Armenian sights. Famous sights of Armenia: photos and descriptions

This holds many secrets the most ancient state Transcaucasia!.. A glass of aromatic cognac, churchkhela and lavash, a poetic toast and the majestic Ararat covered with snow-gray hair on the horizon, infectious dances and melodies, bright embroidered costumes and a burning southern temperament... Of course, you already guessed that we will be talking about Armenia! Welcome to the Sacred Land of Noah!

This country bizarrely combines the seemingly incongruous: ancient mysterious temples with undeciphered writings of the forgotten civilization of Urartu, luxurious Muslim mosques and golden-domed Christian temples. One can endlessly list the sights of Armenia. This small country has a rich history, which attracts lovers of excursions. Historical places Armenia is only a part of the local attractions, albeit a very significant one. But in addition to historical monuments, this country can also boast of multiple natural beauties. This will be discussed in this article. The sights of Armenia, photos and descriptions of which are given below, are included in the UNESCO list and are protected by law.

Although today Armenia is not one of the popular destinations for tourism, since it does not have access to the sea coast, but in terms of excursion holidays this country can compete with almost the whole of Europe! conditionally divided into 2 separate large groups- natural and historical. The culture and traditions of Armenian statehood are based on the ancient customs of Christianity. That is why the country is especially rich in monuments from the era of early Christianity. There are also monuments of an earlier, pre-Christian era: the ruins of Urartian Erebuni Teishebaini, ancient Armenian capitals with their buildings, the pre-Christian temple of Garni and many, many others. The rich history of the country, which has replaced 12 capitals over the course of three thousand years, some of which remain in the modern Republic of Armenia, has left a unique imprint. Armenia is multifaceted and beautiful today! The attractions that we have compiled a guide to for you should definitely be visited by every guest of this fabulous country.

Etchmiadzin - the ancient religious capital of Armenia

Etchmiadzin is located 19 km west of Yerevan. It was founded in the 4th century. BC Etchmiadzin Cathedral is the oldest existing Christian cathedral in the world. It consists of a theological academy, a Synod built in the 17th-19th centuries, monastic cells and a library. Local churches contain fragments of the Life-Giving Tree and Sand of the Cross of Christ, Noah’s Ark found on the slopes of Ararat, as well as particles of the Savior’s crown of thorns. In addition, here you can venerate the relics of John the Baptist, St. Stephen the First Martyr, the Apostles Thaddeus, Bartholomew and Thomas, the great saints.

Temple of the Vigilant Forces of Heaven Zvartnots

The ruins of the Zvartnots Temple, located 15 km from Yerevan, are unique. The temple, founded in the 7th century during the difficult years of the struggle against the invaders, truly became a symbol of the unshakable faith of Armenian Christians. This architectural masterpiece and the prototype for local churches was destroyed by a violent earthquake three centuries after its creation. The ruins of Zvartnots are included in the UNESCO list.

Khor Virap Monastery

Ararat is the Holy Mountain, a place of salvation for humanity, where Christian pilgrims from all over the world regularly arrive. The history of the people of Armenia is closely connected with the history of this majestic mountain. According to legend, this mountain has enormous spiritual energy; for many years it inspired wandering poets, artists, and writers. Ararat is a true symbol of the people of Armenia, despite the fact that it is now located in Turkey. The most beautiful panorama of the mountain opens from Yerevan. Also, from the top of Ararat, almost the whole of Armenia is visible in full view. Beautiful places, photos of which can be found in any guidebook, are also decorated with bottles of local cognacs.

However best views biblical mountain open from Khor Virap. In ancient times, one of the former capitals of Aratashat stood here. Khor Virap is translated from Armenian as “deep pit”. The name is due to the fact that the monastery was built over a dungeon where St. Gregory the Illuminator languished for over 10 years by order of King Tiridates the Third, punished only for professing Christianity. The dungeon filled with poisonous snakes did not break his faith. A local woman, according to legend, brought him water and food. Meanwhile, King Tiridates went mad, Gregory cured him, and then Christianity was adopted as the state religion.

Noravank Monastery

Noravank was built in the 13th century along the Arpa River gorge on amazing steep red rocks. This is truly a treasure trove of religious art. Here are the most beautiful khachkars of one of the famous masters - Momik. The 2-story Astvatsatsin church with a chapel on the second floor is unique. It consists of the Church of St. John the Baptist and the Chapel of St. Gregory the Illuminator. At 13-14 Art. the monastery was used as the residence of the bishops of the province of Syunik and one of the religious, cultural and educational centers of the country.

Tatev Monastery

To get to Tatev, one of the centers of religious life, education and science in Armenia in the Middle Ages, they use the longest cable car in the world. The monastery, created in the 1st century, today consists of churches. It is located on a rocky peak directly above the picturesque gorge of the rapid river. Vorotan.

Monastery and Lake Sevan

Sevan is a high-mountain lake, one of the largest in the world, located at an altitude of 2 thousand meters. The lake with a surface area of ​​1240 square meters is surrounded by mountain ranges. The charm of the local landscapes is as great as the cultural monuments located on its banks. One of them is the Sevan monastery, founded in 874 by Princess Maryam, daughter of Ashot I Bagratuni. It consists of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Church of the Holy Apostles, as well as a theological seminary.

Famous mountain resort Dilijan

Dilijan is hidden among beautiful valleys, forests, and gorges. Armenia, whose sights are known throughout the CIS, can boast of this famous mountain climatic resort. Dilijan, famous mineral waters, located in the very heart of the most beautiful national park in Transcaucasia. Dilijan is often compared to luxurious Switzerland: the local ideal climate effectively improves the well-being of people with lung diseases. Dilijan is famous for its craftsmen who work stone and wood - materials that the Lord generously provided for their homes. The city is an ethnographic museum under open air, created in the spirit of national traditions, starting with the characteristic mansard roofs and balconies made of wood and stone. In the resort area there are many popular and comfortable sanatoriums and hotels with a good level of service.

Haghartsin and Goshavank monasteries


The ancient temple of Garni dates back to the 1st century and is an excellent example of Hellenistic architecture. The temple is surrounded by the ruins of baths and palaces built at the residence of the Armenian kings 3-4 centuries BC.

Geghard Monastery

Geghard is a stunning architectural monument of the Middle Ages. Part of it is carved out of rock. The monastery is included in the UNESCO List. Geghard is famous as the monastery of 7 Churches and 40 Altars. In general, the monastery is a real treasure of Armenian culture. The acoustics in the church are amazing (in some places the sound can be heard for up to 30-40 seconds). The secret of this unique acoustics has not yet been revealed.

Haghpat and Sanahin

In the north of the country there are two unique Armenian monasteries, Haghpat and Sanahin, included in the UNESCO List. Sanahin was founded in the 10th century. and was the largest center of education - the academy. Haghpat was also founded in the 10th century. and was also one of the most important cultural centers.

Yerevan - the pink capital

Armenia can boast of many natural and man-made attractions. Yerevan, whose sights have made it famous throughout the world, for example, has long been called the “pink” capital of the world. This is due to the fact that the city, founded back in 782 BC, was almost entirely built from pink tuff, a rock of volcanic origin. Only Armenia (Yerevan) can boast of this feature. The sights of the country in general and the capital in particular are unique architectural complex in the neoclassical style, the ancient ruins of Urartu, the charm of cozy cafes and luxurious fountains, friendly and hospitable local residents. So don't miss the opportunity to see everything with your own eyes!

One can endlessly list the numerous attractions of Armenia. The country's historical places are immortalized in history textbooks and film guides. They talk about the country's historical, cultural and natural tourist sites. In addition, there are a lot of documentaries and feature films, which present the most Beautiful places Armenia.

In Armenia, many beautifully preserved ancient temples and monasteries contrast with churches of modern construction. A huge number of museums scattered throughout Armenia open up completely new sides to tourists unfamiliar with the history of the country. They will help you get acquainted with the numerous sights of the country. Don't know what to see in Armenia? We have compiled a list especially for you popular places of this country, which included the most interesting sights of Armenia.

What to see first in Armenia

A little advice to those who are interested - do not try to visit several cities and explore dozens of monasteries, cathedrals or natural parks in one day. It is better to highlight those places that interested you the most and pay more attention to them so that the memories of each of them remain in your memory. Now in more detail about the sights of the country.

1. Karahunj Observatory (Sisian city)

Mysterious megalithic complex Karahunj

If you don’t want to travel far to see one of the “places of power,” go to Armenia. 223 stones, each weighing about 10 tons, located vertically - this mysterious ancient monument on the territory of Armenia still causes a lot of controversy about its origin. The most popular theory is that it is an ancient observatory. Even more ancient than the English Stonehenge. Some historians attribute its age to 5 thousand years, others – 7 thousand. Scientists have concluded that Karahunj was also used as a temple to the Sun God, who was worshiped by the ancient Armenians, and as a university. Jewelry and swords were found under one of the stones. This gave rise to the idea that Karahunj is a cemetery for warriors.

Zorats Karer, Zorakarer (Mighty Stones), Goshun Dan - also called Karahunj - is located two hundred kilometers from the capital of Armenia, near the city of Sisian at an altitude of more than one and a half thousand kilometers. The entire complex covers an area of ​​approximately 14 football fields. Many stones have a through hole in the upper part - through these holes ancient scientists observed the celestial bodies. The stones are arranged in a circle. Near the complex there are the remains of ancient dwellings and other historical artifacts.

You can come here not only to quench your thirst for learning new things, but also to feel real peace and tranquility.

2. Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator (Yerevan city)

When traveling around Armenia, be sure to visit the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator. This is one of the largest cathedrals, which was erected in memory of Gregory the Illuminator. It was he who gave the basis for the spread of Christianity in the country.

Construction began in 1997, in honor of the 1700th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity in Armenia, and was completed in 2001. Today it is the most significant building among the city’s attractions. The temple houses the relics and relics of the saint, which were returned to their homeland from Italy.

The sights of Armenia are distinguished by their severity. The Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator is no exception. During its construction, they adhered to a strict ascetic style. The building has angular shapes and is decorated with niches and triangular arches. In order to emphasize contrast, strict colors were chosen. You won't find a single painting on the walls. Inside the temple, on the contrary, everything is very bright and light. This expands the space.

The complex consists of a cathedral and two churches. The buildings are very tall. Due to this, they can be seen from all corners of the city. The cathedral and churches can accommodate 1,700 people at a time.

For tourists, the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator is a unique attraction. For local residents, it is a symbol of the spirituality of the people, the preservation of their faith and unity.

3. Goshavank Monastery (Gosh village)

Goshavank Monastery – a medieval monastery complex

If you are looking for what to see in Armenia, head to the Goshavank Monastery. This is one of the most popular attractions. The monastery is located 22 kilometers from the Dilijan bus station. This is a medieval complex surrounded by dense oak forests. No walls were built around the monastery, so it is surrounded by simple rural buildings. The monastery was built in a classical style. Here you will not see any elaborate decorative elements. But that’s what makes it beautiful – its rigor and minimalism.

The first church of this landmark in Armenia is the Astvatsatsin Church. It is distinguished by its original artistic decor and rich interior. Nearby is a book depository building with a bell tower. On the western side of it there is a room that was intended for classes and meals. It was a center that united both faith and knowledge in one place.

The monastery is famous for its khachkars (stone steles), made with special care and skill. They are considered the most beautiful in Armenia. The patterns on the stones appear to be embroidered. The unique technique of execution is amazing.

Today the monastery complex is a nature reserve; there is no church in it. But this is one of the most favorite places to visit for tourists and locals.

4. Lake Sevan (city of Gavar)

Large and beautiful alpine Lake Sevan

When traveling around Armenia, do not forget to take a walk along the coast of Lake Sevan. This reservoir is located 8 kilometers from the city of Gavar, at an altitude of 1900 meters. The name Sevan comes from the Urartian language Sunia and means “lake”.

The rich fauna of the lake feeds the entire population of the country. The constant catch of fishermen is Sevan trout and silver crucian carp. In the Sevan basin there is a state park of the same name. It includes nature reserves and reserves where Armenian gulls live. The area freed up as a result of the decrease in the water level in the lake is planted with trees and shrubs.

The khachkar cemetery on the coast of Sevan is included in the category “Must-see sights of Armenia.” The burials are located in the village of Noratus. Artifacts older than 2,000 years have been discovered here. Now they are kept in the Yerevan Museum.

Once on the lake, get acquainted with the ancient architecture of such monasteries as Sevanavank, Ayrivank, Vanevan, Kotavank. Walking around the outskirts of Sevan, you will undoubtedly be imbued with the spirit of the times of different eras and peoples. The calm water surface and the surrounding landscape will forever remain in your pleasant memories.

5. Matenadaran (Yerevan city)

The world's largest repository of ancient manuscripts Matenadaran

The historical sights of Armenia have always attracted a large number of tourists. The Museum of Ancient Manuscripts in Yerevan deserves to top the list of must-see places in this country. This stunning collection of ancient manuscripts will resonate not only with scientists who come here for academic purposes, but also with ordinary visitors. Here you can see the first translations of the Bible into Armenian, works on medicine, geometry, and history. The amazingly beautiful miniatures and titles made by ancient artists, the elegant frames made of precious metals will make you forget for a long time about the noise of the 21st century outside the window.

In addition to the amazing age of the books, the stories of how they reached our time are also awe-inspiring. The basis of the collection is the collection of books from the Etchmiadzin Monastery. But many copies have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries as the greatest family treasure.

There are books written in different languages, created by representatives of different religions. All this treasure has about 17 thousand exhibits.

In this amazing place, you can realize that you are part of human history, absorb the powerful energy of the wisdom of hundreds of previous generations and become its guide to the future.

Matenadaran is the best answer to the question of what to see first in Armenia.

Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Armenia!

6. Mount Ararat (Armenian Highlands, Türkiye)

Monastery in the background sacred mountain Ararat

Any native resident, when asked by a guest “What to see in Armenia?” will answer - Mount Ararat. This is the main symbol of Armenia, despite the fact that Ararat is located in Turkey. According to legend, it was at the foot of this mountain that Noah’s ark found its final resting place. To this day, the search for his remains continues on the volcanic massif, but so far they have been unsuccessful. Despite the common name Ararat, the indigenous people are accustomed to calling Mount Masis. If you want to see the sights of Armenia, you simply cannot do without visiting Mount Ararat.

The height of the peak is 5165 meters, so you need to carefully prepare for climbing it. The first attempt to conquer the peak took place in 1829. However, today the ascent program is available to everyone with a special tourism program. There is a version that Ararat is a former volcano, which has been considered extinct for the last few millennia. During the last eruption, accompanied by heavy rains and mudflows, the settlement of Arguri was destroyed. Located at the foot of the mountain national park, covering an area of ​​about 90 thousand hectares, which includes not only two mountain peaks, but also the area where, according to legend, the biblical ark crashed.

7. Blue Mosque (Yerevan city)

The Blue Mosque is a silent witness to history

8. Aram Khachaturian Museum (Yerevan)

House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian - a repository of the glory of the great composer

While exploring the streets of Yerevan, be sure to visit the museum of the Armenian musician and author of many musical works, Aram Khachaturian. For his services to the fatherland, the leaders of Armenia decided to create a museum in honor of the honorary citizen.

The basis for the museum was the house in which Aram lived when he was passing through Yerevan. There were no significant changes in the appearance of the mansion, only a two-story extension appeared in the garden. And the facade was transformed by five massive arches, similar to tuning forks.

The composer only managed to approve the plan for the future museum, but did not live to see its opening. The current director of the museum is the outstanding pianist Armine Grigoryan.

Within the walls of this majestic landmark of Armenia, musical evenings and festivals are constantly held, meetings with cultural figures are organized, and various exhibitions are held.

After visiting the museum, you will see Personal Area Aram, his bedroom, dining room and, of course, the piano, on which the talented musician composed and played. Also check out many things, from the conductor's baton to personal letters. Every year, the museum receives valuable exhibits from all over the world, one way or another connected with Aram Khachaturian.

9. Yerevan Brandy Factory (Yerevan city)

Storage area of ​​the Yerevan Brandy Factory

The Yerevan Brandy Factory is the leading producer of alcoholic beverages in Armenia. Its history began in 1887 with its establishment by merchant Nerses Tairov. After 12 years, the plant became owned by Nikolai Shustov. To date cognac factory– leader in the export of alcoholic beverages in Armenia. Many of the drinks produced are aged up to 20 years, for example, “Nairi”, “Vaspurakan”, “Armenia”, “25”, “Dvin”. The YBC arsenal also stores unique brands of cognac, which are produced and bottled according to a special recipe in a limited edition. Such drinks cannot be bought on the shelves of supermarkets, including Erebuni, Cilicia, Noah's Ark, etc.

The products of the Yerevan Brandy Factory are supplied to 25 countries and have 47 registered trademarks. According to local residents, it is best to start getting acquainted with Armenia by visiting the plant. To do this, you can take a fascinating excursion and see the production of alcoholic beverages from the inside. If you decide to see the sights of Armenia, the cognac factory will be an excellent start to traveling around the country and getting to know its culture.

10. Khor Virap Monastery (Mount Ararat)

The ascetic beauty of the Khor Virap monastery

Near Mount Ararat rises the ancient monastery of Khor Virap. The two popular attractions complement each other. According to legend, Noah's ark ran aground on Mount Ararat. Khor Virap is located on the territory of the former capital of Armenia – Artashat.

The foundation of the monastery is an underground prison, where the king imprisoned St. Gregory the Illuminator for a period of 15 years. After Armenia adopted Christianity, the monastery became a center of spiritual development. Services are held in the church on the territory of the monastery. And today the monastery is considered one of the most frequently visited places of pilgrimage.

Access to the underground prison is open to every visitor; entry is through the chapel of St. Gregory. Initially, a chapel was built around the underground prison, and later the monastery itself.

Without hesitation, go explore these legendary ancient sights of Armenia . Going down the winding stairs into the dungeon to a depth of 6 meters, any tourist will be able to feel how difficult it was for the prisoner here, because the width of the room is only 4.4 meters. After such a trip, there will be enough impressions for the next year.

Sights of Armenia: what else to visit while in Armenia

No matter how tempting the opportunity to explore all the interesting places on your own may seem, it is still wiser if you are accompanied. With them you can discuss the excursion route, taking into account the information that you learn from our descriptions of the country’s tourist sites.

11. Tatev Monastery (Goris city)

Medieval monastery of Tatev in Armenia

Tatev Monastery is a whole complex of monasteries located 20 kilometers from settlement Goris. For many centuries, the complex was the main focus of spirituality in the historical region of Armenia, Syunik.

This complex is a real treasure for tourists. Here is the habitat of the monks of Tatevi Anapat, the suspended rope route “Wings of Tatev” (money received from visiting goes to the revival of the entire complex), a natural bridge, and caves. Interesting sights of Armenia are collected in one place. At the end of the 20th century, they even wanted to include the Tatev Monastery on the UNESCO list.

During the prosperity of Syunik, more than ten hundred people lived under the arches of the monastery. The monastery existed by collecting tribute from the villages surrounding it. In the Middle Ages, a miniature school was formed on its territory, which contributed to a noticeable development of the population.

The complex was quite badly destroyed after the earthquake that occurred in 1931. At the moment, the restoration process is still underway, but there is no ban on visiting.

While on the monastery grounds, enjoy a fascinating exploration of the temples and tombs.

12. Selim caravanserai (Yerevan city)

The preserved Selim caravanserai in Yerevan

The winding serpentine of the Selim Pass is a favorite route for tourists traveling around Armenia. The pass is located at an altitude of 2500 meters. Because of large quantity precipitation in winter is almost impossible to get there, so you should plan your trip in late spring, summer or autumn.

A road passes through the pass, along which travelers travel from the city of Yerevan to Lake Sevan and back. On the way, you will encounter a beautiful view of the valley, surrounded by green grass and cut by many streams. You will be able to capture Mount Ararat. As you advance, you will find yourself at the lower level of a narrow gorge, where the famous Selim Caravanserai was built.

In the distant past, the Silk Road passed here, and the Selim caravanserai was an overnight stay for caravans heading to Europe. In the 15th century, the caravanserai was destroyed, but was restored again in the mid-20th century. The oldest sights of Armenia fascinate with their views. These include the Selim Caravanserai.

The basalt structure includes a hall divided into rooms for overnight stays for people and animals. Once here, you can imagine how people rested after a long journey.

13. Tsitsenrnakaberd, Armenian Genocide Museum (Yerevan city)

Armenian Genocide Museum in Yerevan

Going on a trip and creating a route for yourself, what to visit in Armenia , Don’t ignore the Armenian Genocide Museum. It is located in Yerevan. The museum was opened in 1995 on the 80th anniversary of the terrible tragedy, which Armenians still mourn. About 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the period 1915-1917. This museum was founded in memory of the tragedy.

Its building is built on a mountain, on its very slope. This is where the memorial is located. From the roof of the museum complex opens great view to Mount Ararat. In the very center of the museum courtyard there is a memorial stone stele.

The museum itself is unique. Its building is completely submerged in the ground. According to the plan, it should be a tomb, and its internal structure should be the circles of hell.

All museum exhibits were collected with great difficulty. Many archival documents were destroyed or are still classified. The main part of the museum consists of three halls. The first features a huge map of the Armenian Highlands, which was carved on the wall. The settlements where the most people were killed are marked here. Photo archives of peacetime before the genocide are presented. Books and photos are displayed in the second room. In the third room there are demographic tables indicating the number of deaths.

The purpose of the museum as a landmark of Armenia not only to honor the memory of the victims, but also to clearly show the enormity of what happened in order to prevent similar tragedies.

14. Smbataberd fortress (Artabuynk village)

Ruins of the Smbataberd fortress

The fortress is located east of the village of Artabuynk in the Vayots Dzor district. Located on a hill, it is a medieval fortification complex built on the site of a 5th century observation post. Most historians believe that the fortress was named in honor of Prince Smbat Orbelyan, a ruler of the 13th century. He was a skilled warrior, knew 5 languages, and was a diplomat with innate talent.

The absence of dense tree stands in this place was beneficial for the builders of the Smbataberd fortress, because it made it impossible to storm the defensive structure. The thick walls were difficult to break through, and the enemies did not want to fight in an empty area where there was not a single tree.

When the siege came, the fortress did not surrender. The enemies did not know that a secret water supply was connected to the fortress, and inside there were many warehouses with supplies of provisions. Thanks to this, we managed to survive difficult times.

They tried to restore the destroyed fortress (in 2006-2007), but a significant part of it was not restored. Getting to this landmark of Armenia is very easy. You can get here on foot, walking 2 km east from the village of Artabuynk.

15. Sanahin Monastery (Sanain village, Alaverdi city)

An outstanding monument of Armenian architecture, Sanahin Monastery

Sanahin Monastery is one of the most inaccessible beauties of Armenia. After all, to get here you will have to walk about two kilometers.

The location of the monastery was chosen deliberately. Monks were hiding here, wanting to avoid the disfavor of the Byzantine ruler Roman Lekapin. Built in the 10th century, the monastery was later not only a place of residence for worshipers, but also a school and academy. Famous scientists of the Middle Ages taught here.

Many sights of Armenia, including the Sanahin Monastery, are famous for their beauty, as well as excellent preservation. This structure was damaged more than once during earthquakes, but each time it was restored by caring people. The place received a complete restoration in 1996, and was then recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site.

Being here, it is impossible not to look at the building in the center, around which the others are located. Surb Astvatsatsin is a restored domed temple made of basalt blocks. Inside the small temple there are restored frescoes. Other churches in the complex are Amenaprkich and the chapel of St. Grigor.

16. Yerevan Cascade (Yerevan)

Square on the approach to the Cascade on the slopes of the Kanaker Hills in Yerevan Dmitry Karyshev

Gentle sunshine, magnificent mountain scenery, amazingly delicious national cuisine and radiant Armenia attracts guests with the hospitality of the people. What to see in May, if the trip falls during this period? In late spring, when the flower beds bloom and the greenery delights with fresh colors, it is worth visiting the Cascade in Yerevan, surrounded by a beautiful park. It is a unique architectural complex designed to connect two parts of the city. Superbly decorated staircases, picturesque fountains, colorful flower beds and various sculptures along the Kanaker Hills form a kind of cascade connecting the lower and upper parts of Yerevan. At the top point of the Cascade there is Observation deck, from where breathtaking views of the city open against the backdrop of the horizon, decorated with the border of Small and Big Ararat. The total length of the Cascade composition is 0.5 km, and the difference between heights is about 100 meters.

17. Geghard Monastery (Kotayk region)

Top view of the Geghard monastery complex among the cliffs of the Gokht mountain river gorge in Armenia

Geghard is a monastery complex, an amazing architectural structure and the main thing that Armenia is famous for in the Kotayk region. The monastery is located about half an hour from the capital, in the beautiful gorge of the Gokht River, where pilgrimage tours often take place . It is believed that St. George the Illuminator founded the monastery back in the 4th century AD, on the site of a sacred spring, which to this day is located near the monastery and provides the purest water. Some of the monastery’s buildings were carved out right inside the rocks, while others are complex structures, partly surrounded by walls, partly recessed into the cliff stronghold. The monastery has something else, more modern name– Geghardavank (Monastery of the Spear), derived from the spear of Longinus, which pierced the body of the Son of God after the execution. In the 13th century, the Apostle Thaddeus brought the spear to Armenia - the legendary shrine is today kept in the Armenian Museum of Etchmiadzin.

18. Etchmiadzin Cathedral (Vagharshapat)

Etchmiadzin Cathedral- one of the ancients Christian churches planet Vigen Hakhverdyan

Each branch of Christianity has its own revered shrines. If we talk about the holy places of Armenia, the most important of them can be called the Etchmiadzin Cathedral. The ancient city of Vagarashpat, where the cathedral is located, is the largest center of Christian culture on the territory of Armenia - Christianity was recognized here as the state religion back in the 4th century. In past centuries, the walls of the Etchmiadzin Cathedral were covered with frescoes with scenes from the Holy Scriptures and images of especially revered saints, but part of the painting was lost over time. As a result of careful restoration in the 20th century, fragments of the painting were updated, and many structural elements were strengthened. To the side of the temple you can visit the buildings reserved for museum exhibits. Their collections include paintings by famous Armenian artists, embroidered robes, church utensils, staves, crosses and other valuable church attributes.

Pagan temple in Garni, dedicated to the sun god Mihr, on the territory of Armenia

If you look at the sights of Armenia on the map , then about 30 kilometers from Yerevan you can see the only pagan temple in Armenia, built after the adoption of Christianity. It was dedicated to one of the most revered Ancient Armenia gods - Mihra, after whom it was named. This unique object is located near the village of Garni, directly above the gorge of the Azat River. The temple was built from smooth-hewn basalt blocks, fastened with staples and pins, following the example of Hellenistic architecture. Along the entire length of the facade there are 9 high and massive steps, and the pylons on both sides of the stairs are covered with reliefs depicting Atlases seated on one knee with raised arms and supporting altars. The dimensions of the temple are quite small - only a statue of the deity was located here, and the temple itself was intended only for the royal family. Ancient historical monuments have been preserved in the surrounding area ruins of an ancient fortress, royal palace and baths built in the 3rd century.

20. Church of St. Hripsime (Vagharshapat)

Church of St. Hripsime of the 17th century at the entrance to the city of Vagharshapat in Armenia D-man

The ancient city of Vagharshapat, Armenia, belongs to the category of the world's main shrines and heritage of humanity. The top attractions in this city are the 7th century St. Hripsime Church, which is part of the Etchmiadzin Monastery complex. Inside are the relics of Saint Hripsime, who was brutally murdered by the pagans. Presumably in 301, several Christian girls came from a Roman monastery to Armenia, among them was Hripsime. She so captivated the Roman emperor with her beauty that he proposed marriage to her. The girl, having refused, was forced to hide from the wrath of the monarch in Armenia. The Armenian king, also captivated by the beauty of Hripsime, was fired up with the same desire, but was rejected, for which he ordered the execution of all the girls who arrived. This cruelty led the emperor to demonic possession, from which Gregory the Illuminator cured him - the Son of God appeared to this saint in a dream, who indicated the place for the construction of a temple in honor of Hripsime.

In the north, Armenia borders on Georgia, a country where proud but hospitable people live, where wine flows like a river, and the mountain landscapes are so beautiful that almost all famous Russian writers mentioned them in their works! While in Armenia, think about visiting Georgia. Read about and be inspired for your further journey through the Caucasus region!

Armenia is the oldest state with fabulous nature and with a multifaceted history.

By visiting monasteries and temples, you can completely immerse yourself in the past and feel the breath of time...

After all, it was here that Noah’s ark landed on the shore, it was here that early Christianity gained strength, in the country that was the first to adopt this religion. And from the beauty of the surrounding nature you are filled with peace and admiration. Let's look at the most popular attractions in the country.

Lake Sevan is the most beautiful alpine lake in Armenia with the purest water. However, not everyone will decide to plunge into it, because even in the heat of the day the water here is quite cold.

The lake is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level and is fed by mountain streams. The swimming season is not long, only two months a year, in July and August. And the weather here is very changeable; it can change several times a day.

Along the lake there are local cafes where you can try national cuisine. Including deliciously cooked freshly caught trout.

Karahunj Observatory (Zorats-Karer)

The Karahunj or Zorats-Karer Observatory is located in the south, 200 kilometers from Yerevan. Sometimes it is compared to the English Stonehenge. But it is not so popular among tourists. However, due to its antiquity and historical significance not inferior to the English observatory.

Scientists have not yet fully figured out what her actual age is. The name Zorats-Karer is translated from Armenian as “warrior stones,” since the rows of pointed stones, lined up in a certain order, resemble an army of warriors. However, historical expeditions, having examined the place, came to the conclusion that the place is in no way connected with defensive structures, and this ancient place stargazing and the sun god.

Location: Sisian.

Mount Ararat is the pride and symbol of the country of Armenia. According to Biblical legends, it was here that the famous ark of Noah landed on the shore during the Great Flood.

The mountain consists of two peaks: Small and Big Ararat. And they are clearly visible from the observation deck in the city of Yerevan. However, to visit the mountain itself, you will have to enter Turkey. The fact is that the territory on which the mountain is located came under its jurisdiction. However, Mount Ararat is still considered a holy symbol of the Armenian people.

On the site of a pagan sanctuary, on the edge of a gorge, along the bottom of which the mountain river Vorotan flows, is an ancient monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Its name comes from the nearby village of Tatev.

The monastery is surrounded by beautiful mountain landscapes, and from a certain angle, you get the feeling that it seems to be floating above the gorge.

The monastery was founded in the 1st century AD, and ancient frescoes are still preserved inside the temple.

The Tataevsky Monastery can be reached either by car or by cable car from Yerevan, which is the longest in the world, thanks to which it is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

This ancient monastic complex, founded in the 10th century, is a listed World Heritage UNESCO. Despite the earthquakes it experienced, the monastery was well preserved. Here you can see the cathedral with its surviving paintings. In the courtyard you can see the bell tower, tombs and a 13th century bridge with sculptures of cats.

At one time, the complex was not just a monastery, but an educational center. A very rich library was collected here and an academy was founded.

The so-called Lesser Caucasus Mountains pass through the territory of Armenia. It is a system of mountain ranges and plateaus. Their length is no more than 600 kilometers, and their height does not exceed 4000 meters.

Between the icy ridges you can see beautiful valleys and untouched forests. Tourists love to enjoy the beauty here, and climbers test their willpower and physical endurance by conquering peaks.

This is a fairly “young” building compared to all the other attractions encountered.

According to legend, a Christian girl who fled persecution from Rome was killed here by the local king. But then the king repented and built this majestic church in her honor. Here under the altar is her grave.

Since 2000, the church has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Location: Vagharshapat.

Matenadaran is the largest repository of ancient manuscripts in the world. Despite the fact that the repository has been looted more than once, more than 17 thousand manuscripts and more than 100 thousand ancient documents are stored within its walls. Of course, most of them are in ancient Armenian, but about 2000 chronicles are written in other languages ​​of the world.

You can find the building on the mountain at the end of Mashtots Avenue, whose sculpture greets the vault at the entrance to the building. And not by chance. It is Mesrop Mashtots who is the creator of Armenian writing.

Location: 53 Mashtots Avenue, Yerevan.

Etchmiadzin Cathedral is a church built in the 300s of our century. Many legends are associated with its origin and construction. One of them says that Christ himself chose the place, having dreamed of Gregory, the first patriarch of Etchmiadzin, and showing him the place of construction. Thus, the cathedral was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple.

In the annex you can find a museum where exhibits are presented in one way or another related to religious rites - church vestments, crosses, staves and much more. Important relics are also kept: part of Noah’s Ark and the spear that pierced Christ.

Location: Vagharshapat.

A defense complex was located in Garni, which once protected the ancient city. Mihra Temple is one of the surviving structures of this fortress. In appearance, the building resembles the ancient Greek structure in Athens, the Parthenon. In pagan times, the sun god Mihra was worshiped here. Later the kings used it as a summer residence.

In the mid-17th century, after a strong earthquake, the building was severely destroyed. And only at the end of the twentieth century it was recreated literally brick by brick, which were collected throughout the gorge. The missing elements were restored using modern materials. But this made it possible to preserve the integrity of the temple.

Currently, historical performances are held in the restored temple.

This is one of the oldest fortresses not only in Armenia, but also in the world. Archaeologists are still excavating most interesting artifacts in this territory. Once upon a time, the ancient city of Armenia was located here, and it is from here that the history of the entire state begins.

The fortress is located on a hill dotted with poppies. And when they bloom in the spring, it feels like the hill is flooded with blood. Hence the name of the Arin-Berd hill. Translated, this means “Bloody Fortress.”

This is a museum complex built on the site of an underground prison where early Christians were thrown. And this prison-well has still been preserved, into which you can go down and feel what it was like for the prisoners.

One of the famous prisoners was Gregory the Illuminator, who spent 15 years in a well. And then he cured the king of a clouded mind, thanks to which he saved himself, and changed the ruler’s attitude towards the Christian religion as a whole.

Tsitsernakaberd is a memorial complex built in the mid-20th century in memory of the genocide of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Republic, which began in 1915 and continued for 9 years. During this period, the Turkish military deported many Armenians from their lands, and some entire families were killed.

The complex includes a 44-meter stele symbolizing the spiritual revival of Armenia, an eternal flame in memory of the victims, a wall of mourning engraved with the names of the cities affected by this disaster, and the genocide museum itself.

Geghard Monastery is ancient temple, partially carved directly into the rock. A very atmospheric place. A holy spring gushes right out of the rock, and patterns are carved into the walls.

The monastery was founded in the 4th century, and the name comes from the word “spear”. It was here, according to legend, that the spear with which Jesus Christ was pierced was brought.

The famous mountain resort is lost in a gorge among forests and valleys, reminiscent of the nature of Switzerland. It is known for its healing mineral springs and equally healthy mountain air.

And the city of Dilijan itself resembles an open-air ethnographic museum with its narrow streets and preserved ancient houses.

The village of Areni is famous for its wines. Here, in almost every home you can buy homemade wine made according to a special recipe.

At the Areni factory itself, you can listen to a tour about wine production, and also taste not only wine, but also apricot vodka. And every year after the harvest, wine festivals are held, where wine is poured in unlimited quantities.

And this is not the entire list of beauties of the country of Armenia. There are many more ancient monasteries and unprecedented pristine nature that you don't want to leave. And the capital Yerevan itself is a tourist attraction. With its pink houses, man-made cascade with sculptures, stairs and fountains. Or Republic Square, where you can admire not only historical buildings, but also enjoy singing fountains with changing lighting in the evening.

Armenia is a state with an ancient history, located in a very picturesque area. There are a lot of places left here that have retained their unique flavor.

Ancient is the word that best characterizes Armenia. Indeed, this country was the first to adopt Christianity, which is why there are many ancient temples here, and the great culture of the state of Urartu still remains a mystery and awes scientists. A thousand-year-old observatory, mountain villages where houses were built a couple of hundred years ago, ruins of fortresses - all this can be seen in Armenia.

And very hospitable people live here, tourist tours are very cheap, and so is overnight accommodation. We advise travelers to completely switch to local cuisine. Believe me, you have never eaten such delicious kebab anywhere! And here you can also find freshly baked lavash, duduk, famous cognac, churchkhela and wine.

Visit Lake Sevan and the Tatev Monastery, wander through the mountains, get acquainted with the unimaginably ancient history of Armenia, and for modern entertainment, head to Yerevan, a city that successfully combines innovation with ancient traditions.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Armenia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

1. Lake Sevan

The pearl of Armenia, located at an altitude of 1916 meters above sea level. With its clear water and green shores surrounded by mountain peaks, Sevan is called one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the world. The ancient Armenians believed that the Gods drank from Sevan, and therefore treated it with great trepidation. Now over 250 thousand people live on the shores of the lake, excellent conditions have been created for recreation, and the area is simply created to admire nature.

2. Karahunj Observatory (Zorats-Karer)

At first glance, this is not an observatory at all, but blocks of stones that someone placed in an order incomprehensible to modern people, but clearly visible. Scientists have recognized that Zorats-Karer is indeed an observatory. It is located on a mountain plateau near the city of Sisian. The complex includes many standing stones, some with holes. Archaeologists found burials here, a cattle pen, and a special arrangement of stones that made it possible to observe the Sun and Moon.

3. Mount Ararat

Ararat is the pride of Armenia, its most famous peak, which it shares with Turkey. Small and Big Ararat are separated, but both peaks are considered sacred. Local residents believed that climbing Ararat, where, according to legend, Noah’s ark stopped after the global flood, was an ungodly thing to do. Today, anyone who is confident in their abilities and preparation can climb Ararat, they just need to buy the appropriate ticket and obtain permission from the authorities.

4. Tatev Monastery

The most famous and ancient monastic complex in Armenia, located 20 kilometers from the city of Goris. Today it is a tourist complex that attracts thousands of travelers. Tatev is famous not only for its history (it was built in the 9th century), but also for the “Wings of Tatev” cable car, as well as the natural bridge of Satani Kamurj and the cave of the same name. In Tatev you can see several ancient temples and a lot of other attractions.

5. Sanahin

This is another famous monastery complex, built in the 10th century. Included in the UNESCO list. Sanahin is known for its original architecture and rich history. In a harmoniously formed architectural ensemble Sanahin includes a cathedral with the remains of paintings, several groups of sculptures, chapels, churches, a tomb, as well as an original arched bridge decorated with figures of wild cats.

6. Mountains of the Lesser Caucasus

From his "brother" Greater Caucasus differ in the lower height of the peaks, but this does not make them less attractive for tourists and climbers. The most high peak The Lesser Caucasus - Mount Aragats with a height of 4090 meters - is located precisely in Armenia. The Lesser Caucasus includes seven ridges, between the peaks of which there are cozy green valleys and untouched forests. The nature here is amazingly beautiful, so not visiting this place would be a big mistake.

7. St. Hripsime Church

Built in the 17th century, the church in the city of Vagharshapat still attracts tourists with its unusual architecture. The Church of St. Hripsime looks both powerful and graceful, majestic and calm. The construction of the church is associated with a legend about Christian girls who fled from Rome to Armenia, but were killed here by the local king, who then repented, was baptized and built this unusual church, named after one of the girls.

8. Matenadaran

In Yerevan there is a unique repository of ancient manuscripts - Matenadaran. To see this building and its exhibits, you should climb up the mountain along Mashtots Avenue. Near the entrance you will be greeted by sculptures depicting Mesrop Mashtots, the creator of Armenian writing and his student. Today, the Matenadaran is the largest repository of ancient Armenian manuscripts on the planet, although the collection was previously looted several times.

9. Echmiadzin Cathedral

The main temple of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Etchmiadzin Cathedral is located in the city of Vagharshapat, included in the UNESCO list. This is one of the most ancient Christian churches on the planet, built back in the 4th century! The cathedral, of course, has undergone many reconstructions over the years, the last one in the 20th century. The temple is distinguished by its lush decoration, strict lines and special architecture, complemented by pointed bell towers.

10. Temple of Mihra in Garni

This unusual temple is called the “Armenian Parthenon”. The Temple of Mihra in Garni really looks antique, it seems that by some miracle it was transferred to Armenia from Ancient Greece. Slender columns, porticos, luxurious mosaics - the Armenian kings gladly used the Mihra Temple as a summer residence. It was carefully restored after the earthquake and now regularly hosts historical performances.

11. Erebuni Fortress

If you want to see what the capital of Armenia looked like 2.7 thousand years ago, be sure to take time to visit the Erebuni fortress, which became the first serious defensive structure in the country. Erebuni still holds a lot of mysteries; archaeologists continue to find unique artifacts here. And the fortress itself, located in the Ararat valley, looks very beautiful.

12. Yerevan Cascade

The cascade occupies the status of the main attraction of Yerevan, therefore, visiting the capital of Armenia and not seeing this man-made miracle would be a big miss. The cascade consists of artistically designed and ordered sculptures, stairs, fountains and flower beds, picturesquely located on the slopes of the Kanaker Hills. This is truly the main decoration of the city, and from the top of the Yerevan Cascade you will have a wonderful view of the entire city and the peaks of Ararat.

13. Khor Virap

Khor Virap is located at the foot of the famous mountain Armenia - Ararat, above an underground prison that was used back in the 4th century. The views from the monastery are truly amazing, but its buildings themselves are interesting for their history and interior decoration. We recommend visiting the cells of the underground prison, which have survived to this day, and the Church of Our Lady.

14. Republic Square in Yerevan

The architecture of Republic Square was created before 1958; it is formed by five buildings located here: the Central Post Office building, the National historical Museum Armenia, the Ministry of Energy of the country, the Government of Armenia and the Marriott Armenia hotel. It is noteworthy that all the buildings are made of pouf and represent a single architectural ensemble. We recommend visiting the square in the evening, when the singing fountain turns on and changes the lighting.

15. Tsitsernakaberd

This is a memorial complex erected on the hill of the same name and dedicated to the Armenian genocide at the beginning of the twentieth century. Tsitsernakaberd includes a 44-meter stele, a cone-shaped pedestal with a burning eternal flame, a wall of mourning and the Armenian Genocide Museum. The stele is split, which symbolizes the separation of the Armenian people, most of whom live in the diaspora precisely because of the genocide. The place is beautiful, memorable and a little sad.

16. Geghard Monastery

Geghard is one of the most favorite places in Armenia for tourists because of its ancient history, unique architecture and proximity to the capital of the country. Geghard is located 40 kilometers from Yerevan, in picturesque gorge mountain river Gokht. The monastery is built on rocks, many rooms are simply hollowed out inside the cliffs, and the stone walls are decorated with steles with crosses.

Holidays in Armenia are one of the best options if you want to look at ancient monuments and feel the color new country, see beautiful mountains and even heal the soul and body. The country offers ample opportunities for those who are looking for ways to combine the useful with the interesting and will definitely be able to surprise. What to see, where to go and what you need to know about Armenia? About this and much more below.

Getting to know the republic

Armenia is one of the oldest countries in Transcaucasia with a rich history and architectural monuments. Since she was one of the first to accept Christianity, this was reflected in numerous monasteries, churches and other religious buildings. The oldest cities that can be found in this country date back approximately 3000 years, with large beautiful castles and fortresses, unique architecture and beauty.

Where is

This high mountainous country is located on the Armenian Plateau. Its height is approximately 1,700 meters above sea level, its total area is 29.75 thousand square meters. km. It neighbors Georgia in the north, Azerbaijan in the south, and the west and south of the country with the Turkish border. The famous Ararat Valley is also located here. It is important to remember that the time difference with Armenia is plus one hour Moscow time. When going on a trip, you should remember this.

Armenia Map

How to get there from Moscow

The easiest way to get to Armenia is by air. Since there is no direct railway connection with Russia, suitable option There will also be motor transport or a bus. The best way is through Georgia.

Several direct flights depart from Moscow and head to the country's main airport near the capital Yerevan. Planes depart almost every day and at different times, so choosing a suitable flight will not be difficult.

You can fly from Russia on flights of the following companies:

  • Aeroflot - flies directly from Moscow;
  • Air Armenia is the national carrier;
  • "Siberia" - departure from Moscow daily;
  • Vim-Avia also flies from Moscow every day.

Since there is no direct route from Moscow to the country by train, you will have to travel with transfers, and the price will be the same as a plane ticket.

If you are planning a trip to Armenia by car or bus, then you should know that the distance between Moscow and Yerevan is approximately 2250 km. When traveling this way, you must have documents for the car with you.

Popular holiday destinations

Mountains, monasteries, ancient civilizations, wonderful climate, delicious cuisine - all this is widely represented in Armenia. Rest, first of all, involves visiting the capital of the country - Yerevan. In the city you can find monuments of ancient civilizations, which are intricately intertwined together. Not far from this city is ancient capital great country Urartu, one of oldest capitals of the past.

It is worth paying attention to another city - Dilijan. Here is the largest number of monasteries located in the mountains and sanatoriums offering treatment in thermal springs. The country also has ski resort, Tsakhkadzor, which offers tourists a variety of conditions for recreation and training.

Holidays in Armenia also involve visiting the ancient ruins of the capital of the state, Urartu, not far from Baku. This country is also interesting because it is considered one of the first to adopt Christianity. Temple complex Etchmiadzin is considered one of the most popular; its appearance and construction date back to the beginning of our era, which is confirmed by the very fact of the appearance of Christianity in these territories.

Armenia is one of the most ancient countries, famous for its winemaking. Wine began to be made here many centuries ago. The ancient Armenians believed that this was a blessing from the gods, and therefore they especially revered the place where grapes grew-Ararat Valley.

Another holiday destination popular among tourists is the Ararat Valley. Almost all tours to Armenia offer various possibilities visiting this truly unique place. The valley itself is a plain in the Armenian Highlands west of Lake Sevan. The Araks River flows through it, which divides it into two parts - the large one, which belongs to Armenia, and the small southern part - part of Turkey. It is also notable for the fact that on hot summer days you can see a truly unique a natural phenomenon- Sun shine.

Temperature and climate of Armenia

The climate in the mountains is more severe, and therefore attracts lovers of traveling along the mountain slopes. In the Ararat Valley it is milder, but in the capital it can be very hot. In summer the temperature rises to +40 °C. That's why, best time for traveling to the country there will be the beginning of spring and autumn, when there are no such high temperatures. Winters in the mountains are very harsh, but excellent for skiing and winter sports. The season starts in December and ends in March.


The water temperature at the country's resorts varies. In the warm season in Lake Sevan it does not exceed +18 °C, which is quite cool. In spring and autumn it does not fall below +15 °C. In winter, conditions are more severe, so the temperature can drop very much, about 4-7 degrees on average.


In the foothills, average temperatures in summer are +24…+26 °C. In winter they drop to +5 °C. It's much cooler in the mountains; depending on the altitude, the temperature ranges from +10 °C to +20 °C in hot weather, and in winter - from +2 °C to -15 °C. During spring and autumn, frosts are very common, sometimes the temperature drops quite significantly - down to -28 ° C.

Popular beaches

Most of the beaches in the country belong to the resort areas of Armenia and are located near Lake Sevan. Nearby there are mountains and a National Park.

Among the special entertainments offered at the resorts of Armenia, it should be noted the possibility of fishing - trout, pike perch, barbel and others. A license can be purchased right there, on the spot, from local companies that organize water tours.

Any trip to Armenia also involves visiting mineral resorts - Vanadzor, Arzni, Hankavan, Dilijan, where you can also find small beaches for relaxation.

Ski resorts and active recreation

40 kilometers from Yerevan to the north is one of the most popular ski resorts in the country. In the valley of the Marmarik River, more than 1900 meters above sea level, you can see Tsaghkadzor - it’s 13 km ski slopes. Here you can also find one of the largest sports complexes in the country. There are also swimming pools, a stadium, a stable, a sauna and other sports facilities that can be used for relaxation and active pastime. Well, after active activities, you can visit many restaurants and cafes that will pamper you with their delicious national cuisine. If the question arises about what you can see in Armenia in winter, then visiting and relaxing at this resort will be the best options.

Must-sees: attractions

It is best to start a tour to the country from the capital. This is one of the largest and main attractions, which is located in the heart of the Ararat Valley. In the ancient dialect, the name of the city sounds like Erebuni, mentions of which date back to several centuries BC. The city was one of the largest in history, and was also famous for its trade. Here you can see Republic Square, which is located in the center, Mashtots Avenue, and many museums. Yerevan is very easy to navigate and travel. Among historically interesting places We can highlight: the Yerevan fortress of the 16th century, the Matenadaran - an institute that houses ancient manuscripts, the Sardarapat memorial complex, and of course churches, of which there are a great many here.

The first church in the world was built in Armenia. This is the Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which was the first of the documented ones. Its construction dates back to approximately the 4th century.

The city of Ashtarak is famous for its Karmvor Church, which is located on a mountain slope. Amberd Fortress, the ancestral domain of the princes of Pahlavuni, is one of the best preserved castles.

Travel to Armenia is limited to visiting modern cities. Armavir is the ancient capital of Armenia. Located on the left coast of the Araks. At first it was a fortress, which over time turned into Big city. Nearby is Artashat, which is often called the Armenian Carthage. Here the number of ancient monuments is the largest in the country. The capital of the Middle Ages, Dvin, is still under the supervision of archaeologists.

Artsakh has almost 2 thousand architectural monuments, and 600 of them are monastery complexes. The number of churches here has exceeded 500.

Nightlife in Armenia

For those who want to relax more actively, Yerevan offers many opportunities for night walks. After sunset, the entire city is illuminated with many colorful lights, especially in summer. Then life comes alive on the old streets of the capital. Especially many tourists and local residents relax on Revolution Square, where you can drink wine or coffee in a cafe. At 9 pm in the summer, multi-colored singing fountains turn on here - all you have to do is sit and enjoy the atmosphere.

There are also many fashionable clubs, cafes, and wine bars. Most of them are located in the center. Local performers always play in clubs; you can listen to both jazz compositions and fashionable music that is fun to dance to. The best thing is that entrance to such establishments is usually free for everyone.

Cafes, hotels, car rental

Recently, the country has offered quite wide opportunities for comfortable rest. Many cafes and restaurants offer their services both during the day and at night. Hotels have mostly retained the Soviet approach. This is due to the fact that the owners do not want to comply with the accepted classification. So don’t be surprised if you are served a very tasty dinner, but you still won’t get internet.


Since tourism has recently begun to develop with great strides, Armenia will surprise you with a variety of dishes. National cuisine is even one of the country's attractions. In any cafe, restaurant or other similar place, you will be offered lots and lots of greens, cheeses, vegetables, meat and definitely lavash! These are traditional components of Armenian cuisine. And also fermented milk matsun, a variety of salty snacks, twisted Chechil cheese, salads with beans and herbs, pilaf and, of course, shish kebab. This is only a part of all the delicious dishes that you will be hospitably offered to taste.


Hotels offer their services in all the largest cities of the country. Accommodation services are also offered by sanatoriums located on the most popular resorts. The most convenient and best hotels is located in the capital. They offer transfers, winter gardens for viewing, and swimming pools with solariums.

New hotels are rarely built in the country. Therefore, even if the hotel category is calculated as 5 stars, the service corresponds to the 2-3 star category.


Buses are the main mode of transport. It connects almost everything big cities. But it is very important to remember that this type of transport rarely has a clear schedule of movement and shipments. Buses usually depart when they are full.

You can also travel by car, which can be rented in the capital. But this will require special driving skills - the country’s roads are very worn out, and mountainous areas and are generally absent. Traffic rules will also be problematic, since local residents are accustomed to driving without signals and markings.

Shopping in Armenia

If we talk about shopping in this country, then we immediately need to mention a unique symbol - carpets. This is the real pride of Armenians. You can buy them both in specialized stores in Yerevan and in the market, where prices will be more reasonable. They all differ in color and national symbols.

Another souvenir that you can buy here is cognac. You can find it in any store, and the quality will be the best! You can also return home with copper Turks, bronze figurines, and amulets dolls.

Places for wellness

Transcaucasia has always been famous for its fresh, healing mountain air, mineral springs and beautiful landscapes. The best places There will be local resorts for recreation. Based on mineral springs- Hankavan, Arevik and Arzni. A visit to one of the largest resorts in Vanadzor is also recommended. Jermuk and Dilijan also offer health and recreation services. More leisure offers the ski resort Tsakhkadzor.

Armenia and security

An important aspect of visiting the country will be maintaining special safety measures on the road. Since the local population does not strictly adhere to traffic rules, this can lead to accidents and injuries. Prepare for the fact that pedestrians will also cross the road right in front of your nose. It is difficult to buy good gasoline, so if you are concerned about the safety of your car’s engine, it is better to buy it in the capital.

Lighting on the streets is very poor, so traveling by private vehicle at night is prohibited, especially without the accompaniment of a person who knows the area.

In Armenia, the export and import of antiques, precious stones, works of art, drugs and weapons is prohibited. It is better to declare large sums of money.

Holidays in Armenia are an opportunity not only to look at beautiful landscapes, enjoy fresh mountain air and relax at mineral springs. Here you can also see interesting sights, enjoy delicious national cuisine and observe unique traditions that are still passed on to this day.

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