Traveler of the ancient world Short message. Travelers of ancient Greece

The presentation speaks of antiquity travelers who tried to find and notify new lands beyond the horizon. In antiquity, people tried to explore not only their lands, but also land far out for the horizon. The lesson is compiled to paragraph 8, a textbook "Geography. Introduction to geography", grade 5., E.M.Momogatsky, E.L.Vedensky, A.A. Pleshakov.



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Plekhanova T.B. Geography Teacher Geography Grade 5 Travelers Antiquity

The purpose of the lesson: Find out who the Phoenicians are. What a trip and why did the Phoenicians committed. Who is called the "father of the history of geography." What is "Sunny Stone" and what Pilli was frightened.

Training Means: Cards of Africa, Peace, Europe.

What devices allowed people in antiquity to make swimming? Why were people in antiquity floated along the shores? What do you think? Could people take round-world travel in antiquity?

Phoenicians lived on the east coast Mediterranean Seawhere a number of shopping cities were created, from which Tir and Sidon are most famous. The name "Phoenicians" Sailors of these cities received because, going to the long sea swimmingThe dried dyeing was taken as a track stock. This name was then transferred to all the people.

Egyptian Pharaoh Nehho II instructed the Phoenicians to find out whether Libya's country (Africa) is great. Swimming lasted almost 3 years.

The Phoenicians lived trade, and it was for this that they went into difficult and dangerous journeys. Herodot's story came to us about "Mill Trade", which Carthage merchants led with West African tribes. "Coming to them for trade, Carthaginians unload goods from ships, lay them down next to sealand, then return to your vessels and bred smoke. Noticing smoke, the natives come to the sea, they leave gold for goods and removed back. Carthagean goes to dry and consider whether gold is left enough for goods. If enough, they take gold and float, if not enough, then again sit on the ships and there will wait. The natives appear again and add gold so much to satisfy the Carthaginian. According to Carthaginian, never one side offends another, Carthaginians never touch gold, before the cost it does not compare it with the goods. In the same way, the natives take with them only when gold is taken by Carthageans. "

In the V century BC The scholar of Greek Herodot visits Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Fianch, Arabia, Babylonia, Persia, mussel, Kolkhid, Caspian Sea, Scythia and Frace. He outlined his observations in "History". I described the earth and peoples, so the right of Herodot is called the "father of history and geography".

Scythia is a country that occupied the southern areas of modern Ukraine. Before Herodotus, the tabernacle was a little known to the Greeks. They had a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe country, although he was trading with her. Herodotus studied the coast of the Black Sea, rose up the river South Bug. Scythia struck him with huge flavored plains. Scythian winter a few months seemed to the Herodotus harsh. Herodood huge rivers Scythia - Hipanis (South Bug), Borisphen (Dnipro), Tanais (Don). The result of the journey was: description of the life and life of peoples on the coast of the Black Sea, mapping.

Scythians played an extremely large role in the historical destinies of many peoples of our country and made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture.

Pill is about 325 BC. e. floated around Britain as well as coast Baltic Seawhere the amber was mined. Britain, he described as a triangular island and considered the size of his parties (exaggerating them, but the proportions were true). He was the first Greek that described the polar day, the polar shine and eternal ice. Disputes around the island of Tula, located behind the polar circle (according to the description of Pyfheus, the polar day lasts there for a whole month), did not subside for many centuries. Pypheus Statue in Marseille

Pithya swimming (Pitea) (IV century BC)

Two ships came out of the Harbor of Massily to Gibraltar Strait along the shores of the Pyrenean Peninsula. Further on the coastline of the Biscay bay through the strait of La Mans, which separates France from the island of UK. At the mouth of one of the rivers during the night, the feet watched tides and flows. He first expressed the idea that this phenomenon was associated with the attraction of the water shell of the Luna. Having floated to the north, he learned that tin brought with lying in the north of the islands. One of them is Britain. Hands crossed this island, where he was hospitably met by local residents, and traveled around the country. The further fellow north, the summer day was becoming longer and longer. At the northern shores of Britain, he noted the duration of the day at 18 o'clock, and the night - 6 hours. Further, he made the famous swimming in a distant country of Tula, with which the inhabitants of Britain led trading. The feet found out that the north of the locality, where in the summer the sun does not go beyond the horizon at all, and in the winter it does not appear at all. There is a mounted ocean and the land uninhabited. In antiquity, not a single traveler to Pitemia and after him did not rise to such high latitudes. Slowing along the coast of the North Sea, the feet reached the terrain where the German tribes lived, mining amber. Pete did not succeed. He fell into a dense fog and concluded that the habitats of people ends here. So he reached the shores of Norway, Scandinavia, opened the Arctic.

start tests on the topic

and b in 1. The heproxpine of Pythagore Herodota considers the next question

a B B 2. The people who committed the first trip around Libya (Africa) is the Greeks of the Phoenicians Egyptians the following question

a B 3. Traveling the Phoenicians around Libya (Africa) lasted about 5 years 3 years 1 year Exit the next question

and b in 4. Bright orange stone formed from the resin of ancient trees, called sulfur copper amber out the next question

a B in 5. The navigator Povery "hard jellyfish" called the ice floes of white sharks whales out the next question

a B in 6. Navigator Pill in the IV century AD Made Swimming on the route Mediterranean Sea - Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea - North Sea Mediterranean Sea - Gibraltar Strait Exit Next Question

a b at 7. Name the geographic objects described by Herodot during their travel. Nile Pacific Ocean Skiffia Exit Next Question North Sea Mr Egypt D

a B in 8. Name the geographic objects associated with swimming Pypheus. Mediterranean Sea British Islands Indian Ocean Exit Next Question North Sea G

a B in 9. List modern European states in the order of their follows along the path of the Pypheus Expedition. United Kingdom Spain France Exit Next Question

a B B 10. Arrange travel in order from the earliest to the very late. Travel Phoenicians Journey Pypheus Travel Herodot

Homework § 8, Sign on the contour map of the name of all geographic objects mentioned in the text of the paragraph

Ancient travelers

Official science claims that a person has occurred from monkeys and the first human creatures have been growing about 130 centimeters. Funny balls: with a fallen tail, but already on the hind legs. However, recent finds of archaeologists refute and this one would seem to be unshakable fact. There is every reason to assume that the ancient person, on the contrary, had a giant size and extremely developed intelligence.

Known russian scientist Medic Ernst Muldashev It was seriously engaged in this problem when he received a photo of a giant human foot from his colleagues from Syria. Having traveled to the expedition to the village of Ain-Dara, he conducted an examination of an amazing find, and it turned out: the length of the found foot of an ancient person is 90 centimeters. It's three times more than we have with you. And the imprint in its authenticity did not cause any doubt.

Ernst Muldashev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Approves: "It was not carved on the stone, it was not hand-made, because I, as a doctor, I understand what skin patterns are, and everything else, here on this fine, figuratively speaking, cement was outlined all the nuances of the structure of the foot. Yes, this giant was more flat, that is, the feet lifting was less, but nevertheless it was a human foot. "

Scientists have calculated - the growth of the giant from Syria, the owner of the found foot, should have been achieved at least ten meters, the weight is three and a half tons. And this imprint was not the only one. In the same place - in the territory of the ancient temple, several more similar traces were found. And no less questions from scientists caused himself ancient temple. It was built on the top of the mountain of huge plates carved from the black basalt. Here only the coming deposits of this breed were at a distance of more than 600 kilometers. The first question that scientists asked are: how do these giant plates delivered here in Ain-Dara?

And this is the so-called dead city. In the 4th century, the population for some unknown reason left the city overnight. However, the colonnade in Apamius has been preserved to this day. Create so complex patterns on the stone is not easy and using superior laser equipment. What is there to talk about the ancient person. It is believed that these cities built with Alexander Macedonian. Is it possible? After all, the commander lived only 35 years old. And in those days, there were no giant mills or devices with a lifting capacity of tens of tons, which would allow so quickly dragging huge boulders on multi-kilometer distances.

It is difficult to answer the question and how other Truly Cyclopean Construction was built - Baalbec Sanctuary in Lebanon. In its foundation, monolithic stone blocks - each weighing more than eight hundred tons! When archaeologists come here, it will have to break her head to come up with an ancient man with the help of ropes woven from branches, and wooden rollers switched these multi-torch boulders of skillfully treated stone.

Ernst Muldashev Reflects: "Here the Baalbec temple is built from blocks, somewhere two thousand tons each. Well, let's imagine that "KAMAZ" raises 15 tons, no more. How could an ancient people build it all? "

The city is many centuries in the ruins. Only six gigantic columns of the temple remained. Their height is 22 meters. These are the highest columns on Earth. Scientists claim: to raise them, only having modern lifting equipment. But who could provide it? According to the Swiss archaeologist Erica von Danikin, these structures could build representatives of alien civilization. And what if the aliens here are still at any reason? Could an ancient man himself, without alien help, turn these heavy cubes? Could, some scientists say. But under one condition - if an ancient man himself was a human man.

Alexander Voronin, Historian, Rail President: "People, the ancient population, which lived there, mostly the Indians, Incas, said:" The giants lived here, and they are through some magical manipulations, under the sounds of the pipes, how would these stones and gigantic architectural buildings confused into the air "

Surprisingly, the evidence that the land was inhabited by the land, there is not only in the legends of small-faceted Indians, but also in biblical texts. According to the chroniclers, when Moses brought Jews from Egypt to ancient Palestine, they met gigantic creatures. Here is an almost diary record about this meeting from the Book of Genesis:

"We saw the gigids, the sons of Innakov from the giganic kind. And we were in our eyes in front of them like a locust. "

Curious attitude to this quotation of official science. Considering Moses with a real historical character, science does not doubt the events described in the sacred texts. And only a meeting of Moses with the giants of historians for some reason consider the fantasy of the ancient authors. Meanwhile, the analysis of the sacred texts gives striking results.

Here's how the creation of a person is set out in holy Book Muslim Quran: "Allah created Adam's growth of 60 elbows ... Everyone who enters the paradise will be like Adam, but people on earth will decrease in size."

You are also a direct quotation of Islamic Hadith, that is, the statement of the Prophet Mohammed, written by his students.

What amazing coincidences! Koran. Traditions of Aztec Indians and Maya. And the Bible. All in one voice claim - ancient man was a giant-like highly developed being. Moreover, modern people are their direct descendant.

Colonnade in Apamii

Alexey Maslov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Orientalist: "We encounter one of the most important episodes that there were contacts. This is the Book of Being, which says that between the giants (but it does not say that these are the giants, just "giants") and the dschers (daughters) of human. And some offspring was born. And if we look carefully on the Bible, immediately behind this is the famous episode for the World Ecumenical Flood. "

If we assume that the sacred texts do not lie, then they amazingly confirm the last finds of archaeologists and draw a completely different picture ancient Mira.

Alexander Koltypin Talks: "Traditions of many peoples say that some mythical dragons lived, the co-calated, which were giants, their growth reached 10-15 meters."

And then it really turns out that the Egyptian pyramids were built 12-14 thousand years ago, before the worldwide flood, that is, to a global catastrophe. And they were not slaves with the help of ropes and logs, and our distant ancestors are giants who could not survive the World Flood, because there were too big and clumsy. And this is also a direct evidence in the ancient texts.

Alexander Belov, Paleontologist: "In the Quran it is said that the giants died during the Flood. They spoke Noah when he built the ark: "We will not die, we are big." In fact, all died. "

Official science for a long time considered the existence of doping people-giants just fantasy. However, the situation has changed the sensational find made in Hong Kong in 1935. Dutch anthropologist Ralph von Kennigswald during the excavation discovered an ancient tooth. Yes, not simple, and six times more than usual. It was a real sensation. Later, other fragments of the remains of gigantic human-like creatures were found. Open species The scientist called gigantopites.

Alexander Belov: "Gianto" is a gigantic form, and "Pitec" is a monkey. In fact, he sent his finds to the famous Paleoanthropologist Franz Waydrerach, who began to argue that we are not dealing with big monkeys, but with large people. "

Perhaps these finds became the first material evidence that the giants really lived on Earth. But Paleontologist Franz Waydenreich went even further. It was he who first put forward a scientific hypothesis that prehistoric giants are direct ancestors Homo Sapiens. Official science did not support this theory and persistently continues to seek evidence that a person had occurred from the monkey, although the transitional link from the monkey to a person so far and was not found. But the evidence of the existence on the Earth of the man-giant is becoming more and more. Especially many remains of giant people today have been found in China.

Alexey Maslov: "I saw in Henan - in the central province of China - a large beam and small bone, vertebrae, which suggest that the creature was very large. I had to observe and molars who clearly have a drawing of Driopitec, that is, what is called human tooth ".

The descendants of Chinese giants anthropologists consider Megantropov living in a later period - according to the Paleontologist Alexander Belov, about one and a half million years ago. Thes of their remains are found on the island of Java, in Burma, Vietnam, Polynesia.

Alexander Belov: "The famous anthropologist Yakimov, the former director of the Anthropology Institute, in general, believed that these gigantic forms achieved five meters and weighed half-bottom. That is, you understand that the existence on the planet of such huge people, in general, was the news for anthropologists and for all modern science. "

But why are the ancient people if they really existed, suffered from giantomania? Why were they so huge? Maybe it is an exaggeration of ancient authors? The answer to this question, oddly enough, easily gives paleontologists. It turns out that ancient man not only could, but even had to be a giant! For the same reason, on which all prehistoric animals also had gigantic sizes. The fact is that our planet for many millennia ago was completely different. The climate was much softer, and water ancient Planet It was incredibly rich in calcium. It is an excess of calcium, which today we use to strengthen bones, determined similar dimensions of the skeleton of an ancient dinosaur and man.

Alexander Koltypin continues: "Earth, apparently, rotated then very quickly. The duration of the day at the end of the chalk period could be about 8-9 hours. That is, the day and night alternated literally after 4-4.5 hours. I think about the same thing we observed in the Paleogenic period. And see what it brought to an interesting effect: due to the rapid rotation of the Earth, there was a very strong centrifugal force, which was mostly perpendicular to the Earth - at the equator, and it leveled the strength of gravity. Due to this, due to the "summation" of centripetal and centrifugal forces, the strength of gravity was small. This led to the fact that at that time the giants could exist on Earth. The pressure on Earth at the time, according to different estimates, for example, dillo was equal to about two atmospheres near the ground surface. This is a very important issue, by the way, for the existence of giants. "

But that is not all. Vegetable Food ancient landIt turns out that it was also completely different. An interesting confirmation of this theory has appeared due to the study of ordinary amber. In the ancient deposits of this mineral, a huge amount of oxygen was found. And this means that in the era of the giants and prehistoric dinosaurs of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere contained many times more. So, both plants that served as food were oversaturated. They were incredibly nutritious, which allowed our gigantic ancestors to gain a huge weight.

Alexander Koltypin: "In the Aztec Codes, it says that they were all giants. They were so big that they could pull the trees with the root and fed on only vegetable food, which is also explained by the existence and other conditions on earth: another force of gravity, another atmosphere, - the body could then not consume meat. "

In the fact that peace-loving people-giant could live at one time with dinosaurs, it is difficult to believe. After all, in all history textbooks, it is argued that these prehistoric animals have become extinct long before the ancient monkey appeared on earth. How can science explain these incredible finds? In 1984, the German archaeologist Valdemar Julier Ud in the surroundings of the Mexican city of Akambo spent excavations of ancient burial. Here he suddenly stumbled upon ceramic figurines depicting prehistoric animals known to us only on reconstation and fantastic films. Among them were dosiswars, brachiosaurs Iguanodone and even tyrannosaurs. At first, Archelog decided that these figures were falling into burial randomly. However, when expertise was carried out, it turned out an incredible - at least several thousand years.

Alexander Koltypin: "It is believed that people at the time, even 6,000 years ago, who have not known anything about paleontology, could not make castlers of dinosaurs. And there are also clay figurines of tyrannosaurs, stegosaurs, iguanodones and bronontosaurs. That is, as modern paleontologists represent them. Or they lived to our time, or the ancients who lived at the time, used some knowledge that could not be a modern fake, as Paleontologists are trying to write off.

But where did the ancient person who did these figures, could know how dinosaurs look like, if they never seen them? After all, the skeleton is restored appearance Animal scientists have learned relatively recently?

Image of Stegosaurus B. temple complex Angkor

Alexander Koltypin: "I'm, for example, in Cambodia, in the Temple Complex Angkor, saw the image of the stegosauro on the wall, which is as if taken from the palaontology textbook. And it was built around the XII or XIII century of our era. But then we believe that the people did not know Paleontology. There is an image of a tyrantosaurus in Colorado, there are images of other animals, and in different places. That is, they have been drawn relatively in our time. "

But an even more shocking conclusion, the scientist was forced to do when an ancient figures were extracted from the burial, which depicted a dinosaur and a person together. It turns out, dinosaur hunters are not fiction. But does an ancient man really ancient?

Matthew Korrano, Doctor of Paleontology, divided by thoughts: "When, in some places, Waldemar CD made his sensational finds - figures depicting dinosaurs and people, he put forward a bold version that a person could really live in one era with dinosaurs. You understand that such a revolutionary hypothesis could not find a response in the scientists. After all, it would have undermined all the fundamental principles. Historical science preferred to go to his move. "

The fate of the German archaeologist who declared his sensational find turned out to be unenviable. He was accused of taking the historical artifacts and scientific fraud. However, the scandal quickly came up. Repeated examination, which, in theory, was to destroy the scientist, turned his triumph, because the ancient age of the figurock found unexpectedly confirmed. It would seem, after that, the world science was supposed to pounce on these figures and in search of truth to erase them into the clay powder. However, this did not happen. A conspiracy of the silence of world science is already surrounding this sensational find for almost thirty years.

Alexander Koltypin: "It suggests that the conclusion is that all these stones are so ancient that they prove the existence of a person in those times. That is, he himself significantly earlier appeared: not 200 thousand years ago, and 13 thousand or 16 thousand years ago. And until that time lived animals famous to paleontologists. Scientists do not recognize that the figures are genuine, because it will revolve in all paleontology, in the whole theory of the evolution of life. Because you need to admit that the dinosaurs lived well, if not to our almost time - 5,000 years ago, they lived to a clearly one time, which was closer than 60 million years ago. "

Clay dinosaurs, and by the way, was extracted from an ancient burial not two and not three things, but about one and a half thousand, dust in the boxes of the Museum of the Museum of the Mexican Town. Science cannot prove that clay dinosaurs are a modern fake. But also to recognize the fact that a person could exist in the era of dinosaurs, is also unable.

Sergey Dudin, historian: "The official science suggests a lot of things, but it has, in principle, much greater. Because the mass of all facts, and the artifacts existing, let's say, at the disposal of science, are simply ignored. That is, do not pay attention. "

Evidence that an ancient man lived in the distant era and could be filled with dinosaurs himself, more and more! An unusual exhibit is stored in one of the museums. He is called - "Finger of Giant". Rather, it is not even a finger, but the phalanx of the finger.

Alexander Voronin: "You can imagine almost 40 centimeters - the phalanx of the finger. This means which should be a giant-giant? That is, you can imagine what people were. Here you, please, concrete facts. "

However, on this facts do not end. In Egypt, archaeologists have discovered the sarcophagus, in which there was a four-meter mummy of a red-haired woman and baby. Surprisingly, in another part of the world, the remains of red-haired giants were also found. AT North America In a cave near the city of Lavlock in Nevada, several huge mummies were found. Official science is trying to explain these finds by the fact that some of the ancient people were broken by the growth gene, because they obtained such large. Explanation is too helpless, but there is no other today.

Alexander Koltypin: "Reaching fossil remains of giants, some probably lived almost to modern time. But it was no longer a population of giants, not some people, but some isolated individuals, which were difficult enough to live. Which heroes first destroyed, and then people. "

Meanwhile, the legends about people-giakany are found in a variety of corners of our planet. Few people know, but numerous legends about giants - hunters for mammoths - they brought the Cossacks of Ermak after the conquest of Siberia. The historian and geographers of Vasily Tatishchev wrote about the mysterious semi-dogs of giant growth - the companion of Peter I. Traditions of giants recorded Russian scientists during the Great Kamchatka Expedition.

Vadim Burlak Talks: "Residents of Kamchatka - ITELEN, Koryaki said that they existed, including in Kamchatka, and in Alaska, these giants."

But what was able to make people-giants? Is it just to hunt mammoths yes tons to devour green areas of an ancient planet?

Amazing finds who make archaeologists, are increasingly overlooking our ideas about how an ancient person actually was.

The strange item found by archaeologists in 1936 is kept in the Baghdad Historical Museum. According to scientists, this is nothing but the most ancient electric battery in the world. But is this possible from the point of view of classical science?

After all, the find dates back to about 250 years before our era. The battery is an 13-centimeter vessel, inside which is located a copper cylinder with an iron rod.

Sergey Dudin: "Competitive, as our salt battery, a conventional galvanic battery. It has the exact same structure. Only he is more, his corps, as it were, a clay pot. Mainly used for electroplating purposes. "

By your device, this vessel almost completely copies the chemical instrument to produce an electric current created at the beginning of the XIX century by the electricity discoverer Alessandro Volta. In 1947, this confirmed American physicist Willard Gray, who made an accurate copy of the artifact found in Baghdad. As an electrolyte, he used copper sulfate, and he managed to get an electric current! It turns out, in the third century before our era, an ancient man knew electricity? Is it possible?

Michael Shermer, historian of science, believes: "Technologies such as the Baghdad battery, not the only world-famous find of archaeologists, the origin of which science cannot be explained. There are many artifacts that are convinced that a reasonable person on Earth appeared, perhaps much earlier than we can imagine it. "

Balls in size of several centimeters, with the same longitudinal notches, were found for the first time in South Africa. According to the researchers who studied the structure and alloy of Clerksdorp's balls, they are cast from complex metal alloys ... That is, they could not be formed in nature independently, they were supposed to make reasonable creatures. But, if this is true, all the theory of evolution can be just forgotten. After all, the age of deposits in which balls were found is about three million years.

Sergey Dudin: "Sloved one ball. Inside there was a foamed structure. That is, metal foamed inside. What is the metal to be bore? On earthly conditions, the metal is impossible - well, he does not fance. Ours during the Soviet Union were carried out at the station "Peace" experiment on foaming aluminum. Yes, in weightlessness, he foams perfectly. You can also bounce any metal. They fell or did not fall, this is another question, but made, let's say, in cosmic conditions. Or somehow on Earth created conditions similar to cosmic ".

But that's not all! As we have already spoken, many specialists who study the ancient culture are confident: our distant ancestors were so developed that they knew how to move through the air. They, according to some researchers, were vehiclesSimilar to our aircraft and helicopters ... In the XIX century in the Egyptian city of Abidos, the archaeologists were discovered by engraving. For a long time, scientists could not understand what was depicted on it. And only in the 20th century, the researchers put forward assumption: helicopters and submarines!

Sergey Dudin explains: "The perfect helicopter, and with a neckline so on my belch. Obviously, this helicopter was used to some object, such as a chest, or stone, or some other item, should be suspended under it, and helicopter dragged him. Obviously for the carriage of goods. "

But as an artist who lived in a few millennia to us, could portray the devices invented only in the XX century?

Perhaps, really what we consider to be the newest inventions, consider the XXI and XXI centuries to breakthroughs, is it just a well forgotten old? And in fact, this technique was invented long before us?

Here is another known example. French scientist Henri Lot during the expedition to sugar discovered a strange skatal figure. The examination found that the image appeared on the cave wall of about 6,000 years BC. Archaeologists called the drawing of this six-meter creature "the Great God Mars." The most surprising was that the image is very similar to modern cosmonauts. It is easy to guess in this drawing something similar to the helmet and a skate. And in the background - an object resembling the images known to us by us.

Sergey Dudin: "The creature is anthropomorphic, that is, human-like. It could be depicted some kind of our ancestor, for example, in cosmic or in a protective suit. "

It is difficult to assume that this ancient drawing is exclusively the fruit of a violent fantasy of a person who lived 8,000 years ago. Otherwise, it turns out that he painted what he saw. That is, a real cosmonaut. By the way, this case is far from unity.

In almost every people, there are legends with descriptions of aircraft, heroes soak in the clouds who have made instant journey to incredible distances. Historic science claims - such legends are nothing more than a fantastic reflection of the real life of ancient people. So they embellished their reality: heroes, managers of flying dragons, magic swords and other miracles.

However, anthropological science claims: a person in the early stages of the development of his consciousness is simply not capable of such fantasies. He could come up with something and write fairy tales, only using real facts from his surrounding life. But what are these facts?

Eric von Danikin, archaeologist, explorer of ancient artifacts: "If the aliens visited us, it should have reflected in sculptures in building structures. People had to see the flying creatures descend from heaven. That is, my first step to information was literature, and then - travel, travel, travel ... everywhere. I never wrote about what I personally did not understand, did not feel, did not photograph. Of course, I looked at a different look, rather than archaeologists. I was looking for traces of creatures, descended to us from the sky, who had technical devices. And found more and more ... "

That is why many researchers argue: ancient legends and legends - nothing but the memories of some unknown stages of human life. As a proof, scientists lead a unique construction, the so-called "Adam Bridge", laid between India and Sri Lanka, dilapidated, covered with water, but from this no less majestic. Locals call this stone chain connecting two countries, a frame bridge. By the way, until the XV century on the bridge, the frame could be walking.

When and who built this bridge, the science cannot answer. However, its construction is described in the Ancient Indian Epos "Ramayana". Action, if you believe this ancient source, about 1,200 thousand years ago occurred. The epos was recorded around the IV century to our era. So in "Ramayana" is written - the bridge built gods. Leading the construction of the country - the son of the Divine Arch Republic, and the builders were people and the army of monkeys ...

Tells Peter Paluticof, Architect: "The construction of such a bridge could last centuries. He, as if a high stone ridge, spoke out of the water, was imposed on the bottom of the ocean. For such construction, it could be necessary almost all the population of the then India. Maybe therefore legends indicate that the monkeys helped people? According to fairy tales, they could build, fight, obey all the orders of gods and people. "

The length of this bridge is 30 kilometers. And today to build such a building - a true work feat. And then, in those immemorial times, and at all ... the journey through this bridge is a long thing.

It is curious that in the ancient legends of various nationalities there is not a single mention of any magical self-propelled carts, although it would seem that it would come up with the easiest. Look at the cart that the horse pulls, and fantasize how much an ancient soul is pleased. But the descriptions of flying chariots are more than enough! And they ruled the gods exclusively.

Eric von Daniken He speaks: "Religion claims that we, people, is the crown of creation. And science - that we are the peak of evolutionary development. We imagine themselves the most beautiful, the most great in the whole universe. We seem to be alien. But thereby create a psychological problem. And we are not ready to meet them. But sometime this meeting will happen. I also called one of my books - "Shock because of the gods." Someday mankind will be shocked because it refuses to believe what has been proven a long time ago. "

By the way, flying gods are mentioned not only in the ancient Indian epic. Ancient African myths describe the firewood dragons. Other African legends describe the poultry poultry, which sat on the ground, releasing fire from under raised wings. In the Slavic and Heavy European myths in the sky are flying gods in fiery chariots. And the description of these chariots strangely resembles modern stories of eyewitnesses appearances UFOs.

Auguste Messin, Physicist, Professor of the University of Antwerp: "The first testimony about the appearance of UFOs on our planet, and this has been proven historically, appeared in Egypt about a half thousand years before the Nativity of Christ. This is written in Papyrus Pharaoh Tutmos. He stood surrounded by his warriors when an amazing bird flew over them several times. It is a bird, because then only birds can fly. "

Irrefutable evidence that the ancient people had real ancient aviation, another archaeological find serves. This is the famous "Sabu disc." Egyptologist Walter Ememei found him during the excavations of the Tomb of the ancient Egyptian village in 1936. Disk Sabu is a round stone plate with a diameter of 70 centimeters, with three curved blades. In the middle, this plate has a sleeve. It was this fastener that allowed researchers to make an assumption that this disc is an integral part of a large and complex mechanism. But what? What was needed by the Egyptians this strange round item? Many researchers are confident: a stone disk is nothing but a propeller with hydraulic ribs.

If we assume that this is true, it turns out, the Egyptians for three thousand years before our era were able to build real planes and fly on them. This finding could be global sensation. But did not. This plane, even if he ever existed, was made of stone. And stone aircraft do not fly. And it means that all hypotheses about the great technologies of antiquity are no more than fantasy. Meanwhile, the world-famous archaeologist and an ancient text specialist, the Swiss explorer Eric von Danikin believes that the stone aircraft should not fly.

However, in his opinion, this does not deny the fact that in ancient times above the Egyptian pyramids, over the island of Easter, airplanes could fly over the arousy cities of Inca, landing the space ships. And the ancient man knew what electric batteries and computers were.

Eric von Daniken Reflects: "I will give you a very well-known example. During World War II, US troops created military base In Papua - New Guinea. Rotted there american airplanes, from the "belly" with all sorts of cargoes: weapons, ammunition. The aborigines saw it, but did not understand what was happening. And when, at the end of the war, Americans left, the aborigines continued to care for the runway. Moreover, they themselves began to make aircraft - from wood and straw. Of course, not real planes, but their imitation. They began to do wrist Watch - from wood and leather. They made microphones from the tree and spoke some phrases in them, made wooden antennas. I saw these straw airplanes and wooden clock. That is, a technologically progressive society came across a technologically backward society, which is not able to understand more developed techniques, so mimics only appearance. Today we see many items that have come down to us from ancient times, and do not understand how they could appear. And the answer is very simple - this is an ordinary imitation. I am convinced that this is exactly what happened, for example, objects made from gold, in shape resembling aircraft, so appeared sculptures on the temples in Central America, where on the chest at the sculpture depicting the priest, a rectangular box with a keyboard - buttons for ten fingers ... and all It is not at all as in one of the recent TV shows. Showed an ancient figure - a copy of the plane from gold and stated: "It is not able to fly." And added: "Contrary to the allegations of Danikin's statements." But the background Danikin never said such nonsense! I was attributed to stupid statements. Nonsense! Models of aircraft from gold should not fly! One piece of wood should not show time. Because it is nothing more than imitation. "

According to his hypothesis, all these stone propellers, the gold figures of aircraft, drawings of strange creatures in the spaces - the result of the contacts of ancient people with aliens, which, by its calculations, visited the land of 14 thousand years ago. Ancient man saw all this, and then, like modern Aboriginal, reproduced at the level on which he could.

The version, of course, is fantastic, but agree that the more logical explanation of all these strange artifacts is still not able to offer science. By the way, about the figures of gold birds, similar to modern aircraft found in the ancient burial of the Inca ... German engineers recently made an accurate copy of this golden birds from modern materials and provided it with the engine. And, imagine she flew! Moreover, its aerodynamic qualities turned out to be at no worse than modern aircraft models.

Peter Belting, aircraftist, Major of the German Air Force: "They, like real aircraft, have all the classic elements: a delothed case, wings, side wings, - that is, all the elements necessary for the aerodynamic flight. I spent the tests in the most incredible places, and between trees, and with other obstacles. There were never problems, it is easily controlled and develops a speed from 40 to 120 km per hour. It flies at any height within visibility, but not as an ordinary airmodal model, but as a full-fledged aircraft that need to be constantly controlled, adjust the flight depending on the direction of the wind and so on. But she flies absolutely no problem. "

The fact that in distant antiquity people inhabiting the land knew what aviation was, today researchers of ancient civilizations argue absolutely seriously. And that's why.

In America, archaeologists recently discovered the most ancient road. Initially, they suggested that it was built by the ancient Indians. Archaeologists were awesome, because if you evaluate the road in modern parameters, the width of this highway is about 18 bands! But then there was a simple question: why did the wild tribes needed to build this way? After all, according to science, they did not know even the wheels. Where and on what the Indians should ride on this highway? It was then that the version was put forward that, firstly, no Indians were built on her, but built someone long before the emergence of Indian civilization. And secondly, no way is the road, but maybe the runway.

Jonathan Yang, the main keeper of the archive of mythological literature. Joseph Campbell, Reflects: "It is impossible to say unambiguously. I adhere to the opinion that it is an ancient airfield for aircraft. "

Airfield UNDMER

The same experts also speak about the airfield of UNDM. This is one of the largest existing airports Africa. In 1987, NASA even defined this airport as a backup site for landing space shuttles. This port is the real pride of residents of Gambia. That's just who built this runway - no one knows. Locals say: she was always here. In 1977, it was all asphalt and put markup. Opened runway 3600 meters long. And before it was asphalted, it was laid out perfectly smooth blocks. Moreover, the joints of the ancient plates are such that through them almost did not gerub. Initially, the researchers suggested that the Germans were built this platform during the Second World War. However, it is known that military airfields they brought not to massive stone slabs, but in small metal sheets. To accurately find out where this runway appeared, several years ago, British scientists took several stone samples for research. After the examination, it turned out: basalt breed, from which plates were made, more than 15 thousand years! Skoles appeared about 10 thousand years ago. So long before the new era, this playground was used as an airfield. But who? Who could create many thousand years ago aircraft and runway on earth?

Matthew Korrano, Doctor Paleontology: "According to one of the versions, these runways built ancient peoples under the control of aliens, who visited the Earth and helped people, transmitting construction technologies and engineering calculations. But there is another version. All these works were carried out by the earthlings themselves without any aliens. Because, according to some researchers, many millennia ago, our planet inhabited a highly developed civilization of people who have already been: and aviation, and electricity, and even the energy of the atomic nucleus. As a result of the global catastrophe, civilization died. Everyone converge on the fact that it happened somewhere 14 thousand years ago. We reached us with only a few artifacts, the origin of which is impossible to explain from the point of view of traditional science, the legends that we mistakenly accept the fantasy and fiction of the ancient authors. "

Deciphering this document, scientists simply did not believe their eyes, because the ancient Indian authors, it turns out, knew about aviation more than our modern engineers.

Mysterious treatise contains eight chapters. Each of them reveals one of the secrets of creating an aircraft and its use. What are the names of these chapters alone.

The first is the "secret of the building of the aircraft." The second is the "secret of the manufacture of aircraft that can be fixed." In it, the ancient authors write about the machines that may freeze without moving at one height. Judging by the description, this is a prototype of a modern helicopter. But further - more. The next chapter is called the "secret of the manufacture of an invisible aircraft." Compared to the description of the ancient flying invisibility, our aircraft made according to Stelc technology is the first timid attempt. Here the treatise describes how to listen to the conversations of the enemy, how to receive images of enemy positions. It is amazing that everything written in this ancient document is relevant for our modern science.

It is impossible to believe that in ancient times, a person could think over the most complex problems of aerodynamics. And not only to think, but also offer such ways to solve them, which even for our engineers seem unattainable.

Alexander Koltypin: "In Indian legends, there are two great architects. Demons - Dioti - was Maya Danawa, who himself possessed enormous knowledge, owned by Maya - illusion, so such vimans could change the form, turn into some illusory forms. The gods had Vishmakarm, as he was called, - architect. So they built the vimans. "

This mysterious document describes four types of aircraft. The first - "Tripura-Vimana". He had three tiers and could move around the ground, water and sky. Most likely, this is a prototype of modern amphibian. And the fuel should be solar energy. Separately, it is described that this type of apparatus can be made only from the metal, which in the document is called "Trinnetra". But what is this metal? This chemical element science does not yet know.

Stephen Greer, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Reflects: "Today we are trying to solve it. Surely there is a certain alloy. Perhaps then he was distributed in India, so ancient engineers did not even talk about its composition. Or it was a secret alloy for defense production. "

The second type of the ancient Indian aircraft is "Ham Vimana". Judging by the description, it must be a golden cone, which moves due to electrical energy. And again, the ancient authors indicate, it is possible to make such a plane only from a special material called in the labor "Tsar of Metals". What did compilers mean? Another rare alloy that is still unknown to us?

Another type of aircraft is described as a bird with many articulations equipped with pistons. There is an indication of special fuel, which makes the car maneuverable. Because of all these mysteries in the text, check as far as possible the creation of such devices is until anyone managed.

Stephen Greer: "If you follow science: we know that aviation fuel can not make a machine maneuvering, the same with atomic energy. And even more so with sunny. Or our engineering thought level does not allow to invent such fuel so that maneuverability does not depend on it. "

Trirap Vimana aircraft

But, perhaps, the most important mystery of this treatise is a description of the aircraft, which is called the ancient authors "Sundara Viman." This apparatus could protect the ancient pilot from a strong heat - fire from the inside and outside. Do this apparatus, or "Viman", as the authors call it, was prescribed from a special sixth type alloy. What is this alloy? In the treatise it is not written about it. Moreover, this "Vimana" has a mechanism, as stated in the document, "air distribution". That is, apparently, it was possible to travel outside the atmosphere! Is there really a person in antiquity able to fly into space?

Michael Cream, Archaeologist: "Looks like we should look for new explanations of how a man occurred. How he developed on our planet. Maybe we are not at all from the ground? After all, many finds say: a person not only flew across the sky, but also traveled through the universe. "

It is difficult, it is almost impossible to believe that a person in antiquity could create aircraft and even fly into space. However, in the ancient Indian epic we find confirmation and this fantastic version. In the poem known to the whole world, "Ramayana", for example, a journey to the moon is described in detail. At that aircraft, which is described in an ancient treatise. There is a description and air battles in the poem, which were among themselves the hostile royal clans. There is also a speech about the air war, which the ancient inhabitants of the Indian land led to the Atlanta, whose planes are called in the epic "as-guilt."

All this seems fantastic. But even if there were no space flights in antiquity, like air fighting with Atlanta, and there were no these ancient mysterious air "Viman". Even if these treatises are no more than a simple fantasy of the ancient authors - it is expensive. To fantasize so much, the man of the ancient world should have had colossal knowledge. After all, to many things described in this ancient Indian manuscript, only Tsiolkovsky was thoughtful, and then after a lot of many centuries.

Armchair-Vimana aircraft

And now imagine that all this came up with, recorded, and maybe even constructed that the most ancient person from our history textbooks, for whom the coconut pulp with a sharp stick was the limit of intellectual tension. Agree, something in our ideas about the story still arranged incorrectly.

Many archaeological finds like Baghdad batteries, ancient airfields, gold bird-aircraft and certainly ancient treatises cannot serve as irrefutable evidence that there was some highly developed civilization to modern man.

After all, it is always quite difficult to establish an accurate age of findings. It means that those who believe that the unusual functions are often attributed to all these subjects are often attributed to all these subjects. That is, the Baghdad battery can be a conventional storage vessel for poisonous liquids, an ancient mechanical computer - a later invention of Greek astronomer Hippark Nichesky, and "Adam Most" himself accidentally developed from stone blocks per century ... It is at such a position that official science is. There were no prativilizations on the planet!

A modern man, that is, we are a crown of evolution. And it is our society, having passed all the way from Neanderthal to the city dweller of the XXI century, the only and most developed land on the planet for its existence. Maybe everything is so. But why are the archaeologists then stumble upon such facts that do not fit into official theory?

For example, Mummy an ancient Greek priestess named Hentavi. In 1992, the Munich Museum staff decided to make an analysis of one of the Egyptian mummies. Her age was about 3,000 years. The experiment was aimed at identifying those chemicals that do not decompose in the tissues for a long time. The study was attracted to a toxicologist specializing in forensic medicine. Conducting a standard study of the tissues of an ancient priestess from Egypt, toxicologist received shocking results - the analysis indicated the presence of Hentavi traces of nicotine in the hair.

Maxim Lebedev, Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS: "The identification of nicotine in Egyptian mums was not the news of the 90s, because for the first time Nicotine was found in small quantities in the mummy Ramses of the second, when he was in France, on such a peculiar restoration. Then it did not pay special attention. Considered that this is an accident. But then Nicotine began to detect already in the mummies, which were found directly on the territory of Egypt, these are the newest excavations. "

But is it possible? So that Nicotine remains in his hair, a person during his lifetime had to regularly smoke tobacco, that is, to be a malicious smokers. And it would not mean this fact if the official science did not insist that smoking tobacco outside America became only after the travel of Columbus. Before the opening of America, Europeans in the world, except for the Indians, did not know this bad habit. In Asia, however, the opium smoked, but this is, as they say, another story.

Maxim Lebedev argues: "Was Egyptians known tobacco, it is possible to speak quite affirmatively - no. Because the flora, affordable to the Egyptians, is very well studied, well, relatively good. If nicotine-containing plants were used, then used exclusively in the process of mummification. Egyptians have been known for the antiseptic effect that nicotine has. The fact is that if they were used on some festivities, as a fusion entertainment, it would certainly be depicted. The Egyptians loved life very much and such things were portrayed as, for example, Mandragore or Lily. But there is nothing of it. "

So "Munich Mummy" became a real triumph for scientists of toxicologists - and a large headache for historians. After all, if the Egyptian priests smoked tobacco, it means that one America opened long before Christopher Columbus ...

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15. Ancient sources "What is the truth of centuries. - in laws and orders or in proverbs and in fairy tales. " In the first will, tense, and secondly - the chasing of wisdom. A brief proverb is full of sound of the terrain and century. And in a fairy tale, as in the treasury buried, hidden faith and aspirations

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Chapter 5 Ancient Travelers Official Science argues that a person has occurred from the monkey and the first human creatures were about 130 centimeters growth. Funny balls - with a falling down tail, but already on the hind legs. However, recent finds of archaeologists

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The gray-haired travelers to man of old age, living separately from relatives, especially needed favorite hobbies. Elderly women in Japan are still popular and tea ceremony. In men - Kendo, calligraphy, other traditional "elegant

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Chapter 5. Ancient Rusichi: Migration and "Stop" Anatoly Aleksandrovich Abrashkin, relying on his own and other people's studies, declares that the length of the existence of any empire is about 1200 years. True, he does not deny that here you can talk only with some approach -

Oceania. Among the very first there were travels in Oceania. Small shuttle canoes, not more than 40 feet length, were used for traveling from Southeast Asia through Micronesia and Pacific Ocean to the Islands of Marquis, Tuamot Archipelago and the United Islands. In 500 BC e. Polynesians from the United Islands traveled to the Hawaii for a distance of more than 2 thousand miles. Navigation was carried out by observing the location of the sun and stars, ocean's unrest, clouds and flights of birds. The problem of replenishing fresh water and food remains remaining.

Residents of the Mediterranean. In the ancient cradle of Western civilization, travel with the goals of trade, commerce, religious, treatment or learning was made for a long time. In the Old Testament there are numerous references to travel traders on caravans.

In order to study new territories, the ancient Greek scientists (Herodotus, V c. BC) and researchers of other countries (Pilli, IV century BC) were sent to the distant travel.

Starting from 776 BC e. Thousands of sports lovers and artist admirers are flown annually on the Olympic Games not only from Eldlands, but also from other Mediterranean States. This period also includes the construction of special large houses in which the athletes and audience could accommodate and relax.

The geographical data accumulated by the beginning of our era were most fully stated by the ancient geographers Strabo (63 BC. E. - 20 g. E.) and Claudius Ptolomem (90168 N. e.).

Ancient Rome contributed to the history of tourism: wealth, abundance and huge territories of the empire were the primary components necessary for tourism. The Romans built a magnificent network of roads for which they could travel horses for a distance of more than 100 miles a day to see the famous temples in the Mediterranean region, especially the pyramids and monuments of Egypt. During the flourishing period of the Roman Empire for Romans from rich families, a trip to Greece was often associated with the need to supplement his education. Later, the trip to Greece began to acquire entertainment: the country attracted tourists with festivals, athletic competitions and other types of entertainment and entertainment. The movement of rich travelers-nicks required the corresponding organization of their rest. Especially willing to visit places with warm mineral sources.

Back in I. BC e. In the Roman Empire there were state-owned bodies, which were from each other at a distance of one day riding a horse. They were located in the cities and on the main roads, for which couriers and civil servants from Rome were passing, right up to Malaya Asia and Gaul.

At the board of Alexander the Great (from 334 BC. E.) The city of Ephesus in Turkey became an important shopping center and one of the main cities in the ancient world, where tourists were flown to admire the acrobats, juggles, wizards who overwhelmed his streets.

However, the decline of the Roman Empire (I C. N. E.) was accompanied by a decline of tourism. The stream of rich travelers has declined, the roads came into disrepair, the country began to fill in the bandits, thieves who made the travels unsafe. Over the past centuries, until the middle of the XV century, the main road view was the pilgrimage of Europeans who traveled through the holy places of the continent.

Europeans. The most massive movement of people in medieval Europe occurred during the times of crusades, which were taken by European knights and followed by merchants in order to capture other people's wealth and territories. Following them, the priests and pilgrims were moving to the east, accompanied by countless crowds and disadvantaged. Representatives of privileged classes made in the Middle Ages travel FT healing sources. However, despite various goal and travel goals, they all objectively expanded the geographical knowledge of a person. Detailed descriptions of the rivers seen by them, seas, continents and countries left Afanasi Nikitin, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, etc.

Prerequisites were created for the great geographical discoveries of the end of the XV - the second half of the XVII century, the number of non-open geographic locations on the world map was steadily reduced.

Americans. In the XVI century, the huge continent of North America was studied by the Spaniards who used horses for their travels.

The first journeys of Americans in the country were carried out on foot or on horseback, small boats and canoe began to be used. As the roads were built, rides on postcases began to spread. Construction of railways throughout the country led to even greater travel popularity. In 1850, Amerikhan Express was founded, which became a pioneer in the use of road checks (1891) and various tourist services.

One of the most important events in travel history in America is the trips committed during World War II: more than 12 million Americans served armed forces from 1941 to 1945

Mr. Annon (505). - Herodotus (484). - Pinefi (340). - Euddox (146). - passion Bon (63). Gannon Carthaginsky. - Happy (Canary) Islands, Evening Rog, South Rog, Rio de Oro Bay. - Herodot visits Egypt, Libya, Ethi Opie, Fianch, Arabia, Babylon, Persia, Misty, Colchid, Caspian Sea, Scythia and Frace. - Pill will examine the coast of Iberia and Celtic, La Mans, acute Albion, Orcadian (Orkney) Islands, Earth Tula. - Nearh circles the Asian coast from Inde to the Persian Gulf. - Evdox meets the western shore of Africa. - Strapen travel Severates in Inner Asia, Egypt, Greece and Italy.

The first traveler, about which mentioned in historical sources was preserved, was Hannon sent by Carthagin Carthage was founded by Phoenicians around 850 BC on the North Coast of Africa, in Tunis Gulf Senate for the colonization of new territories on the West Bank of Africa. The message about this expedition was written on Punic. Romans called Carthaginian by Puna; Hence the name of the language - Punic language and translated into Greek; It is known entitled "Sea trip around the world Gannon. Which era lived this researcher? Historians hold different opinions. But the most reliable is the version, according to which the visit to them African coastals refers to 505 to our era. It is impossible to install the exact date of the Hannon Expedition. Modern scientists refer her to V or Vi Deca BC. The description of this swimming has come to us in the form of "adventure novel", in which reliable facts are intertwined with fictional. However, the geographical description of the Western Coast of Africa, the story about steppe fires within the country does not leave doubts about the authenticity of the journey, which later covered various fables. Gannon was the first navigator who visited the West Coast of Africa. He sailed along this coast from the Gibraltar Strait south about 4,500 kilometers. Nineteen centuries later, Portuguese navigators needed fifty years in order to explore the coast that Hannon went around

Gannon left Carthage at the head of the fleet, consisting of sixty gallets with fifty rowers on each; On ships there were thirty thousand people and supplies for a long journey. Migrants - they can be called so much - they should have set up in new cities. Carthaginian

were going to establish new settlements on west coast Libya, in other words, Africa.

Fleet safely passed Hercules pillars Hercules pillars are two mountains on the European and African shores of the Gibraltar Strait, allegedly erected by the mythical hero with Hercules. According to the representation of the ancient Greeks, Hercules pillars were the western edge of the famous world - Rocks of Gibraltar and Seuts, towering above the strait, and dared to go to the south of the Atlantic Ocean. Two days later, Hannon did a stop and founded the city of Fimiaterium in this place. By continuing swimming, he ended the cape Solositis, joined trading relations with the locals and headed further, to the mouth of a large African river, on the shores of which the tribe of the shepherds-nomads lived. By concluding a friendly union with them, the Carthaginian forgotser continued to move to the south, along the deserted banks of the Sahara; Then he reached the island of Kern, which is, judging by the description, at the same distance from the Hercules pillars, like Hercules pillars from the Carthage. What was the island? Without a doubt, one of the islands belonging to the group of happy (now Canary).

The journey continued, and soon Gannon arrived at the mouth of the Hrest River, Probably River Senegal forming a wide bay. When the Carthagean floated up the river, local residents - Negros - met their hail stones.

Having finished reconnaissance, the fleet returned to the mouth of the river and after twelve-day swimming for the south, the mountainous terrain, abundant incense trees and balsamic plants. Then the fleet stopped in an extensive bay with smooth lowland shores. This land, such a calm day, was illuminated by the pillars of flames, either from the lights burning with the natives, or from the self-burning of dried herbs.

Five for another five days, Hannon and his companions warked out Cape and

they entered the bay, which they called "Evening Rog". There, tells the traveler, he heard the phleute sounds, Kimvalov's rumble, Tamburins Kimvala - Ancient musical instrument in the form of copper plates. Tamburin - Impact musical instrument resembling a tambourine And the hum of countless votes. "Oracles, accompanying the Carthaginian expedition, advised to escape from this terrible land." They were obeyed, and the fleet continued to swim in lower latitudes.

Then Gannon reached the bay called South Rog. Geographers believe that this bay appeared to be the mouth of the Rio de Oro river, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean near the tropic of cancer. South Rog - Now Sherboro Bay in the British Colony of Sierra Leone, located on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea

In the depths of this Gulf, the island was seen from gorillas, which Carthaginians were accepted for hairy savages. They managed to capture three "women", but soon they were forced to kill them, as the rage of these monkeys was indomit. It must be assumed that it was not a gorilla, but chimpanzees

South Rog was, without a doubt, the end point reached by the Punic expedition. Some historians claim that the Carthaginian fleet did not enter the Cape Bohador, located two degrees north of the tropic, but the first point of view seems to us more likely.

Having reached the southern horns, Hannon began to lack the edible supplies. Then he turned to the north and returned to Carthage, where, at his order in the temple of Waal Moloch, a marble slab was delivered with a description of the journey "around the world".

After the Carthaginian navigator, the most famous from the ancient travelers during the historical times was the Greek scientist Herodotus, called the "Father of History". For our goal, we will separate the traveler from the historian and follow him to the countries in which he visited.

Herodotus was born about 484 to our era Biographical information about Herodot is extremely scarce. Years of his life are definitely unknown; It is believed that he was born about 484 to our era and died in 424 or 426 BC. Herodotus is the author of the first historic work-famous "story" to us, in which he included a rich geographical material collected by him during long journeys. It is impossible to say exactly which countries visited Herodotus during his travels. Undoubtedly, he visited Egypt and on the northern coast of the Black Sea. In the east, he reached, probably before Babylon. Herodotus talks about traveling to India, but this description does not have a historical basis In the Majual Jiegy city of Galicarneas. He took place from a rich and noble family with extensive trading connections, which could contribute to the development of the explorer traveler instincts awakened in the boy.

In that epoch, there was no single opinion regarding the form of the Earth. The School of Pythagora began to spread the doctrine that the earth is sterefish. But Herodotus did not take any participation in these disputes, who worried about the scientists of his time. In early youth, he left his homeland with the intention to carefully examine the distant countries that have reached very scanty and controversial information.

In 464, twenty-year-old young men, he left Galicarnas. Apparently, Herodot first headed to Egypt, where he visited the city of Memphis, Heliopolis and Fiva. During the journey, he managed to get a lot of valuable information about the spills of the Nile. In their notes, he gives various opinions regarding the sources of this great RiverThe Egyptians read as a deity.

"When Nile is spread," Herodotus says, "nothing can be seen except cities; They seem to be built on top of the water and resemble the islands of the Aegean Sea. "

Herodotus tells about the religious rites of the Egyptians, how they bring victims to their gods and how solemnly cope holidays in honor of the goddess of Isis in the city of Buziris, whose ruins are also visible now. Herodotus also reports how the Egyptians honor wild and domestic animals, considering them sacred, and they give them the burial honors. With the accuracy of the real naturalist, he describes the Nile crocodile and his habits; Describes how to catch crocodiles. We learn what the beasts are still there and what is the Egyptian hypopotam, Ibis bird, various snakes. Herodotus draws homemade life of the Egyptians, their customs, games, tells about the art of embalming the dead, which the Egyptians owned perfectly. Next, he reports what structures were erected under the pharaoh of Heops: Built by Lake Meris Maze, whose remnants were opened in 1799; Lake Meris, created by the hands of man, and two pyramids, rising above the surface of its water; Surprise tells Herodot about the temples erected in Memphis, about the famous Colossus from the whole stone, over the carriage of which from Elefantina Elefantine Island (ivory) is located on the Nile River, at the first thresholds, on the border of Egypt and Sudan Two thousand people worked in SAIS in continuation of three years.

Thoroughly studying Egypt, Herodot headed to other countries of Libya, that is, Africa, but at the same time the young traveler did not even assume that Africa extends far south for the tropic of cancer; He believed that Phoenician could go back this mainland and return to Egypt through the Gibraltar Strait. Here the author refers to the story of Herodotus, heard in Egypt, about the journey of the Phoenician navigators around Africa, undertaken on the order of the Egyptian Pharaoh Nechao around 600 to our era. This company has no equal in the history of geographical discoveries, so we will give the whole brief story of Herodota: "Libya, it turns out, is washed with water, except for the part where it borders with Asia; The first proved it, as far as we know, egyptian pharaoh Nechao. Having suspended the breakthrough from the Nile to the Arabian Bay [Red Sea], he sent Fernikyan on ships to the sea with the orders to swim back through the pillars of the pillars [Gibraltar Strait], until they enter the North [Mediterranean] Sea and will not come to Egypt. Phoenician sailed from the Eritrean [red] sea and entered the South Sea [Indian Ocean]. At the occurrence of the autumn, they picked up to the shore and, in what place of Libya, neither settled, the land was sown and waited for harvests; After cleaning the bread sailed on. So it went swimming for two years, and only for the third year they reincarnated the pillars and returned to Egypt. They also told what I did not believe, and another someone could be, and it would believe that during the swim around Libya, Phonihanyan had the sun on the right side. So Libya has become known for the first time. "

Listing peoples living in Libya, Herodotus mentions the shepherd tribes that walkers along the shores of Africa, and calls more ammonians who live in the depths of the country, in places that are abundant beasts. Ammonians built the famous temple of Zeus Ammonsky, the ruins of which were opened in the north-east of the Libyan desert, in five hundred kilometers from the city of Cairo. Ammon (Siva) - Oasis in the Libyan Desert He also describes in detail the customs and morals of Libyans and reports which animals are found in this country: snakes of terrible magnitude, lions, elephants, horned donkeys (probably rhinos), monkey-baboons - "Beasts without a head, with eyes on the chest", Lisens , hyenas, dickeranes, wild rams, panthers, etc.

In Herodotus, Libya inhabited by two peoples: Libyans and Ethios. But did he really travel around this country? Historians in this doubt. Most likely, many details he recorded the Egyptians. But there is no doubt that he really sailed to the city of Tire, in the dick, since here it gives quite accurate descriptions. In addition, Herodotus collected information on which short description Syria and Palestine.

Following that Herodot is descended to the south - to Arabia, a country called by Asian Ethiopia, that is, in that part of South Arabia, which he considers the last inhabitable land. The Arabs living in the Arabian Peninsula, according to him, the people are strictly religious. In their country, valuable plants grow in abundance, of which the Ladan and Mirrier receive. Traveler reports interesting details about how from these plants are mined incense.

Then we meet Herodotes in countries called them indefinitely, then Babylonia. The story about these countries, he begins with a thorough description of Babylon, in which the kings lived since the destruction of the ancient capital Ninevei. The ruins of Ninevenes have been preserved and today, in the form of hollikov scattered along both banks of the Euphrates, at a distance of 78 kilometers south-east of Baghdad. The big, fast and deep Euphrate river shared the city of Ninevia into two parts. In one rummaged fortified tsarsh Palace, In another, the temple of Zeus. Next, Herodotus speaks of two queen of Babylon - Semiramide and Nitetikride; Then turns to the description of crafts and agriculture, reporting how to cultivate wheat, barley, millet, sesame, grapes, figs and palm trees in this country.

After having studied Babylon, Herodota went to Persia and, since the purpose of his journey was to collect accurate information about the lengthy Greco-Persian wars, he visited the places where these wars took place to get all the details you need. This part of its history of Herodotus begins with the description of the customs of Persians. They, unlike other peoples, did not give their human form to their gods, did not either either either the temples nor the altars in their honor, rather than the performance of religious rites on the tops of the mountains.

Next, Herodotus speaks of the life and the ingredients of Persians. They nourish disgust for meat, love for fruit and addiction to guilt; They show interest in alienative customs, love pleasure, appreciate the military prowess, seriously belong to the upbringing of children, respect the right to live anyone, even slave; They can not tolerate lies and debts, despise lepers. Disease

the leprosy serves for them proof that "the unfortunate sinned against the sun."

India Herodotus, according to Vivien de Saint Marten, Vivien de Saint-Martin (1802-1897) - French geographer, author of the famous labor "Essay to Universal Geography" and other works It is limited by countries, irrigated five tributaries of the present Panjanada, and the territory of Afghanistan. There and sent his way a young traveler, leaving the Persian kingdom. According to Afghanistan and India, Herodotus did not travel; Information about these countries he collected in Babylon Indians, in his opinion, are the most numerous of the famous peoples. Some of them lead a settling lifestyle, others constantly wound. The tribes living in the east of this country affirms Herodotus, not only kill patients and old people, but allegedly either eat them. The tribes living in the north are distinguished by courage and art in crafts. Their land is rich in golden sand.

Herodotus believes that India is the last inhabitable country in the east. It remains at all times of the year the same fertile climate, as in Greece, located at the opposite end of the Earth.

Then the tireless Herodot went to the mussel, Musiy was located south of the Caspian Sea. Under the Persian Tsar Kire (approx. 558-529. BC. Era) became part of Persia. Main city - Ekbatana Where was the story of Midyan, the first people who overthrow Igor Assyrius. Midyan founded the huge city of Ekbataans (Hamadan), which was surrounded by the seven rows of walls. Passing through the mountains that separated the mussel mussels, the Greek traveler entered the country, glorified by the exploits of Jason, Jason - In Greek mythology, the leader of the campaign of argonauts for the golden rune. For one variant of the myth, - died under the fragments of the Argo ship, otherwise, - committed suicide. The myth of the Argonauts, who made swimming from Greece to Collid (East Coast of the Black Sea), is a reflection of the history of early Greek colonization (VIII-VII centuries to our era) And he studied her temples and customs inherent in good faith.

Herodotus, apparently, was well acquainted with the outlines of the Caspian Sea. He says that "this is the sea - in itself, and has no message with another." The Caspian Sea, he said, is limited in the West Caucasian Mountains, and in the east extensive plain, inhabited by massagets, which probably belonged to the Scythian tribe. Massagets worshiped the sun and brought him a victim of horses. Herodotus also speaks about the Great Araks River, flowing into the Caspian Sea.

Then the traveler gets into Scythia. Scythians - by definition of Herodotus - various tribes inhabiting the extensive space between the Danube and Don, that is, a significant part European Russia. The most numerous and strong Herodotus calls the tribe of "Princely Skifs", who occupied the banks of the Tanais River (Don). In addition, Herodotus mentions the tribes of the Scythians-nomads and the Scythians-Bowls. Although Herodotus and lists various Scythian tribes, but it is unknown whether it was visited by the country, located north of Ponta Evkinsky. The Black Sea, the ancient Greeks were originally called Ponte Acxi (non-smart) due to severe and frequent storms. Subsequently, when the Greeks colonized the Black Sea coast, the sea was renamed Pont Eyexinsky (hospitable) He describes in detail the customs of these tribes and comes to the sincere delight from the Ponta of Evcinsky - this "hospitable sea". Herodotus determines the dimensions of the Black Sea, Bosphorus, Propontides Propontide (literally: "lying before Ponte") - Marmara and Azov SeaAnd its definition is almost true. It lists large rivers flowing into the Black Sea: Istr, or Danube; Borisphen, or Dnipro; Tanais, or Don.

Traveler reports a lot of myths about the origin of the Scythian people; In these myths, a large role is given to Hercules. Scythia Description He finishes a story about the marriages of Scythians with militant women from the Amazon tribe, than and in his opinion, to explain the Scythian custom, consisting in the fact that the girl can not get married until the enemy kills.

From Scythia Herodota arrived in Frace. There he learned about Hetah - the most courageous people who inhabited this country. Frakia-country, which was in the north of the Balkan Peninsula; her shores from the east was washed by the Black Sea, from the South - Aegean He then traveled to Greece, where he wanted to collect the missing information for his story. He visited the terrain in which the main events of the Greek-Persian wars, including the Fermopyl passage, the marathon field and the board. Then he returned to small Asia and trampled her coast, exploring numerous colonies based on the Greeks.

Returning 28 years from the family to his homeland, in Galicarnas, the famous traveler took part in a folk movement against Tirana Ligdamis and contributed to his overthrow. In 444, BC Herodotus was present at the Panafingency festivals and read excerpts there from the description of his travels, causing universal enthusiasm. At the end of his life, he retired to Italy, in Tourume, where he died in 426 to our era, leaving the fame of the famous traveler and an even more famous historian.

After Herodotus, we will step over one and a half century, mentioning the doctor, named Ktesi, the contemporary of xenophon. Xenophon - Greek historian of the end of the V - the first half of the IV century BC, the author of Greek History, Anabasis and other works Keesi wrote a report on his journey in India, although there are no reliable information about what he really committed him.

Adhering to chronological order, we now turn to the Pyfeja from the Massily - traveler, geographer and astronome, one of the scientists of his time. In 340 BC, Pilli dared to go swimming in the Atlantic Ocean on a single ship. Instead of following the shores of Africa to the south, as it was usually his Carthaginian predecessors, Pilli went to the north, where he was studying the coast of the Iberian Peninsula Iberia - ancient name Spain And the coast of the Celts countries, up to the Granite Cape Finisterre. Then Pushpi entered the strait of La Mans and stuck to Albion's island. Albion - the ancient name of the island of the United Kingdom, which means "White Island" (the name is given by Pifey because of the Cretaceous Rocks, towering over La Mansha) He met the inhabitants of this island, which, he said, was distinguished by good nature, honesty, moderation and ingenuity. They led the Tin trafficking, which merchants from remote countries arrived here.

Continuing the path to the north, Pilli passed by the Orkney Islands, located near the northern tip of Scotland, and rose to such breadth, where "in the summer night did not exceed two hours." After six-day swimming North Sea. Pilli reached the Earth, known since then called Extreme Tula (Ultima Thule). Apparently, it was the Scandinavian Peninsula. But the Pill could not move on to the north. "Next," he says, "there was no sea, no land, no air."

Pilli was forced to turn back, but his journey was not over: he floated to the east and arrived at the mouth of the Rhine, where Ostions lived, and further Germans. From there, he sailed to the mouth of a large river, which he calls Thais (probably it was Elba), and then sailed back to the masslines and returned to his native city A year after he left.

The wonderful traveler Pilli was no less wonderful scientist; He first proved the influence of the Moon on the marine rings and fits and noticed that the polar star does not occupy a point in the heavenly space, which is located above the earthly pole, which was subsequently confirmed by science.

A few years after Pypheus, about 326 years old, to our era, became famous for his studies another Greek traveler - Nearh from Crete Island. Alexander Macedonsky commander, he received the order to drive around the entire coast of Asia from Inde to Eufrat.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an expedition was caused by the need to establish a message between India and Egypt, which Alexander was extremely interested in, while at this time with his army at 800 miles from the shore, in the upper reaches of Inde. The commander shocked for non-Arch Fleet, consisting of thirty-three-two-chain gallets and a large number of transport ships, where two thousand people were located. While Narh sailed with his fleet down Hind, Alexander's army was behind him on both shores. Having reached in four months Indian Ocean, Naarh swam along the shore, which is now the border of Beloohistan.

Nearh went into the sea of \u200b\u200bthe second October, without waiting for the winter passing monsoon, which could be favored by his swimming. Therefore, in forty days of travel, Nearhu hardly managed to sail 80 miles to the west. The first of his parking was made in the stem and in Koresshesis; These names do not correspond to any of the current villages located in those places. Further

he sailed to the island of the krokala, lying near the modern Quarantine Bay. The fleet broken into the natural harbor, which Narh was forced to strengthen "to protect against the attack of savages."

Twenty-four days later, Flotodets, Alexander Macedonsky, raised sail again and went into the sea. The strong storms made him do frequent stops in various places of the coast and defend against the attacks of Arabites, whom Eastern historians characterized "as" barbaric people, wearing long hair, leaving beard and resembling a favn or bears. "

After many adventures and shacks with coastal tribes, Naarh stuck to the land of the priest, bearing in modern geography name: Cape Moran. "In this area," Narh notes, describing his journey, "the sun at noon covered all objects vertically, and they did not discard the shadows." But nearh, apparently, is mistaken, since at this time of year the daylight was located in the southern hemisphere, on the tropic of Capricorn, and not in the northern hemisphere; In addition, non-Arch ships always sailed at a distance of several degrees from cancer's tropic; Consequently, even in the summer in these areas the sun at noon could not cover the items vertically.

When the northeast monsoon was established, swimming continued in favorable conditions. Nearh followed along the shores of the country of Ihthyophages, that is, "people feed on fish" - a rather miserable tribe, which, for lack of pastures, was forced to feed their sheep gifts of the sea. Here, the fleet of Narh began to test the lack of edible supplies. Having conceded Cape by Pry, Nearh took to himself on the gallery of the native feed. Customized by coastal winds, non-Arch ships successfully moved forward. The shore became less fruitless. Trees came across there. Nearh moored to the city of Myththiophages, whose names he does not indicate, and suddenly attacking the inhabitants, he captured the supplies with them, in which his fleet needed.

Then the ships arrived in the channel, in other words, the city of Churbar. The ruins of this city and now you can still see near the bay of the same name. By that time, the bread from Macedonians was already on the outcome. In vain nearh stayed in the rope, in three and in Dagazire, - nothing could be obtained from these nations. For navigators there were no meat, no bread, and yet they were not solved there are turtles that abound these countries.

Almost at the entrance to the Persian Bay, the fleet met a large flock of whales. Scared sailors wanted to turn galleys

reversed, but nearh boldly went on his ship forward, towards maritime monsters that managed to disperse.

Reaching a car Parisions - an area in southern Iraq; According to the representation of the ancients, it was populated by nomads, feeding fish (ichthyophages) Ships rejected to the northwest. The shores here were fertile; everywhere came across bread fields, extensive pastures, fruit trees. Nearh threw anchor from Badis, the current Yaska. Then, having encouraged the cape of an oil or moussendon, the navigaters were at the entrance to the Persian Bay, which Narh also, like Arabic geographers, gives the name of the Red Sea unusual.

In the harbor of Harmosia (Ormuz) Nearh found out that the army of Alexander is at a distance of five days. Looking ashore, he hurried to join the conqueror. Alexander,

without receiving any news about your fleet for twenty-one week, no longer hoped to see him. You can imagine the joy of the commander, when unrecognizable nearh appeared in front of him and unharmed until unrecognizable! To celebrate his return, Alexander ordered to arrange gymnastics and bring the gods abundant victims. Then Nearh went to the harmosy again, where he left his fleet to swim from there in the mouth of Euphrates.

Floating through the Persian Gulf, the Macedonian fleet pledged to many islands, and then, having encouraged Cape Beston, sailed to the island of Keisha, on the border of the carman. Further began to Persia. Nearcha ships, following the Persian coast, stopped in different places to stock bread, which Alexander sent here.

After several days of swimming, Nearh arrived at the mouth of the Endiana River, then reached the river flowing out of a large, sising fish of the Lake Skadbis and finally threw anchor near the Babylonian village of Degel, not far from the mouth of the Euphrate, he floats, thus, along the entire Persian coast. Here, Nearh reigned again with the army of Alexander Macedon, who generously awarded him and appointed the boss over all his fleet. Alexander wanted to still take the study of the Arab coast of the Persian Gulf, up to the Red Sea, and establish the sea route from Persia and Babylon to Egypt, but death prevented him, to carry out this plan.

Narh compiled a description of his journey, unfortunately, not survived. A detailed report on its swimwives is contained in the Book of Greek Historian Flavia Arrian Arrian Flavius \u200b\u200b(about 95-175 of our era) -Gr. Writer of the Roman period, historian and geographer. Main Works: "Anabasis Alexander" (History of Alexander Macedonian) and "History of India" "History of India", which reached us in passages.

Nearh, as they believed, was killed in the battle of IPS. He left the glory of a skillful Morelode, and his journey constitutes an important event in the history of navigation.

Now you should still mention the crown of the enterprise of the Greek geographer Evdox who lived in the II century to our era. By visiting Egypt and the shore of India, this brave traveler had an intention to drive around Africa, which in fact managed to implement only sixteen centuries later by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama.

Evdox hired big ship And two Barcas and set up on unfamiliar waters of the Atlantic Ocean. How far did he bring his trial? It is difficult to determine. Be that as it may, having acquainted with the natives he accepted for Ethiopians, he returned to Mauritania, Mauritania is an area on the north-west coast of Africa. At the beginning of the I century, our era became the Roman province And from there he crossed in Iberia and engaged in cooking to a new extensive journey around Africa. Was this journey? Doubtful. It must be said that this Evdox, the person is unconditionally brave, does not deserve great confidence. In any case, scientists are not taken seriously.

Among the ancient travelers, we still have to mention the names of Caesar and Strabo. Julius Caesar, Caesar Julius (full name Guy Julius Caesar) - Roman emperor, one of the largest states of ancient Rome, politician, commander, writer Born in 100 BC, was primarily the conqueror and did not set it to study new countries. We only remind you that in 58 BC, he began to conquer Gallia and after 10 years he brought his legions to the coast of Great Britain, which the peoples of Germanic origin inhabited.

As for Strabo, born in Cappadocia Cappadocia - the name of the terrain located in the southeastern part of the Peninsula Small Asia About 63 years old, then he is famous as a geographer than a traveler. However, he drove small Asia, Egypt, Greece, Italy and lived for a long time in Rome, where he died in the last years of the reign of Tiberius. Strabo left "geography", divided into seventeen books, most of which is preserved to our time. This essay, together with the writings of Ptolemy, is the most important monument of ancient Greek geography.

    3. Actualization of knowledge

Conclusion: travel - to know the world, expand knowledge, explore the oceans, continents, the planet of the earth

Work with the words -TransParamones


Mediterranean Sea



North Sea

Atlantic Ocean

strait of Gibraltar

British Isles

Will Libya learn great?

in an interactive mode

  • Work with the African Card
  • Work with Herodota Card

"Antiquity travelers"






Who were?

Scientist, navigator

When did you travel?

Purpose of Travel?

Is Velika Livia?

Knowledge of the world

Travel outcome

Around Africa

Explored Scythia, Egypt

6. Primary fixing:

1) Test execution

7. Homework

8. Left outcome

9. Reflection

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"Abstract of the lesson" Travelers of antiquity ""

Abstract of the lesson "Travelers of antiquity"

Goal: Create conditions for the formation of students from students on the role of travelers in the study of land

Planned results (tasks):


1) Formation of understanding the role of travel in the accumulation of knowledge of land;

2) respect for history, the lifestyle of other peoples;

3) skill work with a card


1) the ability to work with various sources of information, allocate the main thing in the text, structure the material;

2) convert text into a tabular form;


1) explain the results of outstanding geographical discoveries, the influence of traveling for the development of geographical knowledge;

2) Determine and show travel routes on the map;

3) Formulate the conclusions about the role of ancient travelers in the study of the Earth

Teaching methods: Partial search, research

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: Collective, steam room, group, individual

Means of education: world map, map of northeastern Europe; Map of Libya, Africa (Herodoto); Tutorial, Atlas, Workbook with a printed basis, educational presentation

1. Organizational moment of lesson

"The call rang - the lesson begins!

If you want to know a lot - rapid through!

Everything will work out on "5", if there is a desire! "

Good day! It is very nice to see at today's lesson respected fifth-graders, respected colleagues, everyone who loves to recognize new! I really want to continue the conversation started on the last lesson about distant countries, ancient navigators, unknown Islands, their fabulous wealth, about everything that excites the imagination of people, causes a desire to know something unknown, go to the world of travel and discoveries.

Now, I want to introduce you to anthem geographers, biologists, and environmentalists, people who love travel. Listen!

We will also celebrate the place of travel on the world map.

So, let's start the lesson?

2. Setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson

1) reading words -Transparencies on the blackboard

Libya, Tuamot, Herodotus, Norway, British Islands, Gibraltar Strait, Pill, Amber, Egypt, Scythia, Red Sea, South America, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Kon-Tika, Tour Heyerdal, Eratosthene, Balza, Phoenicians

    What can you say about these words?

    What unites all these words?

    What journeys did people in antiquity commit?

    Could people in antiquity to take round-the-world travels?

    Would you like to learn more about traveling ancient navigators?

2) Definition of the lesson, entry of the topic "Antiquity travelers" in a notebook

3. Actualization of knowledge

1) Organization of testing of knowledge on the topic "In the footsteps of the Stone Century Travelers"

Work with word-banners at the board. Choose words to compile a story about traveling Tour Heyerdal.

The team of Heyerdal's tour has proven to his journey along the Pacific Ocean on the Plot from the Balsa Tree the possibility of settling the islands of the people of the Stone Age.

2) A wall card show South America, Pacific Ocean, Norway

3) Frontal work with class

    The name of the traveler who has proved the opportunity to settle the islands of the Pacific Ocean?

    What was the name of the swimming agent of travelers?

    Why did the researchers can't complete their journey? (p.38, 1 paragraph bottom)

    Why some islands in Pacific Ocean not populated until today?

4) Honor of the story about T. Heyerdal, showing the map

Conclusion: travel - to know the world, expand knowledge, explore the oceans, continents, the planet of the earth

4. Primary learning of new knowledge

    Could people in antiquity to take round-the-world travels?

1) organization of work on the study of a new topic

Work with the words -TransParamones


Mediterranean Sea



North Sea

Atlantic Ocean

strait of Gibraltar

British Isles

Will Libya learn great?

2) the formation of ideas about the earth's surface, on studies of ancient travelers

3) Practical work "Application on the contour map of geographic objects" in an interactive mode

    Work with the African Card

    Work with Herodota Card

    Work with the map of the North-West of Europe (independently)

5. Primary verification of the understanding of the new material

1) Filling the table when using a tutorial

"Antiquity travelers"






Who were?

Scientist, navigator

When did you travel?

Purpose of Travel?

Is Velika Livia?

Knowledge of the world

Find shopping path to sunny stone

Travel outcome

Around Africa

Explored Scythia, Egypt

Found a path from the Mediterranean Sea to North

Conclusion: in antiquity people could perform long journeys; technical capabilities ( sailing courts, trials on oars) differed from the technical capabilities of the people of the Stone Age

6. Primary fixing:

1) Test execution

2) Multi-test, setting the criteria

7. Homework

§ 8; Make a crossword puzzle "Ancient Travelers"

Participate in the All-Russian Geographical Dictation

8. Left outcome

Working with words transparencies

    Is it possible to combine words to groups?

    Is it possible to draw up proposals?

9. Reflection

Reflection of the "Staircase of Success"

See also: