of various shapes with its tail, and then plunged into the depths of the sea in eternal sleep. Locals They still believe that a dragon sleeps in the bay.

The bay includes more than 3,000 islands, as well as small rocks, caves and cliffs. total area unique world heritage UNESCO area exceeds 1500 square kilometers. The terrestrial and underwater world of Ha Long Bay is characterized by high biodiversity.

Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

The waterfalls are located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. national parks"Iguazu." Both parks have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The name Iguazu comes from the Guarani words "y" (water) and "guasu" (big). Legend has it that God wanted to marry a beautiful Aboriginal woman named Naipú, but she ran away with her lover in a canoe. In anger, God cut the river, creating waterfalls, condemning the lovers to an eternal fall.

Jeju Island, Korea

Jeju is the most big Island and the smallest province of South Korea. Here is the Hallasan volcano, the most high mountain V South Korea, the height of which is 1,950 meters.

Komodo Island, Indonesia

An island in Indonesia with an area of ​​390 km². Its population is only 2 thousand people. It is part of the Komodo National Park. The Komodo dragons that live here are especially famous. Coastal regions of the sea are popular place for scuba divers. Many tourists come here from Bali to see the unique terrestrial and underwater flora and fauna of Komodo.

Puerto Princesa Underground River, Philippines

An underground river flows near the Philippine city of Puerto Princesa, on the island. Palawan. In the area where it is located, a National Park and a nature reserve located 50 km from the city. The river flows underground, in a cave, towards South China Sea. Its length is about 8 km. The cave has several large grottoes; many stalactites and stalagmites are also formed here. A similar river is known on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, but this one is recognized as the largest.

Table Mountain, South Africa

Table Mountain is so named because it looks like a table, but it also looks like a chest, a piano, a wall—whatever you want, least of all a mountain. Its sides seem smooth, while through a telescope one can see large ledges, irregularities and depressions; but they disappear in the enormity of the block. If you peer into the potholes of Table Mountain, washed by channels and forming a view, you will notice the so-called “table legs”. At this distance, what from a distance seemed like moss and grass were entire forests of bushes and trees. The whole mountain, taken indivisibly, seems like some kind of gloomy, dead, silent mass, and yet there is a lot of life there: farms and gardens climb onto its base; Baboons nest in the forests, snakes swarm, jackals and wild goats run around.

Amazon river

The world's largest river in terms of basin size, depth and length is a true miracle of nature. The Amazon basin is also home to the world's largest tropical rainforest. The vast area is home to more than a million different species of plants and animals, and this area, without exaggeration, can be called the world's genetic fund.


These are the most important natural places world, which were determined as a result of a worldwide popular vote. They were: Amazon and Amazonian jungle, Halong Bay, Iguazu, Jeju Island, Komodo, Puerto Princesa Underground River, Table Mountain National Park...

The project started in December 2007. Until July 7, 2009, the nomination and preliminary selection of candidates took place. As a result, a list of 77 candidates was formed. On July 21, 2009, the competition's expert council selected 28 finalists from among them, who were admitted to general voting. Voting continued until November 11, 2011. During this time, more than 1 million votes were cast.

So, on November 11, 2011, the day of “three eleven,” new seven wonders of nature were announced. They became:

1. Amazon River and Amazonian jungle (Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Peru, Suriname, Guiana, Ecuador)

2. Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)

3. Iguazu Falls (Argentina, Brazil)

Most of the waterfalls are located within the territory of Argentina (length 2100 m), but from Brazil (length 800 m) there is a good view of the Devil's Throat. The waterfalls can be observed from a height of 160–260 meters, so this waterfall is higher than Niagara, but inferior in width to Victoria Falls.

4. Jeju Island (Republic of Korea)

5. Komodo National Park (Indonesia)

6. Puerto Princesa Underground River (Philippines)

Table Mountain is located in the Republic of South Africa southwest of the central part of the city of Cape Town on south coast Stolovaya Bay. Table Mountain is one of the visiting cards of the city. After being recognized as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature, it was turned into a tourist attraction. There is a cable car from the mountain.

Video review of some natural wonders of the world

Ha Long Bay:

Iguazu Falls:

Jeju Island:

For almost four years, votes have been selected for the best natural wonder of the planet. More than four hundred protected areas were included in the list of contenders for the seven new wonders of the world. natural areas peace. As a result of popular voting, 7 new wonders of the world, seven amazingly beautiful territories of the planet received the right to the final selection.

Natural wonders of the planet - seven wonders of the world

1. Iguazu Falls is located among bizarre piles of rocks, on the border of two countries - Brazil and. Huge streams of water make noise, foam, break up into millions of splashes, sparkling, forming several rainbows. The river has 275 waterfalls along its entire length, the highest flow falling from a height of 72 meters.

2. Mysterious places in Halong Bay are called “the place of dragons.” Straight out of the emerald waves of the South China Sea rise scattered unusual outlines of rocks, reminiscent of a Dragon, a Man's Head, Roosters, and a Sail. These colorful islands have many caves and grottoes. The slopes are covered with forest, steep and difficult to access, mostly uninhabited. There are more than a thousand of them. Salty sea lakes are hidden behind the limestone ledges of the rocks.

3. The Amazon River winds its way through the territories of several countries. It has an incredibly huge water pool, which becomes even larger during the rainy season, spreading over a width of about one hundred kilometers. What makes the pool unique is the Amazonian thickets - it is basically an impenetrable jungle. The number of species of flora and fauna is endless. One of the wonders of the river is the huge, round, green water lilies.

4. The Indonesian island of Komodo is magnificent, with a beautiful coral reef consisting of tiny marine invertebrate inhabitants. Miracle Islands - Big dangerous monitor lizards living on it. The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard on the planet and hunts quite large animals.

Komodo Island

5. Jeju Island in South Korea, created by nature from basalt lava, with the once formidable Hallasan volcano and many wonderful parks - beautiful place For . The island is transformed in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom.

Jeju Island

6. Beautiful protected areas of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines, where a large underground river. It starts in one of the caves, which has many stalactites and stalagmites.

Puerto Princesa

Droplets of water, penetrating into the underground caves from above, form relief piles consisting of limestone crystals - stone icicles. Those that hang on the roof of the grotto are called stalactites, and the candles that grow on the floor are called stalagmites. Some stalactites grow sideways and upward, sometimes connecting and forming bizarre columns.

7. Tall mountain range– Table Mountain in the Republic of South Africa, with the top cut off by a table, a flat plateau with the peaks of the 12 Apostles and Devil’s Peak. Climb to the top unusual mountain possible by cable car. From the height of the ridge one can see protected places, Mountain Lake, the ocean and the city of Cape Town are visible in the distance.

The nature of our planet is so amazing and beautiful that when we travel, we discover new horizons for ourselves every time, most beautiful places, countries and cities are all new wonders of the world.

Everyone has definitely heard about the legendary 7 wonders of the world - the greatest creations of mankind - in childhood, even if not everyone can remember them in order. And although most of the monuments from the history textbook will no longer be able to be seen, people have managed to compile, to the delight of tourists, many other, alternative, lists of outstanding attractions that have survived to this day.

Ancient wonders of the world

The first attempts to highlight the exceptional achievements of mankind in the list of wonders of the world took shape in the written heritage of ancient Greek authors, starting from the Hellenistic era. The “selection” of the main monuments of all times occurred gradually.

Thus, Herodotus was one of the first to compile a historical list of “miracles”: in his “History” we talk about three grandiose structures on the island of Samos - a mountain tunnel, a dam and the temple of Hera.

Soon, other thinkers expanded the list to seven attractions: seven in ancient Greece was considered a holy number and was an indispensable attribute of the solar gods and myths about them.

Classic "7 Wonders of the World" Ancient world, familiar to many from the school curriculum, are historically associated with the empire of Alexander the Great - the second half of the 4th century BC. e. Of these, two attractions were ancient Egyptian, four were located in the territories Ancient Greece and one - in Mesopotamia (or more precisely - in Babylon).

The Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest, the first wonder of the world and the only one that has survived to this day. Part of the pyramid complex in Giza - the main attraction of Egypt.

Legendary Babylonian Hanging Gardens Semiramis, the second wonder of the world, supposedly existed from the end of the 7th century BC. e. until the 1st century BC e., destroyed due to floods.

The temple statue of Zeus at Olympia, reaching about 12-17 meters including the pedestal, was made of ivory, ebony and gold, and stood for about nine centuries: from 435 BC. e. until the 5th century - burned down in a fire.

The ruins of the fourth wonder of the world, Artemis at Ephesus (from the 6th to the 4th or 3rd centuries BC), are now included in the Turkish city Selcuk (near Izmir).

Of the lost landmarks, the most enduring was the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Unusual for the mid-4th century BC. e. The architectural monument existed for 19 centuries: it was destroyed by an earthquake, then partially dismantled for building materials. The ruins of the mausoleum can be seen in Bodrum, Turkey, which is the current name for the city with the historical location of the fifth wonder of the world.

Earthquakes caused the death of two more ancient wonders: the bronze statue of the Colossus on the island of Rhodes (lasted only 65 years, destroyed in the same 3rd century BC) and Alexandria lighthouse in Egypt (the seventh wonder of the world, collapsed in the 14th century).

Panorama Google Maps"At the foot of the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)"

New seven wonders of the world

The list of new wonders of the world, each of which continues to amaze tourists, was compiled in the first decade of the 21st century, in 2001-2007. Currently, this is the most famous of such ratings and therefore, along with the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is the main must-see landmark for tourists actively traveling around the world. It was compiled by a specially created non-profit foundation, The New 7 Wonders of the world, based on international voting using the Internet and other means of communication. Some 100 million votes were taken as part of the selection of attractions, but since the conditions allowed for multiple votes, the list became questionable almost immediately after publication.

One of the undisputed leaders of the list is the Great Wall of China. It stretches across the north of the country for almost 9 thousand kilometers, and taking into account the ruins - more than 20 thousand kilometers. The most famous landmark of China is organically integrated into the landscape and truly represents impressive sight. Several areas are open to tourists. The most popular is Badaling, connected by transport to Beijing.

The ancient Colosseum is an iconic landmark of Rome, its signature silhouette. This amphitheater, a masterpiece of architectural thought from the 1st century AD, was declared a wonder of the world almost immediately after its creation by the Roman poet Martial, his contemporary.

The symbol of Rio de Janeiro - the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado - blesses the city, extending its arms over it from above. At night, the illuminated figure of Christ is clearly visible from almost any part of the city, however best view it appears from Mount Pan de Azúcar. In the list of the new 7 wonders of the world, the statue erected in honor of the centenary of Brazilian independence is the youngest attraction, its age is less than a hundred years.

Lost in the middle of the desert in Jordan, Petra, the capital of the ancient kingdoms of Idumea and Nabatea, opened to Europeans only in the 19th century. The main attractions of Petra, " stone city", - crypts carved into the red sandstone rocks and the rock temple of El Deir.

The pearl of Muslim architectural art in India is the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque in Agra, built in the 17th century by the will of the padishah Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. It is not surprising that today the Taj Mahal is considered not just an outstanding architectural and spiritual monument, but also a symbol of love. Every year, the marble complex becomes a place of pilgrimage for millions of people from all over the world.

The lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, is located in what is now Peru. This sixth new wonder of the world was created as a sacred mountain refuge when the Incas ruled Pachacutec in the mid-15th century. However, the high mountain city remained inhabited for less than a century - until the invasion of the Spaniards, who, however, never reached it. The worldwide discovery of the Incan “city among the clouds” occurred only in 1911. Many mysteries of Machu Picchu remain unsolved; they still haunt researchers.

Completes the list modern miracles light is the legacy of the Mayans, another lost civilization of America. Holy City Chichen Itza in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula was founded around the 7th century AD; the Toltecs who captured it later contributed to the architecture of the complex. It is not known exactly why such a developed city was deserted at the end of the 12th century. The complex of surviving Chichen Itza monuments includes pyramid temples, gaming “stadiums,” ruins of colonnades, a sacrificial well, and an observatory.

According to New7Wonders, the company that organized the international competition, there were initially about 440 places on the shortlist, but seven provisional winners have now been selected. Official results will be announced early next year, but for now the list of seven seats that received more than a million votes is as follows.

1. Iguazu Falls, located on the river of the same name, is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. They extend over 2,700 meters in length, forming a series of semicircular shapes. Of the 275 individual waterfalls that together make up Iguazu Falls, the highest is the Devil's Throat.
2. The water here falls from a height of about 80 meters. This wonder of the world is located on the border of the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentine province of Misiones and is surrounded by two national parks. Both parks are subtropical forests that are home to hundreds of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.
3. Amazon and Amazonian jungle
4. The Amazon Rainforest, also known as the Amazon, the Amazon or the Amazon Jungle, includes 7 million square kilometers of impenetrable jungle, spread out across the Amazon Rainforest, also known as the Amazon, Amazon or Amazon Jungle, includes 7 million square kilometers of impenetrable jungles spread across nine countries. The Amazon is home to more than half of all the tropical forests remaining on the planet and is one of the richest in flora and fauna.
5. Jeju Island or Jeju (Cheju-do) is geographically located in the Korea Strait, 130 km from the coast of the Republic of Korea. Jeju-do is of volcanic origin, which arose about 2 million years ago. The area occupied by the island is 1845 square meters. km. The island is home to the Hallasan volcano, which is the most high point countries (1950m). Hallasan is surrounded by 360 small satellite volcanoes.
6. Jeju-do is famous for the magnificent system of lava tubes (caves) Geomunoreum, created during a volcanic eruption 100 - 300 thousand years ago. There are five caves. The temperature in the caves is about 11-21°C. The Jeju-do tunnels are decorated with natural stone stalactites and columns. The only natural lake in the country is located in the volcano's caldera. There are waterfalls. The climate is predominantly subtropical. Jeju Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
7. The underground rivers of Puerto Princesa and the national park of the same name are located about 50 kilometers from the city of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. An impressive feature of this place is the mountain with an 8.2 kilometer long underground river. In addition to its “underground” nature, this river is also beautiful because, upon exiting the mountain, it flows directly into the South China Sea.
8. The river-cave is decorated with numerous stalactites and stalagmites, as well as several large grottoes. This is the longest underground river in the world. The mouth of the cave is lined with ancient trees growing right next to the water, and the beach near the entrance to the cave provides shelter for various animals.
9. Komodo National Park is geographically located between the islands of Flores and Sumbawa, Indonesia. The park includes three islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar and several smaller islands.
10. The total area of ​​the park is 75 thousand hectares. The park has a fairly diverse flora and fauna. Including the Komodo dragon (Komodo dragon), the largest lizard on Earth. Komodo National Park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
11. Ha Long Bay (Ha Long) is located on the coast of the South China Sea, Vietnam. Ha Long is known for the fact that there are many islets of various sizes and shapes (including “sculpted” ones) scattered throughout the bay. There are about 2000 islands, made of limestone. 12. Ha Long Bay means "Bay of the Descending Dragons". Also in the bay you can find caves and grottoes, and admire stalactites and stalagmites. Ha Long Bay is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
13. Table Mountain or Tafelberg is located on the coast of Table Bay near Cape Town, South Africa. Table Mountain rises 1086 m above sea level, with vertical slopes and a flat top, hence the name of the mountain. The mountain consists of several famous sections.
14. Table Mountain proper plateau, Devil's Peak, Twelve Apostles Peak, Lion's Head Peak. As a landmark of Cape Town, Table Mountain attracts tourists from all over the world. You can climb the mountain by cable car.

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