How to start cheap and travel yourself to the world: from Europe to the most distant corners. How to travel cheap yourself, tips beginners and not just doing in place

How to decide on the first independent trip abroad. What country to choose not to experience problems, enjoy and save money. Which countries are the easiest to cost to go on your own, if you have it for the first time.

Still look ads of travel agency and listen on the phone revelation manager about paradise rest in Egypt and luxury beaches Pattaya. Perhaps you are ready to exchange hotel reservations Sharm El Sheikh and Antalya On the expanses of Central Turkey; And also, not the best coast of Pattaya with a walk on the evening Beach Road in the company of drunken compatriots on deserted snow white beaches Little Islands and atmosphere of Nordic provinces of Thailand. I do not know the language! I do not know how to drive! I am afraid of unknown in someone else's country! I'm afraid to stay without money! Where to start, in the end, in which country it is worth going for the first time in the absence of experience of independent trips. Approximately such questions ask themselves for novice travelers who increasingly flashes thoughts about treason on the tour operator and independent organization Trips abroad. It is no secret that often, along with the turpaken, they have to look at the local garbage under the window and fall asleep not under the noise of the evening surf waves, but under the sounds of the bulldozer under its window, accompanied by juicy expressions of local builders.

I analyzed about 50 countries in which you could recommend to go to those who want alone to organize a trip - from the moment of buying a ticket and booking housing before making the route. He took the 7 main criteria to make it clearer why these countries actually. I am closer than a 5-point estimate scale, so I will evaluate the criteria on it. Then, by mathematical addition, I chose the country. The result of my reads I want to bring below.

Another point. Why exactly 5 countries? And not, say 7 or 10. Because after visiting these five countries, you will be almost anyway where to go on. Before you will stand only the question of choosing a direction.

So, the criteria for which I studied the possibility of an independent trip by a novice traveler. The order in which these criteria are random without any hidden meaning.

  • Visa regime
  • Language and friendliness of residents.
  • Transport accessibility and convenience of transportation within the country.
  • Interesting country for tourism as a whole.
  • Price level.
  • Safety.
  • Infrastructure and service

Many seemingly easy for the country's visit here did not enlone the same criteria.


  • Turkey Refinite Country for Ukrainians and Russians, so Welcome ( 5 points)
  • here you know English and Russian, the truth only in tourist placesbut for the first time this is enough; ignorance of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the Turkish outback is compensated by the friendliness of local residents and the language of gestures - helps ( 5 points)
  • high-quality highways and a developed bus network, airports in key tourist points, proximity to Ukraine, Russia, Belarus (5 points)
  • tourism is the strong side of Turkey and it is unlikely to convince someone in this (5 points)
  • turkish prices do not affect their low levels, but do not make you think about the insignificance of your income (4 points)
  • in Turkey, it is probably dangerous, probably only long-legged blondes, who also diligently show their other dignity to local hot guys; Everyone else worries about anything ( 4 points)
  • tourist infrastructure and service are almost European and much higher than in south-East Asia; (5 points)

Total scores - 33

How to find budget housing in Istanbul


  • visa on arrival ( 5 points)
  • in Thailand Everywhere understands the basic school English and perfectly own gestures - ( 4 points),since many in school taught French or German ...
  • the organization of internal movements in Thailand is a dream of any traveler. In any place the country can be reached by plane, bus, train, car or water. In addition, all this is favorable cheaply, and information about the traffic circuit is full of profile forums or on the network. The only "but" is far from our edges. Therefore - ( 4 points)
  • personally, I am more interesting for the country's tourism than Thailand I do not know who knows - Share please. Beach, History, Exotic, local kitchen… (5 points)
  • ayland still remains the country is very low prices For all: transport, accommodation, food and services; A small problem for car enthusiasts is a left-hand movement, to which you get used to half an hour, the path to Thailand is also not unclear, so - ( 4 points)
  • in Thailand There is a specially created tourist police, so that if you behave decently - there will be no problems, even in the case of indecent behavior, the probability of problems is equal to the likelihood of snow falling in sugar ( 5 points)
  • here the best is the best - for tourists, the service as a whole will probably have a lot of problems among snobs and those who are accustomed to Arab luxury, but in general on a firm four - 4 points.

Total scores - 31

How to find budget housing in Thailand


  • ukrainians, the Baltic countries, the Israelis visa are not needed, the rest are easily obtained by E-visa visa on arrival (5 points)
  • 100% of residents know English, almost everywhere there are Russian-speaking staff (5 points)
  • Very easy to get to the island itself - a lot of flights from Western and Eastern Europe, as well as from the Middle East. It is even easier to take a car for rent, without him a trip to Cyprus will be incomplete. However, buses also go to the main attractions and there is always the opportunity to buy a tour (5 points)
  • local attractions are evenly distributed throughout the island, but the main thing in Cyprus is beaches and weather, 300 sunny days a year and hundreds of kilometers of beaches around the perimeter. (5 points)
  • prices are slightly higher than in Turkey, but lower than in Greece, for example. (4 points)
  • Cyprus is an absolutely safe island, unless of course not leave the wallet on the towel, leaving to swim. But even in this case great chance that the wallet will remain in its place (verified personally) (5 points)
  • great infrastructure, good service which is an order of magnitude higher than its value (5 points)

Total scores - 34

Cyprus hotels and apartments I am looking through the search engine, the service compares the prices of dozens of booking systems - we have to choose the best offer. In every article or report, I give links to hotels in which I stayed and I liked.

How to buy low cost air tickets to Cyprus

I am looking for and buying on aviasales.. The service chooses the most favorable offers - we have to choose the best, departure time or airline.


  • conceptless country for citizens of Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic countries, the rest needs a Schengen visa - (4 points)
  • english here know no better than most Russians or Ukrainians, the situation saves the community of languages \u200b\u200b- to learn a dozen of the desired phrases in a state even a traffic cop. (4 points)
  • the country is located along the sea, which is considered one of the cleanest, mountains, lakes and the number of monuments of antiquity. (5 points)
  • croatian autobahn some of the best in Europe and nothing to do here, although the bus network is decent ( 4 points)
  • prices are high enough compared to neighboring Montenegro (3 points)
  • in Croatia Absolutely safe (5 points)
  • for Hiltones and other hotel jackets, it's probably not worth going here (exclusion of Dubrovnik), everything else is on a hard fourth (4 points)
Total scores - 29

How to find budget housing in Croatia

B. education housing or hotels in Split , from aviasales. - aggregator who uses me himself. The service selects the most profitable offers - you can choose the best, departure time or airline.

Then this material is exactly for you! Rather, study our advice and turn into a free artist ... more precisely the traveler, however, it's about the same thing!

1. Start with a simple

You can start your journey with neighboring edges

Try to independently plan at least one trip to make sure it is not scary. It is possible to start with a simple: native Russian fenats, the nearest abroad (Baltic States or CIS countries) or some kind of already familiar to the packet tour country. But with little-known and exotic novice directions, it is better not to contact. By the way, for those who have not yet decided on the idea for their travel, we recommend using our new useful service.

2. Find a "accomplice"

Go with a friend on the journey much more fun than one

To put in the adventure, which is the first scoring, much easier and more fun in the company of like-minded people. Pick up a reliable and interesting companion that is not confused in a difficult situation and will not let you get bored, dividing the joy from new impressions. The main thing is not to overdo the number of travelers: the more people, the more difficult to organize them. Ideally take a step in new world Better with experienced people, but this is not necessarily.

3. Understand Finance

Your expenses during the trip need to be able to control

First of all, get a bank card for buying tickets and booking of housing via the Internet. In order to avoid unnecessary currency conversion, we advise you to arrange a ruble card. And on the journey it is better to pay in cash, purchased in advance at a favorable course. To maximize financial Internet operations, you can release a special virtual map. Such often offer ordinary banks or, for example, you can start a map from Yandex money.

In addition, to control and systematize their travel expenses (not only on the map, but also in cash), we advise you to keep travel budget. It can be both a regular notebook or a table in Excel and a special mobile application, like Coinkeeper.

4. Prepare your passport

Do not forget about the visa!

Learn about the requirements for a passport (validity, quantity of pure pages) and the need for a visa to travel to that country where you are going. By the way, the good help in this will be our.

For trips to most countries of the world, a visa can be arranged independently and it is completely simple. It is only necessary to carefully examine the list of necessary documents, and in some cases we recommend also to read the advice of experienced travelers on the Internet.

5. Catch cheapest flights

Each traveler should know how to save on air tickets.

One of the main items of the expenses for the trip are air tickets, so save on them - the holy duty of each scientist. Here are the main rules that will help you find the most profitable air rates:

  • buy tickets in advance, especially for traveling in high season (summer in Europe, winter in Asia, as well as the new year and may holidays); We recommend booking flights on average.
  • view flight options with a transfer, often it turns out cheaper direct flights;
  • be flexible in the choice of dates, often tickets for neighboring days can cost significantly cheaper;
  • it is even better to be flexible and in the choice of countries and, having a list of desired directions, buy tickets there, where the most favorable options will be found;
  • subscribe to the newsletter sites for searching for air tickets and airlines, as well as monitor forums and groups about travel in social networks to always be aware of the shares and sales.

Explore all ways to move to your checkpoint.

An alternative to the aircraft may often be a train or bus. And if the trip will be available at the hotel, because you do not have to pay for the previous night. Bus I. rail companies As well as air carriers are constantly satisfied with the stocks and make discounts. In the United States and Europe, for example, there is the possibility of moving between cities for only $ 1. A ticket for such a price, of course, you need to book as in advance, but, on the other hand, this money is not scary to risk.

8. Take care of health and safety

The presence of alarm insurance - necessarily

The biggest mistake of the scanner is the lack of a special, which will save you if not life, then the wallet is certain. For an ordinary trip, a fairly standard medical policy, and if you are going to play sports in the journey ( skiing, Bike, Surfing, etc.), be sure to place an extended insurance option.

In case of other force majeure situations, we advise you to write down the contacts of the Russian Embassy in the country of destination and emergency telephones, although usually you need more for your own calm.

9. Prepare Technically

In the XXI century, technical equipment can significantly simplify the life of the traveler. We advise you to install a mobile application with offline cards of the necessary cities, and already in place to get a SIM card to access the Internet if necessary. Also very useful will be guidebooks in cities, such as our application.

10. Find out everything about country destination

Compilation of the cultural program Lesson

An important step of preparation for independent trip It is a compilation of cultural (or not very) program. Here is the main thing that we recommend to do:

  • Descend about local attractions and make up approximate routebut do not be afraid and improvise is already in place;
  • Search for free excursions and other tourist entertainment with the mark "FREE", for which we advise you to take advantage of our selection of free cities;
  • In advance, examine the system of local public transport and title titles travel tickets In the original language;
  • Read O. national Kitchen and write out the names of the main dishes to try everything and at the same time be able to eat not only in expensive tourist restaurants with the menu on english language.

11. Prepare for a meeting with the local population.

As a rule, local residents can find out a lot of interesting and useful things.

You will be surprised, but local residents are also a landmark that can tell about their country is not worse than the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower. For minimal communication with foreigners, it is desirable to remember the school course of the English language or at least install an application-translator in the phone. We will not know and get acquainted in advance with local peculiaritiesSuch as mentality and the rules of decency, as well as to find out the dangers that can expect in a new country.

If your level of courage and foreign language allows you to get closer to get acquainted with local residents, Try to do it in advance via the Internet, for example, on the website of the CO UCHSURFING WEACHSURFING Club. So you can get free individual guide And to arrange a real immersion in the culture of the country. By the way, a foreign language is an optional condition for such a dating, because "our people" live worldwide!

12. Start in advance

Do everything in advance!

Independent travel you need to start preparing in advance to have time to work out all the details. In addition, we recall that the advance purchase of tickets and booking housing is often significantly saved by money, time and nerves.

And most importantly - enjoy the process of creating your own travel, otherwise nothing good will not come out of it!

Ecology of life. Leisure: Resting the first time independently is always scary. To make it easier to decide, choose friendly and convenient for traveling country. Best of all - without language barrier. Start from any country from our list and do not notice how the travel agencies will not be needed.

Resting the first time on its own is always scary. To make it easier to decide, choose friendly and convenient for traveling country. Best of all - without language barrier. Start from any country from our list and do not notice how the travel agencies will not be needed.

Prepare for an independent journey is longer than buying a ready tour, but more interesting and not like others. To save on airline tickets, plan moving and find good housing. In this article we collected five ideal countries for first holidays without a batch tour.


Why Latvia:Close and understandable Europe without problems with the language.

What with a visa: For a trip to Latvia, we need a plain Schengen visa.

When to go to Latvia:Best of all in Latvia from May to September. Space on the beach and splash in the Baltic Sea from late June until the end of August. And in December you will get straight on Christmas fairs.

Latvia is abroad, but not quite: here they speak Russian everything from schoolchildren to pensioners.So you will tell you without any problems, how to go to the street, on which the "seventeen moments of spring" and "Sherlock Holmes" were removed. Despite the Russian speech, the atmosphere in Riga and other Latvian cities is European: narrow streets, organ music, castles, motley houses, tower spiers and a pleasant public on a non-sufficient promenade. In order not to miss anything interesting, keep the inner fire of Latvian cuisine. In addition to the cumin cheese and pea with a spicial, you are waiting for an unexpected bread soup with raisins and cinnamon, and also bread ice cream.

Even if you arrive only in Riga for the weekend, consider that the first trip experience in Europe has managed. In addition, from the capital not far to Jurmala: at the same time on the sea rest. The next level is to sit behind the map and plan a trip around the cities, beaches and national parks of Latvia. You can drive on buses and trains - try it easy.

Route in Latvia:

1. Feel in love with Riga.Stroll among the houses in the Latvian Yugendestil, find a monument to the Bremen Musicians, listen to the body at the Dome Cathedral and remember the taste of "Riga Balzam".

2. Hang in Sigulda. Polyhaty on bobslene and ski slopes, Listen to the echo in the Gutman's cave and explore the ruins of the Sigulda Castle. Do not forget about the ruins of Crimulds and with love Restored Turaid Castle.

3. Visit Cesis Castle. Through a narrow screw staircase, pick up the tower. And then flickering candles in hand vintage lamps go to the basement, where there used to be prison.

4. Wander around the streets of Bauski. Lay the elegant Town Hall and consider the ancient guns in the Bausk Castle. At the same time, admire the magnificent Rundhal Palace - to him 15 minutes drive.

5. Exit the sea foam in Jurmala.Get bugged into the sea and drive in the water park, and when the variety will want, go along the trail of a large Kemerous swamp and drive into the cute town of Tukums.


Why Georgia:They speak Russian, preparing awesome Khachapuri and accept guests as relatives.

What with a visa:In Georgia, Russians can carry out without a visa for a whole year. Just do not forget the passport.

When go to Georgia:Georgia is especially beautiful in May-June and from September to October. Take the mountain in the mountains well from June to September, and December-April - it's time to ride skiing.

In Georgia, it is good and calm even those who have not leaving about his own cottage before.Locals are so hospitable that the road is easier to look for in the old way without a navigator, and conversations themselves turn into toasts. Relaxing, notice that the handsome Kazbek swims out of the clouds, the ancient temples are watching from the hills and even the usual stall with Churchhel looks like a treasure chest. The menu in the restaurant wants to sing, and not read: Hinkyi, Lobio, Phali, Adjapsandali, Od Jajuri.

Classes in Georgia will have for everyone.Swim in the sea, go to the mountains, Sit in sulfur baths, wander around cave cities Or arrange a tour of winery. If you want everything immediately - the better. At the same time, make sure that the independent travel has nothing to do with the plot of the film "Survivor".

Route in Georgia:

1. Become your in Tbilisi.Consider carved balconies in the old town, try the healing force sulfur bath In the quarter of Abanotubani, climb the rope to the fortress of the floor, and finally buy a horn for wine on the flea market.

2. Ride on the military-Georgian road. Cross the crusade pass, listen to Gul Terek and fall in love with mountain landscapes. For the night, stop in Stepanminte or in Gratets and swim in Khachapuri overlooking Kazbek.

3. Try wonderful Georgian wines.For two days in Kakheti, you will have time to taste drinks in five or ten wine farms and in winery, and at the same time being impressed with the size of the Quaveris. You can stop in a signal or televi, both towns - like from the picture.

4. Visit Mtskheta - ancient city countries.Put the candle B. cathedral Svetitskhoveli: according to legend, Chiton Lord burned under it. And still climb to the Temple of Jvari, about which Lermontov wrote in "MTSI".

5. Divide in the cave city.In the extension, where Tamaru crown Tamaru, do not alkalize the ancient pharmacy. At Vardzia, take at least half a day to thoroughly explore the secret tunnels, steep stairs and cave temples.

6. Relax to the sea in Batumi. Put the sides of the Sun right on the city beach. Either make a jerk on a minibus and find yourself in the call, Gonio or Sarpi, where the water is blue, and the landscapes are pretty.


Why Thailand:All year round summer, sun, exotic fruits and smiles.

What with a visa: If you do not plan to stay in Thailand longer than a month, the visa is not needed.

When to go to Thailand:From November to February - excellent weather in the north of Thailand. On the Andaman coast - Phuket, Krabi - the season lasts from November to the end of April, then the rains begin. In the Siamese Gulf - Pattaya, Samui, Koh Chang, Hua Hin - well from January to August.

Everything is good that you heard about Thailand, - True. Islands and beaches - full bounty, luxury palaces, the food is unusual and tasty, local friend. Questions are solved by smiles, and the common language can be found with anyone, even if you know English at the level of the first grader. Trains, buses and domestic flights cheap and comfortable, and deal with the closest flight to Bangkok, simplest. Ideal country for the first exotic travel without travel agency.

The simplest thing is to choose a Thai resort, sow on the beach and make several ribbles around the surrounding area. It is more difficult, but more interesting - first drive around several cultural attractions of places, and then relax at sea.

Thailand route:

1. Explore Bangkok.Take the lying Buddha in Wat Po, ride on a river taxi over clonges canals, Castle Waran in Lympini Park and climb from the gloss of the Royal Palace.

2. Select to Autthai - the ancient capital of Siam. Stroll among the existing Buddhist temples and atmospheric ruins overgrown with trees. At night you can stay in Ayutthai or return to Bangkok.

3. Take a course on Chiang Mai. Scubin cute baubles on the night market, die in the zoo, make a circle around Wat Chedion Luang in the Old Town and meal dawn on Mount Doy-Intanon.

4. Set in the bungalow among rice fields.In Pai, go for pastoral silence, hot springs and waterfalls. If you want to see the whole valley, climb to a huge white buddha on the mountainside.

5. Get a bronze tan on Phuket. Swells on the beach and alloy on the boat on the Similan Islands. And try Durian, shoot on elephants and leave the other person from a massage session.

Czech Republic

Why the Czech Republic:One of the most inexpensive and beautiful countries Europe. Many know Russian, especially in Prague. And after a pair of Czech beer mugs, you can easily communicate in any language.

What with a visa:Need Schengen, which is easy to get.

When to go to the Czech Republic:The most pleasant weather is from May to October. In December, in Prague - in the region of 0 and a whole month, the magic aromas of Christmas bazaars are sparkling.

Czech Republic justifies expectations: This is a fairy tale country. On the streets of Prague beautiful and atmospheric, Karlovy Vary seemed to have changed since the times Goethe and Beethoven, in the castles probably live ghosts, and beer is much more tastier than Czech foam, which is sold from us. In addition, resting in the Czech Republic is significantly cheaper than in neighboring Germany and Austria. And if you do not figure it out with the go, what dumplings and the "Wenrevo Knee" are, in many restaurants you will bring menu in Russian.

To fall in love with the Czech Republic, the weekend is enough in Prague.This is a good option for the first time: you do not need to bother with route, transport and hotels in different cities. If you penetrate, look for tickets to the Czech Republic for a week or two and open for yourself other faces of the country: from the mineral resorts to the reserve with the truthful name "Czech paradise". You can navigate on buses and trains, or take the car for rent.

Route in the Czech Republic:

1. Feel the spirit of old Prague.In the capital of the Czech Republic, you should admire the Prague Country, to make a desire on the Karlovy Bridge, climb on watching Tower Petrshin, penetrate the gloomy kafki museum and visit Lemurs in the zoo.

2. Transfer to the Middle Ages in the town of Kutna Mount.Consider stained glass windows in the Cathedral of the Saint Barbara, descend into a silver mine and count the skulls on the chandelier in the chapel of all saints, finished by human bones.

3. Admire the Gothic castle Karlstein. It stands greatly on a wooded hill near Prague. Inside the castle is allowed only with an excursion, but learn the story of Karlstein ghost - White Pani.

4. Correct health in Karlovy Vary. Immerse yourself in thermal waters and try mineral water from a dozen sources. Do not forget about the 13th: Locals assure that the Licker "Becherovka" also burst and pursues.

5. Find out how Czech beer is boiled. In Plzen, the beer capital of the Czech Republic, do not limit the drink tasting in the pub. Take a look at the salt-dryer and medieval cellars in the brewing museum, and at the Pilsner Urquell plant through the real casting workshop.

6. Visit the festival in Cesky-Krumlov. At the festival of five-point roses, everyone is dressed in medieval costumes, and in the squares arrange knightly tournaments.

7. Return to Nature in the Czech paradise. In this reserve you are waiting for steep cliffs from sandstone, a thick forest, scenic paths and destructive ones in the view of the castles, the most famous of which are canes.


Why Montenegro: Sea resort in Europe without a visa and linguistic barrier.

What with a visa:If the trip is shorter than 30 days, you do not need a visa to Montenegro. After arrival, it is necessary to register during the day - usually this makes the owners of hotels.

When to go to Montenegro: It is best to come in May-June and in September-October. In July and August on the coast, hot and crowds of tourists, but well in the mountains. You can swim from mid-May to early October.

Little and cozy Montenegro seemed to have drawn from the postcard.Elegant medieval cities, transparent Adriatic Sea, Mountains with combped pines and magic lakes - in Montenegro beautifully everywhere. In addition, it is also inexpensive: it is thorough to dine in a cafe for $ 20 for two, and if you move away from the embankment, then even cheaper. There will be no problems with understanding: many speak Russian. And you can easily figure out the local language: for example, coffee - Kafa, and Moloko - Mleko.

Best traveling in Montenegro by car. Ride one bay to another, while studying the sights. If you like the mountains, leave a biggest time to the country's continental part. You can spend the night at least every day in a new place. And if you do not want to spend time looking for housing, select "Base", from where it will be convenient to ride in interesting places in one day. This work will not be: everything is close in Montenegro.

Route in Montenegro:

1. Start with a charming cat. Rear to the fortress wall, hide stone bridges, admire the Venetian style of palaces and churches and choose the best route on the market for local.

2. Ride over the cities of Boko-Kotor Bay.Only, chur, without a tight program. Stay where you want to look at home with red tiled roofs and stay on the veranda cafes over a glass of wine.

3. Travel to Mount Lock. Upstairs you will find a great view of almost all Montenegro, especially with observation deck For the Mausoleum of Neshev. Do not forget to capture the windbreaker: in the mountains, even in the summer.

4. Enjoy the Adriatic Sea.Examine the coast from Budva to Ultsin, take care of the romantic bays and lose the bill of time in the towns, see bougainvillia.

It will be interesting for you:

12 French comedies for excellent mood

5. Early Nature in national Park "Durmitor".Get on the forest path to the Black Lake, pay and type strawberries. And if you take with you trekking shoes and subname, you can overcome the bobotov-cook.

6. Best in the monastery of Ostrog - one of the most important Orthodox shrines Montenegro.We certainly raise to the upper monastery to see the temple in the cave on a sheer cliff.published

Choosing a country

The choice of travel space is a purely individual thing, I usually focus on a few moments when choosing a country for a new trip. First, it is desirable that this is a new country for me or a place where I have never been, secondly, you need to think about what you can do there, what sights there are or what you can do (I prefer Active rest), but in third, you need to pay attention to various promotions from airlines, when the price of tickets to some particular place can be very profitable. Sometimes the country's choice happens quite by chance: may invite friends, or get caught cheap Ticket On the plane or I can read some interesting book about this country, the reasons may be countless, it doesn't have much importance to me where to fly, the main thing is that it is interesting. With basic information about different countries We can read on the site.

Search for air ticket

The next step after selecting the direction is to search for a suitable and preferably cheap air ticket. First of all, you need to check whether the airline-discounters (low cost airlines fly the selected direction (low cost airlines) fly in the selected direction, such as Ryanair, such companies usually offer cheapest flights, but it is advantageous. After checking low-cost airlines, it is necessary to search flight tickets for ordinary airlines, all airlines are not allowed to check out, so it is better to use search engines search engines that collect information about the price from a plurality of airline airline and sales agencies and issue it in convenient video. With the help of such search engines, air tickets are very easy to find the cheapest options (sentences are sorted by price) in the desired direction. There are several such search engines and mostly all of them have a similar functionality, but I'm used to use and for 3 years I am looking for and buying tickets through them. Searching a cheap ticket is very simple, just enter the direction you need and choose the flight dates. (You can familiarize yourself with detailed instructions About, ). There, the site publishes promotions and special offers from airlines - it is very convenient for those who have not yet decided where he wants to go on a journey. Sometimes you can fly to Europe for 5,000 rubles with all the charges back and back for the promotion of some airline.

I have been buying air tickets for 4 years exclusively on the Internet - it is much easier and more convenient, the whole process of purchase takes no more than 5 minutes and do not go anywhere. During this time, hundreds of tickets over the Internet were bought by me and never had any problems with it. To buy only a bank card, which can be paid on the Internet.

Another advice, for those who live in Moscow or St. Petersburg - check the price and flights (arrival) from Moscow (or other major cities closest to you), it may be significantly cheaper.

If you are looking for a ticket to a popular tourist destination, you can also check the last minute flight offers for charter flights, this can be done for example.

Search and choose hotel

Different hotel reservation sites work in different ways, someone suggests immediately pay for the hotel, and someone books without prior payment, and you need to pay directly when settled, the first option gives more guarantees that the room for you will be booked, and in the second Case Book is easier to cancel.

The search and booking and booking process is similar to the search for tickets, the main difficulty in this is to find the most suitable option (In the case of hotels in this can help feedback).

Independent receipt of a visa

In the world of 130 countries, where the Russians do not need a visa or visa is put on arrival - this is more half of the world! (With a full list visa-free countries can be found in Wikipedia)

At the same time, there are countries that are of great interest to travelers, but where you need to receive a visa (USA, Europe, China, etc.), but the process of obtaining a visa is much easier than it seems at first glance or how they want to imagine Travel agencies. I independently received a visa in the United States (2 times), Europe (in France), China, Myanmar, and in no case there was no need to contact a travel agency. All the work of travel agencies is to send documents to the visa center and for it they take quite a lot of money. When I needed a visa to France, I saw the sentences a travel agencies that reached a 500-600 euros for help in the design of a visa, it's just robbery! I myself gathered the necessary documents and went to the Visa Center of France in Moscow. After 3 days I received a ready-made Schengen visa, it cost me 70 euros (35 Euro consular gathering and 35 euros of the Visa Center services). You can contact the consulate directly, then the visa will take more time, but you can save 35 euros.

The process of obtaining a visa is very simple and described on the sites of embassies (or consulates) of the relevant country. All you need is to find the site of the embassy (or the visa center closest to you, if there is such a), look at it a list of documents necessary for obtaining a visa and make an appointment (if necessary). Most often to obtain a visa enough passports, air tickets, booking hotels and insurance. After that, you just need to pass the documents and wait for you a visa. There is nothing complicated in this. It is especially easy to independently get a Schengen visa, given that recently there are many new visa centers of European countries throughout the country.

It is worth noting that in some countries (such as Japan) without services, travel agency to get a visa is much more complicated, so in this case the appeal to the tourist company can be justified.

Language problem

One of the main problems that stops people from independent travel is insufficient knowledge of English (de facto English - international language) language. But it seems to me that most overestimate the importance of this problem. Yes, ignorance of the English language can complicate a little ride, but it cannot make an independent trip impossible. I had to be in places where the local population did not speak English and then it was necessary to explain gestures - it is certainly harder, but it's even more interesting. In Thailand often had to see russian touristswho came to relax on the tourist ticket and do not speak in English at all, so these tourists walk around the city well, buy fruits in local markets, while they speak Russian, and Thai answer them in Thai, and everyone understands each other perfectly . Gesture language is a very universal language and they can be explained by almost everything. I will also give two examples from your experience. In China, I once met the Irishman who was going to drive from Irkutsk to Moscow to second-class car, During our meeting, he learned five Russian words - that's all he knew in Russian. And another time in the train coupe, I met the Swiss, who was driving in Tobolsk one, not a little, that he in English spoke very badly (but in Russia knowledge of English could help a foreigner, especially in the province), so he did not say at all In Russian, but this did not prevent him from driving from Moscow to Beijing by train, making stops in many Russian cities and studying them on their own. Upon returning to Switzerland, he wrote to me that he really liked this journey and he was just delighted.

There is no language problem - there are only fear of this problem.

Search for information. What to do and what to visit.

If you prefer to ride excursions organized, then on most popular tourist destinations Such excursions can be ordered on site from local companies (with the Russian-speaking guide), most often, it will be cheaper than ordering excursions from the tourocked key in which you bought a ticket. In countries such as Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, there are plenty of local companies that can be happy to organize a sightseeing program for you, but I would suggest going through the sights yourself, for this you only need to arm a guide.

But I would recommend it yourself to hire a local guide for individual excursionit may be a bit more expensive than a group excursion, but you can get individual service and, for sure, very interesting impressions. Programs from independent guides are most often more exclusive and you can visit places that may never see themselves or with a group. There are several sites where you can find and order an excursion from independent local guides, I recommend the Russian Website that has already proven itself from the good side.

Insurance for traveling abroad and security

Purchase of vouchers in a travel agency does not give absolutely no security guarantees. Your calm is only in your hands, and a travel agency cannot provide any additional security. Most accidents are just happening with those who arrived in an organized tour, as they have a false sense of security and they lose their vigilance.

When traveling abroad, always make out the insurance policy for traveling abroad, it can be done quickly and inexpensively (less than 1 dollars a day). For registration of a visa to Europe (Schengen visa) and in many other visa countries, the purchase of insurance is obligatory. You can arrange an insurance policy in almost any insurance company or, even easier, insurance can be issued via the Internet. You can compare the proposals of insurance companies and arrange an online insurance on the site, there you can choose the most advantageous offer from the largest insurance companies (in more detail with the instruction of choosing and buying insurance you can find in the article -). The electronic insurance policy has the same legal force as the paper policy. In the presence of insurance Polisa.In case of an accident, you will need to call the phone indicated in the policy and there will give all instructions, what to do next, and if necessary, will cause a doctor. Take care of your safety yourself, no one except you will do it.

What are the advantages of independent travel, compared to tour packages?

The main advantages of independent travel is freedom and low cost. You yourself fully control your journey, you eat wherever you want, and not where your guide will tell you. You do not have to live in the same place throughout the holiday, if you want to move to another place or another hotel, then you can easily do it. With an independent journey, you will never fall into a situation where your tour company went bankrupt and did not pay accommodation at the hotel. I think, everyone remembers when hundreds of tourists around the world could not return home and they were not released from hotels, demanding to pay for accommodation - this is not possible with independent tourism in principle, since everything is controlled only you.

Travel independently is cheap, the price of your trip depends only on you and your preferences. You do not need to pay unnecessary services. travel companiesYou can always choose the most advantageous offer. Let's compare the cost of independent travel and a tour package on a specific example. Take one of the most popular destinations - the resort of Pattaya (Thailand) and the largest TEZTOUR Tour operator. Suppose we want to go to Pattaya in early November for 7 days (departure on November 6th), one of the proposals of the tour of the company includes flight from Moscow, transfer and 7 nights in hotel Welcome. Plaza 3 * with breakfast, the price for this Turpaket is 68086 rubles for 2 people. Now let's see how much it should be if we went on our own. We go to the site and looking for the flight Moscow-Bangkok with departure in early November by 2 people, as a result we receive the price of 42880 rubles for two. Then we are looking for a hotel on the site, enter the name of Welcome Plaza and dates in the beginning of November, we receive the price of 9035 rubles for 7 nights with double placement. Bus from Bangkok Airport to Pattaya costs about 100 rubles per person. Thus, the total cost of the trip with independent planning is obtained by 52115 rubles, which is 15971 rubles cheaper that the turpaket, which offers a travel agency. This is a simple mathematics, but to solve you.

Or, for example, another popular destination - Cuba. At the beginning of October (departure 2.10.12) Package with flight, transfer and accommodation at Vedado 3 * (hotel reviews by the way are not very good, but you will not have a chance of changing it) Teztour costs 113256 rubles for two. If we conduct a search, as we did, we will get that the flight of Moscow-Havana-Moscow on Dovih for these dates is 72381 rubles, and the same hotel for 7 nights costs 11311 rubles, which gives 83692 rubles, and this Almost 30,000 rubles are less than the proposal of the tour of the company.

And if you take a non-standard route, which, with independent planning, is organized very easily, then its purchase in a travel agency can be at times more expensive.

In rare cases, it happens that at some particular destination there are no affordless air tickets and then it turns out that it may be more profitable to use the tourist ticket. But this happens quite rarely, and over time it will be even less often, especially against the background of the fact that this year tour operators have significantly increased the cost tourist vouchers Against the background of bankruptcies of large turcompany and raising the dollar.

In fact, you pay travel agencies for the following services:

  1. Flight. Often with old aircraft with poor service, but you can not change anything and choose the airline.
  2. Hotel. You will not be able to change the hotel if you do not like it or you want to leave somewhere.
  3. Transfer from the airport to the hotel on a common bus.
  4. Visa. If the visa country (and there are not so many such), then you will collect documents and send to the visa center, but they cannot guarantee a successful receipt of a visa.
  5. Excursions. You can offer excursions, but the price of them will be more than more than if you went to the same places on our own or through local tour desk.

On this services, the operator's tour ends. No one will help you to communicate with the store or on the market, if you do not know the language, you should also wait for help from a guide if an accident happens to you, they are not obliged to help you, it is not included in the list of their services. Is it really, after reading this article, you will not be able to organize your journey yourself, making it cheaper and more interesting?

If, I still did not convince you that you're better to travel on my own, and you still intend to go on vacation by a ticket, I recommend you to get acquainted with the instructions - "" in order not to spend time on travel agencies, and easy and convenient to find and book all online.


The most difficult thing is to take the first step, but it's only once once to go somewhere yourself and you will never want to buy batch organized tours. Do not delay it for later, start planning your next trip your own on your own and you will see that it is much easier, cheaper and more interesting than it seems at first glance.

PS: If you have any questions or you want to clarify something, ask in the comments, it is important for us to know whether this material has been useful and what can be supplemented. Share this article with your friends through social networks, let them also learn how to just go abroad on their own.

How to travel cheap yourself? How to start where to rent accommodation, how to buy cheap tickets? I will try to answer these and other questions, based on my own experience.

Remember that a lot of time is required to organize a good independent travel, but such a journey gives complete freedom of action and can embody your dreams.

Is it cheaper to travel yourself?

An independent trip will not always be cheaper (but in 60% -70% of cases it will be much cheaper) than to go through the ticket, where it is not necessary to think and everything has long been invented. But the impressions of the "batch holiday" will never be equal to the impressions and emotions obtained from the trip planned personally by you. And this is the first and main plus self-travel.

If you are going to the first independent journey, be sure to read on!

How to travel cheap yourself and how to organize an unforgettable journey?

Airplane tickets

For me, the organization of an independent travel usually begins to find tickets to the desired destination. Moreover, it is not necessary for plane tickets to this country / city.

For example, if we talk about Europe, then there are distances between cities and even countries relatively small. And the difference in prices for tickets between them can be a solid amount.

Very often it happens that the difference in the cost of a plane ticket is not only to get from one city to another, and also live there for several days. And by the way, the flights in Europe are very cheap (often cheaper than another transport), fly 2.5 hours for 1000 rubles - there is normal.

Thus, open the map, see which there are a number of town and build a route. Of course, there will be people who do not need all these troubles.

If the final price of the intermediary and the airline is identical or different, then it is better to buy tickets on the airline's website to avoid trouble. By the way, when buying tickets at S7, the application has a promotional code S7App (2-3% of the tariff), a trifle, and nice.

  • are looking for the best prices on the flight;
  • check prices for tickets from / to neighboring cities;
  • compare the cost of tickets on the search engine website and on the official website of the selected airline;
  • do not forget to search for a purchase promotion;
  • we use fantasy in the development of the route!

Check prices for tickets to neighboring cities and countries. Check prices on airlines and multipoys sites. Try to scarce the route.

Drawing up the route of the independent travel

When the initial and end items become known, it's time to take up the travel route to erase. You should not hurt a gallop and change cities every day, but I don't like to sit for a long time in one place personally. Learn the information on the Internet, forums, blogs - the sea of \u200b\u200binformation and ideas.

I always use the forums for the and the Viness Forum. Various blogs are searching.

Forums and blogs are an excellent source for making routes.

Tickets for transport between cities and / or countries need to be sought on the websites of local carriers. If you really want to save, you will have to sweat in finding the best offers. Or you can simply take advantage of the popularity of the project, which will help you to offer prices and train tickets and aircraft, compare prices and duration of the trip (works in Europe)!

  • we are looking for information on the Internet, I advise, Vine's Forum, Tripavisor;
  • you can buy or download a guidebook with finished routes;
  • we find the best options for moving between cities.

Choice of attractions and interesting places for independent travel

To at least a little orient to the city, it is enough to make a list of the main attractions and other places interesting to you (you can also first note them in Google MEPS or print / buy a map). In this list, you need to celebrate the places you want to see in advance, and plan their visit to the first days of stay in the city. It is worth learn open hours, weekends, days when the entrance is free (and it happens).

Again, turn on the fantasy. You are no longer required to blindly follow the tourist program and escape to inspect the attraction with the dried language, because in an hour you are already meeting the bus. Independence and Own management is the fourth plus self-journey.

Information about the sights I again draw mostly from the Internet. In addition, for large cities, you can download / buy a guide (I usually download and look at the subject of "missed" on the Internet).

Sometimes the choice of hotels is completely hard (for small towns). Then you can search the official site of the city, on which, usually, you can find a list of hotels - and search for directly.

Can return 1000 rublesBy booking housing on Buking on my link.

If you are going to rent a car, learn about parking information. In some cities in Europe, entry into the city center on the car is prohibited, in many challenges with parking lots (not to mention the fact that they are paid). For example, in the center of Amsterdam, only a daily subscription to parking will cost 30 euros!

The ability to go anywhere and in any time using public transportAnd even better rented car is the sixth plus self-journey!

  • we study prices for travel, possible options for travel;
  • we think, and not buy a tourist card?
  • for those who are on the car - be sure to find out the situation with parking!

In advance, examine the types of transport and tickets, discount cards. This will not spend time on the proceedings in place.

Travel Visa in Europe

Many are frightened by the words of the visa and pay two or three times more money to firms dealing with visas. In fact, the registration of a visa to Europe is not terrible. IN major cities There have been multivitis centers for a long time, where you can consult and submit documents yourself (first of all speech about Schengen).

The main rule when choosing a country of receiving a visa - documents are submitted to the country in which you will be longer than just. With the same number of days in several countries, preference is given to the country of the first entrance.

When the feed country decided, learn the list of documents (for tourist visa It is usually plane tickets and other transport; armor hotel / apartments; Confirmation of solvency - a certificate from the bank, a letter from the sponsor, a certificate of purchase of currency; medical insurance; Help on employment; photos).

Insurance without unnecessary rungun can be issued on the site comparison and selection of insurance. All options are available to be decomposed, you can compare several insurance. In my experience, buying through this site is even cheaper (drawn up in the office for 10 days - 1010 rubles came out, another time I bought it through the site for 15 days for 740 rubles and with a large number of options)!

Well, then you collect it all and give, better in advance. In my experience from filing documents before receiving a passport, there is an average of 2 weeks. If you do not get the first Schengen, it is better to request a multivitz, and there the consul will understand.

Seventh Plus Self-Travel - Visa Registration for "Honest" price, the ability to choose insurance with the options you need from any insurance, and even a discount.

  • we find out if there is a visa / consular center in your city;
  • choose a country to obtain a visa;
  • we learn a list of necessary documents;
  • download the questionnaire on the website, print on the specified rules (from two sides) and fill out;
  • print the plane tickets, if any - for the train, bus or confirmation of the armor armor;
  • print confirmation of hotel or apartment booking confirmation;
  • we take a job certificate for employment;
  • in the bank we receive a certificate of account status (sometimes there is enough discharge from the ATM + photocopy of the front side of the card) or leave a certificate about the purchase of currency;
  • we choose and make insurance, print it;
  • we take pictures on a visa (sometimes you can do right in the visa center);
  • we take it all the necessary amount of money to pay for duties and go to file documents!

If you have a visa center in your or near city - do not overpay by intermediaries, submit documents yourself! It is not at all difficult. And it is better to immediately ask the multivitz.

What to take on an independent trip, more precisely, that you should not take on a journey

You do not need to take with you 3 suitcase things. Think, do you need a lot of clothes for 2-3 weeks? Considering that everything and everywhere can be bought if necessary.

For many years I traveled with a small backpack - and there were always extra things! Remember that now the trend is such that for extra kilograms and additional bags often have to pay. Typically, the size of the suitcase (backpack), which can be brought as a manual sting - 55x40x20 cm, up to 10 kg.

It is also worth considering that it is impossible to carry liquids into manual sting (including cream) in containers, over 100 ml with a total volume of more than 1 liter. And it is better to add all the fluids into one package / cosmetic bag and do not remove far - may ask to show. I just overflow everything in small bottles left of hotels. :) Similar bottles can be purchased in the store.

  • we think about a reasonable list of things;
  • we buy medicines on the road (just in case, of course);
  • necessarily !!! We study the rules of the airline (minimum read, which is written in the flight);
  • we remove all liquids more than 100 ml of hand luggage (including cream) or spill on a small bottle;
  • we collect a suitcase, it is desirable to check the weight before departure to the airport.

Take a reasonable minimum of things. So you will be more mobile and save when flying.

That's all the main points when planning an independent travel. Believe me, following these simple tips, you can travel on your own and cheap!

Just think about how much money you are overpaying travel agencies only for the fact that some uncle / aunt will "drive you for the handle" from the bus to the next attraction. And often even consider the attraction. You will not succeed, because it is time to go to another!

Planning a trip on your own, you can do everything as you want!

And profitable flights A special search engine can help.

And do not forget to make out insurance Every time you go on a trip! I always make a policy right through the Internet, and I recommend to select favorable options on a special site.

I hope this article helped you find out how to travel cheap yourself. If the article was useful to you, please Share her with your friends in social networks Using a special button below.

Bright travel!

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