The navigator opened America by mistake. Discovery of America

The opening of America is one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. The history of the opening of a huge continent pays many interesting and amazing facts. To this day, disputes are being conducted about who opened America in fact. Everyone knows that the name of the discoverer is Christopher Columbus, why land is named after Amerigo Vespucci, and who else visited the continent to Columbus ... about this and many other things - further in the article.

At the end of the fifteenth century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus with his expedition reached the shores North America, I mistakenly believed that I arrived in India. It is from this moment that the era of the opening of America and began its development and research begins. However, there are researchers who consider this date inaccurate, insisting that the new continent has been discovered much earlier.

The first information about the existence of a new continent called by America later appeared in the prehistoric period. These events happened by chance. Motifs for discoveries served, as a rule, the search for lifestyles (striving for survival), search for gold and large shopping cities.

The first were Paleo Indians

The first, settled in America about 15 thousand years ago, were people from Asia. In the era of Pleistocene as a result of the melting of ice shields (Lavrentian and Cordillersky) between Russia and Alaska, a narrow corridor was formed. The so-called land bridge between the Western coast of Alaska and Siberia, or the Ringgov of the experiencing, connected the continents of Asia and North America as a result of the fall of the ocean level.

Paleoinders, the ancient settlers of America, arrived from Asia to America through the beerings of the experiencies following the movement of production - large animals. Migrations took place before the closure of the corridor, that is, the closure of the Lavrentian and Cordillery glaciers. In the future, the settlement of America has already happened by sea either on ice. When the glacial period is over, and the glacial plates melted, the settlers arrived in America were isolated from other continents.

It turns out that for the first time the American continents were found by nomadic Asian tribes, originally populated North America, then taking the Central and South America. They subsequently became indigenous American nations.

Legend of Irish Monks

As the popular Irish legend says, in the 6th century, a group of Irish monks, headed by the Holy Brandan, went on a boat to the West in search of new lands. Seven years later, the monks returned home and told that they found the land covered with lush vegetation, which was the current Newfoundland.

However, accurate evidence confirming the fact that the Irish monks were not just seen, but also visited the coast of North America, there are no. In 1976, the British traveler Tim Severin decided to prove that such a journey is possible. He made an accurate copy of the monastic vessel and went from Ireland to North America, following the route that once described traveling Inaks. As a result, the researcher reached Canada.

Vikings and Winland

In 984, as a result of the study of ancient seaworthy routes scandinavian navigator Eric Kras discovered Greenland. In 999, his son, Leif Ericsson, gathering a carriage of 35 people, went on the same ship from Greenland to Norway. At about 1000, Leif Ericceson on a journey through Atlantic Ocean Reached North America. There, on the territory of the modern Canadian Island of Newfoundland, he founded the Norwegian settlement.

Because of the abundance of vineyards on this land, Vikings called the settlement "Winland", which means translated from the English "grape ground". But for a long time Erickson and his team were not detained there. Due to hostile relations with indigenous North American, they stayed just a few years before returning to Greenland.

In the sagas of the Vikings, who were settled in America, are referred to indigenous Americans - "Skřeling". The source of most sag is the Scandinavian folklore, but in 1960, Helge Ingstad, the Norwegian archaeologist, found in the northern tip of Newfownland (Canada) the first European settlement of the Vikings of the late XI century, which is identical to settlements in Scandinavian countries. This historical and archaeological object called the name "L" Ans-O-Meduse ", scientists recognize as evidence of transokani contacts that took place before the discovery made by Columbus.

Sailors from China

In the disputes of "who opened America" \u200b\u200beven the facts about visiting America by the Chinese. Gevin Menzis, Naval Officer of Great Britain, put forward the theory of colonization South America Chinese. According to his statements, the Chinese researcher named Zheng HE, who commanded the Armade Wooden at the beginning of the XV century sailing ships, I discovered the continent in 1421. According to the officer, Zheng HE with the help of advanced navigation methods investigated such territories as Southeast Asia, India and the east coast of Africa.

In his book "1421 - a year, when China opened the world," Geevin Menzis wrote that Zheng He was sent to eastern coast The United States and, presumably, established settlements in South America. The theory of Menzis is based on the evidence of long-standing shipwrecks, data of Chinese and European maps and reports, which were composed of seaflors of those times. Nevertheless, the theory is subject to doubt.

Random discovery Columbus

1942 is considered the year of the opening of America, although some historians consider this data rather approximate. Columbus opened America by chance. Opening new lands and islands over four expeditions, Columbus did not even assume that this is a completely different mainland, which will later be called "new light." Each time, arriving on new and new lands, the traveler believed that it was the lands of Western India.

Thus thought by the whole of Europe for quite a long time, while the other navocanner of Vasco da Gama did not declare Columbus to a deceiver, because it was Gamma who found a direct path to India, visited local gifts and spices. There are assumptions that Columbus died to be convinced that he opened new way In India, and not at all, unfamiliar to the side of the world.

Mysterious name Continent

Why was the new continent called none in honor of the columbus discovered by him, and in honor of the Mariety Amerigo Vespucci? A visit to this part of the "New World" by the Vespucci traveler is the first widespread and fixed fact. In 1503, he sent a letter to his friend Medici with the following text "These countries should be called new light ... Most of the ancient authors say that in the south of the equator there is no mainland, but there is only the sea, and if some of them recognized the existence of the mainland there, They did not consider him inhabited. But my last journey proved that such an opinion is mistakenly and completely disgusting to the facts, since in the southern regions I found the mainland, more densely inhabited by people and animals than our Europe, Asia or Africa, and, in addition, the climate is more moderate and pleasant than in any of the countries known to us ... "

It was he who put forward the first to the assumption that the lands discovered is not India or China, but a new unknown mainland. A quote from his letter, washing the world, became a good reason for the decision to call a new mainland in honor of an unknown at that time of the sales representative, and not in honor of the famous discoverer. The name of America first appeared in 1507 in writing Martin Waldzemuller "Introduction to Cosmography". Under the same name is a new mainland and on the first globe of Johanna Schen (1511).

Interesting the fact that no mention of the initiative of Vespucci assigning his name open overseas lands was found.

For curious

There are sufficient grounds for assumptions that the continent was named after the English patron of Bristol - Richard America, who financed the second transatlantic expedition to John Cabota in 1497. Vespucci took himself a nickname in honor of the already named continent. Cabot became the first officially registered European, which stepped into the North American continent, reaching the shores of Labrador in May 1497. It was he who made a map of the coast of North America - from New Scotland to Newfoundland. In his calendar, Bristol delivered the following entries: "... on the day of St. John the Baptist found the Earth America merchants from Bristol, arriving on a ship from Bristol with the name "Matthew".

Expeditions of Christopher Columbus

1st Expedition

The first expedition of Christopher Columbus (1492-1493) consisting of 91 people on Santa Maria courts, Pinta, Ninya came out of Palos on August 3, 1492, from the Canary Islands turned to the West (September 9), crossed the Atlantic Ocean in The subtropical belt has reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, where Christopher Columbus landed on October 12, 1492 (official date of opening of America). On October 14-24, Christopher Columbus visited a number of other Bahamas, and on October 28, December 5, he opened and examined the site of the north-east coast of Cuba. December 6, Columbus reached about. Haiti and moved along his northern shore. On the night of December 25, the flagship ship "Santa Maria" sat down on the reef, but people were saved. Columbus on the ship "Ninya" January 4-16, 1493 completed the survey of the North Coast of Haiti and was returned to Castile on March 15.

2nd expedition

The 2nd Expedition (1493-1496), which Christopher Columbus was already headed by Admiral, and as the vice-king of newly open lands, consisted of 17 vessels with a crew of over 1.5 thousand people. On November 3, 1493 Columbus opened the island of Dominica and Guadeloupe, turning to the northwest, - about 20 small Antille Islands, including Antigua and Virginsky, and on November 19, Puerto Rico Island and approached the North Bank of Haiti. On March 12-29, 1494 Columbus in search of gold committed a conquering campaign inside Haiti, and crossed the Ridge Cordillera Sentral. April 29-May 3, Columbus with 3 courts passed along the southeast coast of Cuba, turned from Cruz to South and on May 5, he opened about. Jamaica. Returning on May 15 to Cruz Cruz, Columbus passed along southern coast Cubes up to 84 ° Western longitude, discovered the Hardine-de-La Ryne archipelago, Sapat Peninsula and Pinos Island. On June 24, Christopher Columbus turned to the East and examined on August 19-15, the whole south coast Haiti. In 1495 Christopher Columbus continued to conquer Haiti; On March 10, 1496 left the island and returned to Castile on June 11.

3rd expedition

The 3rd expedition (1498-1500) consisted of 6 vessels, 3 of which Christopher Columbus himself led across the Atlantic Ocean near 10 ° Northern latitude. On July 31, 1498, he opened Trinidad Island, entered the south of the Paria Bay, found the mouth of the Western Sleeve Delta of the Orinoco River and the Paria Peninsula, putting the beginning of the opening of South America. Going out to the Caribbean Sea, Christopher Columbus approached the Araha peninsula, opened on August 15 Margarita Island and 31 August arrived in the city of Santo Domingo (on the island of Haiti). In 1500 Christopher Columbus was arrested on denunciation and sent to Castile, where he was released.

4th expedition

4th expedition (1502-1504). Having achieved permission to continue the search for the Western way to India, Columbus with 4 courts reached on June 15, 1502 of Martinique Islands, July 30 - the Honduran Bay and opened from August 1, 150 to May 1, 1503 Caribbean coast of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to the Bay of Harba. Turning then to the north, June 25, 1503 suffered a crash at Jamaica Island; Help from Santo Domingo came only in a year. In Castillia, Christopher Columbus returned on November 7, 1504.



In addition, hypotheses were put forward on visiting America and contact with its civilization by navigators to Columbus, which presented various civilizations of the old light (see Contacts with America to Columbus). Here are just some of these hypothetical contacts:

  • in the V century - Hui Shen (Taiwanese monk)
  • in the VI century - St. Brendan (Irish Monk)
  • there are versions according to which at least XIII century America was known to the Order of the Templars
  • oK. G. - Henry Sinclair (de Saint-Claire), Count Orkney (approx. 1345 - approx. 1400)
  • in Zheng He (Chinese Researcher)
  • in Zhuan Kisterial (Portuguese)



  • Magidovich I. P. The history of the opening and study of North America. - M.: Geographiciz, 1962.
  • Magidovich I. P. The history of opening and research of Central and South America. - m .: Thought, 1963.
  • John Lloyd and John Mitchinson. The book of universal delusions. - Phantom press, 2009.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Opening of America" \u200b\u200bin other dictionaries:

    Opening of America by the expedition of Christopher Columbus - The expedition of Columbus began on August 3, 1492, when Santa Mary ships, Pinta and Nigna came out of the bay of the Spanish city of Palos de la Frontera (Palos de La Frontera). On September 16, 1492, letters of green began to appear on the path of the expedition ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

    Salvador gave the opening of America to Sleep Sleep Christopher Columbus, 1958 1959 canvas, butter. 410 × 284 cm Muz ... Wikipedia

    Opening of America and Spanish conquest - In the spring of 1492, the Spaniards took Granada last stronghold Muvrov on the Pyrenean Peninsula, and on August 3, three caravels of Christopher Columbus were departed from the Spanish port of the Atlantic Ocean in the Spanish port to open ... ... The World History. Encyclopedia

    Christopher Columbus. Opening of America Christopher Columbus. The Discovery Drama Genre Director John Glen Starring Marlon Brando Tom Sellek Duration 122 Min ... Wikipedia

    Christopher Columbus. The Discovery Drama Genre Director John Glen Starring Marlon Brando Tom Sellek Duration 122 Min ... Wikipedia

    Invention, find. The opening of America, the invention of the powder. Observing ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and similar expressions in the meaning of expression. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Opening of the invention, find, know how, patent; acquiring; Start … Synonym dictionary

    Opening - Opening ♦ Découverte to make a discovery means to make an obvious thing that already existed (in contrast to the invention), but it was unknown. These are the discovery of America Christopher Columbus and the opening of the law of World Newton. Concept ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    OPENING - - identification of natural things, phenomena, patterns, etc., actually existing in nature, but not previously known (the discovery of America, the frequency of elements, mineral deposits, etc.), which is based on the internal ... ... Philosophy of Science and Technology: Thematic Dictionary

    Country ... Wikipedia

    This term has other values, see Opening (Values). Opening Mass Effect: Revelation The Cover of the Russian-language Edition of the Book Author ... Wikipedia


  • Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America, D. Winor. Illustrated historical and critical study, translation from English F. I. Bulgakov. The book contains information about the sources, about the ancestors and the birth of Columbus, his life in Portugal and ...

We all know that America opened Columbus. September 12 Americans at the state level celebrate America's opening day or Columbus Day. On this day, 1492, the Spanish navigator with his expedition for the first time landed on the North American coast (today is about. San Salvador, located in the Bahamas archipelago).

In the past few decades, not only suggests assumptions, but also there are various facts that refute the well-known information about the opening of America by Columbus. Among the discovers, the researchers see several candidates and believe that the opening of a new "promised land" occurred in a few centuries to Columbus.

So who opened america first ?

Applicants for the opening of America

Floating to the West across the Atlantic, Columbus was confident that he opened a new way to India and China, so he did not think about the opening of new lands. However, according to some testimonies, he passed the way, which others floated to his appearance.

Fantastic versions

There are several different versions for the first-standstructors of American lands, some of which can be attributed more to fantastic.

It's believed that:

  1. America was opened by Atlanta, who after the death of Atlantis moved to American mainland.
  2. The first ancient Americans became the inhabitants of the mysterious earth mu.
  3. The ancestors of the American Indians took place from the "seven knees of Israel", i.e. Hang Jewish roots.

Playful theories

It is possible that there are other unusual versions that seek at first glance with delusions, but in such assumptions, as scientists believe, there are grain of truth. According to the existing theory of settlement of the American continent, the first settlers sailed onto these lands on the floes through the Bering Strait.


Scientists engaged in the study of the opening of America, argue that the first travelers who have repeatedly visited American lands for several centuries were Vikings. In confirmation of its theory, scientists lead the Scandinavian folk sagas and legends, which tell about fearless travelers and their marine campaigns, as well as archaeological excavations conducted on American lands on the site of the ancient settlements of Vikings.

One of these Scandinavian travelers was the Greenland ruler and the navigator Leif Erickson happy. According to some reports, it was he who at five hundred years before Columbus visited American mainland. Where did Leif know that there are lands for the Atlantic Ocean? Around by the end of the first millennium (980-990), Leif heard from his compatriot Bianha Heroylfsson, that the ocean is covered with fog's beautiful outlines of the Earth. Fearless Scandinava did not leave the idea to find these lands, so he went on their search, conquering the northern booming water of the Atlantic.

On the way to the shores of America, Vikings opened and put on the map new lands - "Markland" (modern about. Labrador), "Winland" (perhaps this is about. Newfoundland) and "Hellulanzh" (presumatively Buffhin Earth). Having discovered them, the Vikings founded settlements here, having received the most severe dismissed from the indigenous people of the American coast and leaving the idea of \u200b\u200bliving on new lands.

Ancient peoples

Despite the folk legends about the naval travels of Leifa happy, he is also not the actual discoverer of America. Then who opened america first ? After all, according to legend, Leif learned about the distant lands from other navigators. Consequently, someone has already successfully visited the new continent and could safely go back.

The peoples of Polynesia have legends about visiting America by Polynesian-Aboriginal.

In addition, it is believed that Chukchi also visited American lands, simulating a trading channel and exchanging with residents of the coastal areas of North America by a whale mustache and furs. It is this version that researchers are not in doubt, because there are archaeological evidence, they still do not work. However, as it is not possible to install, who the first undertook the first journey.

Egyptians, Romans, Africans, Chinese and other ancient peoples

Exploring the issue of the opening of America, supporters of various versions provide unreliable, and sometimes false information about visiting the new world by the ancient peoples - the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks and the Phoenicians. Some adherents of such theories, including the famous navigaters of Tour Heyerdal and Tim Severin, are confident that Africans and the Chinese were the discovers of America. They are based on the similarity of the cultures of remote ethnic groups, for example, such as the Greeks and Aztecs. In addition, the architectural similarity is compared egyptian pyramids And Maya's pyramids, the presence of Mais in the territory of West Africa, as well as figures depicting people of African appearance, which were found from American Indians. All these arguments pushing the idea that representatives of the ancient civilizations of the old world could visit America.


Similar fantastic versions can be brought infinitely. True fiction who opened america first , begins with the legend that the first Europeans in America were not at all the Vikings.

According to the legend, the first Europeans, which stepped on the US coast, were Irish, more specifically, it was a monk - the navigator Saint Brendan Clonfert. In the hope of finding the biblical edem for the sea, at about 530, he went to the West in search of Paradise, the ship's ship. According to the legend, Brendan managed to reach a certain island of blessed, which was quite suitable for the description of the coast of America. Returning to Europe, the monk tells in detail about this land. No one would reliably say whether the island was an American land, but in the mid-70s. The last century was held by a British traveler, a writer and a scientist Tim Severin, who crossed the Atlantic on a wooden Scandinavian boat (Karrahka), covered by the skull, proving that theoretically, the monk travel could take place. The only thing that stops researchers to recognize the discovery of America by Irish is a long time period for which the legend could be unrecognizable to decorate the figs.

According to another version, America opened the rich Aristocrats-Venetians Nikolo and Antonio Xeno, whose descendants published a small book on the opening of some islands. Having learned about the existence to the West of fertile lands, the brothers Xeno, together with the Count of Orkney, Henry Sinclair, went on their searches. Having achieved an unknown coast (presumably Estoco or Modern about. Newfoundland), travelers founded a settlement there. Despite the details of the description of the journey, from which you can learn about battles with local islanders and cannibals with about. Glug, the archaeological evidence of the presence of Venetians in America is not yet. Otherwise, the "palm of championship" would move towards them.

In addition to Europeans, in the discovers of America, they want to be "enrolled" and Malians. According to one of the versions, in 1312, Sultan Empire Mali Abu Bakra, equipping an expedition, went to the West in search of "land over the ocean", found America and remained there, because From his journey, he never returned. However, archaeologists do not confirm this version.

In the ancient Chinese certificates there is a statement that the Chinese attended American lands long before the trip of the Irish Monk Brandan. In 499, the Buddhist monk Hu Shen Designed his journey to amazing and beautiful country Fusan, which, according to its calculations, was located to the east of China at about 10 thousand km. Its records describes in detail the state system, nature and customs of an unknown country, but these descriptions are more suitable for the descriptions of medieval Japan.

Who opened America first?

So historically it happened that Christopher Columbus opened first America. Why, having reliable archaeological finds and historical facts, historians do not recognize other discoverers, without giving them to travel serious importance? It is precisely because as a result of these expeditions did not have conquest and colonization of American lands, as the Spaniards did. After all, before them, all travelers did not establish their domination, or did not consider these lands to continue their own lands as Chukchi.

Just America has always been open to everyone, and anyone could open it, not even knowing that it opens up new lands. Only the Spaniards were the first worldwide declared their opening by making American lands with their colonies. Therefore, Americans celebrate America's opening day when he opened her Christopher Columbus and not looking for a response to the question " Who opened america first ? ". After all, whoever did it, it was thanks to Columbus, the old world found out that there is a new free world, where we rushes immigrants from Europe. And so far, this world emigration does not stop, and the "Promised land" continues to mention everyone, promising freedom, new life And well-being.


The name of the American continent is firmly associated with the name of Christopher Columbus - the famous discoverer of the new light. There are evidence that even until the XV century, Europeans managed to reach the shores of America. These were Vikings, in the X century the Labrador Peninsula flew to the coast. However, their travels had no great practical importance for Europe, they were generally unknown to contemporaries. Therefore, the honor to be considered the first person, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and the recent to the new continent, began to belong to Columbus. Although the question is sometimes asked: "Who is the first to opel America - Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci?" So, about everything in order ...

In 1492, Christopher Columbus, trying to get into India short through the east side, opened the islands of Central America. The project of the expedition to West Columbus was sheed ten years, and in search of organizers and sponsors left about eight. He offered the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Genoese merchants, Portuguese, French, English rulers, and, repeatedly, Spanish royal couple.

Ultimately, it was the Catholic monarchs - Isabella and Ferdinand, agreed to patronize Columbus, gave him the noble title and promised the monopoly right to income from the territories that he could detect. In its first swimming in 1492-1494, this Spanish subject (although it was an Italian in origin) opened the islands: Haiti (Espanyol), Cuba, San Salvador (one of the Bahamas).

Columbus returned to his homeland in full confidence that reached East AsiaBy taking Cuba for China's peninsula. In the next sea hike to the shores of unexplored the islands have already set off already several thousand people at 17 ships. In search of gold and other treasures, Europeans began to seize the islands and subordinate to the natives of which were called Indians.

Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Montserrat, Antigua, Puerto Rico and other names were applied to the cards. But the mainland of "India" was still not discovered, as well as the proposed king gold. Having learned about our patrons discontent, Columbus was forced to return to Spain to somehow justify himself. He managed to return the location of the rulers and get the right to the sole examination of the Land of West Indies.

The third expedition in 1498 turned out to be more modest, managed to collect funds for sending only six ships. But this this time, Columbus was able to explore about 300 km of mainland Central America. Once at the mouth of the Orinoco River, he realized that such large river must flow from a large sushi massif. But continued the expedition because of the disease could not.

In 1499, Vasco da Gama, who opened the sea route to real India, returned to Portugal. Columbus, after such news, completely lost the confidence of Spanish monarchs and even was enclosed. He was soon released on the protection of influential friends financing the expeditions. However, the monopoly on the development of land from Columbus was selected. And the supply of settlers in West Indies (as still called this region) instructed the new manager of the Finance of the Florentine Trading House - Amerigo Vespucci.

Vespucci was an employee of a trading house, which sponsored the second and third expedition of Columbus. The success of the navigator awakened curiosity in Florentine, and when such an opportunity arose, he himself went to a distant path through the Atlantic Ocean. In swimming for 1499, he received the venue of the navigator on the ship Admiral Alonso de Heda. Taking advantage of the cards compiled by Columbus, the ketage easily led his crew to the mainland coast.

They went to the land on the territory of modern Suriname. Moving along the coast, travelers reached Maracaibo Bay, where Veszpucci saw houses standing in water on stilts. He called this country "Little Venice" - Venezuela. In 1500, a map of West Indies was published, where, among others, all the names were applied, the data of America Vespucci during the expedition of Alonso de Hedge. The author of the map was Lotsman Juan de la Spit.

Veszpucci, returning from the first trip, moved from Spanish Cadiz to Lisbon, from where, under the patronage of the Portuguese king, twice visited the coast of the new continent. Vespucci travel details have been preserved in letters to his patron Lorenzo Medici and Gonfalonian (Guardian of Justice) of the Florentine Republic and a long friend's Pietro Soletro. These texts caused live interest in Europe and were translated into French, German, Italian and Spanish (the originals were written in Latin).

German Cartographer and Publisher Martin Waldseemyuller printed the book "Introduction to Cosmography", where Vespucci's letters, in which he called open land New light. The publisher himself was so admired by the travels described, which offered to call the mainland in honor of Amerigo. The public supported this idea. So America gained its modern name.

The achievements of Columbus quickly moved to the background of his contemporaries, because after him there were much more large-scale discoveries in the continental regions of the new world. However, when looking at the events of more than five hundred years ago, the championship of Christopher Columbus in the study of America is no longer doubt.

Christopher Columbus is a medieval navigator who opened Sargassovo and Caribbean, Antilles, Bahamas and the American continent for the Europeans, the first of famous travelersWooked by the Atlantic Ocean.

According to various testimonies, Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, in the territory of the current Corsica. Six Italian and Spanish cities claim the right to be called His Motherland. The childhood and youth of the navigator is significantly unknown, almost nothing, the origin of the Columbus family.

Some researchers call Columbus Italian, others believe that his parents were baptized by Jews, Marranians. This assumption explains the incredible level of education, which Christopher received, a leaving of the family of ordinary weak and housewives.

According to some historians and biographers, Columbus under 14 years old studied at home, while he had brilliant knowledge in mathematics, knew several languages, including Latin. The boy had three younger brothers and sister, and they were all trained by coming teachers. One of the brothers, Giovanni, died in childhood, the sister of Biankell rose and married, and Bartolomeo and Giacomo accompanied Columbus in his wanders.

Most likely, Columbam, full assistance was provided with counterparts, rich Genoese financiers from Marranov. With their help, the young man from a poor family hit the University of Padua.

As an educated person, Columbus was familiar with the teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers depicting the land with a ball, and not flat pancake, as believed in the Middle Ages. However, such thoughts, like Jewish origin during the Inquisition, which raged in Europe, should have hidden thoroughly.

At the University, Columbus began his friends with students and teachers. One of his loved ones was Astronomer Toskanlyli. According to its calculations, it ranked that to cherished India, complete irreparate wealth, was much closer to sail in the west direction, and not in East, rich Africa. Later, Christopher held his own calculations, which, being incorrect, confirmed Toskanlyli hypothesis. So born a dream about west TravelAnd Columbus devoted to her all his life.

Even before entering the university, a fourteen-year-old teenager Christopher Columbus experienced marine wanderings. The father made a son for one of the shopping shhun for learning the art of navigation, trade skills, and from this point on, the Biography of Columbus-Maritavochor started.

The first navigation of Columbus in the position of UNGI performed Mediterranean Sea.where the trade and economic paths between Europe and Asia have crossed. At the same time, European merchants knew about the wealth and gold places of Asia and India, which resold them wonderful silk and spices from these countries.

The young man listened to extraordinary stories from the mouth of the eastern merchants and walked the dream to reach the shores of India in order to find her treasures and get rich.


In the 70s of the 15th century, Columbus married Felipe Monis from the rich Italian-Portuguese family. The father-in-law of Christophore, settled in Lisbon and who went to the sea under the Portuguese flag, was also a navigator. After death, he left maritime maps, diaries and other documents that were inherited to Columbus. According to them, the traveler continued to study geography while simultaneously studying the works of Piccolomini, Pierre de Aili ,.

Christopher Columbus took part in the so-called northern expedition, as part of which his path passed through British Isles and Iceland. Presumably, there is a navigator and heard Scandinavian saga and stories about Vikings, Ericsson Ericsson, who reached the coast " Big land", Swim the Atlantic Ocean.

The route, which allowed to get to India west, Columbus was back in 1475. He presented an ambitious plan for the conquest of a new land on the court of the Genoese merchants, but did not meet support.

A few years later, in 1483, Christopher drawn with a similar proposal to the Portuguese king Juan II. The king gathered the Scientific Council, who reviewed the Genoese project and found his calculations are incorrect. Upset, but the nonsense Columbus left Portugal and moved to Castile.

In 1485, the navigator asked the audience from Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella Castilskaya. The spouses accepted him favorably, listened to the treasures of India Columbus, and the same as the Portuguese ruler, convened scientists to the Council. The Commission did not support the navigator, since the possibility of the Western way implied the shag-likeness of the Earth, which contradicted the teachings of the Church. Columbus was barely declared a heretic, but the king with the queen was walked and decided to postpone the final decision until the war was completed with the Moors.

Columbus, which moved not so much thirst for discoveries, how much desire to get rich, diligently hiding the details of the campaign travel, sent messages to English and French monarchum. Karl and Heinrich did not respond to letters, being too busy internal politics, but the Portuguese king sent a invitation to continue the discussion of the expedition.

When Christopher declared this in Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella gave consent to the equipment of the ships squadron to search for the Western way to India, although the poor Spanish treasury had no funds for this enterprise. The monarchs promised Columbus the noble title, the title of Admiral and the vice-king of all the lands that he had to open, and he had to be borrowed from Andalusan bankers and merchants.

Four expeditions Columbus

  1. The first expedition of Christopher Columbus took place in 1492-1493. On three ships, Karavellah "Pint" (the property of Martin Alonso Pinson) and "Ninya" and the four-person sailboat "Santa Maria" The navigator passed through Canary Islands, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, opening Sargassovo Sea on the way, and reached the Bahamas. On October 12, 1492, Columbus stepped on the Earth of the island of Samam, called San Salvador. This date is considered to be the Day of Opening America.
  2. The second expedition of Columbus took place in 1493-1496. In this campaign were small Antille Islands, Dominica, Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica.
  3. The third expedition refers to the period from 1498 to 1500. Flotilla from the six courts reached the islands of Trinidad and Margarita, putting the beginning of the opening of South America, and ended in Haiti.
  4. During the fourth expedition, Christopher Columbus sailed at Martinique, visited the Honduran Gulf and examined the coast of Central America along the Caribbean Sea.

Discovery of America

The process of opening a new world stretched for many years. The most amazing thing that Columbus, being a convinced discoverer and an experienced navigator, was believed until the end of his days she believed that he had opened the way to Asia. The Bahamas, open in the first expedition, he considered part of Japan, followed by wonderful China, and behind him - and cherished India.

What did Columbus opened and why the new continent got the name of another traveler? The list of discoveries performed by the Great Traveler and the Seavworker includes San Salvador, Cuba and Haiti, belonging to the Bahamas archipelago, Sargassovo Sea.

In the second expedition, seventeen ships led by the flagship "Maria Galant" went. This type of vessel with displacement in two hundred tons and other ships were taken not only by sailors, but also colonizers, cattle, suppres. All this time, Columbus was convinced that he opened Western India. Then the Antilles, Dominica and Guadeloupe were opened.

The third expedition led the ships of Columbus to the continent, but the navigator was disappointed: India with her gold paints did not find it. From this travel, Columbus returned to the shackles accused of a false denunciation. Before entering the port of the shackles, it was removed from it, but the promised titles and the titles of the navigator lost.

The last journey of Christopher Columbus ended with a crash off the shores of Jamaica and the hard disease of the head of the campaign. He returned to sick, unhappy and broken failures. Amerigo Vespucci was a close companion and a follower of Columbus, who had taken four travels in New World. Its name is called a whole continent, and the name of Columbus and not reaching India, one country in South America.

Personal life

If you believe the biographers of Christopher Columbus, the first of which was his own son, the navigator was married twice. The first marriage with Felipe Monis was legal. Wife gave birth to Diego's Son. In 1488, Columbus was born the second son Fernando, from communication with a woman named Beatris Enriches de Aran.

The navigator equally cared about both sons, and the younger even took with him the expedition when the boy turned thirteen years. Fernando became the first one who wrote the biography of the famous traveler.

Christopher Columbus with his wife Felipe Monis

Subsequently, both Sons of Columbus became influential people and took high posts. Diego was the fourth vice king New Spain And Admiral India, and his descendants were titled Marquisies of Jamaica and the Duke of Veragua.

Fernando Columbus, who became a writer and scientist, enjoyed the favor of the Spanish emperor, lived in marble Palace And had an annual income to 200,000 francs. These titles and wealth got the descendants of Columbus as a sign of recognition by Spanish monarchs his merit in front of the crown.


After the opening of America from the last expedition, Columbus returned to Spain with a mortally sick, aged man. In 1506, the discoverer of the new light passed away in poverty in a small house in Valladolid. The savings of Columbus spent on payments to the debts to the participants of the last expedition.

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Soon after the death of Christopher Columbus from America, the first ships began to come, loaded with gold, which was so dreamed of the navigator. Many historians agree that Columbus knew that she opened not Asia and not India, but a new, unknown continent, but did not want to share glory and treasures to whom one step remained.

The appearance of an enterprising primary retardant of America is also known in the photo in history textbooks. A few paintings were shot about Columbus, the latter was the film of the joint production of France, England, Spain and the USA "1492: the conquest of paradise." The monuments of this great man were installed in Barcelona and Granada, and his ashes from Seville was transported to Haiti.

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