Albania Belgium. Where Albania is located

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Republic of Albania - the state in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Adriatic coast and Ionian seas. Strait Otranto separates Albania from Italy. In the north and east, it borders with Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, in the south-east - with Greece.

Most of the country has a mountain and sublime relief, with deep, fertile valleys. There are several large lakes in the country.

Albania Airport

Tirana Mother Tresen Airport (Tirana Mother Teresa International Airport)

Albania hotels 1 - 5 stars

Weather Albania

Subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summer and cool, wet winter. average temperature July - from +24 from to +28 s, January - +4 s in the north and up to +7 s in the south, the temperature is highly dependent on the height above sea level.

The precipitate (600-800 mm. Per year) falls predominantly in the fall and spring. AT mountainous areas The climate is colder (frosts up to -20 c), the annual amounts of precipitation increase from 900-1200 mm. Eastern, up to 2000-2600 mm. And more on the windward western slopes of the mountains. At the heights of more than 1000 meters in the mountainous areas, snow cover is held for several months.

The best time to visit the country is September. The warm season lasts from May to September (July is the warmer month, up to +38 c), but even in April and October weather conditions can be fairly favorable.

Albania language

State language: Albanian

There are two groups of Albanian dialects - Hegesky in the north and turkey in the south. The basis of the official language of Albania is the Turkish dialect on which the majority of the country's population says.

Many residents understand Greek, Italian and some Slavic languages.

Albania's currency

International title: All

One lec is 100 kinders. In circulation there are banknotes with rates of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 lec various modifications, as well as coins in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 leeks. There are equal banknotes of three different issues that differ from each other in appearance.

US dollars and euros have free walking along with national currency.

Customs restrictions

Import and export of foreign currency is not legally limited, the currency in the amount of over $ 2500 should be declared at the entrance. The removal of the previously imported foreign currency during the year is allowed during the year, the national is no more than 3000 lek.

Strictly prohibited the import of weapons, pornographic materials and drugs, although the customs authorities often "look through the fingers" to violate these rules. "

Export of antiquities, including stones from archaeological excavations, is prohibited. Allowed free export of copies of the ancient works that are sold everywhere.

Voltage in the network


All tip (10%) and other additional payments are best to leave after service, in case it is acceptable in quality. But also to deprive the service personnel of Tipov - many of them work for a meager salary, receiving the main income from Tipov.

In restaurants, tips are usually given directly into the hands of the waiter after payment of the account, and not left on the table. In a taxi is the easiest way to just round the amount in the big face.


Historical I. geographical features, the convenience of the coastline, a fertile climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples had a significant impact on the wealth and diversity of Albanian cuisine. So, in a great honor of the Albanians, fish and seafood dishes, many of which are required by their appearance of ancient Greece, an ancient Rome.

Many dishes were brought by Byzantines, Venetians, Arabs. As in neighboring Italy, here you can taste risotto or barrudetto from crabs. From Yugoslav cuisine, Albanians borrowed such dishes as Cevapchichi, Razhnichi, Pilaz, many types of Musaki.

Thanks to the warm climate in Albania in large quantities They are grown by corn, which is used both in boiled and canned form for the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. In addition, the corn get flour for the National Dish "Target".

In the high-mountainous areas of Albania have long been breeding sheep. Food is used not only meat, but also sheep milk with healing properties. It is broken, added to various dishes, the famous grades of cheese are prepared from it.

Unfortunately, after World War II, the people of Albania were not lucky with the totalitarian communist communist regime established there, which had common features with the communist regime in North Korea, which led to the economic lag and impoverish the population. But when the consequences of these difficulties will be finally overcome, combined with Kosovo Albania will become one of the best resorts in the world.

Work hours of institutions

Banks work from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00.

National Features of Albania. Traditions

Albanians are one of the few peoples of the world who have a habit of confirming said not by the nod of the head, but the swing from side to the side. Negative gesture, respectively, looks like our "yes", that is, the nods of the head. In the capital and major cities, it is no longer common, but in the provinces you can encounter such behavior everywhere, which often leads to many misunderstandings between the locals and tourists.

Albania - A small Balkan country, attracting travelers a unique opportunity to combine beach and active rest, enjoying the Mediterranean climate, and also to get acquainted with the incredibly saturated history of the country, its culture and national customs.

Where is Albania on the map of Europe?

Conveniently sitting around the sea and mountains, Albania is very attractive for travelers, and, most importantly, inexpensive Direction.

Geographical position

Albania, as the country of the Balkan Peninsula, has the most profitable geographical positionbecause it not only boasts the Mediterranean climate, but also the fact that it is washed by the two best seas - Adriatic and Ionian, along which hilly plain extends.

Its territory covers islandish mountain arraysThe picturesque lakes, rocks and caves are fabulously beautiful nature.

Albania is located in Southeast Europe, namely in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula.

The country has common borders In the north with and, in the east with Macedonia, as well as in the south and south-east. In the West, on the other side of the spiring Otranto, just 75 km is located.

Albania partially owns three picturesque lakes - Ohrid, Shkoder. and PressIn addition, it is the owner of two major rivers - Drin and Mati..


Being one of the unrecognized pearls of the Adriatic coast, Albania has an incredibly attractive mediterranean climatic. Summer here is dry and roast, and winter is soft and rainy. The average summer temperature is +25 degrees, and winter - -8 ° C.

How to get?

Russia and Albania no direct message, Therefore, all flights departing to this country come with a change in or through Milan, Ljubljana, Vienna and Warsaw. Time on the way taking into account the docking will take about 6 hours.

You can buy tickets to the plane to the countries next to Albania, by using this form of searching for air tickets. Enter data O. date of departure, cities of departure and arrival and the number of passengers.

Information about the country

Natural beauty and developed infrastructure of Albania, as well as the hospitality of the inhabitants of the country, more and more has a visit to this wonderful place.

Internal devices

Until 1992, Albania was artificially isolated from the rest of the world due to the policies of the Communist Party, but now it is referred to democratic RepublicHe headed by the President, and the Government is the Prime Minister.

The local population communicates in Albanian language, but it knows Italian, Greek and English well.

In Albania today lives about 3.2 million inhabitants, 97% of which are indigenous Albanians professing Islam. In particular, the Muslim Sunnov accounts for about 80% of the inhabitants.


For most tourists, including for residents of Russia, in the summer, for a period of up to 90 days, the entrance in Albania does not need. The rest of the time, the permissive document will have to be issued before the trip.


In Albania forbidden Importing and exporting local currency - you can change it on the place at the airport. Duty free allowed 200 cigarettes, up to 1 liter of strong drinks and 2 liters of wine, as well as 250 ml toilet water and 50 ml of perfume. For the export of expensive things should be given a check on the purchase.


Albania is easy to call the direction, completely safe For tourists, but even in such an atmosphere, some measures should be observed:

  1. Do not buy currency with hands;
  2. Make vaccinations against typhoid and polio;
  3. Proceed with medical insurance.

There is very clean drinking water in the country, but resting it is better to acquire a bottled product.


Albania Monetary Unit - league (in 1 leek 100 kinders), but tourists have the opportunity to pay the euro or dollars. This foreign currency can pay through everywhere.

National cuisine

Albania kitchen - delicious and juicy mixture meat dishes From the lamb or the grudge lamb, arched by the freshest vegetables.

Be sure to try:

  1. Boarek - meat cake from puff pastry;
  2. Tav Elbuassani - meat baked in yogurt;
  3. Fergez Tirana - Meat sausage with egg and tomatoes.

AT local cuisine You can also find trout fish dishes caught in Ohrid Lakecooked with walnut nuts.


There are two mobile operators in this country - Waterfon and AMC.which are perfectly accepted at any point of Albania. It also operates roaming from other operators.

Real estate market

AT last years The real estate market is very promising because the cost of buying housing Noticeably less than in neighboring states. In addition, realtors help in implementing objects directly from developers.


The country is easy to move on buses, trains or minibuses, which are called here yet "Vans". This most popular transport type will be found on any bus station.

Large cities, such as Tirana, Durres, Berat or Shkoder, connects railway communication - Trains running at 6 am and until 20:00.

Map with cities and resorts in Russian

Albania is ready to provide its guests a lot of picturesque places for rich holidays, exciting excursions, as well as a first-class beach holiday on the purest beaches of the Adriatic.

The active development of tourism makes Albania an attractive direction - travelers get unique impressions of the visit unique country. Saturated cultural leisure is waiting for tourists in the capital of the country - in TiranaAfter all, this city is a storehouse of historical attractions, as well as a unique berad.

Beach rest

Luxury beach holidays Waiting for those who will go to one of the following resort cities:

  • Sarandra;
  • Durres;
  • Verra;
  • Shkonr..

In addition to beach holidays, travelers have the opportunity to explore Durres and Shconr. For historical attractions that have no one thousand years.


Albania has always highlighted a rich history, attractive culture, as well as picturesque nature.

Going into a fascinating journey, it is, first of all, visit sights of Tiranawho are located on central Square:

  • National Historical Museum;
  • Monument to Skanderbuga;
  • Clock tower;
  • EHEM BAY Mosque;
  • Perfectly preserved castle Petrela - He has about 2 thousand years.

You can complete the walk around the city, rising to the top of the Mountain Diti, from where it opens great view on Tirana.

Castles and fortresses are well preserved in Durres Amphitheater and Mosaic housesurrounded by statues and fountains, and in cultural capital Countries should see the mosques, the Franciscan Church and the Ruphan Fortress.

Where to stay?

Albania's hotel base is very rich - there will be luxurious hotels here, for example ( Rogner Hotel Tirana 5 *), modest hotels ( Lowen Inn Bed & Breakfast) and completely inexpensive beds in the hostel ( Green Garden Hostel.).

Of course, local service does not reach the European, but friendly personnel and good nature compensates for this minus. Prices for accommodation Much lower than in neighboring Greece or Montenegro.

Take advantage of hotel reservation to find the appropriate room. Enter city, check-in and Departure Dates and number of guests.


Beach recreation fans will find a lot interesting entertainment on the Ionic coast In the "riviere of flowers" or on the beaches of Velipoy, Durres, Gamie, lying and Sybia, in the Adriatic - Dermi.

Mountainery lovers can go to the study of the mountains, and those who are interested in speleology, there will be a numerous cave in Albania.


In specialized stores and souvenir shops, tourists can acquire products of local craftsmen - copper things and wooden tubes, as well as colorful embroidery. In the old tyrant you can visit a huge bazaar.

Facts about the state

  • Kiss on the cheek - the norm for the local population;
  • Service personnel is desirable leave tips (10% of the amount);
  • Shaking head means consent nod - refusal;
  • Not worth it communicate with the Albanians about religion, politics and polygamy, especially try disputes on this topic;
  • Pride of Albania - mother TeresaAwarded by the Nobel Prize.

Every year in hospitable Albania more and more tourists flock, appreciate a saturated rest for the attractive cost.

There are such countries that many have heard, but there are little exact information about them. However, from this state data is no less interesting for us. Among the list of such countries, where Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria is located, etc., you can choose a percranny place to relax.

Albania is a small country, located not so far from us, as it could seem. It attracts with its originality and lack of total popularization. It pleases that at least small parts of the civilized world map remain attractive from the cognitive part.

In our article, we will look at where Albania is located, we give those geographic data that will be interesting and useful if there is an intention to spend your vacation there.

Geographical position

Let's start with what is a small european stateLocated in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. With a more global consideration, this is the south-eastern part of Europe. Also help more brightly imagine where Albania is located, photo maps of Europe.

With its borders, the state from the East and North side is adjacent to Montenegro and Serbia. In the east, Albania is Macedonia, and in the south and south-east - Greece.

Western outskirts of the country are sea shores. So, Albania is washed in the West, and a little south - ionic. Aloud, the coastline of the state is 472 km.

Through the sheds called Otranto is Italy. The width of this strait is 75 km.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 28 thousand km. sq. Looking at the map, we will see that Albania is stretched from north to south. The length in this direction is 345 km. From the West to the East, it extends to the distance from 145 (the widest part) to 80 (the narrowest part) of the KM.

A bit of history

So, we already know exactly where Albania is located. It continues to interest us, so we will touch on the main historical data.

The first nations that settled the territory of the country are Illyrians. Researchers-Greeks in the second century N. e. called them Albanians, and this was the prerequisite for the current name. At the same time, the locals themselves called themselves otherwise - arbers, and the country, respectively, "Arber".

Conquest and preserved originality

The territory of Albania was repeatedly conquered and neighboring countries, and remote. There were both Romans and Turks and Slavs. However, after the numerous emphasis, the indigenous people managed to preserve its ethnic identity.

The most important forced reasonable change is the adoption of Muslim in times when conquerors dominated in Albania, namely the Turks. Today, this religion remains predominant.

An independent state of Albania has become before the First World War. First she was a republic, then moved to the monarchy. After these stages, political management changed several times. Now, as you know, the republican system is newly established here.

Natural features

We are already known and where Albania is located, and important stages of the country's history. But there are also luxurious natural wealth. We'll talk about the peculiarities of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory.

According to the prevailing form of relief Albania - mountain country. The rest is alluvial and swampy plains. Within the country, four physico-geographical areas are waging, three of which are mountainous.

From the north-west to the southeast, mountains stretch: North-Albanian Alps (the most difficult area of \u200b\u200bthe country, referred to as local damn), mining areas of a more relaxed relief (for example, Mountain Plateau of Mirdita).

Along the coastal part of Albania are uninformed plain areas. But they are not exceptionally smooth surfaces: their relief is disturbed by mountain ridges and hills. Local climatic conditions continue to actively influence the formation of the country's coastline.

SAMI high Point Countries, mountain coast, is located in the eastern part bordering Yugoslavia. The height above the sea level of its vertex is 2764 m. This area belongs to the Dryna River area.

The country of the country contributes to the development of agriculture. The soils of the plain part are suitable for crop production, cattle breeding spread in all areas.


So, we learned where the country of Albania is located. The region of its placement on the map is that in the southeastern part of Europe. The peculiarity of this state is a long history that makes up from a set of conquests. At the same time, the local population managed to preserve its tradition recognizable Balkan identity. The global change was touched only by faith - after the seizure of territories of the Turks, Muslim became prevailing.

A good location (wide access to the sea, economically advantageous neighboring) makes Albania the country is promising. Beautiful nature Pleases tourists, and favorable climatic conditions support local agriculture.

I would like to hope that after reading the article, there will be no questions regarding the basic information about the wonderful called Albania. Where this state is located, you can easily clarify by studying the map of Europe.

Albania is a country with a challenging fate and a strong character. Despite its occupying past, she was able to preserve a rich heritage, centuries-old culture and picturesque nature. Albania is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. And our today's material we devote this beautiful country, I'll find where it is located, the brightest sights of Albania, and what to see in the event of your holiday in this republic.

Where is

Located in the West of the Balkan Peninsula, Albania occupies its coastal territory washed by the Adriatic Sea. Her neighbors are Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Italy, separated from Albania by the Strait of Otranto. Albanian Republic (so sounds official name Countries) covers an area of \u200b\u200b28, from thousand km2, where about 3, 4 million people live. The capital of Albania - Tirana is the largest city in the entire republic.

Brief characteristic of the country

For a long time, Albania was under the oppression of the Ottoman Empire, and only shortly before her fall she was able to achieve its independence in 1912. But, unfortunately, on this, its occupation has not ended. From 1939 to 1944, Albania was subordinate to Italian invaders. Then almost half a century from 1944 to 1992, the republic was ruled by the Communist Albanian Party, which completely isolated the state from external influence.

Albania is almost one-demonstous state, in whose territory there are mainly Albanians. 80% of them preach Islam, being Sunni, the rest of the population adheres to the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Albania is particularly attractive natural beauty. There are all: and picturesque plain, and majestic mountains, and the purest lakes and large rivers. Lake Ohrid, Shkoder and Pred, River Drin and Mati, as well as the Mount Coast (2764) are part of the uniqueness of Albania. The Mediterranean climate pleases soft in winter and hot, but not hot summer.

The entire territory of Albania is rich in the ancient Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman monuments of culture and attractions. The main part of them is in the largest cities of the republic: Tirana, Shkoder, Durres, Elbasane, Kurce and Whell.

Sights of Albania

In each settlement Albania can be found interesting sights. The rich history has awarded this region with a huge number of cultural and historical monuments. Consider some attractions and what can be viewed in Aobania.

Castle Berat.

By law, you can consider the city-museum. This citadel refers to the 13th century, representing a sample of ancient architecture and history. Berat is located 123 km from the capital of Albania and is one of the most popular places among tourists. The castle rises above the city, opening a stunning panorama for nearby territories. Inside the citadel are built in the construction of ancient temples and exposure of historical artifacts.

Skadar Lake

He is most large lake On the Balkan Peninsula. It is simultaneously located in Albania and Montenegro. Very beautiful place, attracting tourists with its flora and fauna, virgin seats, protected by the state, and purest water. Well developed here water transportWhat makes it possible to enjoy water shots. A special fame of the reservoir acquired thanks to its churches and tips to the Lake Islands.

Rosaf Fortress

The next sight of Albania is the fortress of Rosaph - is located in the vicinity of Shkoder. This is very beautiful place, representing a picturesque hill surrounded by two rivers - Drin and Bryan. The fortress dates back to 3 centuries to our era. From the moment of its construction, she was able to survive and occupation by the Romans, and the seizure of Ottomans, and the confrontation with the Montenegrins.

Rosaph is especially popular among women and is considered sacred Moz For those who dream of maternity. Despite the fact that the fortress is partially preserved, it is known far beyond the limits of Albania. Tourists manit here a centuries-old history and a museum opened in one of the surviving structures.

Archaeological Museum-Reserve Byrinti

It is located in the southern part of Albania near the city of Sranada. Practically borders with Greece, this reserve has received particularly fame due to excavations and the medieval Venetian fortress. Rests of public and residential buildings and structures, the walls of the Acropolis, their, decorated with mosaic and the sanctuary of Asclepia were found here. Butrinati is also popular among tourists thanks to the proximity to the beaches, while 2 kilometers from the coast.

Kamamil's resort

The most famous in Albania. Its peculiarity lies not only in the purest water, but also in amazing beaches. Seemingly incredible white sand In fact, it is chopped to a tiny size of stones. This resort attracts tourists not only with its blue water, but also uninhabited islands, which easily get to the clove.

Ruin ancient City Apollonia

Located 100 km south of Durres. In 855 BC, this city was laid with Greeks as one of the most important Mediterranean cities-states. Such monuments have reached this day, as the monastery of St. Mary, dated by the 12th century of our era, Boletperion (an administrative building of ancient times), belonging to the 3th century of our era, Odeon (building for musical representations), built about 2 centuries of our era, ancient amphitheater and others. Not far from Apollonia is the majestic monastery of Ardenik.

Customs and traditions

Those who first attend Albania are usually amazed by differences in the same rites and traditions in various regions of the country. National costumes, wedding rituals and other customs can differ dramatically in two nearby villages or cities. Perhaps that is why in Albania is never boring, and every new place brings unforgettable impressions. In everyday life, the following customs can be distinguished, which are characteristic of Albanians.

When applying to local residents, Albanians use the polite form of "Zoti" (Mr.) for men and the "zone" (mistress) for women. In some provincial areas, you can still meet the communism echoes in contact with each other in the form of a greeting "shock" - Comrade.

A special topic for Albanians is a reception and a visit to visit. If Albanian invited guests, then he must make a reception at the highest level and spend well to support his status. Guests in turn should also show respect for the owners and bring gifts with them. The art of a conversation for a cup of coffee is the main sign that you are a brought and decent man.

Social life in Albania is mainly manifested in the form called "Jiro". In essence, this is an evening walk in the area or boulevard in the city or village. During Dzhiro, local residents exchange news and gossip. It has great importance appearance. As a rule, wearing the richest outfits in such a walk to show their wealth and status.

After so long isolation of Albania only now begins to disclose its uniqueness and beauty for all visitors and tourists. Stunning nature, architectural attractions, purest beaches, hospitable locals and inexpensive life make this republic with a potential leader among other European countries.

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On the central square of the capital, which bears the name of the great warrior Albania Skandardbega, a monument to the commander, around the government buildings of Italian architecture. On the right - the dome of the new Orthodox church. The reconstruction of the area is carried out in the sponsorship of Kuwait Bank, which finances the construction of the largest mosque of Albania to the capital.

Albanian capitalTirana (610 thousand inhabitants, 2015) is the largest city, the main political, economic and cultural center of the country.

In Tirana, fragments of the Roman construction with a mosaic on the floor, subsidized by the 3rd century, as well as the ruins of the fortress built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 520. The year of the development of tyrants is considered to be 1614, when Suleiman Pasha Bardzhini founded the mosque here, built Turkish baths, bakery and several shops. A profitable location at the intersection of trade routes contributed to the development of the city.

On February 8, 1920, by decision of the Albanian National Congress, Tiran was proclaimed the capital and residence of the Government of Albania. In April 1939 - September 1943, Tiran was occupied by Italy, in September 1943 - Germany. On November 17, 1944, the city was released from the German troops of the National Liberation Army. January 11, 1946 was proclaimed People's Republic Albania. In the 1950s, with the help of the Soviet Union and other Socialist countries, a number of modern enterprises were built in Tirana, the Opera House and some other cultural institutions. The population of tyrana increased in 1955 - 1975. From 108 thousand to 200 thousand inhabitants.

In Tirana, a significant part of the production of the country, enterprises of textile, food, tobacco, shoe, metalworking and glass-ceramic industries are concentrated. Railway Ties Tyran with the port of Durres.

Even recently, it was possible to test shock from visiting the Albanian capital with sullen gray, irradiated five-story buildings, drowning in dirt and garbage, lack of traffic lights and tablets with street names. Local drivers were ready to knock down a pedestrian. But everything changed for fantastically short time. Today, Tirana is a European, dynamically developing city with high-altitude buildings, well-groomed parks and boulevards.

Since 2000, the municipal authority led by the mayor Ed Rama made the company "Return to Identity", which includes the modernization of infrastructure and updating the dull "post-Soviet" form of tyranna. The residential neighborhoods, parks and gardens were devoted to the "European" species, illegal buildings were demolished. The city survived radical changes.

Albanian public and politician Edie Rama (born July 4, 1963, Tirana) from 2000 to 2011 was the mayor of the Tirana, with the 2005 leader of the Socialist Party of Albania, with 2013 Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Albania. By education and profession - the artist, studied in Paris. The mayor eligible built in the capital, the facades of many buildings in characteristic, bright and multi-colored colors were repainted on his proposal. Developed a project of landscaping and new infrastructure of the city. In 2004, WORLD MAYOR 2004 was received in 2004, and in 2005 it was in the list of European Heroes according to Time magazine, in one word was recognized as the best mayor of Europe.

Around the central square of Skanderbega on the architecture of buildings can be judged on geopolitical zigzags in the history of the country. This building recalls the effect of Italy.

The Hadji-Ehem-Bay mosque (behind the monument to the scanner) was built by Turks in 1789-1823. With the communists, the mosque was closed until 1991. Left saw corner Albanian Opera Theater, a gift from the Soviet government of Communist Albania. After the breaking of relations from the USSR in 1961, the building stood unfinished until the Albanians themselves completed the theater.

One of the modern symbols of the capital was 25 - a flood building of the conical form of Tirana International Development, or Tid Tower, built on the project of the Belgian architectural bureau in 2011.
The building is based on the tomb of the National Hero, General of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman Pasha Bardzhini, founder modern capital Albania tyranana. The high-rise building protects the tomb from the destructive effects of the environment. The building has prestigious apartments, apartments and office space. The first floors occupy shops and restaurants, on the roof - panoramic restaurant.

Tid Tower is the most high building Albania (85 meters). For the general plan in the center of the capital around Skandardbeg Square, also nine high-rise buildings will be erected.

Not far from the main square, near the shopping and entertainment center "Taiwan" is the Park "Rini".

Photo from the Internet

Park "Riland" is popular Moz At tourists who come to excursions to the capital. On the right - a 4-star Sky Hote from the observation platform, which offers a panoramic view of Tiran.

To make a panoramic shot of the capital, I rose to the elevator on the hotel's viewing area. What was my surprise that the playground was observed not only by a metal mesh, but also a polyethylene film through which the picture was taken.

Another underworld in the center of the capital near Taiwan shopping and entertainment center

The new Orthodox Cathedral of the Tirana "Resurrection of Christ" is built as a compensation for the old Cathedral of the Cathedral destroyed by the Communist Power in 1967. Albania's autocephaly Orthodox Church on June 24, 2012 was solemnly opened a new cathedral, which was built since 2004 on the project of the American company Papadatos Partneriti LLP Architects (New York), the owners of which are Orthodox Greeks that immigrated to the United States. Besides Cathedral Chapels, bell tower, the residence of the sacred synod and cultural Center.

Office of the largest foreign bank Albania

Through the city center of the concrete chute flows the mountain river Lana, separating the city on the southern and northern parts.

Pedestrian Boulevard

The symbol of the failure of the past and isolation from the outside world was for Tirana a visit in 1992 Mother Teresa (1910-1997) - nuns, founded in 1948 in Calcutta Odden Sisters of Mercy, a public activity, a blissful Catholic Church. Albanka by origin, she finally received the permission of the authorities and visited the grave of his mother and sister (with their lives, visits for the Iron Curtain were prohibited). In memory of her, Albanians called their largest and only international Airport. In 2005, the airport switched for twenty years under the Office of Hochtief Airport (Germany), which carried out the construction of a new building of the passenger terminal and the modernization of the entire airbreak complex.

Tirana is gradually getting rid of the appearance of the capital of the totalitarian state. Each mode left its mark in the architecture of the capital. Before the proclamation of Tirana, the capital (1920) was a Muslim town since the Suliman Pasha, the founder of the city. In 1920-1930, the city began to rebuild in the "European style", according to the plan of invited Austrian and Italian architects. During the occupation of tyrants by the Italian and German fascists, Italian architects have completed the construction of government buildings and laid new streets. After the war, the city lived under the rule of Albanian communists. Up to 20 CPSU Congress, the country was focused on Stalin and the USSR, and in the future until 1978 on the Maoist China. The city was filled with faceless block buildings and, together with the country, found himself as a deaf iron curtain. A ban on private business and private cars was introduced (canceled only in the 90s). At the same time, with the help of the USSR and other socialist states in Tirana and the country, large industrial enterprises were built (up to 80% of the Albania industry), educational and cultural institutions, the first century in the country of HPP them was built. Lenin. The Palace of Culture appeared on the site of the Turkish bazaar, the historical building of the parliament was redone to the Poland of Pioneers.

After the death of Enver Khoji in the city in his honor in 1988, a pyramidal memorable complex of the leader was erected. Here is an international cultural center, in the commoner "Pyramid".

According to the municipal company "Return to Identity", the facades of many buildings in characteristic, bright and multi-colored colors were repainted. Opponents criticize that only the appearance of buildings is updated. But not all at once. To change the internal content of buildings in citizens should be a decent salary.

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An innovative approach to the color of the facades of buildings includes drawings of dried linen. Against this background, real underwear in the balconies looks the most natural way.

Garden on the roof of the building

See also: