The Canary Islands belong to Spain. Spain - Canaries

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Weather in the Canary Islands

Due to the prevailing winds (trade winds) and warm sea currents, the climate is very mild. It should be remembered, however, that the air temperature can drop significantly in just 10 minutes.

O. Tenerife

+24 in July, +25 in August, +25 in September, +24 in October, +22 in November, +19 in December

The average air temperature for O. Gran Canaria

+23 in July, +24 in August, +24 in September, +25 in October, +25 in November, +19 in December

Canary Islands hotels 1 - 5 stars

The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias in Spanish) are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with Madeira and the Azores to the north and the Cape Verde Islands to the south, they form what is commonly referred to as "Macronesia".

The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the most large island- Tenerife. To the west are Gomera, Hierro and Palma. Gran Canaria is located to the east of Tenerife. It is the third largest island in the archipelago. Further east are Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Canary Islands of volcanic origin.

Gran Canaria (island)

Gran Canaria is the third largest island after Tenerife and Fuerteventura with an area of ​​1532 km2. The combination of a rounded shape and the location of the high peak Pico de las Nieves (Pico de Las Nieves), 2000 m high in its geographical center, give the island the outline of a huge mountain, resembling a cone with many extinct craters and deep ravines descending from the summit to the ocean. Central mountain range, passing from the northwest to the southeast, divides the island into a dry and sunny south and a humid north. In one day you can go from the hot desert coast to the temperate valleys in the center of the island, cross the subtropical forests and conquer the peaks, which sometimes snow. A huge number of plants imported from Europe, Africa and America grow on the island: pine forests in Tamadaba and lime groves of Los Tilos, El Monte vineyards and coffee plantations in Agaete, palm trees and almonds grow here, there are plantations of bananas, tomatoes and sugar cane. The countless variety of landscapes and microclimates, thanks to which Gran Canaria has earned the name "continent in miniature", are among the main attractions of the island.

Most of the beaches are concentrated in the southern part of the island, where the climate is more sunny and dry. The largest dune beach Maspalomas (Maspalomas) stretches for 6 km and covers an area of ​​400 hectares. It is a national park and therefore car traffic is prohibited there: you can travel on it on foot or on camels.

On the northeastern tip of the island is its capital, Las Palmas. Every four years it also becomes the capital of all the Canary Islands - the provincial government alternately sits either in it or in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the island of Tenerife. On the east coast between Las Palmas and the beaches of Playa del Ingles and Maspalomas, 25 km from the capital is located international Airport Gando.

Lanzarote (island)

Lanzarote is called the island of fire-breathing mountains - on a small island about sixty kilometers long and fifteen kilometers wide, there are about three hundred volcanoes! In the autumn of 1730, lava and red-hot ash began to erupt simultaneously from thirty craters. The eruption lasted six years and as a result, a third of the island became covered with lifeless basalt and ash. The next eruption took place in the 19th century. A ridge of volcanic cones has grown in the center of the island, resembling lunar mountains. Lava comes very close to the surface and at a depth of several meters the temperature reaches several hundred degrees.

The main attraction of Lanzarote is the Cueva de los Verdes cave. It is located in the north of the island under the lava fields of the Korona volcano. This is the largest lava cave in the world - it stretches for 6 kilometers, some of its halls reach 24 meters wide and 15 meters high. The cave was formed when a river of molten basalt from the side crater of Corona continued to flow under a cooled and hardened layer of lava down into the sea. So it turned out a natural tunnel with bizarre shapes of walls and vaults. A concert hall has been created in one of the halls of the cave.

The largest tourist center of Lanzarote is the town of Puerto del Carmen. It has many hotels, restaurants, nightclubs. Next to it, in the village of Costa Teguise, there are more luxurious hotels and entertainment centers.

In other parts of the island there are also places worth visiting: the beaches of Papagayo (Papagayo) in the south, the cliffs and beach of Famara (Famara) in the west, the Cactus Garden, the massif of La Corona with the mysterious volcanic pipes of Jameos del Agua (Los Jameos del Agua ) and Cueva de los Verdes. With great observation deck Del Rio in the north of the island, you can observe the neighboring Chinijo archipelago (Chinijo), consisting of the deserted islets of La Graciosa, Montaña Clara and Alegranza; the first of them can be reached by sea from Lanzarote.

On south coast in Papagayo Bay are best beaches islands with white sand and crystal clear waters. Due to their inaccessibility, these beaches have retained their original beauty to this day. From interesting places the islands still need to be noted the coastal zone of Los Hervideros, where the lava bizarrely merges with the sea; and the stunning green crater of El Golfo.

Tenerife (island)

Tenerife is the largest, most famous and most visible island of the Canary archipelago. It is the top of the Teide volcano located on it that is seen from ships approaching the Canary Islands. The highest point of Mount El Pico del Teide is located at an altitude of 3718 meters above sea level and is the highest point not only in the Canaries, but throughout Spain. The island of Tenerife is actually a huge mountain rising from the sea and the top of which is the Teide cone.

The first eruption of Mount Teide known to Europeans occurred in 1492, the year Columbus visited the Canary Islands. Then there were eruptions in 1706 and 1909. Sometime after an explosion of enormous force, a crater with a diameter of about 29 km was formed. From the crack from which the magma came out, three new volcanoes formed. Now Teide is a huge volcanic cone in the center of a huge basin. The entire territory of the crater is a national park, the most visited in Spain.

Mountain ranges descending from the crater to the sea cut Tenerife into amazing valleys. Among them, La Oratava is especially noted, before the beauty of which, according to legend, the German naturalist Humboldt and Gumar knelt. The coast of the island is steep in places, with cliffs and rocks - for example, the cliffs of Los Gigantes break into the sea from a height of 600 m. The rest of the coast is covered with wonderful beaches with soft and clean sand. On some beaches the sand is golden, on others it is volcanic black.

Mount Teide does not allow cool winds carrying clouds to the southern half of the island. Therefore, the climate of the southern part of the island is drier and hotter, while in the northern part it is milder and cooler. But anywhere on the island, it is magnificent and allows you to enjoy both relaxing on the beaches and nature excursions.

Thanks to amazing climate on the island of Tenerife there is a habitual habitat for very many plants. In addition, since the Canary Islands were a transit point on trade routes to America and Africa, many plants from these parts of the world were brought to the island. On the island there are cacti, eucalyptus trees, and many different ornamental flowers, shrubs and trees.

The island has preserved the legendary dragon tree and Canarian laurel, which have become extinct in other areas of the Mediterranean. The dragon tree is the symbol of the archipelago. Although it grows very slowly, it reaches a height of 20 m. Even the ancient inhabitants of the Canary Islands, the Guanches, were aware of the healing properties of the resin of this tree, which is called "dragon's blood", because. in the air it becomes bright red.

Another amazing tree grows in the mountains - the Canarian pine. It is capable of fixing its roots even on bare volcanic rock and is easily restored after fires. The wood of the Canarian pine is very durable and fireproof, so it is a valuable building and ornamental material. Carved souvenirs from Canarian pine are sold in many tourist centers.

The capital of the island is the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Every four years it also becomes the capital of all the Canary Islands - the provincial government alternately sits either in it or in Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. About 220 thousand inhabitants live in the city.

There are 2 airports on the island - Tenerife Norte Airport, 9 km from Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Reina Sofia International Airport in the south, 60 km from the capital of the island.

Fuerteventura (island)

Fuerteventura has the longest and best beaches in the Canary Islands. Most of its coastline (340 km) is formed by beaches from white sand sometimes more than 1 km wide.

In Fuerteventura, the mountains are not high and they cannot hold ocean clouds, as happens on other islands of the Canary archipelago. Therefore, the climate of the island is dry, and the landscape is desert, reminiscent of Africa. Due to the lack of water, agriculture practically did not develop on the island, and even now the population density in Fuerteventura is the lowest among the islands of the archipelago.

The best beaches of the island - Jandia (Jandia) in the south and Corralejo (Corralejo) in the north - can be recognized as one of the best in the world. Some beaches are still deserted and practically untouched by civilization. The sea near the island is also special, shallow due to the peculiarity of the shelf, with the purest turquoise water. A very rich and diverse underwater world attracts lovers of diving and spearfishing. But the most important sport in Fuerteventura is windsurfing. Jandia Beach has hosted the World Championships several times. In the strait that separates the Canary Islands from Africa, you can catch sardines, tuna, and swordfish, which attracts many fishing enthusiasts here.

The capital of the island is the city of Puerto del Rosario (Puerto del Rosario), located in the central part of the island. From the small village of Morro Jable on south coast you can go by boat to the island of Gran Canaria. WITH north coast you can make an excursion to the uninhabited volcanic island of Lobos or Lanzarote.

The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the Canary Islands, which have become luxury vacation for millions of tourists from all over the world.

The Canary archipelago consists of 7 large islands


The second largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​1660 km² is the most unusual of all the Canary Islands.

The wind "harmattan", bringing here the breath of the Sahara desert, created unique landscapes reminiscent of Africa. But there is no African hell here, and the climate is even more comfortable than in Tenerife.

Many Russian tourists began to give preference to this island because of its the longest sandy beaches of all the Canary Islands, the width of which in some places exceeds 1 km. The Atlantic Ocean is special here - its waters are shallow, with crystal clear turquoise water.

The diverse underwater world attracts lovers of diving and spearfishing. In the strait that separates Africa from the Canary Islands, fishermen never leave empty-handed - here you can catch sardines, tuna and even swordfish.

Unrelenting wind and constant waves made the island is an ideal place for windsurfing and on its territory the stages of the World Cup in this sport are held.

The capital of the island - Puerto del Rosario is not attractive for tourists due to the lack of attractions and interesting amusement parks.

Tourists choose the main resort centers for recreation - the Jandia Peninsula and Corralejo. Also from the small village of Morro Jable, located in the south, you can go by ship to the shores of the island of Gran Canaria, and in the north of the island you can go to Lanzarote or take a fascinating excursion to the volcanic island of Lobos.

The third largest island with an area of ​​1560.1 km² and the second largest island in terms of population is located in the heart of the Canary archipelago. Only 60 miles separate the island from the coast of Africa.

Sunny days throughout the year, mild climate, warm gentle waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the unique natural landscape of the island of volcanic origin, rising from the ocean, explain the unique charm of the island and make it possible to compare it with a continent in miniature.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) - the capital of the island, with almost endless streets stretched along the ocean, is surprisingly harmoniously woven into the surrounding landscape.

The southern part of the island is characterized by excellent beaches with magnificent golden sand. in Playa del Ingles (Playa del Ingles - from the Spanish "beach of the English") and dunes, oases in Maspalomas (Maspalomas). Playa de San Augustin (San Augustin), located east of Playa del Ingles, together with Maspalomas, forms the largest tourist center on the Spanish island.

The distance from San Augustin to the capital is 40 km, to Gran Canaria Airport - 20 km.

The distance from Playa del Ingles to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is 55 km, to the airport - 30 km, from Maspalomas to the capital of the island - 60 km, to the airport - 36 km.

public transport connection on the island provide two bus companies, one of which operates in the south of the island, the second - in the north.

The main bus terminal is located in the capital, from where buses run regularly to all tourist centers, including Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) and Palatavaca (Palatavaca).


The fourth largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​795 km² called the "island of volcanoes".

A third of the island, even today, after eruptions that lasted 6 years, remains covered with lifeless ash and basalt, which is not conducive to agriculture and the cultivation of many crops.

The liveliest tourist area is located in the Tias region, where visitors to the island are struck by the striking contrast between the blackness of the volcanic rocks scattered in abundance throughout the island and the light sand.

Lanzarote is just made for relaxation– endless sun, silence, fresh sea ​​breeze and the whisper of the ocean - all this attracts tourists seeking solitude and peace.

It is definitely worth visiting the capital of the island - Arrecife, which is the commercial and administrative center of the island, and its streets breathe centuries-old history and reflect the unique maritime character of Lanzarote.

Also, tourists flock to one of the greenest places on the island - the Valley of a Thousand Palm Groves where unique fire palms and unusual tropical plants grow.

Would you like to try wines made from lava fields and other Canarian dishes? Then you.

In this case, do not hesitate, the holiday season is open.

It will help you to choose a resort in Spain that meets your requirements.

La Palma

The fifth largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​​​795 km² is rightly called isla bonita ( beautiful island).

The island was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2002.. It is also called isla verde ( green Island), which is due to the vast territory covered with laurel and pine forests.

The island was formed 2 million years ago during the eruption of an underwater volcano. In the south of the island, the tourism sector is poorly developed, as several volcanoes remain active, which does not attract hotel business owners to build hotels and equip pristine beaches.

Nevertheless, tourists can be advised to relax in a small, pretty resort - Puerto Naos with the longest black sand beach on the island.

It is noteworthy that this particular beach has been proudly carrying the blue flag of one of the cleanest beaches in Spain for many years.

A chain of numerous shops, restaurants and cafes stretches along the beach, where you should definitely taste Canarian cuisine and young wines.

For family vacation the picturesque sandy beach of Charco Verde is ideal, located 2 km south of Puerto Naos.

Attractions La Palma

It is recommended to go to the capital of the island Santa Cruz de la Palma (Santa Cruz de La Palma) for fans of a rich excursion program.

Plaza de España, Avenida Maritima embankment, Constitution Square, 16th century town hall. (Iantamiento), Dali Street, the Salazar Palace of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Light of the 16th century, the Tobacco House and many other sights of the capital can satisfy lovers of fascinating history and architectural monuments of the Middle Ages.

La Gomera

One of the most beautiful islands in the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​369.76 km², it is the sixth largest Canary Island.

You can get to the island with the unique vegetation of monteverde - laurel forests on ferries departing for Homera from Tenerife, from the port of Los Cristianos.
Travel time varies from 35 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes.

The cost also ranges from 21 to 30 €. This discrepancy in time and cost is due to the types of ferries and their speed.

In addition, the island has direct air links with the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife.

Tourism on the island is not as developed as on others popular islands Canary archipelago. The bulk of tourists are represented by German citizens vacationing in Valle Gran Rey ("Valley of the Great King"), which is resort complex from coastal villages:

  • Vueltas,
  • La Puntilla,
  • La Playa
  • La Galera.

The Spanish land gave the world the most extraordinary creative people and among them great architect - Antonio Gaudi.

This man left behind priceless cultural creations. Created by him is a visiting card of Barcelona.

last because of the many expensive boutiques and restaurants, the charming village was named Montmartre- the name of one of the districts of Paris. Russian tourists prefer to come to the island in day trip, which starts from the capital of the island - San Sebastian de la Gomera.
City with only 9 thousand. residents rich in attractions:

  • This is the Plaza de las Americas,
  • Church of the Virgen de Asuncion, where, according to legend, Christopher Columbus prayed before continuing his sea voyage,
  • Gothic tower Torre del Conde,
  • Historic fortress of Christopher Columbus and others.
  • After visiting the capital, tourists go to the vicinity of the island, where pristine nature with gorges mountain peaks and endless laurel forests will take your breath away.

With its 450 species of rare trees and plants, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986.
Guides take travelers to Laurisilva, an ancient laurel forest where trees reach 20 meters in height.

Beautiful photos are obtained from the observation deck Mirador de Agando next to which there is a playground and good restaurant.

During the meal, tourists are waiting traditional show silbo gomero ("Homer whistle"). In ancient times, when there were no telephones, the inhabitants of the island, who were mainly engaged in cattle breeding, exchanged the language of whistles. They could whistle to warn of danger, of some joyful event, and even tell the news, or maybe even gossip.

A whole dictionary "silbo", which has become a national treasure. Today the whistling language is taught in the island's schools. There is no practical application for this language, but as an entertaining performance for tourists, it will exist for a long time. So tourists don't have to worry - their great-grandchildren will also be able to hear silbo gomero.


Square smallest of the seven main Canary Islands is only 277 km². Like all the islands of the Canary archipelago, Hierro is an island of volcanic origin.
More recently, in 2011, an underwater volcano erupted near the town of La Restinga, from where residents were evacuated.

The tourism industry has hardly affected the island, since sandy beaches absent on the westernmost island. However, the islanders and the few tourists enjoy beach holiday in Tamadouste - a quiet cove located 10 km from the capital of the island - Valverde. Also 8 km from the capital is the beach of Pozo de las Calcosas with comfortable pools for swimming and many bungalows made of steep stones.

Playa de Verodal - the most beautiful beach on the island, covered with volcanic sand and located at the foot of a high cliff. Due to the poor access road, the beach is almost empty.
Diving enthusiasts flock to La Restinha, one of the popular resort centers on the island, having the status of a marine nature reserve. A large hotel, numerous bars, restaurants and shops along the Avenida Maritima promenade attract tourists.

Fans of excursions have practically nothing to profit from here. Worthy of attention in the capital the only one historical monument- Church of Santa Maria de la Concepción, the date of construction of which dates back to 1767.
A complex of shepherd's huts, which have been reconstructed and furnished with furniture from different eras, can be found in the ecological museum located in Casas de Guinea, an old Norman settlement of the 15th century.

Fearless travelers can look into Lagartario - nature reserve where they live one and a half meter rare breeds of lizards.

Because public transport there is none on the island at all, then the only way to travel around the island will be to rent a car.

Of the 6 small Canary Islands, only one is inhabited - Graciosa(27km²). It is located just 2 km north of Lanzarote. They are separated by the narrow strait of El Rio.
In the port village of Caleta del Sebo and the fishing village of Pedro Barba, there is not a single hotel, only a few boarding houses.

According to ancient legend, countless treasures are buried on the island. They have never been found, and among the local population there are no treasure hunters, only friendly and smiling fishermen with very weathered and tanned faces.

Autonomous region
Canary Islands
Spanish Las Islas Canarias
A country
Includes provinces of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas
Administrative center and (every 4 years the capital moves)
The largest city
Dr. big cities
Date of formation August 10, 1982
The president Paulino Rivero Baute
Official language Spanish
Population 2,101,924 people ( 2016) (4.51%, 8th place)
Density 284.5 people/km² (3rd place)
Square 7447 km² (1.5%, 13th)
Timezone UTC±00:00, UTC+1 And Atlantic/Canary
ISO 3166-2 code ES-CN
Internet domain .ic

Official site
Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons

Canary Islands(Spanish) Las Islas Canarias listen)) is an archipelago of seven islands of volcanic origin in Atlantic Ocean, near the northwest coast ( and ). The islands belong to and are one of autonomous communities of this country. There are two capitals, and, but until 1927, Santa Cruz de Tenerife was the only capital.


There is a widespread version that the islands were named after canaries. However, on the contrary, the bird was named after its place of origin, so this version is incorrect.

The name "Canary Islands" (Spanish. Las Islas Canarias) comes from lat. Canariae Insulae, meaning literally "Isles of Dogs". The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder believed that the name of the island was given due to a large number large dogs on the islands. At the same time, he refers to the descriptions of the Moorish king Yuba II, who undertook a journey to the archipelago in 40 BC. e. Two dogs were taken with him to his homeland (the territory of modern), and then got on the coat of arms of the Canary Islands.

According to another version, "dogs" were called sea dogs (lat. canis marinus) or sea lions, which previously had large colonies on the islands.

It is also possible that indigenous people archipelago, the Guanches, considered dogs sacred animals. It is possible that the Egyptian cult of the deity Anubis with the head of a dog and the Canarian worship of dogs are not excluded.

In ancient Roman sources, there is also a version of the name of the islands according to the Berber tribes living in the territory.


The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the largest island - Tenerife (2057 km²), Tenerife is the largest and most populous island. To the west are the islands (378 km²), Hierro (277 km²) and (708 km²). Gran Canaria is located to the east of Tenerife. This is the third largest island of the archipelago (1532 km²). Further east are Fuerteventura (1659 km²) and Lanzarote (795 km²). Of the six small islands, only the island of Graciosa (27 km²) is inhabited. To the east are the islands of Alegranza (10 km²), Montaña Clara (1 km²), Lobos (6 km²), Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este. There are 13 islands in total.

Geographically, the archipelago is part of Macaronesia - a group volcanic islands along with the Azores, the islands of , and the Selvages.


The climate of the Canaries is tropical trade wind, moderately hot and dry, it is determined by:

  1. Close proximity to Africa (Sahara desert), because of which the shergi (sirocco) wind blows here in waves, which brings heat and sand. The eastern islands are more arid;
  2. Constant trade winds blowing from the northeast. They carry moisture and soften the influence of Africa;
  3. The influence of the Atlantic Ocean, the cold Canary Current, the presence of a permanent anticyclone over the Azores softens the climate. It should be noted that due to the flow of precipitation on the islands, it is less, but coastal beaches not hot;
  4. These islands are mountainous, so the climate and weather are also affected by altitude and topography. This is especially noticeable in Tenerife, Palma, Gran Canaria - the highest islands of the archipelago. They are said to be “continents in miniature”: the climate changes dramatically from sea level to the coast, where the temperature even in winter rarely deviates from 20 ° C, up to 2000 m in height, rising to which you can see snow, sometimes even in summer;
  5. The entire archipelago is characterized by a significant difference in climate and weather between north and south - northern islands more green, moist, southern - dry.

In general, the islands are characterized by an extremely uniform temperature distribution. Most days are warm sunny dry weather, the water temperature is constant all year round, does not fall below 20 ° C, on the coast the air temperature rarely drops below 10 ° C and rarely rises above 25 ° C in winter, while in summer the temperature rarely falls below 20 °С, but often exceeds 30 °С.


Pyramids of Guimar - Tenerife

Before the Europeans arrived on the islands, they were inhabited by the Guanches. Their development was at the level of the Stone Age, they were engaged in cattle breeding and primitive agriculture. Animal skins were used as clothing. They knew how to mummify their leaders. They left behind the pyramids of Guimar - an amazing monument of megalithic architecture.

In the era of Antiquity, the Canary Islands were visited by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, as Pliny the Elder mentions.

In the 12th century, Arab sailors reached the Canary Islands. French navigators visited the Canaries in 1334. In 1344, Pope Clement VI grants the islands of Castile. In 1402, the Frenchmen Jean de Betancourt and Gadifer de La Salle, on behalf of the crown of Castile and Leon, begin to seize the islands. The tribes from Gran Canaria welcomed the Europeans (King Guarnardafra advocated an alliance), while the tribes that inhabited Tenerife tried to resist, fighting with stone-tipped arrows and slings. In 1404, King Henry III of Castile proclaims Jean de Bethencourt king of the Canaries. , which also claimed the Canary Islands, recognized them as Spanish possession under a treaty of 1479. The last battles on the island of Tenerife took place at the end of the 15th century. In May 1494, the Guanches defended their island, but in December 1495 the Spaniards completely took possession of the archipelago. In a few weeks, 4,000 people died, presumably from the plague, in the northern part of the island. The survivors decided that the gods had turned their backs on them, and surrendered in groups. On July 24, 1496, Prince Imenenchia surrendered and he was later killed. On September 29, the victor Alonso de Lugo announced the complete subjugation of the Canary Islands.

Spanish conquest of the Guanches (1496) - Tenerife

During his first journey in search of a route to India, Christopher Columbus makes a stop on the island. After the discovery of America, the Canary Islands became the most important point on the way from Europe to New World. Thanks to this geographic location the islands become the target of other states, and just pirates. In 1586 and 1596 Moroccan troops captured Lanzarote. In 1595 Sir Francis Drake attacked Las Palmas. In 1599, the Dutch fleet destroyed Las Palmas. In 1657, the British fleet under the command of Admiral Robert Blake defeated the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Tenerife. In 1797, already Admiral Nelson tried to capture Santa Cruz de Tenerife. But he was defeated and lost his arm in battle. The El Tigre cannon, which is said to have shot off his right arm, is on display at the local museum. The day after the battle, Nelson wrote a gentleman's letter to the enemy thanking him for the warm welcome. The letter is clearly written with the left hand. After sending a letter, a keg of English beer and cheese, Nelson thanked the Spaniards for their humane treatment of the prisoners. Against all odds, the Canary Islands remain under administration.

In 1821 they become a province of Spain with the capital at. This causes dissatisfaction on the part of Las Palmas, and for some time in the 1840s the islands are divided into two provinces.

In 1982, the Canary Islands become an autonomous region of Spain and in 1986 join the European Union under special conditions.

Administrative division

Administrative map of the Canary Islands

Provinces Adm. center Population,
people (2011)
Municipalities Qty
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 995 429 3381 , Granadilla de Abona, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Candelaria, Icod de los Vinos, Tacoronte, Los Llanos de Aridane, Guia de Isora, Guimar, San Miguel de Abona, Santa Cruz de la Palma, Santa Ursula, Santiago del Teide, Tegueste, San Sebastian de la Gomera, El Sauzal, La Victoria de Acentejo, La -Matanza de Acentejo, Arico, El Paso, Brenia Alta, Tazacorte, Arafo, La Guancha, Garachico, Brenia Baja, Los Silos, Buenavista del Norte, Valle Gran Rey, San Juan de la Rambla, Valverde, Villa de Maso, San Andrés y Sauces, Frontera, Vallehermoso, El Tanque, Fasnia, Tijarafe, Puntallana, Barlovento, Hermigua, Puntagorda, Alajero, Fuencaliente de la -Palma, Vilaflor, El Pinar de el Hierro, Garafia, Agulo 54
Las Palmas 1 087 225 4066 , Santa Lucia de Tirajana, Arucas, Puerto del Rosario, Ingenio, Aguimes, Galdar, Mogan, La Oliva, Pajara, Teguise, Tias, Santa Brigida, San Bartolome, Yaiza, Santa Maria de -Guia de Gran Canaria, Tuineje, Teror, Antigua, Valsequillo de Gran Canaria, La Aldea de San Nicolás, Moya, Vega de San Mateo, Firgas, Agaete, Tinajo, Aria , Valleseco, Tejeda, Artenara, Betancuria 34


The inhabitants are the descendants of marriages between the Spaniards and the ancient indigenous population, the Guanches (proto-Berber population), although there is a significant preponderance in favor of the Spaniards:

  • Tenerife - 906 854
  • Gran Canaria - 838,397
  • Lanzarote - 141 938
  • Fuerteventura - 103 167
  • - 86 996
  • - 22 769
  • Hierro - 10 892

Total population: 2,111,013

Cities with more than 10 thousand inhabitants
as of January 1, 2005
378,6 Candelaria 20,6
221,6 Los Llanos de Aridane 19,9
San Cristobal de La Laguna 141,6 Santa Brigida 18,8
96,5 Guia de Isora 18,7
65,6 Pahara 18,2
Santa Lucia de Tirajana 56,3 Santa Cruz de la Palma 17,8
53,9 San Bartolome 17,5
46,4 La Oliva 17,3
40,4 Tias 16,9
Los Realejos 36,2 Guimar 16,5
arucas 34,2 16,0
33,7 Mogan 16,0
Granadilla de Abona 33,2 Teguise 15,8
Puerto de la Cruz 30,6 Santa Maria de Guia 14,1
Puerto del Rosario 30,4 Santa Ursula 12,6
Ingenio 27,3 Tuinehe 12,5
Aguimes 25,5 Teror 12,2
Icod de los Vinos 24,3 San Miguel de Abona 11,7
Galdar 23,2 Santiago del Teide 11,2
Tacoronte 22,3 Tegeste 10,3


Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria, patroness of the Canary Islands.

Like the rest of Spain, the society of the Canary Islands is mainly Christian, with the Catholic Church since the conquest of the Canary Islands in the 15th century, the religion of the majority in the archipelago (over five centuries). Two important Catholic saints were born in the Canary Islands: Betancourt, Pedro de San José and Anchieta, José di, both born on the island of Tenerife, were missionaries in and respectively. However, increasing migration flows (tourism, immigration, etc.) increase the number of believers of other religions found on the islands, such as: Muslims, evangelicals and practitioners of Hinduism. African-American religions, Chinese religions, Buddhists, Baha'is and Judaism. There is also a form of autochthonous Neo-Paganism in the archipelago, the Church of the Guanches.

Among the followers of Islam, there is the Islamic Federation of the Canary Islands on the islands, which is a body that unites associations and communities of the Muslim religion in the Canary archipelago.

The distribution of beliefs in 2012 according to the CIS Autonomous Barometer was as follows:

  • 84.9% Catholic
  • 7.8% non-believers
  • 4.5% atheists
  • 1.7% other religions

Among believers, 38.7% often attend religious services.

Catholic dioceses

The Canary Islands are divided into two Catholic dioceses, each administered by a bishop. Both belong to the Ecclesiastical Province:

  • Diocese of the Canary Islands: it covers the islands of the province of Las Palmas (eastern province); Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. It is headquartered in the city.
  • Diocese of San Cristobal de la Laguna: it covers the islands of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (western province); Tenerife, etc.), who are trying to move from their countries to or other countries of the European Union. Many die at sea before reaching land in their makeshift boats or rafts. The islands have special refugee camps, including specialized institutions for children, whose number among illegal immigrants is constantly increasing due to the fact that Spanish laws prohibit the deportation of persons under 18 years of age.

    see also

    • Canarian Socialist Party
    • Macaronesia
    • Monteverde
    • Pine forests of the Canary Islands


    1. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica.
    2. Yuba II
    3. Encyclopedia Around the World: "Morocco"
    4. Maca-Meyer N, Villar J, Pérez-Méndez L, Cabrera de Leon A, Flores C. A tale of aborigines, conquerors and slaves: Alu insertion polymorphisms and the peopling of the Canary Islands.
    5. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    6. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    7. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    8. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    9. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    10. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    11. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    12. Un 5% de canarios profesa una religion minoritaria
    13. Religiones entre continentes. Minorías religiosas en Canarias. Editado por la Universidad de La Laguna.
    14. Los musulmanes de la Isla constituyen la primera Federación Islamica de Canarias
    15. "Barometro Autonomico del CIS Canarias (2012); preguntas 47 and 48".


    • Knipovich N. M. Canary Islands// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
    • Bolshakov A. A. Behind the Pillars of Hercules: The Canary Islands. - M. : Nauka, GRVL, 1988. - 176, p. - (Stories about the countries of the East). - 30,000 copies.
    • Green L. Islands untouched by time = Islands Time Forgot / Lawrence Green; Per. from English. G. I. Golovneva, G. I. Gaeva; Rep. ed. and ed. post-last L. A. Mikhailova; Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Artistic N. A. Abakumov. - M. : Nauka, GRVL, 1972. - 320 p. - (Journey through the countries of the East). - 75,000 copies.
    • Green L. Islands untouched by time = Islands Time Forgot / Lawrence Green; Per. from English. G. I. Golovneva, G. A. Gaeva; Artistic E. K. Vasilyeva. - M. : Armada-press, 2001. - 320 p. - (Green series. Around the world). - 7000 copies. - ISBN 5-309-00204-9.
    • Ryabikova I.V. Capture and colonial enslavement of the Canary Islands according to Western European medieval chronicles of the 15th-16th centuries // Countries and peoples of Africa (Countries and peoples of the East. Issue IX). M., 1969.

    Islands of Eternal Spring, a quiet, secluded place that also has a reputation the best resort peace. The Canary Islands forever captivate those who have ever been here. And I, too, was no exception.

    The Canaries are amazing journey in time and space. Formally, it is. In practice, you will not find so much Spanish here: except perhaps the language. It was here that the ancient tribes of the Guanches, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands, lived. True Canarians do not consider themselves Spaniards and are even offended if they are called that.

    Why is the Canaries called the islands of eternal spring? Here all year round about the same temperature: not too hot, set off by a pleasant ocean freshness, truly spring. 13 climatic zones are concentrated here and highest point Spain - the stunning and mighty volcano Teide. Most tourists from Russia come to the island. He is definitely good. But other islands of the archipelago also deserve attention. There are seven in total:

    • Lanzarote;
    • Homer;
    • Palm;
    • Hierro.

    If you ask me to name best island Canary Islands, I'll say: Fuerteventura. But you might like some other one the most. All of them are beautiful and unforgettable in their own way! But my heart belongs to Fuerteventura - the island of freedom, wind, flying sails of kitesurfers and happiness.

    Many people think that the Canary Islands are named after canaries. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. These little birds were first seen here and named after the islands. And the archipelago is named after dogs. The Spanish word for dog is el can. There are several versions of why dogs were given such an honor. Someone believes that ancient wild dogs were found here, someone says that local residents the dog was a sacred animal. Nevertheless, the fact remains: the islands bear their name thanks to the dogs.

    How to get there

    The question of how to get to the Canary Islands is the easiest and most difficult at the same time.

    The simplest - because there are not so many options. The most difficult - because most of them are expensive or inconvenient. Since the islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, practically the only way to get to them from the "mainland" is by plane. But between the islands you can both fly and travel by ferry.

    By plane

    In the Canaries, there are airports on the following islands - Tenerife, Hierro, Las Palmas.

    There are 2 airports in Tenerife - North (Los Rodeos) and South (Tenerife Sur Reina Sofia). north airport serves flights arriving from Spain and departing to other islands. Yuzhny, in turn, is international and flights from Russia come here. There are many options for flights with transfers, but the most convenient direct flights from Russia () are carried out by 2 companies - Aeroflot and charter flights from Vim-Avia.

    How long is the flight to the Canary Islands?

    Travel time is 7 hours. But such a direct flight will cost about 500 EUR (34,000 rubles) per person in both directions from Moscow and a little more expensive from St. Petersburg (usually with a transfer in Moscow). You can see more accurate prices.

    Clubs and nightlife

    If you want to hang out, it's better to go to youth resorts or to Corralejo on. Although no city in the Canary Islands can be called a truly "discotheque", nevertheless, this area suggests a more relaxed and peaceful holiday.

    1. In Lanzarote, nightlife lovers flock to Puerto del Carmen. In Corralejo, Fuerteventura, it's worth going to Mafaska or the Waikiki beach club.
    2. On Gran Canaria the main center nightlife- Playa del Inglés and surroundings.
    3. But the leader among all discos in the Canaries is Lounge Cabana, which takes place in the Seaside Park in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

    extreme sports

    But there is more than enough extreme here: kitesurfing and windsurfing, many kilometers of hiking trips, paragliding, cycling routes, sailing, diving, horseback riding, camel rides - every island offers all these activities active rest.

    In Tenerife, divers can explore the El Condesito wreck, the Palmmar underwater cave, or explore the life of stingrays. The Arinaga Marine Reserve off the coast of Gran Canaria is of particular interest to lovers of the underwater world. And a Russian hydrofoil that sank here in 2003 is so well preserved that divers can get inside. Near Lanzarote there are coral caves Cathedral. It is worth considering that for independent diving you will need a diver's certificate, a dive book and a passport. Beginners are offered introductory dives to a shallow depth.

    But the most important, of course, is kite and windsurfing. In Corralejo, where there are a lot of surfers, we were told that beginners are first trained ... on the beach! Too strong waves. But when they let you into the water, you will feel real freedom!

    On Tenerife the best place for surfers, Playa de las Americas and El Medano are considered. On Gran Canaria - Playa del Aguila.

    Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

    Aloe, aloe and more aloe. This is the main product of the islands and the main souvenir that is brought from there. Of course, we are not talking about a plant in a pot, but about all kinds of products: creams and various care products, soap, jam - what they don’t do here!

    In addition to aloe, cactus is more popular. Jam from it will also be a wonderful gift for friends and family. Shops on the embankments are full of standard souvenirs: magnets, cups, boomerangs, the nudist theme is played in an original way, and hipster buses are absolutely charming - from small toys to salt shakers and other utensils with their image.

    How to move around the region

    The two most convenient ways to travel within the islands are taxis and buses.
    The two most convenient ways to travel between the islands are planes and ferries.

    Taxi. What features exist

    All taxis in the Canary Islands are official, the cars are painted white with a red stripe. If the taxi sign glows green, then the car is free.

    Payment is by meter. Only the smallest islands have flat-rate taxis. As a rule, before the trip, the driver can roughly orient you how much the trip will cost.

    The drivers are friendly, polite, ready to help, but unobtrusive.

    Approximate prices: 1–1.5 EUR per kilometer. You can order a car in advance, or you can catch it on the street (it's even cheaper).

    If you get into official taxis, and not to private traders, then there will be no problems!

    Public transport

    The Canary Islands has a well-developed bus network. The schedule can be found at bus stations and stops, you can take the bus along the entire route.

    Buses run on schedule. It's good, modern and convenient transportation. At bus stations, you can buy a ticket at the box office or from the driver, you can also get hooked at any stop and pay at the entrance. Inside the islands, we traveled by bus. I heard that there are situations when the bus simply does not come, but in my practice this has not happened. The buses always arrived on time and did not let us down.

    Buses run between all major cities, the only thing to keep in mind is that the trip can be much longer than by taxi, as the bus will call into small villages and pick up passing passengers. But if you check the schedule ahead of time, you'll know what to expect.

    Transport rental

    Getting around each island by car is also very convenient. They are rented. But I don't drive, so it was irrelevant for me. In general, there are car rental points in every town and in every resort. Rental cars are available to travelers over 21 years of age. As a rule, a deposit is not required, but then you will not be able to leave the island by ferry. In some cases, you may still be asked for a deposit. Car rental costs from 30 EUR per day, but if you rent a car for a week or more, you can get a nice discount. By the way, you can order a car in advance, even from home, it will be provided to you right at the airport. You can see the prices for renting vehicles in convenient cities.

    All the roads I have seen are free. But you need to be prepared for the fact that in some places the ideal track may end, and the primer will begin after it. Although recently almost all roads have been renovated and repairs are ongoing. The car must have full insurance. You will also need a passport and a driver's license.

    A yellow line on the side of the road means you can't park here. Blue - that parking is paid.

    You should not drive a car on Cofete (it is dangerous and no insurance covers the way there). In the Canary Islands, there are very large fines for traffic violations, so it is better to follow them carefully.

    Canary Islands: holidays with children

    I vacationed in the Canary Islands without children, but it seems to me that they are well suited for holidays with kids: the mild climate practically does not cause acclimatization, it is safe, comfortable and predictable in a good way.

    In addition, there are many ways to entertain children in the Canaries: this is Loro Park in Tenerife and a large Zoo on, and Ostrich farm, and the Camel Park, and the water park.

    But the most amazing thing is that here you can observe wildlife: charming chipmunks, large bird reservations, parrots that eat out of hand and much, much more!
    The only thing to consider is the cold water in the ocean. For most of the year, you are unlikely to let the little ones swim in the ocean. And, of course, you should not leave children alone in the water, as there is a very strong current in the ocean. Even an adult can be carried away by the reverse current. By the way, if you feel that you are being carried away, you need to swim not to the shore, but to the side! then you can swim.

    Ski holidays

    5 things to do in this region

    1. Hear the silence in the roar of the ocean.
    2. Went to hiking one of the routes national parks Canary Islands.
    3. Experience the colonial architecture of one of the two (or both) capitals: Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
    4. Watch birds, lizards, chipmunks or goats in the wild.
    5. Feel like a tiny part of this huge, beautiful world!

    Tourism in this autonomy of Spain has long been the basis of the country's economy, although not everyone is able to even find the Canary Islands on the world map. This small archipelago is located near Africa.

    Tourists come here in droves to enjoy the natural and cultural attractions, but the main reason why travelers come here is the ocean, where you can try diving, surfing, and sea fishing. Before traveling to this country, you need to carefully study the geography of the islands, choose the best one.

    Europeans have been familiar with the Canary Islands since the Middle Ages. Then the Canaries, the Azores and Madeira, they all together called Western. Today, there are seven main islands in the Canaries - these are Grand Canaria, Lanzarote, El Hierro, La Gomera, La Palma and Fuerteventura. The area of ​​​​the entire territory is only 7447 square kilometers, and the population is just over two million people.

    In contact with

    Where are they located on the world map

    To clarify the questions - what kind of country is it and where is its location, first of all, you need to find out that the Canary archipelago is part of Spain, but the territory itself is located in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from northwest Africa.

    The Canaries consist of seven separate islands, tourism is developed on each of them. Mostly the largest of them - Tenerife and Grand Canaria - are popular, but other territories of "eternal spring" have long been opened for true travelers.


    Let's start exploring the Canary Islands from Tenerife. On the world map, the territory of the Canary Islands is not the largest, but one of the most important. It is in Tenerife that many tourists come in search of unforgettable landscapes and amazing beaches.

    The main attractions are: the city of San Cristobal de la Laguna, Loro Park, Masca Gorge and others. Tourist season lasts from April to October, although the weather allows you to enjoy the beauties all year round.

    Surfers have long chosen this place, because you can ride the waves here at any time. At the same time, you can find beaches for beginners, and it will not be difficult for more experienced people to catch big waves off the coast.

    Grand Canaria

    Tourists come here to relax on the cleanest beaches, of which there are plenty. In addition, in the cities you can find buildings that are already five centuries old. This will be a godsend for all history buffs.

    From natural beauties must visit national park Nublo. It is interesting that Tenerife and Grand Caaria are constantly changing the status of the capital, although until 1927 the capital was only in Tenerife, now the status of the main city moves every four years. The population of all cities is more than 850 thousand people.


    The easternmost small island of the Canaries. Here you can find space landscapes And beautiful beaches peace. You should definitely visit this place, because only there National parks where you can see volcanoes, caves and wild beaches.

    All the main attractions are located on the outskirts, so it is better to explore Lanzarote by car, although its area is not large.


    Surfers around the world are in a hurry to conquer the waves near these shores. Fuerteventura is constantly blown by winds from the Atlantic, catching up with high waves. But all connoisseurs of natural beauty also come here.

    It is important to have time to visit the main attractions, such as Oasis Park, where you can see the zoo, Botanical Garden where thousands of species of animals and plants are collected. In addition, pay attention to entertainment, visit water parks, surfer clubs and more. The area is more than 1600 square kilometers, and the main attractions are scattered throughout the territory, so it is best to explore the beauty by car.

    La Palma

    Small but beautiful island of the archipelago. It is worth visiting wonderful places for swimming. In addition to the classic beaches with many tourists, here you can find unusual black sand beaches where there are no crowds.

    It is necessary to look at the architecture of the capital of La Palma - Santa Cruz de La Palma. You can get to La Palma by ferry from neighboring lands.

    La Gomera

    The administrative division of the Canary Islands is described in detail on Wikipedia. On the world map, the island of La Gomera can be found at the coordinates: n.l. 28.1189216, east -17.2236087.

    The island is quiet and calm, there are not many tourists, true connoisseurs of beauty remain here. You can look at La Gomera from its highest point - at 1488 meters. Of the sights, it is important to see the Garajonay National Park, which is considered almost the most beautiful on the islands. The area of ​​La Gomera is small, so you can even move around by taxi, and you can see the entire territory in a day.

    El Hierro

    The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis place is only 300 square kilometers, but here you can find such beauty that you will not find anywhere else. The temperature on the island is +20-27 all year round, which is why you can relax here in any month.

    Beaches need to be carefully chosen - there are quiet and quiet places, or you can find a beach near the rocks, where there will be high waves. El Hierro is almost the westernmost lands of the Canary archipelago.

    Map in Russian

    The easiest way to get from Russia to the Canary Islands is by direct flight Moscow-Tenerife, and from there domestic flights easy access to neighboring islands. Another easy way to get to all the neighboring islands is to take a ferry, communication within the Canary Islands is well developed. In some areas, you can afford to travel by taxi, given that the cost here is fixed, so taxi drivers will not be able to deceive you.

    Before traveling, carefully study the map of the Canary Islands in Russian. Moreover, experienced travelers have long compiled a special map of attractions in Russian, with which you can make an excellent travel plan. Keep in mind that all the beauties are located on different islands, which you have to get to in any convenient way.


    The sights of the Canary Islands can be explored for several weeks. But remember that these islands are not for budget tourists, the prices here are quite high. But you need to see this beauty at least once in your life. Here everyone will find something to their liking.

    Pyramids of Guimar

    Quiet, family people can relax on the territory of numerous hotels, enjoying clean beaches and clear ocean. Adventure seekers are required to climb the volcano, stand on a surfboard or walk along the black sand beaches.

    You need to stay in the Canary Islands for at least a week, during which time you can explore several of the main islands. But to study all seven beautiful islands need to stay here more than 7 days.

    Monastery of Senobio de Valeron

    It is useful not only to find Grand Canaria or Tenerife on the world map, but also to find out what you can see there, what excursions to visit.

    Columbus House Museum

    Don't overlook these sights:

    1. Pyramids of Guimar;
    2. Monastery of Senobio de Valeron;
    3. Columbus House Museum;
    4. Dunes of Maspalomas;
    5. Rock of Roque Nublo;
    6. Teide National Park;
    7. Aboriginal World Park;
    8. The Botanical Garden of Viera and Clavijo is one of the largest in all of Spain, its area is almost 30 hectares, and it was opened in 1959.

    Now you know where to look for the Canaries on the world map. The Canary lands are worthy of the attention of all adventure lovers. Of course, you can find beaches in Turkey and Greece, but the Canary Islands is an amazing place with its own magical atmosphere.

    Aboriginal World Park

    Besides, where else can you find volcanoes, rocks, stormy ocean waves. There are not many tourists in some resorts and on some islands, so you will be able to be alone with nature. It doesn't matter which island you choose for your vacation - each of them has a great corner created especially for you.

    For more information about the Canary Islands, see the following interesting video:

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