How many airports in Czech Republic. How to get from the airport to Prague? What is marketing cookies

Prague is a world-class tourist attraction, millions of tourists who want to see all the unique beauty of this ancient city seek every year here. The main airline of Prague is the International Airport named after V. Gavel in Prague. And if you set the goal and calculate how many airports in Prague, it is possible to find out that within the Czech capital of them 4: Ruzin (Hawel), summer, bubbles and accurate. But service of international flights is carried out in the main air harbor of the Czech Republic - the airport named after Vaclav Gavel, the remaining airports serve mainly domestic flights, public and private orders.

Brief historical certificate

Czech Republic is rightfully considered one of the founders passenger aviation in Europe, because The first civilian airport of Prague - Kbeli was opened here in 1919, almost a century ago. But by the beginning of the 30ths. He stopped cope with the growing passenger traffic, so the leadership decided to build a second airport - in Ruse. It was commissioned in 1937 and in the same year received the All-Effective recognition. On the World Exhibition In Paris, he received a gold medal for technical and architectural solutions in the design and construction of the aircraft. Lavra went to the Czech engineer A. Benesh, which created the draft of this Prague Airport.

After World War II, interest in Prague Ros, and passenger traffic at the airports of the Czech capital increased. After the adoption of the Czech Republic in the EU in 2004, a large-scale reconstruction and modernization was conducted in Ruzin, which allowed him to win the highest award "World Airport Awards" as the best airport of Eastern and Central Europe in 2007

In 2012, the Government decided to assign the first President of the First President of the Independent Czech Republic by the Air Gate of the country - Waclav Gavel.

Basic data and contacts

  1. Full name: Vaclav Havel Airport Prague (Vaclav Gavel International Airport, Prague);
  2. The location of Prague Airport on the map: from the central part of the city 17 km to the north-west;
  3. Encoding in IATA and ICAO:
  • IATA - PRG;
  • ICAO - LKPR.
  1. Contacts:
  • Address: Czech Airports Authority, 16008 Praha6, Czech Republic;
  • Directorate, tel. / Fax: +420 22011 1111, +420 29666 1111 / + 420 23535 0922;
  • Reference: +420 220 111 888;
  • Email - [email protected].
  1. Official site -;
  2. Mode of operation - round the clock.

Online tablo

On the airport site information is provided, in addition to Czech, in English, German and Russian. The Russian-speaking version of the site in some subsections issues data in English, but sections on informing flights, rules of baggage provisions, services at the airport, etc., are fully Russified, so that you use the official airport sites with Russian-speaking users.

In the "Flight Information" section passengers are available on current flight data available. Information on online tablo The airport updates each minute, users receive up-to-date information about departures and arrivals of the desired flights in real time.

How to leave from the airport to Prague

In Prague from the airport you can leave several traditional ways: by bus, taxi and rented car.


On buses can be reached by many Prague Metro stations, where you can easily get to the city center and attractions. To determine the point of destination will help this map.

Since international flights are mainly serviced in airliners 01 and 02, bus stops There is near everyone. It is easy to find them, they are located next to the outputs from the arrival hall.

Between the airport of the capital Prague, Vaclav Gavel and the Central District, a bus service was established:

  • No. 100: It goes to the metro Zličín (yellow branch, the final). On the way will have to spend about 20 minutes (hours of work: 6-40 - 23-36, between the interval buses - in 10-15 minutes);
  • № 119: to the metro Nádraží Veleslavín (green branch), go about 17 minutes (works: 04-24 - 23-45, movement interval - 10-15 minutes);
  • AirPort Express: Shuttles of this route go to central Station Hlavní Nádraží (Metro Red Branch), on the way - approximately half an hour (opening hours: 5-30 - 21-00, walks every 30 minutes);
  • No. 510: Works at night, from 23-56 to 03-56 in the morning, goes to Na Beránku bus station. The longest and long route, ride at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Tickets for bus routes can be bought in special machines, in tobacco and newsstands or at the bus drivers (the cost of baggage is turned on). The machines take only coins, so you need to stock end. Bank cards are accepted in tobacco stores.

Note! All tickets must be processed, for this in the buses stores there are special yellow composters.

As for the cost of travel in public transport Prague, that exists 2 types of ordinary tickets available to foreigners that act during:

  • 30 minutes (cost 24 Czech crowns);
  • 90 minutes (worth 32 crowns);
  • daily subscription (110 kroons);
  • subscription for 3 days (310 kroons);
  • transport card for month (670 kroons).

Important! The countdown starts only from the time of the ticket composting. Unmarked in the composter is considered invalid. The penalty for the unfailing passage in the Czech Republic is 800 kroons.


At the airport there are several official taxi operators working on fixed rates, this is:

  • Radiocab Taxi;

The airport to the center will cost 400 kroons, with the preliminary order of the "Meeting at the airport" option, the additional fee is charged with 100 kroons. The duration of the trip depends on transport traffic.

Car rental

In Ruzin, you can rent a car in the official representation of the following large firms:

  • Czechocar;
  • Dvořák, Rent A Car, s R.O.;
  • SIXT;
  • Hertz;
  • Rent plus;
  • EUROPCAR (Czech Rent A Car, S.R.O.);
  • Budget;
  • Avis AutoverMietung GmbH.

Car rental racks are located directly in Parking with airline airport airport. The price per day lease depends on the type of machine, its capacity, the main technical parameters and starts from 1250 Czech crowns. When pre-booking, which can be done by visiting sites and portals engaged in the selection of cars for rent in all cities and countries of the world, you can get a car with a significant discount for an early booking.

Parking at the airport

Near the airport terminals there are 6 parking lots providing both express parking services and long-term parking lots.

Short-term parking P1 Express and P2 Express are located, respectively, at Airlines 1 and 2, are available only for landing / disembarking passengers.

Parking P1 - before entering the terminal 1 departure hall, Parking P2 - on the ramp next to the terminal 2. Parking cost is:

  • the first 15 minutes - free of charge;
  • 30 minutes - 100 crowns;
  • 1 hour - 200 crowns;
  • 1.5 hours - 90 kroons.

PARKING RS Comfort (multi-level) and RV Economy are intended for parking for more long term, up to 1 day. Parking cost:

  • from 1 to 11 hours inclusive - 50 kroons per hour;
  • when staying in the parking lots longer than 12 hours, a daily fee is charged - 590 kroons;

These parking lots will be convenient to winning and meeting, which are delayed at the airport longer than 15 minutes.

Parking PC is located on the right hand from the exit from the airliner 1, Parkovka RV - at the exit from the airlinerial arrival hall 2.

Parking PD Holiday is a long-term covered parking lot on which you can leave the car for travel time. From parking to passenger airlinals delivers free shuttle, which can be called by phone +420 601 323 243. Parking cost:

  • 1 day - 590 crowns;
  • 2 days - 650 crowns;
  • 3 days - 790 kroons;
  • 4-8 days - 890 crowns;
  • 9 days - 1090 crowns;
  • 10 days - 1190 crowns;
  • 11 days - 1290 crowns;
  • 12-13 days - 1390 crowns;
  • 14 days - 1490 crowns;
  • 15 days - 1590 kroons.

Important! When placing an online application for parking services, there is a discount of 40 kroons from each tariff.

Parking RASmart. - Covered long-term parking, there are parking machines for a term of the week (7 days), the tariffs are as follows:

  • 7-8 days - 990 crowns;
  • 9 days - 1190 crowns;
  • 10 days - 1290 kroons;
  • 11 days - 1390 crowns;
  • 12-13 days - 1490 crowns;
  • 14 days - 1590 crowns;
  • 15 days - 1690 crowns;
  • from 16 days - 50 kroons for every day.

Airport infrastructure

Prague airport consists of 4 aircases and 2 runways with concrete coating:

  • AIRTER 1 - accepts and sends all international flights outside the Schengen zone;
  • Air survey 2 - serves passenger air transportation within the Schengen zone;
  • AIRTERMINIAL 3 - serves the departures and arrivals of charter flights, private flights;
  • AIRTHERMINAL 4 - serves government order and VIP clients (Aerotexi).

In addition to the standard options and services provided by airports of this class, passengers are available to the following options in the airliners:

  • VIP zone (operate in departure zones and arrival 1 and 2 terminals);
  • free Wi-Fi, you need to connect to the network called;
  • museum of history of Ruzin Airport in Prague;
  • branches of banks and currency exchange points are in all terminals in the arrival zone;
  • medical care points;
  • mother and child room;
  • luggage storage chambers;
  • challenging room;
  • tourist information offices (located in the zones of airlocks arrivals).

Also in all terminals there are numerous cafes, bars, restaurants. At every step, the information board of Prague airport is located, so the flights or arrival of the necessary flights are difficult to skip. Also visual information is accompanied by frequent loud notification in several languages.

At the airport for transit passengers Hotel hotels:

  • REST & FUN CENTER (recreation center and leisure at the airport is located in the aircraftmine 1, in the transit zone);
  • Courtyard by Marriott Prague Airport (located near Airlines, within walking distance);
  • Holiday Inn. Prague Airport (in close proximity to the departure halls and arrival of airclineal mines 1 and 2);
  • Ramada Airport Hotel Prague (located in the building of the airliner 3);
  • Hostel Modrá (next to the airliner 3).

Serviced airlines and directions

Today, the airport named Waclav Gavel in Prague is able to serve flights on the aircraft of any class. Annually an airline serves over 100 thousand airlines flights from all over the world:

  • Lufthansa;
  • Air Canada;
  • American Airlines;
  • Delta Airlines;
  • British Airways;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Russia;
  • Alitalia;
  • Tap portugal;
  • Rayanair;
  • Vueling;
  • Korean Air and others.

Alfail Waclav Havel is a hub of the following air carriers:

  • CSA-Czech Airlines;
  • Silver Air;
  • Holidays Czech Airlines;
  • Smart Wings;
  • Travel Service Airlines;
  • Wizz Air..

The most popular destinations are almost annually:

  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Great Britain;
  • Germany;
  • Russia, etc.

Total airport serves flights from over 60 airlines in 140 directions. Annual passenger traffic of the airport exceeds 15 million people.

The official leadership of the airport declares its plans for further modernization and development of infrastructure in order to improve the quality of service. In particular, by 2020 it is planned to bring the airport speed terminals railwaywhich connects the center of Prague with the main air harbor of the capital.


Russian tourists love the Czech Republic very much. There are many beautiful attractions, medical water In the carriage of Vary, a great resort of skiing in the tatras. The flight from the capital of Russia takes less than three hours.

There is almost a hundred airports in the Czech Republic. The capital name of Vaclav Gavel is the largest and most important. To no less significant regional receiving international flights, four more were four: Karlovy Vary, Pardubice, Ostav and Brno. With the placement of the main airports of the country can be found by looking at the map. Any of them is well equipped, has guestrooms, restaurants, Activities, Duty Friends.

Airlines flying from Russia to Czech Republic

Determining the place of arrival, consider the location of your resort in relation to the airport (see the map), the price of the ticket and the time of location on the way.

Here is the list of airlines collaborating with the Czech Republic and Russia:

  • Aeroflot and Russia are direct flights Moscow - Prague;
  • "Donavia";
  • Polet Airlines.

From Vnukovo (Moscow), aircraft "UTair" arrive at Turzhany Airport. In Karlovy Varya from the capital of Russia, direct flights make airplanes from Czech Airlines.

Most often, Russians choose the airproof in Prague. The transport ground infrastructure is well developed here, which allows you to quickly get to any resort of the country. Near the capital is the airport of Pardubice and Karlovy Vary. They attract customers low tickets (from eighty euros).

Most often, Russians choose the airproof in Prague.

Czech Republic International Airports on the map

Play the route to your resort by studying the location of the nearest international airports of the country:

Prague airport named after Vaclav Gavel

It has excellent European reviews. It is located next to the city (seventeen kilometers). Background Information Next:

  • airport address 160 08 Praha 6;
  • telephone +420 2 20 11 33 14;
  • online departure boards;
  • online boards arrival;
  • basic airlines: Czech Airlines, Silver Air, Wizz Air, Smart Wing, Travel Service Airlines.

Airport hosts aircraft from Russia (Moscow and other cities).

If Prague is a transference point for traveling in Europe, then comfortable hotels are built next to the station, where you can spend the night.



The most comfortable way to move. In just fifteen minutes you can reach the destination. Service cost 15-30 euros. Machines are waiting for customers before the arrival hall.


Data on the place and time of transportation of transport in Russian can be obtained in the airport of the informational rack. Tickets for buses are implemented at the MHD rack, in terminals at stopping points and the driver.

Airport "Turzhany" G. Barn

This is the second airport after Prague. The city center from the station building is only 8 kilometers or a 20-minute drive. Nearby is the route D1 "Brno - Olomouc", which makes it easy to get here on the car. The airlines organize flights from Brno to Moscow.

reference Information

  • airport address 627 00 BRNO 27;
  • telephone +420 545 521 302;
  • online scoreboard;
  • online boards arrival;
  • basic airlines: Central Connect Airlines (flying from Moscow), Yakutia (Vnukovo - "Turzhany"), Ryanair, Wizz Air, Travel Service Airlines.

How to get to the city and resorts?

  1. Taxi. Cost 5-10 euros. Parking is placed in front of the airport.
  2. Transfer The city costs approximately thirty euros. To other resorts, depending on the distance of forty - one hundred and eighty five euros.
  3. Bus Number 76 follows from the central railway station from 5:30 to 22:30 every 30 minutes. Rides until the end stop for 20 minutes. Night bus Number 89 is open from 11:00 to 5:00, sent once every 30-60 minutes. Full ticket costs 0.7 euros.

If the starting point of your trip through the Czech Republic will be the capital of the country, it will make this journey even more saturated.
Useful information about tours on ski resorts Czech Republic. Relax with pleasure at any time of the year!

Airport Pardubice.

This small airport with all necessary infrastructure takes charter and economical international differences, including from Russia. It was built in 4 kilometers from the central district of the city. Until Prague from here about one hundred and twenty kilometers. Near several hotels.

Prices for tickets to this city are somewhat lower than other famous cities of the Czech Republic.

Pardubice is a large railway and transport hub, which allows it to guests comfortably reach the desired points of the country.

reference Information

  • airport address 530 06 Pardubice 6;
  • telephone +420 466 310 155;
  • online departure boards;
  • online boards arrival;
  • basic airlines: Sky Express, Vim Airlines, Transaero.

How to get to the city and Czech resorts?

Methods of movement are the same. Often tourists offer transfer to hotels. The cost of the service is from 15 euros. Buses from airports deliver guests to the railway or bus station Pardubice (ticket up to 50 cents). From these nodes, transport regularly runs to large cities and resorts. For example, before Brno or Prague, the train goes only 60 minutes.

Taxi to the city will surprise low prices (about 5 euros). Many drivers of yellow cars are owned by the Russian language. But what kind of transport to choose, solve you.

For many years, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world attracts. Many go to see the cathedrals and other architectural monuments located in Prague. That is why the most convenient locally The departure to the country is the capital airport Letiště Václava Havla Praha.

This is one of the best air harbors of Europe. In 2007, at the World Airport Awards ceremony, this statement was fixed by a special award.

Prague Airport is located 16 kilometers from the capital. This is the main airport of the country. Despite the fact that the Czech Republic has several air portions, the main passenger traffic accounts for Waclav Gavel.

Through the gate of this air transportation unit, at least 12 million passengers take place a year. Aircraft of any tonnage are accepted. The most famous world air carriers cooperate with it. All this indicates the special significance of the international air station in Prague.

Official data

Located a airfield in the Prague area at number 6, it is stillked by Ruzin district.

Every airport has official nameapplicable to international flights translated into English. Name of Prague - Vaclav Havel Airport Prague.

All useful information about flights, transport can be obtained on the official website

Reference information can be obtained by 24-hour telephone - +420 220 111 888.

Emails should be sent to: [email protected].

Official mail is sent to: Letiste Praha, a. s. K Letiste 6/1019, 160 08 Praha 6.

International Codes

Each airport is assigned special codes. They are needed to compile international flight cards.

Airproof codes:

  • IATA - PRG;
  • ICAO - LKPR.

Information about the first code is important for passengers. It is these three letters on the scoreboard marked flights. The label glued to the baggage also has exactly this encoding. Therefore, in the case of an erroneous crossing of suitcases at another airport, such a designation will not allow the cargo that will be lost. It will be returned to the destination port.

Airport on the map:

Online tablo

How to get

Detailed information on how it is better to get to the airport of Waclav Gavel can be found on the official website. The air berth is at a distance of about 16 kilometers from the city. Therefore, you should take advantage of the following ways to move:

  • Public transport;
  • Taxi;
  • Rental car.

Public transport

Buses, following Prague to the airport, stop close from Terminal 1 and 2. The fare of 32 crowns (90 rubles). It runs two flights:

  1. Bus number 119 to Nadrazi Veleslavin Metro Station;
  2. Bus number 100 to Zlicin Metro Station.

Depending on the time of day, the interval between flights ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. Travel time from 15 to 20 minutes. If it did not work out a ticket in the machine, it can be done by the driver. Payment is accepted only in Czech crowns and is desirable for the calculation.

Some passengers are more conveniently used by AirPort Express flight. This is a special transport that transports travelers from Terminals 1 and 2 to the bus station of Prague and back. Time on the way about half an hour. For the passage will have to pay 60 kroons (170 rubles).


It is very difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar city. And if the passenger arrived with children or large baggage, then you should not use the services public transport. It is better to book a transfer in advance.

The airport of Waclav Gavel offers to use the services of its partners Fix Taxi and Taxi Praha.

Carriers work around the clock. The machine is fed to special parking in front of terminals 1 and 2.

The price of travel depends on the number of kilometers traveled and is fixed. Approximate cost of the car Standard class for 4 passengers from the airport to the center of Prague is 285 kroons (800 rubles) and higher.

When booking the machine, you should specify the end address. Taxi can deliver a passenger in any locality By his desire.

Rental car

Machine car rental is directly in the airclaus building. All rollers are located in the parking building on the basement. Rent can be ordered in advance. Its cost depends on the class of the car and the use period. On average, the mini mini car rented for 5 days will have to pay 1,800 kroons (about 4,700 rubles).

For more information about the terminals and on how to get to the center of Prague - in Video:

Where to park

For arriving and departure passengers, 3 types of parking are provided:

  1. Short-term minute. It is designed for 15 minutes. This time is just enough to exit (go) into the car and immerse the luggage. For the placement of the machine during the specified time, the fee is not charged. Special sites for parking are close to Terminals 1 and 2.
  2. Short-term hour. This is a paid service. If it is assumed that the car delay near the terminals will be longer than 15 minutes, it is necessary to pay 50 kroons (140 rubles) for each hour.
  3. Long-term (from 1 day or more). At the airport 4 multi-tiered parking for long-term placement of the machine. You can book a place in advance. But usually parking spaces are enough. Just online-order is somewhat profitable at a price. When ordering through the Internet service, the parking machine will cost 990 kroons for a week (about 2750 rubles).

In addition to open spaces for machines in front of the terminals, the airport has multi-level PC Comfort and PB Economy Parking places.

In addition, you can use parking in close proximity to the outputs:

  • BUS parking in front of terminal 1 (P1 Express);
  • BUS Parking Terminal 2 (PB Economy);
  • Parking at Terminal 3 (P11) JIH (South).

For the first 20 minutes the fee is not taken. Price per parking space on PB Economy is twice as fewer than on P1 Express. The hour of parking is paid in the amount of 100 kroons (about 280 rubles).

The diagram and infrastructure of the airport

The first terminal appeared in the Prague airport in 1937. After that, the building was completed, rebuilt. In the course of the reconstruction, another 3 facilities appeared. This is now aircraft international class Presents four terminals:

  • №1. Specializes in servicing flights to countries that are not related to the Schengen zone.
  • №2. Flights to the states of the Schengen visa regime are accepted here.
  • Number 3. Aims at the reception of private airlines and charters.
  • №4. Special zone for guests of the VIP-class. Conventional flights are not served here. The terminal serves foreign government delegations.

An important point is the prohibition of smoking inside the airport. There are not even specially designated for this place. Special zones are highlighted only at the output of the terminal. There are only 14 of them.

Trading pavilions

Inside the airport, passengers are difficult to bother. To their services 85 all kinds of shops located in various zones. Several Duty Free Shop pavilions are located in a special zone available only after general inspection and passport control procedure.

Here you can buy any products:

  • cosmetics, perfume;
  • footwear;
  • clothes;
  • alcohol;
  • souvenirs and more.

Most points are opened at 6 am and closes at 10 pm. But there are pavilions that work around the clock.


Inside the building on the territory of Terminals 1 and 2 there are many institutions in which you can delicious to eat. It:

  1. Network of restaurants of useful mexican food.
  2. Conceptual restaurants of Pilsner Urquell network. Here is served the best beer.
  3. PORTO CENTRAL restaurant. Here they prepare amazing rustic dishes national Kitchen. Location - Terminal 2.
  4. French bakery Porto Central. Located in the terminal 1. Here you can drink a cup of fragrant coffee under crisp french baguette
  5. And many other institutions, which can be found in detail on the official website.

Most establishments are opened in 5-6 in the morning and works until 22.00.

In the process of the tour of the airproof Waclav Gavel, you can:

  • See many hidden locations of the station, which are closed to visit passengers;
  • Listen to an entertaining story about the unique fire station;
  • Understand the specifics of the runway;
  • Will get acquainted with the special airport transport;
  • Exit the runway and make the original photo.

Do you need a visa to enter the city

In order to get to the Czech Republic, you need to arrange a Schengen visa. Recently, the Prague airfield becomes a very convenient docking point for the flight to other cities and countries. In this regard, the question arises: "Is it possible to visit this wonderful city with a long waiting for transplant?"

On the city can be wanted under the condition of the presence of a Schengen visa. But here it is worth carefully follow the time and arrive at the airport at least an hour before landing.

Long docking is a very rare for air berth Vaclav Gavel. Usually the transplant does not take more than one hour. But even if this happened, and the passenger does not open a Schengen visa, he is prohibited from entering the city. It should be only in a special transit zone.

Basic airlines

This is one of their oldest states of the state - he is more than 80 years old. The first flights here have become held since 1937. Then the airfield had a completely different name - Ruzin. The name of the first president of Czechoslovakia.

Subsequently, when one large state was divided into two small, it was decided to rename the air harbor and assign her the name of the first president of the Czech Republic - Waclav Gavel.

Other airports in Prague

Vaclav Gavel Airport is the main aerial gate Czech Republic. In addition to him, 4 small airports are located in the vicinity of Prague:

  1. Prague Cabli. There are neither internal nor international flights. This airproof serves solely for servicing government flights. In her age, he is much older Waclav Gavel. He has been more than 100 years old. It was the very first air harbor in the country.
  2. Luma. This port takes only domestic flights. Sometimes international courts can direct here. To the airport is easy to get to the metro from any point of Prague, which makes it very convenient for operation.
  3. Accurate. Also aims to maintain internal flights. Located in the southern part of the city. Several years ago, the airproof was closed for reconstruction, which continues to this day.
  4. Waters. Airfield is 7 kilometers from Prague. Charters and cargo aircraft are sent here. Sometimes passenger international transportation is served.

Waclav Gavel Airport is the Czech Business Card. He is not only the largest in the country, but also one of the best in Europe. Each passenger can feel in complete safety in this air harbor. And the European level of service will only leave the best impressions.

International and Domestic Airports of the Czech Republic: where it is convenient to get to which resorts, which airlines flying to. Location, Shops "Duty-Free", Terminals and Useful information about the airports of Czech Republic.

On the territory of the Czech Republic there are seven civil airportsWith international status, four of them make regular flights from Russia.

The country's largest airport is located in its capital - Prague. Prague Airport named Vaclav Gavel takes almost 15 million passengers per year, more than a third of passengers fly to Prague with low-budget airlines.

The Czech Republic airports receive a lot of tourists from Russia, and at some airports, such as Karlovy Vary, in addition to internal flights, are launched only aircraft flying from our country.

The closest of the airports of the Czech Republic to Prague is Pardubice Airport. Until 1995, it was an exclusively military airport, and at present, military aircraft are often laundered in Pardubice. Also accept here charter flights From Russia, Southern Europe, as well as freight air transportations. Tourists arriving at the airport of Pardubitz are well saved at the cost of tickets. And thanks to his proximity to the capital of the Czech Republic, this airport is becoming increasingly popular.

In the city of Brno, Turzhan International Airport is located, the most popular destinations of which are considered London, Prague and Moscow. In general, the airports of the Czech Republic are taking a lot of tourists from Russia, and at some airports, for example in Karlovy Vary, in addition to domestic flights, only aircraft flying from our country are launched.

At the airports of the Czech Republic, tourists feel very comfortable. There are recreation areas, restaurants and ATMs. Of course, Duty Frei shops are operating on the territory of all Czech International Airports. There is no special entertainment, except at the airport of Pardubice, so if you have a long clock waiting for the flight, it is better to go for a walk to the city.

In any of the airports of the Czech Republic, you can rent a car. It is very convenient if you are planning to travel around the country yourself.

Airlines flying to Czech Republic

The airport in Prague takes tourists from Russia, which flew with such airlines as Aeroflot, Russia, " Ural Airlines", S7," Yakutia ", Czech Airlines, Polet Airlines, as well as" Donavia ". At the airport of Turzhanas landing the aircraft of UTair, which flew from Moscow Vnukovo.

The airline České Aerolinie will deliver to Karlovy Vary tourists from Moscow, Samara and St. Petersburg. Muscovites will also be able to fly with Aeroflot, and residents Northern capital - With "Russia." "Ural Airlines" make flights from Ekaterinburg and Tyumen with an end point in Karlovy Vary.

What airport to choose

The most popular among tourists from Russia is the airport in Prague. And this is not by chance, because from the capital of the country there is easy to get to any resort.

If you want to save, it is better to look at flights next to the Pardubitz or Karlovy Var. They are relatively close to Prague, but tickets can be found cheaper.

Practical information

Turzhana Airport in Brno: the board of flights is available on the official website; Phone Airport Directorate: +420 545 521 302.

Airport Karlovy Vary: Tablo Flights available on the official website; Phone reference airport: +420 353 360 611.

Pardubice Airport: Tablo Flights available on the official website; Phone Directorate Airport: +420 466 310 155.

Vaclava Gavel Airport in Prague: Tablo Flights available on the official website; phone reference airport: +420 2 20 11 33 14.

Only in July 2019, travelers sent to Prague for the first time, asked in the search engine Yandex 375 times: "How many airports in Prague?". I answer - in Prague one international airport 🙂

Vaclav Gavel Airport, until 2012, who was called "Ruzin" (Airport location on map of, located 15 kilometers from the city center and consists of 4 terminals: Terminal 1 (for non-Schengen countries); Terminal 2 (for the states of the Schengen Union); Terminal 3 (for charter flights); Terminal 4 (for official state visits).

Accordingly, direct flights to from Russia and Belarus, as well as flights with a transfer to Turkey, Ukraine and Serbia land in Terminal 1 Prague airport, and flights with a transfer to Latvia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Belgium and other Schengen Union countries lands in the termale 2.

Terminal 1 Prague Airport

Terminals 1 and 2 Prague Airport are interconnected by an internal corridor, and Ruzin himself is compact and in terms of displacement it is intuitively understood. The difference between arrival in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 Prague International Airport consists in the intersection of the border of the European Union. Passengers of flights landed in Terminal 1, crossed the border in the Prague airport. Passengers of the terminal 2 crossed the border earlier at the airport of transplant, and to enter the city they will no longer need a passport.

The content of the article

How to get to Prague Airport

With the center of Prague Airport, Prague is connected by 3 urban bus routes with standard passage - 24 or 32 Kč (Czech crowns), depending on the time (30 and 90 minutes, respectively). Buses follow the nearest stations of Prague Metro: bus №119 to the metro station "Nádraží Veleslavín"; Bus №100 to Zličín Metro Station. At night from the airport to the city center you will deliver the bus route №910

Optional from the airport to the Prague Main Station, AirPort Express is running for a trip in which a separate payment is charged - 60 Kč (Czech).

If you want to know more about how to get to the center of Prague or directly to your hotel accommodation in the Czech capital by public transport (and how to use it), then read a separate blog article on this topic:

Prague. The airport. Taxi

For my respected readers who use the services of taxi services "Uber" and "Gett" with a trip to Prague nothing will change. They will continue to enjoy their mobile app, as well as in the city of permanent residence. For the rest of the travelers, I note that until recently, use the services of Prague taxi drivers, it was comparable to pleasure from the services of their Russian colleagues. This is how Luis James Luis James describes their work in the British Travel Guide on Prague from Thomas Cook:

"Drivers often fill the price. Sitting in a taxi, pay attention to whether the counter is enabled. If you suspect that you are deceived, require a check and write down the car number. Try not to use a taxi if you are traveling from the airport or from the Old Town Square: the prices from here are exemplary. "

In my opinion, recently, the situation with a taxi in Prague has noticeably improved, but still safer use the services already repeatedly proven tourists of the company. At Prague Airport under the 2019 Agreement, two companies operate: Fix Taxi and Taxi 14007. Unfortunately, while I did not use their services, since I order a habit of taxi AAA.

Company "AAA" - The most popular Prague taxi. Transfer "Airport - Hotel - Airport" usually costs a passenger in 900-1600 Czech crowns (2700-4800 rubles). Taxi order from anywhere in the city can be done on english language By phone: +420 222 333 222, or using Mobileappendixcompanies on their smartphone.

Prague. The airport. The shops

Jewelry shop from Czech Pomegranate in Prague Airport

In addition to the usual round-the-clockshops « Duty Free."BRAND" BURBERRY "," EMPORIO ARMANI "and иж with them, passengers in the sterile zone of terminal 1 of the Prague airport may be interested in the following products of local producers:

  • - Czech natural cosmetics (soap, foam and salt for baths, shampoos, cream, toilet water and much more), in the production of which the company uses unique natural materials: Czech beer, Karlovovak salt, Moravian wine, Salt of the Dead Sea, grapefruit extracts, orange , lime, mint and germ wheat;
  • Souvenir benches, which offers a large selection of handmade Czech products from glass, wood and ceramics. In addition, there is a large selection of souvenir products, including T-shirts, key rings, postcards, books about Prague, soft toys and much more. From Czech goods in the store, in addition to glass and ceramics, you can also purchase, probably one of the most famous soft toys of the Czech Republic - Crickets (KRTEK), a popular character czech cartooncreated by the artist Zdenek Maler;
  • The jewelry store, which contains a large selection of gold and silver jewelry with Czech grenade (rings, necklaces, bracelets). Also on the counter of the store you can find decorations from Moldavite, a semi-precious dark green stone, known in the Czech Republic as Vltavin. Perhaps the products of Czech jewelry plants are somewhat old-fashioned, but authentic;
  • Grocery boutique of Czech delicacies "Bohemia Deli". Large selection of local food and beverages at prices three or four times higher urban. Therefore, if you did not have time to buy Czech products in the city (and the desire is available), then I recommend that you do this in the BILLA minimarket, which is located in the terminal 2 of the Prague airport (the store is located on the 1st floor of the terminal, not in the sterile zone, i.e. . Entrance to the store is free).
  • Store open hours: Mon-Sun 7-21;
  • All the shops and restaurants of the airport can be found on thislink.

Prague. The airport. Restaurants

Corporate Restaurant "Pilsner Urquell" in Prague Airport

In the Prague airport there are more than 30 cafes and restaurants from the already familiar "McDonald's" and "Starbucks" to the company Pilsner Urquell Original Restaurant. Prices are almost twice as high as in the city, but it seems that the fate of all airports in the world. The most affordable cafe of Prague airport "Letiště Praha" (it is here that the service personnel is supplied) located on the 2nd floor in the sterile zone of the terminal 1.Opening hours of restaurants: Mon-Sun 6-23.

Prague. The airport. Services and services

Children's playground Prague airport
  • Prague Airport offers 24-hour high-speed Wi-Fi Internet access (;
  • In the sterile zone of terminals 1 and 2 Prague airport, there are several children's playgrounds, which are designed for children aged from 1 to 10 years;
  • The airport offers passengers to take a shower for 99 Kč (30 minutes - the price includes towels and soap accessories); Rent a private room for 2 hours (299 Kč), for 6 hours (499 Kč), for the night (1499 Kč) - I need to reservation for 48 hours before arrival. This service is valid for passengers of the sterile zone, i.e. passed registration for flight;
  • For bored transit passengers (and not only) at the airport there are 2-hourexcursionsduring which you can see the inner life best Airport Central and Eastern Europe 2007, 2008 and 2009. The cost of excursion for adults 220 Kč.

Taks Free at Prague Airport

Making purchases in the Czech Republic, you can return the value added tax in the amount of from 10% to 17% depending on the amount of purchase and type of goods (for example, for drugs, the return is 15%) if the total purchase amount in one check of one store (checks not summed) amounted to 2001 Czech, the store participates in the program " Tax Free. Shopping "(This is indicated by the inscription on the door of the store), and you asked the seller in the store to place before paying the purchases of the Special Blank" Tax Free Form Vat Refund ". I note that the VAT is not returned for food and drinks! Return money produced when crossing the border of the European Union, that is, in our case in international Airport Prague.

Customs Rack in Terminal 1 Prague Airport

With independently in Latin letter letters "Tax Free Form", passport, air ticket and shopping tickets (in unused form), go to the customs rack (Tax refund / Customs) in the Terminal 1 of the Prague Airport. View how to fill out the "Tax Free Form Vat Refunde" form. Customs officer may be asked to show bought goods and ticket to the aircraft and then put the print on your form. After this procedure, go with a passport and a blank for receiving money in the VAT Return Kiosk (Tax Free). Two kiosks are located here in the terminal 1 just 20 meters from the stand of the customs service.

VAT Return Kiosk in Terminal 1 Prague Airport

Money can be obtained in any currency (Kč or €) in cash or transfer to a bank card. In my opinion, it is more reliable to receive cash with Czech crowns, as in this case, firstly, you will not lose a course on the exchange of Czech crowns on the euro, and secondly, you will not have to join a long and unpredictable correspondence with the company "Global Blue "Regarding the lack of VAT return to your card.

If you cross the border at night, when VAT refund kiosks do not work (opening hours: 07:00 - 22:30), then you will be returned to you within 6 months in the Russian bank (if you have a custom print for a customer, which works at the airport around the clock! ), which under the contract with companies"Global Blue" or "PREMIER TAX FREE" Provides this service. For more information about other VAT refund methods, you can read in my article about Prague stores, in the section.

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Hotel at Prague Airport

Two-away from Prague Airport are located two hotels: "Courtyard by Marriott Prague Airport", located 200 meters from Terminals, and Holiday Inn Prague Airport, which is 800 meters away, but offers a free airport shuttle.

With the rest of hotels located near Prague Airport, you can find thissite..

Shopping Center, Beer Restaurant and Natural Reserve near Prague Airport

Shopping Center "Šestka"

The road from stopping to the Šestka shopping center

In 8 minutes by public transport from Prague Airport, the TC "Šestka", where more than 100 stores are located, an excellent product supermarket "Albert" and a restaurant courtyard with numerous cafes.

On the ground floor of the shopping center there is a large children's sports and gaming complex with a 20-meter slide, which can ride both children (from 6 years old) and adults.

  • Address: Fajtlova 1090/1, Praha 6, Ruzyně;
  • How to get there: Stopping public transport "K Letišti". Bus routes №100 and №119. Travel time from the airport: 8 minutes. TC is located 100 meters from the stop;
  • Opening hours: Stores Mon-Sun 9-21, Mon-Sun supermarket 7-22;
  • Location on the map:TC "Šestka"
  • Website:

Natural Reserve "Divoká Šárka" (Wild Shark)

The Divoka Sharcar is the largest natural reserve of Prague, which is located in the capital area of \u200b\u200bthe HC, on the rocky slopes of the Sharcar, between the Jomban reservoir and the damn mill. General territory natural Park It is more than 25 hectares.

According to the asphalt path of the Rock Canyon along the Sharcar's stream, you can go well at any time of the year, and in the summer of the Divoká Šárka natural pool and several open cafes of the Prague Reserve are waiting for you.

  • How to get there: Stopping public transport "Divoká Šárka". Bus route №119. Travel time from the airport: 13 minutes. Natural Reserve It starts immediately behind the restaurant "McDonald's", which is 50 meters from the stop;
  • Location on the map:reserve "Divoká Šárka"

Beer restaurant "NAD Šárkou"

Prague. Beer restaurant "NAD Šárkou"

After a walk through the Natural Praguestive Reserve "Divoká Šárka", it is difficult to refuse to enjoy to taste Czech beer with more than a century of history from the North Brewer (True, modern brewery opened in 2013), which prepares for us in brewery at the Sládek restaurant (brewer) David Pátek.

I strongly recommend that you try here an excellent amber El and an interesting dark special wheat beer "Šebestián 13 ° " By the way, the fondant nature makes sense to read my article about or ride on exclusive cultural Route blog.

  • Address: EVROPSKÁ 134/209, PRAHA 6, LIBOC;
  • How to get there: Stopping public transport "Divoká Šárka". Bus route №119. Travel time from the airport: 13 minutes. Beer is located 50 meters from the stop, opposite the McDonald's restaurant;
  • Opening hours: Mon-Sat 11-23, Sun 11-22;
  • Location on the map:restaurant "NAD Šárkou"
  • Website:

See also: