Where did Columbus land when he discovered America. Discovery of America by Columbus

For the first time, the idea to cross the Atlantic Ocean to find a direct and fast route to India was allegedly visited by Columbus as early as 1474 as a result of correspondence with the Italian geographer Toscanelli. The navigator made the necessary calculations and decided that the easiest way would be to sail through Canary Islands. He believed that from them to Japan there were only about five thousand kilometers, and from the Country rising sun finding a way to India is not difficult.

But Columbus was able to fulfill his dream only a few years later, he repeatedly tried to interest the Spanish monarchs in this event, but his demands were recognized as excessive and expensive. And only in 1492, Queen Isabella gave a trip and promised to make Columbus an admiral and viceroy of all open lands, although she did not donate money. The navigator himself was poor, but his colleague, the shipowner Pinson gave his ships to Christopher.

Discovery of America

The first expedition, which began in August 1492, was attended by three ships - the famous "Nina", "Santa Maria" and "Pinta". In October, Columbus reached the land and ashore, it was an island that he named San Salvador. Confident that this is a poor part of China or some other undeveloped land, Columbus, however, was surprised by many things unknown to him - he first saw tobacco, cotton clothes, hammocks.

Local Indians told about the existence of the island of Cuba in the south, and Columbus went in search of it. During the expedition, Haiti and Tortuga were discovered. These lands were declared the property of the Spanish monarchs, and Fort La Navidad was created in Haiti. The navigator went back together with plants and animals, gold and a group of natives, whom the Europeans called the Indians, since no one yet suspected the discovery of the New World. All found lands were considered part of Asia.

During the second expedition, Haiti, the Jardines de la Reina archipelago, the island of Pinos, Cuba were explored. For the third time, Columbus discovered the island of Trinidad, found the mouth of the Orinoco River and Margarita Island. The fourth voyage made it possible to explore the shores of Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua. The path to India was never found, but South America was discovered. Columbus finally realized that south of Cuba lies a whole mainland - a barrier to rich Asia. The Spanish navigator initiated the exploration of the New World.

Wake up anyone in the middle of the night with the question: “Who discovered America first?”, And without hesitation, they will immediately give you the correct answer, calling the name of Christopher Columbus. This is for everyone known fact , which, it would seem, no one disputes. But was Columbus the first European to set foot on new land? Not at all. Question one: "So who?". But Columbus was called for a reason discoverer.

In contact with

How did Columbus discover

In what century did such significant changes for the world take place? The official date for the discovery of a new continent called the Americas is 1499, 15th century. At that time, speculation began to appear among the inhabitants of Europe that the earth was round. They began to think about the possibility of navigation on the Atlantic Ocean and the opening of the western route straight to the shores of Asia.

The story of how Columbus discovered America is very funny. It so happened that he randomly stumbled upon the New World, holding the way to distant India.

Christopher was an avid sailor, from a young age who managed to visit all known at that time. Carefully studying a huge number of geographical maps, Columbus planned to sail to India through the Atlantic without passing through Africa.

He, like many scientists of that time, naively believed that, having gone straight from Western Europe to the east, he will reach the shores of such Asian countries like China and India. No one could even imagine what was in his way all of a sudden. new lands will appear.

It is the day when Columbus reached the shores of the new mainland and is considered beginning of American history.

Continents discovered by Columbus

Christopher is considered the one who discovered North America. But in parallel with it, after the news of the New World spread to all countries, in the struggle for the development of the northern territories the British entered.

In total, the navigator made four expeditions. The continents that Columbus discovered: the island of Haiti or, as the traveler himself called it, Lesser Spain, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Antigua and many other territories of North America. From 1498 to 1504, during his last expeditions, the navigator already mastered lands of south america, where he reached the shores of not only Venezuela, but also Brazil. A little later, the expedition reached Central America where they were mastered coastlines Nicaragua and Honduras, all the way to Panama.

Who else mastered America

Formally, many navigators opened America to the world in different ways. History counts many names associated with the development of the lands of the New World. The Columbus case continued:

  • Alexander Mackenzie;
  • William Buffin;
  • Henry Hudson;
  • John Davis.

Thanks to these navigators, the entire continent was explored and mastered, including Pacific coast.

Also, another discoverer of America is considered at least famous person - Amerigo Vespucci. The Portuguese navigator went on expeditions and explored the coast of Brazil.

It was he who first suggested that Christopher Columbus sailed far not to China and India, but to previously unknown. His conjectures were confirmed by Fernand Magellan, after the first world travel.

It is believed that the mainland was named precisely in honor of Vespucci, contrary to all the logic of what is happening. And today the New World is known to everyone under the name of America, and not in any other way. So who really discovered America?

Pre-Columbian expeditions to the Americas

In the legends and beliefs of the Scandinavian peoples, one can often stumble upon the mention of distant lands called Vinland located near Greenland. Historians believe that it was the Vikings who discovered America and became the first Europeans to set foot on the lands of the New World, and in their legends, Vinland is nothing more than Newfoundland.

Everyone knows how Columbus discovered America, but in fact Christopher was far away not the first navigator who visited this continent. Leif Erickson, who named one of the parts of the new continent as Vinland, cannot be called a discoverer either.

Who is considered first? Historians dare to believe that he was a merchant from distant Scandinavia - Bjarni Herjulfsson, which is mentioned in the Greenlanders' Saga. According to this literary work, in 985. he moved towards Greenland to meet his father, but lost his way due to a strong storm.

Before the discovery of America, the merchant had to sail at random, since he had not seen the lands of Greenland before and did not know a specific course. He soon reached the level shores of an unknown island covered with forests. Such a description did not fit Greenland at all, which surprised him greatly. Bjarni decided not to land and turn back.

Soon he sailed to Greenland, where he told this story to Leif Erickson, the son of the discoverer of Greenland. Exactly he became the first of the vikings who tried their luck to enter to the lands of America before Columbus, which he called Vinland.

Forced search for new lands

Important! Greenland is not the most pleasant country to live in. It is poor in resources, with a harsh climate. The possibility of resettlement at that time seemed like a pipe dream for the Vikings.

Stories about fertile lands covered with dense forests only spurred them on. Erickson gathered a small team for himself and set off on a journey in search of new territories. Leif became the one who discovered North America.

First uncharted places which they stumbled upon were rocky and mountainous. In their description today, historians see nothing more than baffin land. The subsequent coasts turned out to be low-lying, with green forests and long sandy beaches. This historians were very reminded of the description coast of the Labrador Peninsula in Canada.

On the new lands, wood was mined, which is so hard to find in Greenland. Subsequently, the Vikings founded the first two settlements in the New World, and all these territories were called Vinland.

The scientist who was nicknamed the "second Columbus"

The famous German geographer, naturalist and traveler are all one great person who is called Alexander Humboldt.

This great scientist opened America to others on the scientific side, having spent many years on research, and he was not alone. About what kind of partner he needed, Humbaldt did not hesitate for a long time and immediately made his choice in favor of Bonpland.

Humboldt and French botanist in 1799. went to scientific expedition to South America and Mexico, which lasted for five years. This journey brought scientists worldwide fame, and Humboldt himself was called the "second Columbus".

It is believed that in 1796 The scientist set himself the following tasks:

  • explore little-studied areas of the globe;
  • systematize all the information received;
  • taking into account the results of research by other scientists, a comprehensive description of the structure of the universe.

All tasks, of course, were successfully completed. After the discovery of America as a continent, no one dared to conduct such research. Therefore, he decides to go to the least explored area - the West Indies, which allows him to achieve tremendous results. Humboldt created first geographic Maps discovered America almost simultaneously, but in world history the name of Christopher Columbus will always be the first in the list of those who mastered the territories of the New World.

The history of the discovery of America is quite amazing. These events took place at the end of the 15th century due to the rapid development of navigation and shipping in Europe. In many ways, we can say that the discovery of the American continent happened quite by accident and the motives were very banal - the search for gold, wealth, large trading cities.

In the 15th century in the territory modern America lived ancient tribes who were very good-natured and hospitable. In Europe, in those days, even then the states were quite developed and modern. Each country tried to expand its sphere of influence, to find new sources of replenishment of the state treasury. At the end of the 15th century, trade flourished, the development of new colonies.

Who discovered America?

In the 15th century, ancient tribes lived on the territory of modern America, who were very good-natured and hospitable. In Europe, even then the states were quite developed and modern. Each country tried to expand its sphere of influence, to find new sources of replenishment of the state treasury.

When you ask any adult and child who discovered America, we will hear about Columbus. It was Christopher Columbus who gave impetus to the active search and development of new lands.

Christopher Columbus - the great Spanish navigator. Information about where he was born and spent his childhood is scarce and contradictory. It is known that being young, Christopher was fond of cartography. He was married to the daughter of a sailor. In 1470, the geographer and astronomer Toscanelli informed Columbus of his assumptions that the journey to India was shorter if one sailed west. Apparently, then Columbus began to hatch his idea of ​​​​a short way to India, while, according to his calculations, it was necessary to sail through the Canary Islands, and Japan would already be close there.
Since 1475, Columbus has been trying to implement the idea and make an expedition. The purpose of the expedition is to find a new trade route to India across the Atlantic Ocean. To do this, he turned to the government and the merchants of Genoa, but he was not supported. The second attempt to find funding for the expedition was the Portuguese king João II, however, even here, after a long study of the project, he was refused.

For the last time, with his project, he came to the Spanish king. At the beginning, his project was considered for a long time, even several meetings, commissions were held, this lasted for several years. His idea was supported by bishops and Catholic kings. But Columbus received final support for his project after the victory of Spain in the city of Granada, which was freed from the Arab presence.

The expedition was organized on the condition that Columbus, if successful, would receive not only the gifts and wealth of new lands, but also receive, in addition to the status of a nobleman, the title: Admiral of the Sea-Ocean and Viceroy of all lands, which he would open. For Spain, a successful expedition promised not only the development of new lands, but also the opportunity to trade directly with India, since according to the agreement concluded with Portugal, Spanish ships were forbidden to enter the waters west coast Africa.

When and how did Columbus discover America?

Historians consider 1942 to be the year of the discovery of America, although this is rather approximate data. Discovering new lands and islands, Columbus did not even imagine that this was another continent, which would later be called the "New World". The traveler undertook 4 expeditions. He arrived in new and new lands, believing that these were the lands of "Western India". For a long time everyone in Europe thought so. However, another traveler, Vasco da Gama, declared Columbus a deceiver, since it was Gamma who found a direct route to India and brought gifts and spices from there.

What America did Christopher Columbus discover? We can say that thanks to his expeditions since 1492, Columbus discovered both North and South America. To be more precise, the islands were discovered, which are now considered either South or North America.

Who discovered America first?

Although historically it is believed that it was Columbus who discovered America, but in fact this is not entirely true.

There is data that New World"previously visited by the Scandinavians (Leif Eriksson in 1000, Thorfinn Karlsefni in 1008), this journey became known from the manuscripts" The Saga of Eric the Red "and" The Saga of the Greenlanders ". There are other "discoverers of America", but the scientific community does not takes them seriously, since there is no reliable data.For example, America was previously visited by an African traveler from Mali - Abu Bakr II, a Scottish nobleman Henry Sinclair, a Chinese traveler Zheng He.

Why is America called America?

The first widely known and recorded fact is the visit to this part of the "New World" by the traveler and navigator Amerigo Vespucci. It is noteworthy that it was he who suggested that this is not India or China, but a completely new previously unknown mainland. It is believed that this is why the name America was assigned to the new land, and not its discoverer - Columbus.

Columbus discovered America

The year when this Spanish navigator discovered a new land is indicated in history as 1492. And by the beginning of the eighteenth century, all other regions of North America were already discovered and explored, for example, Alaska and the regions of the Pacific coast. It must be said that travelers from Russia also made an important contribution to the study of the mainland.


The history of the discovery of North America is quite interesting: it can even be called accidental. At the end of the fifteenth century, a Spanish navigator with his expedition reached the shores of North America. However, he mistakenly believed that he was in India. From this moment, the countdown of that era begins, when America was discovered and its development and exploration began. But some researchers consider this date to be inaccurate, arguing that the discovery of a new continent happened much earlier.

The year of discovery of America by Columbus - 1492 - is not an exact date. It turns out that the Spanish navigator had predecessors, and moreover, not one. In the middle of the tenth century, the Normans got here after they discovered Greenland. True, they failed to colonize these new lands, because they were repelled by the harsh weather conditions of the north of this continent. In addition, the Normans were also frightened by the remoteness of the new mainland from Europe.

According to other sources, this continent was discovered by ancient navigators - the Phoenicians. Some sources call the middle of the first millennium of our era the time when America was discovered, and the Chinese are the pioneers. However, this version also does not have clear evidence.

The most reliable information is considered to be the time when the Vikings discovered America. At the end of the tenth century, the Normans Bjarni Herjulfson and Leif Ericsson found Helluland - "stone", Markland - "forest" and Vinland - "vineyard" land, which contemporaries identify with the Labrador Peninsula.

There is evidence that even before Columbus in the fifteenth century, the northern continent was reached by fishermen from Bristol and Biscay, who called it the island of Brazil. However, the time periods of these expeditions cannot be called that milestone in history when they discovered America for real, that is, identified it as a new continent.

Columbus is a real pioneer

And yet, when answering the question in what year America was discovered, experts most often name the fifteenth century, or rather its end. And Columbus is considered the first to do this. The time when America was discovered coincided in history with the period when Europeans began to spread ideas about the round shape of the Earth and the possibility of reaching India or China along the western route, that is, through the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, it was believed that this route is much shorter than the eastern one. Therefore, given the Portuguese monopoly of control over the South Atlantic, obtained by the Treaty of Alcazovas in 1479, Spain, always seeking to obtain direct contacts with Eastern countries, warmly supported the expedition of the Genoese navigator Columbus to the west.

Opening honor

Christopher Columbus was interested in geography, geometry and astronomy from an early age. From a young age, he participated in sea expeditions, visited almost all the then known oceans. Columbus was married to the daughter of a Portuguese sailor, from whom he inherited many geographical maps and notes from the time of Henry the Navigator. The future discoverer carefully studied them. His plans were to find a sea route to India, however, not bypassing Africa, but directly across the Atlantic. Like some scientists - his contemporaries, Columbus believed that, having gone west from Europe, it would be possible to reach the Asian eastern shores - those places where India and China are located. At the same time, he did not even suspect that on the way he would meet a whole mainland, until then not known to Europeans. But it happened. And since that time, the history of the discovery of America begins.

First expedition

For the first time, the ships of Columbus set sail from the harbor of Palos on August 3, 1492. There were three. Before the Canary Islands, the expedition proceeded quite calmly: this segment of the journey was already known to the sailors. But very soon they found themselves in a boundless ocean. Gradually, the sailors began to fall into despondency and raise a murmur. But Columbus managed to pacify the recalcitrant, keeping them hopeful. Soon signs began to come across - harbingers of the proximity of land: unknown birds flew in, tree branches sailed. Finally, after six weeks of sailing, lights appeared at night, and when dawn broke, a green picturesque island, all covered with vegetation, opened up before the sailors. Columbus, having landed on the coast, declared this land the possessions of the Spanish crown. The island was named San Salvador, that is, the Savior. It was one of the small pieces of land included in the Bahamas or Lucayan archipelago.

Land where there is gold

The natives are peaceful and good-natured savages. Noticing the greed of those who sailed to the golden ornaments that hung in the nose and ears of the natives, they told with signs that in the south there is a land literally abounding in gold. And Columbus went on. In the same year, he discovered Cuba, which, although he took it for the mainland, more precisely, for the eastern coast of Asia, he also declared a Spanish colony. From here, the expedition, turning east, landed in Haiti. At the same time, along the way, the Spaniards met savages who not only willingly exchanged their gold jewelry for simple glass beads and other trinkets, but also constantly pointed to south direction when asked about this precious metal. On which Columbus called Hispaniola, or Lesser Spain, he built a small fortress.


When the ships landed in the harbor of Palos, all the inhabitants came ashore to greet them with honors. Very graciously received Columbus and Ferdinand and Isabella. The news of the discovery of the New World spread very quickly, just as quickly gathered those who wanted to go there with the discoverer. At that time, Europeans had no idea what kind of America Christopher Columbus discovered.

Second trip

The history of the discovery of North America, which began in 1492, continued. From September 1493 to June 1496, the second expedition of the Genoese navigator took place. As a result, the Virgin and Windward Islands were discovered, including Antigua, Dominica, Nevis, Montserrat, St. Christopher, as well as Puerto Rico and Jamaica. The Spaniards firmly settled on the lands of Haiti, making them their base and building the fortress of San Domingo in its southeastern part. In 1497, the British entered into rivalry with them, also trying to find northwestern routes to Asia. For example, the Genoese Cabot under the English flag discovered the island of Newfoundland and, according to some reports, came very close to the North American coast: to the Labrador and Nova Scotia peninsulas. So the British began to lay the foundation for their dominance in the region of North America.

Third and fourth expeditions

It began in May 1498 and ended in November 1500. As a result, the island of Trinidad and the mouth of the Orinoco were discovered. In August 1498, Columbus landed on the coast already on the Paria Peninsula, and in 1499 the Spaniards reached the shores of Guiana and Venezuela, after which - Brazil and the mouth of the Amazon. And during the last - fourth - trip from May 1502 to November 1504, Columbus had already discovered Central America. His ships passed along the coast of Honduras and Nicaragua, reached from Costa Rica and Panama up to the Gulf of Darien.

new mainland

In the same year, another navigator - whose expeditions took place under the Portuguese flag - also explored the Brazilian coast. Having reached Cape Cananea, he put forward a hypothesis that the lands discovered by Columbus are not China, and not even India, but a completely new mainland. This idea was confirmed after the first round-the-world trip made by F. Magellan. However, contrary to logic, the name America was assigned to the new continent - on behalf of Vespucci.

True, there is some reason to believe that the new continent was named after the Bristol philanthropist Richard America from England, who financed the second transatlantic voyage in 1497, and Amerigo Vespucci after that took the nickname in honor of the continent so named. To prove this theory, researchers cite the facts that Cabot reached the shores of Labrador two years earlier, and therefore became the officially registered first European to set foot on American soil.

In the middle of the sixteenth century, Jacques Cartier, a French navigator, reached the coast of Canada, giving the area its modern name.

Other contenders

The development of the continent of North America was continued by such navigators as John Davis, Alexander Mackenzie, Henry Hudson and William Buffin. It was thanks to their research that the continent was studied up to the Pacific coast.

However, history also knows many other names of sailors who moored to American soil even before Columbus. These are Hui Shen, a Thai monk who visited the region in the fifth century; Abubakar, the Sultan of Mali, who sailed to the American coast in the fourteenth century; the Earl of Orkney de Saint-Clair;

But, in spite of everything, it is Christopher Columbus who is the man whose discoveries had an unconditional impact on the entire history of mankind.

Fifteen years after the time when the ships of this navigator discovered America, the very first geographical map of the mainland was compiled. Its author was Martin Waldseemüller. Today it, being the property of the United States, is kept in Washington.

The lands were the most common: the founding of cities, the discovery of deposits of gold and wealth. In the 15th century, navigation was actively developing, and expeditions were equipped in search of an unknown continent. What was on the mainland before the arrival of Europeans, when Columbus discovered America, and under what circumstances did this happen?

History of the great discovery

By the 15th century European states different high level development. Each country tried to expand its sphere of influence, looking for additional sources of profit to replenish the treasury. New colonies formed.

Before the discovery, tribes lived on the continent. The natives were distinguished by a friendly character, which favored the rapid development of the territory.

Christopher Columbus, while still a teenager, discovered such a hobby as cartography. The Spanish navigator once learned from the astronomer and geographer Toscanelli that if you sail westward, you can reach India much faster. It was 1470. And the idea came just in time, as Columbus was looking for another route that would allow him to get to India in a short time. He suggested that a route should be laid through the Canary Islands.

In 1475, the Spaniard organizes an expedition, the purpose of which is to find a fast way by sea to India across the Atlantic Ocean. He reported this to the government with a request to support his idea, but received no help. The second time Columbus wrote to King Joao II of Portugal, however, he was also refused. Then he again turned to the government of Spain. On this occasion, several meetings of the commission were held, lasting a year. The final positive decision on financing was made after the victory of the Spanish troops in the city of Granada, liberated from the occupation of the Arabs.

In the event that a new path to India was discovered, Columbus was promised not only wealth, but also a noble title: Admiral of the Sea-Ocean and Viceroy of the lands that he would discover. Since Spanish ships were forbidden to enter the waters on the west coast of Africa, such a move was beneficial for the government in order to conclude a direct trade agreement with India.

In what year did Columbus discover America?

1942 is officially recognized as the year of the discovery of America in history. Having discovered undeveloped lands, Columbus did not imagine that he had discovered the continent, which would be called the "New World". In what year the Spaniards discovered America, one can say conditionally, since a total of four campaigns were undertaken. Each time the navigator found more and more new lands, believing that this was the territory of Western India.

Columbus thought that he was following the wrong route after the expedition of Vasco de Gama. The traveler arrived in India and returned in a short time with rich goods, accusing Christopher of deceit.

Later it turned out that Columbus discovered the islands and the continental part of North and South America.

Which travelers discovered America earlier?

To say that Columbus became the discoverer of America is not entirely true. Before that, Scandinavians landed on the lands: in 1000 - Leif Eriksson and in 1008 - Thorfinn Karlsefni. This is evidenced by the historical records "The Saga of the Greenlanders" and "The Saga of Eric the Red". There is also other information about making trips to the "New World". Traveler Abu Bakr II, a resident of the Celestial Empire Zheng He and a nobleman from Scotland, Henry Sinclair, arrived from Mali to America.

There is historical evidence that the Normans visited the New World in the 10th century after the discovery of Greenland. However, they failed to develop the territory due to severe weather conditions unsuitable for agriculture. In addition, the way from Europe was very long.

Visits to the mainland by the navigator Amerigo Vespucci, after whom the continent was named.


Christopher Columbus is undoubtedly one of those people whose deeds had a huge impact on the history of all mankind.

Unfortunately, absolutely accurate data have not been preserved either about the birthplace of Columbus (although most modern historians agree that Italian Genoa was such), or about the date of his birth (on this moment The most probable year of Columbus's birth is 1451. Information about the young years of Columbus's life is also very contradictory - according to some sources, until about the age of twenty he helped his father, who was a weaver, according to others - by this age he was already an experienced sailor who made more than one voyage on Portuguese ships.

For some time, Columbus lived in Portugal, where in 1479 he married the daughter of Bartolomeo Perestrela, a Portuguese explorer whose work may have interested Columbus in the possibility of discovering new lands.

For a long time, Columbus, who himself was well versed in maps, studied the work of Paolo Toscanelli, a well-known cartographer at that time. Columbus considered Toscanelli's theory about the possibility of a sea route to India across the Atlantic Ocean quite reasonable.

The first to whom Columbus approached in 1484 with a proposal to organize an expedition was the Portuguese king João II. At first, he became interested in the Columbus project and entrusted his study to a specially created council, in the end he nevertheless refused Columbus; perhaps the reason for this was the exorbitant claims of Columbus to various material benefits, which promised the discovery of new lands, or perhaps Portugal was quite satisfied with the established control on the western coast of Africa.

The Spanish rulers, who were approached by Columbus, upset by the refusal of Juan II, also reacted coolly to the navigator's idea - the long war for Granada required large cash injections from the Spanish treasury.

Columbus had to wait several years before he managed to convince the Spanish royal couple to approve his expedition. Obviously, he very well chose the time to turn to them again with his proposal - the ended Reconquista allowed the royal court of Spain to take a fresh look at the ideas of Columbus.

At that time, Spain was in a difficult position. An earlier agreement with Portugal prohibited Spanish (and all other ships) from sailing in the area of ​​the western coast of Africa, thus excluding the possibility of reaching the shores of India by circling the African continent. The state treasury was exhausted, and the possibility of establishing a profitable trade with India was most welcome to Spain.

The Spanish Church was also a supporter of the discovery of new lands in order to further spread the religion.

One can only guess what feelings drove Columbus to discover new lands - whether it was a passion for new discoveries, some kind of religious urge or a banal desire to ensure a comfortable existence, especially considering the fact that on April 17, 1492, Columbus and the Spanish king and queen signed the Treaty of Santa Fe, according to which Columbus not only received a noble rank, but also, if the expedition was successful, received the titles of admiral of the seas and viceroy and governor of new lands, as well as a very substantial part of the potential profits that could provide the Spanish court with his (Columbus) discovery.

The treasury of Spain, impoverished during the Reconquista, was unable to finance it, and Columbus was forced to turn to private investors for help. Despite their participation in the preparations for the expedition, the funds were only enough for three new ships, the condition of which was far from ideal, and the crew partly consisted of people who had broken the law, who were promised freedom in exchange for participating in the Columbus expedition.

Finally, on August 3, 1492, these three ships - the flagship "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" - left the port and set off to discover new lands.

Having replenished food supplies and fresh water in the Canary Islands, the expedition moved on.

The crew members, tired of a long and fruitless voyage, repeatedly tried to force the navigator to turn back, and Columbus had to pacify such moods on the ship more than once (which at times threatened to turn into a real riot) with the help of persuasion and promising additional various material benefits.

As one of the tricks of Columbus, it is worth noting the second logbook, in which he reduced the distance traveled by the ship in order to calm his crew a little.

Finally, on October 12, “Earth!” was heard from the mast of the Pinta, and soon the ships anchored at one of Antilles. This island, Guanahani, Columbus proclaimed the property of Spain and gave it a new name - San Salvador.

The indigenous people of the island met the newcomers in a friendly manner, introduced the sailors to tobacco, as well as various local plants, among which were tomatoes and potatoes. Since Columbus was sure that he had sailed to India, local residents he called "Indians".

Continuing his journey, on October 28, Columbus reached the shores of Cuba, and soon Haiti (calling it Hispaniola). Having built Fort Navidad on Hispaniola, in which he left several people, Columbus went on. His next point was San Domingo.

Delighted by the discovery of a new route to India (as he believed), Columbus was nevertheless very disappointed when he did not find the luxurious cities and untold riches he expected.

Columbus took several local Indians with him to Spain as one of the proofs of the success of his expedition.

Arriving in Spain in 1493, Columbus presented his relatively poor to the royal court.

But the Spanish monarchs considered the expedition successful and in every possible way contributed to equipping the new one.

On September 25, 1493, the second expedition of Columbus, already consisting of 17 ships and about one and a half thousand people, arrived in Isabella, the first Spanish settlement in San Domingo.

Using the labor of local Indians, the Spaniards began work on gold mining. In pursuit of profit, Columbus constantly required the Indians to work harder and harder, which contributed to the aggravation of their already difficult relationship.

In 1496, Columbus returned to Spain, leaving his brother Bartolomeo as ruler of Isabella.

The third expedition of Columbus took place in May 1498. However, during his absence, the Spaniards who remained in the colony raised an uprising against the admiral, dividing the land and the Indians among themselves and continuing to work in their own interests, regardless of the interests of the Spanish crown.

The returned Columbus had to negotiate with the rebels, giving them ownership of a plot of land and Indians as slaves. Such a policy, of course, had a negative effect on relations with the Indians.

Columbus's initial plans to trade with the inhabitants of the new lands changed dramatically when he realized that from an economic point of view it was much more profitable for him to subjugate the Indians than to trade with them. The cruelty of Columbus against the local Indians, which increased their already great discontent, the too low profits brought by the colonies, as well as suspicions that Columbus was simply hiding the wealth he found in new lands, led the Spanish rulers to the idea that in order to manage new lands should appoint another person. Arriving in Hispaniola in 1500, the royal inspector Francisco de Bobadilla arrested Columbus and sent him to Spain.

But soon the rulers of Spain ordered the release of the famous navigator. Columbus managed to convince them that there is gold and other riches in the lands he discovered, and they only need to be carefully looked for.

Thus, he was given the opportunity to prove his expectations in the fourth expedition, which took place in 1502. Having explored a fairly large area on the coast of the mainland, Columbus, however, did not move inside the continent and returned to Spain.

last years of life great navigator spent in oblivion. On May 20, 1506, Columbus died, a poor, sick man, still believing that the land he had discovered was India.

In 1517, the Spaniards reached the territory of modern Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, and began to rapidly conquer the lands of continental America.

By no means questioning the great achievement of Christopher Columbus, nevertheless it is worth noting that formally he discovered only the islands off the coast of Central America. As for continental America, Columbus visited it only on his third trip, and in North America and never was.


While living in Seville, Columbus was friends with Amerigo Vespucci, who at that time lived there.

The Portuguese king Juan II, who refused Columbus to organize an expedition, nevertheless sent his sailors along the route proposed by Columbus, but due to a strong storm, the Portuguese were forced to return home.

There is a suggestion that it was Columbus who suggested that the Spanish rulers, in order to save money, populate the lands he discovered with criminals.

The history of the discovery of America is quite amazing.

These events took place at the end of the 15th century due to the rapid development of navigation and shipping in Europe. In many ways, we can say that the discovery of the American continent happened quite by accident and the motives were very banal - the search for gold, wealth, large trading cities.

In the 15th century, ancient tribes lived on the territory of modern America, who were very good-natured and hospitable. In Europe, in those days, even then the states were quite developed and modern. Each country tried to expand its sphere of influence, to find new sources of replenishment of the state treasury. At the end of the 15th century, trade flourished, the development of new colonies.

In the 15th century, ancient tribes lived on the territory of modern America, who were very good-natured and hospitable. In Europe, even then the states were quite developed and modern. Each country tried to expand its sphere of influence, to find new sources of replenishment of the state treasury.

When you ask any adult and child who discovered America, we will hear about Columbus. It was Christopher Columbus who gave impetus to the active search and development of new lands.

Christopher Columbus is the great Spanish navigator. Information about where he was born and spent his childhood is scarce and contradictory. It is known that being young, Christopher was fond of cartography. He was married to the daughter of a sailor. In 1470, the geographer and astronomer Toscanelli informed Columbus of his assumptions that the journey to India was shorter if one sailed west. Apparently, then Columbus began to hatch his idea of ​​​​a short way to India, while, according to his calculations, it was necessary to sail through the Canary Islands, and Japan would already be close there.
Since 1475, Columbus has been trying to implement the idea and make an expedition.

The purpose of the expedition is to find a new trade route to India across the Atlantic Ocean. To do this, he turned to the government and the merchants of Genoa, but he was not supported. The second attempt to find funding for the expedition was the Portuguese king João II, however, even here, after a long study of the project, he was refused.

For the last time, with his project, he came to the Spanish king. At the beginning, his project was considered for a long time, even several meetings, commissions were held, this lasted for several years. His idea was supported by bishops and Catholic kings. But Columbus received final support for his project after the victory of Spain in the city of Granada, which was freed from the Arab presence.

The expedition was organized on the condition that Columbus, if successful, would receive not only the gifts and wealth of new lands, but also receive, in addition to the status of a nobleman, the title: Admiral of the Sea-Ocean and Viceroy of all lands, which he would open.

For Spain, a successful expedition promised not only the development of new lands, but also the opportunity to trade directly with India, since according to an agreement concluded with Portugal, Spanish ships were forbidden to enter the waters of the western coast of Africa.

When and how did Columbus discover America?

Historians consider 1942 to be the year of the discovery of America, although this is rather approximate data. Discovering new lands and islands, Columbus did not even imagine that this was another continent, which would later be called the "New World". The traveler undertook 4 expeditions. He arrived in new and new lands, believing that these were the lands of "Western India". For a long time everyone in Europe thought so. However, another traveler, Vasco da Gama, declared Columbus a deceiver, since it was Gamma who found a direct route to India and brought gifts and spices from there.

What America did Christopher Columbus discover? We can say that thanks to his expeditions since 1492, Columbus discovered both the North and South America. To be more precise, the islands were discovered, which are now considered either South or North America.

Who discovered America first?

Although historically it is believed that it was Columbus who discovered America, but in fact this is not entirely true.

There is evidence that the New World was previously visited by the Scandinavians (Leif Eriksson in 1000, Thorfinn Karlsefni in 1008), this journey became known from the manuscripts The Saga of Eric the Red and The Saga of the Greenlanders. There are other "discoverers of America", but the scientific community does not take them seriously, as there is no reliable data. For example, America was previously visited by an African traveler from Mali - Abu Bakr II, a Scottish nobleman Henry Sinclair, a Chinese traveler Zheng He.

Why is America called America?

The first widely known and recorded fact is the visit to this part of the "New World" by the traveler and navigator Amerigo Vespucci. It is noteworthy that it was he who suggested that this is not India or China, but a completely new previously unknown mainland. It is believed that this is why the name America was assigned to the new land, and not its discoverer - Columbus.

Around 1474 to Portugal sailor Christopher Columbus arrived. Where he came from, who he was, where he spent his youth - all these questions have been of interest to European and American scientists for many decades. Columbus himself apparently had very good reasons to keep secret everything related to his origin and youth, so information about him is very scarce and contradictory.

It is usually believed that he was a Genoese and spent his youth sailing, that he visited different ports mediterranean sea traveled to Ireland and Iceland.

In 1474, Columbus entered the Portuguese service, visited the newly founded Portuguese colonies in Africa, and lived for several years on the island of Madeira.

At this time, the Portuguese ships were slowly but steadily moving south, surveying the African coast, founding trading posts and preparing the opening of the eastern route to India around Africa.

But Columbus wanted to take a different path.

He had long been collecting fragmentary information about the lands beyond Atlantic Ocean, inconsistent stories about voyages to the west, fantastic legends of antiquity and the Middle Ages. He heard that occasionally unknown flowers and other parts of plants, as well as the bodies of unknown people, were brought to the shores of the Azores by the current. Columbus compared all information with old descriptions Asia.

Particularly struck his imagination was the book of Marco Polo, which told about the gold-roofed palaces of Jipango (Japan), about the splendor and splendor of the court of the great khan, about the birthplace of spices - India.

Columbus had no doubt that the Earth had the shape of a ball, but it seemed to him that this ball was much smaller than it actually was. That is why he thought that Japan was relatively close to the Azores.

Columbus decided to make his way to India by the western route, and in 1484 he outlined his plan to the Portuguese king. But this project seemed fantastic to the king and his advisers. And the possibilities of Portugal were very limited. The war with the Moors in Morocco and expeditions to Africa so exhausted the treasury of Portugal that from equipment new expedition the Portuguese king categorically refused to go to the unknown west.

At the end of 1484, Columbus fled to Spain to offer his project to King Ferdinand of León and his wife, Queen Isabella of Castile. But here, too, Cristoval Colon (as Columbus was called in Spain) was expected for many years of need, humiliation and disappointment. The royal advisers found the Columbus project unfeasible. Columbus was rejected. Then he proposed his plan to England, and then again to Portugal, but nowhere was he taken seriously.

Only after the Spaniards took Granada, Columbus, after much trouble, managed to get three small ship. With incredible difficulty, he assembled a team, and finally, on August 3, 1492, a small squadron left the Spanish port of Paloe and headed west to look for India.

The sea was calm and deserted, a fair wind was blowing. It went like this for over a month. On September 15, Columbus and his Companions saw a green stripe in the distance. But their joy soon turned to chagrin. It wasn't a long-awaited land, it was the Sargasso Sea, a gigantic seaweed.

On September 18-20, sailors saw flocks of birds flying west. “Finally,” the sailors thought, “the land is near!” But this time, too, the travelers were disappointed. The crew began to worry. In order not to frighten people with the range of the distance traveled, Columbus underestimated the distance traveled in the ship's log.

On October 11, at ten o'clock in the evening, Columbus, eagerly peering into the darkness of the night, saw a light flickering in the distance, and on October 12, 1492, in the morning, still in the moonlight, one of the sailors of the front ship shouted: "Earth!" The sails were removed from the ships. In the morning, travelers saw a small low-lying island overgrown with palm trees. Naked people with copper-red skin ran along the sand along the shore. Columbus put on a scarlet dress on the armor and, with the royal flag in his hands, went down to the shores of the New World. It was Watling Island from the group Bahamas.

The locals called it Guanahani, and Columbus called it San Salvador. This is how America was discovered.

However, Columbus was sure until the end of his life that he did not discover any "New World", but only found a way to India. And with his light hand, the inhabitants of the New World began to be called Indians.

The inhabitants of the newly discovered island were tall and beautiful. They walked naked, their bodies were colorfully painted. Some had shiny sticks threaded through their noses, which delighted Columbus. After all, it was gold, but nachit, close to the country of golden palaces - Jipango.

In search of the golden Jeepango, Columbus left Guanahani and moved on, discovering island after island. Everywhere the Spaniards were amazed by the lush tropical vegetation, the beauty of the islands scattered in the blue ocean, the friendliness and meekness of the Indians, who gave the Spaniards gold and colorful birds for trinket, molasses and beautiful rags. On October 28, Columbus reached Cuba.

The population of Cuba was more cultured than the inhabitants of the Bahamas. In Cuba, Columbus found statues, large houses, bales of cotton, and for the first time saw cultivated plants - tobacco, corn and potatoes, products of the New World, which later conquered the whole world. All this further strengthened Columbus's confidence that Jipango and India were somewhere close. On December 4, 1492, Columbus discovered the island of Haiti (the Spaniards then called it Hispaniola). On this island, Columbus built Fort La Navidad (Christmas), left forty people of the garrison there, and on January 16, 1493, headed for Europe on two ships. His largest ship, the Santa Maria, was wrecked on December 25th.

On the way back, a terrible storm broke out, and the ships lost sight of each other. Only on February 18, 1493, the exhausted sailors saw the Azores, and on February 25 they reached Lisbon. On March 15, after an eight-month absence, Columbus returned to the port of Palos. Thus ended the first voyage of Columbus.

The traveler was received in Spain with enthusiasm. He was granted a coat of arms with the image of a map again open islands and with the motto:


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Other books on similar topics: Thanks to him, we learned about potatoes and tomatoes, without which we cannot imagine a modern menu. I will tell Interesting Facts, as well as about where the Spanish subject sailed when he opened new lands for Europeans. Columbus is not from the nobility, his father was a small merchant, the guardian of the city gates. It is possible that the son also began to earn money as a cabin boy on a ship early, but he received an education and knew geometry and geography well.

Later he worked as a cartographer, drew up geographical maps, which were secret at that time. He lived in Genoa, Portugal, and then in Spain, from where he began his sea expeditions. Most likely, the navigator was looking for a sea route to India, rich in spices and spices. Using the knowledge of that time, Christopher headed westward, made four expeditions and discovered a new continent. Until the end of his life, he was sure that the lands he discovered were located not far from India.

Columbus discovered for Europeans such a convenient item for country rest as a hammock, which he spied on from local residents. Berths on ships made of sail and mesh also appeared thanks to an unusual find. The idea of ​​the traveler was the decision to send criminals from prisons to develop open lands, which later became the cause of numerous uprisings of former prisoners.

Sadly, the discovery of the lands also served to revive slavery. The development of overseas territories required a large number workers, and the settlers did not want to work themselves.

And then the Spaniards enslaved the natives, who could not resist the Europeans with firearms. Spain allocated only ten kilograms of gold for the preparation of the first expedition of its subject. And after the discovery of the New World, during the years of her reign, she took out valuables from there in an amount equal to three million kilograms of gold. One of the greatest geographical discoveries made possible by a simple mistake. In the Columbian era, mankind had already recognized that the Earth was round, so the Spanish Kingdom sent Christopher Columbus to find India, valuable for its spices.

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