Portugal where it is better to rest on the sea. Where is it better to rest in Portugal and why? Visa to Portugal

Review of the best resorts and beaches of Portugal. Where and when is it better to rest on the sea in 2019? Tourist reviews. Weather for months with air and water temperatures.

Dimensional rest, saturated cultural leisure and the absence of collisions annually attracts to millions of tourists. As a rule, these are secured British and Germans, befell by "Olylinkle" and waiting from recreation of new and vivid impressions. In Portugal, you can find many beautiful places to relax on the sea and active leisure. You will learn about the best places in this review.

When to go to rest in Portugal?

The climate in Portugal is soft and comfortable: with a non-sucking summer and warm rainy winter. There is no sharp temperature differences here, although in the mountains a little colder than on the coast. The most precipitation falls in the north of the country, the warmest regions are the Madeira Archipelago and the Azores. Resting on the islands can round yearTrue, in the Winter-Spring Period, the rest acquires an exceptionally cultural and educational and wellness tint.

Full beach rest Portugal is possible from early June. At the beginning of the summer, the fishing season starts and there are comfortable conditions for windsurfing. In June in Lisbon, Algarve and headlight during the day + 25 ° C, the temperature of the water is +17 ... + 19 ° C. Best of all, water warms up at the coast of Madeira + 21 ° C.

AT july and august All temperature indicators increase: +27 ... + 29 ° C in Lisbon and Algarve, not so hot in port and Madeira + 25 ° C. In Portugal, it is best to rest on Madeira in this months, where water off the coast reaches + 23 ° C.

Rest in Portugal at sea in september It is still quite possible. On the coast of the Atlantic moderate heat: during the day + 26 ° C, water +20 ... + 23 ° C. AT october The beach holiday season in Portugal ends, and despite the relatively high temperature Air +22 ... + 24 ° C, the cooling effect of the ocean affects the rains and fogs are increasingly.

From November to April in Portugal low season (with the exception of New Year's and Christmas holidays). At this time, the wind blows from the ocean, the water temperature is not higher + 15 ° C, relatively heat except on the islands. In the south in Algarve + 17 ° C, in Lisbon + 15 ° C, on Madeira + 19 ° C. It is colder than everything in the northern part of the country, but it costs without frosts, during the day +5 ... + 9 ° C.

At the end of February in Portugal, it will noticeably warms. The precipitate is not uncommon, but also the sunny days becomes more. In March in Lisbon and Algarve +17 ... + 18 ° C, on Madeira + 19 ° C. The water in the ocean is still cold +14 ... + 16 ° C, significantly warmer off the coast of Madeira + 19 ° C.

AT april In Portugal, he will warm for a couple of degrees, it becomes comfortable for sunbathing and long walks. In May, the amount of rains is smoothly reduced, the air warms up to + 22 ° C. Water is cold +16 ... + 18 ° C everywhere, except for the coast of Madeira - there + 19 ° C.

The best places to relax on the sea in Portugal

The most popular resorts of Portugal for beach holidays are Lisbon Riviera, Algarve Province, Madeira and Azores. All beaches in the country public with sandy coating, with the exception of Madeira, there is pebbles or imported sand.

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it southern Province Countries that are famous for their landscapes and rich architectural heritage. In the western part of the province mainly rocky beaches, in the east - sandy. You can relax in the Algarve all year round: spring here +20 ... + 25 ° C, in summer +27 ... + 30 ° С, in winter + 14 ° С. Beach holidays on the sea in this region of Portugal is most comfortable in August and September on the coast from Albufeira to Lugosha. At this time, the warmest water (+21 ... + 23 ° C), although such a temperature is far from everyone will seem enjoyable.

Most of the coast of the province is occupied by reserves, there is a unique natural park, where you can see pink flamingos. Golf courses are organized for amateurs of outdoor activities, surfing school and diving schools.

The center of the province is the city of Faro. This is a beautiful town with medieval buildings and ruins of the ancient Roman settlements. The airport is located. Not far from Faro are located the most popular resorts for the sea In this province - Villamura, Albufeira and Portimau.

Villamura - A large resort complex, according to reviews, the best place for outdoor activities in Portugal to the sea. There are parachute centers, diving and surfing schools. Much entertainment for children: zoo, water park and entertainment parks. The best beaches are a shallow-water Falezia Beach, popular with guests with young children, as well as an urban beach Marina, located near the yacht pier.

AT Albufeir. Fans of seafood are striving for vacation, because local restaurants offer the most sophisticated dishes from them. In the city, three sandy beaches, the most popular funeral of them, located in the historic part of the city. Not far from the city is a zoo with Dolphinarium.

Resort Portimau. Known by his beach Praia da Rocha. This is one of the most picturesque beaches Atlantic, surrounded by low cliffs and medieval buildings. Along it built many hotels in various levels, as well as cafes and restaurants. The resort is not considered expensive, here they love to relax both with children, there and youth companies, only when booking the hotel, it is advisable to specify the presence of close nightly institutions.

(Photo © DronePicr / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Lisbon Riviera

All resort towns of this zone - Estoril, Cascais, Karkavelush and others - are located half an hour from Lisbon. Water in the sea is usually cool, even in the summer only +17 ... + 19 ° C, so they prefer to rest here those who want to combine beach holidays in Portugal with cultural and informative.

Respectable Estoril His historical center has long been known among wealthy tourists. The first line of the town is completely built up by expensive hotels and luxurious villas. Cascais and Karkavelush - Typical youth resorts, windsurfing centers and nightlife.

The most famous beach and a real paradise for windsurfist is Ginshi Beach. For young children, a shallowwater warm Warm beach-shell Salir Do Porto near San Martino-to-Porto is perfect. Not far from Cascais is famous natural attractions - Rock Boca de Inferno and Cape Cabo de Rock. From a sightseeing point of view, it is interesting to visit the capital Lisbon with its mosaic area and the old quarter.


On the Azores, it is always moderately warm: + 25 ° С in summer, + 15 ° С in winter. According to the reviews of tourists, on the Islands of Portugal is best to relax from June to September, when it is usually dry and sunny weather. Rains and fogs are rained with the arrival of autumn. There are few sandy beaches, most of them are located on the islands of Faien and San Miguel, in the rest of the beaches of volcanic. Almost every hotel has a swimming pool.

Main mUST SEE For all tourists, it is a furs with his lake and geysers, the islands of Tersair, Florish and San Miguel with their relic forests, museums and temples. The reefs are well preserved on the island of peak, and the path of migration of whales, annually attracting crowds of tourists in its surroundings.

In general, rest on the Azores is more contemplative, rather than the beach passive. Prices for services are pleased with their availability. Probably, therefore, European and Canadian retirees love to rest here so much.

(Photo © p_v a l d i v i e s o / flickr.com / license CC BY-SA 2.0)


Madeira Volcanic Origin Island, famous for a mild climate and natural beauty. The climate of the island is a subtropical, and due to the action of the golfstrum, the air temperature changes slightly throughout the year: in winter + 17 ° C, in the summer + 27 ° C. The temperature of the water is kept at the average annual mark of + 19 ° C.

Cultural attractions are a bit, so the main entertainment of holidaymakers is pedestrian routes On the trails and levadam, the cable car and botsad in Funchaly, research rocks, caves and waterfalls. Many outdoor activities: yachting, water skiing, fishing, surfing, diving, riding, tennis and golf.

Many beaches from nature are stony, so they are covered with bridal sand. According to tourist reviews, best places For a beach holiday in Portugal to the sea, it is on Madeira - here water is warmer than everything. The best is considered beach Calchetcovered with desert sand and closed by wave. A good sandy beach is on ponte Santa IslandYou can get there by ferry with Madeira.

Source of the introductory image: © DronePicr / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0.

Portugal is located in the southwestern part of the Pyrenean Peninsula. A country with a richest historical heritage, exquisite wines, a magnific kitchen, a moderate affectionate climate and first-class beach resorts.

Although Portugal is considered a year-round resort, but fans to conquer the bunching of the Atlantic will not be comfortable everywhere. On the west coast Water warms up to +18, which means that swimming here on the "amateur". W. southern Shore The water temperature rises to +25, which is very suitable for swimming.

That is why mostly the best resort cities Focused on the south coast, as well as the Madeira Archipelago and the Azores.

Algarve is a province that is located in the south of the country. The capital of Faro is the largest city in the district and is often used by travelers as the main starting point for excursions to the south of the country.

Her story as a resort, just a few decades begins. Although still ancient Romans appreciated the nature and climate of this territory, and built their luxury villas here. At the end of the twentieth century, the British "decided" to make the Algarve to make their most ecologically clean resort. It is thanks to this attention here a tourist business seven-world steps began to develop.

In fact, rest here is really good. The mountains located in the north protect the entire terrain from cold winds, and the warm atlantic flow creates soft and unique climate. Summer here lasts from April to November, and the temperature keeps + 23-28 degrees. Amazing and unique fauna no heart will leave indifferent. The hills on the horizon are thick covered with orange and almond trees, and small bays are surrounded by picturesque rocks. The eastern part is famous for the excellent little sand, and West surprises with the rocky beaches in its beauty.

The main resorts of Algarve are Albufeira, Monte-Gordo, Vilamoura and many other no less cozy and comfortable.

Each of these towns in its own way Veda villain and truly Divine, choose you.


Everything is arranged for guests. Equipped beaches for parties, for nudists and for people with limited features. There are deserted wild corners on the coast, for a secluded "relax". There is only nature and you.

A huge number of all kinds of entertainment on any guest. There are shops, bars, restaurants, clubs and casinos.

Lovers actively spend time can hunt for sharks, learn to join snorkeling, to do sailing or surfing, swim on a boat or a luxurious yacht.

There is a golf club on which you can play all year round.

Many believe that the "holidays" is here only for those who have the score "in the Swiss bank." However, everything is wrong. Indeed, you can choose an exclusive complex where everything is equipped on the highest class and the prices here are not small. Again, there are quite a few three-star hotels with pretty reasonable prices and the practice of renting housing for youth groups has been developed.

Branched road systems allow you to quickly get to any required point. Many excursions from different directions are offered to visit various turbuo. Boring here will not be anyone.

How to get

Before Algarve from Moscow, you can fly by charter that follows the headlight. You can use flight to Lisbon, and from there or internal airlines to the headlight, or four hours.

You can see current flight prices below:

Cost of living

The map below shows hotels in the Algarve region with accommodation prices. The numbers indicate the number of hotels near the label. With increasing card, prices are becoming visible:


The Azores are an archipelago located 1500 kilometers from the European coast, which is an autonomous region. They have volcanic origins and consist of three major groups and many small, which are mostly not populated.

In the central part there are peaks, San Georges, Grasozoz, Teresaiya Fayal. Eastern belongs to Santa Maria and San Miguel. To Western include Korot and florish. All of them are covered with brown greens, for which they got the name " Green islands" There are researchers who assure that "azoras", these are only small peaks of the Mountains of the Lost Atlantis, who have once left the bottom of the ocean. However, this statement has not yet received official recognition.

Each small "landclock sushi" will offer tourists their unique beauty and entertainment.

San Mighel boasts an abundance of thermal sources, forests, emerald valleys and volcanic lakes. Some of the most magnificent pineapple plantations are located here. And in the Valley of Furnish you will be offered to taste the national roast meat and vegetables cooked in hot volcanic land. Lovers of active sessions can make hiking in national Parkwhere the plants of tropical and northern countries were mixed, or watch the fun dolphins and graceful whales. Try to play golf, large tennis and diving.

Fayal is famous for numerous historical attractions and a yacht port. It is developed sailing and fishing. Numerous grots, caves and craters are affected by imagination.

Santa Maria is ideal for those who love water sports. All shore is cut with numerous coves forming the most beautiful and comfortable bathing beaches.

Peak is contrasts and insane landscapes. This Mountain as if rose from oceanic depths and reached the most clouds. The indigenous houses are built of dark volcanic lava and are drowning in huge Hortensified bushes and grapes.


Here you will not find the diversity of restaurants, cafes and cheerful night parties, but on fantastic landscapes, there are few corner on the ground to compare with these amazing areas of sushi, lost in the ocean punching. Although there are no "palace-hotels", but a high-class service, a temperate warm climate, and the mass of the most interesting entertainment events will make leave unforgettable and comfortable.

"Azoras" with their amazing landscapes and stunning eyes are fascinating and attracting tourists who are tired of the crazy rhythm of life, urban fuss and wish to be alone with nature.

How to get

The cost of living on the islands

To understand prices in the region, take two islands. You can see the rest using the cards below alone:

Tersera Island:

San Miguel Island:

Madeira Island

In several hundred kilometers from the coast of Portugal and 700 km from the hot Africa, a peculiar reserve and the most "ancient" and popular resort, "Island of colors and eternal spring" - Madeira. It is the peak of a huge six-kilometer volcano covered with a lush carpet of flowers and green vegetation. The season for tourists here lasts year-round.

Due to the fact that the island "caresses" the warm flow of Golf Stream and in the summer period is becoming cool by the waters of the Atlantic, a warm subtropical climate is dominated here. In the summer, the air temperature rises to + 30, and the oceanic waters warm up to + 25 degrees. In winter, there are often a storm and temperature drops, but still it keeps on a comfortable place for recreation + 20 degrees.

The richest Flora amazes with its diversity. Bamboo thickets, mysterious groves of a giant ferner, graceful forests of cypresses and a huge number of colors will delight your gaze. Fauna is not so diverse. Here you can meet only waterfowl and shock hares.

Unique beaches are formed from the frozen lava and are similar to giant "baths", which are protected from the ocean with natural partitions. Through these fences, oceanic waves are periodically flowing smoothly.


On Madeira you will find a huge selection of hotels in various districts and a different level. The most fashionable are located in Funchal next to the Atlantic Ocean. They have appropriate infrastructure, entertainment centers, a large number of bars, restaurants and cafes. You can also settle in the "Manor Hotel", which are far from Fushalya and are fairly notice. But exotic holiday In the former homes of the representative of the last time, it is really worth it. High-quality service, divine situation and stunning views will become an excellent bonus on your vacation.

For fans of privacy, hotels are offered, which are as close as possible to the unique nature, but to get to them will have to taxi.

For adherents of active travel, many hiking walks are organized in amazing and colorful "catches". Mainly the path passes in parallel with water canals, digs up in the distant fifteenth century. Round year, ringing streams are descended on them with the insanely beautiful mountain verses, over which the majestic eagles are soaked, and cane plantations and wheat fields are singing.

The main strip of the shore is a very cool rocky breakdown, so the beaches are equipped in suitable places for this. There is everything you need for a civilized vacation. Comfortable modern sun beds, cabins to change clothes and pure toilets. Constantly duty rescuers who are tirelessly followed by bathing.

If you pull you back to urban life, you can stroll up to Funchaly and admire it with tiny houses and gorgeous palaces. Numerous museums, modern art galleries, cozy bars and colorful market will be returned to you again into a fussy urban life.

How to get

Madeira Airport is located in eighteen kilometers from Funchala, to reach which you can fly a bus or taxi. It will take about 20 minutes on the road. To fly to this airport, you can use flights with a change in London and Vienna. But it is better to fly to Lisbon and further to Funchali internal airlines. There is no direct flight from Russia.

How much is accommodation on the island

Prices will show the map below when choosing a area of \u200b\u200bresidence:

Lisbon Riviera

Lisbon Riviera - for a sophisticated and capricious traveler. Being completely close to the capital of the country, but possessing the beautiful nature and all the benefits of civilization, she has attracted crowded and elected aristocracy since ancient years.

There is everything you need for a wonderful pastime. Breakless expanses Atlantic Ocean, the smallest velvet sand, ample opportunities for any active classes, exquisite cuisine on any gourmet and many hotels of different categories will definitely "catch in their networks" makes a choice of directions for fighting.

Numerous towns and villages, located throughout the coastline, are beautiful and unique in their architecture and living conditions.

Estoril is the port city, which is located in Cascais Bay and is washed by gentle atlantic waves. Silent luxury beaches, all sorts of entertainment and addicted with its purity air attach many people who want to relax chic. The favorite place is known, including the English Queen Elizabeth I, offers all the amenities for a comfortable stay here.

Karkavelush - the real birthplace of Portuguese surfing, which in the sixties of the twentieth century began developing there. This town is a burning mixture of ancient streets with incredible architecture and modern sports facilities. It is also famous for its beautiful dry wines that are made of nine varieties of wonderful grapes.


In all corners of Lisbon Riviera, excellent roads, many hotels of various price categories, wonderful restaurants and cafes, and limitless conditions for a variety of holidays. All this makes the Lisbon Riviera of this "pearl" of the resort life.

How to get

We fly to Lisbon, time on the way four hours thirty minutes. Next, you can take a taxi, the cost of which is 60-80 euros. Or get to the metro station Orient, and there to transfer to route bus to the crap.

Cost of living

The cost of staying tourists in the hotels of Lisbon Riviera can be viewed on the map below:

Excellent you relax in lovely Portugal!

For most Russians, Portugal is a dark horse, few people choose her to relax. Meanwhile, Portugal is famous among Europeans with first-class beaches and excellent excursion routes.

Portugal is a small country on the most West Bank of Eurasia. On land, Portugal borders only with one European country - with Spain. From all other parties, Portugal is washed by the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Portugal also belongs to several islands, the most noticeable of which is the island of Madeira, the birthplace of the famous fastened wine "Madera".

Portugal on the map of Europe

Visa to Portugal

Portugal is a participant of the Schengen Agreement, but she has some of the most loyal rules for visa. You can place a visa in Portugal through one of the visa centers. Detailed information On addresses of visa centers in Russia, the rules of completing the questionnaire, the list of necessary documents and many other things can be found on the website of the Unified Visa Center of Portugal in Russia.

If some kind of visa information in Portugal, posted on the site, will be incomprehensible or insufficient for you, you can see for advice by phone, see the full list.

Visa to Portugal

Map, language, money in Portugal

Portuguese is one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world. In addition to Portugal, he is the official language of Brazil, Angola, Macau (China) and a number of other states of different parts of the world. Such geographic variation is explained by the fact that Portugal, despite its modest sizes, was one of the most powerful states that had colonies throughout the world.

Colonization of Brazil Portugalia

Portuguese is closest to Spanish, but still it exists in itself. If you speak Spanish, it will not be possible to freely explain with the Portuguese. For rumor, Portuguese seems very melodious and replete with hissing and whistling sounds. The most popular hit in Portuguese is an unforgettable "nose-nose" of Michel body, so that any of you can hang at least a couple of lines in Portuguese.

The official currency of Portugal - Euro. Exchange Rubles in the country is quite problematic if you are traveling in Portugal with cash, it is better to exchange them in Russia. If you are carrying money in a bank card, then no problems will arise - in Portugal, the banking sector, ATMs and banking offices are very well developed in any very sad village. However, it is necessary to consider that banks in Portugal closes pretty early - at 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

ATMs in Brazil

Calculate the bank card can also be almost everywhere. Prices in Portugal compared to other European countries are very democratic. The budget of expenses on the day will be approximately 40-50 euros per person (travel, food, minor costs), economical tourists And they are able to meet at 25-30 euros. On the purchase of things and expensive excursions you need to highlight additional amounts.

Bookstore Lello Bookstore, Portugal

Look detailed map Portugal in Russian can be. The map shows attractions, museums and exhibitions, public transport stops, catering establishments and much more. There you can download the most interesting options for you mobile phone or gadget. The map is provided by Google.

City of Cascais, Portugal

How to get to Portugal?

You can directly fly to Portugal from Russia only by the Moscow-Lisbon flight (sent once a week), but the cost of the ticket is quite high. There are no direct regular flights to Portugal from other cities. The flight can be ordered only with a transfer in Europe, such a flight will cost you much cheaper than straight. There are cheap flights from Istanbul from the regions. You can get on the train, but again with a change in one of the European cities.

International Airport "Pelta", Lisbon, Portugal

International airports in Portugal have in Lisbon (center of the country), Faro ( south coast) and port (north). On the island of Portugal, you can get only through Lisbon - there are daily direct internal flights for a small price.

Airport in Faro, Portugal

What holiday to choose: beaches or cities?

Most tourists go to Portugal for the sake of sightseeing holidays. On the beauty and number of historical attractions, Portuguese cities are one of the best in Europe. Excursion bus tours in several cities are very popular (there are one-day options, or for 2-4 days overnight in hotels on the route).

Obidysh, Portugal

Beach holidays in Portugal is not as popular as excursion. Portugal Coast is impregnable rocks, cut by small sandy bays. The water of the Atlantic is rarely calm, not everyone will dare to swim in them, and the swimming season is limited to a pair of three months a year (from July to September). But even during these months, the water temperature rarely exceeds 20-22 degrees, since the cold flows of Gibraltar do not allow water to warm more.

Beach in Albufeir, Portugal

The best sand beaches Portugal is located in the south, in the Algarve region. It is here that you need to go if you are a lover of a lazy beach holiday. In the center of the country, not far from Lisbon, there are also several small resort towns (Cascais, Estoril, Karkavelush) with good beaches, but this area will suit more surfingists - for ordinary swimming here too big waves. In the north of Portugal, beach holidays are not developed due to cold currents.

Beaches in Karkavelev, Portugal

Regardless of which region of Portugal, you relax and how good you are a swimmer, it is worth getting on a couple of days on the coast, to at least just watch the ocean, feel his unique smell, see all the power and beauty of the ocean surf. Still, Portugal - the country of the greatest geographic discoveries And first-class navigators, and you can only feel this craving for the overseas shores on the edge of the ocean.

Ocean surf in the port of the car, Portugal

Lisbon and its surroundings: description of attractions

Lisbon (Portuguese "Lisboa" - Lisboa) - the capital of Portugal, one of the older cities in Europe. In his century, Lisbon visited the rule of Romans, Arabs, Knights-Crusaders, Spaniards and Napoleon's troops. Each era of the board left its imprint in Lisbon, therefore, in the historical and architectural plan, Lisbon is a real table of discoveries for a tourist.

View of Night Lisbon, Portugal

Monastery Zheronimush It was built founded by the Portuguese king Manuel I as gratitude to God for the successful swimming of Vasco da Gama.

The great navigator opened the sea route from Europe to India, from where the expensive tanks and spices were hung in Portugal, appreciated in those days on the weight of gold. The discovery of this path brought the fabulous riches of the Crown of Portugal, in many ways the construction of the monastery was carried out at the expense taken from the trade in the Indian goods.

After the construction of the monastery was given to the possession of hieronimitam monas, from where he got its name. The building of the monastery is located a maritime museum, telling about the times of great geographical discoveries. Official site of the monastery www.mosteirojeronimos.pt, site marine Museum http://museu.marinha.pt.

Monastery Zheronimush, Lisbon, Portugal

White Tower (or Belen) Built at the beginning of the XVI century as a fort for protecting the urban harbor and urban buildings at the mouth of the Pirates of the Pirate raids. Later, the White Tower at different times was used as a prison, a lighthouse, a weapon warehouse and a customs office. Official Tower site www.torrebelem.pt

Tower Belem, Lisbon, Portugal

Castle of St. George - This is the highest point of Lisbon. Walls of the castle can be seen from any area of \u200b\u200bthe city. It was built at the time of the reign of Romans, then somewhat rebuilt during the crusaders and Muslim knights. The castle served as a residence for the first king of Portugal Afonus.

You can get to the castle on foot from the commerce square in the center of Lisbon through the historic neighborhoods. Better to schedule a walk for the whole day. In addition to the ancient objects and medieval interiors inside the castle, you will find a sightseeing platform, a few cafes, you can participate in interactive entertainment, for example, learn how to shoot a medieval crossbow.

Castle of St. George, Lisbon, Portugal

Baisha district - The historic Quarter of Lisbon, in which several significant attractions are located at once:

  • Triumphal Arch Opens the Pedestrian zone of Roa Augushta - a beautiful historic street and a great place for shopping

Rua Augushta, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Commerce Squaremain Square Lisbon, which offers stunning views of the Embankment of the River Tejo. On the square of commerce often stand out street artists, holidays are held, the excursion buses are stopped here

Triumphal Arch and Commerce Square in Lisbon, Portugal
  • Square Figueira It used to be used as a site for the city market, now it is a tourist place, but the fairs on the Figueir Square are still held. One of the most interesting sights of Square of Figueira - Hospital of Dolls - Museum-Shop, where old broken toys are accepted, are put in order, and then sold to everyone

Square Figueira, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Square Russio - The place of public executions and arena for fighting bulls (Portuguese calls such entertainment "Torad"). The fairs are often arranged on the square, the most beautiful of them - christmas

RUSSIO Square, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Elevanad Santa Zhurse - Construction in the center of Lisbon in the form of a tower with a lifting passenger cabin inside. The elevator is used to quickly move between the areas of Lisbon, which separates too steep slope. From the upper point of the elevator, the panorama of the adjacent streets opens. Driving on the elevator only during the daytime, passage is paid

Elevanad Santa Jushta, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Palace of Ajuda - Royal Palace, Luisa Residence I. Currently, the Palace works as a museum, it presents a collection of painting, royal porcelain, jewelry and interior items belonging to the royal family. The official website of the museum http://www.palacioajuda.pt

Ajuda Palace, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Park Nations - the entertainment quarter built to world Exhibition ESCPO. Everything is here for excellent pastime: entertainment centers And pleasure alleys, casino and cinema, Teleferico cable car. On the territory of the Nations Park is the Okeanarium of Lisbon, where you can visit a unique attraction: "Night with sharks." Official site of Oceanarium Lisbon: https://www.ceanario.pt/en

Oceanarium in Lisbon, Portugal
  • Tram number 28. - Perhaps the most popular tram route in the world. It is mentioned in each advertising avenue as one of the main attractions of Lisbon. The tram route runs through the most beautiful corners of Old Lisbon, past the most famous attractions. Travel throughout the route will take about an hour.

Tram number 28, Lisbon, Portugal
  • The fare is the same as on any other routes, because this is the usual urban branch of public transport. If you buy a day pass, you can use tram number 25 instead excursion bus on Lisbon: go out at each stop, slowly inspect the sights, and go to the next station at the next tram

Tram number 28 in Lisbon, Portugal
  • National Museum of Kareet - one of the most interesting museums Lisbon. Here are collected unique genuine samples of the carriage from all over Europe. The museum is located in the premises of the riding school at the Royal Palace, the official website of the museum: Museudoscoches.pt

National Museum of Careet, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Vasco da Gama Bridge - one of the most recognizable places in Lisbon - vatets Most, the longest bridge in Europe. The bridge is named after the great Portuguese navigator and is a kind of visiting city card

Bridge Vasco da Gama, Lisbon, Portugal

Sintra and its sights

Sintra - a city near Lisbon, one of the few cities in the world, which is recognized as an object world Heritage UNESCO (not separate buildings and structures, but the whole city is entirely). Sintra has served as a summer residence of the Kings of Portugal. Even in Sintra there is a unique tram route laid from the city on the coast.

Old Sintra Fortress Walls, Portugal

Palace Pena - Royal Palace, its outlines and coloring something like a cartoon castle. The palace was built on the site of an old monastery, destroyed during the earthquake.

Initially, the architect conceived to build a palace on the sample of German and Bavarian castles, but the king of Ferdinand, who ordered the construction, very actively intervened in the initial plans of the construction, and added to the project everything that seems to be thrown into his head at that time.

As a result, the Palace of Woven from completely incompatible styles and elements and painted in fairly original colors. Just this makes it completely unique in its kind.

Palace of Foam in Sintra, Portugal

Quinta Yes Regaleira (Quinta Da Regaleira) - Manor and the Park of the same name around it. The owner of the Quinta is the regalery, according to rumors, belonged by one of their powerful Masonic lies and led his pedigree from the knights-Templar. The park is replete with mystical structures and Masonic signs, the most famous of which is the initiation well.

Head initiation in Sintra, Portugal

Cape Roca "The most extreme point of the Eurasian mainland, which can be reached by bus from Sintra. At the Cape of Rock always blows a very strong wind, and his direction is constantly changing, and the impulses can sometimes stake off the legs. It is worth being extremely careful, especially when you are standing at the rocky edge of Cape: you never know where the next wind gusting will arrive and what power it will be. In winter, a visit to the Rock Cape and is not safe to life at all.

Cape Roca in the vicinity of Sintra, Portugal

Montserrat Palace "The luxurious villa for the courtiest nobility, which he fought Byron in his poem" Pilgrimage of Child Harold "(therefore, the Montserrat Palace enjoys a special success in the English tourists). Howl, modern species of Villa acquired thanks to the investments of the English industrialist and the patron of Francis Cook.

Montserrat Palace in Sintra, Portugal

National Palace SintraIn common, called "Rustic", for a long time was the summer castle of the Kings of Portugal. As it should be dacha, the Sintra Palace has small sizes and modest interiors compared to the city palaces, but, nevertheless, this royal building is considered one of the most important attractions of the city.

Sintra National Palace, Portugal

North Portugal: Porto

Porto - the second largest city of Portugal. It was the port of the port of the whole country, because during the Romans the city was called Portus Cale.

City of Porto, Portugal

Ribeira district - Very colorful historic port, the main tourist attraction of the city. The Ribeir houses are painted in bright colors, many are decorated with traditional Portuguese ceramics "Azulju". It is difficult to describe all the charm of this area. A completely unique atmosphere reigns on narrow paved streets, local cafes and restaurants offering excellent portine and local cuisine are added to them.

Ribeir district in Porto, Portugal

Church of San Franciska - One of the most beautiful in the city. The church looks rather unusual by the standards of Catholic religious canons: it is decorated with a unique wooden carvings, resembling the work of Russian architects. The dome and walls of the church are painted with scenes from biblical plots, but in the figures there are not much more often found saints, but images of animals and plants.

Internal interiors of San Francischka church in Porto, Portugal

Because of the unusual and too bright inner decor of the church, the Catholic clergy refused to use the church for prayers, and now she is a museum open to visits to everyone. In addition to the Church itself, those who wish can visit the neighboring catacks - the burial place of citizens in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Church of San Francisco in Porto, Portugal

Louis Bridge first - One of the most unusual structures in the port and a great observation deck. The bridge consists of two levels, both have pedestrian walkways. From the bridge, just awesome views on the banks of the Douro River. The bridge itself as an architectural structure also deserves a separate picture: this is an impressive structure, the construction is made in the style of Eiffel one of his students.

Luis Bridge First in Porto, Portugal

Cathedral Port. - The place is unique not so much in architectural as in historical terms. It is from this construction that the port of Porto: The first building of the church served as a fortress rather than the Catholic temple, around which the city of Porto gradually began to grow.

Another famous historical fact: In the Cathedral of the port of the port of the Portuguese Royal Family and the organizer of many maritime expeditions of the great geographical discoveries, the port of the Portuguese Royal Family and the Organizer.

Cathedral of Porto, Portugal

Castle Guimaraes - Medieval protective fortress near the port. At various times, the fortress belonged to the most famous kings of Portugal, served as a fortification structure during numerous defensive wars and a gloomy medieval prison. At the moment, the fortress Gimmarysh is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Castle Guimaraes in the vicinity of Porto, Portugal

Faro and Algarve Region

Faro is a small town in the south of Portugal, the capital of the Algarve region. The city is very rich and interesting storyIn which the times of Roman rule, Arab conquerors, numerous pirate raids and knights reconquitors are intertwined.

View of the city and port of Faro at night, Portugal

Capella bones - Church, walls and internal weapons of which are erected from human bones of monks and ordinary citizens. Despite the cracked decoration, such a decision during construction has a completely prosaic explanation.

The church belonged to the Order of the Franciscan Monks, who in the people was called "a beggar Order", since Franciscans gave any vow of mis offer and had no right to make personal property, especially to save wealth. Without having funds to build the church, as well as money for the purchase of land for the burial of the dead fellow, the monks found the original way out of the situation in the form of this construction.

Cappella bones in Faro, Portugal

Old Town Far - an interesting historical area in which you can find a lot of small local attractions, narrow campled streets, family restaurants With a centuries-old history and unique paintings of life local residents, in centuries holds family traditions. In the old town of Farra reigns a stunning atmosphere of a typical seaside town, which lost his time bill.

Cathedral Faro, Portugal

Moorish castle in Sillev - This is a fortress in Arabic style in the midst of orange and tangerine plantations. Next to the castle is the Archaeological Museum with a rich collection of finds from the time of Paleolith to this day.

Moorish Castle in Sillevche, Portugal

Albufeira - A small ancient fishing city built in the Mauritan style. There are several historical museums Local importance, the remains of the ancient Arab mosque, the fortress of the XII century Castell de Almad and the Park Marin Marine Park, on the territory of which regular representations of dolphins and marine cats are held.

City of Albufeira, Portugal

Fort Baleeira - The remains of the old fortification near the city of Sagresh. The fortress was built to protect against pirate raids, which did not give rest to local fishermen and the kitobov. Pirates, however, did not stop this fortress from raids. As a result, Fort was destroyed by the team of the legendary marine robber Francis Drake and was no longer restored.

Fort in the vicinity of Sagresh, Portugal

Cathedral of Santa Maria do Castel - Beautiful ancient church in the city of Tavira, who was assigned the status of the National Monument to Algarve. In the church, the Bras is a unique collection of objects of cult and jewelry of the XV-XVIII centuries. Also, the churches have survived several tombstones with the remains of the Knight-Crusaders of the Order of St. Jacob.

Cathedral of Santa Maria do Castel, Portugal

Cathedral Silvish For a long time served the main diocesan center of the entire region of Algarve. Church - a typical pattern of the Catholic style of Portugal: whitewall walls and coarse sandstone. Inside the church, you can find interesting burials of rich citizens of different centuries.

Cathedral Silvisha, Portugal

Features of the choice of hotels in Portugal

The price of accommodation in Portugal cannot be called cheap. Inexpensive hotels In 2 * -3 * here are not so much basically can be found in Lisbon. In the resort zone, hotels 4 * -5 * prevail, especially in the suburb of Lisbon, in the areas of Cascais-Estoril-Karkavelush.

Hotel "Avenida Palace" in Lisbon, Portugal

If there is a need for inexpensive accommodation, you can search the place in a hostel or campsite - this type of accommodation in Portugal is in demand more than in neighboring countries Europe. Also, good options can be found on the Airbnb website, where apartment owners offer their services directly (advice: Look for apartments and apartments on the outskirts, and not in the city center - save on price).

Hostel "Tattva Design Hostel" in Porto, Portugal

Very popular accommodation in rural homes, estates and on the bodies. This type of rest is very in demand from Europeans, as it assumes a healthy rustic food, a lot of entertainment in the fresh air (horse riding, contact farms, excursions to vineyards) and a warm home reception. The main problem may be ignorance of the language, but with the help of a phrasebook and expressive gesticulation, the language barrier can be overcome.

Manor "Casas Caiadas", Portugal

Another accommodation option is the hotels "Puezada" - renovated and reworked under high-class historical buildings (medieval monasteries, castles, palaces of local nobility). Accommodation in such hotels will leave very vivid impressions, but prices will be very high here, and only very wealthy tourists can afford this option.

Puezada "Palmela Historic Hotel", Portugal

Transport and meals in Portugal

Transport in Portugal

Metro Station in Lisbon, Portugal

In addition to the metro in Lisbon and port, there are bus, funicular and tram lines. It is more convenient to buy a single travel for all types of transport. Such a passage is purchased for each passenger separately, it is possible to use how much you like, as it is replenished.

Transport Card in Portugal

Travels are sold in machine guns at the metro stations, in the mail, in the magazine kiosks. Plus shopping cards in the machine: there are inscriptions on english language. When buying a travel destination in other places, the seller may not speak English, which will cause difficulty in communicating.

The trip is considered paid only after you have attached a map to a special device inside the vehicle cabin - these are small devices with a round reading device in the center and a small screen at the top.

When you apply a passage to the reader, a green indicator should light up above the screen, and the remaining number of travel will be displayed, the amount of money residue on the map will be displayed, or the end date of the passage.

If the red indicator lights up above the screen, then you have not enough funds on the map for payment. It is worth being attentive and to replenish the amount on the map in a timely manner, as controllers often come in Portugal.

How to pay for travel to Portugal

In small towns, in the suburb of Lisbon and on the Algarve coast the most convenient to use buses or rented cars. Bus tickets can be bought from the driver or in special kiosk machines.

The bus service on Algarve is not very convenient, since there are many seasonal routes that often change the schedule and the movement scheme. In addition, buses only go to 6-7 pm, and only a taxi will be at your disposal.

Rede Expressos Bus in Portugal

Buses stop at stops only at the request of the passenger. To stop the bus, you need to raise your hand, otherwise it can drive past. If you need to get out of the bus, you need to inform the driver about it by pressing the red button on the handrail inside the cabin.

In addition to the bus for travel between small cities, you can use suburban trains. Tickets are sold at stations, when selling a cashier may require your passport. Trains go strictly on schedule. If you get on the train at the station where there is no station (it happens in very small towns), then the ticket can be bought from the conductor.

The official website of the Railways of Portugal can be viewed.

Train Station in Lisbon, Portugal

Food in Portugal

Most often, Portugal hotels offer their guests only breakfasts, so the question with dinner and dinner you will have to solve yourself. In any, even the smallest city of Portugal, you can easily find where to eat.

Street cafe in Lisbon, Portugal

Coffee with a sandwich will cost you in 2-3 euros. For the usual lunch or dinner in the cafe (hot and drink) will have to lay out 12-15 euros per person. Prices in restaurants start from 25 euros, and lunch in a restaurant with live music is more expensive than in the institution without it. Prices for the bottle of local wine range from 2-3 euros to infinity (it all depends on the brand and the class of the drink).

Restaurant in Porto, Portugal

Portugal cuisine is similar to National Mediterraine Kitchen: many greens, vegetables, mandatory seafood and olive oil. The dishes are mostly simple, but satisfying. Very big portions. From the drinks is the most popular - young Portuguese wine.

Be careful! Often in restaurants and cafes you can put a food on the table, which you did not order (meat cutting, cheese, baking). Such dishes are not a compliment of the institution, they will have to pay for them. If you do not intend to spend more than ordered, you should not touch these treats - even if you try one or two pieces, you have to pay for the entire plate.

National cuisine Portugal

If you intend to cook yourself, then the food will cost you even cheaper. In local supermarkets you can buy any products. Moreover, the less the town, the lower the price.

Products with expiring shelf life are folded into special baskets, and a discount is provided to them, its size depends on how soon the product will deteriorate. In addition, supermarkets often arrange sales for a specific product category, a discount can reach 30% of the initial cost.

Go to the most western country Europe is necessary for several reasons at once:

  • unique historical monuments that are not found anywhere in the world;
  • warm ocean I. elegant beaches, soft marine climate;
  • diving;
  • stunningly delicious kitchen;
  • christian shrines;
  • folk songs Fada;
  • low crime.
Palace of Foam (Sintra, Portugal)

Portugal can not be attributed to the cheapest countries. Until recently, this country was mostly wealthy tourists who fed the Mediterranean resorts. But for the budget recreation, the country is quite suitable if you know how not to overpay for food, accommodation and entertainment. The only costs that are not avoided is a fee for a Schengen visa - 35 euros per person.

The biggest savings are obtained if you are not alone in the country of Columbus, but as part of a large and friendly company - several families with children are an excellent option.

Road to Ocean.

Getting to Portugal long enough. Direct flight Moscow to Lisbon - 6 hours. But a ticket that will provide the shortest path, not the cheapest way to achieve the Portuguese capital. If you fly with a transplant, you can save up to 75 euros!

The most fiscal flight option offers Airfrance and KLM. Both companies will be delivered from Moscow to Lisbon and in one transplant: in the first case in Paris (waiting for 7 hours), in the second - in Amsterdam (waiting 12 hours). Ticket - from 200 euros in both ends.

The road to Portugal can turn into additional tourist capabilities. From Charles de Gaulle Airport, to the center of ancient lutence, you can drive 350 and 351 buses. The road takes an hour, and the ticket costs 5.70 euros one way. Guidebooks and reference books persistently recommend other paths - an electric train or bus of the commercial line. But these types of transport go to Paris as much as the tickets are per few times more expensive.

Pure time to inspect the most famous beauties of the French capital remains about three hours, which is quite enough, even considering a small break for a snack in a cafe (coffee, peasant pie, light salad - 7-8 euros).

In Amsterdam, on the contrary, the fastest and cheapest way to get from the airport to the historic center of the city. A ticket - 5.10 euros, on the way - just 17 minutes. Clear time in the city - 8 hours. It is enough to have time to visit a few museums, run into the Quarter "Red Lights", delicious dinner (a large sandwich with a Dutch herd and onions, a beer mug - 7 euros).

Even taking into account the costs of buses or trains, food and inspection of attractions, the cost of the road with a transfer (in Paris or in Amsterdam) turn out to be less than tickets for a direct flight to Lisbon.

Portuguese accommodation

Hotels in Portugal dear. Even if you choose a tiny room in guest House At the very edge of the city, it will cost such an overnight no less than 20 euros per day. A simple hotel in which you will be provided with a hot breakfast, from which you do not need to get to the historic center for two hours, costs 30-40 euros per night.

In order to live while relaxing in a convenient location, near public transport, grocery stores, close to the attractions and the ocean coast, you need to rent an apartment. This option will be especially economical, if you travel a group of 4-6 people. Two bedroom apartment in a good city district costs 50 euro / day. The apartment can easily accommodate 6 adult travelers.

Accommodation in the rented apartment saves, thanks to several advantages at once:

  • own kitchen allows residents to prepare themselves that much less costs than food in cafes, taverns, kortsmay;
  • each apartment necessarily provides free coffee and guests for guests, many owners leave a set of croup, macaroni, and in the refrigerator you will find several bottles mineral water and an indispensable bottle of wine or port - everything is included in the price;
  • no tips pay, you yourself are cleaning your housing;
  • you have the opportunity to absolutely free to wipe your things (the presence of a washing machine for a removable apartment is required, detergents are provided free of charge).

One-room apartment with a small kitchen in a quiet city district - 30-35 euros.

We also recommend reading an article. From her you will learn: where you can go well and inexpensively abroad, which is first and foremost to save your budget. The article provides a list of the most inexpensive travel countries in Europe, Asia, South America and the Middle East.

Features of Portuguese cuisine

Portuguese cuisine is a mixture of African, Arab and South European tastes. Bright dishes, an abundance of spices and sophisticated fish delicacies - here is the main thing in the food of the Portuguese. Gourmets will undoubtedly be taste:

  • bakalua - special cod cream, at the same time saline and dried. Served with baked potatoes and green onions. Popular dish in the days of numerous posts;
  • kaldu Verda - Green soup with a sharp pepper "Piri-Peel", sausage "Chorizo" and potatoes;
  • fayzhoada - beans, meat, rice, vegetables in a pot. This national dish every mistress prepares in its own way, and in Lisbon taverns it is this dish of the most popular among tourists;
  • pasteish de Belem - a bun with cinnamon and custard - the country's business card, the most famous dessert.


Lunch in the usual restaurant at the supermarket (the most fiscal option) costs from 7 euros per person. Portions in Portugal are very generous, so one lunch is quite enough for two.

The most budget restaurants of Lisbon are Brazilian or Japanese. In the first one you can try the unserved number of meat snacks for 12 euros (the meal will fully come for dinner for two, a bottle of wine is attached to snacks), in the second case - a business lunch consisting of sushi three types, pieces of chicken in soy sauce and a large cup of green Tea, it is not more expensive than 8 euros.

Supermarkets of Portugal cities will leave for bread (2.5 euros large white loaf) and dairy products (milk - 1.40; yogurt - from 2 euros per liter bottle). All other products are better to buy in the markets. Prices are here below, Vegetables, meat and fish - Fresh. You can bargain. The only condition for saving is: to the markets of Portugal, you need to come very early, no later than 6-7 hours. Later, prices are taken away, and sellers become inexorable at part of discounts.

Five euros will be enough to pick up vegetables for two or three days (greens, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots). Fish here - from 3 to 12 euros per kilogram, meat - from 4 to 9. Peasant olive oil - 5 euro half-liter bottle. In the markets you can buy the best spices or ready-made sharp sauces.


A feature of Portugal is the fact that the beaches in this country belong to either large hotels or city authorities. The entrance is free, but for sun beds and umbrellas you need to pay from 8 to 10 euros (if you do not live in a chic hotel on the ocean coast).

You can swim in the Atlantic from March to October. But russian tourists Often amuse the locals swimming in December or February. At this time, the water temperature in the ocean is from 15 to 17 degrees. For residents of the Polar region, this is the most common temperature of the summer reservoir.

The most famous country beaches are located in the south. Adraga, Ginsh, Odessa, Don Ana, Falezia - All this is the famous coastal settlements of Mainland Portugal with a refrigerated shore and a gentle entrance to the ocean. White sand, surfing school and diving, sea excursions, picturesque coastal rocks. On many beaches there are small restaurants, which serves fresh fish in a different design. Externally, such institutions may look very non-primitive, but the kitchen is always excellent here.

Public transport

Travel on buses or trams in large cities from 1 euro to 1.50, the same number is one trip to the subway. You can save if you purchase universal ticket For 16 euros (4 days are suitable). Without a travel day, a regular tourist spends on local trips from 6 to 10 euros.

Taxi in Lisbon - from 5 to 15 euros, depending on the class of auto and duration of the trip.

What to see in Portugal?

The tourist season in the country continues all year round, all this thanks to the abundance of various historical monuments, unusual museums, entertainment establishments. Special attention of travelers attract the objects of pilgrimage, famous holy places. For those who are going to Portugal for the first time, from all tourist objects it is worth choosing the most outstanding:

  • Himaraesh is a place where Portugal was born. The fortified castle, known since the X century, which is perfectly preserved. Nearby is the city of the same name, in which you need to explore the castle of the rain and the medieval cathedral of St. Francis. You can get from the capital by bus or train (on the way 4.5 hours, ticket 33 euros one way);
  • Obdysh is a fortress city. It is hardly the only city in Europe, surrounded by a fortress wall so far. Almost the entire settlement is a museum. Three thousand local residents are designed to revive medieval landscape. Churches, houses, shops, cafes - everything is miniature, as if toy. A trip to Obydysh takes three hours, a ticket - 8.85 euros;
  • Monastery of Batalia - the tomb of several kings and queens, a monument to the gothic architecture of world importance. National Museum. Entrance ticket - 6 euros. From the capital to Batalia there is a bus - on the way 2 hours, a ticket - 8 euros;
  • Monastery Zheronimush - the pride of the Portuguese capital, the masterpiece of architecture, the place of restoring the Great Portuguese (Vasco da Gama, Kings Manuel I, Juan III, etc.). Entry ticket - 10 euros. You can drive on buses 726, 727, 43;
  • Belen Tower is a unique construction of the Renaissance. Built in honor of the opening of the path to India, one of the most recognizable characters of the old world, which accompanied and met Portuguese navigators. Partly, the tower served as a warehouse, hostel and prison customs. Located next to the monastery of Zheronimush. Entrance ticket - 6 euros;
  • Fatima is a small town in which the famous phenomenon of the Virgin Children occurred. Now there is a basilica on the site of a miracle, several city councils are also the objects of pilgrimage. There are several interesting museums in the town (wax figures of the Fatimo Virgin, the Museum of Sacred History and Ethnography). From Lisbon is best to get to Fatima by bus. On the way and a half hours, ticket 12 euros.

For tourists going to visit Portugal, it is important to know that all state museums of the country on Sundays are allowed all those who wish for free. On this day in all popular places The queues accumulate. Time to visit is more. Therefore, you should not postpone visiting cultural institutions for the weekend, you can not have time to see the most interesting.

Excursions beyond Portugal

The closer to Portugal is its eternal rival in all areas - Spain. Getting from Lisbon to Madrid is cheaper than just by the plane - from 42 euros. The bus arrives from 45 to 60 euros. And the train and at all 80 euros. Flight continues a little less than one and a half hours. Path on land transport - 10-12 hours.

In Madrid in one day you can buy bus tour in the city (23 euros), see all the main attractions spanish capital. Ploy in Prado (14 euros), drink Sangria with tapas snacks (from 7 euro per person).

Car rental in Portugal is available for driver's license officials over 25 years old, with two-year experience. Rent a modest car - 15.50 euro / day. Gasoline - 1.52 euro / liter.

When to go?

Only two months in the year Portugal Nelskov to tourists - January and February. This is the time of ocean storms, marking weather, cloudy sky. The rest of the time is favorable for visiting the country. The fiscal season - from March to May, from October to the end of November. At this time, the swimming season is closed, but for dating history and culture of Portugal, this time is suitable in the best possible way.

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Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where it is better to rest in Portugal throughout the year.

In our multipoint world in each country there is something special. In this regard, Portugal is a sample of a civilized respectable rest. Although people lived here long before the beginning of the famous history, in certain areas of this country, nature has been preserved in excellent condition. Portugal also offers various outdoor activities. In summer, here you can safely go with the children of all ages.

Where to go to Portugal with children

In principle, both children and adults for a beach holiday is better to go to the southern coast of Portugal, in the so-called. Algarve. More people stop here, you can find more water entertainment, visit the natural zones and water parks. In addition, on the cool Portuguese coast in the Algarve region, sea water is warmer. TO popular resorts This area includes Villamoura, Faro and Albufeira. Because of the high popularity of the Algarve, respectively, prices here are higher than the whole country.

If the child has achieved adolescent age, then with him you can go on a slightly less popular coast of the Lisbon Riviera, represented by Estoril and Cascais resorts. The rest here is more not with the beaches (although they are here), but with the sightseeing of the city's sights and eco-tourism.

Other recreation and entertainment sites for children include Lisbon Zoo and Oceanarium, the Colorful Pen Palace in Sintra, the theme park ensemble "Portugal in Miniature" in the city of Coimbra.

Calm and secluded rest in Portugal

This country in the tourist season is deposited by crowds of tourists. On Madeira and the Azores are much less crowded and more calm, however, prices are high there even for Europeans. For Madeira's tourists has its own characteristics. The sea is deep here near the shore itself, and the beaches are very narrow due to hanging rocks. The visitors bathe basically in the pools. For this reason, the island is more attractive by natural tourism and attractions. Where specifically choose a place to relax on Madeira, depends on the hotel.

On Madeira can be visited:

  • the highest point of the island - Peak-Ruhiva;
  • palace Monte with its surrounding tropical garden;
  • cathedral in the city of Funchal.

Azores are one of the most disturbing places on Earth. Beaches here are covered with volcanic sand and wreckage. Although local resorts are very small, on the islands you can enjoy a very active vacation, diving with scuba and climbing volcanoes. The Azores are the best place in Portugal for diving. In addition, spa treatment is developed here.

On the Azores can be visited:

  • cave of Tersera Island;
  • reserve South Fontish;
  • historical Museum in Ribeira Grande;
  • church of St. Barbar;
  • vintage village island Florash;
  • volcanoes Peak-Alto and Kaldeir.

In the mainland of Portugal, the village of Sagresh is considered the most secluded place. This is the extreme southwest point of Portugal, he closes the Algarve coast from the West, the closest large city is Lagos. In the village you can visit the Fort of Belish, Fort Sagresh, Fortress and Cape Saint Venter.

Sights of Lisbon

Many prefer in Portugal to get acquainted with her history and culture beach rest. Lisbon is not enough for full vacation here, the best option will be visiting him with a guided tour. At interesting attractions of the Portuguese capital include:

  • monastery Zheronimush;
  • Triumphal arch;
  • lift Santa Yuhush;
  • kelush Palace;
  • fortress St. George;
  • Cathedral;
  • maritime Museum;
  • aqueduct Aguash Librish.

Of course, neighboring Spain takes a lot of popularity points from Portugal because of its greater "promotion." If the beach holiday in both countries is absolutely the same, then in terms of "sightseeing" they face a little on each other. Portugal comes surprisingly well leisure and comfort.

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