How many Seychelles are where they are. Seychelles - Where is it? The desired list of documents for receiving a ticket

It is possible to notice the small Seychelles on the world map only with a detailed consideration. Modern travelers became more educated, so for vacation they choose the most attractive and exotic places. Among the tourists there is an increase in popularity beach holidays In Seychelles, ignoring the fact that a few years ago, the average Russian did not even know how they were. Territorial republic Seychelles is considered by island state East Africa, which is locally accommodated near the Equator in Indian Ocean. To speak more precisely, the archipelago is located on the part of Kenya 1,600 kilometers from African mainland.

To understand where the Seychelles are located, you can also focus on a rather large island called Madagascar, which is a bit south. Not far from Seychelles, the island of Reunyuk and Mauritius, in the northeast - Maldives, and the South-West are also located on the south side. Comoros. The Republic of China includes 115 islands, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 455 square kilometers. Of the total number of only 33 islands having a granite structure are populated. Their relief is very diverse, there are more hills and mountains. The remaining territories are unsuitable for year-round residence, however, tourists often stop there who want to temporarily reunite with nine clean nature. They are different forms coral atolls. Some of them are covered with various tropical vegetation, some completely deserted.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe largest island of MAE is equal to 142 square meters. It is located on it and the capital of the Republic is the city of Victoria. The large dimensions of the granite plot of land allowed to accommodate the airport of Seychelles of international importance.

Tourists come here from around the world round year. The proximity of the Equator makes itself felt. The archipelago, surrounded by water, is distinguished by a soft, warm climate, despite the fact that most tropical countries are distinguished by high humidity and burning heat. Here the sunny days are dominated when the sky is absolutely cloudless.

How to get to the Seychelles

After the tourists understand where Seychelles are on the world map, they start looking for options, as possible to get there. It should be immediately noted that there are no direct flights from any other city of Russia, therefore travelers, as a rule, are first sent to:

  1. London.
  2. Milan.
  3. Paris.

From the listed european capitals You can get to the capital, where guests take main Airport country. If tourists assume vacation on another island, they need to book a ticket local airlines. You can also move within the republic on a steamer, a ticket to which you can buy, arriving in place. In addition, you can get to any resort on a helicopter, but this method is considered the most expensive.

As a rule, the capital of Seychelles is hospitably welcomed its guests. Before the trip, there is no need to design a visa, it is put on arrival and is a seal with the image of the fetal of the local palm of Coco de Mer. This plant, as well as the currency of the Seychelles, is an exclusively local symbol, which is depicted not only on visa printing, but also the coat of arms, as well as most postcards and souvenirs. A tourist should not pay duty fees. To go through the border without additional questions, it suffices to prevent passport control officer with a printout confirming the hotel reservation as well as the return tickets. Serious interrogations usually do not happen.

Weather in Seychelch

Seychelles are considered one of the paradise where tourism flourishes all year round. The main reason is excellent weather conditions, which, in combination with a unique fauna and Flora, make any journey to the island republic unforgettable. The proximity of the equator to the archipelago does not affect local weather. The local climate, according to logic, should be subequatorial, but it is rather possible to be called tropical. The strongest exposure to it is the water of the Indian Ocean. Thanks to them, Seychelles do not know what excessive moisture is, as well as the grueling heat.

If we consider the weather in the Seychelles by months, it is worth noting that the air temperature indicator is extremely rarely rises above +35 degrees and falls below +23. It must be remembered that the republic is located in the southern hemisphere, so the seasons of the year there they do not quite coincide with our. For this reason, it is difficult to divide the weather for months adequately, it is easier to allocate two main seasons, each of which is comfortable for recreation:

  1. A dry season characterized by the lack of precipitation and a decrease in air temperature lasts from early June to early October.
  2. The hot season with high humidity lasts from November to April. It is characterized by frequent shower. Precipitation predominantly falls out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elevations of granite islands.

There are also two intermediate periods falling into October and May. These months are considered ideal for holidays. The offseason is characterized by the lack of rains, as well as temperature fluctuations. In addition, it pleases not only the weather of the Seychelles, but also the ocean, whose waters are calm and clean. In winter, the resorts are influenced by the North-West Passops, which are from the ocean. Roast air flows run from the African continent. However, it is worth noting that most rains are quickly replaced by the bright sun.

Months can be characterized as follows:

  1. December is the hottest period. Tropical shower helps to easily survive heat. Humidity can rise to 80 - 100 percent, but it is not felt, does not bring discomfort.
  2. January is considered the rainy month when more than 400 mm precipitation falls.
  3. February is great for excursion walks. After intense rains, local landscapes turn lush vegetation.
  4. March is characterized by the increased activity of local fauna, whose representatives are accustomed to tourists and are not afraid of them.
  5. April is considered to be a period when the wind changes occurs, and the season changes in the Seychelles, which becomes madless. The month is ideal for fishing or diving, since the rains are extremely rare, and the ocean is completely calm.
  6. Mai becomes the peak of the season when the influx of tourists is above all.
  7. June is the first month of the local winter. The water temperature is almost the same with air temperature and is +26 degrees.
  8. July is considered the descendant and cold month, and also characterized by the restless state of the ocean. This time is ideal for surf lovers. The flow of tourists is minimal, so prices are significantly reduced.
  9. August completes the tropical winter.
  10. September is a period when migration flies of birds is happening, which looks very impressive.
  11. October refers to the offseason, so ideal for swimming and beach holidays. The difference between the night and daytime temperatures is practically absent, the ocean water is calm.
  12. November is considered the beginning of a hot, wet season, when the shower go daily, but after half an hour after the end of the rain, the sun shines brightly.

Warm ocean waters, rich vegetation and soft climate is great for perfect vacation. Therefore, choose when it is better to go to the Seychelles rest, you can exclude the time of year.

Seychel beaches

The coastline is almost fully occupied by world-famous Seychelles, where there are all the conditions for a first-class holiday, as well as practicing various sports. Everything you need sport equipment You can rent a hotel or right on the beach. On the island of Praslin, the Beach of Côte d'or, which is also known as the Golden Beach. Here holidays can visit the diving center. You can enjoy a fabulous sunset on Beau Vallon Beach Island Mahe. The coastline of the Ans-Lazio Bay is different, on the island of La Dig, you can watch such an unusual phenomenon like pink sand, various fish dwells, therefore deep-water fishing is developed. An abundance of places where tourists can spend time from water very widely, therefore it is noted that the accumulations of people are almost completely absent.

The beaches of the republic are the main attractions of the Seychelles, so most of the holidaymakers go to enjoy the tropical sun near the ocean. To make the rest as much as possible, it is recommended to choose the right time for vacation, for example, to travel in October or May.

Today russian tourists They are more educated, so try to choose the most exotic and attractive places for recreation. One of these places are Seychelles that are becoming increasingly popular. And if until recently, many Russians did not even guesses where the Seychelles are located, now the majority of Russian tourists can easily show them on the world map.

Where are they?

Many nations on Earth have legends about the once existed paradise on Earth. Some of them can be considered completely invented, and some still should pay their attention. Especially if it concerns some regions located closer to the Equator, where there is no longer a man. It is this place that the Seychelles are the islands, which are quite often called the "paradise on earth".

When the word "Seychelles" is used, it should be borne in mind that this is not a single island, but a whole archipelago, which is located in the endless ocean expanses.

In words, it will be quite difficult to describe their location, because the Indian Ocean is quite large. It is best to take a visual allowance and see where the Seychelles are located on the world map, - she will be the best assistant to solve this issue.

If we talk in general, then you can immediately say that these islands located in the Indian Ocean closer to the equator. And if we are more precise, then this is the western part of this ocean, approximately 1600 km from the eastern part of African mainland, from Kenya. The next most significant landmark is big Island Madagascar, located a little further south. In the relative proximity to Seychelles there are such fairly significant objects as the islands of Mauritius and Reunyuk, which are located on to the south. Further to the southwest is the Comoros, and northeast.

What are the Seychelles are the islands?

Seychelles are a republic, which includes 115 islands.having different areas. For tourists who wish to become modern Robinsons, there is an opportunity to fulfill their dream, because among all Seychelles only 33 of them are populated and they have a granite structure. They have many mountains and hills. All the rest have long been known, but nobody lives on them, so there can be one whole with nature, settling for the entire period of your vacation or at least for several days. They are small coral atols; Some of them are completely deserted, and the part is covered with tropical vegetation.

The area of \u200b\u200ball these islands is 455 km². Here there are both small coral islands and quite large. The largest island from this archipelago is Mahe. Its area is 142 km² and it is located the capital called Victoria. Due to its big sizes on the island there is an international airport. Among the others big Islands You can call:

  • Silhouette,
  • Praslin,
  • Aldab
  • La Dig.

Some researchers believe that in fact the most large island is not Mahe, but Aldab. The population of Seychelles is not too large, only about 90 thousand people.

What is so manitis tourists to Seychelles?

Many people who find out where the Seychelles are located, wish to visit here. And in this, there is nothing surprising, as to visit the resort, where the sun shines almost all year round and you can swim in the ocean - the dream of any tourist. Here exotic nature, which is impossible to find in any region on the planet. Travelers from all over the world come here; And not only from Europe or America, but also from Asia.

Thanks to the beautiful natural landscape with a rather exotic Flora and the Fauna Seychelles, they have a leading position among all other islands of the world.

The most remarkable plants that are found in the archipelago quite often, are the Seychelian palm trees and the sea coco, - the fruits can weigh up to 20 kg. One of the best is the island silhouette, so many tourists prefer to choose it for rest. This choice affects the fact that here the natural landscape almost did not suffer from the hand of a person and we can assume that people live completely away from the benefits of civilization.

Especially these islands are attractive to divers, because here you can find some of the most beautiful underwater lagun. Here the water is so transparent that, even at a distance of several tens of meters from the coastal band, you can see a good seaside bottom. Fishes are not completely afraid of a person plunged into the water, so during such dives you can admire hundreds of various types of fish, corals, and bizarre seaweed. There is a very wonderful cuisine that can amaze any gourmet.

How can I get to the Seychelles?

Those Russian tourists who recognize where the Seychelles are located, they immediately try to figure out what way you can get there. Neither from Moscow, nor from another Russian city direct flight To Seychelles. In most cases, tourists fly at first to:

  • Zurich

and already from there take a ticket for one of the flights of national airlines. Only in this way, you can get to the island of MAE, where the main airport is the country's main airport.

If you need to get on any other big island of this archipelago, you need to book a ticket from local airport plane. But you can get to the islands and on the ferry, - here the ticket must be purchased only by arrival at MAE. There is another pretty interesting option to get to the resort located on one of the islands on the helicopter.

In order not to lose your time as possible in search of the necessary air carrier, you should buy tickets in advance. And until the destination item itself, as it will cost cheaper. Moreover, it is best to draw up the entire route where it should be specified not only significant points Appointments, but also time of arrival and departure, as well as all dates. Only this way can not lose time on the road.

When it is best to relax in the Seychelles

You can relax here all year round, because thanks to the proximity of the equator and surrounding from all sides with water climate on all islands is very soft and warm. Although tropical countries are distinguished by suffocating heat and high humidity, there are no such negative factors on the Seychelles. The climate here can be called not just tropical, but monsoon, so the bright sun shines almost all year round here.

At this resort, you can clearly allocate 2 seasons. The first one is starting from May and September. At this time, coolness feels and humidity falls. At this time, rains are quite rare and the temperature on average is holding +25 degrees Celsius. The second season - from November and is characterized by a period of monsoons that come from the northeast. At this time, it is raining, but the air temperature rises to +30 degrees. If you choose the most convenient time to relax, then it will be months May and October. In these two months, rains go very rarely, the ocean becomes calm and blows a weak warm wind.

Located literally open Ocean. Between the archipelago and the closest continent, Africa, about 1600 kilometers of warm waves of the Indian Ocean. When after a long flight, and we flew with a change in Dubai, this is a standard route from Moscow, you leave from the airport, it seems that water around you everywhere, as the air there is also very wet. At the same time, there is no bright season of the rain on the Seychelles, the climate is suitable for a beach holiday all year round, in the winter the temperature is slightly lower than in the summer. It must be remembered that Seychelles are in the southern hemisphere, and when in Moscow August, on paradise Islands winter.

Benefits of the location of the Seychelles

Granite Islands have been formed a long time ago, when the department of India from Africa and Madagascar occurred. Flora and fauna islands are unique: there is not a single poisonous insect or another animal. Although this does not mean that they cannot scare or deliver inconvenience. In hotels support impeccable purity, as any garbage immediately attracts uninvited guests. We had two unpleasant situations: we once woke up from the glass grincling. We lived on the first floor with access to the beach and, when they dared to approach the transparent door, saw a sandy crab, a fun inhabitant of the beach, which runs sideways and hides in the mink. For the second time we listened for a long time to the rustle in the garbage bucket, where before bedtime, we laid only one empty wrapper from candy. As a result, the husband found a huge cockroach there and quickly put a bucket outside the door.

Where is the best beach in Seychelles

Surs D "Argen is practically officially recognized as the most beautiful beach World. It is located on the island, fourth largest among the islands of the archipelago. Photos of this beach can be used in the guide to Paradise Kushchum. You can get on the helicopter or on the ferry from another island, prashlen. If you arrived by plane to the central island, where the capital is located and the airport, you will also have to get a ferry to Praslin. As a result, the road from Moscow on takes about a day, and to withstand two flights and two ferry trips, which shakes on ocean waves, is not so simple.

Are all the places in the Seychelles are safe

Resting on tropical Islands, It should be remembered that ocean waves can be covered, and the beaches on the Seychelles are wild and not equipped with rescue gear. But, if you cautious, the impression of the contemplation of these little and untouched civilization of the corners of nature is impossible to describe in words. There are several beaches on La Diga on the east side of the island, where the Henked trails are laid:

  • Ans Suga;
  • Ans Marron;
  • Ans Coco;
  • Ans Cayman.

There are not many, making through the jungle, and, with great probability, you will find yourself alone in one of the most beautiful corners of this world.

Seychelles are a stunning imagination of the beauty of the archipelago, a true lost paradise in the waters of the Indian Ocean. Amazing beauty landscapes, white shallow sand, ocean, unique Flora And, of course, the "branded" palm trees of the archipelago - all this Seychelles.

The location of the Seychelles

Exotic archipelago spread in East Africa in 455 square kilometers. 115 islets are located on such a small area, but only 30 of them are inhabited by people. The islands are located 1600 kilometers from the mainland of Africa, and almost 1,000 kilometers north of the most discerning Madagascar. The capital of the island is the most big City Victoria (Mahe Island).

international Airport SEYCHELLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / AROPORT INTERNATIONAL DE SEYCHELLES - POINTE LARUE) With three terminals is located 10 kilometers southeast of the capital. Approximately 90,000 people live on the islands.

Seychelles are the former French and British Colony.
. Some of the archipelago islands are composed of granite rocks, part is coral atolls, on which it is very dry and hot, and vegetation is represented only by coconut palm trees.

Rest in Seychelch

Wonderful Seychella Archipelago, undoubtedly, almost an ideal place for an unforgettable and really paradise, which is called the most natural "bounty". Tropical fairy tale separates from the ideal in classical understanding One "almost" is the price. The cost of recreation will cost the price of a good car. But the medal has two sides, so such a rest will be unforgettable in all respects. Especially since the visa for a trip to "Paradise" is not needed if the period of stay is less than 30 days.

The path to the Seychelles, as already obvious, is not close, and is about 7,000 kilometers. The time on the way ranges from 13 to 15 hours. All connecting connecting flights are usually in Paris (AIR FRANCE), in Doha ("Qatar Airways"), in Dubai ("Emirates"). There is no difference in time with Moscow.

The most popular "tourist" islands are the main MAE, Praslin, La Dig. Also interesting islands of St. Anne, Deros, Surf, Silhouette, Frigate, Denise.

Seychelles were named after the French Finance Minister (XVII-XVIII century) - Moro de Seshel.
The name of cities, islands, institutions are found in French and englishthat is a kind of reminder of the colonial past of the archipelago.

The most popular entertainment for tourists is rightfully considered diving and sea \u200b\u200bwalk. It is also recommended to visit National Parks, for example, Morne Seychelles (Morne Seychelles). The island for a long time was isolated, so there is quite a lot of endemics of flora and fauna.

Islands are very popular not only in very secured segments of the population, but also from newlyweds. The exotic wedding on the islands is gaining more and more popularity, and in this segment, the Seychelles are competing with Maldives and Mauritius.

Seychelles are 115 islands of unthinkable beauty located in the Indian Ocean, in the east of Africa. This is the place of absolute peace, privacy and measured life. This is idyll. Probably, that is why the Seychelles - favorite place Newlyweds of the whole world coming here in their honeymoon. If you do not yet know where the Seychelles are on the world map, you can consider them below.

The Seychella Archipelago is outside the zone of cyclones, so there are always quiet and only 2 climate: dry and wet. Seychelles, perhaps, the most leisureous people, are not in a rush anywhere, and relaxed relaxed against the background of violent hibiscus, ginger and coconut palm trees.

Mae Island and Victoria

The islands opened the famous Navasian navaste da Gama, when he walked through the Great Silk Road to India in 1502 through the Cape of Good Hope. Mae is one of the three largest islands of Seychelles (27 km long and 12 width). Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, is located on the island of Mae, and before he was called Port Royal. Victoria The capital began to be called when Seychelles switched to the control of England, - Yes, so forever and remained Victoria. Although a small town is the smallest capital on Earth (25 thousand people), but the construction there has long been forbidden: seeking to limit the boundaries of the city, the state cares about its ecology.

The main attractions of the capital:

  • museum of Local Lore;
  • st Paul's Cathedral;
  • cathedral of immaculate conception;
  • indian temple;
  • center for applied arts and crafts;
  • Botanical Garden Mont Fleuri (not far from the city, in the valley).

Cultural life MAE is concentrated south of the capital, eastern coast. It is interesting to visit the Creole Institute, who studies Creole culture and language. Seychelles are the only country where Creole is recognized as state. If you visit the archipelago in October, at the end of the month you can see the annual Creole festival with national dances, fashionable defile and exhibitions.

Botanical Garden

The main exhibit is the Lenocea - the famous Seychelles palm with huge fruits in the form of appetizing female thighs. This is Coco de Mer - the sea coco weighing more than 20 kg, having the shape of the human heart. In the "May Valley", national Park Seychelles, grows 7000 Palms of the sea coconut. Tree in height reaches 30 meters and lives a few hundred years! Fruits with a very solid and thick shell ripen 10 years, in the old century, ships from Europe were specifically designed for them. The fetus is expensive, approximately $ 100, and it is possible to export it only for a special resolution.

Also tourists are attended by the Black Pearl Farm farm, the main profile of which is the mining of pearls.

Located next to Victoria, Intendanse Bay is famous for wonderful coral sand beaches, modern hotels with excellent service, trendy restaurants, bars and discos.

Praslin: Coconut Island

Praslin is only considered the second largest island of the archipelago, and in fact he is tiny: it can be circumvented in an hour. However, there are many tourists here, as Praslin is the location of famous Seychelles Côte d'Or And Lazio. In addition, it is here that fans of solitude are stopped on vacation: to their services wild beaches Anse Georgette and Anse Consolason.

The natural attraction of Praslin is Coco de Mer - the sea coco weighing more than 20 kg, having the shape of the human heart. In the May Valley, the National Park Seychelles, 7,000 Palms of the Sea Coconut grows. Also tourists are attended by the Black Pearl Farm farm, the main profile of which is the mining of pearls.

On Praslin, there are three diving-center - Octopus, Bleu Marine and Whitetip Divers, offering immersion near coral reefs near the islands of the entire archipelago.

Not far from Praslin is the island of Kurez, where it is very curious to visit the excursion in the maritime reserve and on the farm of giant turtles.

Silhouette: Full Privacy

Silhouette island enters the top three largest islands of Seychelles archipelago. Snow white beaches, the blue of the ocean, thick coastal thickets, flowers, birds are the world that will be the environment for each tourist who came here to spend his vacation here. Accommodation may be in the only island of Silhuette Island Lodge 5 *. Guests of the resort may be guaranteed to count on luxurious rest In privacy on the rain nature.

La Dig: Pink Beaches

The beautiful tiny island of La Dig is also among the most "tourist" Seychelles. Calling silence, pink beaches Grand Anse, Pet-Anse and Anse Coco, Yunon-Istita Park - that's all the advantages of La Dig, but just for this peaceful calm on the ocean so love this island tourists around the world.

Popular dive sites of La Dega, among whom - Channel-Rock, White Bank, Gran-Ser, West Sister-Rock, Ave-Maria, Coral Garden, allow fans of exotics to swim in the maze of coral atolls and see the underwater inhabitants (Big Barracuda, Gray Aclaut, etc.).

Deniz: Fascinating Diving

The island is two kilometers long, Deniz is unusually popular with diving fans. It created all the conditions for deep-water dives, opening tourists a completely different world. Especially all the divers like to watch the sea turtles, as well as engage in deep-sea fishing. The local Hotel Denis Island Lodge 4 * provides tourists with any budget, since the resorts are provided by bungalows different categories.

Saint Ann: the island of newlyweds

A considerable territory of Saint-Ann is the territory allows you to competently organize a full privacy zones, that's why newlyweds and loved couples are eagerly here. Villas and chalets of different price levels increase the possibilities of those who want to relax in a comfortable environment without serious damage to their wallets. On the island there is also a hotel that is deservedly recognized as the best on the archipelago, is Sainte Anne Resort, and, although the hotel is worth very notary, the hotel is never empty. At St. Ann, in addition to romantic youth, many divers of all ages are resting: rare species of fish and the incredible beauty of corals in coastal waters are bait for them.

Saint Ann Island


An attractive feature of Seychelles - the presence of islets, on which only one-only hotel suite is constructed. Comfortable service eliminates tourists from all domestic worries, and they are completely given to a serene rest, literally dissolving in nature and experiencing unlimited delight from the merger with the surrounding world.

One of these islands is Berd. He is excellently suitable for those who are looking for isolation from the outside world at least for a while and plans to live on the shore of the turquoise lagoon, in palm thickets. On the Berde there is only the Bird Island Lodge 4 * Hotel with attendant personnel, and more than anyone. The feeling of privacy is maintained by the lack of all signs of civilization - televisions, the Internet, phones (up to air conditioners).

If you also dream of relaxing on the ocean coast, forgetting everything in the world and enjoying freedom, buy a tour to Seychelles! Give yourself a bright world of tropical nature.

See also: