Where is Lake Svetloyar. Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region: rest, photo, map

Lake Svetloyar - one of the most mysterious places Russia. Scientists still fight over the secret occurrence of this reservoir, and historians are trying to find evidence of the existence of a mysterious city, which allegedly rests at the bottom of the lake. Ufologists regularly register the emergence of inexplicable phenomena in the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of Svetloire, and the rest and travelers celebrate the extraordinary properties of water and the amazing beauty of nature in these places.

Lake Svetloyar on the map.

The lake is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, near the village of Vladimir, Voskresensky district. Located in the territory in the territory natural Park Regional value "Resurrection Treaster. The lake has a correct oval form and is one of the most deep lakes in area. It is because of this, many scientists believe that this is a crater from the long-fallen meteorite. The water in it is very clean and transparent, has a bicarbonate-calcium type, the bottom keys make it cool and fresh on the hottest days. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is approximately 12 hectares, the length is about 500 m, the width is up to 350 m. The depth in some places comes to 40 m.

Those who are planning rest in these places can visit the unique Church of the Kazan Mother of God, located on the territory of the reserve, is the stone with a stack of a pile of the Virgin. The village of Vladimirsky is famous for the old wooden church of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, there is a Historical and Art Museum "Kitege" and the Museum of Local Ceramics "Grad Light". The one who loves walks through the forest can visit Spring Cybelek near Lake Svetloyar, water in this spring is considered holy. Here is the grave of the three saints, in which Russian warriors who defended their native land from Khan Batya are buried according to the legends.

Lake Svetloyar manites with his pristine beauty and rich in nature. Here are excellent fishing and hunting, on the background of amazing landscapes are obtained beautiful photos. The lake itself and the legends inspired many artists, composers and writers. If you are going to wander around the surroundings, then at hand there must be a map in order not to get lost.

Transparent soft waves of Svetlorian store a lot of secrets, open which descendants will still have.

Video: Song - "Svetloyar".

One of the most beautiful in the world of water bodies is Lake Svetloyar. Nizhny Novgorod region can rightly be proud of it natural object. It is located in the Volga region, about a hundred and thirty kilometers from the regional center and in a kilometer from the village of Vladimir Resurrection District.

This reservoir is the seventh miracle of the Volga region, as well as the nature monument of the federal significance.


Lake Svetloyar is a deep wpadin, having two shocking terraces at the depths of seven and twenty meters, respectively. The upper terrace stores the remains of the once extensive coniferous forest.

The Nizhny Novgorod Lake Svetloyar has an oval shape with sizes of five hundred to three hundred meters, is located at an altitude of more than a hundred meters above sea level and has the greatest depth of forty-meters. Pure and transparent water of the lake caused by the presence of bottom springs. A reservoir having an area of \u200b\u200btwelve hectares, never tires.

Nizhny Novgorod Lake Svelolyar has its twin, located in the village of Lake. It has a similar shape, a greater depth and the same water level with Svetlorier due to their posts by groundwater.

The unusualness of the lake is manifested in its hydrochemical features. The water taken from it is stored for years, without losing its purity and taste. In view of the transparency of the Water, Springs, drowning from the bottom of the lake, can be observed even from the shore. Unfortunately, recently, the Lake Square began to decrease, and in the last half a century it fell into four hectares. Due to changes in the drain mode, vegetation change occurred in the coastal zone: meadow plants were changed by marsh, which indicates a slowdown in the water of the lake. The swampiness caused a drying of some types of trees.

The origin of the lake

Lake Svetloyar still keeps the secret of his appearance. At the very beginning of the twentieth century, a version of its volcanic origin was put forward. Later, the assumptions of meteorite, non-stock, glacier, karst and other versions of the appearance of this amazing reservoir were put forward. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the result of the study of the cosmic hypothesis was published, namely the meteoric origin of the lake. In its favor they say and convincing facts:

  • geological structure;
  • the correct form of the lake;
  • big depth due to the strong impact of the meteorite about the Earth;
  • melted breed;
  • the presence of vitreous black mass as evidence of high temperatures;
  • structure of nearby hills.

Due to the complexity of the structure of the bottom relief, the version of the non-stock origin of the lake was considered. According to this theory, the central brand was formed by a thousand two hundred years ago. At first it was a small lake in a depth of twenty meters. When seven hundred years ago, the lower terrace plunged into the water, the lake acquired the current appearance.


The history of Lake Svetloyar foggy and mysterious. It was formed during the time of the glacial period. However, the great glaciation before Svetlorian did not reach, while all the lakes that were in these parts, turned into peat deposits.

The first written historical document appeared at the turn of the 17-18 centuries in the Wednesday of Old Believers. He was called the "China Chronicler". This is a book about the Holy, as the founder of the Divine, Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, is counted for the face of saints.

Legends and wonders

Full secrets and mysteries, it was called a little different - holy Lake Svetloyar. This is a kind of Russian Atlantis, leaving under the water, leaving behind the legend of the city of Kitty.

Old Believers were told that in ancient times, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich built a hail on the Volga, named by the Small Bite. Later, the prince, seeing Lake Svetloyar, ordered to build a large kite on his shores. After three years grew up stone city With a lot of Orthodox churches.

When Armada Khan Batya captured a small kite, the prince with the remnants of his squad had to hide in the forests near a large quotation, leading an unequal battle with the invaders. After a number of betrayal, Khan Bati entered the big kite through the city gates, which with the battles could not defend three heroes of the Russians, who carried the ward, blocking the path of the enemy. On the spot of their death now hits Spring Cybelek.

After the death of the prince and the inability to protect the city, the inhabitants of the divy in prayer to the Lord appeared to avoid enslavement and abuse. And at the time when Khan Bati went to the offensive, water sources were scored from the bowrance of the earth, overpaying the city. Mongol-Tatars retreated, and hail kite went under water.

And now, they say silent weather Righteous people hear bell ringing And human voices from Svetloary's depths. Sometimes in the waters of the lake saw the dome of churches and monasteries. The legend of the sunken city of the Kitecy was the tool for the canvas of such artists as Roerich, Nesterov, Vasnetsov. Svyvin, Korolenko, Roman-Korsakov, Melnikov-Pechersky, Korovin, glazunov wrote about Sveonar. In our time, the lake is an object of scientific research.

Here were recorded inexplicable wonderful cases of recovery of cancer.

According to psychics, this is a place that draws energy from space.

During the wars of the prayer of mothers and wives helped to stay alive in the front sons and husbands.

The Berendev tribes lived before the baptism of Russia. In those days on the island were numerous islandswhere the center of the cult of God Yarily was. During the adoption of Christianity by the will of Christ, the bottom of Svetloyar was expressed, and the pots of pagans hid water.

Value of Lake Svetloyar

Another habitat of the imperial species of animals and plants, the lake represents a certain scientific value. Protected plants grow on its shore:

  • tolester Ovsya;
  • rDEST is longer;
  • kubya yellow;
  • lezel orchid;
  • iva Lapland;
  • tundrol shrub;
  • rosyanka English.

Planktonic organisms cleansing with water, inhabit Lake Svetloyar.

Nizhny Novgorod region - the habitat of the water exhaust. It is possible to find this rare animal in the vicinity of the reservoir.

Modern status

Since 1965, Lake Svetloyar, whose photo is not going from pages of newspapers and magazines, becomes a monument of nature. The status of the federal value was obtained in 1997. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, this is the only monument of this status.

The protected area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is an associative type of landscape, which keeps the memory of world historical events and personalities with which the story is connected. The reservoir is an object and cultural landscape. Stores Lake Svetloyar legends, myths, live traditions of the people.


As the project of the authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region adopted the concept of socio-economic development of the territory of the Vladimir administration, where it is located natural monument - Lake Svetloyar, the reviews of which separated throughout Russia. The ideology of the concept is that Svetlorian is the holy place of Russian land. But the fundamental goal is to revive the Russian village as a spiritual and social focus of self-development and self-preservation.

In 1998, a bridge over the asphalt road was built for the natural drainage of the lake. Previously, the dam with a pipe overlap the flow from the lake into the Lunda River.

Public life role

Each lake hill has its purpose and name, for example:

  • Annunciation Hill - the exaltation on which the church is in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Assumption Hill, where the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located.

In 2004, the Cathedral prayers of the Old Believers resumed at the Assumption Hill. People came to the lake at different times, different in their religious beliefs: Baptists, Warlocks, Old Believers, Orthodox, Tops. Combined them one goal: the desire for a kite. Reviews believers about this holy place are impressive with their sincerity. Many celebrate the healing properties of the sanctified water to the hot prayer.

How to get to Lake Svetloyar

So, you decided to visit Lake Svetloyar. How to get from Nizhny Novgorod.?

  • By car: we are going about 120 kilometers along the highway "Novgorod - Kirov" to the village of Side, where, turning to the right, I am moving to the village of Vladimirsky. Having drove through everything from the village to the parking lot, we walk 700 meters to the lake.
  • By train: we are going by the train "Nizhny Novgorod - Semenov" to Semenov, after which the Semenov-Voskresensky bus is getting to Vladimirsky.
  • By bus: We are traveling from the Kanavinskaya bus station "Novgorod - Voskresenskaya". We go out from Vladimirsky. Driving time - 2 hours.

The route "Svetloyar (Lake) - Nizhny Novgorod" is similar.

07/09/2016 year. Route Lake Sveloyar - Nizhny Novgorod We discovered by chance.

Heat. June. I wanted to spend the weekend in nature, relax somewhere in the water. After Indian Ocean For some reason, they did not want to swim on the beaches of the city, and water bloomed on the Gorky Sea. Of the five nearest reservoirs, our choice accidentally fell on Lake Svetloyar. Mostly due to the fact that there was just to get there. We immediately did not understand what kind of ordinary place was hit. But all in order ...

Where is Lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar is located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Voskresensky district, Village Vladimirskoye. 130 km north-east of Nizhny Novgorod.

How to get to the lake by car and public transport, Better timetables and trains, these and other issues are covered in detail in a separate article.

On the Schela Vladimirsky scheme, it is possible to consider the location of Lake Svetloyar in more detail and the sights around him, as well as the rules of behavior in the protected area.

Ozero Svetlotyar Highgorodie Region - Photo

Our land is a bottomless sky, cornfields in the fields, birch groves, darkened wooden churches, chims from pipes, drowning baths, fog over water ... and the pearl of the edge - Lake Svetloyar. From a long time, the beauty of these places celebrated everyone here. Now Lake Svetloyar is favorite place recreation for residents of Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region. In summer, on the weekend, there are so many swimming days that they will not push back to the depth, as whether you come to sea \u200b\u200bbeach In the film "Sportoto 82".

At the beginning of the birch alley leading to the lake, on Saturdays and on Sundays, you can meet a guide with the name, like the ancient Saint - Vera. She is an employee of the Historical and Art Museum "Kitem" and conducts interesting excursionsIt is necessary to listen to. The cost of excursion is purely symbolic - 100 rubles from 1 person.

The Museum "Kite" is also worth going. For the same amount (100 rubles) you will see three thematic exposures: about Svetolar, about life in the Old Slavica and historical and archaeological. Rare exhibits are complemented interesting story. Entrance ticket It also makes it possible to inspect the exhibition of ceramics of local masters "Grad Light".

It also consists of 3 parts: the Old Slavic legends, Orthodoxy and gearial art techniques. Wonderful exhibition, the global level of exhibits, and the masters of the present "golden hands".

One Saturday evening, resting on the shore, we unexpectedly fell to the concert of Huslar Sergei Balakina and his folk duet "Green Hill". More than an old, comic and serious songs flew far away over the crumbs. The artist has a wonderful tool, an excellent voice and the corresponding appearance. He is deservedly invited to various creative meetings. And in general, he is an interesting and versatile man.

Also in the village of Vladimir, the Museum and tourist complex "Grad Kitem", there are various folk speeches and events. And on Sundays opens the doors of the 5D cinema.

We regularly went to Svetloyar Lake from Nizhny Novgorod and noticed such a pattern: the weather is always better there than in the capital of the Volga region. Water is clean and transparent, it can be drunk. At the bottom of the reservoir beat cold keys. At a depth of 10 meters, the water temperature is only 4 degrees. But to the surface he has time to warm up to the temperature of a comfortable bathing. In size, it is relatively not much: 300 per 500 meters. Depth of more than 30 meters.

The origin is most likely meteorite. The hills on the one hand were likely formed when the cosmic body strikes about the surface of the Earth is about 10,000 years ago. From the once popular song, we know that "in the suburbs there are mushrooms, berries, flowers ..." Here in the Nizhny Novgorod region on the Lake Svetloary, they are not just found - they are not re-found, do not re-serve and do not re-be. Here are very rich places for the gifts of the forest.

Lake Svetloyar Hotels - Where to stay

In the village of Vladimir, near settlement From the purpose of our journey, there are several hotels, guest houses and renting rooms.

The first time we stayed in the hotel "Svyatogor". One-storey log building. Parking for traveling by car.

The hotel has about 12-bed rooms: spacious and neat. Each room has a toilet and washbasin. On the floor there are two shower rooms, a kitchen with everything you need. Free tea, coffee + host hospitality - what else is needed! The cost of the room at a standard configuration is 1740 rubles. Economy option costs 1,400 rubles per night accommodation. What is the difference - I do not know, the economy was delivered. Departure time Standard - 12.00. Of the disadvantages: free seats in summer on weekends may not always be and the price is less. And so, just super!

Practically in the forest, hospitably opened the doors guest house "At the source".

The country complex "Attight" provides 1-2-3-4 local rooms, toilet in each room, there is everything you need for a comfortable stay. True Forest Terem. New log buildings please the eye. In the season, mushrooms can be collected right on site. I myself found one white. Internet and Wi-Fi to guests.

Guest House "White Dacha" - A fairly large private hotel.

Located on the territory of the village of Vladimir not far from the museum. It is obvious, obviously well-deserved popularity among the arrivals of groups. Prices for accommodation per day 1 person - 900 rubles. From September 1, there is a seasonal discount - 100 rubles. Judging at the prices, with amenities on the "White Dacha", too, everything is in order. The hostess of the hotel gave a vague answer about the existence of the Internet.

Strizheli - Private manor. Located for the hotel "Svyatogor", a little further from the road. Rent rooms in various buildings. Amenities in the yard. You can agree on nutrition, riding horses - 250 rubles in 10 minutes. There is a lecture hall, a small contact zoo, a different master classes are held regularly. The cost of living is 500 rubles per day from one person. The hostess with the rare name of Alphine in a beautiful sundress with an ornament welcomes guests.

Craftsman - Small fortress in miniature.

Rent 1 separate house. The plans are built the second. There you can learn to shoot from Luke, leave the spear and a lot more.

Rooms in the private sector.

There are many of them. These are the grooving rooms located above the Anna store and a room for two in a neat house at the very end of the village at the Lunda River and obviously there are not yet found by us. The cost of an accessible overnight is the same everywhere - 350 rubles for bed-space. Over the store "Anna" we were offered even a passing room, it was a little surprised.

We ourselves stayed for the night without reaching a couple of homes to the Svyatogor Hotel from the center of the village. Summer rooms for 2-4 tenants. Everything is simple, pure and neat. The cost of living is 350 rubles per person. Common summer kitchen, tea, raspberry, currant, bath. The cost of the bath is 300 rubles from one amateur of oak or birch brooms. The minimum number of participants in Russian traditionally - 3 people. True comfort in the yard. But for those who are "there" is not going to sit - this is not so essential.

Beds are not large and calculated for people up to 185 cm. High guests, above 185 cm, you can comfortably set up just shifting the beds.

Of the non-proven sources, it is known that there are several thousand people for the holiday of Ivan Khawli here. If you plan to come to these days, the places for overnight must be booked in advance. Because of the influx of guests, it is easy to stay in the open air.

Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar has long been considered sacred and endowed with special properties. Legends reported to us about various amazing events that took place on his shores. From different places, from loved ones and distant, pilgrims came here: who is healing, who to gain peace of mind, and who requested protection and help from the higher forces. Not everyone received the desired, but the hope was received by everyone here, at least temporary.

Human thread does not stop and now.

Svetloyar's shores are visited by both separate pilgrims in private and organized groups that make pilgrim tours. Route Lake Sveloyar - Nizhny Novgorod is a direction that is gaining more and more popularity. Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar includes a mandatory visit to several holies. Pilgrims come early in the morning, at around 6:00, and even before. And first of all go on birch alea to sacred water stroit.

The lake itself is the main object of pilgrimage. At this time, on its shores is low. Only the sun rose, silence, there is no breeze. Water is transparent and fixed. In it, as in the mirror, the entire beauty of our Earth is reflected.

Before the end, the causes of the formation of Lake Svetloyar are not known, the events that happened on its shores are covered with many secrets and legends, water having a "ordinary chemical composition" will not deterrely and has healing properties. This place has some kind of attractive force. People who visited here come back here again and again.

In wooden church of the Kazan Mother of God

there are several rather rare and interesting icons. In the church you can buy candles, samples and other religious items. A woman working in the church, gladly tells visitors about each stored relic: the history of the icons, which is depicted and "from what helps." This is a professional, spiritualized story, instilling hope. It can only pour everything.

We liked the best of all the icon "All-seeing Oco Lord." It is also called "Icon of all icons." Fantastic icon, especially in the flickering half of the burning candles. Photographing in the temple is prohibited. Therefore, we only place a photo of the reproduction of the icons you like. The original reminds only remotely.

The church works every day from 12:00 to 15:00 except Monday and Tuesday. On weekends I. holidays from 11:00.

Left from the entrance to the Kazan Church there is another relic, attracting pilgrims and believers - is stone with a footprint of the Virgin. There is no established adventure tradition. Who stands next to praying who makes it kneeling on the stone, who is just touching him.

I witnessed how one man poured the Water from the Holy Spring in the chief of the Virgin, I took my knees, took off my massive golden chain with a cross and lowered it into the water. He took out the chain of the water kissed the cross, crossed himself and dressed him himself on a powerful neck.

This stone appeared not so long ago, after the end of the restoration of the temple. Who will be there and wants, he will be able to learn more detail about it. In our travels, we have already encountered footprints of various saints.

Every Saturday at 12:00 around Lake Svetloyar is committed procession.

From the Kazan Church located on a high shore, the rector of the Vladimir Church begins his weekly bypass and carries the icon. Behind him, with lit candles, follow believers and who arrived pilgrims. In certain places of the route there are crosses, there are believers pray, rest, perform ablutions. For convenience, all the way fastened with wooden flooring. It is believed that the cherished desire will necessarily come true if they bypass Svetloire clockwise. His pilgrims and ordinary vacationers are around. In the old days, many believers hit him on his knees. It was forbidden to swim before in sacred water.

Key Kibelek - This is another place for mandatory visits. The road to the holy source begins from stone with the chief of the Virgin. The path leads through the forest, goes on the field and turns to the right. On the way there are signs. At the end of the field a dense forest can be seen. You go there. Part of the path in the forest is posted by wooden flooring. There are bemes for recreation. At the end of the path on the development of the left will consecrated bathingStraight, a little further see the kibelk key.

Here you can relax, drink water and stock it with it. It is believed that water from the source has healing properties.

Before visiting it, it is desirable to stock up the container for carrying and storing water.

In the village of Vladimirsk there is a church, it also causes strong interest in many pilgrims. It will be possible - do not forget to visit.

Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar is a phenomenon that happens before our eyes. Everyone should be visited here, try to learn something new about yourself and your native land.

We have Slavs ancient history: Forgotten, rewritten, distorted. We measure your life for someone else's calendar alien to us, from which more than 5,000 years of life and the struggle of our ancestors are thrown. Lake Svetloyar is our relic, the outpost of our memory, with a careful attitude to which the revival of the native land will begin.

The road to rebirth passes here through Lake Svetloyar and our hearts.

Now 7525 in the Old Slavic calendar. Lake Svetloyar existed then. Now it is waiting for you.

Remember, truth in numbers. Good luck!

Svetloyar - the lake, with which the legend is associated about the sunken city of the curtain.

It is located in the Nizhny Novgorod Volzhie about 130 km north-east of the regional center and 1-1.5 km west of the village of Vladimir Resurrection District. Monument of the nature of federal significance. The lake is planned to be made by the object of cultural heritage.

The lake is located in the riverfire rivers Kergenets and the Wind, the left tributaries of the Volga. It has a form of oval with dimensions of 470 × 350 m with a long axis in the north-south direction, differs from neighboring lakes of a large depth reaching 33.4 m.

Most deep point - in the southern part of the lake, where the decrease in the bottom has the form of a funnel, which is a continuation of the clouds southern Coast. The north of this depression at the bottom is a common area in a depth of 22-24 m. In the northern, relatively shallow part of the lake drops of depths are more smooth compared to the southern part. The height of the surface of the lake above sea level - 109 m.

The shores of the lake are somewhat raised, and it is in the brand; The hills encircling the lake are most clearly manifested from the south, where they form an arc. The height of the hills reaches 122-124 m above sea level (13-15 m above the lake water cut), the hills are separated by deep (7-8 m) ravines. Unusually clean water of the hydrocarbonate-calcium type, transparent to a depth of more than 5 m. The lake is cold, numerous bottom keys nourish it. The shore is weakly wetting.

0.5 km to the northeast proceeds a small shallow river Lund, from which the lake is connected by a stream. The flow from the lake through the stream, partially disturbed when paving the road in Soviet times (as a result, the lake began to pause), was restored in the 1990s.

The volume of the lake hollow (not the lake itself) is about 1.5 km3, the water mirror area is 14.83 hectares. Power of bottom sediments about 8 m.

The lake is located on the territory of the Natural Park "Resurrection Pot Metluzhye" (security area of \u200b\u200bthe Nizhny Novgorod Treastelligence, nature Park Regional value) established in 2008.

Attentive reader noted that Mary El and Mari Territory differ on our site!

Actually, Mari El is the well-known republic, with its geographic borders, administrative areas and settlements.

And the Mari Territory includes much more!

Historically, the territory of the resettlement of the people Marie extended to the west to river Kerzhenzaand further to the Nizhny Novgorod region, everyone also knows the rivers and Mari Sanctures in the territory of the Kirov region, Marie occupied large territories in the south - to the River Kazanka and Kama. And in the east, the limits of the Mariy region reached Vyatka. There are still places of compact residence of the Eastern Marie, but about it will be another story.

(handwritten map of the 13th century of the settlement of peoples in the Nizhny Novgorod Territory)

In this article we will focus on the most famous lake of Meternrech Vetlogi and Kergens, and on the most famous Lake of Central Russia - on legendary Svetloyar.!!!

Anyone has repeatedly heard the legend about Hidden Grades in a miraculous Lake Svelloyar!

But another thousand years ago, Marie lived in the dense forests of this region, and the Finno-Ugric belt to the Ural Mountains stretched from the Baltic to the Ural Mountains: Komi, Karelia, Chud, Merry, Meshchera, Berendeia, Marie, Mordva, Udmurt , Perm, Khanty, Mansi, etc.

Lots of geographical names Central Russia testifies to this, including, draws attention to the end of the lakes: -yr, -er, who have obviously Mari origin. It is the Western Marie Lake: Yar, for example, located next to the Lake Svetlorire - Nestyar, Patyar, Kuzmiyar, Incear, Arda, Shor, Morka, Yuronskoye, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the names of rivers in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which very often have the Finno-Ugric roots, and also direct origin from the Mari language.

Here is just a brief selection of the most obvious examples:

Vaddok(The left tribute drunk in the Vadian region of the same name flows through a strongly ordered, abundant area failures), or a skate (as the Vaddock is called on the maps of the XVIII century). This name is obviously Finno-Ugric origin, which has been preserved since then (until the X-XI centuries), when the ancient tribes of this group of peoples lived in these places. The name is based on the word VAD (Vyut), meaning water, which indicates the current name in Mari (VED). On this river, the name of Vad Vad was called.

Vesla (The left tributary of the Volga flowing in the Borsky district) is the name of Finno-Ugric origin, which has been preserved from the X-XI centuries. When the ancient tribes of this group of peoples lived along the banks of the river (in particular, the vessel). It consists of two words: driving (water) and scrap (lake) and in the semantic translation means "river flowing through the lakes" (indeed, Verv is formed on its path forms several lakes).

The address: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, p. Vladimirskoye
Depth: About 34 m.
Coordinates: 56 ° 49 "07.3" N 45 ° 05 "34.5" E


Short description

130 km from Nizhny Novgorod, on the outskirts of the village of Vladimirsky, standing on the shores of the Lunda River, there is a mysterious lake Svetloyar. Sometimes this lake is called the little Russian Atlantis.

Lake Svetloyar from a bird's eye view

With Svetloyar, the legend is associated with a legend of the curtain, which has come down to this day in the literary processing of the Old Believers. The "China Chronicler" reports that Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, traveling along the Volga on the ship, the city of Small Kijite (presumably, the current city) is erected. By passing the river Uzol, Sanda and Kergenets, the prince came to Lake Svetlää. Enchanted by the beauty of this place, Yuri was commanded to build a big kite on the shores of Lake.

For three years of construction (1165 - 1168) from the stone erected majestic city And built in it a lot of Orthodox churches. In 1239, the troops of the wicked and godless Khan Batya moved to Russia. Soon the Horde of Tatar-Mongols captured a small kite, and Prince Yuri with his buddy hid in the forests near a large quotation. One of the prisoners of Batiya, Grishka Kutherm, without causing torture, betrayed compatriots and pointed out the enemies to the Great Hoody. Baty found the head of Yuri and killed him.

Birch alley to the lake

And here the legend is closely intertwined with reality - in reality, the Grand Duke folded his head in an unequal battle with Mongols on the City River in 1238. According to legend, on the eve of the attacks of Batya, the dosor in the cyinga was carried three heroes, warned citizens about the danger. Many people fell from the sword of enemies, and three heroes were killed, blocking the way to the Khan's mind. And on the place where three warrior stood to death for their degrees, the Saint Spring Cybelek appeared, where the water beats until now.

On the shore of Lake Svetloyar

The inhabitants of the region did not erect any fortifications and did not even try to defend themselves, they turned with a hot prayer to God to prevent themselves alien. God injured prayer, and when the hordes rushed into an attack, from under the ground suddenly a multi-water sources were scored, which began to catch the city. Mongols retreated in fear.

Like Atlantis, the city plunged under water, only one lonely dome of the cathedral was visible on the lake glady, but he soon disappeared. But the kite survived: in clear, quiet weather from Svetloary's depths comes the lengthy singing of people and the bell ringing, and in the transparent waters of the lake, the masks of churches and monasteries can be seen.

Trail around the lake

Svetloyar - Sacred Lake Ancient Rus

Even before the decision of Christianity, the lake was considered sacred - the rituals were arranged on his shores in honor of the Slavic God of the Sun Yarily, from where and the name went - bright Yar. Nowadays, Lake Svetloyar is the center of pilgrimage, both for pagans and for Orthodox. Every year on July 6, Christians come to Svetloyar from all over Russia and make an eye crossing around the lake in honor of the holiday of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. By evening, a pagan celebration begins - on the night of July 6 to July 7, the people celebrate the day of Ivan Kupala.

Church of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother on the shore of the lake

People burn fires, let the wreaths on the water stroit and bypass the lake with candles in their hands. There is a belief that if you make a desire and bypass the lake around 3 times, then conceived must be fulfilled. During the Great Patriotic War Women made a pilgrimage around the Lake Svetloyar, praying for the salvation of the lives of sons and husbands who went to the front.

Hypothesis about the emergence of Lake Svetloyar

The mysteriousness of the lake adds the fact that the origin of SVEYAR is not found out so far. The naturalist V. V. Dokuchaev attributed it to the lakes of karst origin. Geologist G. I. Blom after the drilling of the well concluded that Svetloyar is typical ice Lake, which is the residue of the ancient river bed of the Lunda.

Stone with a pile of the Virgin on Lake Svetloyar

Also, a hypothesis was expressed that the reservoir brass was formed as a result of the faults of the earth's crust and the erosion of rocks. In 2009, Svyatoslav Egnalychev, an employee of the St. Petersburg All-Russian Research Geological Institute, published the results of his research confirming the version that the lake was obliged to fall on the land of meteorite. In 1968, the expedition organized by the "literary newspaper" detailed the complex relief of the Svetloyar.

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