Scenic roads in marcha italy. Regions of Italy

Getting here, you can forget about the logic immediately. Only intuition and feelings work here - and all at once. Smell, touch and some inexplicable inner admiration for others - everything reaches its peak here. Guido Piovene, a well-known Italian journalist and writer, once said: "If you had to define a typical Italian landscape, then without a doubt it is ... The landscapes of Italy represent the whole world, Marche - the whole". Life in the Marche smells of hot sand and olive trees, bright greenery blinds the eyes, and the endless expanse of the sea gives a fleeting, timid hope - does heaven on earth still exist?


Marche is a region located on the Adriatic coast of Italy. The population of the region is 1,539,728 (2017).

The capital of the region is the city of Ancona, a major international trade and tourist port.

Provinces: Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Pesaro and Urbino

The Marche region is located in the heart of the Italian Adriatic coast, covering an area of ​​9366 km².

In the north, the region borders with the Emilia-Romagna region, in the south - with Abruzzo, in the northwest - with Tuscany, in the west - with Umbria. In the east of the Marche Major rivers: Nera (116 km), Tronto (115 km), Metauro (110 km).

Most high mountains: Vettore (2476 m), Priora (2334 m), Pennino (1570 m).

National natural parks and protected areas: national park Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga; Monti Sibillini National Park, Conero, Gola della Rossa, Monte San Bartolo, Sasso Simone and Simoncello.

In the vicinity of the capital of the Marche, Ancona, are the famous caves of Frasassi. The largest of them is Abysso di Ancona.

Climate and weather

In the coastal zone north of Ancona, the climate is subcontinental with temperature fluctuations from season to season: warm summers refreshed by pleasant sea ​​breeze, and cold winter (in Pesaro average temperature January is 3.8 °C), with regular seasonal rains. South of Ancona, the subcontinental climate takes on distinctly Mediterranean features: on the coast, the average January temperature is around 10 °C,

The lowlands and low hilly areas are dominated by a continental climate with very hot summers and winters characterized by heavy snowfalls. Spring here can be quite rainy.

IN mountainous areas very low temperatures can occur in winter.

The territory of the present-day Marche region during the Iron Age was mainly inhabited by the Picene tribes, who founded important settlements near Pesaro, Ancona, Belmonte Piceno and Ascoli Piceno.

History and culture

In the fourth century BC, the northern region, up to the river Esino, was conquered by the Gauls, while the Greeks established a colony near Ancona.

After the Battle of Sentino, in 295 BC, the Gauls were defeated by a coalition of Romans and Picenes. When the Roman allies became too invasive, establishing their colonies in the territory of the Picene settlements (the most important of them was Firum Picenum, today Fermo), the tribes revolted.

Two important roads connected the Marche with Rome: Via Flaminia, which arrived in Fano, and La Salaria, which reached Ascoli. Also during the imperial period, Ancona was chosen as the main port of Rome to the east, as evidenced by the inscription in Ancona, in which the Marche capital is called "accessum Italiae", that is, "entrance to Italy".

After the fall of the Roman Empire with the victory of Byzantium during the Gothic-Byzantine War, the territory of the Marche was ceded to the Eastern Empire.

Subsequently, after the invasion of Italy by the Lombards, the southern part of the region and the northern part of Abruzzo (today's provinces of Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli, Teramo and Pescara) were conquered by them. The presence of the Longobards in the region has left remarkable historical evidence, such as the necropolis at Castel Trosino.

Subsequently, the entire regional territory was unified under the name Marca di Ancona. The term "Marka" ("marka"), introduced by the pawnshops, means "border territories". At first, the governor of the region lived in Ancona, and then, when this city was liberated by the local population, the Marche government moved to Fermo.

In particular, the Republic of Ancona experienced moments of special artistic and cultural flourishing, thanks to its maritime relations with the East, and in fact became one of the most influential maritime republics.

On December 26, 1194, Federico II of Swabia, the future Holy Roman Emperor, was born in Jesi, who honored the city in 1216 with the title of "Città Regia", allowing it to gain some autonomy even during the subsequent papal domination.

During the Renaissance, the Duchy of Urbino was known throughout Europe as a real "beacon" of Italian art and culture. Other cities with a good level of economic and cultural development were Camerino, Fano, Pesaro, Senigallia, Fabriano and San Severino Marche.

Between the middle of the sixteenth and the first decades of the seventeenth century, the cities of the Marche became part of the Papal States, which annulled the smaller political entities. The period of recession that followed this event was interrupted only by the pontificate of Clement XII, who in the 18th century paved the road through the Marche, today called Vallesina, and breathed life into the regional economy, declaring the port of Ancona free.

During the Risorgimento Marche participated in the struggle for unification. The last battle for the unification of Italy took place here: the battle of Castelfidardo made it possible to unite the territories conquered by Garibaldi in the south with those acquired by Vittorio Emanuele II in the north.

Transport and infrastructure


The region's largest airport is Ancona Falconara Airport, which is home to both national carriers and the most important international charter companies.

The second airport used for domestic flights is in Fano.

The main port of the Marche is Ancona, in 2010 the first in Italy in terms of the number of international road and passenger traffic, with a passenger traffic of more than 1.5 million, one of the first ports in the Adriatic in terms of freight traffic.

Other important port cities: Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto.

Tourist ports are also located on local seaside resorts These are the port of Fano, the port of Civitanova Marche and the port of Porto San Giorgio, as well as the port of Senigallia and the port of Numana.

Automobile communication

The following main road arteries run along the Marche coast: the A14 - Adriatic motorway and the A16 - Adriatic state road, connecting the region with the regions of Emilia-Romagna in the north and Abruzzo in the south.

Rail connection

The most important railway line passing through the region is Milan-Lecce, classified among the major Italian railway lines.

Another important railway route is also the Rome-Ancona railway line.

Railways of regional importance are the Ascoli-Piceno-San Benedetto del Tronto, Pergola-Fabriano and Civitanova Marche-Fabriano lines.

The herd feeling that gripped Russian tourists deprives them of a lot. They do not go further than large Italian cities, or they huddle in a small patch of land -. But in vain - on the Adriatic there are many magnificent resorts, much more comfortable and quiet. The coast of the Marche region in this sense is a real treasure. For almost two hundred kilometers, magnificent sandy beaches stretch, interspersed with small azure bays, picturesque palm trees and miniature cafes under open sky. There are no clearly defined city boundaries here, the beaches smoothly merge into one another. Everything is here: hotels, luxury villas, historical monuments and many cyclists. The ancient towns of the Marche are miniature, but despite this, they attract no less attention to themselves than the elegant and aristocratic. After all, it is here that there are more than a thousand outstanding historical and cultural monuments, 163 ancient sanctuaries and 34 archaeological zones. Impressive? But first things first.

We will begin our journey from the city of Loreto - an amazing place that carries an atmosphere of spiritual mystery. Why? Yes, if only because here is "Santa Casa" - the house that became the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary. For any pious Christian, this is a real place of pilgrimage - after all, this house has personally seen the times of the Immaculate Conception, the Annunciation and the Resurrection. It was transported from Palestine by the crusaders, namely the Angeli dynasty. That is why the locals say that the "holy stones" were brought to Loreto by angels. The house of the Holy Virgin itself was surrounded by a kind of marble sarcophagus, around which nine chapels were built, painted by artists of various nationalities. The Americans approached their version of the mural from a somewhat unusual technocratic position - on its walls you can find, in addition to clumsy aircraft also a portrait of Yuri Gagarin. The artist depicted the entire history of the development of aeronautics, the crowning achievement of which is astronautics. Well, as its embodiment - the famous smile of the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth.

Ascoli Piceno - Piazza del Popolo

Next stop - Ascoli Piceno. The town is miniature, but priceless for tourists - it is a pity that our compatriots neglect it. The main historical feature of this city is that it was founded even earlier than Rome. The locals are immensely proud of this circumstance, with or without inserting the saying "when sheep were still grazed in Rome, Ascoli was already a large city." The entire center of Ascoli is built of a special type of marble - light gray travertine, which gives the buildings a somewhat dull look, which, however, is quite suitable for the local narrow streets. In a word, a classic ancient Italian city in a modern way: many museums and an obligatory point of the cultural program - the main city square. Here she is one of the most beautiful in Italy. Piazza del Popolo is closed on all sides, just like Piazza San Marco in Venice. Even the layout is similar - you can't get to it directly, only by turning down the lane around the corner. Immediately the eye falls on the Palazzo dei Capitani and the Church of St. Francis, and the "swallowtails" on the buildings cause a surge of warm feelings in every Muscovite - the same ones are on the walls of the Kremlin. Another beautiful square is Piazza Arringo. The Palazzo dell'Arrengo located on it often causes inquiring glances from tourists. The thing is that the stone women supporting the windows are pregnant. Such an architectural decision is explained by a moral message to the city authorities: when making decisions, they should be guided by the good of future generations.

Porto San Giorgio photo

Next - the lovely resort of Porto San Giorgio. Where else can ripe oranges hang so defiantly, to which passers-by do not care? Where is the same clean golden sand and turquoise sea? "Quiet and smooth" is the only thing that comes to mind. Another thing is striking - the city has been standing since the 11th century, and absolutely nothing has changed. In the town of Fermo, for example, until the very end of the last century, residents used a rainwater collection system designed by the ancient Romans. old lock Porto San Giorgio, built in the 12th century, is empty, only occasionally city holidays are held in it. All the same couple of streets, shady alleys and microscopic cafes - it seems that the locals do nothing but drink and stroll sedately, thinking about something personal. But this is only at first, superficial glance. The local inhabitants simply live in harmony with the times, as if protected from the external fuss by massive city stone walls.

Marche is also good because it is located in the central part of the Apennines: with a strong desire, you can visit the "main" cities - and Rome. It is like a crime to forget about the excellent cuisine of this region. The signature dishes of local establishments stuffed with giant and savory ones will make you believe: everything that you had the misfortune to try before is a trifle and pampering. Restaurants with a special place on the menu Cozze alla Marinara (mussels) and Porchetta di maiale (suckling pig) tease with an abundance of dishes. And if we add to this the rabbit, which in some incomprehensible way got into the said piglet (Coniglio in porchetta)? How about dried Ancona cod (Stoccafisso all’Anconetana)? And what about fish broth (Brodetto di pesce) that seems banal at first glance, but becomes inimitable upon tasting?

On the coast there is a whole chain of small resorts. For example, Portonovo - with hills covered with lush greenery, approaching the sea and a sandy beach. Sirolo and Numana are famous for their picturesque bays, next to Pedaso (Pedaso) there are farms for growing mussels, which you can even taste without getting up from a beach lounger. Porto Sant "Elpidio" is hidden from prying eyes pine forest, and Cupra Marittima will surprise you not only with the cleanest sandy beach, but also with a unique museum of sea shells.

It is worth noting that in almost all the resorts of the Marche the season is quite short: the bulk of vacationers arrive here from mid-July to the end of August. Therefore, if you want to enjoy all the delights of local resorts, but without the constantly seething mass of people, your time is June or early September. at this time it still pampers, and the lion's share of restless vacationers have already left for their stuffy cities.

The Italian Marche region in the east of the country is an area that brings together cities with very different histories and cultures.

This administrative region owes its name to the tribes of the Franks, who appeared here in the 10th century and called the border lands “mark”. Marche is on east coast Central Italy and is one of the smallest regions in the country.

Geographic location and climate

The administrative Marche region in central part Adriatic coast, covering an area of ​​9366 km². In fact, this is the 15th place in terms of area among all 20 Italian regions. The warm Adriatic Sea washes Marche from the east, in the north the region borders on San Marino and, in the west - on Umbria, in the north-west - with, and in the south - with.

The administrative center and, in fact, the only major port in the region is Ancona. Except for a narrow coastal strip, the territory of the region has a mountainous relief. All the local rivers (Esino, Metauro, Cesano, Potenza and Tronto) flow into the Adriatic Sea.

Conventionally, the region can be divided into two climatic zones. In his southern cities the climate is dry and mild, in the northern regions it is humid and cool. The most comfortable climate, of course, is on the coast. Thus, the average temperature in Ancona in summer is 20.7°C, and in winter - 3°C. The time zone is UTC+1. In summer, the time differs from Moscow by 2 hours, and in winter - by 3 hours.

General information and features of the administrative division

An area of ​​​​9366 km² is about 3.2% of all of Italy. The population according to the situation for 2013 is 1,545,155 people, of which 100,000 live in the administrative center of Ancona. The region consists of five provinces: Ancona, Fermo, Macerato and Pesaro e Urbino.

For many years, the Marche region lagged behind other Italian regions in economic development due to the lack of roads connecting it with the central part of the country. Today, the region's GDP is 2.6% of Italy. The predominance of small landed property and the lack of fertile land causes the slow development of agriculture. At the same time, Marche remains one of the main centers of shipbuilding in the country.

Marche region. A bit of history

The settlement of the territories of the Marche region took place as early as the 9th-3rd centuries BC. e. during the Iron Age. In ancient times, the Adriatic coast was under the control of the powerful Senon tribe, which was constantly in conflict with the Romans. At the end of the 3rd century, the area known as Pisenum came under the control of the Romans. Later there were the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the wars with the Goths in 535-554, the entry into the Ravenna Exarchate of Byzantium, the Lombards, the conquest in 724-814 by Charles I the Great and inclusion in the Holy Roman Empire.

Over time, the territory was transferred under the control of the Pope. But staying in the Papal States turned out to be a formality, since the real management of the region was carried out by local clans. In 1796, Pius was forced by Napoleon to allow Ancona to be occupied. Then there was a short period of independence and entry in 1798 into the Roman Republic. The territory became part of the united state in 1869.

The current capital of the region Ancona in 390 BC. e. founded by the Greeks. The name is translated from Greek as “elbow” and is due to external similarity: the city harbor protected by a cape resembles an elbow. Long enough in use local residents there were coins with palm branches and Greek.

Cities and sights of the Marche

Perhaps one of the most interesting from a tourist point of view is the city Urbino. This locality numbering about 15,000 people, spread out on the hills of Foglia and Metauro in the center of the region, has not changed much since the Middle Ages. From afar, the city resembles a large-scale theatrical scenery in a medieval theater: a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture grows among a large number of tiled roofs Palazzo Ducale.

The construction of this palace was initiated by Duke Federico II and lasted a whole century from the middle of the 15th century until 1563. A few years after the start of construction work, the task of building the palace city was transferred to the Italian Luciano Laurano. The architect developed a project that combined new buildings and old buildings. It was he who became the author of the famous "Tower Garden", courtyard And front staircase. In 1472 Laurano was replaced by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, whose main merit was the interiors of the palace. In addition to the Palazzo Ducale, in Urbino it is worth visiting the church of St. Bernardino degli Zoccolanti, built in 1472.

By the way, it was in this city that the famous treatise "Fundamentals of Arithmetic" by Luca Pacioli was born in 1494, in which he considered some accounting issues. Perhaps that is why the Italian Urbino is considered the "cradle" of accounting.

The administrative center of the region is the city Ancona attractive for tourists as a balneological resort. Among the numerous monuments of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the Romanesque cathedral of the 11th-13th centuries and the Arc de Triomphe of Trajan of the 2nd century are worthy of special mention. And, of course, the scale of the speleological complex of the Frassassi caves will not leave anyone indifferent. One of the oldest European universities, which appeared in 1290, is located in the town Macerata, but picturesque Pesaro glorious as the birthplace of the great Gioacchino Rossini. IN Loreto you can also see the earthly home of the Virgin Mary.

View available Marche hotels on a map

Culture and art

It's no secret that cultural heritage any power is not limited to monuments of architecture and art. And in Mark they even know how to make the prose of life into art. Thus, the traditions of craftsmanship in the manufacture of textiles, leather products and paper are not only passed down from generation to generation, but also formed the basis of the production capacities of enterprises. The world-famous company Indesit, which produces household appliances, and manufacturers musical instruments from Castelfidaro.

It just so happened that Marche gave the planet many Italian composers, musicians and cultural figures, including Maria Montessori, Donato Bramante, Giacomo Leopardi, Rafael Sabbatini, Gioacchino Rossini and Valentino Rossi. But the most famous native of this area is Rafael Santi. On the street Contrada del Monte in Urbino, the house in which the artist was born is still preserved.

Of course, the comparison of Marche with major tourist centers Italy would be incorrect. But every year an increasing number of tourists come to the region, preferring relaxing holiday against the backdrop of nature.

) you will meet with the warm and calm Adriatic Sea, with sea cities, fishing villages and dishes local cuisine. Fans of coolness can choose a holiday in the Sibillini Mountains. It is always possible to find a good place away from the noisy crowds in agritourism houses, such as Colle Regnano, Fonte Carella or La Corte. If you are interested in shopping, then people often come here to buy shoes.

Undoubtedly, the beaches are the highlight of the program summer holiday in Mark. Learn more about the possibilities beach tourism in this Italian region and choose the best for you.

Numana - beaches and hotels

Beaches in Numana - photo gallery:

Beaches in Porto Recanati

Porto Recanati (see on the map) is located next to the ancient Roman colony of Potentia, founded in 184 BC. e. The port itself was built in 1510 by the decision of Pope Julius II. Zvevo Castle (we recommend visiting!) For a long time served as a reliable outpost in the Adriatic. After the invasion of the corsairs, the castle was fortified with the Torrione tower. The city attracts tens of thousands of tourists every year from all over the world. Especially pleasant is an evening walk along the embankment, tasting ice cream and local dishes. Try the fish dish il Brodetto, the famous local soup.

Image gallery of Porto Recanati:

Beaches in Cupra Marittima

map) - famous beach resort in the province of Ascoli Piceno. It is part of the famous Palm Riviera(Riviera delle Palme). This also includes Grottammare and San Benedetto del Tronto. Endless rows of palms, oleanders, pines and bougainvilleas frame the edge of the sea, giving a fresh and festive feeling.

The city is known for its annual September music festival, as well as for its unique Cera di Cupra beeswax-based creams.

Image gallery:

San Benedetto del Tronto

The city of San Benedetto del Tronto in the province of Ascoli Piceno, back in the 60s of the last century, won the palm among the resorts of the region. It is the largest diamond in the crown of the Riviera Palms. But not only lush greenery and well-equipped beaches attract foreign tourists. Nearby is national reserve Sentina is one of the favorite places for lovers wildlife. Gourmets can enjoy the famous "brodetto alla sambenedettese" accompanied by Falerio dei Colli Ascolani, Rosso Piceno and Rosso Piceno Superiore wines.

San Benedetto del Tronto - photo gallery:


The Riviera of Palms includes another pearl of beach tourism -

The landscapes of the Marche are breathtaking. They were sung and continue to be sung by poets and writers. What is interesting about this region today?


Marche is a region located in Central Italy. Her administrative center is Ancona. The city has approximately 100 thousand inhabitants. The region stretches from the Adriatic Sea to the Apennines. It has two climatic zones. So, the northern part of the Marche is open to cold winds blowing from the northeast, so the climate here is more humid and also cool. And in the southern part - the climate is milder, rather dry. The sea coast has the mildest climate. The territory of the Marche is mostly mountainous. All the rivers flowing through it flow into the nearby Adriatic Sea.


The name Marche has its roots in the ancient German word "mark", meaning "border". This is due to the fact that the territory in the 11th century was the border of the Holy Roman Empire.

Already in Neolithic times, people began to inhabit the territory of this area. In the 3-2 millennium BC, Greek, Balkan tribes lived here. In the 3rd century BC, the Romans appeared in these parts. They were interested in exercising control over this particular area, since it represented a strategic outlet to the Adriatic. At this time, two major roads were built - Salaria and Flaminia. Thanks to them, the coasts of the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas. It was at this time that the city of Ancona acquired its importance as the most important maritime trading post in the eastern part of the country.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory goes to the Lombards, then for a long time it enters the Byzantine Empire.

At the end of the 8th century, the area becomes the property of the church. For many years, the coasts have been attacked by Saracen pirates, so people migrate to the mountainous regions. In the 18th century, the area was occupied by French troops. In 1869 it becomes part of the Italian state.


As you know, it is one of the leading states in the world in terms of the scale of cultural and artistic heritage. Proof is the Marche region, where cities, palazzos, churches and cathedrals complement the rich nature. A striking example is the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, a famous monument of Renaissance architecture. Or Loreto, where the "Santa Casa" is located - the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary, who was transported from Palestine by the crusaders.


Every year in August, Urbino celebrates a three-day Ducal feast. The city is filled with the atmosphere of antiquity, because there are tournaments and battles, historical and gastronomic reconstruction of taverns and tasting of products prepared according to preserved recipes from the Renaissance period. The highlight of the program is a theatrical performance that shows the scene of the celebration of the victory of the troops of Federigo da Montefeltro over Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan.

On the first Sunday in September, Ancona celebrates the Feast of the Sea. One of highlights The holiday is considered a solemn swim of boats, decorated with flowers and bright ribbons. It is also a peculiar way to honor the memory of those who fell at sea during accidents, battles or travels.


Fish dishes that will amaze anyone with their variety. It is recommended to try a kind of Russian fish soup - brodetto. In different provinces of the Marche, recipes are different: brodetto, for example, all "anconitana (Apsopa), alla sanbenedettese (San Benedetto del Tronto), alla civitanovese (Civitanova Marche). A fragrant dinner will be decorated with a bottle of wine labeled DOC: Falerio dei Colli Ascolani (white), Bianchello del Metauro (white), Rosso Conero (red) or Lacrima di Morro d`Alba (red, Ancona).

Brodetto. Photo


Let us dwell on the Carlo Bo University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo). It was founded in 1506, during the reign of the Duke of Urbino, Guidobaldo Montefeltre, known for his passion for education and art. In 2003, the university received the name of Carlo Bo-rector, who made a great contribution to the development of this educational institution. On this moment 17 thousand students study at the university at 10 faculties. Among them we note pedagogical, medical, economic, philosophical and sociological.

Ascoli Piceno


The area is located quite far from the central part of Italy, so its economy has lagged behind for a long time. At present, the production of paper, electronic organs, and fashionable shoes is the most developed here. Pharmaceutical, clothing, furniture, petrochemical and some other industries are also developing well.

On the territory of the Marche, cereals are grown, as well as sugar beet, sunflower. Fishing is an important branch of the economy. This is also said a large number of fishing ports. The most famous among them are Pesaro, Civitanova, Fano, San Benedetto del Tronto. More than half of the region's population works in the service and trade sectors.

Ancona Airport (Aeroporto di Ancona-Falconara) serves 400 thousand people annually with the help of 5 airlines. It is 18 km from the center of Ancona. Ancona is considered one of the important strategic ports of the Adriatic Sea. Ferry flights go to Albania, Croatia, Greece and Turkey. The city is located at the crossroads of an important railway line- - Ancona - Pescara - . Today there is no rail connection to Urbino. Until 1987, Fano-Urbino functioned. The nearest train station is in Pesaro. The fare on public transport in the Marche is just over 1 euro.


The population of the Marche is 1.485 million people (13th place, according to an estimate for 2003). Big cities- Ancona (100 thousand inhabitants), Pesaro (90,000), Fano (57,000), Ascoli Piceno (50,000), Macerata (42,000).


The most attractive for tourists, perhaps, is the town of Urbino. It is located in the central part of the region. Urbino attracts with picturesque landscapes and a well-preserved medieval appearance.

Even before reaching the city, you can enjoy a bewitching, unusual panorama: from above, it seems like a kind of decoration for a medieval play. It feels like a huge palace emerges from a sea of ​​towers and tiled roofs. This is the Palazzo Ducale - the famous monument of Renaissance architecture. It combines picturesque layout and harmonious lightness. This masterpiece of architecture has been under construction for almost a hundred years. Outstanding architects of the Middle Ages, such as Luciano Laurana, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, participated in its construction. In addition to this palace, the city has many other attractions.

Due to the fact that the inhabitants of Urbino were very proud of their city, they even nicknamed it "vain Urbino". It is also known as the “city of mathematicians”, because a whole galaxy of remarkable scientists came out of here.

Urbino. Photo

known as a balneological resort. The loggia of Mercanti has been the symbol of the city since the 15th century. Despite the fires, the Italians were able to maintain the original style of this building. The spirit of past eras is felt in the picturesque enfilades and all kinds of bas-reliefs. The city has many monuments of antiquity, as well as the Middle Ages. Among them, Trajan's Arc de Triomphe (built at the beginning of the 2nd century AD) requires special attention. She is one of the symbols of the city. Its greatness is only emphasized by the almost complete absence of bas-reliefs and the grayish color of marble. No less attractive for tourists is the Roman amphitheater, or rather, its ruins. Also noteworthy are the Romanesque Cathedral, Mole Vanvitelliana, the Diocesan Museum, etc.

Ancona. Photo

Macerata is an equally interesting city for tourists in the Marche region. It is located near the sea, which gives it an additional charm. The city is famous for its university. This is one of the oldest universities not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. In Macerata, you should definitely visit the Arena Sferisterio, where an annual opera festival is held, known throughout the world. It needs to be emphasized diamond palace, which is a delightful Renaissance building. Also extraordinarily beautiful are the churches of Santa Maria della Porta, Madonna della Misericordi.

Macerata. Photo

Pesaro is a city with ancient history and aristocratic traditions. First of all, it is known as the birthplace of the outstanding composer Gioacchino Rossini. In memory of him, a memorial museum operates here, and a grandiose festival of opera performers is held annually in the opera house that bears his name. Striking splendor main square Pesaro called Popolo. Here you can't help but admire the sparkling fountain made of original sculptures of newts and sea horses. The military fortress, built in the 15th century, attracts visitors with its grandeur. Not far from it is the Cathedral. The oldest mosaic floors have been preserved in it to this day. And the Museum of Ceramics invites you to get acquainted with the bizarre, original pottery of local craftsmen. If this is not interesting for you, you can go to the Pinakothek and admire the true masterpieces of the fine arts of the Renaissance. And in the vicinity of the city you can visit medieval monasteries.

Pesaro. Photo

Fano is one of the largest and most ancient cities of the Marche. It got its name from the name of the goddess Fortuna (the word "Fanum" is translated "fortune"). The arch of Augustus can be considered as a symbol of Fano. It was built by order of Emperor Augustus in the first decade of our era. Also preserved are the ancient walls with cylindrical towers, also erected by Augustus. In addition, tourists in Fano will definitely be interested in the Porta della Mandria gate, the Malatesta castle. In that medieval castle located today Archaeological Museum. Here you can admire the ancient Greek figurines, brooches, amphoras, fragments of sculptures, etc. found by archaeologists. But the most impressive exhibit is a mosaic made in the 2nd-3rd centuries. ad. It depicts Neptune riding a chariot. Being in this city, one should not deprive such palaces as Palazzo del Podesta, Palazzo Montevecchio. Columns, front stairs, fountains - this is something you need to see with your own eyes. Among the majestic sights of Fano, one should also mention the Church of San Paterniano, Cathedral in the Romanesque style, the church of Santa Maria Nuova. Outstanding artists and sculptors of different times took part in their design.

Fano. Photo


Rafael Santi (1483 - 1520) - "the bright genius of the Renaissance" was born in Urbino at the end of the 15th century. The first documented masterpiece of Raphael is considered to be an altar painting (1500 - 1501) in the Baronci Chapel of the Church of St. Augustine in Citta di Castello, which is halfway from Urbino to Perugia. In April 1520, the artist was buried in with the greatest honors in c. On the marble sarcophagus of Raphael there is an inscription: “Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori” - “Here is that famous Raphael, while he was alive, Nature was afraid that he would conquer her when he was dying, Nature I was afraid to die with him."

Italian motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi was born in 1979 in Urbino. He is the son of another famous motorcycle racer, Graziano Rossi. During his career, he took several champion titles and almost always wears number 46. He spent his childhood in the town of Tavullia. Especially in honor of the sportsman, a speed limit of 46 kilometers per hour (instead of the usual fifty) is adopted here.

The Marche region is located in central Italy. It stretches along the Adriatic coast for 170 km, but most of it is occupied by hills and mountains. Such geography paints its unusual landscape with snow-capped peaks and sandy beaches which are characterized by the purity of sea water.

The sights of the Marche are varied. Medieval Borg neighbor cities of art, Christian shrines, especially the basilica in Loreto, attract pilgrims, and natural beauty give unforgettable emotions to active tourists.

The capital of the Marche is the city of Ancona, which owns one of the largest ports in Italy.

A Brief History of the Marche

During the Iron Age, the Piceni tribes lived on the territory of the Marche. In the IV century BC. the Gauls invaded from the north, at the same time the Greeks from Syracuse founded the colony of Ancona. In 295 BC. A battle broke out in which the Piceni and the Romans defeated the Gauls. But when the Piceni raised an uprising against the Romans, it was suppressed and the territories became part of the Roman state. After the fall of the Roman Empire, they became part of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the earlier Middle Ages, these lands were called Ancona Marka.
This was followed by the invasion of the Lombards, and the territory was divided into two parts: the coastal cities in the north of the region to Ancona were part of the Eastern Roman Empire, the southern lands came under the rule of the Lombards.
During the free communes, Pesaro, Fano, Ancona, Jesi, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno flourished.
During the Renaissance, the artistic and cultural component of the cities grew. From the end of the XVI to the beginning of the XVII centuries. The Marches were part of the Papal States. With the arrival of the French army of Napoleon, the region became the Republic of Anconitana, and then merged with the Roman Republic.
In 1860 the Marche became part of a united Italy. In World War I, Ancona was bombed. During the Second World War, the region put up a strong resistance, and also suffered losses.

When is the best time to go to Marche?

If you choose beach holiday, That best season it will be summer, during which the heat is cooled by the sea breeze. Winters are quite cold and rainy.
In the mountainous area, coolness awaits in summer, and snow is possible in winter. Late spring will be an ideal period for excursion routes.

How to get to Marche

The airport is located in the city of Ancona, but Alitalia flights are almost non-existent or canceled. You can use Rimini Airport, from which Ancona is 100 km away. From Rome to Ancona - 300 km.
The port of Ancona is connected to Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Albania and Montenegro.

Black Madonnas

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All about Italy

The largest earthquakes in Italy from 1900 to the present day
On the night of August 23-24, 2016, a terrible earthquake occurred, the epicenter of which was on the border of the regions of Umbria, Marche and Lazio. The cities of Amatrice, Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto were almost completely destroyed. The number of victims reached almost 250 people, many still remain under the rubble. The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.0.
Empathizing and sympathizing with Italy, let us remember the most terrible earthquakes that have fallen to her lot over the past hundred years.

10 most romantic places in Italy
“To make love, it is not necessary to speak the same language. But it's still better if the language you don't understand is Italian." (With)

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