Peru polynesia. Islands of French Polynesia: description and photos

French polynesia is the overseas representation of France. This cluster of small islands is located in the southern part Pacific Ocean. The place is represented by several archipelagos, such as the Gambier, Tubuai, Marxist, Tuamotu Islands, and the Community Islands. Their origin is usually coral or volcanic.

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French polynesia. Map from satellite

The climate in French Polynesia is trade wind and tropical. However, there are differences between winter and summer, although the temperature certainly does not drop below zero. The vegetation of the island depends on the origin of the island itself. On volcanic islands You will find dense, evergreen forests among which there are plantations of bananas and coconut palms. Also on the islands you will find many rivers enclosed in deep narrow valleys, and, of course, a huge number of tropical waterfalls.

The population is about 300 thousand. The majority are Polynesians, much less Chinese. Only 6% are French. The cuisine is mainly represented by fish. You will be gladly offered crustaceans and other seafood. French Polynesia is a paradise for lovers, spouses and newlyweds. People who are passionate about the beauty of the underwater world and marine fauna also come here. Also, many people are attracted to weddings under the mysterious ceremony of the Polynesian rite.


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French polynesia- an overseas community of France located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is bordered in the west by the waters of the Cook Islands, in the northwest by Kiribati, in the north, east and south by neutral Pacific waters, and in the southeast by the waters of Pitcairn. Includes the archipelagos: Society Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Marquesas Islands, Tubuai Islands.

The islands of French Polynesia are either volcanic or coral in origin. Most of the Society Islands and Tubuai, the Gambier and Marquesas Islands are volcanic; coral atolls form the Tuamotu archipelago and are part of several other island groups.

Volcanic islands are mountainous. Highest point Tahiti (and all of French Polynesia) - Mount Orohena - rises to 2241 m above sea level. Coral Islands usually rise only a few meters above sea level.

Main Ponesia includes:

French Polynesia includes:

Marquesas Islands
Norfolk Island
Gambier Islands
Society Islands
Wallis and Futuna

French Polynesia Weather

The climate in most of French Polynesia is tropical, trade wind. In the southern part there are noticeable differences between warm winters and hot summers. The hottest and wettest season is from November to May, when northwest winds often blow. During the hottest months, temperatures usually reach 32°C. During the dry season (June to October), southeast trade winds predominate. Temperatures drop lowest in July-August (in the south - up to 18-21°C). The islands of French Polynesia are subject to the invasion of tropical cyclones, sometimes of a destructive nature.

Language of French Polynesia

Official language: French, Tahitian

English is understood in all hotels and most restaurants.

Currency of French Polynesia

International name: XPF

The French Pacific Franc is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation there are banknotes of 10,000, 5,000, 1,000 and 500 francs, as well as coins of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 franc. US dollars and euros are accepted almost everywhere on the islands.

Currency can be exchanged at the airport, in banks, in some shops or in hotels.

Credit cards are accepted for payment in hotels, restaurants, shops and other tourist establishments. American Express and Diners Club are somewhat less widespread than other payment systems; they can be used mainly in large hotels, car rental companies and some restaurants. ATMs are widespread in Tahiti and other large islands, but in the periphery they can only be found at bank offices. Use on small atolls credit cards almost impossible.

Travel checks are accepted for payment at most banks and large organizations. It is recommended to use checks in US dollars or euros. All banks charge a certain amount for check cashing.

Customs restrictions

The import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. Only if the amount exceeds 7622 €, then it must be declared.

Persons over 17 years of age can import duty-free: up to 500 grams of coffee, 250 ml eau de toilette and up to 50 grams of perfume, 100 cigarillos or up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 200 grams of tobacco, up to 100 grams of tea, up to 2 liters of wine and up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 22 degrees. You can import other goods worth up to CFP5000 (CFP2500 for persons under 15 years of age). If they come from Fiji and Samoa, then the imported luggage is disinfected.

It is prohibited to import into the country: all food products of animal origin; plants; fruit; weapon; ammunition; drugs; counterfeit products; artificial pearls

Mains voltage


Shops are open from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00-17.30. Private shops and shops in the suburbs are usually open until 22.00. On Saturdays, large stores close at 11.00.

Prices are fixed everywhere. You cannot bargain - according to local standards, such a ritual insults the honesty of the seller, especially if he is a resident of Polynesia.

Office hours

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 07.45-08.00 to 15.30. Some large banks are open on Saturdays from 7.45 to 11.30.


You should always take precautions against pickpockets, especially in crowded areas, keep an eye on your belongings and take normal precautions.

Code of the country: +689

Geographic first level domain

Although tap water is chlorinated, all water should be considered potentially unfit for consumption, especially during the first days of your stay on the islands.

Emergency numbers

The single emergency phone number is 15 or 423-456.
Police - 17.

To get in real paradise It’s not so easy on the ground: you have to overcome a long flight. However, the amazing beauty of the fabulous place and the peace that reigns on the islands of French Polynesia are worth seeing with your own eyes. Here there is everything that a person needs who has decided to give up problems. Located at the very edge of the world, this untouched magical place attracts travelers who can afford a luxurious holiday.

Some facts about the distant islands

French Polynesia, which has had the status of an overseas community of France since 2004, is made up of 118 islands. 25 of them are uninhabited, and the rest all year round receive guests. The islands of French Polynesia, occupying five million km 2 of water, are located in the South Pacific Ocean, between Australia and South America.

The word "Polynesia", which came from the Greek language, is translated as "many islands", and this name was assigned to the territory taken under protection French Republic, in the 19th century. The overseas community of France has customs autonomy and its own government, which signs international treaties with other countries. However, it is not part of the EU.

The list of islands of French Polynesia consists of 118 names, but they include only five archipelagos: Tuamo, Marquesas Islands, Society Islands, Gambier and Tubuai with total area four thousand km 2.

Population of the islands

For more than one and a half thousand years, the territory, which delights with the exotic brightness of its colors, was inhabited by Maori tribes, who left for their descendants the ruins of ancient sanctuaries and stone pyramids, the walls of which were painted with intricate drawings. And most of them have not yet been deciphered by scientists.

About 80% of the population are Polynesians. The most populated are the Aborigines who do not live in the mountains, but prefer to live near the ocean shores.

Coral and volcanic islands

The islands of French Polynesia, having different origins (volcanic and coral), are located far from civilization, which is an advantage for many tourists. The archipelago is inhabited by about 280 thousand people, and the main activity that generates income for the indigenous residents is tourism.

Islands created after volcanic eruptions are special places. Incomparable corners that survived the invasion of scorching lava several million years ago have changed forever. Mysterious canyons and deep gorges have retained in their appearance the imprint of formidable processes that took place even before our era, and this is precisely their gloomy charm.

As scientists have recently established, volcanoes on the islands, together with tectonic plates, are shifting by several centimeters, and many even go under water. It is quite possible that they will soon disappear from the surface of the earth and only atolls will remain, which are increasing in length and height every year.

Other areas of land, formed by clusters of coral, are rounded golden sandy plains that contrast with the turquoise of the ocean. Rising several meters above the water surface, they differ in appearance from islands of volcanic origin. The beautiful lagoons are surrounded by huge coral reefs, and majestic coconut palms grow on the ground.

Climate and weather

The islands have a tropical climate with cool sea ​​breezes. November marks the beginning of the hot and humid season, which lasts until March inclusive. At this time, tropical downpours, severe hurricanes and storms are possible, and destructive cyclones are observed in January.

But most often tourists come here from April to October, when there is no sweltering heat and precipitation. However, you need to be prepared for gusts of wind with unpredictable temper, because the elements very often show their character. Daytime air temperature throughout the year does not fall below 20 o C, and humidity is 92%.

Iles de la Societe

On the Society Islands, which were named famous traveler D. Cook, inhabited by a majority of Aboriginal people. The archipelago, bearing traces of volcanic origin, looks mysterious, and tourists gaze enthusiastically at the dark outlines of the peaks of extinct giants that once spat fire. Opened in the 18th century, it consists of several administrative divisions, including two groups - the Windward and Leeward Islands.

Main island of the archipelago

The most popular and large island is sunny Tahiti. On the world map it can be found in the central Pacific Ocean. Since it is located near the equator, there is no usual change of seasons. This paradise, part of the Windward Islands, attracts all exotic lovers. Densely populated Tahiti, formed over three million years ago, is covered with high mountain peaks and emerald forests.

The cultural and economic center of French Polynesia is of great interest to tourists. According to researchers, the most high level life. Cozy restaurants, fashionable shops and the famous Black Pearl Museum attract thousands of visitors. Most vacationers who have no idea on the world map dream of relaxing on gorgeous beaches islands. However, it is worth warning that there are not so many of them as it might seem at first glance. The most convenient place for swimming and sunbathing is Pointe Venus. Guests of this charming corner are delighted by the beaches with sand of a rich black hue, which they acquired due to their volcanic origin.

Administrative center

The capital of French Polynesia, Papeete, is located on the main island of the archipelago. In the administrative center with modern skyscrapers, fashionable hotels, a large number of fashion stores, beautiful villas international Airport. The compact city is conducive to walking and cycling.

Here you can buy real black pearls, buy mother-of-pearl, various shell souvenirs, and fruit liqueurs. The capital is adored by shopaholics all over the world, who buy high-quality products from popular French manufacturers.

The picturesque island of Bora Bora

Located in a beautiful lagoon, which protects from severe hurricanes and violent waters, Bora Bora (French Polynesia) is a huge mountain range with three high peaks. Consisting of several islands, it is famous for its luxury resorts, which are located in colorful local villages. World celebrities and aristocrats who stay in luxury hotels choose to holiday there. Tourists who dream of a secluded holiday and do not want to give up all the delights of civilization will be able to fulfill their dream and live in a bungalow over the water.

Lost at the end of the world, located in the northwest of Tahiti and belonging to the Leeward Islands, it is one giant beach, and tourists can enter the water from any place.

Favorite island among newlyweds

Not far from Tahiti you can find the wonderful island of Moorea, famous snow-white beaches and pineapple plantations. Created by Mother Nature in a shape reminiscent of a heart, it attracts lovers from all over the world. This curious appearance is given to it by two symmetrically located bays - Cook and Opunohu, which appeared as a result of a natural disaster millions of years ago.

Those who can afford to get married in a fabulously beautiful corner rush here to unite their lives. However, it is worth knowing that local documents do not have legal force, so it is best to get married in your own country and come to the island of Moorea to get aesthetic pleasure from beautiful wedding rituals.

Sights of an amazing place

The fairy-tale place, to which the jagged spiers of a dilapidated volcano add color, attracts not only lovers. Tourists climb to the Belvedere observation deck, which offers fantastic views of the bays and mountains. Moorea is adored by historians who study the ruins ancient temple Titiroa Marae, and all holidaymakers will be interested in visiting Cultural Center Tiki Theater Village.

It will allow you to see what a Polynesian village looked like at the moment when a European first set foot on the island. Guests will learn a variety of crafts in French-built thatched huts. The center's workers are engaged in tattooing and wood carving, making fabrics and musical instruments, weaving wreaths from exotic flowers. And those who find themselves in a house floating on the waves will see how black pearls are artificially grown. Staff dressed in traditional costumes will demonstrate colorful wedding ceremonies, and a cheerful dance show, where guests are treated to delicious punch, leaves no one indifferent.

Ideal place for divers

The picturesque island of Rangiroa (French Polynesia) is the largest atoll located in the Tuamotu archipelago. A favorite corner of divers, whose name translates as “immense sky”, is most picturesque place, making you fall in love at first sight. All his entertainment is connected with water, famous for its incredible transparency.

Surrounded by corals, the atoll from a bird's eye view resembles a huge necklace resting on the water.

The most mystical place

Aborigines consider the island of Hua Hin (French Polynesia), nicknamed “wild,” as the custodian of the oldest local culture, and this statement is not accidental. The mystical corner, recognized as the main archaeological center, surprises with a huge number of artifacts. Plots found here ancient civilization, dating back to 900 BC, with a large number of objects buried in the ground.

Tourists are also attracted by natural mysteries, and every vacationer dreams of seeing the unique “green ray” phenomenon. When the sun goes below the horizon, emerald reflections flash, formed due to the refraction of light in the Earth's atmosphere.

Desert Islands

The vast Tuamoto Archipelago, which local residents Called the "strand of pearls of Tahiti", it consists of 78 coral atolls. Most of them are unsuitable for life, and they gained fame thanks to the extraction of black pearls. Farms for growing the precious mineral of animal origin are considered the basis of the economy of the islands of French Polynesia. It is here that the most beautiful and perfect dark-colored pearls are collected. Maori legends say that they are the first flashes of light given to Tāne, the god of birds and forests. People come here not only to admire the coral gardens and picturesque lagoons, but also to do aquatic species sports

Gambier is a miniature island of volcanic origin, where tourism is not developed. This is a very remote part of the land, the main attraction of which is the pearl plantation.

Austral (Tubuaí) is an island that is also not affected by tourism. Consisting of five islands, it is not popular among holidaymakers.

Mysterious Marquesas Islands

The Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia), located near the equator, are considered the most mysterious. A paradise untouched by man, covered with lush vegetation, captivates at first sight. It is simply impossible to describe the beauty of this amazing corner consisting of 12 islands. The archipelago, whose name translates as “Land of Men,” is where the famous Paul Gauguin once sought inspiration and found his final refuge. Next to the brilliant impressionist lies Jacques Brel, a Belgian poet and actor. Tourists can venerate the graves or take exciting walks along the green slopes. In addition, they are offered excursions on horseback, and no one refuses the temptation to see stunning panoramas and capture them on video.

French Polynesia, which has preserved its originality and is developing its tourism infrastructure, is always happy to welcome guests. If there is a real paradise on earth, then it is located at the very edge of the world, where virgin nature and civilization ideally combine. It seems that time has stopped on the islands, and you want to forever enjoy the beauty of the magical corner.

Welcome to the best blog about traveling to Oceania.

Oceania is a million islands scattered in the South Pacific Ocean between Australia and South America, and the most rarely visited part of the world by tourists, so the editors of our site traveled for you to the most distant archipelagos and brought photographs and stories (almost guidebooks!) about the most powerful tics and the most sacred marae.

Oceania is divided into three regions: Micronesia (in the northwest; this is where - and), Melanesia (in the west; here is Papua, and) and Polynesia (in the east and south; here are, for example, and). The division is not based directly on geography, climate, or geology, but ethnographic - the boundaries of the parts run along the boundaries of races, peoples and linguistic groups.

This is a catalog page and a guide page: here is a complete list of the states of Oceania (the large ones are divided into archipelagos), and then there are links to stories about the islands:


Hawaii, USA

Cook Islands

New Zealand

Pitcairn Island

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)




Wallis and Futuna

French polynesia

Usually no one knows what French Polynesia is and where it is, but in fact everything is simple: French Polynesia is a grandiose island country the size of Western Europe, a French overseas territory in the South Pacific Ocean, consists of approximately six (6) archipelagos scattered across the Pacific Ocean. From the westernmost Society archipelago (where the capital island of Tahiti is) to the easternmost Gambier archipelago is a 4-hour flight by turboprop aircraft.

Society Islands

Marquesas Islands

Tuamotu Islands

Rapa Iti Island


Guam, USA


Marshall Islands

Federated States of Micronesia

State on Caroline Islands, shares them with Palau. Not to be confused with geographical region Micronesia. F.S.M., in the manner of the United States, has 4 states: Yap, Koshrai, Pohnpei and Truk/Chuuk. Islands F.S.M. connected only by a common colonial past, first under Spain, then Germany, Japan and the USA (from which they gained independence en masse and became, in fact, Federated States Micronesia).

Yap Island

Truk Island (Chuuk)

The most dangerous place in Oceania: the local population, when drinking in the evening, is very unkind. But, at the same time, this is the coolest place for diving in all of Oceania: at the bottom of a crystal-clear lagoon on the white sand lie ships and planes sunk in World War II.


French Polynesia has the status of an autonomous territory. The French government is represented by the High Commissioner. Legislature– Territorial Assembly, elected by the population for a period of five years. Executive power belongs to the Government of Polynesia. The territory is represented in the French Parliament by one senator and two deputies of the National Assembly.

Islands scattered over an area of ​​more than 4 thousand square meters. km. in the eastern South Pacific, worn official name French polynesia. The main attractions of French Polynesia are its islands! This unique enclave unites 118 islands and atolls and is divided into five archipelagos: the Society Islands, the Astral Islands, the Marquesas Islands, the Tuamotu Islands and the Mangareva Islands. Tahiti, often called the "Island of Love", covers an area of ​​about 700 square meters. km. Deep green valleys are completely covered with dense tropical forests, thickets of soft ferns, among which flow the cool waters of mountain streams, cascading into rivers rushing to the ocean.

The islands are divided into so-called “high” and “low” islands. The "high" islands present a very rugged landscape. The peaks of the mountains in some places are higher than 2,000 meters, as, for example, in Tahiti. "Low" islands, or atolls, are surrounded by lagoons with a very rich and specific flora and fauna.

Islands of French Polynesia: map

1. Tahiti Island

Most big Island in the Windward group of islands in French Polynesia. Tahiti is the economic, cultural and political center of French Polynesia. Tahiti is part of French Polynesia, a semi-autonomous territory of France. Tahiti, the word evokes visions paradise island. Tahiti boasts high, majestic mountains, coral reefs, turquoise blue lagoons, white sand, palm-lined beaches and luxury resorts.

Fascinating video about Tahiti

2. Tetiaroa Island

The island is famous for being purchased by Marlon Brando, who fell in love with the island during the filming of the film “Mutiny on the Bounty” in 1966 and simply fell in love with the heavenly beauty of French Polynesia and was fascinated by the island of Tetiaroa. After the death of Marlon Brando, the island became the property of the Tahitian Development Company and in 2014 the island was opened upscale resort premium class.

3. Maputi Island

Maputi Island is located in the far west of French Polynesia, approximately 300 km from Tahiti. This is a small island with a surface of about 9 square meters. km and about 1,200 inhabitants. Lying 40 km west of Bora Bora, Maputi is a miniature version of its larger neighbor. Just like Bora Bora coral atoll surrounds an island of volcanic origin.

4. Tahaa Island

Situated between the islands of Bora Bora and Huahine, Taha shares its surrounding coral reef with the nearby island of Raiatea. Taha is known as the capital of vanilla, and due to this smell, "Vanilla Island". Taha has an economy that is not as dependent on tourism as other islands and therefore has fewer resorts and tourists. This is an ideal destination for travelers interested in native Polynesian life, however, it beautiful place to buy exquisite black pearls.

5. Raiatea Island

Sharing a surrounding coral reef with the island of Taha, Raiatea is the second largest of the French Polynesian islands and administrative center archipelago of the Leeward Islands. Often referred to as the “Sacred Island”, Raiatea is believed to be the place where migration to Hawaiian Islands and to other parts of Eastern Polynesia. Tourists can see here ancient shrines and artifacts, which are the best preserved of all the islands of French Polynesia.

6. Huahine Islands

There are actually two islands, big and small Huahine. Huahine is surrounded by a coral reef and connected to each other by a tiny bridge. Huahine is replete with secluded coves and some of the coves are best places for surfing. On southwest coast Little Hua Hin has one of the most beautiful beaches in French Polynesia with crystal clean water, ideal for scuba diving.

7. Moorea Island

Moorea means yellow lizard in Polynesian. Located just a 30-minute catamaran ride from Tahiti, Moorea boasts some of the most spectacular scenery of the French Polynesian islands. The island is located ancient volcano. Mount Tohiwea was torn in half by a catastrophic explosion centuries ago, earning it the nickname “Shark Tooth” for its appearance. The hike to the top of the mountain offers tourists a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and nearby islands. Moorea along with Bora Bora and Tahiti main tourist destination in French Polynesia, a third of all tourists come to this island.

8. The famous island of Bora Bora

The idyllic island of Bora Bora gained its fame thanks to its tranquil turquoise lagoon and white sandy beaches, which are protected by a coral reef that surrounds its perimeter. Bora Bora is a major international tourist center, famous for its luxury resorts. Snorkeling and diving among lemon sharks, green turtles and other marine life inhabiting the coral reefs are the most popular activities in Bora Bora.

Video: Paradise Polynesia

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