Trang Province Islands. Trang - Unknown Thailand

Province of Trang (Trang) is located south of the province, and is known, first of all, thanks to two, surprisingly beautiful, islands, island and island.

These two islands, as well as located on the border of Krabi and Trang provinces, are most often visited by tourists in these places, however, these islands are not limited to these islands.

First, in the northern part of the Province of Trang, in close proximity to the islands of Ngai, Muk and Kandan, there is a group of beaches that stretched more than 20 km., And notable for its colorful and not like rocks. The most beautiful of these cliffs are located near the beaches and Hut Yao, and are great from a fairly long distance, including the beaches of the nearby islands. It is worth it to note that these rocks are not inferior to the rocks of the province of Krabi, and the latter, as you know, are the main attraction of this province, attracting millions of tourists in Krabi.

And, secondly, in the southern part of the Province of Trang there are several impressive islands, the most famous of which. These arelands are far away from both the main tourist centersand the main routes tourist shipsAnd only a single number of tourists are able to align the road to them. However, these islands are very beautiful, snorkeling next to them is one of the best in the southern part of the Andaman Sea, and if you are not frightened by the non-unistricted places of Thailand, to spend time and effort to visit Lao Liang Islands, no doubt.

Trang Province Islands. Kandan, Ngai and Muk.

All three of the above-listed islands are not yet spoiled by the attention of the general public, on all three islands there are very high-quality beaches, and with the beaches of all three islands, astoundingly beautiful views of the neighboring islands and the rocks of the continent. Despite the fact that the islands of Kandan, Ngai and Muk do not apply to the number of the most popular tourist destinations Thailand, it is enough to get enough to the islands, both from the island and from more remote from these islands of the province. From the extreme south of Thailand, and, first of all, from the island, it is also not difficult to get to the islands.

Options for placing on the islands are quite different, from camping in tents and lease bungalows from bamboo and palm leaves, To accommodation in luxury hotels with prices in the area of \u200b\u200btwo hundred dollars per night. The cost of hotels and guesthouses on these islands is at least two times higher than on the mainland, however, those who want to visit these places are not frightened. The islands are surprisingly beautiful, light and, despite the availability of hotels, a tropical paradine is untouched by civilization. And the impressions received from the visit to the islands are clearly spent the money spent, especially since these costs, according to European standards, are not so great.

Read more about the islands of the Province of Trang. Brief description of the islands of Kandan, Ngai and Muk.

Kohdan Island (Koh Kradan) - the most beautiful and less mastered from three major islands (NGA, MUK and Kandan), south of Lanta. The island of Kandan island brought his magnificent two-bilometer beach, with amazing light turquoise water and stunning views of the nearby islands and rocks of the mainland. In addition to the beach, one of the best in Thailand, Kordan Island is notable for its extensive coral reef located around the perimeter of the island, and known as one of best places For snorkeling in the southern part of Thailand. The fact that the island of Kandan is surprisingly beautiful, known to many, and, as a result, in the midst of the day on the island becomes crowded, but .....

NGai Island (Koh NGAI, less often - Koh Hai) - the northernmost and most caught from three major islands (Ngai, Muk and Kandan), south of Lanta. NGai Island is considered one of the most interesting places The south of Thailand and is known, first of all, thanks to its extended, length of about two kilometers, the beach and amazing beauty views of the neighboring rocks and islands. On the form of the island of Ngai look like a narrow, elongated lanta, triangle. On the eastern side of this triangle is the main beach and almost all guesthouses, hotels and resorts of the island. On the western side are wild and non-microgenic rocks. At the base of the triangle, in the southern part of the island, there are several beaches and .....

Muk Island (Koh Mook, less often, Koh Muk) is the largest of the three islands (Ngai, Muk and Kandan), south of Lanta. Compared to two other islands, the island of Ngai and the island of Kandan, the island of Muk is more Goriz (the height of the rocks exceeds 300 meters) and there are no such extended, more kilometers long, beaches, as in the neighboring islands. Nevertheless, on the island of Muk there are two very impressive beach, Hat Farang Beach (he also Charlie Beach) and the beach of Hat Hua Laem (he is the beach of Sivalai Hotel), both with perfect white coral sand and with excellent neighboring rocks and Islands. The first of the beaches is located on both sides of the breathtakingly beautiful sandy braidlocated in the eastern part of the island .....

Beaches of the mainland Province of Trang

However, there are also several beaches of attention on the mainland, and first of all, these are beaches of the northern part of the Province of Trang, located in the Pacmeng Pierce area and Hut Yao.

The main attraction of these beaches, in contrast to the beaches of the islands, with their snow-white coral sand and light-emerald water, are surprisingly beautiful rocks located at the edges of the beaches, as well as rejoicing views of the neighboring islands.

The beaches themselves, at the same time, are not deprived of the shortcomings, they are shallow water and are raised with numerous narrow bays (clongs), but the shortcomings of these beaches do not outweigh their advantages, and first of all, the amazing beauty of the surrounding rocks.

Which of the rocks, rocks of the beach Paclemg or the rocks of the beach Hat Yao are most beautiful - to say hard. However, it is easy to say which of the beaches is the most popular. Obviously, it is Pakmeng Beach, a place where several quite balanced hotels are located, and for this reason commonly used by tourists as a base for trips throughout the other beaches of the northern part of the Province of Trang.

Both Islands, Lao Liang Yai (Liang Yai) and Lao Liang Noah (Lao Liang Yai), are quite similar to each other, have approximately the same dimensions, 800 x 200 meters, and are located on a slight distance from each other (the width of the Strait between The islands do not exceed three hundred meters).

Since Lao Liang islands are located at some distance from the main tourist centers of Thailand, the number of tourists visiting these islands is small. However, this does not prevent Islands Lao Liang to be considered one of the most interesting places of the South of Thailand.

The sheer cliffs of Lao Liang islands, more than a hundred meters high, produce a strong impression. Beaches, covered from sea waves with a wall of rocks, are very good. Coral reefs surrounding islands are in a magnificent state, and the corals themselves, like multi-colored reef fish, are diverse and are present in abundance. In other words, the Islands of Lao Liang impressed the real tropical paradise, not yet affected by the influence of civilization.

To see this tropical paradise is definitely worth it, and in order to do this, you need to attach not so much effort. Local Motor Boats (Longtail Boat) regularly come to Lao Lyang Islands (Longtail Boat), excursions come from the nearest neighborhoods on Lao Lao Islands, and on Lao Laeng tent city, ready to take tourists not too tied to comfort. In general, there are no special difficulties in organizing a trip to Islands Lao Liang, and it all depends exclusively on your desire to see new, beautiful, and not burdened by the achievements of the civilization of the place.

Islands Sukon and Libong in Trang Province

Trang Province Islands. Sunset on the island of Sukon, on the horizon - Islands Lao Liang.

If you carefully look at the map of the Province of Trang, you can see that in the province of Trang there are two groups of islands: those that are located near the coastline of the mainland, and those that are located more far into the sea. The first group of islands, which includes and cannot boast of either outstanding beaches, nor impressive coral reefs, nor other imaginable imagination, natural beauty.

As a result, tourists on these islands are a bit, and in themselves these islands are interesting, except for, a leisurely and relaxing style of life, which, however, is characteristic not only for Sukon's Islands and Libong, but in general for any, not spoiled by tourists, Deaf Thai province.

However, there is one circumstance that does not allow us to consider these places very hopeless, and concerns it, first of all, the islands of Sukon. Sukon Island, although deprived of outstanding natural beauty, is very successful in relation to the other, more interesting islandsAnd it's good as a base with which it is convenient to make babble on these islands. There are several pieces of such islands in the area of \u200b\u200bSukon Island, all of these islands are small in size and uninhabited, they all belong to Peter's National Park (MU KO Phetra), and among these islands, the first place is undoubtedly occupied by the islands) and Kandan () is approximately 15 km, the distance between Libong Island and Lanta Island is approximately 40 km. Although Libong Island is located next to the tourists from Ngai, Muk and Kandan, however, those who want to visit Libong Island are .....

Sukon Island (Koh Sukorn)

Nevertheless, we will also include it in the review. All other islands at least mostly and beautiful, but there are no tourist infrastructure on them, or there is expensive and for a long time to get (for example, to Sukon Island).

So, choose the best island of Tranga.

According to many travelers, the most beautiful island of Prang Province. Long here sand beach, magnificent views And definitely the best snorkeling. On the coast, there are hotels in the bungali type, and the forest begins at them. During hotels, there are restaurants and massages, in some - tiny shops, where you can buy a small one type of water or fruit. There are no longer anything here - neither asphalted roads, nor motorbikes, no cars, no horsepie, no villages local residents. In a word, to Korodan is an almost untouched corner of nature, and the main infrastructure is concentrated on the eastern part of the island. His part of it is occupied by the jungle.

No nightlife, discos and especially bars with girls there is no. His motto - the sun went down - it's time for the side. And indeed, after dinner, there is nothing to do here, except to sit in silence on the beach or go to sleep.

Of the minuses. Approximately 11 h and to 14 hours, excursions from Lanta and other islands province Trang. And if at the usual time the main beach is quite deserted, then it is crowded in the day. Many excursions included lunch on the island, so you will have to see the intelligence of Chinese and Europeans. But after 14-15 hours, the island again turns into a desert paradise with palm trees on the shore.

Another minus: Kitan along with NGA - the most dear Islands Tranga in terms of hotels. The price tag here is almost one and a half times higher than in other places. And if on the Lanta Bungalow with a fan on the coast can be found for 600-700 baht, here, here, God forbid, settle for 1000 baht. The average price tag - 2000 baht.

And finally, the third minus of Kradan - to him a little longer to get to the other islands. But this is not critical, 15-20 minutes will not play roles.

Despite rooting english name To Ngai, Thais called and utter his name as Ko Hi.

After such a detailed description of the previous island, the story about this place will be short. It comes out to one - two islands are very similar: and there are beautiful views there, the main infrastructure is in the east, the same prices, except for expensive hotels there is nothing. There is also a long sandy beach, there are no sights, transportation, police and also come here excursions from 11 to 14 hours. Snorkeling worse, but faster and cheaper to get from Lanta.

In general, if you choose that better to Ngai or Korodan, then the account will be about the same. They are really similar. But if you live on Lanta and in Krabi, then it will be cheaper to get to the first island. However, if you borrow, you can always get to the edge, the benefit between them daily run big high-speed ships.

Read more about.

But it is distinguished by a radically from the two previous islands. There are all - asphalt roads, which are signed by motorbikes (although rarely), several Thai villages, markets, shops, motorbike and bicycle rentals. Prices Though more expensive than in the mainland, but lower than on Kradne or NGA.

And it applies to all - hotels, food, ticket prices at the airport and town of Trang. There is even an exclusive landmark - a beach in a cave, which is called Emerald Cave. But there are no nightlife with discos.

You might think - what exactly to the flour is better to send my feet, but we hurry to disappoint you. Snorcling here is no, the main beach is even has a beautiful white and soft sand, but the glance rests in the mainland, because The island is very close to him. This main beach is even called Thai Maldives, and something willingly believe, because The cost of living is quite comparable to expensive Maldives. Prices for hotels in the central part of the beach are even higher than on Krandan and NGA.

The second beach, which is called Charlie, does not represent anything special, there are such a lot on Lanta and in the cracks and on any other island of Thailand.

Due to the more developed infrastructure to the MUK, it does not produce the impression of privacy and isolation, which is felt on the NGA or KORDAN.

Plus to flour - a large selection of hotels not on the first line, where prices are quite comparable to the mainland. For 500 baht, you can find a house with a toilet and shower inside. Also from here the closest (and cheaper) get from Tranga Airport. Finally, the island does not come crowds of excursions during the daytime.

Read more about the island.

Tourists enjoy only one beach in the west of the island. Throughout the rest of the territory or wild beachesor village local residents. There are very few hotels, dozen not cheer. Most of them are on the first line and, accordingly, the prices of them are not small. For example, a bungalow with a fan and toilet cost from 900 baht. For 500 baht, you can rent a room without a toilet and soul. In short, prices for hotels on Libonga are noticeably more expensive than in the mainland or lante and even higher than on the flour.

In addition, it's not so easy to get here, and even expensive. And all because it is not particularly popular place And, accordingly, the water report has not been established. The only way to get here is a small motorboat that departs from Had Yao Pier as it fills. We waited for this filling of an hour and a half. Then they found out that some were waiting for more than two.

Libong Beaches are not outstanding and because they are almost not cleaned, then a lot of natural garbage. Snorcling is visibly inferior and Korotan and Ngay.

Honestly, we do not see much sense to go here. All the above-described Trang islands are as calm, and the species are much more beautiful. And since it is cheaper to get to them, then on the money you do not really win.

The only thing here is much less people, they do not come here with excursions and even in the high season on the coast there is almost no one. We were at the beginning of March and only on weekends hotels were filled with Thais, and on weekdays was only a few families in each of Libong hotels. And if you want to live in the silence and tranquility week-another in a nonruptive place, you can easily come to Liebon. Nobody disturbs your privacy, and if it becomes boring, you can always rent a motorbike at the hotel and to explore the island, watch the don. Well, or swim naked on wild beaches in the northwest, where there is no infrastructure.


So, you think you have already decided on which island of Tranga to choose to rest. Summing up, it can be said that Kordan and Ngai are the most beautiful, most eco-friendly (no transport), the wildest and most better snorkeling. But very expensive on Thai standards.

The MUK is closest to the mainland and inexpensive, if you do not settle on the first line (almost all hotels are standing on the coast on the shore). But views here worse and snorkeling too.

It would be a good and more calm alternative to flour if it was easy to reach there. At the same time, it is suitable only to lovers of complete silence and desert beaches. Here, no one will interrupt your privacy, as on Krandan or NGA, where the excursions arrive. On Liebong, we advise you to come for all the time of vacation, at least a week, because we do not see the point of riding a couple of days in such a distance and wilderness. He does not shine low prices on housing nor beautiful species and beaches.

If you want to see everything and immediately, you do not need some special route in advance. Between all the islands you can move to big ships, for example, with Taigleline. Between Muk and Ngai, as well as between Muk and Kandan still go and small motorboats a couple of times a day.

If you float from the north of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Lanta), then, naturally, it is first to stop at the NGA, because He is closest to them. Next to Kozdan, and then to the MUK and at the airport of Tranga (or on the bus station). If, moving from the south, first at the astound, then on Ngai and to the Muk. From the Tranga first to the astound, then NGA and MUK. But there will still be dependent, where you want it later - on the Lanta, Krabi or to the Lamp. In short, in each case, the route will be different.

Trang is the city and province in the south of Thailand. Trang itself is a non-smoke city. Who is not too knowledgeable in such unpopular directions in Thailand, perhaps, was in bewilderment, that after 4 months outside of Thailand went to Trang. Not to Phuket, nor in Pattaya, but in Trang!? What is it at all? Where is it?

Photo Trang, Thailand

Trang city

Trang is the capital of the Province of the Trang Province, located south of all the famous province. In the truth rarely meet white tourist. In principle, the word tourist and Trang is incompatible. Here is an independently traveling man and Trang, it is already more like the truth.

Proximity to Malaya makes itself felt. Street art, like

Trang is a provincial and pure town. Trang is inferior by appearance and civilization is also not at all tourist city . But not so rustic and deserted, such as the city.

Cheerful local granny

Transport in Trange is represented in the form of Tuk-Tukov, similar to Tuki in

In the truth, everything is very important in Thai. There are practically no signs in English. But Thais here, surprisingly, English know. Not only in hotels, but also taxi drivers, traders in the market and even in Fudcorts. Again the effect affects?

Building railway Station. Outside the inscription in English, and inside the direction you need to guess, since all the inscriptions are only in Thai

Attractions Tranga

We spent 2 days in Trange and looked at its main attractions in a couple of hours. I will immediately say that there are no outstanding places in the translate itself. But two days in the hotel's room are not our option. We found at least five places in the Trange, which you can walk on foot. At the end of the article, the card on which we marked all points.

Clock tower

The area with a clock is a business card and the main attraction of the Tranga. Located in the very center on Rama Vi Street, which comes from Rama.

Sculpture with dugony

Sea cows or dugoni is the disappearing type of water mammals. The name comes from the Malay word "sea virgin" (it sounds better than the sea cow). We first thought it was a monument to Belukham, and then learned that they live here on the island of Ko Liebong.

Where to book transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwitaxi.
Ordered a taxi online, paid for the card. At the airport, they met with a sign with our last name. Brought the hotel on a comfortable car. About your experience already told in this article

Parks in Trange

A tiny square public park, where tysters are engaged in sports. It was remembered by the fact that the cicadas shout here so loudly, as if you were in the jungle, drowning noise from machines and motorcycles.

Removed the video to appreciate what loud cicadas. This "Park" is real meter on the meter and is located in the middle of the road junction, the cars continuously go around.

And here is another less well-kept park, where we athend in the fresh air, sitting in a shady.

Shopping center Robinson

This is not the sights of Tranga, of course, but just the largest shopping center in Trange. The complex with Food Court, in which we first ordered Tom Yam (100 BAT) and Som Salad there (50 BAT). It was very acute and tasty! And we lookedched from acute food for these months!

How tasty. So they missed, so dreamed ...

Night market in Trange

They went to the evening market. Knight Market in the Middle Size Trange. Good variety of food and smells. The search for a swimsuit was not justified. All day we were looking for me bikini, but in the truth there is a swimsuit failure to task. Nor shopping centersNor on the market they were not sold. Thais bathes in clothes, they do not need swimsuits. Glory coated one swimsuit in the last row of the market, somewhere in things when they were going to leave. He bought him

Trang Night Market.

Trang Islands

Reveal the cards if anyone has not guess. In the truth we are not by chance. Trang is the point of departure to the middle-aged, not circulated mass tourismThe charming islands of Thailand. On the islands of Tranga do not sell vouchers, they do not carry here on excursions from Pattaya, Phuket and Krabi. Bloggers do not go to the island of Tang. Did you hear anything about the island of Tranga? We are confident that most of you are not.

We go to one of the most beautiful islands Thailand to show you that the beauty of this country is not on Khanga and the more not on Samui. It is hidden from most uninitiated eyes.

We visited 3. the best islands. I got to the first island, buying a bus transfer + steam in the Treatment near Railway Station. As a base used the island of Muk. They rested a couple of days on it, and then took the boat for the whole day for inspection of the neighboring islands, Ngai and Kandan, on which you can also stay at night if desired. Trang Province Islands:

Nearest to the mainland island to flour with excellent beaches. Koh Mook's Taks Isle is convenient to use for a trip to the neighboring Islands - Kandan and Ngai.


Once Trang was a major seaport Southern Thailand. Ships went to it in the morning, from here, as they say, the name of the city occurred. From the Malay word "terang" translates as "light".

There are no significant temples or monuments in the Trange, which are worth seeing to see, but many natural attractions: waterfalls, caves, national parks and islands. But these beauties are not converted among the "Faragov" and attract almost only Thai. English It is not very popular here, judging by the signs. "Something is hot-well."

Or yet " Hot water OK". Of course good, who would argue! There was another option "Hot Wall Wall" - a whole wall of hot years. Looks threatening!

But on this day, we did not go to the jungle and sail to the islands, and decided to see the coast. The first beach, which we fell - Hat Yao, immediately grieved. Yes, Tranga has tourist potential. Fancy rocks, wide beaches and all that. But garbage. Trash is generally the common problem of South and South-East Asia. We try to write as it is, relying on our personal impressions, we try not to kindhat, so, I do not embellish. Thais who come to the picnic, the garbage takes the sea to the shore. Yes, and shore so far does not shine with landscaping. Some squigs, logs, algae, foam slices. It could be very beautiful here, and near the rocks would be wonderful snorkelling, but I would not have ride here to rest here. Nevertheless, there is a store, a restaurant, it seems to have guests and even rental of kayak.

11. Not a very clean beach.

12. Garbage on the shore.

14. But you can swim on kayaks.

But the next beach did not fail. Long and beautiful Hat Chang Lang (Hat Chang Lang) seemed pink due to seashells. When we walked there, we did not leave the feeling of something otherworldly: the waves very slowly licked a completely deserted beach framed by a rice of the rocky islands.

Shells there really have a huge amount. Some large enough. I think it's better not to climb here. But the stroll is definitely worth it.

This beach is divided by a river.

18. For scale.

21. Varana was swung on the road to the beach.

On the beach north of the river, the water is empty, and the sand is very loose. There are several large hotels here, here we met a few compatriots who are not clear how it was listed. Because of the river, the water is rather muddy, but in general the beach is quite pleasant.

To our joy, on the road to the next beach we were automatic refueling. The places here are so badly happily, that even ordinary roadside shops with gasoline in bottles did not meet us, so that the situation developed a completely threatening way. Minus such stations - a strongly overestimated price of gasoline. But in such wilderness you have to take what they give.

After Hat Chang Lang, we headed for Hat Pak Meng. Here the construction of the embankment is in full swing, decorated with statues of a digray. Trang is the only place in Thailand, where it is possible to observe this marine mammal, a relative of Lamantins and exterminated marine cows. Most of all chances to watch a done near the Trang Island to Liebong (Koh Libong). For those who are looking for paradise sand beaches as starch This iso is not at all suitable, but if you want to see an unknown Thailand without a crowd of tourists, then you are here. Only jungle and rocks, only privacy. I think these places are ideal for camping.

Here is the port from which ferries on the island. There are also many small travel agencies where you can buy excursions to the most picturesque Islands of Tranga with Emerald Lagunas and hidden in the jungle caves.

Trang is not a place where it would be necessary to go. If you do not visit here, do not miss anything. It is hardly necessary for you to see a dongon, but grabs and in other parts of Thailand. But if you are somewhere nearby, or if you are looking for meetings with wild and unknown secluded Thailand, then you definitely should be in the truth.

If about Phuket, Phang Nga and Krabi know almost everything, then about another southern district of Thailand - Trange - heard few. Trang Province for a long time and continues to remain a business center and a shopping hob of the entire southern region of the country.

IN last years It is increasingly seen by foreign tourists as a place that is worth visiting. The beaches of the Continental Tranga and the surrounding Islands are not inferior to neighboring provinces, and the lack large number Tourists only adds an appeal area.

Province of Trang: Geography and Climate

The province of Trang directly borders C, located south of the latter. The shore is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea. Landscape and climate trag look like nearby provinces. Here the same islands with mountainous jungle and clean beaches, the long sand coastline of the mainland.

Weather in Trange, as in the whole region, is determined by alternating the summer and winter monsoon. Summer winds begin blowing from the sea in March and bring rain with them high humidity. The sun heats the land shrouded and clouds: the air temperature may rise to +40 degrees from and above. The rainy season lasts from May to September.

Winter monsoons begin with late September. They blow from the Asian continent, bringing dry and cool air from the mountains. Due to this, by December in the Trange, comfortable weather is installed with a night temperature +20 degrees, day + 25 ... + 30 degrees C.

Optimal time to visit Tranga is the period from December to April inclusive. Mainly, because during the rest of the year the navigation between the islands is difficult and unstable. But the Trang Islands is that, for which tourists come to this province.

Trang Islands

The province of Trang includes more than 40 islands. Most of them are small, uninhabited, are of interest to cognitive eco-tourism with a visit to the jungle, grottoes and caves.

On some there are tourist infrastructure: bungalow, cafe under open skywho in Thai tradition call the word "Restaurant". All very beckpecker and democratic: electricity is often disconnected, and cooking on gas installations.


The Province of Trang is rich in amazing insulated islands, to which civilization, if he got, did not have time to spoil the cinematic entourage. Kandan is one of these. Little bungalows in the eastern part, wild beaches and rocky shore on the west coast.

Here, nothing hurts to go into myself or in nature, retaining on the beach with a book or putting a mask for snorkeling on coral reefs surrounding the island.


Also a small island, but more developed in the tourist plan. There are options for more or less comfortable accommodation. There are also places for privacy on the island, but also find a company for diving, fishing or traveling on kayaks without any problems. All this is organized by offices specializing in active vacation.


Unlike Kandan and Ngai, Muk was inhabit the coming of tourists. A small Thai community lives here until now. The attraction of the island is an emerald cave, which can be accessed only by boat.

Muk is the nearest island to the mainland coast of Tranga. The placement on it is more democratic, tourists are a little more than on the neighboring Kandan and Ngai, but the island itself is larger.

Islands of the National Park Peter

National nature Park Includes several islands, the main of which are Lao Liang, Peter, Tu Kiang. Lao Lao Liang is hidden 2 islands - an absolutely paradise place, ranging from the color of seawater and sand on the shore, ending with rocks and tropical jungle. On one of Lao Liangs you can stay in a tent camping.

Another opportunity to accommodate island Sukon and Libong. They are not part of the park, but are closest to it.

How to get to Tranga

Trang - Province important for the economy of the South of Thailand and is therefore transported. AIR ASIA and NOK AIR passengers fly here.

Traditionally, for Thailand, you can buy a ticket directly to the flight and transfer (ferry / boat) to the desired island.

Trang Province has a railway communication with Northern Thailand. In addition, you can take almost anywhere in the country on the most popular form of transport - bus.

See also: