Where is the warm sea for the new year. Where to go to the sea for the new year

As a rule, children look forward to the winter holidays no less than the summer ones. After all, winter is a truly fabulous time, especially for New Year's travels. Everything appears every day more possibilities for an exciting and unforgettable family winter holiday. The choice of a place for such a trip depends on financial capabilities, interests and the exact time of the proposed departure. Many travel agencies offer a wide variety of offers for have a nice rest for every taste and pocket. So, at your request, you can choose a tour to warm and sunny countries or to ski resorts, where the most beautiful landscape slopes.

Where can you relax on New Year and Christmas holidays?

Relax on the beach

If you want to change the gray winter environment, then a beach holiday in warm countries will be the best option for you. There you and your children will be able to soak up the warm rays of the sun on the colorful coast. If you decide to go to a place where it is always sunny and warm, then such a place will be an excellent place. popular country like Egypt. It has a large influx of tourists, but there will certainly be a place for your family. The temperature of the Red Sea in winter in Egypt averages 22 degrees. The most popular resort in this country is Sharm El Sheikh. Here, almost all hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. In addition, you can have fun in water parks, dolphinariums, discos and excursions.

Admire the oriental flavor? Then your family needs to visit Thailand, which impresses with its hospitality and reverent attitude towards children. In this country, divine views and truly heavenly corners. Thailand is the country where tourist season lasts all year round and you can choose the resort that your heart desires. If quality service is important to you and beautiful nature, then one of the most colorful countries for winter holidays will be the island of Cuba.

Latin American beaches are ready to receive guests all year round. Here you will definitely find a resort for every taste. Winter temperature caribbean reaches 26 degrees. In addition, while relaxing in Cuba in the winter, your family members will have a unique opportunity to visit the numerous carnivals, dances, and also try local drinks and food. In general, there are a lot of countries for relaxing on the beach in winter, but those listed above are the most proven and really interesting.

Ski holidays

Winter holidays have a lot of advantages. There are ski resorts in almost all popular tourist countries where you can breathe clean cool air, and, of course, go skiing or take walks on flat skis. ski view A lot of countries offer recreation, but Bulgaria will open up wide opportunities for you to have a wonderful winter holiday. In addition, they cannot but rejoice at the moderate prices for ski resorts in Bulgaria. Moreover, the affordable cost of the tour in no way affects the quality of service and maintenance. The most popular resorts in Bulgaria are: Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Ski holidays in Turkey are also considered one of the best. Reasonable prices and excellent quality of service are appropriately combined in this country. A wonderful place in the winter resort of Turkey is Kartalkaya. Going there, you can enjoy perfectly clean snow and twenty equipped ski slopes. In addition, you should pay attention to such resorts as Uludag, Sarykamysh and Palandoken. If you want to have endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and sports, then you should stop on a tour to Austria. There is a huge variety in this small country ski resorts with trails of any difficulty levels and glaciers, which allows them to work all year round.

Holidays in Europe

Would you like to meet personally magnificent views, castles and other sights of Europe? No problem. In any travel agency, you will pick up an excursion or even a wellness tour to your taste and pocket. Excursion tours are a great opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and gorgeous views of European countries in one trip. Tours to Europe can be of very different duration and intensity. So you can go on Christmas holidays to Spain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece and many other European countries. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Holidays in Russia

If you do not want to leave Russia, but in the present state you are waiting for a frosty winter to go on a trip, then you can plan your the winter vacation and without leaving the country. So, you can go to snowy Siberia, where you will find a rich excursion program and a lot of active entertainment. Your best winter vacation can be in Karelia, on Baikal or in amazing places in Kamchatka.

How much does a winter holiday abroad cost?

If we talk about warm countries, then a vacation there in the winter will cost you an average of $400 to $600. The cost of a holiday in ski resorts depends on its duration and starts from $600. Concerning excursion tours in Europe, then it all depends on the chosen route and on the countries themselves. All details and price ranges can be found in any travel company. The most budget winter vacation are vouchers for Russia. Where you go is a personal choice.

When you decide on the desired tour or sightseeing trip around Europe, you should immediately order tickets (vouchers), book tours and pay for them. Benefits early booking tour is, firstly, a guarantee that you will get to the best and most popular hotel and, secondly, save a significant amount, since on average you can get about 30% discount on the entire cost of the tour.

Give your child the opportunity for new experiences and unforgettable holiday abroad or in Russia. The fabulous places of the globe will obviously not leave you or your children indifferent.

New Year- a unique, special holiday that you want to spend so that this event is remembered for a lifetime. What will the coming 2018 be like, what will it bring into our lives? The two fiery years that have passed under the sign of the Monkey and the Rooster are being replaced by the Yellow Dog, whose element is the Earth. This animal is distinguished by calmness and diligence, but it also loves to relax, therefore, in order to have a great next year, you must first celebrate it properly. Where to go for the New Year 2018 to relax inexpensively and on a budget?

Some Russians prefer to follow the beaten path, choosing already completed New Year and Christmas tours offered by travel agencies and tour operators. Such tours include visits to one or more cities (countries) with special programs and pre-planned visits to attractions. However, it is more convenient for most of our compatriots to organize their own vacation, and they are engaged in purchasing tickets and finding accommodation on their own.

Preferences Russian tourists changed for various reasons. Today, Turkey, Germany and Austria are no longer so popular, Italy, Spain, France, Poland are not so popular. Experts explain the change in priorities by the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia, instability political position. It is for this reason that Russians have discovered the exotics of Vietnam and Thailand, the delightful beaches of Cuba and the Maldives. Compared to previous years, the popularity of domestic tourism has increased significantly: Sochi, Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad.

Experts predict that on New Year and Christmas in 2018, more than 80 percent of our tourists will prefer to rest within Russia, and only about 20 percent will celebrate holidays abroad. Meanwhile, a few years ago these figures were equal and amounted to 50/50.

Sochi - the pearl of Russia

Sochi is still a popular holiday destination for Russians - the most comfortable place in Russia in winter. There is almost no snow here, the air temperature is always above zero degrees, the sun is shining, and palm trees and subtropical plants delight the eye with greenery. New Year's Eve can be spent in a club, restaurant or at a banquet in a hotel, and the rest of the days you can enjoy an active holiday in famous ski resorts such as Krasnaya Polyana or Rosa Khutor.

The cost of living in Sochi, however, as in all major tourist centers, depends on the star rating of the hotel, location (distance from the city center), services provided, type of housing. A double room in budget guest houses can be found for 1200 rubles, prices in five-star hotels start at 13 thousand rubles. Tickets from Moscow to Sochi cost an average of 7,700 rubles (one way).

The northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg

New Year and Christmas in St. Petersburg are always celebrated pompously and very cheerfully. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to admire the sights of the city, get acquainted with its architecture and history, as well as immerse themselves in the New Year atmosphere, have fun from the heart and participate in festive festivities e.g. go to a concert Palace Square, traditionally ending with a magnificent fireworks display. There are many restaurants where you can celebrate new year's eve in a warm family atmosphere or a noisy youth company.

Air tickets from Moscow to St. Petersburg can be purchased from 5500 rubles.

A night in a three-star hotel in the city center will cost from 2500 rubles, more prestigious hotels- from 4000.

The third capital of Russia - Kazan

An excellent option would be to rest in Kazan, an amazingly beautiful city, where historical sights are successfully combined with modern architecture. The city has a developed infrastructure and a unique ethno-confessional environment. Kazan offers tourists a lot of entertainment for every taste. Children will love the huge water park "Riviera", adults who prefer outdoor activities - ski resorts.

You can fly to Kazan from Moscow from 4400 rubles. A double room in the center costs around 2000 rubles, but you can look for cheaper options. In large hotels, the cost of living will be from 4500 rubles.

The capital of our Motherland - Moscow

In 2017, Moscow made it to the top ten for the first time best cities world recommended for tourists to visit. Rest in the capital is becoming not only more and more in demand, but also affordable. Two years ago, renting a room cheaper than 8,000 rubles was unrealistic, but today its average cost is just over 3,000. This is due to the fact that Moscow is preparing for the World Cup, many new hotels more democratic.

For Muscovites and guests of the city there will be numerous entertainment programs and concerts, on Red Square you can listen to the chiming clock live and admire the amazing fireworks, at the service of fans active rest there will be ski resorts and ice skating rinks.

Visiting Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug

Have you decided where to go for the New Year 2018 yet? New Year's holidays will be unforgettable for you if they take place in the patrimony of Father Frost Veliky Ustyug - a small town located 450 kilometers from Vologda. Here you can see many temples, merchants' yards, monastic ensembles and old houses. This is an ideal option for families with children, because the organizers have prepared for the children a lot of exciting activities that allow them to plunge into a real New Year's fairy tale:

  • festive festivities;
  • theatrical shows;
  • sightseeing tours;
  • a visit to the fabulous post office;
  • excursion to the palace of Santa Claus;
  • skiing in the winter forest.

You can get to Veliky Ustyug in any way: by train, bus, plane. Flights due to limited flights should be booked in advance. Price hotel room- from 1000 rubles. The cost of a three-day basic tour is around 15 thousand per person.

Paradise Canary Islands

A romantic and relatively inexpensive option to meet 2018: the ocean, exotic nature, indescribable Spanish flavor and black volcanic sand. The infrastructure is well established in the Canary Islands, in particular, the ferry service, so it is possible to visit several islands at once. In December-January for canary islands wonderful comfortable weather (+ 25 degrees), without stuffiness and heat.

You can get to the islands from Moscow, St. Petersburg. Air tickets are relatively inexpensive - from 35 thousand rubles, the main thing is to purchase them in advance.

A seven-day tour with accommodation in a three-star hotel for the New Year 2018 will approximately cost from 100 thousand rubles. The cost of a double room on New Year's Eve is from $50.

New Year on the Island of Freedom

Where to go in January 2018? Of course, to Cuba - to one of the most attractive places on earth where you can spend new year holidays. In the winter months, ideal weather reigns here: warm, but not stuffy, cloudless, calm sea. Locals are always friendly to guests, rare cars drive around the streets, which can only be seen in movies.
Recreation, entertainment and living on the island of freedom are relatively inexpensive, but you will have to pay a tidy sum for air tickets - from 60 thousand. However, if you're lucky, you can "catch" inexpensive tickets (around 40 thousand). This should be done 3-4 months before the intended trip.
A tour for two costs an average of 150 thousand: 7-8 days in a 2-3-star hotel. The cost of a room in a decent hotel on New Year's Eve will be about 80 dollars.

Maldives and Seychelles

These islands indian ocean- a true paradise for those who want to hide from the outside world, relax and enjoy the beauty of exotic nature. Tourists are surrounded by clear sea, bright sun, White beach, palm trees, privacy and relaxation of the highest level.
Previously, only very wealthy people could afford the Maldives and Seychelles. Today the situation has changed, tourists have become available and budget holiday. For example, a double room on New Year's Eve will cost $60 per night (2-3 star hotel). More presentable hotels (5 stars), moreover, located close to the beach, will cost more - from 140 thousand rubles per night.
Air tickets from Moscow during the New Year period become much more expensive. If they usually cost within 30 thousand rubles (round trip), then in December the price tags soar to 50 thousand, and in January they reach 90,000.

exotic thailand

Asian countries are distinguished by cheaper, but no less high-quality holidays, which is why most of the Russian tourists are striving there. Thailand offers guests luxurious New Year's programs, exotic gala dinners, for outdoor enthusiasts - surfing, diving. Bangkok becomes the center of events, when the capital sparkles with New Year's lights, huge Christmas trees are set up on the streets, fire shows and various exotic festivals are held. On the resort beaches (Phuket, Pattaya), New Year's celebrations are held on a no lesser scale.

Winter in Thailand will please you with summer days, when the air temperature rarely drops below + 30 degrees. The sea is suitable for swimming, so this is an ideal place to relax with children - so this is a great option for where to fly for the New Year 2018.

The cost of air tickets Moscow - Bangkok will be 35 thousand rubles in both directions (if you buy tickets in advance), prices for decent hotels in the center of Bangkok start from 1500 rubles per day.

Snow covered Switzerland

If you want to relax in Europe, go to Switzerland, this country has a huge advantage over other European countries - winters are snowy there. It is better to go for Christmas, and not for the New Year, since this holiday is practically not celebrated there, and choose a large city where Christmas festivities and fairs are held. If you prefer active rest, then magnificent ski resorts are at your service.

Air tickets Moscow - Zurich cost from 20 thousand, to fly to Geneva is more expensive. The cost of living in a not too status hotel in Zurich is 6,000 rubles, in a five-star hotel - from 10,000 for one night for two.

Magical Prague

It is no coincidence that our compatriots are very fond of New Year's Prague: during this period it is especially beautiful. It looks like an illustration to a fairy tale: shop windows sparkling with multi-colored lights, Gothic buildings, proud Charles Bridge, musical performances, delicious sweets and drinks sold right on the street, fireworks. However, the Czech capital is especially attractive due to prices - they are much lower than in other European countries.

The weather in the Czech Republic during this period is mild: at night there may be a slight frost up to 4 degrees, during the day - a warm temperature just above zero.

Tickets in the direction of Moscow - Prague cost from 9 thousand, but on New Year's Eve prices soar. New Year's Eve in a good five-star hotel can be spent for 5 thousand (for two).

How to save money on a trip

If you are a beginner, and not an experienced tourist who has traveled all over the world, experts recommend that you pay attention to some nuances that will help you save cash on the journey:

  1. Book tickets and hotel rooms in advance, in summer or early autumn, as on the eve of the New Year the tourist flow increases, therefore, the opportunity to purchase hotel rooms and tickets at an attractive price decreases.
  2. If the very moment of meeting the New Year in a certain place is not important for you, you just want to plunge into the festive atmosphere and relax, then order tickets in such a way that you return home before December 31 or fly out on January 1-2. Ticket prices are significantly lower these days.
  3. If you are a shopaholic and your goal is grandiose Christmas sales in Europe, you should get there on the 20th of December in order to return to Russia in early January.

Have a nice holiday!

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Fresh ideas where to go for the new year 2020 at sea, to Europe abroad. Tours inexpensive and interesting

There is a good Russian proverb that says: "prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter." The meaning of the proverb is that in order to be in time for everything, not to lose time and be in profit, you need to prepare for everything in advance. And when traveling and traveling abroad, this rule works even more so. If you are going to go somewhere, especially to a country far from Russia, you need to think everything over in advance. For example, read about the climate of the place, find out about the local weather, clarify prices, ask for feedback from those who have already been there, and so on. And it’s right that 99% of tourists prefer to search and book tours for the new year 2020 in advance. Where to go inexpensively for this new year, our information article will tell you, where prices are not indicated, but there are interesting information about countries where it is warm and sunny in winter, and also where you can go for New Year's fairy tale. Ready? Let's start watching a small TOP.

It's no secret that most tourists prefer to celebrate the New Year in warm countries, where you can sunbathe, swim in the sea and get real pleasure. And rightly so, what's the point in flying from cold and snowy Russia to the same cold and snowy country? Although someone likes it and we'll talk about it below. For now…

Where to go cheap to the sea for the new year 2020: tours, countries and resorts

Resorts of Thailand - without changing traditions.

For a long time in winter, the resorts of Thailand are leading in terms of preferences among Russians. And there are explanations for this. Firstly, it’s beautiful there, and after a holiday in the country, many tourists begin to wonder how to buy a house there and how to stay for at least six months, while it’s frosty in Russia.

Indeed, Thailand is a beautiful country with its own flavor. local beaches beautiful and unique. The sunset on them is just as good as on the beaches of Cuba. The fine sand is so soft that you don't even need shoes. Walking barefoot on the sand is a pleasure that can't be compared to anything else. Palm trees grow on the beaches, in the shade of which you can wait out the heat and take a nap right on the shore of the endless sea.

The second reason for the popularity of Thailand is the price. If you are flying here from Moscow or from the European part of our country, you will be surprised, because the price of the flight will be higher than the price of the vacation itself. But the inhabitants of the east of Russia generally fly and rest in Thailand almost for nothing. Fortunately, they do not fly for a long time, and rest is already cheap. In fact, 12-14 days of rest in Thailand will cost you 40,000 thousand rubles. But it can be even cheaper if you choose a hotel not on the seashore, and not with all the entertainment.

The most famous and popular resorts countries: Phuket and Pattaya. It is they who receive up to 80% of all tourists in the country.

Vietnam is a new trend.

Another country South-East Asia, which is loved by tourists from Russia.
Vietnam is a new fashionable destination where it's great to spend time in the winter. After all, when in Russia it is frost and snow, then in Vietnam it is up to forty heat and a gorgeous warm sea.

The advantage of Vietnamese resorts over the rest is that they are young. Many of them are only a few years old, and some hotels and resorts are still under construction. After all, a few years ago there was a war in the country, and now the construction of resort areas is in full swing there.
And I must say that they make hotels and places to stay are fantastic! But the local nature also helps. The scenery is so beautiful that you won't want to leave. White sand beaches, they stretch so far along the sea that it seems as if they are endless.

There are also many entertainments in the country. There is a whole island with one huge amusement park. And you can get to the island only by cable car and it is the only one in the world cable car that passes over the sea!
We think it would not be superfluous to recall the sights of the country, since there are thousands of them here. The local culture is very ancient and there are still temples in the country where they keep the traditions instilled in the people thousands of years ago. Vietnamese houses with incredible roofs are especially popular with tourists - this is what distinguishes the country from others.

Goa is another India.
We are all used to the fact that India has a lot of dances, songs and love. But Goa is a completely different India, which is not like anything else.
The beaches of Goa are spacious and everyone can easily accommodate them. The coast is completely sandy. Meets White sand, dark and yellow. There are many activities on the beaches, but the main thing is elephant riding. Tourists line up to climb the giant and ride it.

But even in such tourist center You still feel like you are in India. Museums, exhibitions, locals, culture and more all remind you of this. And that's not bad. After all, India is a country with a rich history and its long traditions. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn something new about her.
Goa is divided into two parts: south and north. The southern part is richer and more beautiful, while the northern part is still being built and local tourists are mostly resting there.

Where to go for the new year 2020 abroad to Europe.

Winter in Europe beach resorts rest. Even in Spain and Portugal it is cold to swim, and it is not always possible to sunbathe. But still, the flow of tourists to European countries in winter does not decrease. Where is everyone going?

Prague is the best place to meet the new year.

They flew to Prague to celebrate the New Year back in Soviet times. And after the collapse of the union, they began to fly here with even more. The peak of popularity of the capital of the Czech Republic came in 2000, when half a million Russians flew here for Christmas and New Year. Now the demand has dropped a little. But still, one hundred thousand Russian tourists are happy to celebrate two Christmases and one New Year in Prague.

Especially for these holidays, a tall Christmas tree is set up in the capital, decorated with lights and toys. Shops offer to buy goods and souvenirs with discounts, and cafes and restaurants offer a huge selection of varied food.
All the streets on Christmas eve are lit up with lights. A simple walk in the evening in Prague will allow you to plunge into a fairy tale and understand that this is really a magical time.

Finland is close to home.

It so happened that many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in neighboring Finland. It would seem - why, because it is very close to us. But in the country of a thousand lakes, everything is completely different.

As already mentioned, Finland is a country of a thousand lakes. Perhaps not on earth more space so many lakes. And the local forests are truly beautiful and magical. Tourists prefer to rent a house on the lake in the forest, where there is peace and quiet.
In winter, in Suomi you can walk through the forest, ski, go fishing or attend public events, of which there are thousands.

Milan is a fashionable new year.

Young people who consider themselves fashionable prefer to come to Milan for the new year. Around Christmas there are a lot of tourists, so the hotel needs to be booked in advance. And since there are sales in the city in winter, you can both relax and buy a lot of beautiful and fashionable clothes. Although what a rest, when price tags with discounts of up to 80 percent hang on each window!

There are many places in the world where the meetings of the New Year will be held in a special way. Some we have already listed, but there are hundreds of other equally beautiful places.
For example, Japan - there you will meet the new year among the first. And if you want real adventures, then fly to Australia. Every year, the country takes first place in the beauty and duration of the New Year's fireworks. And this year they will certainly break their record.
Another place is Cuba. New Year on the island of freedom you will never forget. And you will dream of sunrises and sunsets on the ocean coast all your life.
Do not give up on tours to Africa. For example, Egypt is hot and sunny, while Tunisia and Morocco have many palaces and historical monuments. So there is a choice of where to go, and it is great.

Don't know where to relax on New Year's Eve?

  • 7 countries where to go for the New Year 2020 to the sea;
  • 6 visa countries;
  • Domestic New Year holidays;
  • Where can you relax with a child?

Where to relax for the New Year inexpensively by the sea

rest in visa-free countries can be both beach and sightseeing. Top Countries for holidays at sea in December-January:

You can also have an interesting time in Georgia and Turkey.

An overview of the weather, prices for holidays abroad, as well as attractions, see below.


From 130 000 rubles. Ancient temples, beautiful views and endless beaches.

Vietnam is a magnificent beach holiday, a rich excursion program, active entertainment, fun parties at sea ​​shore and in metropolitan areas.


You can stay in Vietnam without a visa for up to 15 days. In Fukuoka - up to 30. But you need to fly to the island on a direct flight and not leave from there until the end of your vacation.

The resorts of the south are ideal for a beach holiday in winter. In January, there is a pleasant mild sun, warm water and almost no rain. Phu Quoc is white sandy beaches, wonderful views, measured. Nha Trang - active entertainment and vibrant nightlife. Tranquility and sea delicacies - Phan Thiet.

Popular attractions:

  • South - National Park, waterfalls and Stone Garden in Nha Trang, crocodile nursery and mineral springs in Phan Thiet.
  • North - tea and coffee plantations, a mountain with temples, Halong Bay.
  • The central part is a huge Buddha statue, the Marble Mountains, the longest and highest cable car in the world.


From 45 000 rubles. beach holiday winter at low prices.

Popular resorts are ready to accept young people and wealthy people. You can swim all year round. But in winter the prices are much lower. Beach holidays diversify excursions to ancient cities and temples.


Visa up to 15 days is issued upon arrival.

Things to do and see

Main attractions:

  • Sphinx;
  • pyramids;
  • temples of Luxor.

The main resorts have everything for beach and outdoor activities. Pure sandy beaches, warm sea waters, boat trips and dozens of water activities. For those who do not like to sit still, excursions to Thebes, Cairo, Nile cruises are organized.


On a note! Strong winds occasionally blow in January.


From 117 000 rubles. Celebrate the New Year according to Asian customs.

Thailand is a true paradise for beach lovers and adventure seekers. The New Year is celebrated here noisily, cheerfully and on a grand scale as much as 3 times! Twice in January and once in April.


Tourists from Russia without a visa can stay in the country for up to 30 days.

Things to do and see

In the many-sided Thailand there are entertainments for every taste. Curious travelers go to cultural capital Chiang Mai. Fans of active and spectacular entertainment - in Bangkok. Beach lovers - to the main resorts and islands. The ideal time for swimming is from to.

Phi Phi Island

Popular resorts

  • Holidays for any budget. Entertainment - diving, fishing, swimming on the beach, excursions by sea or into the jungle. The best beaches: Patong, Kamala, Bang Tao, Surin.
  • Krabi are the most beautiful beaches. The best beaches are Ao Nang, Hat Rei Le, Hat Tham Phra Nang. You can relax on the nearby islands of Phi Phi, Koh Samui and Hong.
  • Koh Samui suitable for calm family vacation. The best beaches are Chaweng, Lamai, Bophut.
  • Samet- for a relaxing holiday. Entertainment - excursions to Pattaya and Bangkok, diving, viewing platforms Ao Prao. The best beaches are Hat Sai Kev, Ao Prao, Ao Nuan.
  • Pattaya- the most budgetary and noisiest resort. There is everything for wild fun - parks, bars, attractions, floating market. To relax on the beach, it is better to go to the islands.
Weather in Thailand
temperature during the day, ºСtemperature at night, ºСwater temperature, ºС
+30...+32 +20...+22 +27
Phuket+30...+32 +21...+23 +28
Krabi+29...+31 +22...+23 +29
Koh Samui+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Pattaya+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Samet+31...+33 +20...+22 +26
chiangmai+26...+28 +14...+16 -

Dubai, UAE)

From 82 000 rubles. Incredible city-fairy tale.

People go to the richest city in the UAE for a comfortable stay, incredible views from skyscrapers, interesting excursions, bright festivals and unusual entertainment.

Do you want to ride on skiing in the land of eternal summer or become a pearl diver for a while? See the city from an unrealistic height or go on an exciting safari tour? Then the New Year holidays in Dubai are for you.


A visa for up to 30 days is issued upon arrival in the Emirates.

Things to do

The main event of the winter is the Shopping Festival with discounts up to 80%. It starts at the end of December and lasts a whole month.


  • World Trade Center;
  • Burj Hadif - the highest (828 m) skyscraper in the world;
  • Sheikh Said's coral house;
  • artificial islands of Palms;
  • singing and dancing fountain.

Entertainment for children - zoo, water park, Wonderland amusement park, aquarium.

On a note! The beach season in Dubai is spring and autumn. In winter, strong winds interfere with swimming.


From 58 000 rubles Beach holidays on the shores of the Red and Mediterranean Sea.

In Israel, all areas of recreation are developed - beach, sightseeing, wellness, active, pilgrimage.


Russian tourists do not need a visa if the duration of the trip is less than 90 days.

Things to do and see

People go to Israel to see the main religious shrines in Jerusalem and Haifa. Rock out in the clubs and beaches of Tel Aviv.

The best beach resorts:

  • Tel Aviv - for youth;
  • Netanya - for holidays with children;
  • Herzliya - for wealthy tourists;
  • Eilat - for divers and fans aquatic species sports.

Coast Dead Sea– zone of medical tourism. The most famous resort is Tiberias.

On a note! In winter, it is better to relax on the coast of the Red and Dead Sea.


The beach season ends at . On New Year's Eve people come here to explore the sights and ski resorts - Uludag, Kartalkaya, Sarykamysh, Palandoken.


A visa is not required if the duration of the trip is less than 60 days.

Things to do

In the summer in Turkey, you can, with a clear conscience, lie on the beach all your vacation. In winter, tourists are waiting for other entertainment:

  • celebration of the New Year with fireworks and street concerts;
  • excursions in Istanbul - visiting the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Basil cistern and others;
  • rock monasteries in Cappadocia;
  • ancient buildings in Antalya;
  • ruins of ancient temples, mosques and luxurious restaurants in Ankara.


From 85 000 rubles. eternal beauty Caucasus mountains and Georgian hospitality.

In winter, they come here for the sights. Treatments mineral springs Borjomi. Acquaintance with national cuisine.


Not needed if the trip is less than 90 days.

Things to do

In Georgia, you should definitely learn hospitality and the ability to say beautiful toasts. And also:

  • visit cheerful Tbilisi, ever-blooming Batumi, ancient Kutaisi;
  • go skiing on the slopes of Gudauri and Bakuriani;
  • go to Mtskheta - the second Jerusalem;
  • order an excursion to the Vardzia cave monastery;
  • celebrate the New Year with Georgian grandeur.

Where to go on vacation for the New Year abroad with a visa?

For those who want to celebrate the New Year in romantic Europe or colorful India, will be of interest:

  • Finland;
  • Prague;
  • Italy;
  • Germany;
  • Budapest;
  • Portugal.

Read below for information on where to apply for a visa, weather and prices for tours.


From 76 000 rubles. New Year's Eve at Santa's.


Need tourist visa. The questionnaire is filled out online.

Things to do

Tourists travel to the country of thousands of lakes and hot saunas to:

  • enjoy natural beauties and see the northern lights;
  • visit museums and fortresses in Helsinki;
  • go fishing in the Aland Islands;
  • go skiing in Koli;
  • stay in a hotel made of ice;
  • get to the grand Christmas sale;
  • go to Lapland to the residence of Santa Claus and national park"Lemmenjoki" with wild deer, wolverines, foxes and eagles.

Prague, Czech Republic)

From 61 400 rubles. A city that cannot be forgotten.


Need. You can apply on your own at the Visa Application Center or through a travel agency.

Things to do and see

IN largest city Europe, you can discover something new every day. In Prague you need:

  • stroll through the historical center with medieval streets;
  • dedicate part of your vacation to shopping - in early January, prices for branded items are very low;
  • walk along the Charles Bridge;
  • take a picture in the background National Theater and the biggest fortress Prague Castle.


From 66 500 rubles. World center of fashion, art and leisure.


Need (Schengen).

Things to do

The beach season starts in May. In winter, it is worth taking time for a cultural program:

  • walk through the boutiques of Milan;
  • visit the colorful Cinque Terre;
  • admire the masterpieces of world art in the Vatican museum complex;
  • ride a gondola in Venice;
  • enjoy the rural flavor in Tuscany;
  • see the main attractions of Rome - the Colosseum, the Capitoline Hill, the Pantheon, the Sistine Chapel and others.


From 75 500 rubles. Popular destination.

India is a country of contrasts. Holidays in the main resort of the country differ in price and style depending on which part of it to stay.

The south is expensive, respectable, measured. The beaches are white, sparsely populated and clean. The North is budget, democratic, full of noise and fun. The sand on the beaches is dark gray. Apart from a large number A motley audience from all over the world can always see dogs or cows here.


A visa can be issued upon arrival if the period of stay in the country is less than 15 days.

What to see

In South Goa, you must visit:

  • Old Goa;
  • Dudhsagar waterfall;
  • spice plantation;
  • Kotigao nature reserve.

From the Northern part of the state, you can also go on an excursion to the Old City and to the waterfall. And also visit the flea market in the village of Anjuna and the ancient fort of Aguada.


From 57 000 rubles. Germany for those who appreciate good service.


You can apply at the Embassy, ​​the visa center of Germany or through a travel agency.

How to pass the time

In winter in Germany you can:

  • visit museums and galleries in Berlin;
  • wander around the castles and fortresses of Lower Saxony;
  • admire the alpine slopes and the Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria;
  • feel the charm of Dresden;
  • take a course of medical procedures in Baden-Baden;
  • go skiing in Oberstdorf and Garmisch-Partenkirchen.


From 38 000 rubles The most beautiful city Europe.


You need a Schengen visa. It can be issued at the Embassy in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

How to spend your vacation

Budapest is:

  • walks through the old quarters in the Baroque style;
  • cozy restaurants;
  • the impressive parliament building;
  • famous baths;
  • luxurious Royal Palace and the romantic Vajdahunyad Castle;
  • majestic Danube.

Dozens of architectural monuments, churches, old quarters and charming streets.



Tourists from Russia need a Schengen visa.

Things to do and see

In winter it is better to rest in the south of the country. It is quite sunny there and almost no rain.

Things to visit in Portugal:

  • its capital is Lisbon;
  • the city of Porto with the huge church of San Francisco and the cathedral;
  • the oldest university in Coimbra;
  • ideal places for gastro-tourism are the cities of Évora and Fara.

And you can also go to the shrines in the religious center of the country of Braga.

Where to go in Russia for the New Year holidays?

It is interesting to spend a vacation without leaving the country. IN:

  • Great Ustyug;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kazan;
  • Karelia;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Sochi;
  • in Altai.

Read about the cost and entertainment below.

Veliky Ustyug

Small but great.

A visit to the residence of Father Frost is an obligatory point of the excursion program in Veliky Ustyug. The fabulous estate is located 13 km from the city. Walks along magical paths, riding on a fairy stove, fun games and many other entertainments await children and adults.

What to see

  • city ​​residence, fashion house and post office of Santa Claus;
  • museum of New Year's toys and nature of the region;
  • Museum of Local Lore;
  • Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery;
  • natural attractions in the vicinity - the Vaskin Klyuch waterfall, the dangerous river rapids of the Sukhona, protected forests.

The best option is to buy a 3-day tour to the Estate of Father Frost. The price includes railway travel, meals, excursions, theatrical performances, etc. Prices:

  • from Moscow from 16,000;
  • from St. Petersburg from 8 600.

Moscow region

Hundreds of tourist sites.

Where to rest

There are more than 80 cities in the Moscow region, and each has its own zest:

  • Fans of skiing can safely go to Volen, Sorochany, Yakhroma.
  • Antique lovers go to oldest cities- Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna.
  • Those interested in history will enjoy the Borodino Museum-Reserve, Serpukhov and Chekhov.
  • Sergiev Posad is the center of Orthodoxy.
  • Posad Pavlovsky is famous for its downy shawls.


Depend on the duration of the trip, the type of accommodation and meals, the program. Prices from Moscow for tours:

  • A day off with a visit to 4-7 cities - from 6,000.
  • Festive and event - from 7,000.
  • Multi-day excursions - from 6,800.


Pearl of Tatarstan.

Where to go

  • Kazan Kremlin with the Kul-Sharif mosque and the leaning Syuyumbike tower;
  • Tatar settlement;
  • Bauman pedestrian street;
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Peter and Paul Cathedral.

A trip to the Temple of All Religions, to the Raifa Monastery, Sviyazhsk will leave many impressions.


A trip to Kazan for 7 days for one will cost at least 11,000:

  • Accommodation - from 700 rubles in a double room.
  • Meals - from 600 rubles per person.
  • Round trip from Moscow - from 4,800 by plane, from 1,900 by train.


Unique nature and architectural monuments.

What to see

In winter in Karelia you can:

  • Go skiing in one of the ski resorts.
  • Visit natural attractions - Paanajärvi National Park, Kivach and Kostomukshsky reserves.
  • Go to historical and architectural complexes open sky- Kizhi, Valaam Reserve, Solovetsky archipelago.
  • Look at the petroglyphs on the shore of Lake Onega.
  • Visit the sights of Petrozavodsk and its environs.

The cost of a three-day tour from Moscow starts from 9,000 rubles.


Winter holidays on the seashore.

What to see

The city has 3 districts. Each of them has its own attractions:

  • Moscow - about. Kant, the Cathedral, the Fish Village, churches and museum gates.
  • Leningradsky - Amber Museum, King's Gate, barracks, quarter of German villas.
  • Central - old buildings, a zoo.


A place of unity with nature.

Altai is very large and the rest in it is diverse. Passive, sightseeing, active, adventure, wellness, event.

What to see

The main attraction is nature. Dense forests, fast mountain rivers, turquoise Katun, passes. majestic mountains compared with the Alps and Tibet. Every year tourists come here in search of mystical Shambhala.


In Altai you can:

  • Improve your health in the resorts of Belokurikha and Lake. Spring.
  • Go skiing - in the vicinity of Gorno-Altaisk and Lake. And I.
  • Go on an excursion to Lake Teletskoye, to the Tavdinsky caves, to deer breeding farms, about. Patmos, Manzherok, on Chemal.

Holiday prices

It's best to buy tours. The minimum cost is from 21,000 rubles. Includes three meals a day, excursions, transfer. In some cases, you will have to pay extra for a flight to Barnaul - from 14,000.


We go to the sea in winter.

If you did not have time to get to Sochi in the summer, it does not matter. In December and January, the Black Sea resort is warm and there is little rainfall. Swimming in the sea, of course, will not work. But you can have plenty of fun in the water park.

Things to do

  • Go with children to the amusement parks "Riviera" or "Sochi Park", to the oceanarium, arboretum and the fabulous "Berendeevo Kingdom".
  • Buy a ticket for the performance of KVN teams. The first will pass already on January 5 at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel.
  • Order an excursion to museums and natural attractions.
  • Learn skiing and snowboarding in Krasnaya Polyana.


Accommodation in a double standard room - from 1,500 per day.

Meals - from 600 rubles per day.

Round-trip flight - from 13,800 rubles.

1 visit to the water park - from 500 to 1,300 rubles.

Where to relax with a child?

For holidays with children, pay attention to the following areas.

Let's meet Santa Claus!

This is a little trip to Magic world. The city of Rovaniemi is the center of attraction for tourists in winter. In its vicinity is Santa Park and its village.

Children are waiting for:

  • Meeting with Santa.
  • Games and master classes with elves.
  • Ride on the magical train.
  • Gingerbread factory and other magical entertainment.

In Lapland, you should definitely visit a traditional reindeer farm. Ride on a reindeer or dog sled. When I go for a walk I need to dress warmly. In January, the thermometer can drop to -27˚С.

Important! Don't forget to apply for a Schengen visa.

In Russia

Where to relax in Russia with a child for the New Year 2020


How to get from Moscow

Veliky Ustyug

Magic trip to Santa Claus

  • by plane with transfer - 15 hours
  • by bus with a change in Vologda
  • railway tour « Winter Express» - from 16,000 for a child, from 21,000 for an adult

water parks, Sochi Park, automobile museum, oceanarium, dolphinarium, botanical and dendrological park, "Berendeevo kingdom"

  • by plane - 2.5 hours
  • by train – from 36 h
  • by car - from 30 hours

free museum military equipment open-air, contact and ordinary zoo, amusement parks, "House of entertaining science and technology", puppet theater

  • by plane – 1 h 30 min
  • by train – from 19h
  • by bus – 6 pm
  • by car - from 12 hours

Saint Petersburg

museums, theaters of fairy tales and puppets, dolphinarium, oceanarium, zoo

  • by plane – 1 h 40 min
  • by train - 6 hours
  • on express trains "Sapsan" and "Nevsky" - 3 hours
  • by bus – 11 h
  • by car – 9 hours

On the sea

Phan Thiet, Goa, Phuket or Samui? What to choose?

Winter holidays at the sea promises a lot of pleasant entertainment and swimming in warm waves. The beaches at the resorts for families with children are clean and sandy. The entrance to the sea on most of them is gentle. The infrastructure is well developed.

Where to relax with a child at sea

Country and resort

Do I need a visa

What is interesting for children?

Air and water temperature, ˚С


10 hours

  • crocodile nursery
  • whale temple


7 o'clock

  • butterfly park
  • nature reserves
  • fort aguada


13 hours

  • Phuket Aquarium
  • amusement park
  • snake farm
  • orchid garden

Koh Samui

17 hours

  • aquapark
  • animation services
  • paradise park
    monkeys, parrots
    and iguanas

It's time to think about how to spend your winter holidays in the best possible way.

Photo: Sean Gallup / Staff / Pacific Press / Contributor / Kaveh Kazemi / Contributor / Andia / Contributor / Giorgio Cosulich / Contributor / Bloomberg / Contributor / Johannes Simon / Stringer / JTB Photo / Contributor / Wolfgang Kaehler / Contributor / Anadolu Agency / Contributo / gettyimages. com

It would seem to New Year holidays full of time. In fact, autumn will fly by quickly, and very soon the most pressing question will be “Where to spend the holidays?” For those who prefer to plan their holidays in advance, we have collected the best holiday destinations for every taste and budget.

Up to 15 thousand rubles

Berlin, Germany

Gala ball in medieval castle or non-stop bar hopping, international festivities or dinner with Michelin stars - in Berlin it is possible to combine several New Year's scenarios at once. Regardless of how you ultimately decide to spend the holiday, you can and should improvise in the German capital. Likewise with the menu: baked carp, an endless variety of meats, fragrant cheeses, as well as beer, punch, punch and a little champagne at midnight sharp - Berlin can be called the intersection of the most diverse gastronomic tastes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Berlin for the period of the New Year holidays is from 14.3 thousand rubles.

2.2 thousand rubles per night


If you want to celebrate the New Year in keeping with the main traditions, but in new scenery, go to Warsaw. The usual fun on the main square of the city and volleys of fireworks will be supplemented by a European fair, hot spicy wine and a Polish festive "pernik". Join a couple of hours before midnight local residents and tourists on Palace Square. Throw a couple of zlotys to street musicians and take a seat closer to the Christmas tree, and when the clock strikes 12 times, try to shout “Szczęśliwego nowego roku” as loudly as possible. On the first day of the year, conquer a couple of slopes or go on excursions in Wroclaw and Krakow. In the latter, do not miss the opportunity to look into the restaurant of the Copernicus Hotel.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Warsaw for the period of the New Year holidays is from 14 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 1.3 thousand rubles.per night

Tbilisi, Georgia

In Tbilisi, for a festive mood, one kind of lace facades, carefully decorated with Soviet garlands, is enough. And the aromas of satsivi and khachapuri will finally drive away New Year's fatigue. You can spend the main night as your heart desires - if you are not afraid of the thunder of firecrackers and love dashing fun, go with the youth of Tiflis to Rustaveli Avenue. And if you prefer to celebrate at the table, then choose any restaurant you like. True, the ceremonial feast will be only at first - Georgians love and know how to have fun. One night in Tbilisi is definitely not enough: it is customary to feast on spicy dishes, say long toasts and dance here from December 31 to January 2. So it will be possible to explore the treasures of Georgia - if there are forces left for that - only from the 3rd. Another day can be taken for a thoughtful rest with a visit to the famous sulfur baths Abanotubani.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tbilisi for the period of the New Year holidays is from 15 thousand rubles.

per night

Petrozavodsk, Russia

Karelia is an unobvious and very winter destination for those who prefer to receive congratulations in their native language. Meet the holiday the way it was done a couple of centuries ago on the Kizhi Island or go for a walk around Petrozavodsk itself. Warm up in cozy restaurants and try hearty sweet pies, without which the New Year is not imagined in Karelia. On the first day of 2018, you can take a walk along the embankment of Lake Onega, and if you come with children, then look into a couple fabulous museums. For example, in "Doll House" or maritime museum club "Polar Odyssey". The holiday program should also include husky sleigh rides through the northern forests and a visit to Pakkaina, the younger brother of Santa Claus.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Petrozavodsk for the period of the New Year holidays is from 8.2 thousand rubles.

per night

Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan

How it unfolds old capital Kazakhstan under the chiming clock, it is better to watch from the top of Kok-Tobe. You can book a table at a local restaurant, or you can take champagne and snacks and meet midnight under the stars. However, downstairs, in the center of Alma-Ata, you won’t get bored either: there are parties in spacious bars, and young people dancing right on the street, who have fun for a few more days. If you prefer to spend your holidays in a more relaxed mode, go skiing in Chimbulak or ice skating at the world's largest high-mountain skating rink "Medeu". And don't forget to take some time and admire the Big Almaty Lake - one of the most amazing miraculous sights of the country.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Alma-Ata for the period of the New Year holidays is from 9.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 1 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 30 thousand rubles

Rome, Italy

In Rome, it is not customary to celebrate the New Year with volleys of salutes and festivities. This is a bohemian party in Trastevere, prosecco and conversations with charming Italians. The main thing here is not to linger in one place for a long time. With gratitude, accept compliments from hospitable interlocutors and do not count the establishments you visit. In the morning, take a walk along the Tiber embankment, flooded with the warm light of old lanterns. On January 1, not a single institution will work, and this day can be devoted to walking around the half-empty city, getting to know architectural monuments and just rest. Starting from the second day of the year, you can safely dive into the cultural program. Do not pass by announcements about concerts and performances - in Rome they can be both very expensive and free, but they will definitely decorate the rest of the vacation.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Rome for the period of the New Year holidays is from 17.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room in a 3* hotel - from 2.1 thousand rubles per night

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is the city where you can both hide from the New Year and celebrate it the loudest. Folk festivals on the streets on a festive night are not arranged here, but at the same time, life is in full swing in bars and clubs, where noisy parties and colorful performances are held. In this regard, Tel Aviv offers a very wide choice - from an expensive dinner in the Azrieli tower to dancing on the beach. By the way, the water in the sea will be warm enough to swim in the morning.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tel Aviv for the period of the New Year holidays is from 16.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room in a 3* hotel - from 2.6 thousand rubles per night

Salzburg, Austria

New Year's Eve in Salzburg is a classic winter holiday. Shimmering braids of garlands, clusters of Christmas decorations and coniferous wreaths have been decorating the city since the beginning of December, and in any of its alleys you can feel like in a medieval Austrian fairy tale. Domplatz and Residenzplatz are home to some of the best holiday markets in Europe. And it's not just about antique jewelry, fragrant pretzels and sweet mulled wine, but also about the feeling of solitude that appears among high mountains. On New Year's Eve, buy sparklers in one of the fair houses and meet midnight with the residents of the city to the sound of the bells of the Salzburg cathedral. The next two days are more than enough to get around the length and breadth historical Center city, and then you can go to one of the ski resorts nearby.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Salzburg for the period of the New Year holidays is from 22.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 4.3 thousand rubles.per night

Casablanca, Morocco

Center nightlife in the city - the Corniche. It is on it that you should look for a suitable institution for the celebration and get acquainted with travelers from all over the world. For New Year's gifts, go to the Habbus quarter - here you can find grandma's bright slippers, the famous Moroccan lanterns, and colored mountains of fragrant spices. Stroll the streets of the Medina, explore the Hassan Mosque, and then set off to explore the capital Rabat and imperial Meknes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Casablanca for the period of the New Year holidays is from 21.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 1.4 thousand rubles.per night

Athens, Greece

Unusual on a trip to Athens for the New Year will be that in the Greek capital the holiday is called St. Basil's Day. It differs from the holiday we are used to mainly in that the main character here is not Father Frost or Santa, but, in fact, St. Basil. Head to Syntagma Square and join the crowded round dance of sirtaki under bright fireworks. When midnight comes, break a large pomegranate fruit against a stone wall for good luck, and in the morning hurry to the nearest bakery to try the lush basilopita there. If you're lucky, a good-natured neighbor will treat you to a traditional New Year's pie - in this case, chew the dessert more carefully: the Greeks like to put a coin in the dough (also for good luck).

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Athens for the period of the New Year holidays is from 21.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 1.7 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 50 thousand rubles.

Hong Kong, China

New Year's fireworks in Hong Kong are some of the most spectacular in the world, so come early to the Golden Bauhinia Square to take best places. And if you don’t feel like pushing other crowds of tourists with your elbows, then move to the waterfront of the Tsim Sha Tsui district to watch the performances of the Canton Opera, stroll along the local Walk of Fame and try all the variety of Hong Kong street food. It is worth returning here in the following days - every day at 8 pm on the embankment, the famous "Symphony of Lights", the largest permanent light show, takes place.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Hong Kong for the New Year holidays is from 40.9 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 2.6 thousand rubles.per night

Reykjavik, Iceland

The locals believe that the louder the celebration, the happier it will be. There is really a lot of noise here: music and songs do not stop until the morning. Every New Year, the main city square becomes the epicenter of general fun: a large fire is lit here, which acts both as a Christmas tree and as a powerful heater. After a few hours, the fireworks will stop, but the sky will not darken, but will only become more beautiful due to the magnificent northern lights - a sight that is worth the trip to Reykjavik.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Reykjavik for the period of the New Year holidays is from 29.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 4.7 thousand rubles.per night

New York, USA

The city that never sleeps begins to prepare for the winter holidays in about two months and by the end of December it is transformed beyond recognition, sparkles and shimmers with millions of light bulbs and garlands. If you don't want to crowd into Times Square, move to the skating rink in Central park or in "Gotham Hall" (for those with children). However, it will be enough just to walk along the noisy avenues.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to New York for the period of the New Year holidays is from 34.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel - from 4.6 thousand rubles.per night

Goa, India

Early January is the season for the perfect beach holiday in South Asia. Although the smallest state of India is very popular destination at any time of the year, and it is more than deserved. For a noisy party, move to Anjuna - here they celebrate the New Year right on the seashore. After sleeping off, on the first day of the year, rent a scooter and go on a New Year's trip along the most beautiful beaches nearby. Don't forget to drop by the local historic Fleamarket flea market for gifts - look for tye-dye clothes and odd handmade souvenirs here, and feel free to haggle!

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Goa for the New Year holidays is from 46.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 5.2 thousand rubles.per night


On New Year's Eve, the Burj Khalifa tower becomes the epicenter of fireworks, from which the whole city thunders festively. If you don't want to crowd the square in front of the skyscraper, book a table at nearby restaurants or buy a ticket for a party on the ship - both of which will need to be planned in advance. And for those who do not want to spend a lot, there is always free beach Jumeirah region. Stock up on food and drinks and get here early to keep busy. good places. If all this is too trivial, then think about the New Year's camel safari. After it, you can go on holiday shopping, which will delight you with big discounts.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Dubai for the period of the New Year holidays is from 22.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room of a 3 * hotel is from 3.5 thousand rubles.per night

The material was prepared jointly with the travel service Momondo and Irina Ryabovol, official representativeMomondo in Russia

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