Closeup of amusement park in Italy. Amusement parks in Italy

Founder of the Legend Park - Italian (Livio Furini). As a child, he was mastering magic locks from cardboard. They embodied in reality after he saw American Disneyland and wanted to give Italy something like this: a fleet for family entertainment. Being a successful merchant, he found 200 million lire for his dream park. Gardalande was built in six months in the town of Castelnuovo del Garda.

Then, 40 years ago, there were 15 original attractions in Gardaland; After 10 years, they broke into the thematic areas: Sunken Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Knight's Middle Ages, Hawaiian Islands, Space space, Country of cartoons, etc. In 2006, the English concern Merlin Entertainment bought the popularity of Gardaland.

On July 19, 1975, the doors of this complex were opened, which is Gardaland Park Amusement Park (Gardaland Park), aquarium (Gardaland Hotel), a total area of \u200b\u200b445,000 square meters. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Gardaland Park belongs to the Italian Livio Furini (Livio Furini), who dreamed of creating a place where the whole family and people of all ages could have fun together.

Amusement parks began to develop in Italy in the mid-60s of the last century, it is during this period that the first entertainment zones for family holidays appear: Edenland, built in Naples in 1964, and fiabiland, which opened a year later in Rivadzurra (Rimini). At first, both of these fleet were simple enough and offered for the most part rides of the moon park and carousel for the smallest.

In the mid-1970s, a group of entrepreneurs from Veneto, engaged in the field of entertainment, went to California. Inspired by the success of Disneyland, returning, they decided to unite their efforts and create something similar on the shores of Lake Garda. So Born Gardaland, created according to the American Disneyland.

Over time, the amusement parks in Italy continued to develop, taking all new forms and directions, so the aquatic, zoological, training, adventure, thematic parks appeared. Currently there are about 140 in the country: from very small, which are managed by individual families, to international parks, such as Gardaland, Mirabianland and Rainbow Magicland.

Every year, Italian entertainment parks attend about 10 million people, which brings 350 million profits. The most visited (and the most profitable) park is Gardaland, one year in it seek to visit more than 3 million people. This is the most attractive place for tourists in the north of Italy and the third on attendance in the whole country (after the Colosseum and the Vatican Museums).

Gardaland - History

I would like to note that the main feature of this park is to divide it on thematic territories, which in the park for 2014 there are already ten: Egypt, Atlantis, the Middle Ages, Europe of the last century, Hawaii, Burma, East, Far West, Fiction, Space.

There are 33 attractions on the territory of the park, each of which is equipped with a photo and video. All attractions are surprised by their beauty, and a variety makes it possible to choose something to choose something.

  • Eurochocolate from April 1 to April 13 from 10.00 to 18.00: this season was first opened in 2013, dedicating Extra opening the topic of chocolate and sweets.
  • Magic Season from April 14 to July 26 and from September 10 to September 28 from 10.00 to 18.00: Magic Summer Season
  • Magic Night from July 27 to September 9 from 10.00 to 23.00: Magic Nights
  • Magic Halloween on weekends October and November from 10.00 to 18.00: Magic Halloween
  • Magic Winter from 10.00 to 18.00: Magic Winter

On the territory of the complex there are 5 restaurants:

  • Il COVO Del Bucanieri - a typical restaurant Fast Food located on 2 floors, decorated in English style;
  • Fast Food Blue Tornado - Another Fast Food is presented as a small military airport;
  • Pizzeria Saloon - Pizzeria in a cowboy style;
  • Lo Nada Del Corsaro Nero - a restaurant with an external terrace;
  • Self Service Aladino - Cafe with self service

The hotel located on site creates amenities for visitors who have decided to stay for several days. The variety of room design surprises its imagination, but the cost of the rooms cannot be attributed to an economical option, so our trip lasted only one day. In this case, the statement is appropriate: "Would you like to get into a fairy tale, be prepared to spend money"

Any transport will lead you to the Gardaland Amusement Park, but, in my opinion, the most convenient way of movement is a personal transport or a train: the park is 2 kilometers from Peschiera del Garda station, the railway line Milan-Venice, and provides a free shuttle service ( Navetta), who will take you from the station and takes to the park itself.

Gardaland, Via Derna, 4, 37014, Castelnuovo del Garda, Verona, 39 045 644 9777

The complex can be divided into three territories:

  • Territory of attractions;
  • Gardaland SI Life Aquarium;
  • Hotels Garadaland and Garadaland Aventure.

To deal with the rides zones, you need to find a park card that is on the company's official website. The Fantasi zone will be marked with blue, adventure - green, adrenaline - red.


Gardaland is a thematic amusement park, which is part of the 15 most visited thematic parks in Europe. His solemn discovery took place on July 19, 1975, and the creator of the park is considered to be Kommersant Livio Furini from the city of Pescier del Garda. At first, in Gardaland, there were few attractions, but they differed in originality and therefore had a great success among the public.

Gardaland (Gardaland) - the third most popular amusement park in Europe, built in 1975 in Northern Italy on the eastern shore of Lake Garda. Gardaland is divided into the themed zones of Birmania, Hawaii, Atlantis, Egypt, Wild West, East, Middle Ages, Fiction, Space. And the most popular attractions are the classic roller ridges, V? Mammoth and blue tornado.

Gardaland - the most privileged amusement park in Italy, the most popular attraction of which is considered a blue tornado

Rainbow Magicland is an entertainment park, located just 60 km from Rome, presents an excellent opportunity to get rid of the moment of painful questions than to take their children for the whole day. Here are full of interesting attractions for any age and taste, and one of the most sought-after attractions is read by shock ,. formed about the well-known "American" slides, sometimes called "Russians" here.

The main attraction of this park, many consider SHOCK

Mirabianland is one of the largest parks of attractions in Europe, Mirabianland, occupies an 850,000 square meter territory. meters approximately between the city of Ravenna and popular resort Rimini on the Adriatic coast. Around the park and directly on its territory there are luxurious gardens that surround three picturesque lakes.

Currently in Mirabianland works more than forty super-modern attraction and 7 thematic regions

Miradzhika is the main entertainment fleet of the southern part of the mainland Italy, located 25 km north of Bari. Here you will find about 20 attractions, the most interesting of which are American slides and a free fall tower.

Miradzhika - one of the best entertainment parks in southern Italy

In addition to the above parks, it is worth noting Movieland entertainment park in Verona Province, Minital-Lelandland Amusement Park not far from Bergamo and Magic World, located just a few kilometers from Naples.

In the resort area of \u200b\u200bRimini is the Fiabiland Park, which focuses on families with children under 9 years. This is a imperious Italian version of Disneyland in a bright greenery, where you will find the villages of the Wild West, Lake Dreams, Pirate Galeon, Merlin Castle and many other attractions.

more than 30 fun rides await children in fiabilandide!

This is a zone of blue attractions called Fantasy Kingdom. Children walk here from 2 years. For them, the entrance is free. Here they entertains the green dragon PREZZEMOLO, entering the main mascot. He also has friends. This is a wizard of Aurora, bat Mouse, Panda Bambu, Pagui Chaika and Tiger Tiger T-GEY.

Red zone. Here you can already come to the elder visitors, and everyone should be the growth of each should be at least 155 cm.

  • Shaman. It offers virtual reality technology. In it, visitors will go on a hill with a double loop.
  • Raptor. Some believe that there is no other next to be near this attraction. Passenger cabins ride a cave at a speed of 90 km / h. On the way there is up to three dead loops And a dangerous lizard trying to get to his victim. As a bonus, the illusion of the risk of collision with an obstacle is created.
  • Blue Tornado. A slide with five loops and a plot accompanied by the illusion of free fall.
  • Space vertigo. A trip from the height of a 10-storey house with a free fall.
  • Oblivion The Black Hole. During the trip, the passenger will experience a fall in a black hole and will see the merge of two galaxies.

Note! Because of the large number of queues, you can not have time to visit all the attractions. Approximately 5 hours leaves to experience at least three of them. It is recommended to stretch the weekend for about 2 days.

Cool up the staircase in a baroque style, expanding the visitor as a triumphal path between the curbs from roses and irises and stone statues.

Gardens Villa Gamberamia

The beautiful villa was erected in 1610 by the Architect of Gambelli. She combined modesty and luxury. Oak groves are preserved, an ancient wall, surrounded by a park, a greenhouse with orange trees, as well as the statues of mythical monsters. During the war, the central building was destroyed. Under the village of Town, the ruins are resting, but the stone lion still protects the well-willed Tuscan valley.

Villa Park Lantte

The synthesis of a richly conceived parquet with terraces climbing higher and higher under the crown of century-old plane fees, a variety of fountains, the wealth of floral shades, the decorativeness of the entrance gate and the simplicity of the facades of the casino, the comparative safety of fountains and buildings give this villa an extraordinary charm.

Vignanlo Castle Park

Virgin beauty spreads the park with Vinthanello Castle. Its rectangular territory crosses the tracks placed in the right geometric order, along which the bushes of the Laurel, Samshat and Lavrosishi grow.

Garden Nymphs

The picturesque garden of the nymph is more chaotic, dotted with paths curling between stones and water.

Garden di Kolimberta

Thematic Amusement Parks of Italy - Abstract, Tourism Section, European Theme Parks Themed Amusement Parks Italy. Park "Akvafan" is located in Riccione and ...

Thematic amusement parks of Italy. Park "Akvafan" is located in Riccione and replete with water attractions and discos for adults and children. This is the largest water park in Europe. It includes five heated pools with artificial ocean waves, Water slides, solarium, pools with hydromassage, picnic area. The park is not only entertaining, but also sports, on its territory there are sites for beach volleyball, football, basketball and roller skating.

Bich Village Park is located in the same area, a little inferior to Aquafana in size, but is located on the beach. In addition to the splashing on ordinary slides and in the pools, there is an opportunity to work out with recreation aerobics, aqueous gymnastics and other beachpeed sports.

On the territory of the park you can ride water bikes, surfing and catamarans. For young children, games in children's pools and a mini club with babysitters are organized. Mirabilandia Park is located near Rimini and Riccione and is a huge territory covered by a blooming greens. Tens of rides, including the American roller, circus and a 3D cinema hid in a pleasant shadow.

There you can see the presentation of cascaders on cars and ballet on ice. The theme park "Italy in miniature" near Rimini represents many Italian art monuments reproduced on a scale of 1:25. Miniature buildings are surrounded by real colors and trees. In a small Italy, you can walk endlessly.

According to the miniature canals of Venice, the most real gondolars ride visitors on the gondolas. And for the tired visitors on the territory the monorail road was laid. Children do not have to miss, there are many attractions and entertainment programs for them.

Fiabiland Park is full of miracles. He is in Rimini, covered with greens and combines a variety of bright areas: from the Wild West to the town where Pinocchio lives, he is Pinocchio. There are no fairy tales on this, at any moment Superman can fly past you, and the Merlin wizard will be killed near the wonders.

This is one of the best parks of this type, which has a huge amount of attractions for both children and adults. All entertainment here are divided into 4 zones on topics and age categories of visitors and are appropriately designated on free map, issued with the entrance ticket.

For the smallest ("red" zone) a tree will be interested in which the dragon predarol, 16 fantasy attractions, colorful area fabulous characters Kingdom, Transgardian-Express Review Cruises and Panorarsk-tour, Piter Peng Pavilions, Superbayby, Alice in Wonderland, "Aladdin Cave," Mary Poppins "," Games-Area "," Video games, as well as all sorts of trolleys, ships, airplanes, etc.

The most extreme adventures begin in the "orange" zone "Adrenaline" - here there are all sorts of "Russian slides" and carousel, "magic house" with a complex mechanism for moving interior, simulator "Blue Tornado", various "Tarzanka" and racing routes for the most Exotic means of movement - in general, everything that can like and adult.

In the park you can find a huge number of restaurants and snack bars, shops and halls of slot machines, there are own dolphinariums and theatrical platform, discos and musical shows. And connect all this together the miniature railway and the suspended cata plate with original "standing" cabins. 5. The role of thematic parks in the development of international tourism is the popularity of thematic parks as recreation sites will increase every year.

The European entertainment market is quite developed.

The history of entertainment parks goes back to the time of medieval Europe, where the gardens of pleasure opened at the end of the main cities in the spring.

The European market is divided into two types of parks, those that have developed for many years and those that were specifically conceived and built as thematic parks. Currently, entertainment has become a global industry with huge, rapidly growing incomes. A special place in this industry is occupied by thematic parks.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthematic parks originated in Europe at the end of the Xih century. On the World Exhibition In Brussels, first appeared a corner of attractions (from Franz. Attraction "attraction") carousel, ferris wheel. A little later in Paris, the world's first attraction on a literary basis "from a cannon on the moon" appeared. Visitors one by one climbed into the close "spacecraft", enveloped them smoke, and then the lunar landscape appeared behind the porthole. Together with the carousers located in the neighborhood, they began to call the moon park.


This amusement park near the equal one was solemnly opened on July 4, 1992. In the first years of its existence, he did not use much popular, primarily due to inept leadership. However, in 1996, the Mirabilantia acquired a commercial group of Loffelhardt Cazoli, which, with the help of large investments, was able to update and diversify the park by opening a large number of New attractions, among which, for example, the longest American slides "Katun" in Europe.

Recently, they were added to them and the highest American slides in Europe "Divertictile". In total, there are 37 attractions in the park, there is a circus, 4D cinema, constantly organized views and performances for guests of the park, including speeches of cascaders, theater on ice, laser show, fireworks.

In Mirabianland. Photo

The number of visitors to Mirabilandia is constantly growing. In 2003, Mirabilandia Beach appeared next to the theme park - a water park of entertainment, which immediately won the success of the public, thanks to the low input price, and the "Second Day - Free" shares. Mirabianland is divided into seven thematic areas located in the greenery of trees around the central lake. Here everyone will find entertainment to their taste, some of the attractions are unique and exist only here.


Miragica Entertainment Park (Miragica) appeared in 2009 in the city of Molfette (25 kilometers north of Bari), it covers an area of \u200b\u200balmost 100,000 square meters and consists of 19 attractions. The most interesting of them are American slides "Senzafiato" (without breathing), the tower of the free fall of 47 meters high, rotating American slides "SPACCATEMPO" (breaking time), as well as 4D cinema with special effects in the hall, and many other attractions for children and their Parents.

Italy in miniature

The ITALY Park in Miniature, located near the resort of Rimini on the east coast of Italy, is one of the oldest and most famous such parks in the world. The huge territory of the park repeats the outlines well to all the famous Italian "boots"., Where all Italy appears before you, only small - from 1:50 to 1:25. Italy in miniature is a cross between a museum and amusement park.

Italy in miniature includes more than 250 models of natural and architectural attractions of Italy

The theme park "Italy in miniature" is on the Adriatic coast in Viserbe, north of Rimini. The initiator of the creation of this fleet was IVO Rambaldi, after sawing similar parks in other European countries. For the embodiment of the idea, it took three years of work and 300 million lire (150,000 euros).

The exhibits of miniature Italy. Photo

Opened Park on July 4, 1970. At first, his exhibition area was 20,000 square meters, there were 50 miniature attractions in the proportion of 1:25 and 1:50. Over the years, to attract more public, some ordinary attractions appeared next to the miniature Italy. Nevertheless, the main goal of tourists who come here is to inspect 272 miniature monuments, located on 85,000 square meters of a park area in one day.

You can travel through this park on a gondola, which is five times less than real Venetian. You can play in the scientific moon park, ride the rides "Canoe" and "Sling Shot" and look at the miniature Italy from above, from the height of the monorail road "Rainbow". And since 2007, those who wish can participate in water battles in the cannonacqua attraction.

The exhibits of miniature Italy were used to shoot many films. Every year the park is attended by more than 500,000 tourists. In the nearest future, Italy in miniature is planned to expand.


In this zone, you can watch different marine creatures. It can be sharks or starfish. In addition, Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium regularly spends marine animals. Visitors will feed sharks, watch dolphins and just walk around the vicinity of the aquarium.

Important! It is better to pre-purchase tickets on the official website, because it is possible to save about two or three euros.

Gardaland on the map of Italy

Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium is an underwater park, located next to the main territory of Gardaland. There are 13 maritime habitats in 40 huge aquariums. You can observe the life of thousands of sea creatures from sharks to marine stars. Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium organizes views, they are held in a strictly defined time:

  • 11:00 am and 15:00 - feeding sharks, visitors can participate in it;
  • 12:00 and 16:00 - representation with dolphins;
  • 13:00 and 17: 00- Tour of aquariums.

You can clarify the opening time of the aquarium on the Gardaland Park website, in the "Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium" section on the Attività Speciali page: The cost of visiting aquarium - € 11 adult ticket; € 8 - Children, if you buy online. In the box office, tickets will cost respectively € 16 and € 10.5.

Pheasanolandia and Zoosafari

Phazanolandia entertainment park is located in Pheasano in Brindisi Province (Apulia) and includes more than 25 rides, as well as views and carousels of different types, calculated for the whole family. Among the most interesting attractions - traveling through water on boat-logs "African River", rotating slides "Spinning Madness", the tower of the free fall of 30 meters of the "satellite", inverted slides "Red Mirage", as well as 4D cinema, "Flying House" , Swimming on rubber boats and much more.


All attractions in Gardaland can be held at one entrance ticket:

  • Online ticket - € 33 *;
  • Adult pass in the box office - € 40,5 *;
  • For children under 10 years old - € 32 *;
  • For adults from 60 years - € 34 *;
  • Family tickets - € 102 *, € 136 * and € 170 *;
  • Combined ticket to Park and Aquarium - € 43 / € 45 *.

In Gardaland there are such subscriptions:

  • ONE-ABONNEMENT for € 55 * for the whole season;
  • Super- One-Abonnement for € 63 *;
  • Abo-Premium for € 75 with the possibility of unlimited on the park and aquarium;
  • Abo-VIP for € 85.

In 2019, prices are installed: Subscriptions:

  • AbBonamento One - € 55. The possibility of visiting the park and aquarium from April 21 to December 31, 2019.
  • Abbonamento Premium - € 75. Benefits: free entrance in the park and aquarium, free parking; discounts for snack in pizzeria; use of the pool in the park (Blue Laguna - Blue Lagoon); 10 rapid tickets giving the right to visit attractions without a queue.
  • ABBonamento VIP - € 85. All the benefits of previous subscriptions are added any express tickets to save time in queues.

Gardaland Amusement Park is an amazing country where adventures make a child with an adult, and moms and dads return childhood.

Useful articles and sites

Park mode

Schedule of attractions in the park depends on the season and festive days. Every year there are changes in it that reflects the park calendar.

Note! The schedule is published on the site in the Park Calendar section. Gardaland works almost yearly, but there are some nuances. In winter, the Magic Winter season begins. During this period, the park is open from mid-December and to January 8 from 10:30 to 18:30. In February, the complex is closed. Workers remain Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium, only you can visit it from Friday to Sunday every week.

Magic Season begins on April 8. You can visit the institution from 10 to 18 hours. From June 23, Night IS Magic starts and she will end at the end of the month. In the autumn period, the park operates from 10 to 18, but in October visitors will allow to have fun on the weekend. From October 28 to November 1, Halloween is celebrated. Then Gardaland closes until December holidays.

The Gardaland Park will be interesting not only to children, but also adult tourists who will be able to feel young again.

* Prices are relevant for September 2018.

Amusement Park "Currisian" (Carrisiland)

The cost of the entrance ticket varies depending on the season, age and special offers. At the time of opening the park, the cost of the ticket for the whole day is 37,50 € (33 € when buying online) and 31 € Children up to 10 years old and pensioners after 60 (30 € when buying online). For two days in a row 54 € and 44 €, respectively. And so, what is interesting if your child is less than 1 meter in growth, then the entrance is free!

Special offers for the whole day for the whole family:

  • 88.50 € Family of 3: 2 adults 1 child or 1 adult 2 child (a child is always up to 10 years old);
  • 118.00 € Family of 4: 2 adults 2 children or 1 adult 3 child;
  • 147.50 € Family of 5: 2 adults 3 children or 1 adult 4 child.

The ticket gives you the opportunity to use all the attractions and participate in viewing all performances.

For lovers of active and an interesting holiday It is often offered to buy tours to Turkey, Egypt and Greece, where you can work in a diving or surfing. We suggest you pay attention to the Mediterranean Stretch of Antiquity, Italy, where full-fully entertainment parks, in which you can spend a great time with friends or with the whole family.

Gardalandetot Park is considered one of the largest in Europe, about 40 attractions are located on its territory, as well as a huge number of shops, cafes, carousels and slides. Cafe Here are almost all thematic - cowboy salons or pirate restaurants. There is also a private hotel that resembles an externally house of a real princess.

Older children can do such active recreation as a shooting of Luke, skating, pirate ideas and search for treasures in caves. For real connoisseurs of extreme, it is highly recommended to visit the Blue Tornado attraction with dizzying dead loops.

Mirabiland Park Amusement ranks third in Europe in size - after Disneyland and Port Aventura. The whole park is designed in the marine style, it is already felt when you enter its territory - the gate here look like a barrel journey with skeletons and shells. There are more than 40 rides, a variety of sea slides and other water entertainment. In addition, 4D films are shown in the park and about 10 different shows for children are held. Many visitors here go to swimsuits and smelters.

Fiabilanduity in Italy will allow you to visit one of the oldest amusement parks in the country, here you can find several lakes, Museum of dolls, oriental maze and about 30 attractions. The whole territory is divided into 4 zones here: Peter Foam, Wild West, Middle Ages and East. In addition, there are other thematic corners here - Dinosaur Lair, Star Wars, Exotarium and Snow Whole Valley.

Like Best parks Entertainment in Italy?


This park appeared in the 1980s in Lazie in Verona Province and, gradually developing, turned into a modern entertainment tourist complex, occupying 280,000 sq. M. Square. The park accommodates more than 40 rides and is divided into three different sections dedicated to the world of cinematography: the theme park "Movieland Studios", the water park "Kaneva Waterpark" and a zone dedicated to performances, ideas, cafes and restaurants.

Every year the park becomes more interesting for the public, making focus on bright shows, mechanical attractions and impressive scenery. It is worth mentioning, for example, The Hollywood Action Tower, a free fall tower of 50 meters high, The Tomb Raider Machine, Wind Shear with fire-water special effects, Back to the backstage is a monorail road passing through scenes from horror movies, and other attractions.

Star Wars in Movieland Park. Photo

In "Movieland Studios" you can plunge into the emotions of the most famous films, as well as meet such characters as Rambo, Lara Croft, Zorro, Terminator and many others. In the water zone "Kaneva Aquapark" also reigns a cinematic atmosphere: in this part of the park you can see the Pirates of the Caribbean, and characters from "Malibu Rescuers", and even large volcano from the movie.

This Park, located in Capricate-San Jerwazio in Bergamo Province (Lombardy), consists of five thematic areas: Pirates Coast, Cowboys, Expo-1906, Revival (dedicated to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci) and Actually Minitia, which includes a farm, aquarium and terrarium. The park is famous for numerous ideas that fill the day life of the Lelandland MiniTalia, which take part cowboys, pirates, Peter Pen and other characters.

Minitia. Photo

Magic World Park is located in the city of Juliano-In-campaign a few kilometers from Naples and combines the water park and the amusement park for every taste for all ages. This is one of the largest entertainment parks in the south of Italy, it takes about 300,000 square meters. A variety of rides typical for the moon park are designed for the whole family - from the smallest to the largest and bold, ready to experience free drop and high-speed slides. Park guests are at their disposal - a new large ferris wheel and 5D format cinema.

The water part of the park includes a large swimming pool with waves, a slow river, a pool with hydromassage, "Tropical bay" with slides and water rides for children. Among the most impressive water rides - Anaconda (4 colorful water slides with a height of 12 meters), Big Hole (hill-tunnel with light effects inside), kamikaze (two breathtaking parallel slides with a height of 20 meters), a slide with a multitude of tracks for competitions between friends, FAMILY RAFTING (Descent on Niagara Falls on Special Rubber Boats). In addition, in the water park zone and Malibu Diving Show is a beautiful view with jumping in water from a 25-meter height.

Water attraction Park Magicworld. Photo

The Carrisian Park is located in Apulia, in Taranto Province, and until 2011 was called Kurtipetrizilandia (Curtipetrizzilandia). It includes a wide variety of attractions for children, adolescents and families.

View of the Amusement Park "Curziland". Photo PARKSMANIA.IT.

"Forest zone" area of \u200b\u200babout 300,000 square meters allows you to make a tour (on foot or on little train) Through the jungle, to see the village of Tarzan, visit the mini-zoo, swim in the house in the tree, to visit the world forest fairy tales And in the world of gnomes, as well as look at the dinosaurs of the Jurassic period.

The "entertainment zone" with an area of \u200b\u200b100,000 square meters is devoted to the topic of the Wild West, here you can go to the saloon, ride a pony and slip on horseback to the Indian village and even visit the lair of the robbers, as well as see the music show.

"Curiziland water park" area of \u200b\u200b30,000 sq. M is the water area of \u200b\u200bamusements, where there are pools in Caribbean motifs, water slides for adults and children, rocks with waterfalls, hydromassage, solarium, massage center, and all this is accompanied by ideas and entertainment. For visitors.

Aquafan Water Park (Aquafan)

Akvafan is one of the very first water parks of Italy, built in 1987, and one of the most famous in Europe. It is located in Richchon, not far from Rimini, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b150.000 sq.m. And if you fold the length of all the slides of this water park, then a total of three kilometers of descents, lifts and incredible turns.

In addition to traditional attractions for water parks (water slides, pools with waves, slow and fast rivers), and other original and even eccentric water entertainment are offered to the public: Kamikaze - high hill Of the two lanes with a length of 90 meters, the speed of the descent from which reaches 70 km / h;

Amusement parks and water parks Italy

Villa Park Lantte

Garden Nymphs

Garden di Kolimberta

If earlier, tour products, mostly were non-specialized, with the same characteristics intended for mass tourism, now in the future, the tourist product must be not only diversified, but also to meet the trends in the development of tourist demand, which is aimed at a short multiple stay of travelers within of the year. For these purposes, new concepts are created in many countries to attract tourists.

Here, a considerable role is played by the use of thematic parks of recreation as a tourist product of domestic and international tourism. For example, each of the people in the world Parkov Disneyland (in the States of California and Florida in the United States, in Japan and France) takes 1 million guests in a short period of time. This number of guests is 10% of the total American international tourist flow.

The nature of the subject of the thematic park is directly related to the income and leisure of the middle man.

Waterpark Prato Blu (Blue Meadow) is Montekyari, in the province of Brescia, 15 km from Lake Garda. This is one of the green parks of Lombardy, and represents 120,000 square meters of meadows and trees, and its numerous pools fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. This pool park is designed for a calm, relaxing family holiday, there are no extreme attractions that increase blood adrenaline levels.

The pools of the water park differ from each other in shape, color and its destination: some are addressed only to children, others - for adults, others are designed for the whole family. So, for example, the blue lagoon is the largest water park (1600 sq. M), and for small visitors, a children's pool is located in a depth of 80 cm. Children are having fun, climbing on Geyser, taking a shower of a large mushroom, going down from a slide and running between water splashes.

Ondand is the largest water park in Piedmont, it is located near the town of Wicolongo. The water park was opened in 2005 and offers a series of water attractions for all tastes: there is a pool with an area of \u200b\u200bover 2000 sq. M, where waves up to one and a half meters rise every 30 minutes; In another large pool to the choice of visitors, 14 slides of different heights are presented; One of the newest hills, installed in 2011 - Space Boat.

Water park ONDAIL. Photo

For lovers calm holiday There is a solarium and a slow river, which can be in a hurry to sail on an inflatable circle. The kids are pleased to splash and ride on the hills in the big children's pool, next to which there is a recreation area and for those who accompany their adults. Restaurant and pizzeria work in the water park.

Bari Water Park (Apulia Regity) consists of a variety of pools for every taste and is designed for summer relaxation and entertainment. The Baby pool with a fountain in the form of a mushroom is designed for kids, which are not yet able to swim, which are glad to splash in splashes, and their parents can enjoy the hydromassage built in the picturesque corner of the same pool at the same time watching their children.

Successful guests have a large swimming pool with inclined bottom and high "ocean" waves, which are repeated every 30 minutes. Another exciting attraction is a swimming pool with a slide of different height with a total length of one kilometer. Zones for picnic with tables are adjacent to the pools.

Waterpark Bari. Photo

There are also fields for playing football and futsal, a tennis court, a roller skating track, a playground for children. For guests of the park, musical animations, collective dances, games, performances, karaoke, water aerobics are arranged.

Waterpark Splash (splash), located in Gallipoli (Apulia region), is one of the most popular amusement parks in this region. Immersed in the greens of tropical plants, it covers an area of \u200b\u200b78,000 sq.m. It consists of many different in shape, depth and area of \u200b\u200bpools, as well as water attractions and thematic areas for children and adults.

From the north side to the water park, the theme park "Fabingeandy" is adjacent, in which many other, not water rides. There is a track for mini-cards, trampolines, an inflatable rink, rolling rides "Jumping basketball", "Wonderland", "Water Racing", inflatable attractions, sites for mini-football and beach volleyball, and much more.

Gorki Water Park "Splash". Photo

Special delight in children causes Splash Playground Village - the most real village, created by the size of the child, the thematic zone "Pirate Lair" inspired by the "Pirates of the Caribbean", as well as the Water Battle Rocks zone, where you can fight on water jets.

Throughout the day, interactive representations are held in the park (cabaret, focuses, musical performances, agility competitions, beauty contests, animators' competitions).

This is the largest water park on Sicily, located near the city of Montreal in Palermo Province. The park opened in 1992, its area is 22.000 sq.m. Waterpark Montreal offers its visitors the most exciting and modern water attractions. And to be even more fun, the animators constantly occupy guests of the park with games, fashion show and other entertainment.

Many of the thematic entertainment parks described above, one of the entertainment zones have something like a water park. However, italy has parks specializing in purely water entertainment. As you already probably guessed it, it will go about classic water parks.

Waterpark Aquaphin, located near Rimini, is one of the largest open water complexes in Europe. Here you will find 5 large heated pools and artificial waves, as well as a variety of water slides, artificial beach, picnic zones, scuba diving school and numerous bars.

Aquafun - one of the largest open water complexes in Europe

Prato Blu Water Park is located in the north of Italy in Montekyari, which is 15 kilometers from Oz. Garda. It is considered one of the greatest Italian parks and is more than 100,000 square kilometers of meadows and trees, while its countless pools fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape.

Water Park Prato Blu - these are beautiful landscapes and endless pools

Ondand is the most accumulating Aqua Park in Piedmont, located in the north of Italy near the town of Wicolongo. Water park offers a series of water rides for every taste.

In Ondalend you will find huge waves, a variety of swimming pools, 14 slides with different heights and much more

From the huge variety of water parks Italy, it is still worth allocating a water park in the city of Bari, Splash Water Park in Gallipoli (South Italy) and the largest water park in Sicily Montreal. In addition, many cars are scattered throughout the country, the sets of small water parks, information about which you can find on the Internet.

By the way, in most parks it is better to come on weekdays, although on weekends with the rare exception of wild collisions not too often.

As you can see, in Italy, an uncountable number of entertainment parks and to visit everyone you can hardly succeed. But we hope that our faces will help you choose the park that you will like more!

Etnaland Park (Etnaland)

Ethnialand Park is located near the city of Belpasso approximately 12 kilometers from Catania (Sicily). At first it was a small zoo, which gradually turned into a major amusement park, one of the most popular in Europe. Ethnialand is divided into two thematic zones: water park and dinosaur park.

Park Etnaland. Photo

The water park opened in 2001 consists of 24 attractions, among which "Blue Laguna", "Niagara Falls", "Rafting", "Stormy River", "Big Bubbles", "Giant Sani", "Black Hole", "Red gun "and many others. All of them are located on 8.500 square meters of swimming pools, many of which are designed for babies, and the swimming pool with waves is one of the largest in Europe.

You can move around the park with a cableway with a length of 1.8 km, equipped with 146 cabins capable of transporting 700 per hour. In the dinosaur park you can see in the natural value of 23 prehistoric animals. And the journey along the crocodile river through the jungle and an abandoned mine will admire the figures of crocodiles, elephants, hippopots, flamingos and other animals, also made in full size. A great success among the public enjoy attractions like Jungle Splash, Dragon River, as well as a magnificent laser show.

A welcome sunny Italy offers travelers all kinds of recreation. Tourists meet antique monuments, historical places, cozy beaches and wonderful amusement parks.

Italian amusement parks, photo RomagnaInformazioni

The entertainment industry has rapidly developed in the country from the middle of the last century. The first parks with attractions appeared in the sixties: Neapolitan Ention, Fiabiland in Rivadzurra at the resort of Rimini. Gardaland is a little later, the Italian counterpart Disneyland on the eastern shore of the beautiful Lake Garda.

Time went, and new areas of entertainment and recreation appeared in Italy: thematic and educational, adventure and zoological, moon parks and water parks. Today, almost a half hundred beautifully equipped and equipped entertainment parks work in different regions of the country. More than ten million visitors annually bring hundreds of millions of profit Italian entertainment industry. Gardaland is deserved by the leader of this sphere.

Map of entertainment parks in Italy



Reinebo Magicland


Italy in miniature





Magic world

Waterpark Prato-Blue

Waterpark Ondand.

Water park Splash


Waterpark Montreal


Gardaland - the most visited Park Italy

Gardaland - the third popularity entertainment park in Europe, built on the eastern shore of Lake Garda, photo Anna0691

Gardaland (Gardaland) is not only a popular amusement park of European importance, but in general, the most visited tourist object of Italy after the Vatican museums and legendary. Gardaland opened in the summer of 1975 on the initiative of the resident of Pescier del Garda in the province of Verona - Livio Furini's province, visiting California Disneyland and was fascinated by this Park.

In a new fleet of attractions, it was a bit, but they were all original and exciting, and gathered unchanged queues of those who wish to ride. The technical complexity of the rides increased gradually, their number grew; Entertainment objects and theatrical events appeared.

Almost forty years have passed since the opening of Gardaland. Today in this extensive recreation area, occupying about 500,000 m², more than forty classic and high-tech rides, playgrounds and children's pavilions, shops and restaurants are open.

On the territory of Gardaland, thematic areas devoted to different times and achievements of humanity, existing places of the planet and fantastic countries. You can visit the East, in Egypt and in Hawaii; Visit Birmania and Atlantis, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and Space, Old World and the Wild West. You are waiting for Knight's tournaments and laser video shops, educational trips, theatrical ideas and performances of trained beasts.

Tickets you can buy online at a price of € 36 for adults; € 32.50 for children up to 10 years and adults over 60 years old.

Address: Via Derna, 4, 37014 Castelnuovo del Garda Verona, Italy. Details on the Park website.

Mirabianland - the largest park in Italy

Mirable Mirabilanda, Shaw "Police Academy", Photo Antonio Paolo Sanna

Mirabilandia Park Square (Mirabilandia), located next to equal, is 750,000 m². In terms of its size, this entertainment zone is inferior only to the Spanish port of Aventura and Paris Disneyland. The registration of the park is designed in the marine stylist - in the spirit of the "city of Corsar".

In Mirabianland, there are absolutely unique "adrenoline" attractions: a Stater Ferris Wheel, the highest-scale US roller coils, the longest - "Katun", the most high-speed and extreme - ispeed. There are a bimbopoli town in the park for the smallest and attractions, which is allowed to access children up to 120 cm.

Over the years of activity of the park (and it has been operating since 1992), the owners of Mirabianady opened dozens of new attractions, Circus, 4D cinema, even their temple - Church of St. Giovanni Bosco. The park has thematic performances; Here you can see the famous "Police Academy" show, performances by Cascaders and the show theater on ice, see the grand laser representations and large-scale fireworks.

Since 2003, an autonomous water park "Mirabilandia-Beach" opened on the park area. Around the central lake equipped thematic zones. Many of the water entertainment are unique, are offered only here.

The number of guests of Mirabianland is growing annually. The audience attracts a low entrance price and the opportunity to visit the park the next day for free, using special bracelets issued at the checkout.

Rainbow Magicland Park

In Rainbow Magicland Park, Filippo Tenore

Miradzhika - Amusement Park in Molfette

Miradzhik Amusement Park, Ivan Damiani

Miragica Small Park (Miragica) is located in Molfette (Apulia region). Park area - about ten hectares. This is a young entertainment zone: it is open in 2009, two dozen rides work on its territory.

The main attractions of Miradzhika: the thematic zone "Land of Giants", in which you can feel like Liliputs; American slides "Sezzfiato"; Rotating attraction "SPACCATEMPO". The park is open 4D - show "between reality and fantasy". A feature of "Miragiki" is the possibility of personal participation of guests in the ideas of actors and acrobats in the park.

Price adult ticket € 21; Children's € 16; There is a special "evening" price.

Address: Via Dei Portuali, 70056 Molfetta Bari, Italy. Details on the site.

ITALY in miniature near Rimini

Italy in miniature - Cognitive park with mini-copies of Italian and European attractions, photo Tourismus Emilia Romagna

This theme park is located north of Rimini, on the Adriatic coast. ITALY IN MINIATURA - not a simple entertainment area with attractions, and a cognitive park with mini-copies of Italian and European cultural monuments and natural attractions.

The founder of Italia in Miniatura was IVO Rambaldi - a businessman from Ravenna. The park opened in July 1970. Initially, it was a small thematic town where about fifty objects were created. Over time, he grew up, became more interesting and meaningful. Today, more than 270 diverse miniature masterpieces are built. Exposure is constantly updated. Every year, ITALY in miniature visits half a million tourists.

The most important sights of the world occupy the territory of 85 hectares. Here you will see Colosseum, theater and miniature, small, Florentine Square of the Holy Cross. Many objects move, sound happened. The territory of the park has served in kind of filmmaking many times.

There are regular attractions in the park: water slides, swing and carousel; Exhibition of dinosaurs and Scientific Moon Park. Musical and laser show are held here. You can travel around the territory of "Little Italy" on a small gondola, and you can inspect the park objects with a monorail road.

Parks Phazanolandia in Apulia

Zoosafari (Zoosafari), photo * Smartis *

In the city of Phazano. apulian province Brindisi is a family entertainment park of Fasanolandiya (Fasanolandiya). This is a relatively small park - it works about thirty attractions in it. In Phazaganland, there are American slides classic and rotating; 30-meter tower "Satellite" for free fall; Brica boats for alloy on an artificial river. The 4D cinema and the theater of dolls, exhibitions of ancient applied arts, weapons, antiques are working.

In 150 hectares, Zoosafari (Zoosafari) spread on the territory of 150 hectares. This zoo has been working since 1973 and is considered one of the largest in Europe. Animals here are contained in natural conditions close to their natural habitat. Traveling through the park among its freely moving inhabitants, tourists can be on a car or a special bus. The park has monkeys of the village for which a mini-train runs. Also created ornithological and tropical zones, cognitive routes are opened.

Fiabilandia - "Fabulous Country"

In the Fiabiland Park, photo Andrea Gennari

Fiabilandia (Fiabilandia) is one of the oldest thematic parks of Italy, founded in 1965. The "country of fairy tales" is located in the town of Rivadzurra, not far from Rimini. This park is especially like little visitors - most of its entertainment is intended for the age group to 9 years.

Fiabiland is concentrated around Lake Bernardo. In the park, five thematic zones: medieval, eastern, "Wild West", "Corsar Bay", " Mysterious castle" The main acting face of a fabulous country is a fantastic Babau creature.

In the park thirty attractions. All of them are "painted" into the fabulous flavor, and children, moving from one corner to another, fall into different fairy tales. You can travel on fiabilandia on a small circular train or water - on parliament "Mississippi." For small visitors a children's disco works. The evenings of the kids and parents can watch the water-musical show on a mini-lake with fountains in the middle of the park.

Price of entrance tickets: Adult € 23.50; Children from 3 years and up to 130 cm high - € 16.50; Children under 3 years and growth of up to 1 m - for free.

Muviland - "Cinematic" Park

Amusement Park Movieland, Photo CanonBrownell

This park on Lake Garda in the commune Laziz appeared in the eighties. He gradually gradually turned into a large substantial complex on an area of \u200b\u200b280 hectares. In Moviland (Movieland) more than forty attractions. Here are three thematic zones, entirely dedicated to the art of cinema.

"Movieland Studios" is the "Movie Park", in which you can ride a spectacular attractions in the style of the decorations "Terminator", "Lara Croft", "Star Wars". Nearby there is a water entertainment zone, decorated in the adventure style of Pirates of the Caribbean Sea - "Kaneva Water Park". In the third zone there are theatrical submissions and shows with fireworks; There are also souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes.

Muviland expand annually and updated; New technological attractions appear, bright scenery. In the park there is a monorail road, passing through the platforms with the episodes of horror films; There is an attraction Wind Shear with stunning fiery effects and a 50-meter Hollywood Action Tower drop tower.

Parks work since the beginning of May to the end of September. The time of work, mostly from 10:00 to 18:00, but in July-August closes later. The entrance to the park costs € 28, for children up to 140 cm it will be necessary to pay € 22, and the kids grow up to 1 m - for free. More accurate dates, working hours and prices are on the Park website.

Address: Via Fossalta, 56, 37017 FOSSALTA VR. Park site:

Minitalia-Lelandland - Educational and Entertainment Park

Minitalia-Lelandland Park, photo Fra.Bons

Minitalia Leolandia Park (Minitalia LeoLandia) is famous for its educational zones: Minital - Italy in miniature; mini farm, aquarium and terrarium; City of Cowboys, Land Leonardo, Pirate Bank and Expo-1906.

The park presents reduced copies of 160 architectural objects of Italy: Rome, milan Cathedral Domoo, Colosseum, Pisa Tower and other attractions. In the territory of Minijali-Lelandland, historical and geographical training programs and submission are held.

Magic World Magic World

Amusement Park Magic World (Magic World) is located in the town of Juliano-In-campaign, close to. In the "magic" park there are rides and water entertainment zones for any age. This largest entertainment complex under open sky In the south of Italy takes about 300,000 m².

The attractions of the classic moon park are operating here: Ferris Wheel, High Speed \u200b\u200bAmerican Gorki, Free Fall Tower; 5D cinema is open.

The Magic World water park is equipped with an extensive swimming pool with waves, a river runs with a slow flow, there is a swimming pool with a hydromassage function and a children's "tropical bay" with slides and attractions. The most impressive and spectacular entertainment of the water park is a complex of the hill "Anaconda", a hill-tunnel with illuminated Big Hole, a competitive hill for high-speed descents, an attraction with boats Family Rafting.

The water park has a spectacular jumper show in the water - Malibu Diving Show.

Address: Via San Nullo, 80014 Giugliano Na, Italy. All about the park on site:

Akvafan is one of the oldest water parks Italy

Attraction "Twist", photo Giovanna d'Arco

The famous Park Aquafan (Aquafan) was opened in 1987. This water complex is located in Riccione, near Rimini. Its area is 150,000 m². The overall length of the descents of all its slides - more than three kilometers.

Here are all classic entertainment water park: slides of different height; Rivers with slow and rapid flow, swimming pools with waves. In addition, others are created - spectacular and even extreme entertainment. The hill "Kamikadze" with two tracks ensures the speed of descent to 70 km / h. At the attraction Extreme River, guests are waiting for a dizzying descent and a steep rise; On Speedriral, the fast spiral descent tolerates the brave to the tightening funnel.

In addition to water fun in the Aquafan Park, concerts are waiting for concerts, they invite performances and discos, film techniques and training nature Park "OLTREMARE". There are sports entertainment: football, beach volleyball, diving school. Aquapark Solarium, Comfortable Picnic Areas are available.

The park is open daily from June 7 to September 14 from 10.00 to 18.30. About hours of work and prices for entry tickets Check on the site.

Address: Via Ascoli Piceno, 6, 47838 Riccione Rimini, Italy. Site:

Family Water Park Prato Blue

Blue meadow water park - one of the green parks of Lombardy

The Blue Meadow (Parco Acquatico Prato Blu) is a popular water park in Lombardy, in the Breysky town of Montekiaxy. This is a surprisingly harmonious recreation area, placed near the beautiful Lake Garda, on 120 hectares of green meadows and trees. Prato Blue is not for lovers of extreme and adrenaline fans, but for a serene family holiday.

Daily attractions You do not find here, but on the territory there are a variety of types of pools: children's, adults, family. The largest PRATO-BLA - Blue Lagoon. Baby Babe pool has a maximum depth of only 0.8 m. Children can go off the slides, climb on the geyser and run under water jets, beating from a large mushroom fountain.

The complex has a water solarium and hydromassage sun beds with bubbles, relaxing and tonic pools, the "aromas tunnel". For vacationers in the Blue Meadow, classic playgrounds for basketball, beach volleyball, tennis have been created. There is a football field.

Address: Via Pozzo Cavato, 58, 25018 Montichiari Brescia, Italy. All about the park on the site:

Ondand - Waterpark in Piedmont

Ondaland - the largest water park in Piedmont, photo Ercole77

In Piedmont near Vicolungo there is an Aquapark Ondand (Ondaland). It has been working since 2005. Water attractions are installed here for different ages: fourteen slides of different heights, high-speed driving on the spirals on inflatable boats, descent on the tube "Black Hole". Kids can swim in a frog pool to 60 cm deep, ride a motor mini-boat, visit the Eldorado Island, located in the center of a huge reservoir, playing a children's entertainment platform with a pirate ship, slides and swings.

For a relaxing holiday in Ondandand, there is a slow river, for the flow of which swims are moving on inflatable circles. Equipped with picnic sites; Cafeteria and pizzeria work, sandwich shop.

Address: Via Case Sparse, 1, Vicolungo Novara, Italy. For details about the Park, visit the website:

Water Park Bari.

In the city of Bari (Apulia) there is a water park (Acquapark Bari). It is arranged several pools for swimming lovers and for those who do not know how to swim; There are artificial reservoirs for all ages. In a special "baby pool", kids with enthusiasm run under the elastic jets of the fungus fountain, and parents can observe them from the hydromassage zone equipped in the corner of this pool.

For adults, holidaymakers have a swimming pool with a slope and a wave, incurred every half hour. There is a roller water, the length of the descents, in the aggregate, is more than a thousand meters. Pools are surrounded by a zone for picnics, equipped with tables.

Not forgotten in Bari Park Popular Sports Entertainment: Football Field and Mini Football Playground, Tennis Court and Roller Track. For children there is a perfectly equipped playground. Guests are expecting classes with dancing and aqua aerobics; Mass games and shows.

Address: Via Caldarola, 6, 70126 Bari Ba. Everything that interests you about the water park will find on site:

Splash - Popular Water Park in Gallipoli

Water Park Salento (Splash), Photo Salentomonamour

Waterpark "Splash" (Parco Acquatico del Salento - Splash Gallipoli) - the most massive water entertainment complex on the apoise coast. Among the tropical thickets on the area of \u200b\u200b78 thousand m² there are several artificial reservoirs, various in size, depth, water color. A variety of attractions are installed on Splash Park, various entertainment zones are highlighted. Guests are invited to riding a variety of slides - "Kamikadze", Toboggani, "Wave", "Twister", "River" and "Boomerang".

The splash water park is adjacent to the entertainment zone "Fiabilandia". There you can have fun on classic and inflatable rides, play sports games, ride mini cars.

Children especially like a splash playground Village (Splash Playground Village) - a real mini-village, adapted to the growth of a child. The kids willingly have fun in the game zone "Pirate Lair", arrange improvised battles on water jets in the Water Battle Rocks Water Games zone.

The whole day on the territory of Splash is the ideas of artists, magicians, musicians. Animators are arranged for guests competition, games, fashion shows. In the green zone there is a platform for picnics, restaurants and pizzerias are open.

Curziland - Park in the Armage Province Taranto

Until 2011, the Curziland Apulian Park (Carrisiland) was known called Curtipetrizzilandia. This complex is designed for kids and adolescents, it is suitable for family holidays.

Three zones were created in Karrziland: water park, forest zone and entertainment zone.

In the "forest" thematic zone, children and adults are willingly walking. Gnomes live here, guests are celebrating the heroes of forest fairy tales. In the magical forest, you can walk on foot paths or drive on a mini train, see the village of Tarzan and a small zoo, climb into the house built on the tree, meet prehistoric monsters.

"Entertainment Zone" is decorated in the spirit of the Wild West. Saloun works here, children can ride on a pony, slip on horseback on Prairie and visit the settlement of the Indians, visit the dwelling dwelling, see theatrical view-Western.

The main topics of the Carrisiland Water Park - Caribbean motifs. 30 hectares have reservoirs, slides, rock waterfalls. Solarium works in the water zone; Vacationers take a hydromassage pool and a classic massage salon. Waterpark offers guests to see views and personally participate in funny beach entertainment.

Address: Contrada Curtipitrizzi, 72020 Cellino San Marco Brindisi, Italy. Park site:

Montreal - the largest water park of Sicily

Gigan ball with fountain, photo

The largest Sicilian water park Montreal (Acquapark Monreal) is located near the city of the same name, in Palermo. Park has been working since 1992. The area of \u200b\u200bthe entertainment water complex is 22 hectares.

There are classic water rides: Giant slides, guns, Toboggan, descent "Kamikadze"; Several artificial reservoirs of different types and depths. For kids, a pool "Shell" was created, where the children frolic in water, and parents can safely watch them, enjoying refreshing drinks.

Park Animators in the daytime hold games and contests. Evenings at Monreale sites are concerts, views, shows.

Address: Strada Provinciale di Pezzingoli, 172, 90046 Monreale Palermo, Italy. Park site:

Ethnhaland Theme Park

Park Etnaland, Photo Marco Derksen

Sicilian Park Ethnhand (Etnaland) began with a small zoo, open not far from the town of Belpasse. The park was successful, quickly became popular and for thirty years turned into an extensive entertainment zone with European fame. In Ethnialand, two thematic zones have been created: dinosaur park and water park.

The area of \u200b\u200ball pools of the ethnialand exceeds 8.5 thousand m². Many artificial park reservoirs are designed for children. On the territory there is a swimming pool with waves - it is considered the largest in Europe. In total, ethnialand presents two tens of waterways and a hill: calm, medium difficulty and extreme, famously swirling. The most bold guests are waiting for the 60-meter "Tower" and American slides "Storm"; Kids invite the "Tower of Cyclop" and a funny "mini-tornado". You can travel around the park on foot or moving around on a cable car, designed to transport a seven person.

In the dinosaur park you will meet models of huge prehistoric creatures - reptiles, birds, saber-toothed tigers, mammoths, ancient fish. Figures can be touched, it is allowed to be photographed on their background. Dinosaur Park is divided into sectors: from Paleozoic to the Cenozoic era.

The park guests are popular at the crocodile rapids ninetyle boat - a journey through the jungle along the rapid river with thresholds. Stormy flow and river shores are populated by crocodiles, elephants, pink flamingos. Animal layouts are made in full growth.

A laser show with the game of light, three-dimensional rays and "volumetric" fogs enjoys success with the public of Ethnialand.

Address: Contrada Agnelelia, 95032 Belpasso Catania. Park Website:

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Waterpark Splash! (Splash!), Apulia

Waterpark "Splash" (Parco Acquatico del Salento - Splash Gallipoli) - the most massive water entertainment complex on the apoise coast. Among the tropical thickets on the square of 78 thousand sq.m. There are several artificial reservoirs, various in size, depth, color of water. A variety of attractions are installed on Splash Park, various entertainment zones are highlighted. Guests are invited to riding a variety of slides - "Kamikadze", Toboggani, "Wave", "Twister", "River" and "Boomerang". The splash water park is adjacent to the entertainment zone "Fiabilandia". There you can have fun on classic and inflatable rides, play sports games, ride mini cars. Children especially like the playground "Splash Playground Village" - a real mini-village, adapted to the growth of the child. The kids willingly have fun in the game zone "Pirate Lair", arrange improvised battles on water jets in the Water Battle Rocks Water Games zone. The whole day on the territory of Splash is the ideas of artists, magicians, musicians. Animators are arranged for guests competition, games, fashion shows. In the green zone there is a platform for picnics, restaurants and pizzerias are open.

Gardaland (Gardaland), Veneto, Lake Garda

Gardaland Amusement Park is located in the north of Italy, near the town of Pescier del Garda, on the shore of Lake Garda - the largest and most beautiful in the country. This is one of the best parks of this type, which has a huge amount of attractions for both children and adults. All entertainment is divided into 4 zones on topics and age categories of visitors. For the smallests will be interested in the tree in which the Dragon predordolo, 16 fantasy attractions, the colorful area of \u200b\u200bfabulous characters "Kingdom", Transgardian-Express survey cruises and cable car Panorarsk-tour, Piter Pan pavilions, Superbayby, Alice in WORDS WORDS "," Aladdin's cave "," Mary Poppins "," Gaymz-Area "," Video games ", as well as all sorts of trolleys, ships, airplanes, etc. For children, various thematic views of" Aventura "are intended for children - jungle zone "Tunga", the cognitive historical tour "Valley of Kings", attractions "Corsairs", "Country show" and "volcanoes", as well as many different water entertainment complexes. The most extreme adventures begin in the thematic zone "Adrenaline" - there are all sorts of "Russian slides" and carousel, "magic house" with a complex mechanism for moving interior, the simulator "Blue Tornado", various "Tarzanka" and racing routes for the most exotic means Movement - in general, everything that may like and adult. In the park you can find a huge number of restaurants and snack bars, shops and halls of slot machines, there are own dolphinariums and theatrical platform, discos and musical shows. And connect all this together the miniature railway and the suspended cata plate with original "standing" cabins.

Amusement Park Kanevaworld Movieland Park (Canevaworld Movieland Park), Veneto, Lake Garda

This park on Lake Garda in the commune Laziz appeared in the eighties. He gradually gradually turned into a large substantial complex on an area of \u200b\u200b280 hectares. In Muviland more than forty attractions. Here are three thematic zones, entirely devoted to the art of cinema. Movieland Studios is the "Film Park", in which you can ride spectacular attractions in the style of the "Terminator" scenery, "Lara Croft", "Star Wars". Nearby there is a water entertainment zone, decorated in the adventure style "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" - Kaneva Aquapark (Caneva Aquapark). In the third zone "Middle Ages" (Medieval Studios), be prepared to take a jump in the past. You will visit the real medieval tournament, where brave knights fight hands and the heart of the beautiful princess. Here also undergo theatrical ideas and shows with fireworks, souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes work. Muviland expand annually and updated; New technological attractions appear, bright scenery. In the park there is a monorail road, passing through the platforms with the episodes of horror films; There is an attraction of Wind Shear with stunning fiery effects and the 50-meter Tower Tower of Hollywood Action Tower, stylized under the elevator in Hollywood. Also, the park is the Rock Star Restaurant restaurant with American cuisine dedicated to the greatest stars Pop and Rock styles and made in the style of the 1960s.

Park Natura Viva (Parco Natura Viva), Veneto, Lake Garda

Natura Viva Safari Park is a place to be visited if you relax in Lake Garda. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares and has a magnificent tourist route of 7 km long. You can overcome this route both by car and walking, enjoying the view of animals of 175 species from African Savana, which live in a natural habitat. So, the first part of the park is a safari park, where visitors may watch giraffes, cheetahs, rhino, lions, zebras, various types of antelope and other wild animals from their own vehicle or special bus. The second part is a fauna pedestrian park, where visitors can walk around five continents and see animals of America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania, as well as visit the tropical greenhouse to feel the atmosphere of South American rainforests, see exotic plants and reptiles. In general, the park combines a safari park, where tigers, zebras, giraffes, monkeys and all sorts of feathers live in free enclosures, an exotic animal zoo, a terrarium, dinosaur park.

Genoese Aquarium (Acquario di Genova), Genoa, Liguria

The Genoese Aquarium with an inimitable Genoese Bay in the background has the largest water inhabitants among European aquariums: 71 swimming pool, more than 15.000 copies of marine animals representing 400 species. Exposure area occupies 27.000 sq.m. And allows visitors to walk between all the seas of the Earth, admiring those who live here by dolphins, sharks, penguins, lamantines, the inhabitants of the Antarctic. This is the only aquarium in Europe, which lives jellyfish, tropical fish, seals and many others in a medium, which is an accurate copy of the natural habitat conditions of different types. The visiting route (lasts about 3 hours) passes among scenographic scenery with the panoramas of the old port of Genoa, since the aquarium is on the old Ponte Spinola pier and includes 40 large swimming pools in the first compartment, 4 outdoor pool in a new pavilion of cetaceans, the author of which is known Genoese architect Renzo Druno, and 19 Biozno-shaped pavilion pools, which are located inside the real ship "Nava Italia" - "Ship Italy" and where visitors can stroke in the large swimming pool of floating rods. The pool is designed in such a way that you can get closer to water. The aquarium shows a whole show with the participation of penguins and dolphins. And nearby is a biosphere. This is a glass bowl with a diameter of 20 meters. It contains a piece of Amazonian forest with exotic plants and animals.

Halliverland Theme Park (Gulliverlandia), Lignano Sabbiadoro, Friuli Venice-Julia

Amusement park "Gulliverland" or Gulliverland (Park Gulliverlandia) takes about 40 thousand square meters. Meters near Water Park Aquasplash (Aquasplash) in Lignano. This is not only a thematic park with several entertainment zones, but also a family park specially designed for this purpose, where it will be interesting to people of all ages. In the Aquarium zone, you can go through the bottom of the sea through a transparent tunnel, around which dozens of seeds of marine inhabitants float, as well as consider sea fauna closer in the same aquariums. In the Vulcano Rapids zone, you can go under waterfalls near the spelling volcanoes (artificial, of course) or get through the jungle to see dinosaurs. The medieval zone will show knightly tournaments and the city of Maya, as well as several other historical monuments of the world (throughout the territory you can drive in a small van). There is also a panoramic tower with a height of 60 meters, from which you can see almost all the adjacent coast of Lignano lagoon, the ferris wheel, as well as several dozen eateries and restaurants.

Leolandia, Milan / Bergamo, Lombardy

Leolendia Park is located near Milan and Bergamo on the territory of about 200 thousand sq.m. The park is famous for its educational zones. There are five such zones here: Mini-Farm, Aquarium and Terrarium, Cowboy, Land Leonardo, Pirate Coast and Expo-1906. The park presents reduced copies of 160 architectural properties of Italy: the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter, Milan Cathedral Duomo, Colosseum, the Pisa Tower and other attractions, as well as historical characters in natural growth. In the same part of the park there are an aquarium with exotic fish, a terrarium, a small farm. In the Museum of Leonardo da Vinci recreated the most famous machines and the mechanisms of the Renaissance Age. The park also has cowboys and the Pirates coast. In the territory of Minijali-Lelandland, historical and geographical training programs and submission are held. In the amusement park there are more than 30 attractions for children and adults. The perfect place to spend the day with your family!

Entertainment Park Magic World (Magic World), Naples, Campaign

Entertainment Park Magic World (Magic World) is located in the town of Juliano-In-campaign, close to Naples. In the "magic" park there are rides and water entertainment zones for any age. This largest open-air entertainment complex in the south of Italy takes about 300,000 m². The attractions of the classic moon park are operating here: Ferris Wheel, High Speed \u200b\u200bAmerican Gorki, Free Fall Tower; 5D cinema is open. The Magic World water park is equipped with an extensive swimming pool with waves, a river runs with a slow flow, there is a swimming pool with a hydromassage function and a children's "tropical bay" with slides and attractions. The most impressive and spectacular entertainment of the water park is a complex of the hill "Anaconda", a hill-tunnel with illuminated Big Hole, a competitive hill for high-speed descents, an attraction with boats Family Rafting. The water park has a spectacular jumper show in the water - Malibu Diving Show. Restaurants, bars, bistros, boutiques and discos - everything is open until late at night. This park will have to do people like people of various tastes and at any age.

Chinechitta Entertainment Park (Cinecitta World), Rome, Lazio

The perfect combination of cinema, culture and entertainment is a park, worthy of Oscar! Cinecitta World is the largest theme park in Italy, dedicated to the amazing world of the movie. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe park was developed by the most famous Dante Ferretti designer, the owner of three statuettes of Oscar. The park offers its guests an unforgettable impressions that combine movies and entertainment: 20 attractions, 8 cinematic networks, 4 theater for performances, among which the events of the Enigma show from Filmmaster Events, 4 thematic restaurants. Attractions differ in the subject, allowing you to dive immediately into several reality! "Imagonarium" is fully dedicated to children and arranged in fantasy style. Its design creates the impression of the real factory of fantasies: small visitors can prepare here, knead, print and pack their dreams stored by the tireless creators. The complex has a kiosk with sweets and children's attractions. One of the most significant complexes of the park, "Eravan" is devoted to the adventure films of the fifties. The key element of the group is the Temple of the Indian God-elephant Eravan, surrounded by tropical plants and the sounds of the jungle. On the back of the elephant, the first truly adrenaline attraction park is arranged: the 60-meter Fall Tower (Drop Tower), in which visitors will be able to experience a feeling of free fall. In the stylized village in the western style "Ennio Bay" there is a restaurant-saloon "Fire afternoon", a playroom, a mine, a church and a classic stuffed cemetery. Spaghetti "Western", professional arrows and a kankana dancers - except observing a bright entourage, visitors will be able to test themselves in duel with sheriffs or cruel gangsters of cinema history. The Altair complex is devoted to great cinematic fantastic sagas and "communication" of people with aliens. Altair is the name of the spacecraft, recently landed on our planet: we are talking about "10 Inversion Coaster" ("10 Rolver Gorki"), one of the best amusement parks. The rotating "ship" during the passage of the route makes 10 turns of 360 degrees. The effect of interstellar journey is provided by all sorts of slopes of the track and the special design of the "spacecraft". The train in the attraction rises to 35 meters and develops speed up to 100 km / h. And all this is not a complete list of miracles and entertainment, which offers Chinechitta entertainment park.

Rainbow Magicland Amusement Park (Rimbow Magicland), Rome, Lazio

The main topic of the Rainbow Magicdend Park is magic. Undoubtedly, everyone knows the animated series Winx about young wizards, pupils of the magic school. Magic images The creators of the park are used everywhere, because the main idea is to surround visitors to the park by the unique atmosphere of iris. The symbol and mascot Park became a funny cat Gatto Baleno, who meets all guests. There are 36 attractions, 2 theater, 28 cafes and restaurants and a lot of souvenir shops in the park. Conditionally, all attractions of this Italian park can be divided into three types - children's, family and adventures for fans of sharp sensations. Merchant will like the attraction "Shock" (its speed reaches 100 km / h); A visit to the tangled castle "Caliostro" is intended for adventure lovers, and the "mystic" attraction will raise those who wish to 70 m, and then the cabin with passengers grows sharply down. Young visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the world of popular Winx characters in Alfa Castle. For family recreation, "House Hudini" is suitable with swinging floors. The creators of the park thought out individual attractions and for the smallest: they can be found in Pixie Village. In Drakar - this is the likeness of the descent on the mountain river - children will have to overcome artificial thresholds on a rubber boat, and in Yucatan they will be able to stroll along the temple of the Aztecs. The village of Pixieville with bright, similar to gingerbread houses, located on the territory of the park, can also be happy to take young guests. In addition to traditional attractions, the Piccolo Theater (for children) is operating in the amusement park (for children), the Gran Teatro music show programs and the DEMONIA horror house. The complex has restaurants, theaters, as well as extensive parking for 5.5 thousand seats.

BioParco Di Roma Zoological Park (Bioparco Di Roma), Rome, Lazio

A biopark is one of the oldest zoos in Europe, founded in 1911. Currently, its collection has about 1,000 animals belonging to 200 different types with 5 continents - mammals, feathery, reptiles, amphibians, fish. In fact, a biopark is a former zoo that was converted into a biopark, so only a few cells remained here, and the bulk of animals in the zoo lives in conditions that are as close as possible to natural. The attention of the visitors of the biophark is focused on the disappearing types of animals and the preservation of the environment. For example, here you can see the Arizona yadeozub or black lemur. The biopark is more like a city park, in which you can walk, rent a bike or ride through the territory of the Zver on the pony. The entire park area is planted with exotic greens, large tropical trees. Pavlines roam the paths freely, revealing luxury tails. In large open spaces, elephants and camels, antelopes and bison, buffalo, lions, kangaroo live freely. The territory of habitat of animals is divided into thematic sections: zones of monkeys and tamarins, armaduses, lemurs; Areas of turtles, brown bears. In the park there is a village of Chimpanzee, the center of guard reptile, the house of giraffes, the area of \u200b\u200bAsian tigers, the area of \u200b\u200bbutterflies. Flamingo dwell on the Oasis lake. In a large aviary built by Raphael de Vico of glass and metal, large birds fly freely. Penguins are contained in a glasswater with artificial ice. A museum of environmental crimes has been created in the biopark, which has no analogues in Europe. The museum collection contains more than 70 thousand exhibits collected during police operations to combat illegal trafficking in animals. Children in the biophark will be interested in riding around the surroundings on a cheerful train with open cars and watch beasts. And then you can arrange a fun photo session. Present yourself with different animals, having dried his head in a hole in the stand, which shows some animal. Also, kids gladly enter the children's farm with pets. Here you can stroke and feed sheep, cows, donkeys. At the site of the attractions and games of L'Arca della Conservazione, the biopark visitors are waiting for a slide, swing, carousels. There are also exhibitions, performances, training programs, children's birthdays.

Italy in Miniature (Italia in Miniatura), Rimini / Rome, Emilia-Romagna

Italy in Miniature (Italia in Miniatura) is located in Viserba, between Rome and Rimini and is something among the Museum and the Amusement Park. Italy in miniature is one of the most unusual thematic parks of Italy. Park and himself has relatively miniature sizes - only 85 thousand square meters. Nevertheless, the organizers were able to accommodate here ITALY, and there was also a place for several European attractions. Every year more than half a million tourists come here to stroll throughout the "boot" in a few hours. The territory of the ITALY IN MINIATURE Park is really exactly accurately repeats the outlines of the country and accommodates more than 270 natural and architectural attractions. The scale in which the thumbnails are made, varies from 1:25 to 1:50. Colosseum, Spain Square, Pisa Tower, Trevi Fountain ... Many layouts for sweeping realism are surrounded by lawns and small trees, roads, ships or trains. A separate mention is part of the park called "Venice in Miniature". Its 119 palaces are only five times less than the originals, and on the "Big Channel" you can even ride a boat. Various rides Park can satisfy the tastes of the most demanding public. Children will like an interactive dive school in which you can learn about the technique of safe scuba diving and even get a real diver license. Fans of making discoveries and study the secrets of our world worth visiting the "Science Fun Fair", where an interactive laboratory is working. Well, adventure fans are a straight way to descend on canoeing or jumping on "Sling Shot" with a height of 55 meters! On the amusement of "Cannonacqua", which represents the reproduction of the Mattheat fortress on a scale of 1: 3, the real water battery unfolds with the participation of a dozen aqueous cannons, which should reflect the medieval attack. In "Pappamondo" you can get acquainted with multi-colored tropical parrots of Ara and Kakada, and in "You mini" using a laser scanner you can create a 3D model of yourself in a miniature, and then cast it using aluminum powder and nylon. Recently an outdoor theme park Aquario di Cattolica (Parco Le Navi) is adjacent to the park. Here you can get acquainted with the inhabitants of the sea depths, go through the transparent underwater tunnel or virtually look into the very center of our planet, accompanied by light and musical effects. There is an interactive exposure dedicated to the history of navigation and piracy.

Fiabilandia Amusement Park (Fiabilandia), Rimini, Emilia-Romagna

Fiabiland is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Europe, in essence it is some option of Disneyland. Basically, the park is focused on families with children under 9, which is so easy to imagine themselves in a fairy tale. The park is divided into 4 thematic zones, combined with a common idea: here visitors seek in the fairy tales and legends of different peoples of the world. You can be in medieval castle Merlin's wizard, where there are more than 30 wonderful rides for both children and adults, you can visit Peter Pan's bay with a real pirate ship, which is moored in a skull bay. And you can feel yourself in a leisurely and wise oriental fairy tale: to visit Fu-Ming Maze or Lake Dreams. Or to imagine yourself to the cowboy and to be in the Wild West, look into the real saloon or see how old blacksmith works, which sweats the horse with the help of medieval tools. You can go through the jungle "Exoty" and the puppet city of Pinocchio, visit the museum of dolls or see the "Dancing Fountains". It is interesting to sit on the train and get to the Golden Mine, on the way to see the mountain and the Indian reservation. Express ride you throughout the park. Wide in the valley of the gnomes - the train-caterpillar will drive you through a giant apple - a cave, inhabited dwarfs. The park takes a huge number of diverse ideas and shows, so that children simply do not have time to bother. Children love a children's disco "Cakatadian", because adults are not allowed there. No less popular in children uses the sea of \u200b\u200bfrog, where you can swim until parents dine in the shadow of majestic baobabs. Also in the park there are numerous types of plants and animals, turning it into a true oasis of wildlife: here guests can admire the representatives of the ducks, krajakv, turtles and fish. The goal is the park to recreate the animal habitat, making the presence of people more imperceptible, but at the same time involved.

Mirabilandia Amusement Park (Mirabilandia), Rimini / Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna

The Amusement Park Mirabilandia is located between Rimini and Equal (40 km from Rimini). This is a huge complex of entertainment (the third in Europe after the Paris Disneyland and the Spanish Port-Aventura), consisting of 40 most modern rides, circus, 3D cinema, towers for exponential jumps in water (height 25 m), theatrical and musical sites, feno Disco for children, cascaders show and ballet on ice, a small water park with several water attractions, as well as many all kinds of bars and shops. In the park Seven themed sites: Pirate Laguna, the city of Sian Khan, Ruins of New York (postpocalyptic fantasies of the park creators), Dolce Vita (Italy of the 60s), Old Europe, an adventure country, children's megalopolis and the world of motors. Amusement parks are divided: for children, for all, extreme, beach. It is especially worth noting precisely extreme rides. Ispeed - the famous and terrible slide, in the machine of formula 1 - height of 55 meters, tilt 90, speed 100 km / h in 2.2 seconds. Discovery - a slide is a pole (60 meters), in which, being in the attached seat, is to rise and go down at a huge speed. Katun - all future astronauts are dedicated. Incredibly extremal hill. Mounted in the seat to the railway, you will be twisted for 360 degrees in different directions, chat and brake and all this at a huge speed. But other attractions are no less interesting. EUROWHEEL is one of the highest wheels of ferris in the world, its height is 130 meters! RESET - Space ship is sent to an intergalactic trip to the team, whose goal is to return radiation stones. Niagara is a breathtaking descent on huge roofs from a height of 25 meters, the height of the rising waves as a result of the jump reaches 15 meters. Rio Bravo - a trip to the expanses of the Wild West. Visitors overcome more than 1000 square meters. m. on special trolleys and inflatable boats. In addition to unusual transport and burning scenery, travelers have to meet with bandits, maniacs and even the dead. RESET ANNO ZEROPENSE FOR THE FUTURE TO THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANT NEW YORK 2110. You are a researcher, you are armed with a pistol with paralitic bullets, equipped with a life detector and a heavy duty magnet. Shoot the first: here is our advice!

Oltremar Park (Oltremare), Rimini, Ricchone, Emilia-Romagna

The theme park of recreation and entertainment adheres to the policy of conservation of nature around the world, shows all the beauties of our planet, tells her story and demonstrates all the most unusual creatures. The park offers many entertainment and familiarity with the animal world of our Earth. On the "island of adventure" you can arrange water battles, ride a canoe, swim in the dancing fountains. On the "Island of Nature" you can see the most beautiful flyers and hunters ... owls, eagles, hawks, vultures. Look at free-soaring birds, in their natural habitat, interesting and fascinating classes. Of course, moving predators, occurs under control, specialists. "Laguna Dolphins" is the "heart" of the park of Olterrear. Funny, friendly, cute and playful dolphins will show all their skills and abilities. "Planet Earth" is a unique place where you can see and learn a lot about the origin and history of the planet. Stunning video series and special effects, give the most complete picture of every period of our planet, ranging from the era of dinosaurs and ending with our days. "Hippocampus" is a laboratory organized with the support of the national aquarium in Baltimore, where in full calm and harmony, inhabit the various color, size, type, sea skates. On the "Sea Planet" you will see, hear and feel all the sounds, smells and colors of the marine element. Moraine, sharks, fish predators and other inhabitants of underwater depths, in constant waiting, new visitors. On the "Island of Darwin" you can find out everything related to evolution, changes in the world of flora and fauna. And finally, the final entertainment Park - Imax is a huge, designed for 500 visitors at the same time, 3D cinema. Movies about the wild life of the ocean using specials. Effects will leave unforgettable impressions.

Park Water Entertainment Aquafan (Aquafan), Rimini, Riccione, Emilia-Romagna

Aquafan Aqua Park in Riccione is one of the most popular aqua parks in Europe, a real symbol of fun in the entire Adriatic coast of Italy. Every year from June to September, he takes millions of tourists who want to have fun and relax. It contains dizzying water slides, huge swimming pools, fountains and attractions modulating real sea waves - all this can satisfy the most discerning guests. Among the most popular and exciting spirit of attractions - "Kamikadze": 90-meter water slide, descending from which you can develop a speed of up to 65 km / h. "Twist" is a ticking nerves. Water slide, consisting of three huge intertwing spirals. And "Fiume Rapido" - a fast river - is a 200-meter water stream that needs to be overcome on a special rubber boat. Along the way, there are various unexpected falls and ups, which are given unforgettable sensations and a real splash of adrenaline! Those who want to relax calmly and relax can spend the whole day, lying on the beach on the shore of a huge pool. There you can also find cozy jacuzzi and refreshing sprayers. And you can go on a leisurely walk on six botanical park areas with multi-colored fragrant colors. Special zones have been created for kids. The beach of cartoons assembled on its territory the most famous characters from popular cartoons. In the center it is located Noev Ark, surrounded by animal statues and four water slides Different height. To be frozen in water in Aquafane, children can in the elephant pool with a maximum depth of 50 cm or on land, on the Antarctic Children's beach, playing among the ice blocks under the supervision of the White Medoli. You can have a snack in one of the numerous bars or cafes, in which there are always children's menu.

Safari Park Pombia (Safari Park Pombia), Pubbean, Piedmont

Safari Park is located near Lake Maggiore on the square of 40 hectares. Landscapes with animals from different parts of the world are recreated here. This is not just an entertainment park, but a real zoo that is trying to provide a natural diversity. Safari at 6 km can be driven around on its own car. In the park, visitors can see the white rhino and Ussuri tiger. Both species are under threat of disappearance. The park also features animals from all continents: lions, buyns, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, monkeys, peacocks, ostriches and many others. In addition, aquarium, exposition of butterflies and beetles is open here. Children especially like the zone "Journey to the world of Lemur" and a house for colorful parrots. In the entertainment zone of the park, more than 30 rides, including carousel for the smallest, "caterpillar", children's locomotive, water slides, a real pirate ship, 5D cinema and ferris wheel. On a specially created arena are theatrical productions on the most different topics, as well as a show with the participation of speaking parrots. And in the falcon fortress everyone demonstrates a falcon hunt. The Jurassic Forest is part of the park and is dedicated to the flora and fauna, where more than 300 species of plants are presented and prehistoric animals are fully displayed. The park also has restaurants and cafes, fountains, playgrounds, a well-equipped platform for a picnic.

AquaPark Aquadream (Aquadream), Sardinia, Costa Smeralda

This water amusement park is the oldest on Sardinia island, although quite young in age: he is just 20 years old with a tail. Park area - 3 hectares, on which 14 attractions are fitted, sites for mini-golf and basketball, trampoline and picnic zone. For lovers to rip the nerves in the water park there are extreme slides: Max 3 - famously swirling spiral, on which you carry at a speed of 90 km / h, a 120-meter black hole 120 meters long and Trottola whirlpool.

Ethnalland Water Park (Etnaland), Sicily, Palermo

Next to the town of Belpasso on Sicily Island is located a unique theme park ethnallend. He received its name on behalf of the famous volcano, at the foot of which is its territory. But Etnaland is unique by the fact that for a quarter of a century before becoming a fleet park, he was a zoo. In 2007, the Italian Park Ethnallend received a new appearance and a new life, becoming one of the sights of the island. But the territory of 13 hectares, visitors will be able to find dizzying attractions, aquatic and thematic parks, and even a corner of prehistoric reptiles. The greatest delight of the Visitors of the Etnaland Amusement Park causes the slides of Eldorado and The Storm. By the way, the latter are among the top ten of the most steep American hills of the world. The 60-meter Etnaland Tower, from which you fall under the control of automation, also attracts lovers to rinse their nerves. In the evenings there are laser shows and unusual ideas. However, in addition to fun entertainment, a good family vacation should be a little informative. That the most "little" can also be found in the park in Sicily. Dinosaur Prehistoric Park is an opportunity to travel to a distant past, see dinosaurs and even take pictures with long-term creatures recreated here in full size. On three hectares of visitors square, there is a meeting with 23 giant reptiles and three ancient people, as well as the story of a guide about dinosaurs who inhabited land in Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic and Neozoysian era. The duration of a study tour - 20 minutes. The rest of the time you can safely devote inspection of the territory and family photos. The park also has the opportunity to admire ethnallend from the height - the cable car, the total length of which reaches 1,800 meters. This is one of the largest cable cars throughout Europe. 146 cabins raise visitors on a 12-meter height. The duration of the trip is 27 minutes. Complete overwhelmed with rapid entertainment day in ethnallenda can be in the zoo. The main advantage of this park zone is natural. Tigers, bears, parrots and flamingos live in Sicily in conditions close to their natural habitat.

Butterfly House (La Casa Delle Farfalle), Cervia, Emilia-Romagna

The greenhouse is about 500 square meters. The m. With an artificial climate, where the ecosystem of wet rainforests is reproduced, and where numerous butterflies from Amazonian Selva, Africa, India and Australia, Iguanas, Mantis and a whole range of lush tropical plants live. Here you can see the entire reproductive cycle living with butterflies; Weekly, the aircraft from Stratford (United Kingdom) will be brought here with butterflies delivered by a special courier, and already inside a special structure equipped with large windows, these dolls finish their formation and turn into bright multicolored butterflies directly before the gaze of those visitors who are in real time These metamorphoses. The house of butterflies is a graceful and interesting center for environmental education, which is worth visiting, while respecting special precautions and behaviors due to the special fragility of the "materials" exposed here. We highly recommend such a visit that will help you rest after a day spent in the nearby amusement parks.

Where can I relax in Italy in the interruptions between visiting sights? Replies to this question will be just a huge set! These are thousands of cafes on cozy Italian streets, this is a huge number of theaters and cinemas, hundreds of parks and reserves. But today we want to talk about another interesting point in Italy, namely visiting amusement parks.

Entertainment parks in Italy appeared relatively recently. The oldest is only about 50 years old. Fashion on amusement parks in Italy went with the United States, where the entertainment industry is built very competently. In Italy, as in other European countries, this type of recreation also gained popularity, so over 50 years in the country, more than 150 entertainment parks were built. Here you can meet not only amusement parks, but also various thematic parks, miniature parks, natural and zoological parks, as well as adventure parks.

Amusement Park "Gardaland"

The most famous and large entertainment fleet in Italy is Gardaland (Gardaland) Located near the gorgeous Lake Garda in Verona Province Venetto region. This place is included in the top 10 of the most visited parks in Europe.

The Gardaland Park is suitable for both the smallest travelers and seeking extreme rest. Here are such unique rides like a slide Raptor, a huge hill Mammoth, an interesting attraction sequoia adventure and much more. Also in the park Gardaland often host various exciting events, knight tournaments, dolphins show and even a laser show. More details about the Gardaland Amusement Park can be found.

Amusement Park "Mirabianland"

The second largest and attendance of the amusement park in Italy - Mirabilandia (Mirabilandia). This is a thematic park in which many attractions are located. Mirabilandia is not far from the city of Ravenna.

This park consists of two parts: thematic and water. In the thematic part there are the highest hill in Europe - "Divertictal" and the longest slide in Europe - "Katun". Our article with reviews of visitors, detailed description of attractions, price and other useful information Parkut

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Amusement Park "Rainbow Magic Country"

Park "Rainbow Magic Country" or simply Rainbow Magicland is located in Valmonton, very close to Rome. This park is one of the newest, but it almost immediately became popular thanks to a small distance from the city.

Rainbow Magicland - in size and interest is not inferior to his fellows, and the main theme in it was all mystical and enchanted. It will be interesting here not only to children, but also adults.

In this park, as in most others, there are many different shows. The park has a huge area of \u200b\u200b60 hectares, divided into thematic zones. Here you can see the kingdom of fairies, the lair sorcerers and even the castle of wizards. The park has more than 30 large attractions, a distinctive feature of which is the work from solar cells located on the territory of the park. In the park of the rainbow magic country there is a slide on which speed is developing up to 100 km per hour.

Tickets can be bought in advance via the Internet on the official website or at the Park Cass. In the first case, the tickets will cost cheaper, namely 22 euros for adult, children up to 1 meter entrance are free. Buying tickets through the cashier they will cost 35 euros for adult, children up to 1 meter free.

Amusement Park "Miradzhika"

Relatively small amusement park in Italy (size in only 10 hectares), on which there are about 20 attractions for adults and children. There is a park in the city of Molfette, not far from Bari.

An interesting feature of the amusement park "Miragica" (Miragica) is the possibility of direct participation in performances and productions of what is happening on its territory. The most interesting attractions are slides "without respiratory" and rotating American slides. For adrenaline lovers there is an interesting free fall attraction, about 50 meters high.

The cost of tickets to the entertainment park Miragica is 16.50 euros for adults on weekends, or 14.50 on weekdays. Children in up to 1 meter entrance is free.

About one of the most popular attractions in the Miragic Park can be viewed in video:

Park "ITALY in miniature"

ITALIA IN MINIATURA amusement park (Italia in Miniatura) opened in 1970. He is in the town of Viserbe, which is not far from Rimini. Initially, ITALY in miniature park consisted of fifty mini versions of the most famous sights of Italy 1:25 or 1:50. Quite quickly, the rumor about the uniqueness of the park flew around the whole of Europe and tourists from all over the world began to go to it.

Now ITALY Park in Miniature has more than 250 miniature cultural and history monuments. Also in it you can find a small amount of attractions, a scientific moon park, swimming on mini gondolas and much more.

The park itself was repeatedly used as a platform for shooting many Italian and not only Italian movies. Here they love to make photos of newlyweds, and of course this is a favorite place of tourists. After all, where in a couple of hours you can see all the main sights of Italy?

The cost of visiting Italy in miniature in the summer period is 22 euros for adults and 16 euros for children. Every Monday family day. On this day, the cost of entry for adults is 22 euros, and for children (necessarily accompanied by adults) only 6 euros.

Learn about in our detailed article.

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The question arose, what is calculated in entertainment places? You can find out all about the monetary currency in Italy.

Phazanolandia Amusement Park and Zoosafari Zoo

These two fleet are near. Pheasanolandiya (Fasanolandiya) is a relatively small park in which about 30 different attractions are installed. One of the popular is the rafting on the artificial river in the boats, by type of empty logs. Also in Phazanolandia Park you can see classic and rotating roller coaster, free fall attraction and a unique 4D cinema.

Zoosafari (Zoosafari) is a huge zoo located on the territory of about 150 hectares. This is one of the largest European zoos. Here you can see animals, in practically natural conditions. Movement in the park is carried out on cars. Also on the territory of the Zoosafari Park, there is a big dolphinary, where dolphins and sea seals are regularly held. There is a complex of parks in the city of Phazano, Brindisi province.

The entrance to Phazanolandia amusement park will cost an adult at 8 euros, for children in 5 euros. Visiting Zoosafari Park costs 22 euros for adults and 19.5 euros for children under 10 years.

Children's amusement park "Fiabilandia"

Fiabilandia (Fiabilandia) is one of the largest and most popular children's entertainment parks in Italy. This amusement park is also called a park of fairy tales. There are more than 30 rides for children and even a children's disco, where adults come strictly prohibited. Conditionally park can be divided into five areas, in each of which you can catch notes of well-known fairy tales.

Fiabiland is not only the world of entertainment and attractions, and also the world of researcher and knowledge. Only here the child may feel that he feels a caterpillar, passing through the apple, to stay a character of famous fairy tales, to participate or just to see the most interesting views and much more.

Fiabilandia is not far from Rimini in the town of Rivadzurra. When buying a ticket for a whole day you can get the second day of visiting for free.

The cost of visiting the amusement park "Fiabiland" is 23 euros for adults and 16 euros for children not higher than 130 cm.

Movieland entertainment park

From the name of this Park immediately becomes clear that his subject is associated with cinema. In the thematic "Film Park" you can see different kinoheroes and ride fascinating attractions decorated in the style of the scenery of the Terminator, Tomb Raider, Star Wars and many others. The park is adjacent to the Park of Water Entertainment, where everything is decorated in the style of Pirates of the Caribbean. Every week in the Movieland Park, colorful shows with fireworks with the participation of famous films heroes occur.

Movieland park is located in Lazise, \u200b\u200bwhich is located in Verona Province. There are not only attractions in the park, but many cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops and even mini hotel.

The Thematic Fabulous Park of Mini-Lelandland is located in Bergamo Province in the town of Capricate-San Jerwazio. This entertainment complex is made of five zones: pirate, cowboy, mining, revival zones and explosions 1906. The park constantly pass a huge number of various contests and ideas in which the main characters are pirates, Peter Pen and other fabulous characters.

The cost of visiting the amusement park "Minitalie-Lelandland" is 26.5 euros for adults and 19 euros for children.

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On the shore of Lake Garda, a huge amusement park and entertainment Gardaland (Gardaland) spread out. This is not a copy and not a branch of Disneyland, but rather its Italian analogue. There are completely other attractions, performances, characters. Do not think that this park is intended only for children. Just, on the contrary, adults themselves become children and participate in the excavations of the Egyptian pyramids, turn into pirates, travel along the underground river, are experiencing sweet horror in " dead loop"And tickle your nerves, hanging down your head in the" bat ". By the way, it was in Gardaland that the most terrible attraction in Europe is opened.

Gardaland gives all what is so acute lacks in everyday life - a sense of the holiday, in which everyone is not just a viewer, but a participant. Laser show, show dolphins and sea seals, knight's fights are especially popular. Next to Gardaland is Movie Studio - Amusement Park on the themes of the most popular film, full of marine inhabitants from all over the planet. Fastfood restaurants and pizzeria are located on the territory of the park.

Rainbow Magicland. - New amusement park near Rome.

Rainbow Magicland entertainment park reminds famous Disneyland and Gardaland - and its main topic is WinX - young wizards. The construction of the park cost 300 million euros. So Rainbow Magicland will make a worthy competition of European entertainment parks, and will be included in the top ten parks. Rainbow Magicland Amusement Park covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 600,000 square meters. M, it presents more than 30 rides for the whole family. The worst "Shock - Steam Machine is American slides with acceleration to 100 km / h per 3 seconds, a loop of 35 meters high! Attraction Mystika is 70 meters high, allowing you to really feel - what is the power of gravity. Caliostro is a path of 430 meters at a speed of 70 km / h, full of descents, lifts and rotating elements. All this is in complete darkness with unexpected effects. But Rainbow Magicland is not only adrenaline. There are many entertainment and kids. Restaurants, cafes and other institutions will help you relax between the adventures in the country of magic. The schedule of the park is better to clarify on the site - in the summer it is open to midnight, from October only on weekends. Adults will please the neighborhood of the park with one of the largest outlet of Italy.

Amusement Park CaevaWorld (Veneto)

Welcome to one of the most popular parks of attractions and entertainment!

You are waiting for breathtaking attractions, pools of various sizes, water slides, beaches with snow-white sand! Your children will be delighted with the show and performances passing there!

We assure it with rest and entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. On the territory there is a network of restaurants.

Water Park Magic World (Naples)

This water park is the largest water park in Italy (100,000 square meters) and suitable for children and adults of all ages. Here you will find a huge pool with waves, a slow river, a jacuzzi, colorful water slides and an exotic tropical lagoon. Exciting new attractions New generations are waiting for brave.

For young children, there is an equipped paddle for games, special pools and water slides.

Aquapark Aquaphan (Rimini)

This is one of the most famous water parks in the European giant aquatic entertainment complex, close to Rimini, on an area of \u200b\u200b90,000 square meters!

Here you will find the most emotional and extreme water rides, such as Kamikaze - two steep water slides with a length of 90 meters each, during the descent from which the speed of 65 km / h, Extreme River- 16 meters of fear, steep descent and sharp rise in the video letter V , the only one in Europe borrowed from California. The most high-speed attraction in the park, descend at a speed of 70 km / h, twist- is 3 pipes twisted into a spiral, 130 meters long each ... There are five heated swimming pools, one of which is called the ocean in a miniature, an area of \u200b\u200b2.800 square meters. meters, a depth of more than 3 meters with artificial ocean waves. In addition, here you are waiting for snorkeling courses, a zone of a solarium, swimming pools with hydromassage, as well as zones for picnic, restaurants, fast food, bar. At your service - an artificial beach with a beach volleyball, basketball, football, can ride on roller skates. In the summer of the park there is a night disco. The expected afternoon park show is a disco in a foam, where you can plunge into the sea foam and the ocean of joyful emotions.

Amusement Park Mirabilandia (Emilia Romagna)

This amusement park is one of the largest in Europe, after French Disneyland and Spanish Port Aventura. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200b750 thousand square meters. The park is equipped with the 37st most modern attractions, including the American slides, circus, 4d cinema, constantly conducted performances and shows. Very popular among visitors to the Cascaders and performances of the theater on ice, laser show and night fireworks. Working park from April 1 and works until September 13, further until November 1, on the weekend from 10:00 - 18:00, in July and August until 23:00.

Fiabialand Park (Emilia Romagna)

In Rimini, there is another popular fiabiland park. It is drowning in greenery and has no architectural barriers. Here you will find the villages of the Wild West of America and Pirate Galeon. Lake Dreams spread here and the castle of Merlino's wizard is towering. Here you can fly as a superman, sprinkle along with the caterpillar through the apple, go through the small jungle of exotia, see the museum of dolls, wagon on the East Maze.

When it becomes hot on the street, you can redeem in the sea frog and dine in the shade of palm trees and baobabs. In the evening, a wonderful spectacle of dancing fountains on the water opens at the board of the steamer Mississippi. Do not forget about the children's disco, where the entrance is prohibited. In addition, there are many places in the park where you can have a snack or how to dine.

Waterpark Prato Blue (Brescia)

The absence of some special extreme attractions and gigantic slides in this water park is compensated by all sorts of sports, including water entertainment.

In Prato Blu, there are several giant pools at once: deep for adults with small testers, one more with a real sea water, as well as a "frog" for children. There is another pool with hydromassage. You will also please the unusual natural solarium, in which you can get the perfect tan, because it is located right in the pool in a depth of ankle. Inside all this space installed sun beds. You still wait for equipped picnic sites and sports entertainment. On the territory of the water park there are several snack bars and eateries. Children will be delighted with sandwiches made in the form of fabulous heroes figurines. By the way, the animators are working with children who are ready without tired to merge babies until the very late evening. They are taught to swim, play various games, dancing on a children's disco right in the pool

Waterpark Bari.

The water park consists of several pools, including children, which is suitable for those who do not know how to swim. The big pool will delight you with their artificial waves.

The rest of the complex pool with a total length of a more kilometer, with water slides for bravery. On the territory of the park there are fields for football and tennis, roller skating tracks, playgrounds, as well as a small farm with goats, ducks, rabbits, etc ..

In the bar and pizzeria you can have a snack. Also, you are waiting for a cheerful animation with music, games, shows, karaoke and water aerobics. Children's club invites their little guests to a creative workshop and a disco.

Waterpark Sea Konk (Bari)

Waterpark, area of \u200b\u200babout 25,000 square meters - here you can spend a whole day full of fun. You are waiting for exciting water rides and slides.

Will you decide from a slide of 150 m in length, from a 22 meter high and a slope of 75 degrees?

Also, the park offers many entertainment from sports to musical.

Water Park Splash (Apulia)

The complex covers an area of \u200b\u200b78,000 square meters and is surrounded by lush tropical vegetation.

A wide selection of water slides, different in shape, length and slope for different levels of fearless visitors. From the most reckless to completely comfortable even a three-year-old child.

Near the water park is a park of amusement, bars, restaurant, pizzeria and shops. Also on the territory of the park spend various fun competitions, show the show, in one word, they do not allow to bored.

Curtipetrizzilandia (Apulia)

The park consists of three different zones:

The first part of 30 hectares, where you can take a walk, ride a train, visit the mini-zoo, the world of fairy tales in the forest, where the gnomes live, see dinosaurs.

The second part is the entertainment zone on the topic of Wild West: you are waiting for a pony riding, Indian village, show and musicals.

The third part is a water park, an area of \u200b\u200babout 30,000 square meters with a swimming pool, water slides for adults and children, waterfalls, rocks, jacuzzi.

Waterpark Montreal (Sicily)

Aqua Park Montreal, located among the picturesque hills a few kilometers from Palermo, offers a large entertainment space with a whole family. Here you will find numerous aquatic games and entertainment, slides for children and adults, large sun terraces with umbrellas and sun loungers. Every Saturday evening here are dancing evenings.

Ethnalled Park (Sicily)

Single of the most popular and parks in Europe.

Exciting water rides, rafting for adults and children, jacuzzi, children's lagoon (equipped with various games in water), laser show, waterfalls.

There are several restaurants, pizzerias, bars and various shops on site.

See also: