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The resort of Hua Hin (Hua Hin) is located in Thailand. This is the most popular Thai beach resort. Besides this, it is very developed Cultural Center, and tourists come here from all over the world in search of a comfortable beach holiday.

Royal Resort

However, Hua Hin is by no means cheap city. Of all the Thai resorts, it is considered the most expensive. This is largely due to the fact that it is here that the residence of the King of Thailand is located, called Klai Kangwon (translated as “Far from the Bustle”), and thanks to this it has long been called a “royal resort”. Therefore, cleanliness and order on the streets are maintained here. Also, due to the large number of police, the level of security here is the highest.

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To visit this resort, it is worth highlighting one significant advantage (which distinguishes it from other cities in the country) - tranquility. In this regard, on beaches and in hotels you can more often see older and elderly people than young people. Unlike the former, the latter choose advanced Phuket as a substitute for tranquility. But when vacationing here, you need to have a little more capital at your disposal than in other resorts in Thailand. Regarding the capital Bangkok, Hua Hin is located 220 km further south on the map.

Where to stay in Hua Hin

Hua Hin hotels are mostly represented by four- and five-star high-class hotels. But there are also guesthouses for budget tourists. A guesthouse is a guest house in which the owners rent out rooms and also live in it or nearby. Of course, there are not many of them, but if you want to relax at this resort and enjoy the colorful beaches, but at the same time you do not have a large number of money, then thanks to guesthouses you will succeed.

Beaches of Hua Hin

The main attraction for the resort is the beaches. There are simply a huge number of them here. So, the largest can be called the city beach, which is so large that it can be divided into three parts: southern, central and northern.

The central part begins near the so-called “stone head”. Immediately at the entrance to the beach you are greeted by an alley of trade stalls, in which you are offered a huge assortment of accessories for visiting the beach and all kinds of Thai souvenirs. Here you can find completely different entertainment, or you can just lie on the beach under the warm sun and swim in the water. The use of sunbeds and an umbrella will cost 100 baht, and is free for guests. But accommodation in such a hotel is quite expensive, because it is the first line from the beach. It is also believed that in Hua Hin best hotels and beaches. Entertainment options include all water activities, trampolines and horse riding.

It is next to this part of the city beach that the central market is located. There are a large number of cafes, restaurants and bars that are happy to welcome all visitors.

Next comes the southern part of the beach. Conventionally, it begins at the foot of Mount Khao Takiab. By the way, there is a temple at the top of this mountain. The temple is equipped with a special observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the city and the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. Unlike the previous one, this part of the beach is very narrow.

And from some of the first-line hotels located here, you can directly access the beach. Also, he is calm and measured. You can often see Buddhists here.

Mount Khao Takiab

The northern part of the city beach starts near the fishing pier and lasts all the way to the airport. It differs from the central part in its cleanliness and sparseness. Not far from this part of the beach is the King's Palace, which is one of the attractions. Holidays in this part of the beach are more suitable for those who like to watch nature without the noise and fuss. Although there are no sun loungers or other amenities on the beach, it is nevertheless very comfortable to relax here.

Also, the resort has beaches such as Khao Takiab, Suan Son, Cha Am, Sai Noi and Tao.

Sights of Hua Hin

The resort has attractions both natural and man-made. Of the first, it is worth highlighting the amazing Pala Wu and Huai Yang waterfalls, as well as the Keng Krajang and Sam Roi Yot national parks.

In the latter you can visit the famous Phrayanakorn Cave. In addition, there is amazing park Phetburi, which has the equally amazing temples of Suvanaram, Wat Khampheng Leng and Wat Mahadrath.

It is also worth noting that there are no particular attractions in the city itself. all the main ones are located outside of it, and some are even at a fairly good distance.

teak palace

Entertainment Hua Hin on the water

Also, the city offers many different entertainments: yachting, kayaking, scooters, windsurfing. The sport of golf is very developed here. There are many fields and golf courses. In addition, here you can go fishing, kite riding, elephant riding, go-karting, surfing and much more. You can also book an eco-tourist cruise. Of course there is a water park here.

Hua Hin on the map of Thailand is located more in the southern part on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Thanks to this, the weather is pleasingly constant. This is a unique Thai resort that is relatively comfortable and hot throughout the year. And at the same time you can comfortably relax on the beach all year round. It is not for nothing that wealthy old people from all over the world choose Hua Hin as their final resting place.

However, the best period for traveling to this resort is the cool period, which lasts from November until the end of winter. This is followed by a hot period that lasts throughout the spring. At this time of year, temperatures can reach up to 38°C in the shade, which significantly reduces the comfort of staying on the beach.

Hua Hin weather

This resort lasts all summer and almost all autumn (until October inclusive). But this is not an obstacle to a good quality rest, since the rains are short-lived.

It is worth remembering that Hua Hin is one of the most expensive resorts, but here you can have a good rest and enjoy the lush nature of this wonderful region.


Hua Hin, a small provincial town located on west coast Gulf of Thailand two hundred kilometers south of, it fits the definition "Potemkin Village". The fact is that it was chosen as the summer residence of the royal family. Therefore, an exemplary Siamese province is cultivated in it - the way the king himself would like to see it. Many Hua Hin attractions created specifically for tourists. For example, . However, excursions to the sights of Hua Hin are quite an interesting and educational way to spend time.

Train Station

This landmark of Hua Hin is protocol, and for Thais it is sacred, almost sacred. Like everything connected with the name of the deceased king. Built in 1911, it became a symbol of the fact that the monarch honored the city with his attention and chose it as his residence, after which it flourished and turned into a resort. Now it carefully preserves the waiting room, specially built in 1920 for the king and members of his family. And this despite the fact that the crowned persons in last years do not seek to travel by rail. All official guides to Thailand state that this is the most beautiful railway platform in the country. Read more about and how to travel between some provinces.

Cicada Market

If you have no idea at all, what to see in Hua Hin On a weekend evening, head to the Cicada Market located on Khao Takiab Street in the southern part of the city. This is its main party place, where not only tourists gather, but also local residents. Artists open open-air galleries there, theater shows are staged, and live music is played. There are souvenir shops where you can buy crafts inspired by the hand of a master, and not standard consumer goods. There you can go shopping and alternate it with relaxation to the music of local bards. The interesting thing is that various snacks are sold there not for cash, but with coupons for which you exchange baht at the entrance. You can try all sorts of delicious European, Thai or Chinese cuisine by sitting at a free table.

Night Market

Another one attraction in Hua Hin which is visited after sunset. The market on Soi 72 starts at 17:00. In general, for Thailand, the revival of life after the heat of the day subsides is quite common. There are such night fairs and food courts on other streets. The range of goods is quite standard: souvenirs, clothes, shoes... There are cafes and shops next to the shopping arcades. Many dishes, including seafood and huge, two-kilogram lobsters, are cooked in front of customers using an open fire. You definitely need to know in order to save a few extra baht.

Wat Ampharam Temple

The Wat Ampharam temple, which, excuse the pun, has nothing remarkable. There are more beautiful places of worship in Thailand. The whole point, again, is the closeness of the royal family. This is a functioning complex consisting of a monastery, a temple and a columbarium.

Monkey Mountain - Khao Takiab

Khao Takiab is a mountain, the visual dominant of the city, which gives its name to the street and the whole area. Its height is 272 meters. Don't expect to see "herds" there. Several elderly monkeys live out their lives on its top, where there is also a temple Wat Khao Lat, whose architecture combines Chinese and Siamese styles. On the half-mountain, facing the city, stands a 20-meter tall Buddha statue. There are several viewing platforms.

Sam Roi Yot National Park

This attraction of Hua Hin is the largest, because its area is 98 square meters. kilometers. It would be more correct to call it “The Kingdom of Siam in Miniature”. The natural landscape, where there are mountains, beaches, and virgin tropical forests full of strange animals, is decorated with temples. The park was created in 1966. It is worth setting aside two or three days to visit it, and traveling around the territory in a rented car.

Pala-U Waterfall

Sixty kilometers west of Hua Hin, almost on the border with Myanmar, is Kaeng Krachan National Park. Its decoration is the Palau Falls (Pa La-U, Pala-U), the highest in Thailand. It consists of sixteen steps. If you manage to climb to its top, you will enjoy views of Central Thailand and neighboring Myanmar. The border jungle is almost untouched and full of exotic animals. On the road from Hua Hin to the waterfall you can meet people walking freely.

Shopping complex Venezia

The Venice shopping and entertainment complex is located twenty kilometers north of Hua Hin, on the road to Bangkok. Something similar, but in French style in Pattaya (). Two Italian-style streets, a canal along which visitors are taken on gondola rides. There are several shops and a restaurant. There is an interactive zoo (exclusively sheep). The exhibition of 3D paintings is very interesting. You can “embed” into each of them and take an original photo as a keepsake.

Baan Silapin - artists' village

The Baan Silapin Artist Village is sure to please fans of fine art. It is located four kilometers west of the city center, in a shady grove. This artistic village was founded in 1989 by artist Tawee Kesa-ngam, who left bustling Bangkok for inspiration. The community of free artists organized around him is close in lifestyle and worldview to the hippie subculture. You can chat with masters working in different genres, and also buy unique works in your own way. For example, wooden etchings of Buddha, terracotta figurines, landscapes.

Temple complex Wat Huay Mongkol

A real Buddhist shrine, to which people come from all over the world to pay their respects. Its spiritual center is a huge statue of the monk Luang Phor Tuad, revered in Thailand and beyond. Because of the color, the sculpture is called “Black Monk”. The complex is surrounded by a park with traditional Thai canals, bridges and goldfish ponds. Physical hunger can be satisfied in a cafe, where the food is quite tasty.


Hua Hin Hills Vineyard grape plantations are located thirty kilometers west of the city. They are included in the list of official excursions to the sights of Hua Hin. From half past eight in the morning until half past seven in the evening you can walk there and even taste the growing grapes. Juice or wine is sold at a restaurant nearby. Among other things, this place is also a wonderful observation deck.

Royal Palace

Mrigadayavan Palace – Hua Hin landmark, to which this city owes its actual birth. Built in 1923, it transformed a fishing village into a royal resort. The residence of Rama IV is a must-see destination. Entrance to it is paid, but this is not all the conditions for visitors. They must take off their shoes and behave as befits a royal audience.

Temple ship Wat Ta Nod Luang

Buddhism is a religion that is tolerant of almost everything. Therefore, among religious buildings you can find very. For example, Wat Ta Nod Luang is a temple ship located near the village of Bang Kao, a few kilometers from the coast. Its appearance combines traditional Buddhist attributes and elements of ship equipment. The elephant, ubiquitous in temples in Thailand, holds a steering wheel on its head, and the central panel of the temple depicts scenes of a shipwreck. Its roof is decorated with thousands of small bells that ring in the wind. The temple was built recently, mainly to attract tourists. However, nearby is a truly ancient monastery, which contains a sculpture of the revered monk Luang Phor Thong Suk.

Turtle Temple Wat Khao Tao

Fifteen kilometers south of Hua Hin there is a very beautiful Sai Noi beach. It is also notable for the fact that Wat Khao Tao, the Turtle Temple, was built nearby. It can be considered a Buddhist park, since the landscape is decorated with man-made caves, picturesque paths, ladders, and unusually shaped stones. Like a cherry on the cake, all this romantic splendor is crowned by the temple. You can perform a ritual to attract good luck in it. As a thank you, leave an offering of 100 baht.

Khao Luang Cave Temple

Cave temple, a landmark of Hua Hin that is a must-visit, despite its considerable remoteness. It is located near the city of Phetchaburi, a walk through the streets of which will be a good addition to the excursion.

Kaeng Krachan National Park

National Park, the largest in Thailand. Located on the border with Myanmar. Closest to it settlements– these are the cities of Hua Hin, Phetchaburi, Cha-Am. An array of almost untouched mountain tropical forest, replete with exotic animals and plants. Numerous rivers, waterfalls, and caves add to its picturesqueness. There is a hot spring. It is located sixty kilometers west of Hua Hin. The road itself can be an unforgettable adventure. There you can meet wild elephants.

Hin Lek Fai Viewpoint

Rather, it is a whole complex of observation platforms located on the slope of the Khao Hin Lek Fai mountain, 162 meters high. Six places with stunning views of the outskirts of Hua Hin and the coast of the Gulf of Thailand are connected by picturesque paths and bridges. There is a park around them where orchids and other exotic plants grow.

mangrove forest

An attraction in Hua Hin, which is part of more large park Forest Park, where you can stroll through the very common South-East Asia landscape - mangrove forest. Tourists walk along suspended bridges that are closed to each other. It is impossible to get lost there; at every turn there is a map of the park and an exit sign. The main feature of the place is the hordes of mangrove crabs swarming among clusters of aerial roots. The coastal part of Forest Park is interesting to visit not because there are many wonders there, but because of the opportunity for relaxation. There are benches and tables under the canopy of trees. Before entering the park there is a sandy beach called Pran Kiri - a wild, unequipped coastline.

Black woman

Near the town of Cha-Am there is Pak Tien Beach. It is famous for its statue, which has no official name, and therefore simply called “Black Woman”. It depicts a female sea demon who extends her hand towards a young Siamese prince sitting on a small island. At low tide you can reach the woman itself, which is six meters high. Due to constant contact with the sea elements, the Cyclopean structure is gradually destroyed.

The charming, tranquil resort of Hua Hin attracts tourists with its clean sandy beaches, pineapple groves and crystal clear sea. This place is the oldest resort in Thailand, as was already known in 1920. Thanks to its well-developed tourist infrastructure, high level of service and picturesque landscapes, the resort is very popular. Night life there is practically no tourism here, so a holiday in Hua Hin is perfect for couples with children or older tourists.

Hua Hin on the map of Thailand

Hua Hin is located 280 kilometers from Bangkok. Geographically, the resort is located on the opposite side of the famous Pattaya. On the map you can see that the resort consists of two islands connected by a bridge. There are two main streets in Hua Hin - Petchkasem Highway, which runs along the coast, and Damnoenkasem Street.

Hua Hin Hotels

Accommodation for tourists in Hua Hin is mostly represented by hotels, the prices for rooms are considered slightly higher than at other resorts in the country. Despite this, you can always find inexpensive room in local hostels and guesthouses, of which, unfortunately, there are not many. Most of the hotels are located along the coastline, but there are also some that are located at a decent distance from the beaches.

It is worth noting that Hua Hin is popular place For wintering, as a rule, many come here for several months. Therefore, there is always the possibility of renting housing, which can be done at home via the Internet, or you can do it while on vacation in Hua Hin. The latter option is much more convenient; you can immediately examine several options on the spot and choose the most suitable one.

Beaches of Hua Hin

Perhaps the main advantages of all the beaches of the resort are that they are not crowded, clean and peaceful.

City Beach, which has total length almost 6 kilometers, characterized by clean white sand and shallow coastal waters. Main entrance the beach is located in lane 61 soi. The only McDonald's in Hua Hin will help you get your bearings.

On the way to the beach, tourists can visit the open market, where you can buy everything that will make your stay on the beach more comfortable, from swimsuits to air mattresses and umbrellas.

Various cafes and snack bars are scattered throughout the beach, where you can always eat delicious food and enjoy refreshing drinks. Lovers active rest will be able to ride banana boats and water scooters.

Kao Takiab Beach located just behind Monkey Mountain, where the city beach ends. The sand on this beach is black, which does not really attract foreign tourists. Thanks to this, prices here are much lower for both food and water activities. The beach area is quite shady and spacious.

Suan son- magnificent, practically wild beach, located on the territory military base famous for its picturesqueness. Here is the kingdom of centuries-old pine trees and peaceful silence. It is better to take food and beach mats with you. On weekends, the situation changes dramatically, as the beach is filled with locals who love to relax here with children.

Sai Noi Beach considered a real pearl among the surrounding beaches. A small cozy lagoon, surrounded on both sides by picturesque mountains. On one of the hills rises ancient temple and a statue of a seated Buddha made of gold. While relaxing on this beach, you can perfectly combine swimming with a visit to such an ancient shrine, where you can climb the stairs.

Sights of Hua Hin

The main attraction of the resort can be safely called its provincial atmosphere, which charms and makes you forget about the hustle and bustle and everyday life. But it really is here interesting places for visiting. For example, Hua Hin Railway Station is considered the most beautiful building in Thailand.

It was the construction of the station that allowed the city to develop and become what it is today. One of the features of the station is that at the beginning of the 20th century, next to the main building, a Royal Hall waiting area, where members of the royal family spent time waiting for the train.

Wat Ampharam Temple

This temple is the main shrine of Hua Hin. The temple is not a masterpiece of religious architecture; it is a completely ordinary building. However, its practical use is very important. Wat Ampharam is at once a monastery, a temple, a cemetery and a crematorium.

Every visitor can visit the temple, regardless of what faith he belongs to. Every morning, near the temple, monks in saffron or red robes accept donations from residents.

Hua Hin Safari & Adventure Park

A few kilometers from the resort center there is a wonderful amusement park, which also known as the elephant village. Visitors can ride ATVs, ride a horse, play paintball, and watch snake and crocodiles shows. However, the main highlight of the park is the elephants.

Young elephants play the harmonica, draw and give massages. Also, anyone can ride on an elephant, but it is worth noting that this pleasure is expensive.

Sam Roi Yot National Park

It will be interesting to visit this place both big and small, since the park includes several interesting attractions. It was founded in the 60s of the last century and occupies an impressive area of ​​98 square kilometers. On its territory there are caves, mountains, beaches, temples, and of course, magnificent exotic flora and fauna.

It would be better if you set aside 2-3 days to visit the park. To explore it, you can rent a vehicle, since the park itself is located 50 kilometers from Hua Hin. However, if desired, this can be done with a group of tourists by purchasing a tour.

The resort has been little studied by our compatriots. But despite this, tourists believe that this is a great place for family vacation, as well as people who are tired of the noise and bustle popular resorts Thailand. However, there are also disadvantages - without knowledge in English it will be difficult for you to communicate with the local population or hotel staff.

Read - the unknown pearl of Thailand. Overview of the beaches and natural attractions of the resort.

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On the page you will learn the benefits of coconut and its calorie content, as well as instructions for opening the fruit.

There are no problems with food; local cafes and restaurants offer a wide selection of dishes from both local and European cuisines. Many of the catering establishments have night buffets where you can not only eat, but also enjoy a performance of classical Thai dance.

Just like in other cities exotic countries, in Hua Hin you should behave very carefully. Especially when visiting various crocodile and snake farms, where for greater safety it is better to avoid feeding and other contacts with their inhabitants.

Some photos from Hua Hin resort

Hua Hin (Hua Hin) is a great place to relax in Thailand. Consider beaches, hotels, attractions and prices for vacations.

How to get to the resort

If you purchase a bus ticket at the South Terminal of Bangkok for a trip to the Hua Hin resort, then in a little less than 4 hours it will take you to this blessed place. And it is significant if only because here you can observe with your own eyes the life of Thai fishermen, without carving out time specifically for this purpose. The resort is designed in such a way that there is also a fishing port on its territory. The king himself, a century ago, chose this place to relax and called it a place far from worries. Buses go to Hua Hin almost all daylight hours at 20-minute intervals. Tickets can be purchased for buses of different comfort classes.

If you have a budget vacation option, then a 3rd class bus with air conditioning is just what will allow you to relax economically. You can also get there by minivan, but it will be more expensive. But the plane will take you to the resort in just half an hour and allow you to see the beauty of this place from above. And there is something to look at and be surprised at. And the holes into which a small airplane can fall will be quickly forgotten ( large planes due to the fact that the distance is very small - about 300 km, they do not fly here). The cost of a flight on a private aircraft is approximately the same as a trip to Hua Hin by taxi and is about 3,000 baht.

Beaches of Hua Hin

City Beach

The most beautiful beach Hua Hin is considered a city beach separated from the fishing port by cliffs.

Snow-white sand, a gently sloping shore, clear water, freedom for children and the opportunity for them to stay in the water on the shallows - only this can encourage tourists to visit this beautiful beach.

Hat Khao Tao Beach

And next to the city beach is Hat Khao Tao Beach. It is more secluded than a city one, and tourists who prefer peace and quiet like to relax there.

Cha-Am Beach

It offers its guests a variety of water attractions and entertainment on the water. It stretches along the jungle and mountains for such a length that it is considered one of the longest in the country. Silence and solitude accompany everyone who visits it.

Hua Hin Beach

If you want to sit in a chic restaurant, or you are staying in an expensive luxury hotel, then Hua Hin Beach awaits you. It is located next to expensive hotels and restaurants. At the edge of the beach there is a rock cliff from which it gets its name.

Pranburi Beach

And for tourists on a budget holiday, Pranburi Beach is suitable. It is comfortable and quiet. Located 30 kilometers from the center of Hua Hin, close to national park. There are also several calm beaches located in the bays, where mainly local residents relax. But it is also convenient for guests there, but only for those who like to relax and enjoy peace and quiet.

Sights of Hua Hin

The attractions of Hua Hin include Train Station. This building is the oldest in the country, and the anna was erected by order of King Rama Vl of Siam. The architecture of the station is so unique and built taking into account all Thai traditions that it is impossible to understand it right away. The Royal Hall is especially magnificent. Summer Royal Palace, erected by order of the king at the beginning of the last century, amazes with its beauty. All 3 palaces have sea views and currently serve as the royal summer residence. A national park in the jungle where there are waterfalls, caves, and monkeys...

The waterfalls are so beautiful that it is impossible not to look at this wonder of nature. Although one of them is located right in the jungle, it can be reached by trekking. All kinds of birds of different colors will surprise you with their diversity. The second attraction of Hua Hin is the Buddha statue on a hill located 4 km from the city. Located there Buddhist temple with an observation deck offering wonderful views of the surrounding area. For those tourists who decide to touch everything with their own hands and taste spicy Thai dishes, it won’t hurt to go to night market. This is where all the abundance of flavors is concentrated, from drinks to ice cream.

Vacation prices

As throughout Thailand, holidays in Hua Hin are divided into three categories. It's the rainy season, cool and also hot.

The most successful season, of course, is from the beginning of December to the end of March. But in Hua Hin this is the season of expensive, and even very, vacation.

When purchasing a tour to a five-star hotel during this period, you will have to spend a fairly large amount, in the range of 100-150 thousand rubles. If you buy a tour to a good, not very expensive hotel, for example, Thipurai City Hotel, then you can get by with 2 times less money. Tourists planning to visit Hua Hin should not neglect their holidays during the rainy season. That’s just what it’s called, but it rains at night and for no more than an hour.

Travel costs can be reduced significantly. And you can purchase a last-minute tour after preparing for the tour in advance. And it will cost a minimal amount, and the holiday will be great at any time of the year. The only thing is that there are jellyfish on the beaches during the rainy season. But this is not such a misfortune, because of which you can refuse a cheap trip to the country of exoticism and dreams. The price of the trip will depend entirely on preferences and capabilities. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves.

Main excursions

There are quite a lot of excursions offered in Hua Hin, to suit different tastes and budgets.

Sightseeing tour

If you decide to see everything at once, buy a ticket for sightseeing tour. Here you will be invited to travel with a tour of the royal residences, a national park, and a train station. railway, review from observation deck near the Buddha Temple, where you can also see the statue of the Goddess of Mercy and buy handmade silk souvenirs. The only thing is that the time spent at each place is limited.

Excursion to the National Park

It will take the whole day, but there will be a lot of impressions. You can take a boat ride around, visit the mangroves, contemplate birds with colorful plumage along with a huge number of butterflies, visit a cave, and see Mount Khao Dang. Isn't it worth spending time and money on this?!

Excursion to a dance show

Dinner at a restaurant where you will be offered not only exotic dishes, but also an amazing dance show. And keep in mind, not only will you be able to see this, but also hear the history of national dances. And this is worth a lot.

Excursion to the vineyards

You can also taste Thai wine in the vineyards if you go on an excursion to the Wat Huai temple. Here is the symbolic gateway to the south of Thailand. If you like the wine, you will be immediately offered to buy it. And the quality of Thai wines was highly appreciated by professionals.

Weather at the resort

Hua Hin is ready to receive guests within all year round, fortunately the weather is favorable for this. The hottest month is May. But in winter, when we have frost and snow, it’s just wonderful there. But sometimes there are winds. And if there is wind, then it can be quite big waves. The weather is also good during the rainy season. The air is warmed up to + 30, the sea is just waiting for swimmers, and if it rains at night, it’s still night. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Hua Hin Hotels

Baan Talay Chine Boutique Resort Hotel

This hotel is probably the best in Hua Hin. Luxurious, located in the garden, it offers guests villas with swimming pools, one and two-room rooms, service on the highest level. It is located next to expensive restaurants. All rooms are furnished with Chinese furniture, TV and all the attributes modern life. You can invite massage therapists and take advantage of room delivery services for lunch and dinner. You can also play golf on site. The horses will also be happy to take you around the surrounding area.

Asara Villa & Suite Hotel

This 5 star hotel is located right next to Hua Hin Beach. It has about 100 rooms, furnished with wooden furniture and 21st century appliances.

  • Spa
  • spa pool
  • massage room
  • 5 restaurants

Each room has a terrace with sea or garden views. Canoes are available for vacationers to ride in the bay. The chefs also offer European cuisine.


This hotel is designed for tourists with modest incomes. But even a rich person is not ashamed to stay there. The staff offers a variety of recreation options. The rooms have refrigerators, television, and bathrooms. Here you can use Internet services, luggage storage, and safes. Everything is ready for a comfortable stay in the rooms. Tourists do not come to spend all their time in a hotel.

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