Where are the Greeks rest in Greece. Where is it better to relax in Greece? Map of resorts Greece

I love the sea and Europe! Was in Cyprus 10 times, delighted with Majorca and Islands.

List of Greece Islands for rest, where excellent sea landscapes are combined with ancient ancient artifacts, has more than 100 items.

Tourists planning a journey can come in handy checklist:

  1. Season. For beach holidays Optimal period from May to September. Comfortable air and sea temperature will allow combining sea bathing with the excursion program. In the autumn-winter time, a soft climate and a temperature in the range of + 10 ... + 14 ° C give tourists the opportunity to make long walks.
  2. A place. Upon arrival in Greece, a map with the islands in Russian will help the tourist to plan the route in such a way as to stay on one thing, but at the same time visit others interesting places around.
  3. Housing. When it is selected, it is possible to navigate not only on the hotels and resort hotelsthat offer a full board, but also for private apartments in small villages, thanks to which you can better feel the atmosphere of ancient country. Book this option is better in advance.
  4. Visa. To visit Greece, a visa is needed, however, you can choose only those resorts, where the permission for the entrance is issued in place.
  5. Religion. If the journey is undertaken not for the purpose of pilgrimage, it is better to avoid large religious holidays, during which access for tourists is limited to many attractions. Women on a journey is recommended to take a scarf or handkerchief to be able to visit the church.

How to get to the islands of Greece?

Direct air travel from Moscow is available in summer to Crete or all year round in large cities (Athens or Thessaloniki). Of these, tourists go on vacation internal flights. The most favorable ticket price is in November.
List of airlines: Agean Airlines, Ellinair, Aeroflot, UTair.

Adjusting the duration of docking between flights, you can have time to see the mainland attractions of the country. Flights with docking in European cities are possible.

The most picturesque islands

If when choosing a direction where to go on vacation, the tourist prefers beautiful landscapes, it is better to stay on Santorini or Skiathos in Greece. Although literally every corner of this country may compete for the title of the most picturesque.


Refers to the number of the most beautiful islands Greece thanks to interesting landscapes: the rocks are littered with small cloudy houses with azure roofs. Nearby are small temples with blue domes. You can evaluate the landscape on dignity by making a sea walk on a ferry or yacht.

Despite the shortage of fresh water, the locals grow fruits and vegetables, and the vineyards and eucalyptus groves cover most of the sushi. Therefore, rest will be among the colors and greens.

Santorini beaches are impressive with black or red sand, the best of them is Periss and Kamari.

The fans of archeology will be able to see the architectural monuments of the Cycladic Civilization on the island, visit the excavation of the ancient city of Tera (ІХ century BC) in the east. Here you can see the ruins of old Roman baths, theaters, markets, to visit the monastery of the XVIII century, the Archaeological Museum, the Monastery of the Prophet Ilya and the Women's Monastery of St. Nicholas.


The monuments of ancient culture here are located on the entire coast, and the combination of interesting cuisine with marine landscapes and excellent beaches, which are more than 60 here, will suit visitors with different interests.

Skiathos is an island for active tourists: lovers of yacht sports, water motorcycles, parachutes. There are on Skiathos and Attractions: Castro Ruins, Venetian Fortress Burtzi, Mother and Eavanister Monasteries. Latest - manufacturers of local specialties. Cheese, olive oil, wine, liqueurs can not only taste or acquire, but also try to do it yourself.

Best Islands of Greece for Beach Recreation with Children or Together

Greece resorts with sad beaches and a mild climate is that it is necessary to relax with children or a couple. And the crit is the eighth largest in Europe and the largest island of Greece, located in the Aegean Sea, he will introduce tourists with the world of Greek mythology.


At the Archipelago, the northern sprays of Evia is better to rest for travelers with children or small quiet companies.

According to legend, hence the trip on Troy, and mineral waters Hercules himself was treated. This amazing climatic zone combines the centuries-old pine forest, sea beaches, bordered by powerful cliffs, healing dirt, hot springs among mountain gorges.

At the same time, proximity to the mainland (only 80 km to Athens, there is even a 14-kilometer bridge over the shed Evrip) makes it possible to make the most rich excursion program.


Sandy beaches of Crete for recreation with children or together especially good in September, when the velvet season comes on Islands. Although the mild climate and beautiful nature make it possible for sea baths here at the end of April.
Crete is an amazing place where all the ancient myths seem to be expensive against the background of the beauty of local landscapes fascinating. This is the historical and cultural center of the ancient Cretan civilization, rich in ancient monuments.

Here King Minos in his palace with the title of Maze held Minotaur. And in our time, visit the Knos Palace from different types of stone in Heraklion will enjoy tourists of any age. With its construction, the first use of water supply, sewage, ventilation, heating is associated.

Children Crete offers to visit 4 water park at once, a large Cretaquarium Aquarium and a beautiful Family Park "Labyrinth" with attractions.

The most frequently visited by tourists island among the ionic in the west of the country. The nature reserve attracts people from all over the world with olive groves, citrus gardens, lush greens. Corfu is famous for high-quality service, in the season attracts many tourists, which should be considered when planning travel.

While thinking about the resort of Greece to choose to relax with children, look at the cities of Moraitics and Mesongy - here are extended sandy beaches with smooth descent to the sea.

History lovers will be able to ride through the channel of lovers in Sidar, watch the Byzantine churches in Kerkira, and in the old town to visit royal Palace, at home in ampir style, ancient Venetian fort.

Belongs to the Greek archipelago Dodecanese and attracts many tourists. Hotels, bars, restaurants are concentrated here. Teenage children and young people will appreciate the partner atmosphere of central areas. Islands beaches are petty safe sand places for the whole family.

The islanders with respect belong to medicine, because Hippocrates was born here. Therefore, tourists who are interested in medicine are selected in this place among all Islands of Greece. Children will be interested to look at the thousand-year Platan, who, according to the legend, planted the hippocrates in the youth, or to take part in the traditional ceremony of the abosponation of future doctors.

Aquis Marine Resort Water Parks, Lido Water Park, GO KART Karting Centers, Baywatch Water Sports Club - Choice of sports guys and young couples for vacation time on the spit. And very small travelers can chat with animals in natural Reserve Fisiko Parco Tis Zias.

Go to Zakynthos if you think that Greece Island to choose for saturated children's holidays on the sea or calm holiday together. Tourists are less here than in other Greek resorts, it guarantees the dimensional temper.

Southern seven Ionian Islands Suggested not only 123 km of comfortable pebble and sandy beaches, beautiful azure bays with grotes and green gardens, but also a large list of hotels. In the south and south-east of Zakynthus there is a marine reserve with such rare animals as Caretta Turtle and Monachus seal.

The scenery of the island is exquisitely complemented by Venetian towers and fasteners, there is a similar to the Venice Square of St. Mark with the Catholic Cathedral.

Place, preserving the national flavor and ancient facilities. Great for walking together after relaxing on Myrtos Beach, during which you can see sights such as:

  • cave Droograti - with the "parade" hall, decorated with "chandeliers" from hundreds of stalactites;
  • mystical underground lake Melissani, open after the collapse of the ceiling of his cave, which is why the sunlight penetrates here now;
  • the Venetian town of Fiscardo, the only not affected by a terrible earthquake and therefore preserved his historical appearance.

Islands for youth and couples

Among the most romantic places for recreation, tourists call Rhodes, and the youth will appreciate the nightlife of fashionable Mikonos.

An important center of tourism off the coast of Turkey. European tourists consider Rhodes best resort Greece. According to the legend, Zeus raised him from the bottom of the Sea as a gift to the Sun God - Heliosa.

On Rhodes a variety of hotels and beaches: there are small hotels for couples searched by privacy, as well as network hotels with night discos, 24-hour dance enthusiasts.

At the same time, the island is attractive for visitors who are interested in archaeology and an ancient world. The list of places for visiting should include the ruins of ancient Kamaryosa, the Rhodes fortress, the castles of Arkhangelos and Monolithos.
In love with the spring or summer it is worth visiting the valley of butterflies.

Located in the Aegean Sea, is the center of Night greek Life. Resort for wealthy tourists, including world stars, is famous for tolerance for the pleasures of guests. This is a place of entertainment, in a relaxed atmosphere of which you can choose daily pleasures in the mood: a party on the best beaches, shopping in the stores of world fashion brands, a quiet beach holiday, a dawn meeting on a yacht, surfing, Greek dinner under the stars.

Many sand or pebble beaches by Simi are located in such a way that you can only get to them by the sea. It attracts to the island of lovers who will be able to spend their holidays together in the midway away from other tourists.
Interesting Greek architecture and sea landscapes will become a good photo background.

Ideal places for secluded relaxation with an authentic atmosphere

Small incomplete Greek islands give travelers the opportunity to feel all the traditions of the edge in priority form. For many, such a rest is preferably a five-star service.

It is famous for the coastal line, along which sandy or sandy-pebble beaches stretch. Here you can choose a place for swimming in your liking: from organized with bars and restaurants on the shore to the sports, offering to do different types water sports. They will find here the beaches for themselves and lovers of "wild" rest.


The island offers a secluded rest. Tourists here are less than the rest of the Greek resorts. Chios beaches are a spacious black and pebble Mavra Volia Beach, a small VROLIDIA Beach consisting of a mixture of pebbles and sand. Beaches perfect for children sandy beaches Komi and Karfas.

Ancient Orthodox shrines (Nea Monasteries, Na Monasteries, Ayia Markela and Agios Konstantinos) will become an interesting addition to rest. The proximity to Turkey can be felt by visiting the capital and examining the fortifications of the X century with Turkish baths, the Byzantine Museum, located in the old mosque.


The island is located in the Ionian Sea. It connects with the mainland Pontoon Bridge, which gives tourists an additional advantage: not depend on the whims of nature and enjoy the landscapes for almost all year round. Lefkada is distinguished by mountainous landscape and lush green decoration.

The island is the center of water sports. Kiteserfingists are perfectly feeling, divers, windsurfing fans. In summer, lovers of the authentic atmosphere can take part in a large folk festival.

Many millions of tourists are striving for rest, solar and hospitable Greece, hoping that this holiday will be unforgettable and unique. Indeed, the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of Greece, its magnificent wines and Mediterranean cuisine, excellent beaches and purest sea water, a saturated excursion and entertainment program - all this allows you to get great pleasure from visiting this country.

To the question that worries many tourists: "Where is it better to relax in Greece?" It is hardly possible to give an unequivocal answer, because everyone is waiting for something from vacation. But among the many resorts of Continental and Island Greece, it is possible to highlight places that are ideal for one or another type of rest. In this cuping country, beach recreation lovers are provided huge selection of beaches for every taste and color (In the most direct sense of the word).

Since many of the Isles of the Greek Archipelago have volcanic origin, they can be found on them the sand of the most diverse color - white, red and even black!

Every year, hundreds of Greece beaches receive an international distinguishing mark of quality "Blue Flag", which is awarded to places corresponding to 30 strict criteria (cleanliness, organization, security of vacationers, development of infrastructure, environmental aspects and MND).

Palm Championship in the number of "Blue Flags" holds Lassiti - Eastern region of the island of Crete, the famous beauty of the coast. There are practically year-round clear weather, a large number of comfortable sandy and pebble beaches surrounded by amazing cypress and fir forests.

Crete's beaches are generally the best choice for those who appreciate a comfortable, calm, measured rest, for those who do not worry ephemeral things, kind, the elitism of the resort, a loud name and another brilliant tinsel.

Rest in Kefalonia

This island, the largest in the territory in the Ionian Archipelago, has several famous beaches (Lourdes, Makris, Yulos, Rock, Sparted, Poros, etc.).
The greatest popularity among holidaymakers received two beaches: KSI - because of their red sand and myrtos sand - due to the virgin purity of the beach, cut off from civilization and surrounded by picturesque rocks.

Mirtos is rightfully among the top ten of the best European beaches.But if suddenly wants to admire other beaches or sights of Kefalonia, then on a rented car (for 20-40 € per day) can be easily hit in any part of the island.

Greece beaches are municipal, so using a chaise longue and an umbrella - paid service (from 3 €). Often, the hotel has a paid even chaise lounge near the pool (from 2 €), but most often the price of this service includes a free drink. The problem of paid chairs can also be solved also by buying a pair of mats and an umbrella, which will cost about 12 €.

Best Places of Greece for Shopping Lovers

It is unlikely that someone will challenge that Greece can be attributed to the number of countries that are ideal for tourists-shopaholic.

In fact, in Greece opens great shopping opportunities: The countless number of large shopping centers and small shops, a wide range of products offered in combination with reasonable prices. Yes, and twice a year (in the summer and winter) in all stores, seasonal discounts begin, turning the purchases in the real shopping therapy!

Shopping in Athens

For purchases in the capital of Greece in the season, the sales comes to people, both from all over the country and from abroad. Here you can walk along the boutiques of famous global brands and visit the Greek folk stores in search of original souvenirs.

The most popular shopping streets and areas of Athens

  • Colonaki. - Fashionable and luxurious area, the heart of which is Tsakalof Street (one of the most expensive in the world). In addition to the stores of famous world and Greek brands, art galleries, antique and furniture stores are also located;
  • Ermm. - Famous pedestrian street, attracting thousands of buyers. Here you can buy exclusively clothing, shoes and interior items;
  • Monastiraki - Street, originating from the beautiful cathedral on the square. Metropolio. There are benches with souvenirs, jewelry and fur shops.
    And on Sundays in the morning, tourists love to stroll through the "flea" market to feel the flavor of Greek trading.

Shopping in Thessaloniki

In the northern capital of Greece, except the ancient monuments of archeology and history, there are a huge number of stores that are indispensable attributes of modern stormy life.

Main shopping areas are located in the city center and along the embankment, These are streets: Timiski, Metropolis, Aristotelus, Agia Sofia, Paleon Cartridge Herman, etc.

For lovers of national peculiarities will be interested in visiting the largest market of thessalonikov - Modianowhere it is impossible to watch the rhythm of life of the city and its inhabitants, as well as see various fruits, spices, seafood, cheese, honey - all that is abundant in the kitchen of Greece.

And that your rest is not overshadowed by rainy weather, we advise you to get acquainted with the article before the trip. We correctly plan a trip - enjoy every day of a great rest.

Castor: Going for Fur

Rest in Castorway will have to do those who want to combine vacation with the purchase of charming fur coat. The high-mountain town of Kastoria, located in the north-west of Greece, is famous for clean air, with a metering flavors of pine trees and offers tourists comfortable hotels.

Sounding the key life in Castoria begins during the annual exhibition of fur products, which is among the largest European events of this kind. Soon, by decision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Castor, the first Museum of Fur will open in the country, which will further strengthen the city of the fan of the fur capital.

Season of winter discounts - from mid-January to the end of February, the season of summer discounts - from mid-July to the end of August.

Many shops in Greece arrange big siest breaks (from 14 to 17 hours), after which it continues to work until 21-22 hours.

Best places of Greece for gastronomic travel lovers

IN last years The so-called so-called are increasingly popular. gastronomic travel In the course of which tourists go to a particular country to taste national food. Greece traditional dishes are bright representatives of Mediterranean cuisine, which is famous among gourmets around the world.


Many connoisseurs of tasty are striving to the island of Kos, because in addition to tasting local wine, you can try dishes that are found only on the spit. The unique dishes of this island include: "Kokinotiri" (cheese cooked in red wine), "Japraque" (cabbage rolls in grape leaves), "Mytridia" (homemade noodles) and others.


On the island of Crete is very strong (unlike other areas of Greece) dishes from grape snails, which here is called "Kokhley". Real gourmets advise to taste a dish "Kokhley Bumburst", these are very juicy stewed snails cooked in wine vinegar with the addition of rosemary.

In Crete, you can also try smoked pork pork - "apaks" and a special salad served on the Sukhar - "Dakos", which spread from here to the Cycladic Islands.

Fish dishes prevail in the menu of establishments that are in Greek called "PsarTellum", i.e. Fish tavern, and meat taverns - "Hassapoters" specialize more on meat dishes and are very often located near the meat shop.

Tips in Greece are included in total accountBut a good tone (especially if I liked the service) is considered to round the count amount. In a small cafe it is appropriate to leave up to 1 € in excess of the specified amount, and in taverns or restaurants from 5 to 10 € (depending on the number of person).

The gastronomic vacation is increasingly gaining popularity among tourists throughout the light. We bring to your attention two reviews on the theme of Mediterranean cuisine:
- About gastronomic and wine tourism in Israel.

And - about the kitchen of Spain. Very healthy and natural food is. If you are resting on Canary Islands - Be sure to taste the original local dishes. Delicious!

Best places of Greece for winter holiday lovers

Winter Greece is no less beautiful than Greece Summer, and lovers of outdoor activities and are at all finding a lot of reasons in order to visit this country in winter. At this time of the year, there is no such influx of tourists here, the locals for rent at a very reasonable price, and the appearance of blooming almond and citrus trees in February does not give in description.

Also in Greece a lot ski resortswhere it is so nice to spend the New Year or Christmas holidays, having received a charge of cheerfulness and adrenaline.


Parnass Ski Resort, located two hours from Athens, is a popular vacation spot in the metropolitan inhabitants, as well as many professional and beginner skiers from various countries.

The ski center Over 35 years ago was built on the slope of the Parnass Mountain, known by the myths and the legends of the ancient Greece. Now there are 20 trails of various levels of complexity; 14 lifts allows travelers without special queues to rise to the mountain.

Ticket price - from 12 to 20 € per day or 70 € per week, ski equipment rental - 15 €.


This ski center is the oldest in the country - he began his work in 1934. For many years, it is here, on Mount Vermio, Greek athletes-skiers held their competitions.

It is located in an hour from thessalonik, but the holidays prefer to stop in nearby mountain villages. In the villages, you can take training in qualified instructors, here are located as many as 5 training centers (2 hours of study will cost 5 €).

Be sure to visit the cafe, located at an altitude of 1750 meters, from where in good weather there are wonderful views of the surroundings.

Ticket to the lift for 1 day - 5 €, equipment rental - 9 €.

A tourist planning active rest should be taken care of additional insurance, taking into account sports injuries. Common Insurance Programs offered by travel agencies are cheaper, but also do not cover the traumatic cases associated with sports!

Best places of Greece for lovers of historical attractions

Greece is an excellent choice for those who are accustomed to combine rest with cognitive excursions. On these lands, heeded by many legends and myths, historical and architectural evidence of several great civilizations are still preserved: Greeks, Romans, Byzantines.


Over 4 thousand years has the history of Rhodes - one of the islands of Greece, the most challenged tourists.

On the territory of the island you can see many attractions of various eras, among which the most popular are: Rhodes fortress, the Palace of the Grand Master.

According to Rhodes, it is simply nice to walk along a unique streets that preserved the buildings since the days of the Middle Ages, and for lovers of more ancient architecture and archeology, trips to:

  • Kamiros, known as "Rhodes Pompeii";
  • Ancient Yalisos, in which the Byzantine monasteries are preserved;
  • The village of Triande, not far from which you can see the remains of the temple of Athens.


The most beautiful island of Corfu, who wore the name of Kerkira, was so liked to all conquerors that instead of the destruction of existing buildings, they built their own palaces and temples on the island.

But now, even the most demanding tourist will be amazed, looking at the architectural on which the Venetians had a special influence, the rules of four hundred years.

Narrow streets with baroque houses are buried in bright colors and derive tourists to a luxurious embankment, which in terms of the number of palaces, colonnade and fountains can compete with some old Italian city.

But the historical heritage was left here not only Venetians here, in Kanoni the magnificent Palace of Achillio with terraces and a park, built for the Austrian Empress Elizabeth and later redeemed by Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Anyone who loves to visit museums will optional will remember some dates that save money on buying a ticket.

  • Absolutely for free of charge in any Greek museum you can get on International Tourism Day - September 27, as well as on European days cultural heritagewho celebrate in the last Saturday and Sunday of September.
  • In the period from November to March, many museums arrange free days on Sundays, from March to July, it will be free of charge only on the first Sunday of the month, but since July to September there are no free days at all.

It is difficult to find a traveler who would be completely indifferent to the ancient beauty of Greece, to its beaches and a transparent sea, fragrant coffee and spicy kitchen, perky dance and unreal sunsets. The country is used to the attention of tourists, it knows how to take them, it proposes to relax people with different budget and opportunities.

In the past few years, when the Eldlast economy is not simply shaken, but very dangerous "fossil", the prices of rest went down sharply. However, the problem did not affect the quality of recreation. The only inconvenience for tourists, is better to come here, having cash, there are often complete emptiness in ATMs.

All numerous ruins and museums in their places, the sun is still warm and affectionate, and the sea is transparent. Schengen visa can be made independently, adding to the passport to the completed questionnaire, insurance, tickets and hotel reservation (35 euros will be asked for a visa). Everything is fine? Filty!

Budget season

For modern Greeks, tourism is the only straw, which saves the country from the full economic collapse. This circumstance makes keep enough high prices For accommodation and other services during the "high" season. It begins in early June (prices in May are already different from April!) And lasts until the beginning of September (in September, prices are somewhat lower, but not the most budget). Dear rest in Greece in January (Christmas - popular tourists time).

For those who consider the real holiday only beach pleasures, it is best to come to Elladu in April or in the second half of September. And those who come to Greece for the sake of antique antiquities, the best time is October-November or February-March. At this time, the air tickets will be cheap.

Athenian Acropolis is a rocky hill with a canopy vertex.


The cheapest flight from Moscow to Spit, Crete or Rhodes will cost approximately 190-250 euros. These are Ellinair company ticket prices, outside the framework tourist season. The cost of the ticket can be significantly lower if you fly from Vilnius or Kaunas to which you can get by bus or own machine. A plane ticket is from 120 euros in both ends (Rhodes, Athens), which is cheaper even taking into account the bus ticket to Vilnius from Moscow. The secret of cheap tickets simple - from Kaunas and Vilnius direct flights to Greece provides Ryanair, known for its budget prices.

Save on the road expenditures can be even more if you try to get on chartered flightwhich serves tourists who bought tours. The ticket application can be submitted to any large company. In this case, the ticket will do hardly more than a hundred Euro in both ends. But such a way of travel is unreliable. Free seats may not be, or will not depart on the right day.

Optimal accommodation: hotel or apartments, guest house or apartment?

Resort accommodation is expensive in any country. In Greece, it all depends on how close the hotel or apartments to the sea is located. Beyond the season, double room at the middle level will cost 30 euros. The hotel has a higher discharge double room with breakfast costs from 45 euro / day (half board - from 65 euros).

Weekly housing costs will not exceed the amount of 100-120 euros (provided that the sea is more than 300 meters) if you rent an apartment or settle in the family board is the most budget option.

Hotel Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso (Vulgmena, Athens)

Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Supermarkets: Kitchen Features, Prices for Food and Products

Greeks have always loved to eat delicious. Restaurants please customers with huge portions, low prices and delicious dishes.

In Greece, it is necessary to try:

  • musaku is the kind of "Lazagania", where the interlayers from eggplant;
  • fried sardines;
  • octopus;
  • dzadziki - thick sauce from yogurt with garlic.

From beverages, except for the most different wines of excellent quality, will not cost without:

  • rCD - anise brandy;
  • recine - Wine with a smell of a pine resin.

As everywhere abroad, you need to choose those establishments that are designed for local residents. In the resort zones it is not easy, here every eatery is counting on wealthy and generous visitors. The main rule when choosing a cafe or restaurant in Greece - the farther from the sea, the cheaper. In this case, the quality of the dishes is the same.

If you take a rule not to eat on the beach and next to it (it is worth walking 700-800 meters from the sea), then your lunch or wine dinner will cost no more than 7-9 euros per person.

Independent meals in the inexpensive apartment of the resort town or village is even more gentle for the budget. Hike to a supermarket (or market) and a week of product for a family of three - 60-70 euros. Taking into account the fact that the oil you will use only olive, and the fruits will be a mandatory breakfast addition, lunch and dinner.

Antique attractions, Natural Parks, Nightclubs - What to choose?

A few volumes can be written about tourist opportunities and attractions. In our case, we will focus on the resorts of Northern Greece, as well as on several islands of the archipelago, in which rest is cheaper than everything, and the possibilities are not inferior to the most "promoted" resorts.

On the mainland

Northern Greece is a combination of sea air and fragrance of pine forests, beaches and monasteries, antique ruins And modern nightclubs. Peloponnes is proud of its numerous monuments ancient civilization On continent, beaches, night facilities and opportunities for ecological tourism. Here you can strengthen the health, relax with taste, find out with fifty myths and legends and take with you the most pleasant memories of shopping.

Among the budget resorts of mainland Greece, it is especially possible to allocate:

  • Halkidiki - from the "three teeth" of the peninsula, the most budgetary rest is possible on Sithonia (medium tooth), from the attractions worth paying attention to the mountain of Olympus, the native city of Zeus Dion, Caves, Monastery on Mount Athos, Monastery of St. Panteleimon (one-day tour of Natural and Natural and cultural attractions - from 50 euros, three-day tour - 175-200 euros);
  • Peloponnese is a large peninsula in the southern part of Eldla, the best places to relax - the Corinth Bay, the area of \u200b\u200bLaconia. You need to see the ruins of the Olympic Stadium, the ruins of the temple of Gera, the ancient Corinth, the ruins of Sparta. Tour on sights - from 35 euros (three-day - from 140 euros). The region is distinguished by saturated nightlife - Trezor Clubs, Summer Life, Waves will not let me be bored even to the most demanding traveler.


It is on the islands of the Greek archipelago that the most famous and popular resorts Ellala. Most of them (Santorini, Mykonos, Lesbos, Samos, Rhodes) are distinguished by a high level of prices and a complete lack of budget housing. Here wealthy businessmen are resting, Hollywood stars and politicians with their families.

Well save you, if you relax on the islands:

  • Kos - a small island near the coast of Turkey. The Motherland of Hippocrata is among the attractions - the ruins of an ancient hospital. Picturesque fishing villages, exquisite fish dishes in restaurants, the opportunity to enjoy surfing, many low-cost villas and guest houses for tourists;
  • Crete is a large island with a pleasant warm climate, an abundance of comfortable beaches, a great place for windsurfing lovers and horse riding. The number of antique monuments is huge. The size of the island allows you to take a weekly journey (tour from 350 euros). Grotes, caves, ancient tsarist Palaces and labyrinths - a list of entertainment is far from complete;
  • Eviea is an island separated from Attica by a narrow strait. In addition to the beaches, the warm sea and the abundance of attractions, here you can go through the coupling course and other intake procedures (treatment in large centers can be very expensive, but on the island there are many small spa hotels in which you can buy a course of procedures for 50-70 euros) . It is from here the easiest way to get to Athens as part of a day round (from 50 euros).

Two words about the crisis

After 2012, Greece is trying to overcome negative trends in the economy. The country periodically shake banking collars, problems in paying wages with civil servants and other troubles.

Most of these problems do not affect tourists, but some rules need to still know:

  • aTMs, especially on the islands, are often empty, and you can not always pay a card in budget places. Exit - cash;
  • unemployment, especially in major cities, contributed to the flourishing of a small crime - wallets, cameras and documents need to be stored particularly carefully;
  • in stores, and especially in the markets it is necessary to bargain to complete exhaustion, only in this case you can achieve an adequate discount (experienced tourists never make any purchases in the first days of rest in Greece, only as it should, tanned on the beach you can safely go on shopping, sellers There will be much more conspiring);
  • you can buy any tours exclusively in the offices of tourist companies or in hotels. A ticket, purchased from a sociable guy on the street, will turn out the ordinary loss of money, let and small.

Excursions beyond greece

Resting in the north of Greece, you can go to, inspect Sofia and Plovdiv. Buses from thessalonik to the largest cities neighboring country enough. On the way - from 5 to 7 hours. Ticket - starting from 20 euros. If you are aimed at staying in Bulgaria for several days, it is worth buying a ready tour in one of the hotels in Chalkidiki or Thessalonik - from 200 euros (included food and accommodation in the hostel - 3 days and two nights).

From the island of Kos to Turkey only a few kilometers. Tour on the sights of the western coast of Malaya (monuments of the era of Alexander Macedonsky, picturesque bays Aegean Sea, legendary baths Diana) is very cheap. But in this case, it is necessary to clarify that the visa is in your passport. Turkey is located outside in the Schengen zone, an option is possible that leaving Greece, you will not be able to return there.

Since ancient times, hospitality has been the main distinguishing feature of the Greeks. This can be confirmed by tourists around the world. The traveler will always help to find the road to attractions, will advise a restaurant or cafe, in a small town or village will be invited to visit a cup of coffee, which may well wrap a sate dinner.

Greece is a Mediterranean country that is in great demand russian tourists. These are not only resorts where you can sunbathe, but also places with antique sights, interesting cities with local cuisine and many other offers. If your choice fell on Greece, but you do not know where it is better to go to rest in September or in August, it is better to use the advice of specialists.

The best places to stay in Greece

The geographical location of cities and the neighborhood with other countries during the story imposed a certain imprint on development and culture. Today, each tourist advantaged to visit the most popular tourist cities and resorts to make sure this.


Athens is the capital of Greece, which is the first to come across the tourists. In fact, lovers of attractions and excursions are sent here. You will be available to the most diverse leisure where you can visit local discos, cafe and so on.

It is also worth noting the extensive base of hotels with various conditions for vacationers.

On the perimeter of the city there are small bays that discover the incredible beauty of the landscapes. You can also go to the lake of vulgmena, which is powered by geothermal sources. Wellness treatments are paid here, but it is relatively inexpensive. Since the city is located on the seashore, there is a pretty pleasant climate.


The largest island of the country and the best place for those who want to fully relax and relax. Unique sandy beaches, mountain arrays Will in your memories only positive emotions.

Also on the coastline are one of the best hotels in Greece, which are distinguished by excellent service and service.

Here you can organize excursions to interesting attractions, ride water attractions, enjoy local cuisine and so on. That is, excellent conditions for all types of tourists have been created. Positive feedback on where it is better to stay to rest in Greece, most often devoted to this resort.


Rhodes' popularity among Russian tourists is due to the fact that tour operators offer a large selection of various vouchers. Also available here both budget and expensive holidays. A wide variety of historical monuments can also be considered an additional advantage.


Green island, located in the western part of the country. Beautiful natural landscapes are replaced by small bays and quiet. If you want to appreciate the classic European service, then this option is suitable for you.

Here you can go with your family, because there are both amusement parks, and other entertainment. Corfu is not as popular with Russian travelers, but still has its bright features.


Expensive resort attracting millionaires from around the world. There is this place in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea. In most cases, tourists come simply to warm up on the beach, sunbathe, visit expensive restaurants and so on.

There are practically no budget conditions and hotels here. Now, knowing where it is better to stay to rest in August in Greece, you can safely buy a ticket.


The island of volcanic origin is currently one of the most interesting outdoor activities. The coastline does not exceed 70 kilometers, but here there are a lot of interesting mountain landscapes to see.

The cozy atmosphere, which was formed in the territory of the settlements, will also be able to impress you. Resting here is very expensive, and most often there are excursion groups from other resorts.

Beaches are distinguished here with various shades of sand from yellow to red, everything is associated with volcanic origin of rocks.


A rather popular place in Greece: all because there are incredible beauty of green landscapes, a considerable number of sea bays. ATTENTION Attracts sheer cliffs, which are perfectly combined with the transparent water of the sea.

Also lives a small number of local people, but a lot of tourists. The nature is practically intact, and most of the peninsula are not populated.

A small number of attractions here consider a disadvantage, and most of them are located far from the city. Therefore, it is best to rent a car for a trip. The resort is designed for those who love a secluded beach holiday. It is very easy to find quiet beaches, where there is almost no one.

Local kitchen

Greece's national cuisine is quite different in the regions, as in one resort you will be fed fried meat, and in other seafood. Therefore, it is worth knowing some differences.

Large popularity is enjoyed everywhere Suvlaki and Musaka are a kebab cooked according to a special recipe. It is also worth highlighting some important features of national cuisine:

  1. The most popular drink in the Greeks is coffee. It is drunk in any form and even with ice.
  2. A liqueur from Kumquat is served on Corfu, also here you can try anise vodka, the best white wine and so on.
  3. Santorini is very popular with white eggplant dishes with octopus. All this is preparing on the grill.
  4. Do not give up Escargo snails, which are preparing in Crete: It is very tasty.
  5. Sartz are preparing at Zakynthos from beef, which is stealing with tomatoes, garlic and cheese.

Hospitality can be considered a special feature of Greek cuisine. Before proceeding with the meal, you must taste fresh bread with olive oil. Only after that you can start using basic dishes that will be supplied with quite large portions.

Does not know, it is much better to go to rest with children in Greece, - Choose more quiet places. You have a pretty big choice. The kitchen has an important meaning for many tourists, so it pays a lot of attention.


The warm Mediterranean climate is characterized by the fact that in Greece, a pretty warm winter with abundant precipitation and a dry summer. If you like the sun and beach holiday, then these resorts are great for you. Most of the year here you will not see any clouds, as the sky is clear and sunny.

Allocated on the background of this two main seasons: from October to March here is quite humid, and the rest of the time it is very hot. Also, much depends on the location of the resort, the sea, which is washes, and so on.

Therefore, it is recommended to plan your holiday in advance to avoid what you all spend at the hotel. It is much better to stay in July in Greece, it is possible to learn about the weather, Crete, Santorini, Chalkidiki are excellent.


To visit Greece, it is mandatory to issue a Schengen visa. In this case, your passport must comply with certain criteria, it will also be necessary to pass a fingerprint and prepare the necessary package of documents.

If you have already decorated this visa, then you only need to collect the necessary paper. List of documents that will need to provide:

  • tourist profile;
  • a copy of the passport, all pages where there is information;
  • colored photos;
  • certificate of work;
  • documents for a child if he rides with you.

Currently, the period of visa is not exceeded 10 days, most often it is possible to get it even earlier. But the embassy has the right to refuse you without explaining the reasons. Therefore, we need to issue a visa only before buying tickets. When you first declate you get the opportunity to visit Greece only for the time of your tour. In the following times, this period can be increased to six months.

Decide on the choice of a suitable resort is very difficult. It's not only elegant beaches, but also the attractions you want to see. About when and much better go to rest in Greece, a considerable number of articles are written, and Crete among the proposed options is most popular.

It is worth sticking to very important rules when choosing a tourist destination:

  1. You need to familiarize yourself with the general information about each resort and choose what you are interested.
  2. We study prices for tours and separate rooms in hotels. Sometimes it is better to go on your own, without the participation of the agency.
  3. If you fly the first time in Greece, it is better to choose Crete or Rhodes.
  4. Make a visa to Greece.
  5. Book your hotel room in advance.
  6. Plan your excursions and time on vacation.
  7. Get a ticket for the most favorable prices through the Internet.

Greece is a unique place to relax, where you can enjoy the best European conditions. You should also not forget that it all depends on your financial opportunities that will allow you to visit one or another resort.

If you go with children to the sea, then rest in Greece is an excellent budget option! Cheap hotels, mild climates and beautiful beaches will be remembered for a long time. Moreover, what, which means, do not stand every year in the queues, because it wants to return to this country again and again.

What to choose a place to stay in Greece with children

For a beach holiday with children, the Greek Islands are excellent, for cognitive - mainland Greece. However, if the time allows, then you can combine. The most popular destination for rest on the sea is the island of Crete.

On the island of Crete in Greece


When is it better to go to Crete? To comfortably swim, the best time for the trip is August, September - but this is the time and most expensive. In May and early June, in Crete, the sea is cool, but prices are low and can be perfect and inexpensive to relax with children. Some prefer to go to Crete in April - low prices, Nezarko (15-20C), but it is very beautiful, everything blooms. July is a hot month. Rest in Greece with children in September is especially good: the sea is warm and calm, a lot of fruit, the weather is beautiful. In October, the weather begins to change, but if you go to the first half of the month, you can find the best weather and low prices.

What to see in Crete? Do not miss the ancient city of Knossos, the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion and the Popular Wild Beach of Elafonisi (Elafonisi) with pink sand.

How to get to Crete yourself?
Cheapest flights to Crete is easy to find through the search for low prices. There are direct flights, even from Novosibirsk and Omsk. Fly from Moscow 4 hours, from Novosibirsk - 7 hours.

Lifehak traveled.
To save, cheaper buy tickets through Athens. However, to fly with a transplant is not always convenient if you are with young children.

In addition, in Crete a large selection of housing for any budget, many comfortable apartments (apartments with kitchen and everything you need).

What to choose a beach in Crete and where is best to stop with the child?

1. The best place to relax with young children is the place of Bali (Bali, Balion) - Gunning convenient occasion at sea, calm village, quiet bay protected from waves. Livadi - Sandy Beach; Warcotopos, Limani and Karavostasis - sand-pebble.

The best apartments for family holiday In Bali: Cheap and comfortable Sunorama apartments are located immediately next to the beach.

2. Rethymno Conveniently located. From here it is best to start a familiarity with the sights of Crete, everyone to see and do not go far with a small child. Rethymnon himself is already the landmark, the old part of the city is especially interesting.

In Rethymno there is a city park, playgrounds, many shops where you can buy fresh seafood, fruits and everything you need. On Thursdays the market works.

Top hotels for family holidays in Rethymno: The Airion Beach Hotel has great location. Rooms are better to take overlooking the sea - the look of stunning.
Apartments Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments with a private beach there is even a Russian-speaking animation for children.

3. Chania.Comfortable sandy beach, good promenade, large selection of apartments. Here is the famous port "Little Venice". The best beach in this region is Kisosmos: a calm sea and a picturesque bay.

Best family holiday apartments in Chania: Apartment Suites Pandora overlooking the sea and everything is necessary - an excellent choice.

4. Chersonissos
If children's entertainment are needed, then choose Hersonisos. Children will certainly like the best in Crete Water Park Water World, an interesting dinosaur park and aquarium. An excellent beach near Khersonismos is located in the village of Stalala.

Hotel in Greece with Waterpark, Smartline Village Resort & Waterpark, Chersonisos

In Khersonism, there are many good - here they are inexpensive and nutrition through the "All Inclusive" system.

5. Malia (Malia) - excellent beaches and cheap hotels
Beach sandy with comfortable sunset at sea.

For comfortable holiday Choose the Parthenis Beach Aparthotel, Suites by The Sea - with a gorgeous view of the sea, your own clean beach, where merchants do not stick. Next to the hotel supermarket and many cafes. The hotel has Russian-speaking staff.

What place to choose in Crete to relax with children? Perhaps the best option is not to stop in one, but in several places, to see everything and the child does not to tolerate with long crossings. The most popular family -wits route: a week in Hersonissos, a week on Bali beaches and a week somewhere in a secluded location you will find when you ride the island. By the way, rent a car in Greece is not a problem, so do not forget to take the driver's license.

On the other hand, if you take a car for rent, you can organize your vacation at a higher level: remove a whole villa with your own pool. We recommend to look at the inexpensive Panagia Villa - next to one of best beaches Crete, where there are few tourists.

The pool is clean, there is a comfortable well-groomed territory. Very beautiful view from the terrace. The hospitable hosts at the request are brought by the freshest seafood.

The villa has everything you need. See prices

And this is the wonderful island of Santorini, which is close to Crete:

Do you know that from Crete in just 1.5 hours you can get to the island of Santorini? And the cheapest.


5. Cassandra
Convenient location on the coast of the Aegean Sea - to Cassandra from Thessalonik airport is only 60 km away. Sand environmentally friendly beaches, many shops, cafes and first-class hotels.

For relaxation with young children, choose Sani Beach - the first line by the sea and all rooms have sea views.
If you need an inexpensive hotel, then Rahoni Cronwell Park Hotel is a Russian animation for children. The hotel itself is very cozy and calm, there are few tourists, the beaches are low. The hotel is 5 minutes from the beach, walks shuttle.

6. Sithonia
This is the best place in Greece, if you love a secluded holiday and want to relax from the city bustle along with children. Picturesque landscapes, pines, coniferous air placed to walk. High-class service and low-handed clean beaches make rest civilized and unforgettable. Such beauty will not offer any batch tour, only developing independent travelers go here.

Best family holiday hotels: Blue Dolphin Hotel has family rooms, playgrounds and entertainment for children, as well as their own beach; Food "Breakfast + dinner".

For family holidays on Sithonia, at home and villas are excellent: prices begin from 50 euros per night, for example, George`s House.

Peloponnese coast

7. Peloponnes
This Greece Peninsula is suitable for a cognitive stay with school children. Most of the famous events of the ancient Greek epic took place here.

On Peloponnese are the most beautiful tourist places.

Nafplion is a city on the Peloponnese Peninsula, one of the most picturesque in Greece

You can watch the many attractions of the ancient period and relax on sandy beaches.

Best family holiday hotels: Cheap Hotel New Aegli Resort Hotel - There are no special entertainment for children, but very low price, cozy rooms and the beach immediately at the exit from the hotel, most rooms have sea views. There is a playground.

Rhodes Island

8. Rhodes
In the eastern part of the island a lot of good sandy beaches. And also on Rhodes you can visit the aquarium and the valley of butterflies.

Best family holiday hotel: Lindos Princess Beach Hotel - accommodation in cozy bungalows, nutrition in the system "All Inclusive", Diverse Food, Big Beautiful Territory, Children's Animation, Playgrounds, Many water Gorons For children of different ages.

Kos Island

9. KOR. Suitable for a relaxing family holiday.

Best family holiday hotels: Neptune Hotel Resort - a huge territory with a garden decorated with works of art; Beach sandy, there is a shallow water for kids, as well as a playroom and a children's pool.

Corfu Island

10. Corfu Located in the Ionian Sea and is considered one of the most green and beautiful islands of Greece. Turquoise water, orange gardens, olive groves - there is everything for those who appreciate nature.

Best family holiday hotels: The resort of Kontokali Bay Resort & Spa for a relaxing family holiday is ideal for even the most picky.
Those who want to relax budget, recommend the family-run Hotel Eleni Family Apartments with apartments. This small hotel is calm and cozy, and most importantly there are playgrounds, water entertainment even the smallest travelers. A warm home atmosphere creates a feeling as if they came to good friends.

Zakyntal Island

11. Zakynthos
Magnificent landscapes and cozy beautiful lagoon are suitable for family holidays with older children.

Bay Navao, Zakynthos

It is not only to sunbathe and swim in Zakynthos, but also to visit the National Park, the beautiful Bay of Navao, go with a small sea trip to the neighboring Islands, swim with the turtle.

Best Western Galaxy Hotel - Family Hotel

Best family holiday hotels: The five-star Best Western Galaxy Hotel is a reasonable price, "all inclusive", the first line, own sandy beach, closed from the waves of the bay. Big beautiful territory. Not far from the hotel you can even watch the turtles on the wild beach.

Best hotels in Greece for family holidays

We are all different and everyone chooses hotels by some kind of criteria, but there are 3 points that need to be paid attention to, resting with children:

  1. Location of the hotel.
    Preference is better to give hotels located on the first line by the sea or 5-10 minutes on foot. Therefore, when booking, be sure to see the map. Pay attention, there is no high-speed trail or railways between the hotel and the beach - such a "trifle" can significantly increase the road to the beach.
    If you take the hotel not on the first line, then find out whether the hotel is not located on Mount, otherwise it may be that every day to the hotel you will have to climb the stairs to the mountain, is badly uncomfortable if you are with a carriage.
  2. Entertainment for children.
    In the description, see the presence of children's clubs and children's animation. Additionally, read the reviews how good these entertainment are and are suitable for your child.
  3. Food for children in the hotel.
    Some hotels offer special baby food. Well, if there are cereals in the menu, not just sausages and fried potatoes. Always read the hotel reviews - just so you can get a complete picture of what the children in the hotel are actually fed.

No time to look for a hotel? Pay attention to the hotels described above - these hotels are specifically selected and tested by our readers, experienced moms who are for no first time traveling with children.

If only the price is important in the choice of hotel, then special offers for hotels in Greece:

We continue to make a list of the best places and hotels for family holidays. We help each other and advise in

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