How to get to Jamaica: choosing the right route. Cheap flights to Jamaica Must-see places

Musical Jamaica sways from dawn to dusk to the rhythms of reggae. Life here is more than unhurried, and the main occupation is unity with nature. Excellent beaches and a variety of hotels, cities and resorts, "excursion" and festivals - all about Jamaica: tours, prices, photos.

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Sunny and hospitable Jamaica receives more and more tourists from Russia every year. This is understandable: the island boasts beautiful exotic nature, beautiful beaches, places untouched by man, as well as good infrastructure - hotels and restaurants for every taste and budget. The main contingent is wealthy tourists who, as a rule, travel to Jamaica in pairs or small companies. Families with children are chosen less often - the duration of the flight affects. A separate important plus is that Russians do not need a visa to this country for a trip of up to 30 days.

Not only nature, but also the unique Jamaican culture attracts travelers to this country. African, British and Caribbean notes mixed here, and it was here that the musical style of reggae arose - a synonym for harmony and peace.

Regions and resorts of Jamaica

Time difference with Moscow

− 8 hours

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  • with Kamchatka

The climate of Jamaica

Maps of Jamaica

Visa and customs

Communication and Wi-Fi

Roaming in Jamaica is expensive, so it is recommended to purchase a local SIM card for calls and mobile data. There are two mobile operators on the island - Digicel and LIME, both have a wide coverage (interruptions in communication can only be in remote mountainous areas), but Digicel is the leader in terms of communication quality. A SIM card can be purchased at any mini market, there is also a counter at the airports of Kingston and Montego Bay. Payment cards are also sold everywhere, the basic package costs about 10 USD. The account will have about half of this amount, you will need a passport for the purchase. Keep in mind that card activation takes up to 72 hours, often faster, but if not, there is no way to speed up the process.

The cost of a call to Russia is about 140 JMD per minute, Mobile Internet will cost 100 JMD for 500 MB per day or 600 JMD for 2 GB per week.

Call centers are also used for calls, accepting phone cards for 100, 200 and 500 JMD, you can buy them at post offices. Calling from a hotel is expensive, the rates are 3-4 times higher than usual.

Mobile Internet in Jamaica is poorly developed, the 4G network is just emerging and available in Kingston and other major cities. You can count on free Wi-Fi in cafes and restaurants only in the capital, in other cities it is either not available, or it is paid. Free Wi-Fi in hotels is also still rare.


The country's monetary unit is the Jamaican dollar (JMD), in 1 dollar 100 cents. Current exchange rate: 1 JMD = 0.45 RUB (1 USD = 141.49 JMD, 1 EUR = 153.25 JMD).

Along with the local currency in Jamaica, the American dollar is in circulation, but change is still given out in Jamaican dollars. The most favorable exchange rate is in banks and exchange offices, and money can also be changed in most hotels. At the airport, the exchange rate is very disadvantageous. Reverse exchange of JMD to USD is possible only when leaving the country at the airport upon presentation of the receipt of the initial exchange.

If possible, take more small bills - it is more convenient with them. In Jamaica, there are coins with corners; tourists often bring them as gifts to fellow collectors.

Many tourist shops accept travelers checks (it is better to buy them in USD) and Visa, Mastercard and American Express bank cards.

Exchange offices (cambio) in Jamaica are located at airports, banks, hotels and on city streets. It is best to change money in city banks, most of them have 24-hour ATMs. ATMs dispense mostly Jamaican dollars, but some can also dispense US dollars.

Banks in Jamaica are open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and Fridays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Major banks in the country: Bank of Jamaica, JMMB, Jamaica National, NCB, Scotiabank. The exchange rate is about the same everywhere.

As a rule, tips are already included in the cost of staying at a hotel if it operates on an all-inclusive basis, so any cash rewards are not accepted at Jamaican resorts. Tipping in restaurants is 10-15% of the bill - if they are not included in it. Tipping is prohibited at Sandals and SuperClubs hotels.

Jamaica Hotels

There are many hotels in Jamaica - from cozy small hotels to ultra-modern complexes and luxurious villas. All-inclusive clubs predominate, many of which are designed only for a certain category of clients. For example, some hotels are romantically oriented and only accept couples, while others will accommodate anyone without question. Some hotels have spas.

The island has hotels of various well-known "chains", for example, Riu, Sandals, Superclubs, Sunset, Secrets and many others. Sandals caters to traditional and non-traditional couples, its Beaches hotels cater to families with children, and Superclubs cater to singles and couples.

Superclubs' Hedonism hotels are tailor-made for strawberry lovers, Breezes hotels are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, and Grand Lido hotels are simply positioned as some of the best in Jamaica.

In addition, Couples hotels are very popular - for couples, more cozy and romantic than Sandals, Sunset hotels - for family vacation(with slides or water park). There are many hotels with a twist - boutique hotels - Caves and Country Country in Negril, Jakes on the South Coast, Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios and many others.

Villa holidays are also popular in Jamaica - Tryall Club and Round Hill villas are especially good. The last complex is interesting because you don't have to rent the whole villa, you can just take a room and get the same pleasure, but for less money.

Hotel accommodation is a fairly large expense item during a holiday in Jamaica. A night in a hostel costs from 15 USD per person, a standard double room in an inexpensive hotel in the high season - from about 40-45 USD for two. In Montego Bay, prices are above the national average: "three rubles" - from 75 USD, 4 * - from 200 USD, 5 * - from 300 USD per day for a double room.

The voltage is 110V, frequency 50Hz, in some large hotels 220V. American standard plugs with two flat prongs are used, so an adapter is needed.

How to avoid problems

The security situation in the country is ambiguous. On the territory of large tourist areas, travelers do not have to worry: their own security services are well established there and, moreover, there are special police units. But outside the resorts, you should be especially careful in dealing with local residents. It is better to leave original documents, large amounts of cash, expensive jewelry and equipment in the hotel safe.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble in Jamaica, it is better not to go into areas where locals live: many of them are not particularly friendly to visitors. Photographing local residents without permission is also not worth it, most often such situations end in a conflict. It is better to refuse the offers of local residents to “show the real non-tourist Jamaica”. Most likely, it will be a brothel, a brothel of smoky "musicians" or they will simply try to "divorce" you for money.

The level of insolation is very high on the island - for the adaptation period (2-3 days), serious sunscreen and light clothing are needed. Sunscreen is generally recommended to be used constantly, especially from 9:00 to 15:00.

Do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Cooked meats, poultry, seafood, fruits and vegetables are generally considered safe, but many local dishes are unfamiliar and can upset an unprepared Russian stomach. It is recommended to drink only bottled water. You do not need to do any vaccinations before visiting Jamaica, it is better to remember instead that in the country high level venereal diseases and AIDS.

Mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects pose some danger, so you should always have repellents on hand.

Useful numbers just in case: police - 119, ambulance - 110, fire department - 110.

Maps of Jamaica

Jamaica beaches

The beaches in Jamaica are sandy, wide, the water is clean and transparent, and its temperature is almost the same. all year round- +24 °С. There are free and paid beaches, the paid ones have better infrastructure, sometimes they even have their own cinema under open sky and golf courses. But the standard set is an umbrella and a sunbed, showers, beach bars and water entertainment rentals. Some hotels have their own beach, usually guests can visit it for free. Entry fee for paid beach- 650-2000 JMD depending on the set of services, sometimes a couple of drinks are included in this amount.

  • Beach Negril located in the western part of the island and is not only considered the most beautiful on the island, but also one of the ten the best beaches peace. This coast is popular not only among lovers of swimming and sunbathing, but also among divers: the water here is absolutely transparent, visibility is up to 25 m, and the underwater world is very diverse.
  • Ocho Rios(a resort in the northern part of the island) is also famous for its gorgeous beaches with beautiful views. The first James Bond film was even shot here, and the local beach was named after him - James Bond beach, where the shooting took place. 20 km away is the former residence of the writer Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels, today there is a hotel. The beaches of Ocho Rios are preferred by Hollywood stars and other famous personalities. Another popular beach in this resort is Turtle beach, loved by families with children, and in windy weather - by surfers, the entrance to it is paid.
  • The beaches of Ocho Rios and Negril are considered the best on the island, but the most popular resort is Montego Bay. It has the best infrastructure, the most restaurants, entertainment centers and nightclubs. The most famous private beach here - Dr. Cave: the best restaurants in the resort and rental equipment for diving and surfing. Walter Fletcher Beach is loved by families with children.
  • Long Bay- one of the most picturesque beach resorts, although its infrastructure is inferior to those listed above. It's not crowded here compared to popular resorts, you can rent inexpensive housing from local residents, and pink sand on the beach itself.

Nudist beaches are worth special attention. Jamaica is known for its loyalty to those who like to swim without clothes, but it is better to do this in specially designated areas. The main "wild" beaches of Jamaica are located in the nudist hotels "Hedonism II" and "Hedonism III". The first one is in Negril, a 1.5 hour drive from Montego Bay, and the second one is in Ocho Rios. There you can not only sunbathe in the nude, but also play volleyball, walk around the pool without clothes, watch erotic shows and participate in various frivolous contests.

Beauty of Jamaica

Shopping and shops Jamaica

Shopping is not really about Jamaica. It is unprofitable and practically nowhere to buy expensive clothes, perfumes or accessories. Bargain shopping in Jamaica is bright cotton beachwear from local brands Cooyah, Zion and others, excellent rum and coffee, jewelry and handicrafts.

There are very few large shopping centers in Jamaica; small shops with souvenirs are much more common. There are duty-free shops not only at airports, but also scattered throughout the island, and the prices there are quite attractive, and according to travel documents they give additional discounts. The main shopping centers are the resorts of Montego Bay and Ocho Rios.

It is worth bringing the famous Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica, it costs about 1500 JMD for 500 gr. The largest selection and low prices- in shops at coffee factories. Jamaican rum Appleton is better to buy in duty free (from 3200 JMD). The island also makes excellent spices and condiments, such as Walkerswood sauces, peppers, curries, paprika, ginger from Island Spice. Cost - from 250 JMD per pack.

The most popular souvenirs are handicrafts (wood sculptures, chasing, semi-precious stones), colorful handmade jewelry (from 500 JMD) and rastaman hats (from 600 JMD). Original acquisitions will be furniture and interior items made of bamboo Crazy Legs Originals and Original Bamboo Factory - unique handmade items made of bamboo.

Prices in large shopping centers are fixed, but in all street shops and markets it is customary to bargain.

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Cuisine and restaurants

Jamaican culinary traditions are a mix of Caribbean, English, Spanish and African cuisines. Local chefs mainly lean on fruits, pork, poultry, seafood and vegetables, richly flavoring all this with a variety of seasonings. Local fruit exotic: "oranik" - a hybrid of orange and tangerine, "ugli" - a hybrid of grapefruit and tangerine, breadfruit.

The main national dish of Jamaica is "aki" and "saltfish" (tastes like an omelette). Grilled chicken is very popular, marinated in a special pepper sauce and cooked on the coals of a pimento tree. It is sold on every corner from home-made barbecues.

Traditional Jamaican juicy patties (“juicy pies”) with a variety of vegetable, meat and fish fillings are very popular in the country. A network of cafes under the same name is a kind of Jamaican version of McDonald's. At lunchtime, queues even gather here, but there are few tourists in them, mostly local residents.

Dinner in a seaside restaurant for two will cost about 15,000 JMD, lunch in an inexpensive cafe - about 4000-5000 JMD for two, breakfast with coffee and toast - about 400-500 JMD per person.


The most famous Jamaican beer is the light Red Stripe. Real Rock Lager is also popular - a light beer with a pronounced taste, brewed in the traditional way. Of the unusual, Jamaican ginger beer is worth trying.

Wines in Jamaica are mostly imported - from Chile, Argentina, Spain or America. Their prices are quite low, and the quality is very decent.

The best photos of Jamaica

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Entertainment and attractions in Jamaica

Jamaica is considered one of the richest countries in the entire Caribbean in terms of attractions. However, they are all located in different parts of the island, so you will have to ride for the impressions.


Not far from Montego Bay the Belvedere estate of the 19th century is located. It is a kind of museum of the era when the slave system reigned in Jamaica. Here you can see a dam built by slaves, sugarcane plantations where slaves worked, and the house itself is stylized as a building of the 17th century. You can explore the estate on your own or with a guided tour; in the second case, the price includes a traditional Jamaican lunch with live music.

In Montego Bay itself, it is worth visiting the Appleton Estate rum factory. Tours are conducted around the factory, where you can learn the history of Jamaican rum, see the process of its creation and taste several varieties.

Architecture of the city" Spanish Town everything is designed in the spirit of the 17th century, even new houses are built here only in this style so that they fit into the urban landscape. The main local attraction is the Rodney memorial. It was built in honor of Admiral George Bridges Rodney, the commander-in-chief of the British army, who defended the city and prevented it from being captured by the French-Spanish army. On the sides of the memorial are guns, from which a volley is fired annually in honor of this victory. There is a legend that these guns were taken from the French in that very battle.

Cathedral of St. Catherine in Spanish Town - one of the oldest architectural monuments Jamaica, it was built back in the 17th century, and even wooden carvings and clay stucco have been preserved on it.

Rose Hall Mansion is one of Jamaica's most mysterious landmarks. It is located 20 minutes by car from Montego Bay and is known as the home of the legendary Anya Palmer, sometimes called the White Witch of Jamaica (white - purely because of the color of her skin). According to legend, Ani wielded voodoo magic and killed her husband in order to take possession of his estate, and then began to seduce slaves, who in the morning suffered the same fate as her husband. In 1965, the new owners of the house opened a museum here, but legends about the ghost of a woman who walks up the stairs and sighs are still alive.

Adventure lovers will love the old town Port Royal where the pirates used to live. Today it is located here Maritime Museum, defensive Fort Charles and a unique 45 degree stilt house.

IN Kingston there is the Bob Marley Museum, it is located in the house where the musician lived since 1975. The house is very bright, painted with portraits of Marley and colorful graffiti. The layout remained intact - as during the life of the singer, however, several rooms were completed: a library, a recording studio for the musician's children and his daughter's branded clothing store.

On the walls of the museum you can see not only drawings, but also bullet holes left after the assassination attempt on the reggae legend.

The rooms of the museum contain Bob Marley's favorite star-shaped guitar, his stage costumes, gold records and CDs, awards and magazine clippings.

4 things to do in Jamaica:

  1. Ride the ostriches famous park Cashu on the south coast of the island.
  2. Watch the sunset from the 2,220m high Blue Peak in eastern Jamaica. Then visit the coffee planter's estates to sample some of the best freshly brewed Blue Mountains coffee in the world.
  3. Rafting on the Martha Brae, Black River and in the Mountain Valley area.
  4. Hand feed a hummingbird at Montego Bay Nature Reserve.


Dunn's River Falls is one of the most beautiful places on the entire island. They are located in the middle of a real jungle, their height is 55 m. Near the waterfalls there is a beach where you can swim. The most desperate can climb to the top on foot - the stones are very slippery, so it is recommended to be as careful as possible and not go there alone.

All tourists at the waterfalls are met by the donkey Bunny, with whom you can take a picture - this is a long-term tradition and a local attraction.

You can get to the waterfalls on tourist buses that leave from Ocho Rios every day at 10:00.

Another very picturesque place is the Blue Lagoon. People come here not only for spectacular views: it is believed that local water has a very beneficial effect on the skin.

Near port city Falmouth is a luminous lagoon - microorganisms live there, whose chitinous cover glows bright turquoise in the dark.

The most high point Islands - Blue Peak - located in the Blue Mountains (Blue Mountain). Its height is 2147 m, and from this peak the most beautiful views to the whole island. It is believed that it is best to meet the dawn here, and in order to see the first rays of the sun, the ascent must begin at dusk. For those who wish, there are organized walking tours.

On the south coast, in Lakovia, there are ostrich farm- Cashoo Ostrich Park, where you can feed and ride ostriches.


Rafting is popular in Jamaica - a trip along the river on a bamboo raft, during which you can admire plants of rare beauty on the banks, as well as catamaran rides and snorkeling in coral bays. Most popular places for this - the reservoirs of the Great River near Montego Bay, the Black River in the vicinity of Ocho Rios and the Rio Grande near Port Antonio.

The best waves for surfing and windsurfing can be found on the northeast and southeast coasts, where there are equipment rentals and instructors on popular beaches. For diving, the coral reef and the surroundings of the sunken Port Royal are usually chosen.

Events in Jamaica

Jamaica hosts many musical, cultural and sporting events throughout the year. The most notable and popular are the Splashes of the Sun reggae festival in Ocho Rios and the Summer festival in Montego Bay. In March-April, a week after Easter in Kingston and other parts of the country, there are many carnivals no worse than those in Brazil. And the celebration of Christmas ("Jonkanu") on the island is a special holiday. It is celebrated with a bright parade, all participants of which are dressed up in masquerade costumes.

One of the most famous yachting regattas, the Pineapple Cup, starts in Miami and finishes in Montego Bay in February. In April, Kingston hosts a Cable & Wireless Cup cricket match.

Other interesting events on the island:

  • May-June - tennis championship,
  • july - reggae festival,
  • September - beauty contest "Miss Jamaica",
  • November - jazz and blues festival,
  • December - regatta.

Stunning nature and relaxing atmosphere. Only here you can enjoy the sounds of reggae, the culture of rastamans and unity with nature.

general information

The history of Jamaica began many millennia ago. At that time, the Taino Indians, who were the closest relatives of the Arawak Indians, lived on its territory. Until the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1494, the primitive communal system flourished here.

Geographical position

If you have already studied photos of Jamaica, then you know that it is warm and sunny country, in which excellent conditions are created for. If you still do not know where Jamaica is, then we advise you to carefully study the map.

Jamaica is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea. Jamaica can be easily found on the world map, where it is located between Cuba and Haiti.


The weather in Jamaica is always warm. The average annual air temperature is 24-27 degrees. However, tourists tend to come here from November to May, since the rainy season lasts from May to October. From time to time, hurricanes come to the island, which cause damage to agriculture and the population.

Political system

Until August 6, 1962, the country was part of the British Commonwealth in the West Indies. Now Jamaica is an independent state, more precisely, a kingdom in which power belongs to a constitutional monarchy. Despite political independence, the head of Jamaica is the British monarch, that is, Queen Elizabeth II.

The flag of Jamaica (photo below) shows a yellow (or gold) oblique cross. It divides the flag into two black sectors, symbolizing the strength and creativity of the local population, and two green sectors, which represent agricultural diversity and hope for the future. Yellow, green and black are the national colors of Jamaica.

The emblem of Jamaica depicts the cross of St. George, decorated with pineapples, as well as figures of the indigenous population of the Arawak Indians.

Jamaican motto: "Out of many people, one people."

Cities of Jamaica

The capital of Jamaica is a city with a population of 580 thousand people. The official language of Jamaica is Standard English. Resting here, you will hear that the population of Jamaica speaks mainly in Creole, which is a mixture of English and Indian.

If you want to enjoy the exotic landscapes of Jamaica, then feel free to go to its capital - the city of Kingston. If you are more interested in Jamaican nightlife, then visit. Here you can recharge your batteries with solar energy and positive reggae style. If the purpose of visiting Jamaica is to relax on the shore caribbean in the shade of branchy palm trees, then be sure to visit the resort area.

Resorts in Jamaica

Ideal for family travel. The main ones are:

Each of these cities has ideal conditions for a good rest. Jamaica attracts tourists with its endless sandy beaches. Some of them were chosen by wealthy tourists from Europe and America, others by hippies and rastamans, and others by ordinary locals. There is no sharp gradation here, but you still need to be more careful when choosing a place to stay.

Landmarks of Jamaica

The main attractions of Jamaica are:

  • the Rio Grande;
  • bay and beach.

All attractions are located in different cities of Jamaica, so to explore them, you will have to travel around the island.


Jamaica is a country with a highly developed infrastructure. Here you can find something for every taste and budget. The resort clubs that operate on an all-inclusive basis are the most popular among tourists. There are hotels that are focused only on traditional couples (Couples), non-traditional couples (Hedonism), companies with children (Sunset), outdoor enthusiasts (Superclubs) and other categories of vacationers.

Some tourists come to Jamaica for luxury villas (such as the Tryall Club or Round Hill). In this case, it is not necessary to rent the entire villa. Some complexes rent individual rooms for much less.

You should be aware that Jamaica uses American standard plugs, so be sure to bring an adapter with you. The mains voltage is 110 V (in some hotels 220 V) and the frequency is 50 Hz.

Cuisine of Jamaica

On formation big influence rendered English, Spanish, African and Caribbean cuisine. The menu of local restaurants offers a wide range of pork and poultry dishes, seafood, fruits and vegetables. Only here you can taste the breadfruit and the exotic oraniq fruit, which is a hybrid of mandarin and orange.

Jamaican restaurants specialize in the aforementioned cuisines. In almost all of them you can taste the following dishes:

  • saltfish, which may remind you of a traditional omelet;
  • grilled chicken marinated in pepper sauce and cooked on special coals;
  • juicy patties are juicy pies stuffed with vegetables, meat or fish.

The most popular drinks in Jamaica are rum, ginger beer, Red Stripe lager and Real Rock Lager.


In the major tourist areas of Jamaica, you can not worry about your safety. Each resort center has its own security service. In addition, special police units work here. Outside the tourist areas, you should be more careful, especially when dealing with Jamaicans.

Before you go to the island of Jamaica, you should stock up sunscreen and repellents, as there is a high risk of sunburn and mosquito attacks. It is not recommended to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Also be careful with tasting local dishes. An abundance of spices and exotic foods can lead to stomach problems.

No vaccinations are required before flying to Jamaica. But remember that in this country the situation with venereal diseases and AIDS is unfavorable.

customs control

For those wondering, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If you plan to spend less than 30 days here, you won't have to deal with paperwork. To enter the country you only need a passport.

Keep in mind that on this moment The following items are prohibited from entering Jamaica:

  • narcotic, poisonous and explosive substances;
  • firearms;
  • fresh flowers and plants;
  • honey, rum, non-canned vegetables and meat, fruits and coffee;
  • animals.

Local currency, exotic animals and birds, antiques, furs and leather cannot be exported from the island of Jamaica. You can import duty-free currency, cigarettes (up to 200 pcs.), Cigars (up to 50 pcs.), Tobacco (up to 250 g), strong alcoholic drinks (up to 1.3 l), wine (up to 1.3 l), perfumes ( up to 150 ml) and toilet water (up to 340 ml).

Within the island, you can travel by bus, fixed-route taxi and regular taxi. It is recommended to use the services of large carrier companies, as their vehicles are in the best technical condition. With local taxi drivers, you can arrange trips both within cities and between them. There are no meters in taxis, so all transportation is carried out at a fixed cost. Big ones like Sandals & Beaches, SuperClubs or Couples provide a free shuttle service to or from the airport.

Interesting facts about Jamaica

If you are planning to travel to Jamaica, then you will be interested in the following about this state:

  • during the New Year in Jamaica are colorful and festivals;
  • Jamaica is home to famous music artist Bob Marley and Olympic champion Usain Bolt;
  • Blue Mountain Coffee, which is grown in Jamaica, is a classic coffee masterpiece;
  • approximately 80% of the coffee grown in Jamaica is exported to Japan;
  • on the coins of Jamaica you can see images of such famous personalities as Paul Bogle, Marcus Garvey, Samuel Sharp and many others;
  • Jamaica's most famous national park is Blue Mountain, which was founded in 1992;
  • the direction of reggae music was formed in Jamaica in the 1960s;
  • in terms of the number of victories at the World beauty pageants, Jamaica ranks fourth.

How to get there?

Distance from mainland North America in particular, the city of Miami to Jamaica is 905 km. From here it's the easiest to get to. You should note that there are no direct flights from Moscow and other CIS countries. The Republic of Jamaica can be reached by Lufthansa, Condor, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic airlines with transfers in Frankfurt or London.

The distance from Moscow to this island state is 9800 km. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of how long to fly to Jamaica, then get ready for the fact that you will spend at least 14 hours on the flight. But staying here is definitely worth it.

The desire to go to Jamaica arose spontaneously. A few years ago, I could not have imagined that someday I would be so far away and make an important and fateful decision right here. But more on that later.

Jamaica is the third largest island nation in the Caribbean at 145 km. south of Cuba. Looking at this small speck on the world map, it becomes a little scary to fly so far. I assure you it's worth it! And a tiring flight with a transfer, and a painful wait, and sunburn will not be remembered after visiting Jamaica. Only the azure expanse of the Caribbean Sea, huge palm trees, coral sand and stunning sunsets to the rhythms of reggae will remain in your memory.

For a long time, Jamaica was a colony of Great Britain, having gone from the abolition of slavery in 1834 to gaining full independence in 1962. Now only left-hand traffic, at first unusual for us, reminds us of the colonial past. The country was once the world's leading sugar producer.

I was brought to Jamaica by the marriage ceremony, which left unforgettable feelings in my heart. If you want to make the most important day of your life really special, I strongly recommend choosing Jamaica as the place of marriage and honeymoon at the same time. You will not experience such vivid emotions multiplied by the peculiarities of local color anywhere else.

The wedding ceremony is extremely simple and very touching, it can be held both at the local city hall and in one of the hotels right on the Caribbean coast, where a representative will arrive with all the necessary documents for registration. Subsequently, you can make a notarized translation with an apostille at the Russian Embassy in Kingston.

So welcome to Jamaica - a country of amazing contrasts and diversity!

Visa and border crossing

I talk in detail about the visa to Jamaica.

With regard to customs regulations, it is prohibited to import:

  • narcotic and psychotropic substances (here you need to be careful with drugs that may contain prohibited components, the same applies to potent painkillers, first of all),
  • pets, and you yourself are unlikely to decide to take your pet to the other end of the Earth.


  • alcohol is allowed to be carried in the amount of 1.3 liters,
  • tobacco products - in the amount of 200 units.

It is forbidden to export:

  • representatives of flora and fauna,
  • leather and fur products,
  • national currency.

No vaccinations are specifically required to visit Jamaica, however, it is recommended to take antimalarial drugs, but this, as a rule, no one adheres to. It is imperative to take care of the availability of international health insurance.

How to get there

If you decide to go to Jamaica, be prepared for the fact that the path is long. Very long. But this circumstance should not stop you in your desire to visit the country: all the time spent will pay off with more than incredible impressions and a fantastic vacation.

There are two ways to get to Jamaica: by air or by water. When planning a trip, be sure to take into account the travel time, and these are two full days way to both ends. In other words, if you fly for 7 days, then 2 of them will reach your destination, for a total of 5 days of direct rest.

By plane

Main air gate Jamaica - airports (capital) And Montego Bay, where international tourist flights from Europe and America arrive. There is currently no direct flight between Russia and Jamaica (in 2014, it was possible to fly from Moscow to Montego Bay on a Transaero flight). Now it is possible to fly with a transfer with a total duration of about 16 hours, not including the transit time.

Transfer flight options

For me personally, the combination of Lufthansa and Condor flights with a connection in Frankfurt am Main turned out to be the most comfortable. I'll explain why. Frankfurt Airport is convenient in that when transiting no more than 24 hours and without leaving the airport, a Schengen visa is not required. Condor- subsidiary airline Lufthansa, which operates charter flights on the most popular tourist routes. Flight Frankfurt - Montego Bay operates twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays, you can fly from Moscow to Frankfurt daily. It is more convenient to purchase tickets on the Condor airline website (there is no information in Russian, only English or German). You can also see ticket options.

Flights to Montego Bay are operated on Boeing 767-300 EUR liners in a business, premium and tourist class layout. From my own experience, I can say that only desperate people can fly 13-14 hours from Germany to Jamaica in a tourist class, it is very difficult to endure this and you will recover after the first few days of rest. The layout of the seats is quite dense and the distance between them is very modest. Hot meals are offered twice during the flight. The premium class is much more comfortable and not much more expensive than the tourist one (800 and 700 EUR, respectively), it’s not worth paying twice as much for a business, it differs little from the premium class in terms of comfort, except that the service is more personalized. I plan to devote separate articles to reviews of flights.

An alternative flight option is also offered by British Airways with a stopover in London. Departures to Montego Bay are carried out on Wednesdays and Sundays, and in - on Mondays and Fridays. Travel time averages 16 hours. From Moscow, Airbus 320 will deliver you, on the route from London to Jamaica - Boeing 777. Air tickets in economy class will cost an average of 900 EUR or 70,000 RUB round trip. This option was not considered by me initially due to the fact that from Moscow the plane arrives at Heathrow Airport, and the flight from London to Jamaica from Gatwick Airport, docking involves going to the city and you need to apply for a transit British visa.

The way to Jamaica is already very tiring, I decided for myself to choose the first option. It is convenient to book flights on the airline's website or on the websites of the above services. You can also get to Jamaica with a connection at, but in this case you have to, so this option is only suitable for holders of a valid American visa. European airlines also offer connecting flights at one of their hubs (KLM via or Iberia via , Swiss via Zurich), but these options usually involve multiple connections in Europe and the US.

Upon arrival

In the arrivals hall and in the passport control area, national music plays, setting travelers in the right mood.

We go outside and here it is - a tropical oasis: a burning wind with the smell of the sea, rum and carefree rest. It remains only to get to the hotel, and there are many of them here: for every taste and level of prosperity, in order to fully feel the atmosphere, because it is it that sinks into the soul for a long time and encourages you to come back here again.

By train

Although Jamaica was the first in the Western Hemisphere to build railway in 1845, there is no way to get there from Russia by train. Maximum to Europe and from there fly by plane across the ocean.

By bus

You can't get to Jamaica by bus from Russia. The continents are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, which can only be flown or crossed. There is also no bus service to neighboring countries, since Jamaica has no land borders.

By car

Perhaps in the near future, humanity will create a jet supersonic car or perpetuum mobile, but until this happens, this method is also not for Jamaica. Let the iron friend await your return in the garage or in the airport parking lot :).

By ferry

By water, you can go to Jamaica on one of the cruise ships that offer a variety of routes around the Caribbean. Take a look at the websites of the major companies Dreamlines or Gocruise.

Most often, the liner starts from the USA () and further along the route, making stops in the most picturesque corners washed by the Caribbean Sea. Most often, such cruises are quite long: up to several months, depending on the number of stops along the route. I think air travel and sea travel are two around the world providing a variety of experiences. One day I will decide on such a cruise, but for now I choose a plane for myself.

Tourist regions

It is difficult to divide Jamaica into tourist and non-tourist zones, any part of the country, wherever you are, is attractive and interesting for the traveler in its own way. Therefore, the entire island can be considered one tourist region. But there is still a conditional division: the center, the western and eastern parts.

In this section, I will briefly describe each of them.


The central part of Jamaica is mountainous, there are many lakes and waterfalls. We went here to look nature reserves, fishing villages and clean beaches (Ocho Rios, Spanish Town).

The center is less popular with tourists, but when exploring the island on your own, I recommend not to deprive this part of your attention.


The capital is located in the eastern part and is located beautiful port with a picturesque lagoon. This is where the huge cruise ships stop.

It seems to me that the east, more than other regions, combines contrasting business and places of interest to tourists, where water and other entertainments are concentrated (Port Antonio).


The western part of Jamaica is the most touristy. It is here that the vast majority of tourists arrive and here are located hotels of world famous chains. International flights arriving at Montego Bay Airport charter flights. The city is the second most popular resort, but it is preferred mainly by supporters of organized recreation.

Independent travelers explore the area and stop in remote, not overloaded with tourists corners.

Often I book hotels on Booking - you can check if there are better prices somewhere. If you wish, you can consider the option of renting private apartments and apartments - more.

Top cities

To the most big cities Jamaica I can attribute the following:

  • - This is the capital and to a greater extent the economic center of the country, rather than the tourist one. The city looks very modern, this is largely due to the earthquake of 1907, after which it was completely destroyed and rebuilt. There are large banks, embassies, shopping centers, as well as a large port where we went to look at huge cruise ships. There are also opportunities for entertainment: water sports, museums, clubs and restaurants. I liked the city for its ultra-modern architecture, cleanliness and the availability of a full-fledged infrastructure for both business and leisure visits, I would love to spend more time here.

  • Montego Bay can be considered the main tourist center, it is here that most flights arrive and it is here that the most famous world chains of hotels, restaurants, a wide beach strip and everything that the soul of a tourist desires are located. I flew here on a flight from Frankfurt am Main. If you don’t stop by, but fly directly to Montego Bay, you find yourself in tropical bliss, which will become the main impression of visiting Jamaica. And when you manage to see both cities, you can feel the contrast between the center of business life and the center of leisure. I recommend doing just that so that the opinion about the country is most complete.

  • Resort located in the western part of the island, it was a village in the past, not a city. Its beaches are among the top ten in the world, and the air is filled with carelessness and happiness. There's a zone in Negril sandy beaches and rocky shores, vibrant nightlife and great dive sites. I did snorkeling here.

  • located in the eastern part, this is a former fishing village that has become a resort area. A large amount of greenery is striking, this place is surrounded by mountains and waterfalls, huge cruise liners arrive here and bring horseback riding enthusiasts who are engaged in equestrian sports here. We talked at the hotel with a married couple who fly every year to practice horse riding in one of these centers.


Jamaica itself is an island state, the island is located in the neighborhood, and the Cayman Islands.

Together with them, she is a member of the Big Antilles. The length of the island of Jamaica is 235 km, and the maximum width is about 80 km. This is the third largest island of this group. South coast the islands are surrounded by reefs, and the northern one is more rocky with a narrow strip of beaches. The island struck me with rich nature, many rivers and waterfalls, picturesque mountains. That is, Jamaica can be considered both as a country and as an island.

I was surprised by the lack of an accessible, well-established ferry service between neighbors. Accessible only by plane or cruise ship, although short distances make it possible to organize regular water transport connection. Tourists are often disappointed, not knowing this nuance, hoping to visit several countries in one trip.

Top attractions

Personally, I consider the main attraction of Jamaica to be its nature. But I will adhere to generally accepted rules and talk about the most famous:

  • Bob Marley Museum. In any guide you will meet him one of the first. It is located in Kingston, in the house where the musician lived and worked. Tourists are shown the house and its room with a guitar shaped like a star. This tour is mainly visited by music lovers and fans of reggae music. I liked it there too.

  • Jaime Bond Beach in northern Jamaica near Ocho Rios. It is a private and closed beach with paid entrance(about 3 EUR per person). The popularity of the beach is associated exclusively with the name of James Bond, there are many beautiful and more scenic spots on the coast. It often hosts music festivals and other events. Personally, I do not recommend this must-see attraction, but I indicate it in the general list.

  • Falls and Dunn's River Park. Definitely worth a visit! It is very beautiful in here. The height of the waterfalls is about 180 meters, the water flows directly into the Caribbean Sea. There are viewing platforms and climbing with an instructor. There are many palm trees, orchids, bamboo, breadfruit trees in the park, there is a beach below.

  • Rose Hall. It's a mansion in Montego Bay with which interesting legend all the locals know her. According to legend, the estate belonged to wealthy planters. Their nephew married the girl Anna, who grew up on and there mastered the magic of voodoo. All her husbands died, and then she herself was found dead in her bed. Guy De Lisser's book The White Witch of Rose Hall is dedicated to this legend.

  • Dolphin Cove. It's more of an attraction than an attraction. Dolphins, crocodiles, rays, sharks live here in a natural bay. They are in their natural habitat, so the impressions are much brighter than after visiting a zoo or a dolphinarium.


Jamaica is located in the tropical humid climate zone. Proximity to the Equator affects the length of daylight hours, it gets dark very early. But what amazing sunsets there! And with the sunrise, tropical nature awakens with extraordinary beauty.

During the year, the air temperature fluctuates between +25...+33 °C, dropping to +15 °C in mountainous areas. Like other Caribbean countries, Jamaica has a tropical rainy season that lasts from May to October. But such rains come mainly at night and do not interfere with rest. The water temperature is almost always the same: about +25 °C.

Jamaica is located in the hurricane belt Atlantic Ocean. September is considered the season of hurricanes, one of which I caught during one of my travels, then the country was subjected to significant destruction, and flights were canceled. It is most comfortable to rest during our Russian winter, when it is dry and warm. In July and August it is quite hot and stuffy, it will be very difficult to move around the country and attend excursions. The sun is very active at any time of the year, I strongly do not recommend being on the beach in the afternoon and before 4 pm, there is a high risk of getting serious burns (I definitely advise you to put a burn remedy and antihistamines in your first aid kit).

Moving around the country

Traveling in Jamaica is pure pleasure. It doesn't matter which mode of transportation you choose! I am sure any of them will turn the exploration of the area into an exciting adventure.

Public transport

Inside Jamaica, the most convenient way to travel is by bus, fixed-route taxis and regular taxis. Bus service between cities is well developed, routes are varied, and prices are fixed. Bus schedules of large companies are respected.

Taxi cars most often do not have meters, each trip initially has a certain cost. If you use the services of private drivers, it is better to negotiate the price in advance, before boarding, otherwise there may be misunderstandings in the calculation. In the case of intercity trips, the fare doubles. Domestic flights by local airlines are also very popular with local residents, they have a low cost and short duration (on average from 15 to 40 minutes). The trip from Montego Bay to by taxi is very tiring, and the flight is short and affordable.

Rent a Car

Any tourist over the age of 23 and under the age of 70 who has an international driver's license and a credit card can rent a car in Jamaica. Points are located in all hotels and other tourist areas. You can see price options.

However, I do not recommend renting a car. The fact is that road signs there are practically none in the country, and local drivers are distinguished by inaccurate and extreme driving, so there is a high probability of damaging a rented car and getting into an accident. It is better and safer to take a taxi. At the very least, you will be driven by a person familiar with the national driving style and local roads. In Jamaica, when traveling by road, there is one interesting feature: very often mongooses cross the roadway, without exception, all drivers stop and let them pass. There are even special road signs with the image of an animal.


Currently, almost every traveler is familiar with the services of Viber, Whatsapp and Skype, so I will briefly talk about telephone communication: if the need arises, you can use the telephone boxes in hotels or post offices. They work with coins and cards (I did not use them myself), there is also a local mobile operator Digicel (a minute of a call to Russia costs about 0.17 USD or 20 JMD). I categorically do not recommend calling from a hotel room: the bill for communication services can be unpredictable.

I also advise, if necessary, to purchase a local SIM card (its cost is about 5500 JMD, 3000 of which will be on the account), but for a one-time trip this is not a very profitable solution.

Wi-Fi is available in all hotels (in the lobby or throughout the territory), the quality is stable, sometimes it can deteriorate during tropical rains. In the resort areas, communication problems should not arise, but in remote areas where locals live, there may be interruptions. To call Jamaica, you need to dial the combination 8-10-1-876-subscriber number. Cities do not have separate telephone codes, it is the same for the whole country. Using the roaming service of Russian mobile operators is very expensive, it is better to connect to the Internet only via Wi-Fi. And even better - turn off all gadgets altogether and enjoy a carefree vacation :). That's exactly what I usually do. And let the whole world wait.

Language and communication

English is considered the official language in Jamaica, but it will be extremely difficult for you to speak it, especially with local residents who are not employed in the tourism industry. In the 17th century, a large number of slaves from West Africa were brought to Jamaica, who brought local characteristics to the culture, resulting in the formation of the Jamaican Creole language, based on a mixture of English and African dialects. In addition, in Jamaica there is a local dialect "patois". It was formed by mixing English and loanwords of Spanish and African origin. Each of these mixtures is unique and does not belong to a particular language.

After living in the country for several days and talking with the locals, you will quickly get comfortable and learn to understand what they say. At first, everyone has some difficulty trying to communicate in traditional English. Employees of airports and hotels speak the most clearly, as they work with a large number of people from different countries every day. The main means of communication in Jamaica is a sincere friendly smile, do not hesitate to ask again if something is not heard or understood. Jamaicans are very polite and conservative, adhere to generally accepted norms of communication.

For everyday needs, a vacationer needs a basic set of phrases in English from a standard phrasebook, from some special phrases in everyday life, only "yo, man" is remembered, which they use everywhere and on any occasion.

Here are 10 phrases that I think will come in handy in various situations:

  • Hey (analogous to greeting hello or hi), for some reason they say that in Jamaica.
  • Please, give me a local sim card - Please give me a local sim card.
  • I would like to try national food - I would like to try national cuisine.
  • Where can I find coffee and rum for the best price? – Where can I find coffee and rum at the best price?
  • I need a doctor/medicine for headache, stomachache, flu - I need a doctor/medicine, headache, stomachache, cold.
  • How much is this? Will you make a discount? - How much does it cost? Will you make a discount?
  • Can I change money in a hotel? What is the rate? – Is it possible to exchange money at the hotel, what is the exchange rate?
  • Which bus goes to the city center/mall/airport? – Which bus goes to the city center/shopping center/airport?
  • Jamaica – no problem! - Jamaica - no problem! :).

Features of the mentality

Upon arrival in Jamaica, you immediately feel the atmosphere of serenity and
slowness: no one is in a hurry, the locals are lazy
looking at tourists, airport employees are clumsy and relaxed,
but always smiling.

In Jamaica, it's customary to say "no problem"! This phrase, perhaps, most fully reflects the essence of the local mentality. The absence of problems, rather, the concentration on them, which is usually evident in Russia, is surprising at first. After all, people also live there, experiencing difficulties and disappointments, but they have a completely different attitude to this. I believe this is largely due to the year-round warm climate. The further north and colder, the more gloomy people. The fact is well known, but climatologists should study this phenomenon more deeply in the context of the influence of the climatic zone on human character and temperament. I think it could be interesting research.

Jamaicans are very friendly and at the same time a little arrogant. Do not use the word "Negro" in their presence or discuss the colonial past. Just enjoy the conversation and get positive from them. Jamaicans are very fond of music and dance a lot, and anywhere. Airport employees, looking at my passport, sang something softly and danced :). My Russian seriousness vanished! At the hotel, employees will often chat with you, be interested in you, life in Russia, your opinion about the country and recreation.

The girl who organized our wedding ceremony then wrote to me and asked if we liked it and when we would come back to rest. Above her desk, I saw a lot of postcards and drawings with warm words and wishes from married couples, it touched me very much. In Russia, as a rule, everything is more formal and somehow soulless. Creepy aunts in the registry office with incredible hairstyles and nasty voices are hardly capable of creating a festive atmosphere. I would like only one thing: that the solemn part should end soon or be reduced to a minimum.

It is often striking that in Jamaica, many locals use narcotic smoking blends like regular cigarettes. You need to be careful when communicating. But in general, these are very pleasant cheerful people who love guests from different countries. They came up to me several times and asked what happened to me. When I answered that it was nothing, they were surprised, because I don’t have fun and don’t sing! Jamaicans are lazy. Here I can note a general similarity with the inhabitants of other hot countries. Even institutions work mostly until 2 pm, then everyone rests. If you need to resolve some urgent issue or make an appointment, get ready for a long wait for the result and do not think that they have lost interest in the case. In this case, it is more productive to communicate informally and the process is noticeably accelerated.

I can't help but mention the taxi drivers. They are VERY talkative! You won't be able to drive in silence. The taxi driver will definitely ask where you are from and what you do, for what purpose you came, what kind of family and work you have. In response, you will have to listen to a similar story from him. The inhabitants of Jamaica left very pleasant impressions on me, I maintain friendly contact with some of them.

Food and drink

The cuisine of Jamaica, like the country itself, is very colorful and varied; it has absorbed the influence of Spanish, African, Indian and English traditions. Differs in exotic combinations of products and a large number of spices. Goat and pork dishes, seafood, fruits and vegetables are common. Jamaicans also love rice and often cook it as a side dish for the main course.

Red beans and breadfruit are also used. Exotic fruits are consumed here not after the main meal for dessert, but along with it or even instead of it. The most popular is oraniq, a cross between an orange and a tangerine, very pleasant in taste.

As for the national drink, you will be surprised to know that it is cocoa! Yes, yes, it is he, and not coffee, as is commonly believed. Jamaicans also drink tea, but mostly with herbal supplements. They don’t know a lot about good varieties of tea here. So if you are a connoisseur of an elite quality drink, concentrate better on cocoa or coffee :). Ask the bartender to prepare one of the coffee-based cocktails for you. There are several types, and each one is worth trying.

The most popular alcoholic drink, you guessed it, is rum and cocktails with it. One gets the impression that it is added everywhere and given even to children.

Wine is imported from countries latin america and Spain, local is not produced. There is also a national light ginger beer, which is very fond of teenagers.

5 dishes worth trying

Briefly about the most delicious. Food in Jamaica, like Jamaica itself, is very exotic and unpredictable. I would like to share what I have tried:

  • Saltfish. This is cod served with bananas as a side dish. Very tasty and unusual combination.
  • A local omelette, more specifically Aki fruit, fried with beaten eggs, tomatoes and peppers. This dish is often served in hotels for breakfast, take a look at the dishes from the chef on the distribution line.
  • Jerk. This is the name of marinated chicken on the grill, the coals for which are made from the local Pimento tree. The sauce for meat is most often served the same, I noted in Jamaica the lack of a wide variety of sauces, which is usually not typical for southern countries.
  • Goat meat curry. It is notable for a large number of spices and seasonings.

  • Rastafarian cuisine deserves special attention, the dishes of which are prepared without salt, milk, meat and alcohol. Mostly vegetables and fruits, soybeans are used.


Jamaica is a small and not very rich country, so lovers of luxury brands and boutiques will have a hard time here. Shops and malls are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. where you can find clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches and other goods. But I recommend that you leave shopping centers until you return to your homeland and go to one of the local markets in Kingston or Montego Bay, such as Hustle. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of bargaining and joining the local culture. However, be careful, there are petty thieves and pickpockets.

What to bring from this country

There are also many duty-free shops and small souvenir shops on the island. good prices. Most often in the assortment you can find T-shirts and other items of clothing and shoes with national symbols (from 7 Jamaican dollars), but much more interesting (and a little more expensive) are folk products made of wood: figurines, images of animals and other symbols (from 15 Jamaican dollars) . You can feel the influence of African culture.

Of the really worthwhile - Blue Mountain coffee (it costs 0.11 USD or 15 JMD for a package of 500 grams). It must be brought! You will not find such coffee anywhere else in the world and you will regret for a long time that you brought so little :).

Jamaican rum is also very good, there are several types of it, the most expensive and high-quality one is Appleton. I bought at a rum factory, but prices across the country are about the same everywhere (from 0.2 to 0.25 USD / from 25 to 30 JMD per bottle). You can bring some spices and seasonings.

All tourists usually have the same problem: excess luggage at the airport. Each airline has its own rules, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before departure, there are no universal tips. Return points available at Kingston and Montego Bay airports Tax Free but I have not used this service.

Vacation with children

Jamaica is not the best choice for traveling with children. There are several reasons for this: firstly, a very long flight with a transfer will be extremely tiring for both you and the child. Change of time zones and time difference also adversely affect well-being. Secondly, the adaptation process and temperature fluctuations when visiting Jamaica in the winter can negatively affect the immature children's immune system, plus the aggressive tropical sun. It's not worth the risk, it's better to choose a direction closer and with a climate more familiar to us.

However, if you still decide to fly with a child, the hotels have created the entire infrastructure for children's recreation, and the Caribbean coast is distinguished by a gentle entry into the water with a gradual increase in depth. As for entertainment outside the hotel, they are designed mainly for a contingent of adults. Jamaica, in my opinion, is more suitable for romantic trip or outdoor activities.


In general, Jamaica cannot be classified as a safe country for tourists, but nothing threatens you in tourist regions and on the territory of hotels. Everywhere there is security and police patrol. Vigilance should be exercised outside the resort areas when communicating with local residents.

The fact is that the standard of living in the country is low, and they strive to make money on visitors, often very successfully. Do not accept dubious offers to ride private tour V unique places islands. Such stories often end in a drug den.

In the evening and at night, it is better to refrain from walking around the city and the beach. Keep money and documents in the hotel safe, and carry small amounts for small expenses and a copy of your passport with you. Indigenous people behaves with tourists kindly, it is enough to exercise reasonable care. The country occupies a leading position in the prevalence of HIV, blood-sucking insects cause a lot of trouble. Women should not dress frankly and defiantly, Jamaica is a country of conservative traditions and norms of behavior. Crabs run along the beach and near the shore, which can bite painfully, in this case it is better to contact the first-aid post or doctor's office at the hotel and not make independent attempts at treatment.

5 things you definitely shouldn't do

Holidays in Jamaica will bring you a lot of positive emotions, you can relax and enjoy the trip. Reasonable caution is enough, I will give only a few recommendations that seemed important to me:

  • do not agree to spontaneous excursions organized by local residents;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol in large quantities on the beach, the active tropical sun can increase concentration at times;
  • do not go out alone outside the hotel at night;
  • it is reasonable to leave large sums of money and valuables in the room in a safe;
  • do not try smoking blends, they all contain hazardous and illegal drugs.

Nearby countries

Jamaica's nearest neighbors are 145 km away and the island about 200 km away. Cruise companies, developing routes in the Caribbean, include nearby states and islands in the holiday program. However, the liners of American companies do not call at the ports of Cuba due to strained diplomatic relations.

At present, the political situation has changed. Perhaps this will also affect the tourism sector. Jamaica, in my opinion, is the most colorful of all the neighbors in terms of the Caribbean mentality and natural diversity. Unfortunately, it is also more costly. In addition, you can fly directly to Cuba and the Dominican Republic from Moscow, bypassing transfers in Europe, which reduces the total travel time.

If you have free time and means, you can go to Dominican Republic and see the capital of Santo Domingo. The flight will cost approximately 50,000 JMD or 25 thousand rubles per person one way or 80,000 JMD or 40 thousand rubles round trip.


The national currency of Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar (JMD).

When you travel, take with you credit cards popular payment systems Visa or MasterCard, as well as cash dollars, which are accepted along with Jamaican in many places. From personal experience, I can say that changing foreign currency to local is not very profitable, and you will lose a lot on conversion. There are two most convenient options: withdraw cash from an ATM from a Russian bank card (will issue in local currency at the current exchange rate) or pay in dollars on the spot. I do not recommend taking euros with you. I prefer the first way in any country.

In many hotels you can exchange currency and use an ATM, cards are accepted in restaurants, shops, with the exception of small souvenir shops, where it is preferable to pay in cash.

I also want to warn you against possible cases of fraud in exchange offices and shops: carefully check the change, with an unfamiliar currency it is easy to make a mistake in the calculations, and scammers make money on this. Another tip: be sure to notify the bank which country you are going to. This is due to the fact that when making payment transactions from afar, the bank has suspicions about security and the card is blocked. Unlocking in most cases takes time and nerves, which depends on the particular bank. It is unlikely that anyone will want to clarify the circumstances with managers and communicate with the bank by phone during the entire vacation. This situation happened to me, but, fortunately, there was some money on the card of another bank and cash, it saved me. Keep all receipts for purchases, currency exchange, cash withdrawals until you return to Russia, this can also be useful in resolving disputes.

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Have something to add?

The site compares prices for airline tickets to Jamaica with 728 airlines from all over the world. We do not sell air tickets ourselves, but it is here that you will find the lowest possible fares and special offers. Jamaica has a population of 2,847,000 people. The official currency is Jmd (JMD).

Airfare to Jamaica

The cost of tickets to Jamaica depends on the season, the city of departure, the airline and the availability of sales. Below is a list of the cheapest flights to Jamaica found by our visitors in the last 48 hours *:

Most cheap airfare in Jamaica found by our users in the last 48 hours: ticket Moscow - Montego Bay with Jetairfly with a departure on 25.03.2020 and a cost 19 199 rubles.

Find this ticket

Fastest flight to Jamaica ticket to Kingston - Montego Bay with InterCaribbean Airways with a departure nearest to 17.02.2020 and a duration of a flight 35min

Find this ticket

Visa and flight

An important argument in favor of buying tickets to Jamaica is the lack of formalities. Russian tourists can visit the island without a visa if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 30 days.
Flights to Jamaica are offered by Lufthansa and Condor, which operate a flight on the route Moscow - Montego Bay via Frankfurt. In addition, you can use the services of British Airwayshowever, in some cases, there will be a long transfer. Please note: despite the fact that flights to Jamaica are purchased without a visa, when flying with British Airways for citizens of the CIS, a UK transit visa is required.

The best time to buy airline tickets and travel in Jamaica

Due to the tropical and humid climate tourist season lasts all year round, and the thermometer does not fall below +20..+22°C. If you want to enjoy the general hype, it is best to buy tickets to Jamaica during the period from the 20th of December to the beginning of January. However, during the pre-holiday period, cheap flights to Jamaica are hard to find. In summer, when it rains on the island, there are fewer tourists, and prices are lower, respectively. Thus, whenever you decide to buy flights to Jamaica, the beaches of the Caribbean coast will leave the most positive memories.

Time and communication

Jamaica's time zone is GMT -5:00.
Internet cafes are mainly concentrated in the capital. cellular covers only the territory of the island. Large hotels and post offices have telephone exchanges from which international calls can be made. Payphones are rare, they work both with coins and with cards.

Money and shopping

The national currency is the Jamaican dollar, but its American "version" is also in use. Money can also be exchanged at the hotel, but the exchange rate will be more profitable in banks and exchange offices. Cards are accepted in tourist areas, checks are less common. Those who buy air tickets to Jamaica prefer to buy memorable souvenirs: wood sculptures, products made of semiprecious stones.
Banks are open from 9:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Thursday and from 9:00 to 17:00 on Friday.
Upon departure, you can exchange local currency for dollars, but for this you need to present a receipt for the original exchange.
Tips are 10-15% of the bill, but in many hotels and restaurants they are already included in the price.

Transport and accommodation

In Jamaica, you can easily find both a democratic accommodation option and hotels of such world brands as Riu, Sandals, Superclubs. There are also themed hotels created for a certain category of tourists - for example, for those who plan to spend a romantic vacation here or dedicate their vacation to spa treatments.
To rent a car, you must have an international driver's license obtained at least a year ago, and a credit card.

Most Beautiful places and the main attractions of Jamaica! Photos and videos, descriptions - where to visit in Jamaica, where and when to go on vacation. We tell in an interesting article about the country, its resorts, cities, visa, cuisine, holidays, people and the Caribbean Sea

Jamaica is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean and is especially known for its all-inclusive resorts. The island is full of legendary tourist spots- Montego Bay, Negril, Ocho Rios and this is just a small part. This big country, geographically diverse and in order to study it well, you should not be limited to the boundaries of your resort.

General information about the country

Where is Jamaica

In the Caribbean 90 miles south of Cuba

Jamaica on the world map

  • Territory- an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 10,991 square kilometers (234.964 km long, 82.0765 km wide)
  • Capital of Jamaica– Kingston
  • Official language- English; local - patois
  • Religions- mostly Protestant Jamaicans, as well as Catholics and Rastafari
  • Currency– Jamaican dollar; The US dollar is widely accepted too
  • Phone country code – +1876
  • Tips– it is customary to pay 10-15% of the cost of the service
  • Official site countries –

Climate, or when is the best time to go

Throughout the country tropical climate.

High tourist season (December-March).Expect sunny, warm days, especially along the coast. Little rainfall, except in Port Antonio and the northeast. It can get cold at night, especially in the mountains.

Avoid visiting during spring break because if you go to Jamaica during America's spring break season in March you will pay 25% or more for everything

Average tourist season (April-May). good time for visiting; the weather is still quite dry (again, except for Port Antonio). Reduction in accommodation prices. Far fewer tourists, especially in the big resorts/cruise ports.

Low season (June-November). At this time, heavy rains are pouring here, with the exception of south coast, as well as storms, including hurricanes, which usually last from August to October.

Many of the best festivals in Jamaica take place in the middle of summer

Culture of Jamaica

Jamaican culture describes the Jamaican religion, the Jamaican way of life, and Jamaican society in general. Jamaican culture This is what defines people. A rich cultural and historical heritage awaits visitors to Jamaica, from the ancient forts guarding old pirate cities to the unique history of Rastafarianism and the mysterious culture of the Maroons. And, of course, this is the birthplace of reggae music, which is celebrated every day everywhere on this fun island.

Do I need a visa to enter Jamaica?

In order to visit Jamaica in 2019, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa, but this is only if your stay in the country does not last more than 30 days.

What are the requirements to enter Jamaica?

To enter you will need:

  • international passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry.
  • return tickets by plane or ferry (depending on how you arrived in the country)
  • hotel booking confirmation
  • and of course confirmation of solvency for the entire stay in the country ($ 50 for each day)
  • children over 14 years old, as well as adults, need a passport (paying capacity is provided by parents)
  • if the child is sent to Jamaica without parents, for example, with grandparents or as part of tourist group, then they need to provide a certified document in which the parents give their consent for the child to travel abroad

Unaccompanied minors are not allowed to travel to Jamaica

Customs regulations

  • Passengers may bring duty-free goods into Jamaica in quantities that they can reasonably use for personal use.
  • It is possible (though unlikely) that you may need proof that laptops and other expensive items (especially electronics) are for personal use; otherwise, you may be charged an import duty.
  • For getting additional information see Jamaica Customs (

How to get to Jamaica

Of course, the easiest way is by plane. You can use flights with transfers, for example, from British Airways (but you have to spend the night in London and move to another airport, you need to apply for a transit visa), there is also an option through Amsterdam by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (you also have to spend the night in Amsterdam).

When departing from the country, you will be charged a fee of $ 30 (it is included in the ticket price and is charged to all passengers over 14 years old).

What to do in Jamaica

Many people come to Jamaica just to lie on the beach, but most still dream of seeing popular attractions or doing something truly local.

Types of recreation presented to tourists on the island:

  • surfing
  • rafting
  • swimming with horses
  • Hiking in the Blue Mountains
  • hike to the waterfalls
  • swimming with dolphins
  • sightseeing tours and many other interesting things

If you are going to dive, look for the best priced shops and agencies as equipment and tours can vary widely even along the same coast.

Must visit places

Jamaica is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Small caribbean island With a vibrant culture and wonderful sights, , is one of the most visited destinations around the world. There are many beautiful things on the island. natural wonders, such as glowing lagoon, blue mountains, green grotto caves. Of the artificial landmarks, the most famous are Bob Marley Museum, National Gallery of Jamaica, Devon House etc.

Jamaica- one of the most big islands in the Caribbean and tourists have a wide choice of what they want to see or do in the land of reggae. Whether you want to enjoy the local nightlife, beautiful beaches, secluded getaways or the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, there is sure to be a place in Jamaica just right for you.

National cuisine of Jamaica

Jamaican cuisine is a combination of local and imported ingredients, spices and flavors, and cooking methods influenced by the main ethnic groups: Taino, Africans, Europeans, Chinese and Indians. While the kitchen has modern appliances used in the food industry, there are long-standing processes and tools that are indigenous and traditional that have been used in creating delicious meals for generations.

Fish is a staple of Jamaican cuisine and will be offered to you everywhere. Red beans and rice, chicken or pork, sweet potato pudding, meat pies are also typical Jamaican dishes. While in Jamaica, be sure to try the world famous blue mountain coffee. Lunch and street food will cost around $4.50, while dinner will cost around $10.

If you want to save money on food, buy groceries from supermarkets and cook yourself. Restaurants here are quite expensive, as they are designed mainly for well-to-do tourists.

Pros and Cons of Traveling to Jamaica


  • magnificent beaches
  • lively and hospitable people
  • leisurely, carefree and relaxed lifestyle
  • live performances of reggae stars all over the island
  • tap water is safe to drink


  • long rainy season
  • tourist crowds of (mostly American) tourists during high season
  • few secluded beaches
  • high crime in downtown cities like Montego Bay and Kingston
  • international flights operate only to Montego Bay and Kingston


In Jamaica, you are sure to find many interesting activities and attractions. From bamboo rafting, rock climbing, diving, etc. Jamaica is a land of vegetation, water and endless adventure. With a number of tourist attractions around the island, hotels, historical sites, you will never be bored.

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