Legendary thirty. Hike in the Caucasus thirty

The famous "thirty" - legendary route 30 through the mountains to the sea
The route was restored in 2001.

Overnights on the hub and in stationary shelters, movement with a light backpack, is preparing a cook.
Certified instructors work with the group. Accession to the group from one person.

Route 30 passes near famous mountain . Fisht is one of the most ambitious and significant monuments of nature of Russia, the closest high mountains to Moscow. Tourists lose all landscape and climatic zones of the country from foothills to subtropics, sleeping in shelters.

Rake in 2019:

June: 10.06 – 16.06; 17.06 – 23.06; 24.06 — 30.06
July: 01.07 – 07.07; 08.07 – 14.07; 15.07 – 21.07; 22.07 — 28.07; 29.07 — 04.08
August: 05.08 – 11.08; 12.08 – 18.08; 19.08 — 25.08; 26.08 — 01.09
September: 02.09 — 08.09; 09.09 — 15.09

During the arrival days there is a transfer from the railway station Krasnodar at 06:30, from the airport at 07:00, the cost of 500 rubles per person.

1 day. Check-in to the hub or to the hotel in the village of Kamennicorovsky, accommodation in rooms with facilities on site, familiarity with the instructor. Walk to the through cave. Lunch on the turbase. Excursion to the non-equipped part of the canyon. The canyon displays amazing, unique, talented by the nature of the work of stone art. Acquaintance with the area. After dinner, the evening of dating, gathering by the fire.

2 day. Hike to Rufaggo's gorge (the main monument of the nature of this area). You inspect five picturesque on the route, inspect the grotto - the parking lot of the primitive person and the surrounding rocks covered with violent vegetation. Lunch in the gorge near the tourist fire. Return to the tour bar through viewing platforms. In the evening, songs under the guitar on the fireplace.

3 day. The training campaign in, the gorge is located on the side of the outside tourist trail, but also has picturesque waterfalls, beautiful grots, caves. Circle chestnut and beech forest. These are the places of Neanderthal settlements, which 120 - 130 thousand years old. The huge cluster of the crucian burials of Zikh, Kaszhsky, Motosarmatsky and Scythian periods keep the mystery of the peoples existing here. The path runs along the polished water, the pure rock stream, lunch in the gorge. In the evening, we donate things that are not necessary in the main campaign to be sent to Dagomys. Getting ready for the main campaign.

4 day. Bus moving Hajokh -. Hiking to the shelter "Fisht", on this day you will pass the ridge, four uncomplicated pass, visit the subalpine and alpine zones. Lunch in Alupica at Karst Lake. In the first half of the summer, part of the path passes through the snowballs. This is the most interesting and saturated day of the route. In the evening, raising the flag, gathering by the fire.

5 day. Shelter "Fisht" - radial output to a small glacier. On this day you will be in the classical nival zone (zone of naked rocks, eternal ice and snow). Your legs will have mountain gorges. Lunch at the shelter. For those who want to climb the huge boulder Fishtenok. In the evening fire.

6 day. Shelter "Fisht" - per. Belorechensky - shelter "Babuk-Aul". On this day, two non-complex pass are waiting for you (which there is a telephone connection) and long-term, "funny" descent in the zone of subtropics on the beech forests of Collichi type. In the evening, the presentation of icons and certificate tourist of Russia.

7 day. Shelter "Babuk-Aul" - the village of Solokh-Aul - Dagomys. We will spend this day in the zone of wet subtropics, we will pass along the ssymbratous grove, we will see magnificent and violent vegetation, several waterfalls, many rare on the beauty of the rocky forms. Lunch near the river Bzych. Bus moving to the village. Dagomys, after 17.00 Arrival in Dagomys. In Dagomyse, getting personal belongings handed in Hajoch.

Tour cost for one participant: 17,900 rubles.

The cost of the program includes: Accommodation on the hub and tourist shelters, 3 meals a day, service chefs on the hub and shelters, instructor services, inside route transportation, transportation of things (resort) from Hajoha in Dagomys, the abandon of almost all products and gas to shelters, group equipment rental, entrance fees (except entertainment center Khajochskaya tesnin), group first-aid kit, fee for staying in the reserve.

The program rate does not include: Travel, equipment rental.

Required personal equipment: Backpack (50 - 70 liters), personal sleeping bag and mat, rain cape, hiking shoes - sneakers or tourist shoes, changed shoes, shower slippers, warm sports suit and sweater, bone wind suit, long-sleeved shirt, hat With wide fields, a small flashlight, a plastic bottle for water, personal dishes, sidushka.

Total duration - 9 days.
The famous route passes through the territory of the Maykop district of the Republic of Adygea and Dagomysk district Krasnodar Region And captures the Western Department and the Lagonak Biosphere Polygon of the Caucasus Reserve. One of the oldest, mass and popular in the Soviet Union.

As we move along the route, several climatic zones are replaced, lifting to the Fisht Mountain glacier and the route ended with the Black Sea. Geographically, most of the route passes along the Lago Naki Plateau, located at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level through the Fisht-Oshtenovsky Massive Pass and captures the tops of the two high mountains This area is Fisht and Oshten. The length of the pedestrian part of the route is 70 km. The highest point of the campaign 2044 m. - Abadzeshsky pass.

1 day:

We meet on the southern wing of the railway station Krasnodar I at 11 am. We carry out a transfer in a small town of Hajokh, where our thirty begins. We put the camp and go to inspect the picturesque Hajochkaya tesnin in the form of a narrow canyon of white stone, and at the same time we look at no less picturesque waterfalls (here about 7 pieces). In the evening I will return to the camp. Bustor, dinner, acquaintance.

2 day:

The pedestrian part of the route begins from the CPP of the Caucasian Reserve "Lago Naki. " The checkpoint is located at an altitude of 1,750 meters on the edge of the fir forest, next to the checkpoint there is an observation deck with a panorama of Lago-Naki's alpine meadows. Hence the Lago-Ski Range, the slopes of the town of Small and Big Murzikal and G. Abadzesh. Next, we go to the sightseeing platform to the Asian pass. The Asian pass connects the Asian Tau Ridge and the Lago Naki Plateau. Going to the plateau, we will fall into the world of alpine meadows - high dispersion and panoramic review. On the trail will go to higher point Route - Abadzeshsky Pass (2044 m). The Panorama of G. Oshten opens from the pass, which snaps right before the pass. Pass Abadzesh's excellent place for panoramic pictures. Resuning on the pass, will continue your way to pass the instructor's gap. On the way, the trail crosses numerous streams, the origins of the Armenian River, in which the tired bodies can be refreed. Rising to the pass, it will be possible to admire the steamed panorama of the mighty trouts. On the start with the pass there is a small mountain lake, which we will arrange our second night.

3 day:

Today we are radially (without backpacks) We will rise to Mount Oshten. By stones, bypassing the remains of snow, we go to the ridge and on it climb to the top. So we conquered the top of Oshthen! We will open Panoramas for Fisht, Armenian Range and others gorgeous mountains. At the top is caught mobile connection. Go down to the camp, overnight.

4 day:

Let's leave the camp and go to the shelter under Mount Fisht, on the way admiring the magnificent mountain views. Having passed the Guzeripl and Armenian passages, let's go down to the White River with a very powerful flow, it is dangerous to swim in it. Here is a tourist parking of FIST, where you can order a bath or wash in the shower. We put the tents, there will be a forest here, we cook on firewood. Since the time before the evening will remain a lot, there is an opportunity to go to the radial to the small glacier of Phys.

5 day:

Today we will make a radial access to Fisht-Oshtenovsky Pass to the Lake of the Cases. We leave backpacks in the camp and along the path, crossing the origins of p. White climb to pass. A double panorama opens from the pass on one side to the River Valley of the White and Mountain of the Red Polyana and Abkhazia, on the other hand, a cup and the main Caucasian ridge stretching on the horizon. Having descended from the pass, go to the shore of the Lake of the Cases. It is located at an altitude of 1910 m. The lake is considered sacred in Adygs because of its form - crescent. Water flows into a lake with several streams and leaves, leaking into the pores of rock. Resting on the shores of the lake, come back to the shelter. Overnight.

6 day:

Let's leave the shelter Fisht and on the trail begin to rise to Belorechensky pass. The trail passes through a beech forest that creates a pleasant shadow. The trail crosses numerous streams flowing from a small Fishta glacier located above the forest. The pass overlooks the south of the Krasnodar Territory, covered with beech and fir forests. On the horizon there is a mountain chain of the Aibga Ridge and the Mountain Mountain Mountain Chira. Round bastions of Fisht hang on the right above the pass. There is a coverage area on the pass cellular communication - We can call our home and friends. Having descended from the pass, along the trail, laid on the slopes of Fisht, we will pass to the Circassian pass, connecting Fisht and the city of Mauritascular. Here are the shepherds of the Balagans, in which you can dine and relax. In shepherds can be treated with pair milk. After the rest, we are waiting for a descent from Circassian in the valley of the Shah River. The trail is hinted along a high beech forest along the stream - the tributaries p. Shahe. On this site of the route there is a famous cheerful descent (or, if you go up, sad lifting) at the end of which we will go to the Babuk-Aul shelter. Overnight.

7 day:

Moving in the waterfall. On the way, I will pass Putin to Lunar Polyana and soon we will go to a stunning 200 meter waterfall, where we will rest and relent, refreshing from the road.

8 day:

On this day, we have to make the transition to the village of Solok -Aul. We go along the Shah River along the old wheel road, passing through the sump grove, intersected with small rivers. Right overlooks the deep picturesque valley of the river. Shahe, and to the left with a steep rock slopes in some places, small waterfalls are pouring on the road, in which it is pleasant to refresh yourself during a hot day. The pedestrian part of the hike ends in the village of Solok - Aul, which is the birthplace of "Russian tea". In the village there is a house-museum of the first tea in Kuban and tasting Hall. From Soloch - Aul on the bus, we fall on the Black Sea coast (p. Dagomys). The main part of our journey ends in Dagomis. Night by the sea.

9 day:

Further, all participants can go somewhere in their own accord. Maybe someone will already want to go home, someone to friends and relatives, and someone will want to walk on black Sea coast, swim in the sea, get sinking on the beach, go to the water park and dolphinarium in Sochi.

June 5 - 13, June 12 - 20, 19 - 27 June, June 26 - July 4, July 3, July 10, July 10, July 17 - July 25, July 24 - August 1, July 30 - August 8, 7 - August 15, August 14 - 22, August 21 - 29, August 28 - September 5, September 4 - 12, September 11 - 19

"Thirty"- probably the most popular and most beautiful tourist route former USSRmaybe even around the world :) "thirtieth route" passes by Western Caucasuswhere you can see the transition from lowland wood leaf ridges in majestic mountainsCovered with powerful hats of snow, glaciers, with mighty scalged walls. On the south of the main Caucasus ridge there are subtropical wet forests. In lowlands, where water has time to warm up, you can swim in the mountain rivers filled with water from the melting glaciers on the mountains Fisht and Oshten.

The uniqueness of hikes in the Caucasus and, in particular, this route is a large variety of climatic zones and landscapes through which it passes. Here you can see: Kuban steppes, forests - coniferous and wide, alpine meadows, powerful waterfalls, rapid rivers and, of course, beautiful peaks Caucasian Gor.. By making climbing the top of Oshthen, you will make sure that the mountains here are the most real! And in the finals of the campaign from glaciers, the zones of permafrost, going through the Caucasian ridge, you will get into the most real subtropics with palm trees and blooming magnolia on the Black Sea coast.

Since 2012, our experienced guides held hundreds of tourists on this wonderful route, hurry and you will give yourself a joy of acquaintance with the unique nature of the Caucasus.

Long live "thirty"!

Day 1: Hajokh - the canyon of the river Belaya. RFABGO waterfalls

Group meeting on the railway station of Krasnodar. Moving to Hajoch (4 hours). Our journey begins in the mountain resort Hajoch (another name - the Kamennevsky village) on the territory of the Republic of Adygea. We will examine local attractions, among whom the canyon of the River White and Waterfalls Rufabgo. The raging waters of the river, clamped in the bizarre blocks of the canyon, produce an indelible impression. Leaving the backpacks in the camp, let's go to the picturesque waterfalls of the Rufabgo stream. Along its bed there are 7 small waterfalls, among them: noise, cascade, heart Rufabgo, laugh. 15 meter lace is the most spectacular and high of local waterfalls. Nightly at a cozy clearing near a full-flower river.

Day 2: PPC - Abadzesh Pass - Lago Naki Plateau

In order not to go a year and a half on asphalt, we move on a minibus or a passenger car to the checkpoint on the Lago Naki Plateau, registering in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and buy tickets to the Caucasian Reserve. We have a Lago-Naki Plateau - Green Hills, Flowers, Snowfish. Then our gaze will appear beautiful Mount Oshten, and the landscape will change from the steppe to the alpine. We pass through Abadzeshsky passage and go out to the chopped stream. Here we will do. In this one and the next few days, we cook on the gas burner.

Distance - 10 km

Day 3: Radial rise in Oshten (2804 m)

Today we are radially (without backpacks) We will rise to Mount Oshten. By stones, bypassing the remains of snow, we go to the ridge and on it climb to the top. So we conquered the top of Oshthen! We will open panorama of Fisht, the Armenian ridge and other magnificent mountains. Mobile communications is caught on top. Go down to the camp, overnight.

Distance 14 km

Day 4: Guseripl Pass - Armenian Pass - Shelter Fisht - Small Fishta Glacier

Let's leave the camp and go to the shelter under Mount Fisht, on the way admiring the magnificent mountain views. Having passed the Guzeripl and Armenian passages, let's go down to the White River with a very powerful flow, it is dangerous to swim in it. Here is a tourist parking of FIST, where you can order a bath or wash in the shower. We put the tents, there will be a forest here, we cook on firewood. Since the time before the evening will remain a lot, there is an opportunity to go to the radial to the small glacier of Phys.

Distance 8 km

Day 5: Fisht-Oshtensky Pass - Lake Cases

In today's day, overcoming Fisht-Oshtensky Pass, descending from which we will go to the Lake of the Cases. This pretty shallow mountain lake has the shape of a crescent. Nearby towers beautiful mountain Pzhoho Su, covered with snow. Let's pass even further camp on the bank of the Ciet River.

Distance 13 km

6 Day: Maykop Pass - Creek Waterfall - Waterfall 200 m

Let's go back a little back to the Lake of the Cases. Next, let's go to the cliffs of the Lago-Naki plateau and go down the steep Maikop pass. After the snack, let's go to the waterfall of the stream to see the incredibly spectacular waterfall, the height of which is 200 meters!

Distance 11 km

7 Day: Moonloe Polyana - Circassian Pass - Cheerful Descent - Babuk-Aul - River Shahe

We go to the Circassian pass. On the way, we will pass through the Lunar Polyana, where Putin's cottage is located. In the Circassian pass installed stele in memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. And then we will have a protracted "cheerful" descent through a beech forest. Here we will have to lose about 1.5 km of height. It is not easy, but the proximity of the sea will give us strength. By evening, we go to the shelter Babuk-Aul, this is still the territory of the reserve, here and doge. Near the River Shahe, the water is already warm here, it is possible to splash in it with comfort.

Distance 22 km

8 day: Solokh-Aul - Dagomys - Uch-Terla

On the car will move to Solokh-Aula. In the village of Solokh-Aul is the Tea Museum, where you can learn about the most interesting destiny of the father of the Krasnodar tea Judah Antonovich Noshmana. Also in Solokh-Aul has the opportunity to ride horses, buy honey. From Solokh-Aula by bus will get to Dagomys. Here is the long-awaited sea! We will spend the night on a wild beach in Uch-Deret, this is one stop of trains from Dagomys. Those who wish for a few days to relax on the coast, it is better to stay here: here the sea is better and the people are less.

9 Day: Sochi - Return home

Who wishes remains at sea. Who needs to go home, we are going to Sochi and drove around who is where, bus station and railway station 300 meters from each other. Our campaign is completed. To new meetings in the mountains!

Additional information:

  • This is full hiking. Tent, food and other equipment we carry on yourself in backpacks.
  • Depending on the weather, the group status instructor can make changes to the route.
  • Payment by cash on the first day of the guide to the instructor. In the early one from the route without a good reason (illness, injury) money is not returned!
  • Group size - from 5 to 15 participants.
  • Improvement of the camp (installation of tents, prepare food) is carried out by all participants in the campaign.

Tour cost: 11000 rub

The price of the tour includes:

  • three-time food in the campaign
  • services Instructor Services
  • registration in the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • satellite telephone for emergency communication
  • group medical aid kit
  • bone and gas equipment

The price of the tour does not include:

  • rental equipment
  • moving along the route
  • entrance to the reserve
  • medical insurance
  • inspection of paid attractions

Additional costs will be approximately 4,000 rubles per person.

Check-in: every Monday

Season:Summer autumn

Tour cost: 16500 rub.

All-Union pedestrian route No. 30 in the 80s of the 20th century has become a kind of symbol that determines the belonging of fans of fires and tents to the tribe of real tourists. It must be said that this route became known thanks to Chinese silk traders and other goods. Caravans, equipped for trading in the Black Sea markets, were accompanied by reliable conductors who chose this path as the shortest and safe.

The length of the route is up to 80 km. The whole hike passes in the best traditions Romance lovers: We go with backpacks and enjoy the beauty of mountain landscapes, we sleep in tents, dinner by the fire. By load intensity, this route is available to any healthy person, without acute diseases and special medical restrictions. During the campaign, we will pass several alternating climatic zones: subalpine, alpine, tropics and subtropics. Throughout the 30th route, we will accompany many endemic plants, canyons, alpine meadows, coniferous forest, mountain rivers. This unforgettable tale will forever remain with you.

"Through the mountains on the sea. Famous thirty"

Dates of arrival in 2017:

June: 05.06 - 11.06; 12.06 - 18.06; 19.06 - 25.06; 26.06 - 02.07
July: 03.07 - 09.07; 10.07 - 16.07; 17.07 - 23.07; 24.07 - 30.07, 31.07 - 06.08
August: 07.08 - 13.08; 14.08 - 20.08; 21.08 - 27.08; 28.08 - 03.09
September: 04.09 - 10.09; 11.09 - 17.09

1 day. Meeting at the station G Krasnodar (for add. Fee - 500 rubles per person) accommodation on the hub, lunch. A simple walk to the pass-through cave and the canyon of the white river. After walking the conversation and safety instructions and the rules of behavior in the mountains. Dinner. Sowdings by the fire.

2 day.Waterfalls are always enchanting infinite noise of falling water, more like music. Noise is one of five waterfalls that we visit today in Rufaggo's gorge. Each of the waterfalls does not look like another. Followed by - cascade, heart RFABGO, Maiden Kosa, Bowl of love. For complete happiness, it will be possible to swim in the waterfall and dine on one of the green pollas at the tourist fire. Next, we will continue the path of the gorge up, with stops on viewing sitesAnd back to the tourist. On the campus will be waiting for us dinner and songs under the guitar at the evening fire.

3 day.Today I will be filtered into the gorge of the Mesh, we go along the stream of the stream surrounded by chestnut and beech forests. The gorge meets us with picturesque types: waterfalls, grottoes and caves welcome our group. During this training campaign, the instructor tells about the basics of behavior as part of the tourist group. Next we get a fire and prepare lunch. Bathing in the waterfall is not rebored! We return to the tourist, dinner and prepare backpacks for the upcoming campaign in the mountains. Things not needed on the route, we give the instructor to sprout to our place of arrival at sea.

4 day. I wake up in a raised mood, breakfast and go to the Lago-Naki plateau. We are located on the territory of the Caucasian biosphere natural Reserve. Our first goal is the tourist shelter "Fisht" at an altitude of 1600 m. The path to it lies on an infinite mining plateau in the Alpine and subalpine zones. Ahead four passes: Abadzesh, instructor gap, gyserpille, Armenian. Dining on the shore of Karst Lake. We continue the path surrounded by unrealisticly beautiful mountain colors and the ungraded snowfields. We arrive in the shelter "Fisht" by 18-19.00. A small shop works here, the products in which are delivered by helicopter. Next dinner among the snowy mountain vertices And we understand how beautiful this world is ..

5 day. On this day, we rest, we walk, take pictures, in one word we enjoy staying in the mountains. On the shelter there are playgrounds to play football, volleyball. There are board games. Shelter "Fisht" is then unique placewhere numerous tourist trails intersect. Under the roof of the shelter, avid travelers, romance, interesting people, and therefore you will always find a pretty campaign. We will invite you to make a way out on the Small Glacier Fisht in the zone of eternal snow and ice. You will be able to play snowballs and fun to ride from the slopes of the glacier under bright sunlight.

6 day. After breakfast, we are waiting for an easy route to Belorechensky and Circassian passes. On the way, we will definitely go to visit the shepherds and try high-rooted cheese prepared according to the old grandfather recipes. Climbing the trails goes to the long-awaited descent "cheerful", which will bring out our group into the kingdom of light beam forest. It is always easier to go to the forest, and very soon will open their doors of the shelter "Babuk-Aul". In the evening of a hand-state award - the icon and certificate of the tourist of Russia.

7 day. Today we make a walk in the zone of wet subtropics, we go through the relic-span grove and go to sparkling waterfalls. Swimming, sunbathing. Lunch at the river Bzych. Bus moving to the village. Dagomys. Getting personal belongings. That's all .. We say goodbye to new meetings, and you stay relaxing on the Black Sea in your plan.

Note: If necessary, we will help with accommodation in local holiday homes, we organize a transfer.

Children up to 10 years old on the route are not allowed!

Tour cost: 16,500 rubles per person.

The price of the tour includes:

Accommodation on the tourist and tourist shelters

3 meals

Instructor services

Transfer inside the route

Transportation of things from the village of Kamennikovsky to Loo

Rental equipment (tents, bowlers, first-aid kit, etc.)

Entrance tickets for excursion facilities (except Hajchocheskaya Tesnins) and stay in the reserve

Forging products for shelters

First aid kit for group


The price of the tour does not include:

Transfet from Krasnodar to the village of Kamennicovostsky - 500 rubles

Accommodation on the coast - 700 rub

Sleeping bag rental - 300 rubles for all days of the campaign

Rent a backpack - 700 rubles for all days of the campaign

30 Light route

June: 08.06 - 13.06; 15.06 - 20.06; 22.06 - 27.06; 29.06 - 04.07
July: 06.07 - 11.07; 13.07 - 18.07; 20.07 - 25.07; 27.07 - 01.08
August: 03.08 - 08.08; 10.08 - 15.08; 17.08 - 22.08; 24.08 - 29.08; 31.08 - 05.09
September: 07.09 - 12.09; 14.09 - 19.09

This lightweight route through the mountains to the sea lasts 6 days and is different from the total 8-day route in that we will spend less time in the Kamennikovsky village and do not take a walk to waterfalls in Rufaggo's gorge. Without a training campaign in the gorge of Mesh, we will go to the Lago-Naki Plateau on the 2nd day after the placement, from where and start our interception path along the Alpine meadows through the mountains to the sea along the same 30th route. The village of Solokh-aul is known thanks to the A.A. Noshman, who in 1901 put the first tea bushes brought from Chakwa. In the village we will visit the House Museum, we will go to the tasting of tea and mountain honey with hot pancakes. At the end of the campaign, all participants of the group "Tourist Russia" icons will be awarded. In conclusion, we go on a bus in Dagomys, where the long-awaited sea is waiting for you!

Tour cost: 10,300 rubles per person.

The price of the tour includes:

Accommodation in a tent camp

3 meals

Instructor services

Equipment rental (tents, awnings, bowlers)

Transfer from the village of Kamennikovsky to the Plateau Lago Naki

Admission to the territory of the Reserve

Visit to the House Museum of Tea

The price of the tour does not include:

Shuttle service to the village of Kamennichenostsky

Rental of personal equipment (sleeping bag and rug - 250 rubles for all days of the campaign)

Accommodation in the hotel on the coast

This is a real hiking. Food, gear and personal belongings we ourselves carry in backpacks. Outside the tents, we cook on a fire or gas burner. Recommended limitest backpack for men 18 kg, for women 12 kg.

To take part in the campaign in the Caucasus, you need. We will contact you, let's discuss all the details and tell you what to do next.

The cost of the campaign in the Caucasus includes: Support of the conductor on the entire route, registration in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 3 meals a day (be sure to study our, can be corrected).

The price does not include:rental of equipment, passages, a fee for visiting museums, reserves, caves and others found along the path of paid attractions. In the amount of up to 3600 rubles for a hike (except for rental).

The conductor can change the route of the hike based on the weather, the state states, the ban of landfastures and other factors.

If the cost of the campaign does not seem to pocket - choose yourself.

If you do not have your own tourist equipment, and lend him to him now, then you can take.

For those who have already walked with us, the campaign will cost 8100r. For children 8-14 years old cost 7400.

Group meeting On the railway station Krasnodar 1 to 11 am. We will be back in Dagomas to 15:00 on the 8th day of the campaign. For 9 days you can leave in the morning. Until Sochi 30 minutes, to the airport in Adler 1.5 hours by train.

Additional important information:

1 day. Hajoch - the canyon of the river Belaya. RFABGO waterfalls

Radial output is 8 km in both directions.

Usually groups are collected in Krasnodar. It is there that after early in the morning trains come from Moscow and Minsk and buses from Crimea, through ferry crossing. Those who wish can independently, if so more convenient, through Maykop to get to the village of Kamennikovoy, where in the afternoon the rest of the group will arrive. That's what it is mountain resort Hajoch, famous for skillful kamneses and sheeps. He is the starting point of our campaign. After collecting the entire group, there is enough time for the device camp and inspection of two local attractions. Amazing, Khajokhskaya Tesnin is a narrow, 400 meter canyon, along which with enviable perseverance, which is the millennium, piercing the road in the rocky rocks of the river white. The second, more calm, but not less picturesque, landmark is a seven-step cascade of waterfalls of Rufabgo. Usually shallow, after the rains, he instantly turns into a stormy flow of water and everything that she got into it, for which he received a local name - an evil wizard. In order for everything to inspect the short, no more than 8km, a radial hike, light. Attractions paid, 150 rubles each, but there is a free path for waterfalls.\u003e

2 day. Abadzesh Pass - Lagonatic Plateau

Start height 1780 m, parking height 2050 m, set of height 270 m, kilometer 9 km.

After the morning mosquito and breakfast again there is a refinement again, but now here mountain roads with appropriate landscapes and emotions. Moving to Abadzesh Pass. Finally, a full hike begins. But we will not tear, today we have acclimatization. Smooth 9 km rise with a set of height of just 270m - this is exactly what you need. The height of more than 2000 m, we are among the Alpine meadows with characteristic vegetation and karst formations, in some of them, in depths are eternal snow. On the plateau of the lagnocks will go to the creek with an interesting name chopped that at the foot of the Mount of Oshten. After the camp device, which wishes have the opportunity to swim in no very cold waterfalls of the stream and admire the mountain scenery. AT good weather The mountains of the Red Polyana are perfectly visible, the place of the future Winter Olympic Games 2014. Who was not - can climb on the nearest slide and explore tomorrow's way, or spend an excess of strength with benefit and go to wood for firewood. The fire is always nice.

3 day. Mount Oshten (2804 m)

Radial output, set of height 754 m, 13.5 km in both directions.

In the morning there are accelerated procedures, breakfast and, not complicated, but a quick radial lifting to one of the three neighboring three-tales, Mount Oshten (2804m). Quick, because clouds are lowered after lunch on the mountains, visibility decreases and the possibility of come and see nothing. Let's go skip, without backpacks, but raincoats and warm things should be grabbed. The weather may change almost instantly. The solid height meets naked cliffs of the slopes and eternal snow vertices. Solemn greatness and silence leave indelible impressions for life.

4 day. Guseriplsky and Armenian passes, shelter Fisht. Small Fishe Glacier.

Parking height 1590 m, discharge of a height of 470 m, kilometer 10 km. Radial output: a set of height of 410 m, a distance of 8 km in both directions.

Today we will finally rush from the parking lot on the crime. The gradual descent leads to Guseriplsky, and then Armenian passes. The trail traverses the slopes of the lagon plates, the vegetation is very violent here - often we will go on a narrow corridor with two-meter walls from grass. A ten-meter transition ends in a shelter Fisht equipped with a parking lot on the shore big River. There is even a shower and shop! True, space prices. More precisely, the helicopters: there are no roads here, the entire price is delivered to the store on a helicopter, the garbage takes it. Until the end of the day, who wishes still have time to run in the 8th kilometer radial to inspect the small glacier on Mount Fisht.

5 day. Fisht Oshtensky Pass. Lakes, Maykop Pass.

Parking height is 1560 m, a set of height of 630 m, a height of 660 m, a kilometer of 12.5 km.

Acclimatization is passed, and you can increase the load. Ahead is a long and difficult approach to Fisht-Oshtensky Pass (2220m). Further go down to the picturesque mountain Lake Cases. Unusually shallow, sickle lake with a deepening at one end. Here you can buy great! The lake is surrounded by the legends of the Three-Pech Brothers: Fisht, Oshten and Present-Su. From here it opens a unique view of the Big Fishe Glacier. Communication Fisht in a circle, enjoy finally alpine meadowsAnd through Maykop Pass goes down to the parking lot.

6 day. Creek Waterfall, waterfall 200 m. Moonloe glade.

The height of the parking lot is 1873 m, a height set of 330 m, a height of 350 m, a set of 430 m, a kilometer of 11 km.

Today, we continue to traverse the slopes of Phys, the road will constantly be then climbing, then go down. Waterfall meets along the way the Waterfall takes the beginning of the Fishe glaciers and breaks down with a powerful waterfall from a 200-meter height. The spectacle is very ambitious! But you can not always see it. The main waterfall is filled only after a good shower or in spring. But it always "works" a small waterfall arising directly from the cliff, the same 200-meter height. Further, the trail goes close to Dacha V.V. Putin on the Lunar Meadow. Now here all types are approved not only by the buildings themselves, but also under construction ski lifts. Excavators, bulldozers, pipes, cables, noise, stench ... Finally, the mood will be reinforced by the guard, running to us with a threatening view and demands immediately erase everything that was noticeable ... Of course, such a disgrace in the state Caucasian Reserve It should not be in sight. It seems to me that the trail past the giving soon will close at all ... as usual, under the guise of concern for the calm of wild animals and plants. On this day, the last high night stay will have, right in the Circassian pass.

7 day. Descent to Solool Aul.

We begin to descend to the sea. The route passes through the shady beech forest, rivers will come across.

8 day. Transfer to Dagomys, Sea ...

On the ordered minibus we move to Dagomys. The camp is arranged in in a convenient place On the wild beach.

9 day. Home…

The most leisure morning during the time of all the hike is accompanied by a gentle sea and a light of sadness. Those who wish to extend bliss can stay here for a few more days. Sochi can be reached by train for half an hour, to Krasnodar for 4 hours.

Goodbye, the Caucasus.

See also: