Interesting travel sites in the world. The most interesting places on the planet

The world has a huge number of places and attractions that you want to visit. All of them are something special and attract the attention of thousands of tourists every year. Collecting on the next trip, take a look at this list and, perhaps, a visit to one of these amazing places will leave you an indelible impression.

Large castle funnel, located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, Atoll in Belize barrier Reefa. The diameter of this natural miracle is 305 meters, and in depth it takes 120 meters. Blue hole every year attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world.

2) "Wave" in Arizona, USA

In Arizona, the US is located rocks covered with bizarre layered patterns that give this place an unearthly appearance. Located not far from large settlements, Therefore, the tourists have gained great popularity.

These hills called chocolate are located on the island of Bochol in the Philippines. In total, the hills covered with greens, in the area there are more than 1,200 pieces.

This place in the desert of the Karakum in Turkmenistan nicknamed the gate to hell, it was formed after unsuccessful drilling in search of gas. When drilling in 1971, the whole technique, including the drilling installation, failed in the resulting crater, which was filled with gas. To avoid accidents and poisoning, it was decided to set fire to this gas and since then, he continues to burn for over 40 years.

In the Chinese province, Hunan became a prototype of fantastic landscapes from the film "Avatar". More than 3000 thousand sand Mountains Tower up to 800 meters and are of great interest for tourists, especially after the success of the Cameron's film.

One of the most affordable amazing places on the planet, many russian tourists We have already managed to go there, as Pamukkale is located just a few hours from the popular Turkish resort - Antalya. Pamukkale (Pamukkale) that translated means a "cotton castle" - it is snow-white terraces filled with water from mineral springs. It is believed that water in these terraces has healing properties.

7) Canyon Antelope, USA

Antelope Canyon (Antelope Canyon) is located in the southwest of the United States 240 kilometers from. Wind and water for many thousands of years have done big work, which was the result of an amazing canyon red-red.

Do you know that the most active volcano is in Antarctica? Ice Towers of Mount Erebus (Ice Towers of Mount Erebus) was opened on January 28, 1841 by the English expedition under the leadership of the Polar Researcher Sir James Clarke Ross on the ships "Erebus" and "Terror". The height of this volcano is 3794 meters, which makes it one of the most high points Antarctica. Inside the volcano is a large lava lake.

9) Monument Kasha-Katuwe-TENT-ROKS, USA

This national monument is located in New Mexico in 60 kilometers from the city of Santa Fe and formed due to the deposition of volcanic rocks.

10) Ischigualaasto Natural Park, Argentina

This park, which is also called the Moon Valley, is located in the province of San Juan in Argentina. The place is not the most popular among tourists, as it is located in distant from the main tourist routes, but it was here that NASA tried their rinsing. Landscape of this place looks alien.

11) Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

Salted Lake (Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia is located near Lake Titicaca - this is one of the most amazing and photogenic places on our planet. Everything in this area is saturated with salt, it is everywhere, but the most amazing spectacle occurs when rains fall out and everything is covered with a thin layer of water, the ideal surface of which turns into a mirror.

12) Danxia Landscape (Danxia Landform), China

It may seem that this incredible landscape is only the result of the work of photoshop, but this is a real geological object formed due to sandstone impositions and other mineral rocks. This natural object Located in the Chinese province of Gansu. In 2010, the landscape Dankia was listed by UNESCI World Heritage.

13) Crystal Cave of The Giants (Crystal Cave Of The Giants), Mexico

This cave with the largest crystals in the world was found quite recently in 2000 near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giants have dimensions up to 15 meters in length and 1.5 meters wide and consist of zinc-silver-lead salts. The cave has a special climate (almost 60 degrees Celsius and 100% air humidity), in which a person cannot spend more than 5-10 minutes.

14) Dry Valley (Dry Valleys), Antarctica

Dry valley is called the territory of three valleys of oasis (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica to the west of the McMordo Strait. Hurricane winds, no precipitation, low temperatures created in this place unique climate. Rare lakes have long been turned into ice wells, in which, in the opinion of some scientists, unknown microorganisms live.

15) Socotra (Socotra Island), Yemen

Socotra is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 4-islands located at the coast of Somalia. On these islands, a unique vegetable and animal life has been preserved, many representatives of which can only be found here. The symbol of the archipelago is an endemic dragon tree.

16) Giant Trail (Giants Causeway), Ireland

More than 40,000 basalt columns form a path that leads to the foot of the volcano, due to the eruption of which these amazing columns arose. The giants trail is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Northern Ireland.

17) Lake Clilyuk (Kliluk, The Spotted Lake), Canada

Local indigenous Indians consider it a sacred lake. The water of this lake has bright colors, as it is saturated with sodium sulfates, calcium, magnesium and other mineral substances. In the hot season, water in the lake dries up and many small puddles are formed, which have a different color, depending on which element of the Mendeleev table in them prevails.

18) "Department of Preacher" or Stopstylene (Preikestolen), Norway

The rock is stolen - the favorite place of photographers and just tourists, is a huge rock cliff with a flat platform of 25 by 25 meters. The height of the cliff is 604 meters and from its top offers a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape. Rock is stealing is one of Norway's most popular attractions.

19) Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice lakes are the main attraction of Croatia. There are 16 large and several small lakes, about 20 mysterious caves and 120 waterfalls. In this place, you can find many types of plants and animals that are unique and occur only in the area of \u200b\u200bPlitvice Lakes, so they are strictly protected by UNESC.

20) Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, or "Country beautiful horses» - unique placelocated in the Gorem Valley in Turkey. Cappadocia is practically the whole worldwhich is hidden in the caves of volcanic origin, there are houses, monasteries, unique multi-tiered underground cities and much more, all this appeared before our era. This unique place is rightfully popular with tourists coming to Turkey.

21) National Park Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone National Park - Unique nature Park, famous for the whole world. The most famous and most visited National Park in the United States. Yellowstone is included in the UNESCI World Heritage List. This park is located on the territory of the three states at once: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its unique geological sites: geysers, geothermal sources and the largest dormant volcano of the entire continent - caldera.

22) Love tunnel in the city of Klewan, Ukraine

This tunnel from trees envelops railroad tracks that go near the city of Klewan. Because of his amazing beauty and romanticity, this place was nicknamed by a love tunnel. In the summer, when the tunnel is in the flourish itself, they love to come here newlyweds, take a photo on his background is considered a good sign.

23) Corinth Canal, Greece

It is impossible to believe that this channel is created by the hands of a person. The construction of the Corinthian Canal began with the emperor Nerno in 67 to our era, and ended only in 1893. This unique creation of man's hands connects the Saronian Bay Aegean Sea and Corinthian Bay Ionian Sea. The depth of the Corinth Canal is 8 meters, and the width is 24 meters.

One of the most beautiful places In Chile - Lake Lago General Carrera, in which there are marble caves. This unique natural cave fully consists of a multi-colored marble (pink and blue), its here more than 5,000 million tons.

25) Village Monsanto, Portugal

This small Portuguese town is built among huge stone boulders, many of which serve as houses for local residents. Monsanto town almost completely consists of one-story buildings, which are separated by narrow streets, getting here, you can feel yourself in the Middle Ages.

Views of this ice Canyon In Greenland fascinating, his dark blue water attracts and can be lost in a set of skillfully made ice arches. This canyon is the largest in the territory of the island, and Greenlandic whale, seals and walruses live in its waters.

27) Skaftafell (Skaftafell), Iceland

Skaftafell Park (Skaftafell) is natural miracle Iceland, in which the ice caves are yoculsarlon (JökulsArLoN).

28) Maltnoma Falls, USA

29) Waterfall Sellandfoss, Iceland

This temple drew in the rock truly deserves the title of one of the wonders of the world. The construction of this city began even to our era, and now it is included in the UNESCI World Heritage List.

32) Town Riomaggore, Italy

A small town in Italy, in which houses are pupred on the rocks right at the edge of the sea. Movement on cars is prohibited in Riomaggore.

33) Festival Loy Brush, Thailand

Every year, a festival is held in Thailand, the continued tradition of which remains the launch of heavenly lanterns. This is an amazing spectacle when thousands of luminous lights simultaneously climbs at the same time. If you are in Thailand in November, do not miss this festival.

34) Mount Roraima, Venezuela

The height of the Mountain Mount 2723 meters, and the vertex plateau has an area of \u200b\u200b35 square kilometers. Reports on the expedition to the mountain area inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel "Lost World".

35) Etretat, Normandy, France

It is impossible to list in one place all interesting places Planets, because every place in its unique and deserves attention, but we tried to gather many interesting places to pay attention to, going to another journey.

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If you firmly decided that you do not want to spend holidays on popular resortWhere prices are overestimated 10 times, then we have good news for you. Forbes magazine talked with experts who told about the most unusual and little-known places that will give many new impressions and may change your life.

And we are in website They added this list and chose not only the most interesting, but also inexpensive directions, where it is worth going this year. You probably didn't even hear about many of them.

1. Zanzibar (Zanzibar)

If proceed from the name, it seems that it is an island where you can go only into a wedding trip, but it is not as expensive as many people think. This paradise belongs to Tanzania and is surrounded by the Warm Indian Ocean. Beaches of white sand, turquoise water and beautiful nature - All as in the picture.

How to get:Most cheap option - Fly in Tanzania in Dar Es Salaam, and from there on a new ferry for only $ 35 (3 hours). Or on a small plane for $ 100 (20 minutes).

Accommodation:Experienced travelers advise Hotel Surf Escape, where the room costs $ 40 per night, it is located right on the beach, there is a place for surfing, beach area. And incredible sunsets.

Where to go:For adventure seekers - Walking through the jungle, excursions in the islands, diving and surfing. For those who want to relax to relax, - White Sand Beach.

2. Naples, Italy (Naples, Italy)

Naples - one of oldest cities on the European continent. He is filled to the edges cultural monuments: from seaside castles to underground catacombs. This is a real archive of history that lures and fascinates.

How to get: Prices for tickets to Naples begin with $ 150.

Accommodation:Hotels are usually high, from $ 116 for "4 stars." But the cozy apartment in the European style can be removed for only $ 35 per day.

Dubrovnik is one of the main resorts on the Adriatic Sea. Included in the UNESCO list as one of the significant monuments of the Renaissance. In the XV century, the city turned into a rich center of science and arts with palaces, squares and cathedrals of incredible beauty. Ancient architecture, purest water and dizzying landscapes - this is remembered by the city.

How to get:The city has airport where airplanes fly from around the world. It is better to move around the city.

Accommodation: Hotel "5 stars" - $ 115 per day. Apartments - $ 20 per day.

Where to go: Medieval fortresses Loverenc and Bokar, Church of Saint Blaise, Renaissance Palace Sponza, Gothic Palace of Rector.

4. Tasmania, Australia (Tasmania, Australia)

If you want to get to the resort, then Tasmania is not for you. There are beaches and lakes where you can buy in the purest water, but they are not followed here. There are hiking of world-class. Tasmania boasts epic landscapes, suspended bridges, forest huts, huge waterfalls, neon night radiance and purest air.

How to get:Tasmania has many budget local flights: from Sydney, Canberra, Perth or Melbourne. But the best option is to rent a car in a large neighboring city and explore the staff on its own.

Accommodation:Hotels start from $ 39 per day, hostels - from $ 31. It will be cheaper to rent apartments - from $ 15 per day.

5. Cusco, Peru (Cuzco, Peru)

The capital of the Empire Inca, which is in the list World Heritage UNESCO, - one of the most unusual cities in the world. Here monuments ancient civilization, colorful structures of several cultures, and the locals walk in national costumes and trade with wool las.

How to get:Flights to Local Airport have from all over the world. And in the city, experienced travelers advise to move only on foot.

Accommodation: Hostel - $ 13, hotel - $ 35, apartments - $ 24 per day.

6. Istanbul, Turkey (Istanbul, TURKEY)

Recently, the Turkish Lyra rate fell strongly, which means that it became cheaper to go to Istanbul. Istanbul is a place where one of the oldest markets in the world is located, the ancient palaces, museums and much more.

How to get: Today it is one of the cheapest destinations. The city itself is best investigated on foot or by bike.

Accommodation:Hostels - $ 14, hotels - $ 18, apartments - from $ 18 per day.

7. Carpathos, Greece (Karpathos, GreeCe)

The Greek Island of Karpathos is the place where the sun, sand, history and low prices. Here you can see the ancient ruins in Agia Anastasia or visit the National archaeological Museum. In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can enjoy active sports: fishing, windsurfing, snorkeling, diving and sailing.

How to get: Greece is one of the most favorable areas this year, so find cheap flights to Local Airport will not be difficult. It is worth walking around the city.

Accommodation:Experienced travelers prefer to shoot studio apartments, prices for which start from $ 50. Also a lot of budget hotels "5 stars" to $ 100 per day.

Where to go:On one of the beaches (Chicken Bay, Apella, Kato Lako, Lefkos, Achata), tours.

8. Island Island, Korea (Jeju Island, Korea)

Forest Temples, Blue mineral water And many unusual dishes. Jejudo Island is not the most famous part of Korea, however prices here are more than available for any traveler.

How to move:The island is best investigated by car, but there are also fast and comfortable bus routes.

Accommodation: Hostel or hotel starts from $ 27 per day. Apartments in Asian style can be found from $ 20 per day.

9. Montenegro (Montenegro)

Travelers who decide to come to Montenegro will be met by massive mountains, ancient Roman villas, transparent waters and incredible landscapes. In addition, there are elegant beaches Adriatic in Budva, Bouldes and on the island of Sveti Stefan. As well as the famous spa resorts of the Gulf.

How to move:Most cities are so tiny that they can be explored on foot. Between cities walk comfortable buses and trains.

Accommodation:Hostels - $ 13, hotels - $ 60 per day. Apartment by the sea - from $ 35.

10. Mostar, Bosnia (Mostar, Bosnia)

Mostar - old City and untouched area of \u200b\u200bthe Ottoman Empire. The place is unique in that there are two different cultures (Europe and Asia), two religions (Muslim and Christianity), and connects their medieval arched bridge (Star Most), the history of which is as unique as the city.

How to move: It is better to move around the city or rent a bike.

Accommodation:Hostel - $ 19, hotel - $ 25. And good apartments can be removed for only $ 16 per day.

For those who gathered on Bali, but is looking for a truly epic journey, it is worth paying attention to the islands of the Komodo, named one of the new 7 wonders of nature. The dresser is home to famous domicile dragons. To see them, you need to sit on a boat that will deliver you to a three-color island with wild beach and incredible landscapes.

How to get:You can get to the commodo from Bali on a boat for $ 40.

Accommodation:Bali Cheap hotels and double room will cost $ 9-25.

Where else to go:The ancient ruins of Mount Kawi, rice terraces Jatilwich, a monkey forest in Ubud, waterfalls secumpool, the water palaces of Tirta Ganges, the tomb of Gunung Kavi.

12. Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka is a small state that will give a huge experience and will not require a lot of money. There is a delicious food, sigiri cliffs, surfing in the bay of Aruguam, ascent to the top of the peak of Adam.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Many people love to travel alone. They say that they can better know the world and themselves. And besides, you do not need to adapt to anyone: you want to fall on the beach all day and do not go anywhere - please, unexpectedly decided to go to explore the ruins - yes, even right now!

The main thing is that your travels leave only good impressions and were safe. That is why there are 10 countries in this selection with the highest indicators of the global index of peace and international index of happiness.

website Wishes you memorable and pleasant trips.


The best way to get acquainted with Norway is to ride on board one of the steamers that float along the coast of the country, passing through some of the most beautiful fjords and stopping in dozens of seaports along the way. Or go B. multi-day campaign Along the fjords, stopping in hotels and mountain huts. Northern Lights will be a bonus.


Arm yourself with good hiking boots and go to explore the expanses of Switzerland. Fortunately, the transport structure is very well developed here, so tram, train or steamer go to each interesting place. Visit Zurich, and then go south, to the shores of the Lake Geneva, Montreux and Lausanne, where you will find many entertainment: restaurants, nightclubs and luxury hotels.


Vietnam is colorful cities, rich markets and smiling locals. Combine beach rest You can cognitive in the fanta. This resort is one of the most attractive in Asia. But for the entertainment it is better to go to Hanoi.

New Zealand

Inspirational landscapes, glaciers, tropical forests, mountains - this place is simply magical. Fabulous landscapes seemed to have stood in Photoshop. You go and do not believe that all this is real. Amateurs active rest Bunji jumping, boating and hiking on the legendary Milford Track - the most popular walk from nine New Zealand Great Walks.


Little and compact, Vienna is one of the most suitable european cities For a single journey. Lots of concert halls, dozens of museums and cafes, where you should stay. Salzburg, where Wolfgang Amadeus ever lived, even less, but no less worthy of visiting. And to the purest lakes and hot mineral sources Go to charming Carinthia.


Spend a few days in the fascinating megalopolis Tokyo, ride on the high-speed train past Mount Fuji and enjoy the tranquility of Old Kyoto. As for the number of attractions and museums, it's all right here: Japan will find something to surprise even experienced tourists.


Chileans are friendly and friendly, which will be a big plus for lonely travel lovers. Chile is 3000 km desert, mountains and endless coast. You can go to the north, where the magic desert of Atakam is waiting for you, or south to the islands of Chiloe or Patagonia. It is worth calling Santiago, the largest Chilean city. Chileans are very hospitable - so you can easily join the family barbecue and for a while to become part of the Chilean family.



Tourist flows are washed by the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower, hotels in Antalya and Maldives, but there are places in the world, clearly undervalued by tourism studios.

And it is great! People there are much smaller than on wrestlers tourist routesBut at the same time they are no less beautiful and amazing.

Restaurant Grotta Palazzese, Italy

This restaurant, located in the Polyniano cave on the beach Mare, is one of the most amazing places on the planet, where you can delicious dinner.

Shishilian, Rona-Alps, France

The magnificent mountain of Mont Egii for 2000 meters rises above the French community of Schishiliyan. Mont Egii is known under the name "Delivering Mountain" - its slopes are equally settled on all sides. The vertex was not conquered until 1492 and became the first mountain, which people decided to fit just like that, from pure curiosity. It is believed that mountaineering appeared with her conquest.

Monastery nest Tiger, Valley Paro, Bhutan

This XVII century temple is located on the edge of the cliff, at an altitude of almost 1000 meters above the Paro valley. Holy place It was built to protect the cave in which the Guru of Padmasambhava, the Buddhist leader, meditated for three years, three months, three weeks, three days and three hours.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik - ancient city With a rich history. The past generations left in Dubrovnik stunning architectural treasures that, in combination with the beauty of local nature, made the city of "Pearl of Adriatic". Among other things, the series "Game of Thrones" was filmed there.

Albarrasin, Aragon, Spain

Beautiful medieval town in the north of Spain, Albarrasin is famous scoop drawings In the caves (important evidence of the Levance of Prehistoric Art) and its Picaportes - unique door handles. Each door in the city and the handle to it are unique and created by local masters in accordance with the old customs and technologies.

Pagan, Burma (Myanmar)

Pagan is the ancient capital of the same name of the kingdom in the territory of modern Myanmar. Currently, there is an archaeological zone with thousands of pagodas, temples, stupas, monasteries at the site of an ancient city.

Hotel Aescher, Switzerland

The hotel is located so high in the Alpine Mountains, you can only go there on foot or by cableway. Therefore, the hotel is only available in the summer season and has been working since April to October. The conditions of accommodation at the Aescher can be called Spartan. Guests go here in order to make hiking and walks through the picturesque mountainous terrain, visit natural caves, look at the Museum of Prehistoric Finds.

Staircase Haiku, Hawaii

Known as "Staircase in the sky", this pedestrian route passes through the Mountain Area of \u200b\u200bOahu Island in Hawaii. 3992 steps rise to a height of 850 meters above sea level and open a magical view of the island.

Lake Tingwadlavatn, Iceland

The lake is part National Park Tingwellir. Islands on the lake have volcanic origins. Faults around the lake show that in this place the tectonic plates of Europe and America oppose each other. Lucky divers can swim between the tectonic plates of the continents, each year they remove from each other by 2 centimeters.

Shefshauen, Morocco

Shefshauen is a small town located on the slopes of the reef mountains in the north-west Morocco. It was founded in 1471, and until 1920, only 3 strangers visited it. Now the city is known primarily by its old part, almost all houses in which are painted in different shades of blue. The reason for this choice is in religion. In addition to Muslims, Shefshauen has long been a residence of a rather large community of Jews-Sephardov. They brought with them beliefs, according to which blue color is the color of the brushes of prayer bedspread, talitis.

Lord Hau Island, Australia

This island is still practically touched by a person: a very small indigenous population And only 400 tourists allowed here every year. Such a restriction is designed to protect the unique landscape of Lord Howe, the crystal clear lagoon of which is the "house" for coral reef.

Marble caves, Patagonia, Chile

Bright blue grots, partially immersed in turquoise water of Carrera Lake on the border of Argentina and Chile. Local residents Call their marble cathedral.

Bishop Castle, Colorado, USA

In America there is one of the most insane castles in the world, created alone by the builder Jim Bishop. It is worth a visit for inspiration - and here you can get married.

Whacine, oasis in the desert of the Siechur, Peru

In the village of Wakacin, a little more than a hundred people live a little more. According to the local legend, the lake arose after the beautiful princess was caught up with a young hunter surprise during swimming in the pool. The girl managed to escape, and the pool turned into a lake. The folds of the fleeing princess mantle became the dunes surrounding Wakachin, and she sama himself soon returned to the lake and still lives in him mermaid.

Bastai Bridge over the River Elba, Germany

Bastai Bridge in Saxony - a miracle of engineering thought first halves XIX. century. The monumental structure was built of wood in 1824, and a quarter a century was replaced with a stronger sandstone design. Length architectural monument - 76.5 meters.

Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia is famous for the unique landscape of volcanic origin, underground cities created in 1 thousand BC. e. and extensive cave monasteries leading their history since the times of early Christians. Görem National Park and Cappadocia Cave Settlements are included in UNESCO World Heritage Site. All this is better visible with balloons from which awesome view .

Galstat, Austria

Galstatt is a medieval village with a population of less than 1000 people. Its main attraction is a salt copy, the oldest in Europe, the development of which is already underway for three thousand years. Details about the village appear in written sources from 1311. On the medieval history of high estimates, it was almost no preserved due to its remoteness from the communication paths.

Leptis Magna, Tripoli, Libya

Once Leptis Magna was one of the main cities of the Roman Empire, and for the features of the planning it was also called "Rome in Africa". Now his ruins are a great platform for an adventure crawler.

Alcazar in Segovia, Spain

Alcazar in Segovia - Palace and the fortress of the Spanish kings in the historical part of the city of Segovia. Located on a rock located at the site of the confluence of the Erey River and Clameres, near the Goadarram Mountains. This position on the rock makes it one of the most beautiful and recognizable palaces of Spain. Alcazar was originally built as a fortress, but managed to visit royal Palace, State Prison and Royal Artillery Academy.

Alter to Chao, Brazil

This city surrounded by the Forests of Amazonia and has a magnificent beach, is known as the island of love. A few meters from the beach is a huge Lagoon Lago Verde, which is home for many animals. You can go to it only on canoe.

Hotel Le Moulin Du Roc, France

Deep in the province of Dordogne you will find old millTransformed into a charming hotel on the shores of a quiet river. There is nothing for kilometers around. And in the hotel itself there is one of the famous Mishlen restaurants.

Pavlin Hall in Summeszano Castle, Tuscany, Italy

Abandoned Castle of Summeszano, in which a luxury hotel was located in the last century, is almost closed for visits. You can get there only at special cases. The most beautiful castle hall is the Hall of Pavlinov - got its name for unique bright ceilings with a carved ornament in Mauritan style.

Defer Island, Antarctica

This ring-shaped island, hard-to-reach for tourists, has become a refuge from storms and icebergs for many creatures, including for thousands of penguins. If you want to escape from the cold, know that the island is acting volcano And replete with hot springs.

Melissan Cave, Kefalonia, Greece

In Greek mythology, the nymphs settled this mysterious cave and lured men with their beauty. Through a huge hole in the "ceiling" in the cave penetrates sunlight, shining on the surface of the purest Lake Melissani.

Meghala, India

The hills of meghala are constantly poured with tropical rains and valleys in this beautiful, but remote forest often turn in rivers and then the opposite.

Krako, Italy

Not far from Taranto Bay in Italy, the ancient city of Krako, the inhabitants of which left him rise on a high cliff. About a thousand years there were people here, but then they left this place, which now turned into ruins. It is said that now he is inhabited by ghosts.

Kint Yes Regaleir, Sintra, Portugal

Kinta de Regaleir Castle included in the UNESCO World Heritage List is one of the most romantic places of Portugal. The main riddle of the regalery is a well, going deep into the earth. A spiral gallery going around it has nine levels, in each level - for fifteen steps. These nine levels symbolize nine circles of hell, nine circles of purgatory and nine circles of paradise described by Dante.

Waisgerberghassa Street, Nuremberg, Germany

Weisgerbergasse - a historic street in Nuremberg, famous for its stunning wrought-iron signs.

Promotda, Italy

Promotda is the smallest of the islands of the Naples Bay. Residents of the tests still lead a very patriarchal lifestyle: Instead of redoing all their homes in rental apartments, they still prefer to grow lemons in old gardens and fish in rocky bays.

Lofoten Islands, Norway

Group Lofoten Islands Located for the polar circle. Here you can see the bizarre fishing villages, the world's deepest coral reef and the northern light of incredible beauty.

Coconut Island, Costa Rica

The largest uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. Known by the fact that, according to common legends, the largest treasure is hidden on it, which has not yet been discovered. And this island is just a paradise for divers thanks to his richest underwater fauna.

Rock tombs in the city of the world, Turkey

The city of the world was located 5 km from the shore Mediterranean Sea. From the city, the ruins of the magnificent Greco-Roman theater and the tomb carved in the rocks are preserved. The uniqueness and peculiarity of the tombs can be explained by the fact that the peoples of Lychia existed the custom to bury the dead on the elevated places, as it was assumed that it would help them get to the sky.

In the era of Christianity in 300 n. e. Nikolai from Patary, famous in the Orthodox tradition as Nikolai Miracle, (he same Santa Claus), having passed training in Xanfe, became a bishop of the world, where he preached until the death of death.

Herrenhimsee Castle in Bavaria, Germany

According to the designs of King Ludwig II, "New Versailles", the Temple of Fame, in which the king wanted to organize the festivities in memory of Louis XIV. As a result, the King himself lived in this palace only 9 days, but after him there was almost a copy, the truth is reduced 8 times, Versailal himself.

Fez, Morocco

Now you look at the oldest workshop on the highlight of the skin in the world. In fact, this is a spectacle is not for the faint of heart - here there is always a specific smell of skin and tanning substances, which will still remind a tourist about visiting Morocco.

Benefits, Bosnia and Herzegovina

By itself, the town of the Goodness does not represent anything, it is more likely to the village. But next to him is the source of the Buna River, he is very picturesque. In the XVI century, "Tekiya" was erected here (from Turkish - "Text"), the monastery of Dervish.

Chesky-Krumlov, Czech Republic

This city was founded in the 13th century and little has changed since . A unique opportunity to be in the whole medieval city.

Nauru, Micronesia

Nauru - Kroichny island state With a population of less than 10,000 people. It is one of the least visited places in the world - just because few people know about him. Nauru hides kilometers of untouched beaches and forests - so if you want to relax on paradise island, hurry to buy a ticket there. While other tourists did not come.

Ilokkortormut, Greenland

It is also difficult to get to Ilokkortodormut, as to pronounce its name: only once a week from the capital of Iceland by plane to Greenland, and then on a helicopter or boat to the town itself. But it is worth it: this colorful small city Located on the longest ice river system in the world.

Marsachlokk, Malta

In antiquity, this place was used by Carthaginians, and then the Romans as the main harbor of Malta. In 1565, when the Ottoman Turkey tried to seize the island, Marsachlokka had a parking lot of the Turkish fleet.

Monument Valley, Utah,USA

Valley is a unique geological education located on the reservation of the Navajo Indian tribe, one of the national symbols of the United States. The valley serves one of the most famous tourist attractions of the United States; On its territory, the scenes of many movies, as well as clips and commercials dedicated to the "cowboy" subject, were filmed.

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Travelers' Choice Award is the most important tourist Rating The year, compiled by, is the largest tourist service in the world. The winners were selected with the help of an algorithm that takes into account millions of reviews and estimates of Internet users about thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know what cities won? See the top 25 best travel places.

25 photos

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1. Marrakesh in Morocco became number 1 in the list of best travel places in "Awesome-raising the old market in the center of the city" is the most attractive place of the city, according to the portal users. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Rip in Cambodia - number 2 in the ranking of the best travel places. Special delight of tourists causes the sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple, because it is not for nothing that he is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic trip to different epochs, styles, religions, tastes and fragrances. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call him alive, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, the city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" czech Prague. Here at every corner you can stumble upon "strange shops", which will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. Eclectic London is a mixture of styles of life, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy. "Such a huge part of the story in the same city." (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Cool, fashionable, absolutely delightful city." (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France. Nowhere in the world you will not find such an amazing atmosphere as on Montmartre - a beautiful and colorful area with his little shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is botanical Garden Kirstenbosch, about which users write only full admiration reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to users, the main attraction of the city, which must be visited - this is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland. "As soon as you get to the top of the Matterhorn glacier, you will feel that you are standing on the roof of the world." (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. "In some corners of this city you will feel that you have traveled in time ... for 500 years in the past!" (Photo: CNN).
14. Hard, Turkey. "This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!". (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. it the best place For those who like Spa: massage, acupuncture, reflexotherapy, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru. "This is a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very hospitable residents and good restaurants" (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of his main attractions is St. Isaac's Cathedral from which a breathtaking view of the entire city opens. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral causes the tourists "goosebumps!" In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street - "This is the heart and soul of Bangkok, the best place for all travelers, with his lively streets and bars at every step." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is first of all the city of Buddhist temples, unique monuments that should be visited. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The visiting card of this city is the "exciting" Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, Internet users called the Queen Danube. (Photo: CNN).
22. Quincestown ( New Zealand) - This is the best place for sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is the only one of its kind city, characteristic feature which are floating restaurants in which there are very tasty "dim-sums" (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) - cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic city landscapes, which towers over the Arabian desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will have to "taste" both lovers of history and modernity. A business card of the city is the building of the opera (Sydney Opera House), which looks like a peaceful sailboat in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).

See also: