One of the main attractions of Budapest is called. We are going to Hungary and Budapest - free online guide

The capital of Hungary Budapest did not just get the nickname "Paris of the East". The city is one of the most culturally important capitals of Eastern Europe and the house for numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites. Although people lived here since the Stone Age, this beautiful city Officially emerged only in 1872 with the union of 3 previously independent cities - the old Buda, New Buda and Pest. The city immediately became the administrative, commercial and industrial center of Hungary. Located on both sides of the Danube Budapest is known for its stunning architecture and thermal sources, which were used for therapeutic purposes since prehistoric times. Today, Budapest annually attracts more than 20 million visitors from all over the globe. Tourists entertain numerous historical sights of Budapest, museums and art galleries, as well as its sports facilities, among which the Formula 1 Hungaroring route.

Castle mountain

Castle Mountain rises high above the Danube. Here you are waiting for numerous medieval monuments and important Museums of Budapest. Undoubtedly, the cassette of the 18th century Buda is the most exciting of these impressive structures, or the Buda fortress. The massive palace with 200 rooms is effectively highlighted at night. Another important moment Castle hill - fishing bastion of the late 19th century. It was built on the spot where the protective fortresses of local fishermen were in the Middle Ages. Bastion is located behind the beautiful Matyash Church with neoroman tower, colonnades and embrasures. All this was fully restored according to the original project. The castle hill is also home to the many excellent statues.

Hill Gellert.

Another outstanding attraction of Budapest is a panoramic Hill of Gellert in 235 meters high, the steep slope of which descends to the Danube. It was here that, because of the geological fault, the most healing sources of the city are located, including Bani Gellert and Rudas, who took visitors since the 13th century. The hill was named after St. Gellert - the Benedictine monk, who died in 1046. On the northeast slope of the hill is a monument in his honor. Tribute to the most famous Holy Hungary chagging over a high artificial waterfall, opening great view On the city. The Austrian Citadel in 1851 was built on the top of the Gellert Mountain. It is also an interesting place to explore. Another landmark is a monument to the liberators established in 1947 in honor of the Soviet soldiers killed in World War II. Finally, if you still have a stock of energy, then take a walk through the anniversary park. It was created in honor of the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the October Revolution and captivate you with a variety of charming paths, beautiful flower beds and sculptures.

Museum of Fine Arts

Museum fine arts - Not only the most important picture gallery and the popular attraction of Budapest. He also represents the premises of one of the largest collections of work of old masters in Europe. There are many Italian, Spanish and Dutch paintings of the XIX century masters. All this is very carefully planned through the halls, where long rooms are highlighted for large paintings, cabins for small, along with an impressive architectural entourage of the Renaissance Hall. The museum was built in 1870 after Hungary had inherited an excellent collection of paintings, drawings and printed editions. It is divided into 6 excellent departments: Egyptian art, ancient art, gallery of old sculptures, gallery of old painters, a modern collection and a graphic collection. The adjacent palace of art is the leading museum of modern art of the city and conducts many temporary exhibitions. Museum opening hours: From Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Adult entrance costs 18 forints, for children - 6 forints.

Hungarian National Museum

Founded in 1802, the Hungarian National Museum moved to its current classic building in 1847. In addition to the massive portico and the monument to the well-known Hungarian poet, Iranize Aran, there are also numerous busts of famous personalities in park gardens. Main exhibition national Museum Include royal regalia with the magnificent crown of St. Stephen, decorated with precious stones and pearls. There is also an exhibition dedicated to the history of Hungary from the Stone Age to Roman times and the early Middle Ages. Many exhibits dedicated to the struggle for the independence of the country also deserves attention. The museum proposes to explore the historical Hungarian and Turkish weapons, and the grandfather of Music will be interested in music lovers, who later belonged to Ferenc Sheet. Similar monuments make Budapest one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Houses of Parliament

The epicenter for a walk through the beautiful pedestrian streets of Budapest is the area around architectural complex Parliament of Hungary, as well as the neighboring Museum of Ethnography and the Ministry of Agriculture. The third largest parliamentary building in the world is located in the neotic structure of 1886, erected in honor of the 1000 year anniversary of the country. Hungary at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Hungarian parliament It consists of a 6919 room, as well as the impressive 19 km of corridors and stairs. A 45-minute excursion on this sight of Budapest is available at any time when the government does not meet. The tour covers the main points of the building, including the main lobby, various lobby and Hungarian royal regalia.

Embankment Danube

The Danube River flows through Budapest from north to south and reaches a width of 640 meters within urban borders. There are many places from where you can enjoy the view of this magnificent majestic river. But one thing best ways There will be a walk along the shores of the Danube, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy the stunning architecture of the city. From the northeastern side, at the Hungarian Parliament building, you will find a frightening monument. This is 60 pairs of steel boots installed on the shores of the Danube in memory of the fascists of the Jews. It is interesting to explore the Danube during a boat excursion that regularly starts from any of the marins.

Heroes Square in Budapest

Avenue Andraha

The central attraction of Budapest is the Avengers Avenue stretched for two and a half kilometers - the busiest street Budapest for pedestrians and vehicles. Created in 1876, the wonderful boulevard leads from the Erzhebet Square to the Millennium Monument to the Varoshleget. Magnificent palaces, an important cultural building of the State Opera and the Conservatory, the Hoppa Ferenc Museum and other landmarks are beautifully located along this prospectus in honor of the Grand Hungarian Composer. The statues of numerous Hungarian wrestlers for freedom are noteworthy. Andraha Avenue is popular Moz For shopping in Budapest with numerous high-level gourmet shops, excellent cafes, restaurants and theaters. You can learn more about this street in a selection of what is worth visiting in Budapest while traveling.

Margit Island

Margit Island barely reaches 2.5 km long and 503 meters wide, while being a popular holiday destination among the locals. Feeded by thermal sources of healing baths, carefully well-groomed gardens and trails, as well as the ruins of numerous historical attractions of Budapest attract many visitors here. The main place for any visit is the Bathing Palatinus - a huge spa complex on an area of \u200b\u200b17 acres. It includes a pool with artificial waves, as well as various healing baby bathrooms. The complex is able to simultaneously hold up to 20,000 swimsuchists. Among other interesting moments of the island is a pretty rosary, a monument of the Union, the ruins of the Dominican Women's Monastery, where Princess Margit and 50 Meetropional Water Tower of 1911 had ever lived with an observation platform. There is also a big summer theater here.

Inner ring Budapest

The inner ring of Budapest surrounds the old center of the city of Pest, following former urban walls. In addition to the Hungarian National Museum, you will find a 18th century university church here - one of the most beautiful baroque churches in the city. Other attractions include Budapest also literary Museum Peta from his collection of works of leading poets and writers of Hungary. The inner ring includes the synagogue of Pest and the Jewish Museum, created in 1859 according to the plans of the Vienna architect Ludwig Fershter. Romanticized Moorish-Byzantine style of this temple with three wings is very pleased with his eyes, like his beautiful interior. Other important attractions include a reformic church with a single classic-style wing built between 1816 and 1850. Visit the Bible Museum with the first printed version of the Greek New Testament and the 19th century central market with a variety of all sorts of products.

External Ring Budapest

The 4-kilometer external ring of Budapest begins with the east end of the margitus bridge and stretches in a semicircle to the inner ring, triggered at the Petos Bridge. Open for movement In 1896, the external ring is home to many impressive attractions of Budapest, dating from the end of the last century. Highlights include the West Station of the 1870s, built by the Paris Firm Eiffel. Here is the largest shopping center in Central Europe called Westend with more than 400 stores.

University Church

The most beautiful baroque church in Budapest is somewhat hidden from the eyes of a mass tourist. It is located in the south of Pest away from the main shopping streets. The central facade of the university church goes to a narrow alley. Built in the period from 1725 to 42, the main facade includes a triangular tumper depicting St. Paul and Anthony. The only non-church with pilasters and side chapels are dressed in an artificial marble. Highlights include frescoes on vaulted ceilings, lodge for choir, as well as the famous Polin Monastery near the church.

Margit Bridge

The Margit Bridge consists of two sections, the first of which connects the ring of Buda with the southern tip of the island of Margit, and the second combines it with an outer ring. Built in 1876 the bridge is the second bridge through the Danube. Although he was destroyed during World War II, the bridge decided in 1948. Not far from this attraction of Budapest you will find excellent Lukach Baths - Spa Complex of the 12th century. Another famous spa complex is a royal swimming, which is part of the National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy of Hungary. This is definitely one of the most beautiful bridges of the world with a unique story.


Ends our review of the attractions of Budapest Archaeological Park Aquinkum. it unique place It is the ruins of the Annetened Ancient Roman city. The ruins of ancient amphitheators are perfectly preserved to this day, as well as a number of other buildings. On the territory of the complex Aquinkum functions a museum with interesting expositions. Among them are a number of ancient Roman exhibits found during archaeological excavations.

Not so long considered tourist capitals Europe, Budapest is able to surprise and exceed expectations. It is called "Pearl Danube." The city does not cause hatred to crowds of tourists like some european cities, for example, or, and enchants guests with peaceful greatness.

Silver Danube divides the capital of Hungary for two halves - I will and poney. Buda stretches on the right bank of the river, Pest - on the left. Less than a century ago, they were considered individual cities.

General information about Budapest

Buda historically played the role of the Residence of the Royal Court, and Pest was the city of merchants. On the side of Buda is the town of the exercise, smaller in size, but the most ancient of all. He grew up from the ancient Roman settlement Aquinkum, and older in the age of the Celtic village of An-Inc., founded even to our era.

In 1873, these cities, and without that closely related to each other, were officially merged into a single conglomerate - Budapest, although for some time the city was called Peshtbud. Today 1 million 740 thousand people live here. To a certain extent, the division of the city was preserved - cultural heritage is concentrated in the Buda shore, and Pestsky is the center of business activity and trade.

Budapest survived the Turkish Igo, Austrians, the influence of the USSR. From the first to the inheritance, the baths remained, from the second - elegant buildings in the style of secessions, from the third - panel high-rise buildings, and the modern era added their strokes in the form of megarkets like IKEA.

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Cardholders are provided with discounts from 10% to 50% in almost 100 different establishments (thermal baths, museums, attractions, on various events, excursions, in restaurants). Booklet on the Budapest map contains a detailed description of the available services and discounts on them.

How to get to Budapest

There are many options to get to Budapest. The fastest I. convenient option - Airplane. You can buy online by comparing the price of airlines and pick up the optimal option. Prices for flight fluctuate depending on the dates. With the help of a ticket calendar for air tickets - find out the cost of the flight to Budapest for the year.

In addition, in Budapest you can get through Ukraine - Kiev-Budapest train. The trip from the capital of Ukraine will take about a trip from about a day, and the cost of the ticket will be about 3950 rubles. Lviv-Budapest train will cost a slightly smaller amount - 2868 rubles.

In addition, there is a cheaper way - to cross the border on the train Chop Zakhon (a ticket for it costs about 175 rubles, and then transfer to the train to Budapest, the cost of the ticket - 5160 - 5750 forints (1100 - 1300 rubles). Schedule and prices can Find here.

A direct bus to Budapest from Kiev costs 3200 rubles, from Lviv - 2800 rubles, from Chop - 1000 rubles.

If you're patient to go to Budapest on a car, more precisely stand in the queue on one of the Transcarpathian border crossing points, keep in mind that a paid autobahn will cost at 2975 forints (620 rubles). In addition, for the intersection of the boundary, the "Green Card" insurance is needed - it costs from 1100-1300 rubles. Consider that the fuel in the EU is more expensive.

Public transport in the city

Almost all kinds are available in Budapest public transport: buses, trams, trolley buses, metro, suburban trains. A disposable trip on any of them costs 350 forints (72 rubles) with the advance purchase of the ticket and 450 forints (93 rubles) in the event of a ticket purchase vehicle. The ticket is valid for a cattle trip within 8 minutes after composting. For a whole week will cost 2450 forints (510 rubles). You should allocate bus number 100E connecting the city center with the airport. The price for travel is higher - 900 forints (187 rubles).

Tram number-2 in Budapest - Photo

Coloring route tram number 2 runs along the Danube Embankment and a number of attractions. The optimal means of movement to quickly get from the suburbs to the center, there will be one of the 4 lines of subway. In addition, it is the oldest metro of continental Europe.

Interesting sights Budapest

Acquaintance with the city is advisable to start from the shores of the Danube, listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here, between Bud and Pest, a picturesque chain bridge, which guard the wozzed stone lions is converted. For the river, ships with vacationers are sinking: a walk through the Danube is a popular tourist entertainment. It is an average of 15-20 euros, depending on the service you get on board.

Sights Budapest: Chain Bridge - Photo

On the left side of the Pestochka shore, a magic panorama opens on the monumental Buda Castle and the Gellert Mountains with a statue, which in the original is called "Mother's Mother".

Sights Budapest: Buday Fortress - Photo

You can climb the castle on the funicular on small serpents. It was built in the XIII century, and since then the fortress has been repeatedly destroyed and restored. Last restoration work was conducted after World War II. Right now in royal Palace Placed historical Museum, National Picture Gallery and Library. From castle yards, decorated with flower beds, sculptures and fountains, almost hand to file to the Church of St. Mathiash. In the evening, her gothic spiers pouches the gilding the illumination, and in the afternoon the roof is overflowing with a patterned colorful tile.

Attractions Budapest: Matias Cathedral

The fabulous towers of the fishing bastion tower tower towers to the right of the church. They say, in the Middle Ages, the protection of this plot of fortress was fixed for artelle fishermen. But the Bastion himself is much younger - he is a little more than a hundred years. Filigree towers and air arcades are not intended for defense, but for the decoration of the city, and even in order to admire from here an exciting view of the opposite shore.

Sights Budapest: Fisherman Bastion - Photo

The grace of the Grand Construction Budapest is the Neo-neutic Parliament. With aimed at need of needle spiers, the rows of openwork parapets and silicon windows, it seems to swim through the Danube waves like a huge ship. His architect scream inspiration in the Westminster Palace. In the walls of the parliament, among the luxuriously decorated interiors, the Crown of Hungary is kept. Excursions are carried out, and 3500 forints must be paid for the entrance (720 rubles).

Attractions: Parliament in Budapest - Photo

The height of the parliament building is 96 m. In the city, he is equal to only one building - the Basilica of St. Ishthan, the tower of which, if you look from the Budaian coast, you can see the right of the parliament. The figure 96 is symbolic: it is believed that the ancestors of Hungarians came to Europe in 896, and the parliament and Basilica erected in honor of the Millennium of this event. If a stunning skyscraper appears in Budapest to the next millennium in Budapest, you can already assume what height it will be.

Sights Budapest: Saint Ishthan Basilica - Photo

Time leaves like water. Say - as thermal water. In the thermal waters of Budapest bathed Romans, Turks. They flow from hundreds of sources, pour out street windows. Budapest is the capital of the resort, where more than 20 thermal purchases operate. And Bani Gellert - real palaces, where the soul rests and the body. There are water tanks of different temperatures - from hot (40 ° C) to a completely cool (18 ° C) - a great opportunity to temper the body! Rudash's bathing at the foot of the Mount Hellert is still founded by the Turks, and in its schedule there are "men's", "female" and "common" days. Prices here are relatively democratic (3700 forints), and at the outlet pools work up to four in the morning.

Bathing Gellert - Photo

The capital of Hungary has its own legends and riddles. On the Parapete, the embankment chats his legs a bronze boy in a judovo hat - he was called the "little princess". A mystical statue - the chronicler Anonymous, who sits in the park vasserget in the monastic robe with the hooded hooded face. They say that if you make a desire, touching Peru in your hand, it will come true. Another version - Pen Anonymous multiplies scientific and literary talents.

Where to eat and relax

To reinforce the fertile portion of the goulash, Drum Cafe (DOB U. 2) or fast food restaurant BELVAROSI DISZNOTOROS (Károlyi U. 17) is suitable.

When you want to spend the evening in an informal setting with driving music - go to one of the Budapest bars. Absolutely iconic place - Szimpla Kert Ruin Pub (Kazinczy U. 14).

DJs and drinks for every taste are waiting at the Fogasház Bar (Akacfa U. 51). The proprietary sweets of the Hungarian confectionery house Szamos can be enjoyed in Szamos Gourmet Ház (address: VACI U. 1).

The one who prefers exquisite classics should be recommended by Costes, the first restaurant Budapest, marked by the star Michelin. Address of the establishment - Raday UTCA 4.
Where to stay in Budapest

Budapest Hotels and Hostels

Budapest hostels are largely superior to hotels thanks to the creativity of the design, are not so inferior to them convenience and delight affordable prices. In the Shantee House indian Ashram decorated (address: Takács Menyhért u. 33) can be spent the night for 750 rubles.

In the decorated antique furniture Baroque Hostel (address: Dózsa György U. 80 / a) - accommodation will cost 690 rubles.

In Marco Polo Top Hostel halfway between Keltei Station and the Historical Center (Address: Nyár u. 6) - 760 rubles.

If you are not satisfied with the prospects to share your space with strangers, Single Room in the hotel Like Hotel Eben near M2 Metro Station (Address: Nagy Lajos Király útja 15-17), costs from 2100 rubles per night. Previously, I often stayed in it, although the last time it became a feeling that the hotel very quickly agrees

Although, Budapest is the only city where I twice, in the middle of the night, they settled not in those conditions that were booked. And it makes no sense to argue if you are standing at night with children, in the middle of the street.

Budapest map with landmarks in Russian

Map of hotels Budapest in Russian - With the help of a hotel card you can choose an inexpensive hotel, learn about the location of public transport stops, learn attractions Budapest on the map.

Shopping in Budapest

In Budapest, global brands are constantly opening. IN mall WESTEND (Address: Váci út 1-3) are presented worldwide Zara, Bershka, Story Shop, Calzedonia, Adidas, Gap, etc. Actually, Wazi's pedestrian street is the most popular place of shopping. The first floors of the buildings occupy cheap stores like - Benetton, C & A and H & M.

The most expensive brands in Budapest lined up on Andrassi Paradle Avenue: Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Christian Dior.

Main sales start approximately a month before Christmas and New Year. Although, very many Hungarians complain about high prices And go shopping in Austria.

Against the background of such giants, it is not necessary to bypass local stamps that are no longer found anywhere. The brand of women's clothing Nanushka (Address: Bécsi U are noteworthy (address: Bécsi U. 3) and the showrooms of Hungarian designers, such as Printa (address: Rumbach Sebestyén U. 10) and Monofashion Shop (address: Kossuth Lajos u. 20).

Budapest is proud of amazing monuments and at the same time lives a saturated night and resort life. With him will be on "you" and those who appreciate cultural holiday, and seekers of noisy entertainment and creativity. You can not understand each other at the verbal level, but absorbing this city with all the feelings, it is impossible not to imbued with its hospitable atmosphere.

The capital of Hungary Budapest is one of beautiful cities Europe rich in majestic architecture and thermal sources. At all times of the year, he attracts a huge number of tourists from different parts of the world. The quarters and streets of the city are attractions, not to mention numerous historical and cultural monuments. The Danube River shares the city into two parts, called Buda and Pest, connected by the famous chain bridge of the section. What to visit first?

Below are the attractions of Budapest with photos and descriptions that can not be visited by being in this city.

The chief legislative body of Hungary is posted in the third largest building of parliament in the world. To find the appropriate design for the building, a competition was held, and I was won by Imre Staldl, who completed construction in 1904. His design was inspired by the British Chamber of Parliament.

The building includes elements of the Gothic Renaissance (two amazingly beautiful towers), as well as elements of the Renaissance and Baroque era, among which the massive central dome. The Hungarian Parliament has a lower and upper chamber.

The Lower Chamber is located in the northern wing, while the upper chamber is located in the wing of South. The northern wing is also located apartments of the Prime Minister, and in the South President of the Hungarian Republic.

A 112-year-old neoclassical building includes 690 rooms, an office and numbers, while reaching a height of 96 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building is 18,000 square meters, length - 268 meters and width 123 meters. In total, there are 27 gates, 13 elevators and 29 stairs.

The interior of the building is rich: with decoration, 40 kilograms of gold were used, as well as half a million decorative stones. Inside the building there are 152 statues. In Soviet times, the Red Star decorated the top of the dome, but was dismantled in 1990.

The parliament building has an impressive main staircase, leveled on both sides by columns that support elegant arches, on the same stairs proudly stand two beautiful statues. Allegorical frescoes of Caroli Loter on the ceiling emphasize the elegance of the room. On the top of the stairs there is a round house-dome, impressive corridors from here in several directions.

The building of the Hungarian Parliament is not only one of the largest and old, but also certainly one of the most beautiful. In the building of Parliament there are Hungarian royal jewels. Jewels have an exciting story that was hidden from Soviet power and safely kept in the American Depositary Bullione until 1978.

You can make excellent photos of the parliament building by making a river cruise or a tour across the River on the Battyana Square. When the National Assembly does not sit, you can conduct excursions to the Parliament Building. The tour includes a visit to the royal apartments, tickets can be bought at the main gate or on the Internet. Learn more about the Parliament's Chamber, personally visiting the famous Grand City of the capital of Hungary.

The building of the Hungarian Parliament is the greatest interest and is an architectural symbol of the city. The building is framed by a variety of majestic sculptures and is an important stage of any excursion.

Memorial Center Holocaust

The Memorial Center of the Holocaust is located in the former synagogue of the Pava. The complex includes a research center, a memorial and a museum dedicated to Hungarian Jews who died during World War II. The architecture of the converted synagogue is designed to reflect emotions and horrors associated with the Holocaust. This is achieved using asymmetric lines.

The permanent collection of the museum called "... Because of the genocide" traces the history of anti-Semitism in Hungary and, in particular, what happened in 1938, later leading to the deportation of Hungarian Jews in the death camps in 1944-45. The exhibition is interactive and in order to better tell the story of those events, uses computer screens, newspapers, music, photos, personal belongings, historical documents and artifacts.

The temporary exhibition is presented in inner courtyard Synagogues. Also in the courtyard there is a memorial wall of the victims with the names of the Hungarian Jews who died during the Holocaust. Another memorial - the Tower of Communists, which wears the name settlementsDestroyed during the Holocaust.

Before World War II, Budapest numbered about 200,000 Jews, the city was even considered a safe refuge for representatives of this people who were looking for refuge from the Nazis in other countries. Hungary collaborated with Germany during the war until March 1944, when the Nazis occupied the country.

As soon as the Nazis entered the city of Budapest, anti-Semitic laws were adopted, and ultimately, Budapest Jews were surrounded and placed in a cystarchic transit camp, 24 kilometers north-east of the city. From there they were taken to Auschwitz-Birkenaau and killed.

The Museum is highlighted by Swedish diplomat Raul Wallenberg, who played an important role in the salvation of many Hungarian Jews by mass replication of fake documents. In November 1944, 70,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to the Marsh of Death in Austria, and from there to concentration camps. The fascist party conducted a brutal policy established by the Germans in November 1944.

In December of the same year, the remaining Jews were sent to the ghetto, there they died even more. About 20,000 Jews were shot on the shores of the Danube, and their bodies were thrown into the river. Only a few months later, Budapest was released by the Soviet Union, it happened on February 13, 1945.

The Holocaust Memorial Center is part of the Budapest Pedestrian Tour - a great way to get acquainted with the unique culture of Budapest.

Shoes on the Naberezhnye Danube

it historical place It is one of the most important in Budapest. The monument "Shoes on the Danube Embankment" is located on the deck side of the Danube and not far from the Hungarian Parliament, about 300 meters from the hotel. He was conceived by the film director of Kan Toguem and was built in 2005 by the sculptor Dewly Power, to perpetuate the memory of cruel violence with Jews between 1944 and 1945 - during World War II.

During World War II, in Budapest, the fascists used the most severe ways to kill Jews, along with other death camps in other parts of Europe. The methodology was simple: to combine Jewish citizens, collect all their things, including clothes and shoes, build on the banks of the Danube River, and then shoot. Since they were shot in the head on the very coast of the Danube, the victims fell into the river and were washed away, which deprived the killers of the need to get rid of tel.

The sculpture is simple and still greatly affects: on the edge of the Danube you will find 60 pairs of shoes made of iron facing the river. The shoes are represented by various sizes, which opens another aspect of the murders: the age did not have any meaning for the killers. There were shoes of businessmen, athletes, women, children, rabbis and others - no one escaped.

Not far behind sculptures you can see a stone bench with a length of 40 meters and 70 centimeters high with cast-iron signs in Hebrew, English and Hungarian languages: "In honor of the memory of victims killed in the Danube in 1944-45. The monument was erected on April 16, 2005. "

The two sides of the Danube, two parts of the Hungarian capital - Buda and Pest, connects the unique suspension bridge of the 19th century. Before the chain bridge was built, a new construction was built every summer across the river. Other options to move to the other side of the river, of course, were - who wanted to use the ferry or went to the nearest bridge ... to Vienna!

The construction of the chain bridge initiated the Count of Sechi. The bridge was designed by William Tarnni Clark, who also answered the construction of Hammersmith's bridges and Marlow in the capital of England. The construction of the chain bridge was controlled by an engineer Adams and was completed in 1849.

During the Second World War, retreating, the Germans completely destroyed the bridge, and after the war it was one of the first structures that it was necessary to restore urgently. The bridge that we see today is an accurate copy of the original.

At the Buday side of the bridge there is Clark Square, where you can see the sculpture of Mikloshi Borsos, marking the starting point of all roads in Budapest. The area is also extreme point Funic's route departed from the Buday Hill.

The chain bridge has a length of 375 meters and a width of 16 meters, huge chains connect two towers of the bridge, hence the name. Bridge towers are richly decorated with Hungarian coat of arms and statues of stone Lviv - the creation of Janos Marshallo.

During protests against Soviet power in 1989, the bridge was a place of demonstrations - it added to the bridge of People's Love and made it a symbol of independence.

Memory Park

Communists ruled Hungary from 1949 to 1989, and during this period Budapest was decorated with many patriotic prototype statues. Statues of Soviet leaders, Soviet characters and heroic busts could be seen throughout the city. When the communist regime fell, the statues were dismantled, they had to be disposed of. That is why they found "shelter" in this park.

Memory Park - Museum under open sky dismantled Soviet statues. In total, 42 artworks are presented here. Statues include busts of Lenin, Dimitrov, Engels and Marx, as well as various sculptures on the topic of Soviet dictatorship. The existence of such a park is evidence of a high level of democracy in Hungary.

One of the most famous statues that ever stood in Budapest is a monument to Stalin. The 8-meter bronze statue was almost completely destroyed during dismantling, and everything that remains is a huge Stalinist boot. This part of the original statue is also in the park today.

There is a small park showroom, a cinema where you can see a film about the infamous "secret police". The permanent exhibition called "Stalin's Boot" traces the political history of Hungary from 1956 to 1989. For a small fee you can take advantage of special phones in the park to invite former dictators, for example, Stalin, Che Guevar or Mao to chat with them.

On the territory of the park there are several cars belonging to famous leaders, and visitors can sit for some time in the cars.

Wydahunyad Castle and Vashleget Park

This fabulous castle is located in the city park, surrounded by green foliage, next to the picturesque artificial lake. The castle itself is part of the historical complex. The building was designed on the basis of original Castle Vaidakhunyad, which is located in Transylvania, which was once part of Hungary.

The structure was created by Ignak Alpars for the Millennium Festival in 1896 to demonstrate the richness of the architectural styles of Hungary, although they significantly differed in different historical periods. Thus, the complex includes Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque, Renaissance, Neoclassical and other architectural styles.

Castle Vaidakhunyad

In total, there are 21 different building here, each of which is modeled in honor of one of famous buildings Hungary. The complex was made of wood and cardboard, and therefore it never was reconstructed.

Local residents loved the romantic castle, so the palace was built nearby, as well as the church complex. The base of the castle was modeled at the initial projects and completed in 1904. Visitors to the castle are included through a wide staircase, which leads to the first floor and in the agricultural museum.

In the park there is a monument to Anonymus - the first Hungarian chronicler

Today, the castle is home to the Hungarian Agricultural Museum, which covers an agricultural life, as well as the history of Hungary. The museum covers forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries and the Hungarian wine industry.

During the Christmas season, a wonderful Christmas market operates in the castle yard. In the summer, this place also takes all sorts of events, including musical festivals.

The Varoshleget Park is a favorite place of tourists and residents of the city. In addition to amazing landscapes, it attracts attention to artificial lakes, bathing and zoo.

Basilica of Saint Ishthan

The Basilica of St. Ishthan is one of the main architectural attractions of the city and is deservedly considered his business card, not counting the parliament building. It was built in 1905 by three architects: Yozhev Hilded, who made a mistake in the calculations and was the culprit that the dome of almost built basilica collapsed.

The construction of the cathedral continued by Miklos Ibl, successfully restored the temple and invented a new dome, and Yozhef Kauzer, who successfully completed the construction due to the death of the second architect. At the sanctification of the building of the Cathedral personally, the emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph I.

Basilica's construction was carried out more than half a century - fifty-four years. According to legend, it all started with a large flood in 1838. The inexorable paunch of water forced the inhabitants of Pesti to climb on the hill, towering over the water, where they were able to wait for the invasion of water. As a sign of gratitude to the heavens for salvation, the inhabitants of the city at that very place decided to build a church.

Basilica is located in the very center of Pest, due to its height of 96 meters the building is a wonderful sightseeing platform that opens a magnificent view of main city Hungary. The Cathedral Square is almost five thousand square meters, which makes it possible to accommodate more than 8000 believers. On both sides of the dome symmetrically settled two high towers. On one of the towers you can hear, and also carefully consider the largest bell of the country.

Basilica of Saint Ishthan

Before entering the cathedral, a small area was spread, on which tourists walk and take pictures and everyone. In the warm season on the square, it is offered to rent a sigve, you can quickly drive around the closest neighborhood and make interesting photos.

The decoration of the Basilica is truly impressive: everywhere marble columns, gilding, numerous patterns and painted ceilings depicting fragments of saints life. The altar is located the statue of the Sacred Ishthan.

Also inside the cathedral is the most important relics of the People of Hungary - Cancer with the gilded brush Hands of St. Stephen, the ruler and the Great Communion, which created the whole and powerful kingdom - Hungary. Every year at the end of summer, a holiday dedicated to the Holy, which is carried out by the ark with relics to commit the godfather, called "Holy Dress". Closer to the evening, when it starts to darken, the basilica is highlighted.

Another fact, no less significant for the history of the Basilica itself, but little-known tourists, is a basement located right below the Church. It is diverted during the Second World War to preserve the values \u200b\u200bof both the basilica and the city's property of the city.

To date, the Basilica appears in three images:

  • The famous temple;
  • Concert platform, thanks to his amazing acoustics;
  • Viewpoint.

There are magnificent organ concerts, announcements and programs, tickets for which they distribute in popular tourist destinations. Every last day of the week in Basilica there is a service, accompanied by the most beautiful choir.

The beginning of the ministry begins at ten in the morning, but coming recommended in advance, since seating places are limited. The duration of the service is one hour.

Ethnographical museum

Initially, this ethnographic collection was created as part of the Hungarian National Museum, but in 1947 it became a separate historical unit, and in 1973 he moved into its current building in the square of Kosut.

The building is the former Supreme Court of Hungary, was designed by Alahos Khasmann. A magnificent neoclassical building has a stunning ceiling fresco in a lobby created by Caroli Lotz, and depicts the goddess of justice.

The museum collection includes about 140,000 Hungarian artifacts and works of art, as well as 53,000 items of folk crafts. The collection includes several hundred amazing historical photos.

The exhibition of the People's Culture of the Hungarian people extends to 13 galleries and illustrates the daily life of a simple Hungarian people from the end of the 18th century to the time of the First World War. Exhibits include furniture, musical instruments, manuscripts, embroidery, ceramics, traditional clothes, textiles, objects of traditional crafts and everyday use.

The peasant houses of the regions of Orzeg and Sarkoz were recreated to show the tourist, which was the traditional Hungarian rural life many years ago. The museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions, mainly focused on the folk arts of other cultures.

The museum's highlight is various traditional motifs embroidered at national folk costumes brought from different regions. Another interesting aspect of the museum is to focus on ethnic minorities of Hungary. Unique cultures of the regions of Hungary are presented to facilitate understanding and preventing prejudice.

Recently, three computer galleries have been added to the museum, where you can admire digital images, listen to sound records or see the historical film.

Mountain Castle and Fisherman Bastion

Mountain Castle has many medieval monuments and museums. The most significant castle of Buda, built in the 18th century. This Palace of 200 premises, like most of the city, fabulously lit at night. Another landmark of Mountain Castle is a fishing bastion, a construction with towers and overview terraces.

Fisherman bastion.
Monument to the king Ishtan (Stephana)

Museum of seal

Amazing Museum of Printing in Budapest - Small and Pretty mysterious placeBut it is it that can shed light into many aspects of Hungarian and European history. The museum is located in the Jewish quarter of Budapest and has a collection in more than 13 million brands. This is one of the largest philatelic collections in the world, and they argue that all Hungarian stamps are kept here, ever produced.

There are many rare brands, as well as a whole section of fake brands. Although the collection includes brands from around the world, most of them have just a Hungarian origin. The brands are presented in electronic albums (resembling tablets) located on separate large racks, and you can virtually overflow the pages to consider the next brand in detail.

Marks trace the history of the Hungarian people from the Austro-Hungarian era to the times of modern independent Hungary. Museum of postage stamps is completely unique, his visit cannot leave indifferent connoisseur history.

Square Heroes

The Heroes Square is the attraction included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most important cultural heritage here is the Millennium Memorial, made in Corinthian style and surrounded by sculptures of great masters. Also on the square you can see the grave of unknown soldiers and a large hourglass.

Square Heroes

Avenue Andraha is considered one of the most interesting streets of Europe. Construction on it continued for about 40 years and is represented by buildings in a pseudo-historical style. The importance of the Avenue gives the location of the Museum of Terror, the Hungarian State Opera Theater and the Museum of East Asian Art.

Museum Imre Vargi

Lovers of modern sculptures will be delighted with this museum dedicated to the Hungarian sculpture Imre Varga. Varga was the most outstanding in the 70s of the last century, and the works of his art were used to decorate many buildings in Budapest, including the Holocaust Memorial.

Not far from the museum is another example of Warga's work, a group of women sculptures with umbrellas. The sculptures presented here are both indoors and a museum garden.
Human figures of Varga depict various human emotions, its figures are sometimes bizarre. The museum also presents drawings of the artist, some of its public works that can be seen throughout the city.


In addition to reviewing historical and cultural seatsBudapest can offer health procedures for balneological directions. In the city more than 30 pieces, most of whom are therapeutic. Water thermal sources of Lukash, Rudash and some others are also suitable for drinking in health purposes.

Bathing section

Among the thermal sources are extremely popular:

  1. the swimming pool, equipped with outdoor pools and inside;
  2. bathing Gellert offers a swimming pool with waves;
  3. bathing Rudash opens up all the beauty of oriental style;
  4. bathing Lukach has waters with a strongest healing effect.

Also in Budapest, the number of thermal hotels and sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases, the gastrointestinal tract is also increasing.

Other sights Budapest

01. Margit Island on Danube - A great place to relax, which is a picturesque park. The island itself is only 500 m wide and 2.5 km in width. This place represents the value for tourists due to the ruins of the monastery of the 13th century, the chapel of St. Michael, a well-based Bodor's well and many monuments of the famous people of Hungary.

03. Mount Hellert.- Another striking symbol of the city is a 235-meter pile of Dolonite, descending to the Danube. Here are the famous medicinal bats Gellerg and Rudash. It is also worth a visit to the memorial of St. Gellert, the Citadel, the Monument of Freedom. For an exciting walk, a picturesque park is ideal, whose magnificence creates flower beds, alleys, statues.

05. Aquinkum

Budapest is rich in history and beautiful attractions to see their own eyes!

Video - Budapest in one day

15 ideas to do in Budapest

It should be noted immediately that the communist period and II world War They led to the losses of the architectural values \u200b\u200bof the capital, but even surviving monuments and historical architectural heritage makes the hearts of even the most sophisticated travelers. What remains is enough to transfer the history of the city and local culture. So, about the main attractions of the capital of Hungary in order.

The main historical heritage of the city is considered:
Andrassy Avenue, Rich Attractions: Waidahunyandi Castle, Square, Museums, Palaces and theaters;
The cloth of Buda, which includes a fishing bastion and the Royal Palace, proudly looking from the castle mountain on an amazing purity aqueous expanses of the Danube;
The majestic structure of the Hungarian Parliament, on the scale of the second parliamentary structure in Europe;
Mount Hellert with the famous Budapest Citadel.

If we talk about prices for visiting museums or locks, then as a rule, they vary within 5-10 US dollars. There are also free options for examining cultural values, sometimes for everyone, and in some cases - exclusively for residents of the European Union.
It should be said in order to adequately inspect the sights of only one Avengers Avenue, it will take at least one day. If you have a good time in place, then highlight the day you dedicate the inspection of the historical values \u200b\u200bof the largest and famous Street of Budapest.

Andraha Avenue and its sights

Andraha Avenue is a whole painting of historical memo, buildings in the stylish direction "Neenessissance" and connects two amazing beauty of the area: heroes and ergebs. One of the most colorful architectural creations of the street is the Opera House, created in 1884 by the architect of Miklet Ibl.
Construction of Andrash Avenue occupied without a small three years, in this time Prospectus is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The main historical values \u200b\u200bof Andrassy Avenue:
State Hungarian Opera House;

Museum of Mail;
Oktogon Square;
Ferrency Leaf Square;
Terror museum;
Mora Yokai Square;
Drexler Palace;
House-Museum Z. Kodai;
Museum of Far Eastern Art;
University of Hungary of Fine Arts;
House-Museum Ferrency Sheet;
Armenian Catholic Church;
Puppet Theatre;
Old Palace of Art.

This architectural splendor was erected in 1896 - in honor of the millennial acquisition by Hungarians of his homeland. The first material from which was built lock - this is a tree. However, later - after receiving popular love, Waidahunyandi castle was rebuilt from a stone material. The Vaidahunyandy complex includes 21 copies of buildings from different parts of the country, therefore, different styles of architecture, many epochs and cultural heritage, are harmoniously around. By the way, the name of the complex was born on behalf of "Huynadi" - Transylvanian magnificent beauty of the castle.

In Vaidahunyandi Park, you can visit the local zoo, the amusement park and the circus, in which every resident of the Hungarian capital visited in childhood.

Fortress District - Buday Fortress

In this corner of the capital there is a whole kaleidoscope interesting places:
National Library;

Museum of the history of Budapest;
National Hungarian Library;

House of Hungarian Wine;

The building of the royal palace of 300 meters long smoothly stretches along the Danube. In the southern zone of the palace there is a wing of Maria Terezia, which carries the Baroque style. It should be noted that not all the beauty of the royal palace managed to keep up to our time - he suffered a lot in the course of World War II. However, after the reconstruction, new blocks opened in it, for example, the National Gallery.

The Cathedral of Mathiash was built in the 14th century in the latex lush style, the stage of reconstruction was held in the 19th century. The interior of the temple is permeated with colored stained glass windows and wall paintings of Hungarian artists. As part of the Cathedral, 2 columns are preserved from 1260, which decorate the figures of monks and demonic animals.
According to local authorities, the Gothic Tower of the Cathedral of Matyash and the fishing bastion - the most photographed budapest objects. The name of the fishing bastion has its own history: Along the Danube and in the east of the serf mountain, fishermen had previously lived. The area was called - Water city. Locals sold their catch at the walls of the Cathedral of Mathiash, in the fish market. Bastion in those years defended the shop of fishermen, hence such an interesting name appeared. In the 19th century, Bastion survived the reconstruction and acquired a neoroman shade.

One of the bright attractions of the capital is Mount Hellert, which offers a wonderful panorama of Budapest. This mountain is valuable not only with its beauty, but also a lot of useful services that she provided the city. The name Mountain received in honor of the bishop of Gellert, the messenger of the Pope and the spiritual mentor King Ishthan, in memory of which a monument was installed on the mountain slopes. Low below it is a wonderful waterfall.

And at the entrance to the church located in the mountain church there is a monument and the very king of Ishtan. The most colorful object of the mountain is a monument to a woman with a palm branch in his hands. The height of the structure is 40 meters. Previously, he was called the "Liberation Monument", now wears the name "Monument of Freedom". The territory of the mountain is littered with parks that local residents love slowly. At the base of the Gellert Mountain, you can visit the bathing. Here, nature generously gave Hungarians in three thermal sources, on the basis of which bathing was built during the Turkish rule: "Rat" and "Rudash". And later they joined them and the third, today - the most prestigious bathing of "Gellert". Baths are pools with warm mineral water And a variety of saunas. Every 10 minutes, waves created by artificially appear. The mountain can be climbed onto the funicular, for which they will have to pay 450 forints, which is approximately equal to $ 2. The use of baths costs about 4 dollars or 900 forints.

Parliament Budapest

The building of the Hungarian Parliament strikes with its scale and resembles, rather, the axes of gothic cathedrals, combined by a holistic message system. Parliament is abundantly decorated with stone carvings, on the ceilings - painting, on the walls - beautiful frescoes. Tourists inside allowed strictly by the hour of compliance of the linguistic groups. Inside the building, the Prime Minister is still working. Despite the presence of the president, it is believed that the main in the country is still prime minister. Parliament symbolizes the independence of Hungary and is very popular among tourists.

Here you can see the Ishthan Coron - the founder of Hungary, the Golden Belav and the silver-free saber belonging to the monarch of the family. If we talk about Russian excursions, there are those in Parliament on a schedule for 12.30 on Sunday days and on weekdays at 15.00. For residents of the European Union - the entrance is free, but the Russians will have to fork out 3,400 forints, which is equal to 16 dollars.

And one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which can offer tourists rich history and beautiful architectural landscapes. The capital of Hungary has a specific structure with two pronounced historical centers. This is due to the fact that initially the territory of modern Budapest covered the two cities of Buda (located on the hilly western bank of the Danube) and Pest (the plain eastern shore). So here is what to see. What sights and interesting places should be visited by tourist in Budapest?

Article about:

Monument Millennium Hungary

One of central Square Budapest is the Square of Heroes, on which a monument to the Millennium of Hungary is towers. Composite monument is two round colonnances, their foundations have been established by the sculptures of famous Hungarian figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of the people and the state. The monument center is the Colon on the top of which the image of the Archangel Gabriel is placed.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Heroes Square" (Hősök Tere) (line M1).
  • Address Sightseeing: Hősök Tere.
  • Working hours: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

Saint Ishthan Basilica (Stephen)

On Saint Ishthan Square, the Basilica of St. Ishthan is the largest religious construction of Budapest. The height of the basilica is 96 meters, which is on a par with the building of Parliament makes it the highest point of the capital of Hungary. The capacity of the building has 8.5 thousand people.

In the construction of such a great building, three architects took part, and the construction itself lasted half a century. Work began in 1851, and ended in 1905. In 1935, the Cathedral received the status of a small basilica from the Roman Pope of the Piram XII.

The Basilica of St. Ishthan is the Third Hungarian Cathedral due to its size (length 87 meters, and width 55). Architecturally basil is inhapsed in neoclassical style. Main entrance Decorate the inscription "Egosumviaveritasetvita", meaning "I am the path and truth and life." The side zones occupy a bell tower, including the most huge bell on the territory of Hungary (weighing 9 tons).

The Second World War inflicted a significant damage to the cathedral, with the result that in 1983 the full-scale restoration began. Since the autumn of 2003, the Basilica of St. Ishthan works in full-fledged mode.

Currently, the main architectural and picturesque decoration of the cathedral is the central altar, to the left of which the Catholic shrine is placed - the relics of St. Ishthan. For the altar there is a sculpture of St. Ishthan (Architect Alaios Strobl). Internally, the appointment of the cathedral includes stained glass windows with saints.

  • How to get:
  • Address: SZENTISTVÁNTÉR 1.
  • Mon-ft. from 9-00 to 17-00, Sat. from 9-00 to 13-00, Sun. from 13-00 to 17-00.
  • The cost of visiting: Entrance to Cathedral 200 ft.

Observation platform in the Basilica of St. Ishthan (Stephen)

The status of the highest building of the city in combination with the architectural opportunity makes the viewing platform located in the Basilica of St. Ishthan in a popular place to review the urban surroundings of Budapest. Visit this place is worth everyone to see the scale of the magnificence of the city and the Danube River.

  • How to get: Station Metro "Ul. Bajcsy ZsilinsZky (Bajcsy ZsilinsZky) or "Deak Ferenc Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) (line M1).
  • Address attractions : SZENTISTVÁNTÉR 1.
  • Operating time: October - June from 10.00 to 16.30, July - September from 10.00 to 18.30
  • The cost of visiting: Visiting the observation deck: adult ticket - 500 ft; Students and pensioners - 400 ft.

Mount Hellart

From the top of a hill of 235 meters high overlooks the Gorgeous view of the Danube. The top decorates the monument of freedom. A 14-meter figure of a woman with a palm branch in his hands is set on a high pedestal, beautifully highlighted at night, and noticeable almost everywhere from the city.

Also here is the citadel, built in the 1850s, during the Habsburgs. On the slopes of the mountain there is not very famous, but an interesting place is a philosophical garden with bronze figures (among the figures - Mohatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Abraham and others).

The cast-iron memorial appeared in 2005, created by the sculptor, Dewly Power, is unlikely to leave someone indifferent. Dozens of footwear pairs near the water is the memory of the Jews shot by the Nazis. Here, on the shore of the Danube, thousands of people were killed during the Second World War. Shoes are the only thing that remained. Human life did not cost anything, but the material items were valuable for punishers. Goosebumps…

Margit Island

The green island on the Danube is a favorite place of recreation of local residents and guests of the city. The island is connected to Budy and Pesta Bridges Margarita and Arpad. On the island is divided lovely Park, There are sports facilities, a small zoo, playgrounds, restaurants and with thermal water.

Square Heroes

One of the largest squares of Budapest is adjacent to a considerable amount of interesting places: Zoo, botanical garden, swimming pools and Vaidakhunyad castle.

Here are the famous Museums of Budapest - Museum of Fine Arts and the Art Museum, as well as a Millennium Monument with the figure of the Archangel Gabriel on a high column, sculptures of the leaders of seven Magyar tribes and colonnades with sculptures of the Hungarian kings. The beauty of the square and its value for the city does not allow the tourist passing by this attraction.

Palace Shandor.

The Palace of Shandor is one of the most important political structures in which President of Hungary fulfills its working powers. Located this palace on the squares of the Buday fortress.

The building is made in the style of neoclassicism. Construction began approximately in 1803 by the Polylak Michae project. Since 1881, on the initiative of the then Prime Minister (Graph Dewly Andrarsha), the palace became the residence of the Prime Minister of the country. Until the moment of practically complete destruction during the Second World War, 17 Prime Ministers managed to live here. Until 1978, the palace premises were used as warehouse.

By 1989, the palace was renovated (returned the external pre-war appearance) in order to eliminate the unsightly structure on a popular tourist route - travel to the funicular to the Buday fortress. In 2003, after the end of the internal repair work, the palace received the status of the official residence of President Hungary.

Tourists should be borne in mind that, unlike the parliament building, the excursions in which are held year-round, the presidential residence can be visited only once a year. This happens on the cultural heritage of Hungary. Inside the Palace of Shandor is striking visitors with wealth of decoration: tapestries, crystal chandeliers and paintings by Hungarian.

Watch the solemn ceremonial shift of Karaul during the residence can be year-round at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

  • How to get: climb the funicular; From the metro station "Deak Ferenc Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) on No. 16.
  • Address attractions : SZENTGYÖRGYTÉR, 1-2.

Fisherman bastion.

In the cultural and historical center of Budapest (Vár region), a fishing bastion is located - a place that is necessary to visit Budapest. This is an original and attractive architectural object. Many tourists and citizens constantly come here to look at the magnificent panorama of the majestic Dunny from the bastion made of white stone. In addition, an interesting view of the city opens from the fishing bastion.

The ancient history and beauty of the fishing bastion confirms the fact of its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List (since 1987).

Starting from the Middle Ages, this territory of the city performed the functions of the fish market. During the war, this site defended fishermen, which served as a base when choosing a name of the Bastion under construction. The start of construction was associated with restoration work at the Royal Palace in honor of the Millennium of Hungary, it was then that it was decided at the site of discovering the walls of the old fortress to build a fishing bastion. At the same time, the bastion performs the decoration functions of the background of the Church of Mathias by the architectural structure. The construction was delayed (1897-1905) so that the Millennium Hungarian celebrations did not end with the work.

Inside the square surrounded by family towers (personified seven tribes founded the city) and the gallery installed the statue of the Hungarian King Ishthan on the nicknamed saint. This architectural monument is a fishing bastion.

  • How to get: From the metro station "Deak Ferenc" (Deák Ferenc Tér) by bus number 16.
  • Address attractions : Kerület Halászbástya.
  • The cost of visiting: is free

The Hungarian Parliament Building is known all over the world due to its unique architecture and rightfully acts as the main attraction of Budapest. This is one of the largest buildings in the governments of the countries of the world. The length of the building is 265 meters, width 118, and the height of the main dome of 96 meters. And the height of the building is not accidental and timed to 896 AD. When the Magyar tribe settled on the lands of modern Hungary.

The construction of this majestic and important for the country of the object became possible after 1880, when he left the empire of the Habsburgs. Of the 19 architectural projects submitted to the contest, the victory was won by the project Imre Stendelia. A plot between the chain bridge and the Margit Bridge, the main bridges across the river Danube, was chosen as the placement location. Construction took about 20 years and ended in 1904. However, the first solemn meeting of the Millennium of Hungary was held in an unfinished building back in 1896.

Prevailing architectural style In the building of Parliament, Neojet is, but neuleless motives are also present. The facade of the building and the adjacent territory are decorated with great sculptures of the personalities of the players who played an important role in the establishment of the independence of Hungary of various eras (kings, princes, commander).

The building includes over 700 premises, the largest is a dome-having room that takes solemn meetings and is the storage location of Holy Crown of Hungary, the Scepter, Power and Swine (since 2000).

In the building of the parliament periodically excursions are held in various languages \u200b\u200b(eight). However, it should be borne in mind that excursions on a number of languages \u200b\u200bare held in a clearly defined time once a day (for Russian language it is 11-00), while English-speaking guides work every hour from 10-00 to 15-00. A pleasant moment is the independence of the tourist excursion (the guide will fulfill the full program for 1 visitor).

  • How to get: Kossuth Lajostér Metro Station (M2 Line) or Tram No. 2.
  • Address attractions : KOSSUTHLAJOSTÉR 1-3.
  • Operating time: pn. from 8-00 to 11-00, W.-Sun .. from 8-00 to 18-00.
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket - 3550 ft (for people with European citizenship - 1750); Student ticket - 1750 FT (for people with European citizenship - 875).

One of the prides of Budapest is the magnificent Park Varoshleget, the territory of which includes a number of attractions.

For a long time, the territory, now occupied by the Park, was a swampy land, which the Hungarian King Matlish I Hunyadi used as a hunting land. However, by the end of the 18th century, on behalf of Mary Teresia, a system of artificial channels was created here, which helped drain the earth and make them suitable for planting plants. The laid park included many types of trees and shrubs, including rare and exotic for the locality.

Currently, there are several artificial reservoirs on the territory of the city park, which in the summer become a place of water walks for lovers, and in winter they turn into ice rollers.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Square Heroes" (Hõsök Tere) (line M1).
  • Address attractions : Urban park vasoslygett.
  • The cost of visiting: is free

One of the main attractions of the Varoshleget Park is definitely the Waidakhunyad Castle - a place that is necessary to visit in Budapest. Despite the external seriousness and historicity, leading to the Middle Ages, this is a rather young structure with a little more than a century history. In fact, Vaidakhunyad Castle is not a real castle and originally acted as an element of a solemn exposition dedicated to the Millennium Hungarian celebration.

In order to demonstrate the history and grandeur of Hungary to her millennium (1896), a draft solemn exposition "Historical Pavilion" (architect Ignac Alpara) was created, which includes recreation in the park 21 copies of the most significant state objects. All buildings were built from papier-mache, cardboard and tree.

A copy of the Vaidakhunyad Castle was so much like the inhabitants of Budapest, which after disassembling the pavilion at this place created another copy of the castle, this time from the stone. The opening of the new building took place in 1907 with the participation of Emperor Franz Joseph.

You can get a wonderful bridge in the castle, which rises should be swarm with water. Inside the complex there are copies of various structures: a romance monastery, a small chapel, the Citadel, the Towers of the Schehwara Fortress, the Towers of the Apostles, the Italian Palazzo.

Also in a beautiful courtyard of the castle made in the Gothic style with elements of the Renaissance, you can find the sculpture of Anonymus (who wrote the famous chronicle "Acts of Hungarians"). There is a belief that you can get your creative genius to his feather or easier to pass the examination session.

The territory of the castle includes an entertaining museum of agriculture, known thanks to the reflection of the history of winemaking in the Hungarian Earth. In museums, you can take part in the tasting of famous local wines.

With the onset of the evening, the lock is painted with many lights, which create a fabulous atmosphere, reinforcing musical numbers.

  • How to get: Metro Stop Metro Square Heroes (Hõsök Tere) (line M1) and go to the park.
  • Address attractions : Urban park vasoslygett.

In the Jewish quarter of Budapest, in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city, there is the largest in Europe (second place in the world) of the synagogue, called Nagy Zsinagóga (large synagogue). The capacity of this religious structure is about 3,000 people.

The synagogue was opened in 1859, and its construction was carried out for 5 years. The prevailing architectural style is Mauritanian-Byzantine (project Ludwig Ferster). The internal decoration of the synagogue is designed by the Architect of Friediesh Fesla.

Due to the fact that in the walls of the synagogue during World War II, the headquarters of the Nazis, she did not receive serious destruction, but was looted.

In the garden adjacent to the synagogue, you can see the IVI mold, made of metal, symbolizing the tree of life (Sculptor Imre Varga). This is a monument to the victims of the Holocaust. On the leaves of the tree engraved the names of all the dead.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Deak Ferenz Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) or Astoria (Astoria), from there 2 minutes on foot.
  • Address attractions : Dohányutca 2.
  • Operating time: Sun.-Cht. from 10-00 to 18-00 (from March 1 to October 31).
  • The cost of visiting: Adult ticket - 2250 FT (if available tourist map "Budapest" - 2000); a student card - 1200 ft (in the presence of a tourist map "Budapest" - 1000).

The chain bridge of the section, built in 1849, with the participation and support of the Count Ishthan of the Sech, is considered one of beautiful bridges In the world with a rich history - a place that must be visited in Budapest.

This is one of the most famous structures of Budapest, which is his symbol and an important cultural and historical object. The historical value of the bridge is determined by his role in the formation of a modern city, because it was he who connected two, at that time independent, the cities of Buda and Pest.

  • How to get: Buses number 16 and 105 or tram number 19 and 45
  • Address: Széchenyi Lánchíd.
  • Operating time: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.


Near the chain bridge of the section on the west bank of the Danube is a funicular, which allows you to go upstairs and look at the city a bird's flight. You can use this device both for lifting and for descent, passing in one direction on foot and visiting numerous viewing platforms With unique views of the city.

  • Address attractions : Széchenyi Lánchíd.
  • Operating time:
  • The cost of visiting: One side ticket 1100 ft, a ticket for two trips ("Round-back") 1700.


On Mount Hellert (height of 235 meters), towering on the West Bank of the Danube is a monument - Citadel. This is a monument to symbolizing the freedom of the Hungarian people. Due to its height and location from this point, a beautiful panoramic view of the majestic Danube, piercing the city. During your stay in Budapest, the Citadel is worth visiting.

  • How to get: From stop Móricz Zsigmond Körtér by bus №27 to the top of the mountain Gellert, stop Búsuló juhász
  • Address: Gellérthegy, Citadella Sétány 1
  • Operating time: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

In the vintage district of the city (Vár) on the Buda Hill, the Church of St. Matyash, beautiful architectural monument, performed in a not very characteristic of Budapest Gothic style. One of the corners of the building occupies the bell tower with a pointed peak. The modesty of external decoration here is easily compensated by the splendor of the interior decoration.

It is worth noting that the Church of Saint Matias has become one of the few Christian shrines those who survived after the capture of Turkish troops in the 16th century.

  • How to get: Buses number 16, 16A and 116
  • Address: Szentháromság Tér 2.
  • Operating time: Mon-ft. from 9-00 to 17-00, Sat. from 9-00 to 13-00, Sun. from 13-00 to 17-00
  • Cost of visiting attractions : adult ticket - 1000 ft, children (6-14 years old), students, pensioners - 700, children under 6 years old - free of charge; Audio guide (with Russian language) - 500 ft.

The large market is located in the ninth district of Budapest and is the oldest city market. You can get into it by passing the famous pedestrian street Wazi with many shopping beds, which begins near the freedom bridge. This market has opened on the Day of the Millennium Hungarian Millennium, as many other interesting objects of the city.

The market building is a three-story building that accommodates many kiosks and benches, topped with a roof of the picturesque Zhelin tiles. Trading areas have 10 thousand square meters. meters.

This is where there are always a lot of tourists and goods. It is worth a visit this ancient building.

  • How to get: trams number 2, 47 and 49
  • Address attractions : Fővám Tér.
  • Operating time: pn. from 6-00 to 17-00, W.-PT. from 6-00 to 18-00, Sat. - from 6-00 to 15-00
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

According to experts, the building of the Hungarian State Opera House is one of the most beautiful in the world among such objects of art. This is the brightest image of a non-pessant pseudoistor, created by the Hungarian Miklos Ibl. It fascinates both the appearance of the theater, as well as created inside the picturesque painting from such masters as Bertalan Shex, Make Tang and Kara Lotce.

The hall accommodates 1261 viewers and is recognized as the third in the world in their acoustics. Many famous musicians played here.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Operana" (line M1) or buses number 105 and 979
  • Address attractions : Andrasy UTCA, 22

Founded in the early 19th century, the Hungarian National Museum has a rich collection of exhibits reflecting Hungarian history, art and archeology, as well as the history of the famous region of transylvania, which is not currently incoming in the border of the state.

The impetus to the creation of the museum was the opening of public access to the National Library of the section and the subsequent transmission of the extensive collection of minerals from the wife of the Count of Sechi. In the future, the museum exposition was replenished with donations of the people.

Modern buildingwhere the museum has been posted, and played an important role in the political history of the country. It was at the steps of the Hungarian National Museum in 1948 the revolutionary and poet Shanndor Petoefi read the "national song" written by him, witnessing the masses.

Currently in the museums act 7 permanent expositionscovering various temporary milestones of Hungary's history (from prehistoric times to the Roman Empire and Modernity, including a separate exposition of the origin and decline of communism).

  • How to get: Metro Station "Kálvin Tér" (line M3). Or trams №47 and 49.
  • Address: Muzeum KRT., 14-16
  • Operating time: W.-VS. from 10-00 to 17-00
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket 1600 ft, a ticket for students and people over 55 - 800; Photographing - 500.

Museum MiniversUm.

Budapest functions very interesting and popular both among adults and among children Museum - Miniversum. The exposition of this museum is a realistic miniature of famous Hungarian, Austrian and German cities. Miniversum exposure includes miniatures of 14 cities and villages, and this is over 600 buildings, 5,000 human figures, 100 trains and 1000 cars. The total area of \u200b\u200bexhibits has 300 square meters. meters.

A distinctive feature of this museum is the complete detail of a miniature with a fully functioning infrastructure. Visitors may participate in the launch of trams, arrange bell ringing In one of the churches. All this is performed by pressing the buttons before exhibits.

In addition, each miniature is equipped with special interactive displays on which detailed information and real photos of attractions and other objects are presented. So each visitor will be able to assess the compliance of the miniature made by the wizards of the original.

In the walls of the museum visitors will find cozy cafe, Gaming room for children, souvenir shop.

  • How to get: Metro Station Opera (line M1).
  • Address: Vi., Andrássyút 12.
  • Operating time: Sun.-Cht. from 9-00 to 19-00, PT.-SB. from 9-00 to 21-00.
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket - 1900 ft; Children's (3-14 years) - 1300 ft; Family (2 adults plus 3 children) - 4900.

Terror Museum

The terror museum is located in the building of the late 19th century with a renovated Attila Kovache in 2000 with the transformation of an appearance in a stern mourning monument with black walls and a granite pavement. The impressive visor of the building decorates the inscription "Terror". It was from this time that the building was sold by the FDA history and society research fund in order to open a museum telling about the dramatic time of totalitarianism in Hungary. Here, the exposition contains monuments to victims of fascism and communism, "Cold War" and other tragic moments for the people.

The specifics of the exposures are reflected in a specially created musical accompaniment with a harsh atmosphere.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Vörösmarty Street" (line M1) or Tram number 4 and 6
  • Address: Andrasy UTCA, 60
  • Operating time: from 10-00 to 18-00 (daily)
  • The cost of visiting:

Bathing Gellert.

The city of Budapest is known worldwide with its numerous swimsuits. So the therapeutic properties of these purchases checks many tourism.

Bathing Gellert is called one of the most beautiful in the city. It is located in the building of the 20th century, made in the modern style, and externally perceived as some kind of magical palace, rather than as a healing establishment.

The inner interior of the bathing looks fascinating. The windows decorate stained glass windows with motifs from ancient poems, the space distinguishes columns from marble, there are also bronze statues and leather furniture. The whole interior speaks of luxury and purity.

Bathing includes 13 pools (three of them open), so visitors will not be crammed. The necessary items for dipping in the bath can be brought with you or buy in a shop on the spot, rental slippers and towels are also available. All visitors will need a bathing cap.

The bathroom turns out to be a wide range of domestic water management services, and occupations on aqua aerobics are held. Payment is available to a bank card.

  • How to get: trams number 18, 19, 47 and 49, buses number 7, 7a and 86
  • Address attractions : Kelenhegyi út 4.
  • Operating time: from 6-00 to 20-00 (daily)
  • The cost of visiting: Adult ticket 1800 ft, a ticket for students and people over 55 - 900; Photographing - 500).

Bathing sechens

Thermal water is obtained from a depth of 1246 meters, initially has a temperature of more than 70 degrees and is saturated with mineral substances. Water is useful for the treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs and the overall healing of the body.

From the point of view of architecture, the balneological complex is very beautiful, and the body's response to visits the pools with thermal water of different temperatures, the sauna and bath will be very positive.

Well, perhaps, the main attraction of the capital of Hungary is the majestic and beautiful Danube. You can really look at it and all objects built on the shores can be used by a walk on the ship.

You can get to Budapest you can easily, bus or car or fly. When crossing the border, the presence of insurance and declaration may be needed.

See also: