Where are the Carpathians? Open the left menu Ukrainian Carpathians Carpathians where are located.

Carpathians are an ancient mountain system, but few know where the Carpathians are located. The mining system is located in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in countries such as Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland. Mountains have a greater length - about 1,500 kilometers and have an arc shape.

The mountain map is divided into Western and Eastern. By the way, it is in the western part of this system that is the highest mountain, about 2600 meters. Places in these edges are incredibly beautiful; Carpathians are very popular in the field of world tourism, besides, they are famous for democratic prices.

The mining system takes more than 70% of the territory of Romania, which is why the ski tourism was greatly popular here. Mountains here are not as high as the Alps, but not less picturesque and attractive for tourists.

Carpathians on the world map.

As the map shows, in the western part of the mining system there is a famous millennial glacier, as well as many unusual and interesting caves.

In the eastern part of the state, the Carpathians form the longest volcanic chain in Europe, and the southern part, in turn, is famous for high mountains - more than 2500 meters.

Skiing routes on the territory of the Romanian Carpathians are very diverse and unusual: they have different lengths - from 5 to 35 kilometers, a bias and difficulty level, which is suitable for simple tourists and athletes.

Carpathians in these places attract not only skiers, but also lovers of history and architecture. Here, surrounded by coniferous forests, meadows, there are beautiful medieval castles, which built the first Romanian king for summer holidays.

Hungarian Carpathians

Carpathians in Hungary until recent times were not very popular, but at present the resort is gaining great popularity, and the level of rest is evaluated very high. E.

then the state is in the western part mountain Massiva and famous for a huge number natural caveswho are striking with their beauty even have seen a lot of tourists.

In Hungary there are several famous recreation areas:

  1. Matra - this resort has gained popularity due to huge beech forests, pure air and soft climate.
    Huge vineyards grow here, the place is famous for high-quality wines of various varieties. In winter, the resort turns into a habitat of skiers, both newcomers and professionals. There is also a track and for a sled, being there - one pleasure.
  2. BUKC is considered the largest ski park of Hungary due to the huge choice of trails for professionals.
    In addition, the Carpathians are famous for a huge number of geothermal sources, which is a popular recreational resource.

Ukrainian Carpathians

Carpathians on the map of Ukraine occupy a huge territory - as many as 4 areas, and are conventionally divided into 2 parts - Transcarpathia and Carpathia.

Carpathians of Ukraine are famous for their medieval castles, wonderful species, distinctive villages, which allows you to choose an interesting sightseeing program for each. The most famous among tourists Uzhgorod, Lviv, Ternopil and many others.

The most popular locks in the mountains and foothills are Karpat ...

Castle in Mukachevo

Castle in Mukachevo is on high mountain And refers to Transcarpathia.
According to scientists, the castle appeared in 10-11 centuries for the purpose of tracking trading caravans in these places.

The view to which tourists accustomed to, the castle acquired in the 17th century through a thorough architectural reconstruction of the French. He has a rich story, because the castle passed through many wars and served as a defensive point. A separate landmark is the famous well depth of almost 90 meters, they used many hundreds of years, until the beginning of the 20th century.

But, the most interesting for tourists is the story of the Princess Bator, which the rules in these parts and for 20 years drank the blood of innocent people, and also bathed in it. The story got a big publicity and became a plot for books, films, legends.

Ruins of the castle of the Templar

On the territory of the Carpathian Mountains, namely in Carpathia, there are the ruins of the castle of the Templars, which was built in the 12th century in a clearly pronounced Romanesque style.

The castle was always surrounded by legends, because he passed from one sacred order to another, which attached him even more mystery. By the way, in this village, which is called

The average, very soft and wet climate, which has favorably affects the growth of various grape varieties, which is why local wine is extremely famous worldwide. Castle Khust is located in the same city of the same name, surrounded by high mountains, the slopes completely covered with grass and other greenery of the Carpathians and rapid stormy rivers.

Castle in Nevutsky

The castle in Nevutsky is located on the ledge high mountainTo it leads a winding and dangerous serpentine.
At the end of the 12th century, the castle was of great importance in the control of trade routes, but after 100 years he was destroyed by Khan Batym with a Mongol-Tatar raid. Later the fortress was restored.

These places have an incredible set of legends, all related to love stories. These places are unusually romantic and filled with love, for each tourist there will be notable species.

Polish Carpathians

Tatras are the highest part of the Carpathian mountains, which are on the map in Poland. Not only ski resorts are famous here, but also extensive valleys, such as Khokholovskaya, Fish Flow Valley.

The highest mountain of the Carpathian mountain range is the Mountain Tatram Genlas.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe high tatt, there are many reservoirs, lakes, mountain landscapes formed by stone protrusions, precipians, sharp rocks.

In the field of Western Tatras, there is a huge number of different caves, the relief is softer here.

Carpathians are a huge mountain system. In the central part of Europe which passes through, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Austria.

These mountains are located closer to the western part of Ukraine and have a stretch of 280 km. The relief here is multi-tier, there are foothill, lowland, medium-road and high-mountainous territories. They can reach 2000 m.

These places are distinguished by the special cleanliness of the air and the most beautiful expanses that certainly cannot but attract tourists and climbers. We hope that you will no longer torment the question - where are the Carpathians.

Carpathians are in the four regions of Ukraine:

  • Chernivtsi;
  • Transcarpathian;
  • Lviv;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk.

Mountains have won the greatest popularity among tourists as:

  • Hoverla;
  • Pop Ivan;
  • Petros;
  • Hamster.

The height of these mountains sometimes exceeds 2000m, so they are attracting tourists. The atmosphere around the fascinating: virgin nature, the purest air, the absence of people, the variety of trees, plants and flavors.

Besides stunning landscape, tourists, like local residentsHere attracts fishing. River Karpat rich in different fish.

Where the Carpathians may be on the world map, it is easy to determine, as they occupy an impressive territory and are isolated brown.

Click on the map to enlarge

Carpathians can be divided into 3 parts by geographical location: Southern, Western, Eastern. Western Carpathians - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland. The highest point of the Carpathians is on Mount Gerlah, the height of which is 2655 m. In turn, all the southern Carpathians are located in Romania, and in Ukraine there is almost the whole part of the Eastern Carpathians.

Usually, most active tourism in the Carpathians in winter. From the middle of autumn, the first snowball appears here and the holidaymakers come in anticipation of the beginning, warming Mulled wine and good mood.

Recently, one of the most preferred places for ski holiday They started the Carpathians. Summer holidays here has its own charm. Everyone can choose something like:

  • swimming in rivers;
  • on the farm courtyards to communicate with different animals;
  • to do the people's craft.

Ukraine is rich charming natural beautyFirst of all it is a magnificent mountain range Carpathians. Other countries can only dream of such a source of clean air, key water and wildlife. Carpathians are located in various countries - Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, as well as Slovakia, Hungary, Poland.
The South Carpathians are located in Romania, and the eastern are located in Ukraine (in the territory of Zakarpathia, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Map of Ukrainian Carpathians

At some point, the daily bustle occurs awareness of the fact that our body is simply necessary at least a little break. Even a few days spent in this natural ReserveCan quickly remove psychological fatigue and for a long time to charge optimism and good mood. Quick mountain rivers, fog that wraps valleys in the morning, mountains covered with sharp peaks of coniferous trees - this beauty cannot be described in words and even harder to get around on foot. Perhaps after traveling in such beauties, you will want to move to Ukraine, you can explore the materials on the issue of immigration to Ukraine on the site on the link and find all the information required there to move, experts will help you at all stages.

Secret spring rest The Carpathians are that it is based on full freedom of action. Someone will like the morning fishing, someone will want to conquer local mountain peaks, and others will appreciate the quality of service, which is by no means inferior to advanced European resorts.

Interactive map of the Carpathian Mountains

To see where are Carpathian mountains On the map, you need to click on the "-" icon several times in the lower right corner of the map. The scale of the card will decrease, and you will see the nearby road, cities, rivers, districts and areas.

Probably the ideal place for May holiday in the Carpathians can be called the village of Slavskoye. There are several reasons for this. The natural location of the Beskid and Gorgan ridges around this settlement created a unique local microclimate, which provides constant weak weather. In the spring, beautiful landscapes with evergreen coniferous forests are opening here on the slopes of the mountains, which are so sitting on them.
Walking in the mountains is always possible with benefit. Lovers of excursions and domestic history will discovery a lot of interesting things for themselves. To do this, only you need to visit local attractions: Kamensky Waterfall, Tustan Castle, Heschezovka Lake and many-many others. In Slavsky, you will definitely advise you to go look at Dobbush's rocks - legendary place, where, according to legend, the Folk Avenger hid a part of the selected in the rich of gold. The cave monastery, located right there, will surprise even the experienced traveler.
Month May is the perfect opportunity to restore the forces after the cold winter, stocking vital energy for a very long time, and I decided to give myself unforgettable memories, at the same time buy a rack of the corner, I think I can find suitable option In the online store. Of course, you can take advantage of this chance to go for distant overseas resorts, but this rest will cost very expensive. It would be much faster, more comfortable and cheaper to spend the weekend in your native corner. And there is such a corner! Feel the power of the awakening of nature, to plunge into its bright green splendor in the Carpathian mountains.
Having spent the whole day in the fresh May air, in the evening will certainly want to take a break from impressions. At your service are provided as comfortable hotel roomsAnd cozy private cottages. For more active rest Shopping, pharmacies, cafes, bars, restaurants, billiard rooms, discos are always available for tourists.
If the unity with nature is a bit subdinet, you can always visit district or regional centers, enjoy their architectural attractions, familiarize yourself with the story. An hour or two by car, and now Lviv, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod and other cities will gladly open their doors for you.

Surely many have heard of the Ukrainian Carpathians. This is a truly wonderful and charming place that is perfect for family or romantic holiday. The mining system is closer to the West of Ukraine and stretches for 280 km. Sometimes tourists can meet the mountains high to 2000 m, the highest point is the Hoverla - 2061 m.

It is quite natural that many people wish to visit this environmentally friendly and are trying to learn more, where the Carpathians are located. It is worth noting that the relief here is multi-tier. Thus, there are highland territories (height up to 1500 m), mediteralous (up to 1300 m), lowland (up to 400 m) and foothill.

Location Carpathian

To accurately understand where the Carpathians are located, you need to know that they are located on the border with countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Nevertheless, officially mountains are located on the territory of Ukraine, namely four of its regions: Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk. Thus, from these regions, it is easy and quick to get to the databases and take excellent excursions, as well as enjoy stunning landscapes and fresh air. Quite often, the area in question is divided into two parts: Transcarpathia and Carpathia. In addition, which is most attracted by tourists, as steep and beautiful are pop Ivan, Petros and hamster. Their height exceeds 2000 m, because they are considered no less mighty and interesting. It is known that people live in the mountains, but civilization does not spoil the overall picture. At the same time, around a completely different atmosphere: the nature is almost intact, the air is clean, sometimes heavy, and the tops of the trees are touched by a human eye. In the rivers running throughout the Carpathian, the most different types of fish are found, which is why fishing is one of the most favorite activities and local residents and tourists.

Where are the Carpathians, it is very easy to determine on the map, as this is an impressive territory allocated with dark brown color. In Ukraine, only one such plot is in the western part of the country.

Tourist trails

Tourism in the Carpathians is most developed in the cold season. Already in the middle of the autumn, vacationers can visit the mountains and enjoy the first snow by rummaged by one of the vertices.

Most tourists do not have the concepts where the Carpathians are located, but all their hearts want to go there. And all because about majestic Mountains Legends go, the atmosphere, reigning around, fills forces and joy, and the stunning nature surprises. Are you going to visit this edge in the warm season? Excellent! You are waiting for a lot of entertainment: horseback riding, massage and sauna on top, fishing and bathing in local rivers, chatting with animals in farmhouses, classes of folk craft and much more. In winter, every rest will be able to visit the ski resort and test the best routes of Ukraine; Enjoy the famous Hutsul cuisine and warming mulled wine; Visit ice-covered gorges and find other entertainment. Planning a vacation, will never prevent the option with mountain recreation. Just do not forget to clarify where the Carpathians are located.

Much fame in the Carpathians acquired such settlements such as Guta, Yaremche, Yablunitsa, Synevir, Murationhigh and Svalyava. Many tourists dream of visiting exactly there. In some villages, you can even try local water, which is popular throughout Ukraine and is considered therapeutic. It is not surprising that in the Carpathians there is a huge number of sanatoriums and profilators, as well as recreation bases - air and water here are truly creating wonders!

It is also recommended to visit famous cities: Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo and Slavic. In the first of them, holidaymakers will be able to familiarize themselves with the history of this people, look at amazing attractions, visit the Town Hall and much more. Carpathians of the country Ukraine - the main attraction, which people are so proud of. Arriving in Mukachevo, you should visit ancient fortress, try unique wine and acquire souvenirs. In the village of Slavskoye you can enjoy calm holidays or skiing. There is no longer bored, so the trip for tourists will be unforgettable.

Stunning Heritage Mountain Arrays

Interested in where tourists are primarily counting the distance from their native city to Ukrainian attractions. But neither on the same map they will never see those fascinating places. For example, a pearl cave is considered to be proudly, on the walls of which calcite balls are formed, something resembling jewels. No less interesting will be a trip to the enchanted valley - scenic gorge with powerful cliffs. It is also recommended to visit the hanging swamp, stone gates, the "Synevir" reserve, the rocks of lovers and the cave of transparent walls. In the spring, a beautiful place for a walk will be the Narcissus Valley, which is fully covered with snow-white flowers, which can reach 10 cm.

Treatment in the Carpathians

Carpathians on the map occupy an impressive place, the same as in the hearts of many Ukrainians. That is why tourists come here from different countries and with different goals. It's no secret that the Carpathian climate, fresh air, therapeutic mineral sources help restore the strength and strengthen the body. Comfortable hotels, recreation centers and other spa round year Expect their guests. They are located in picturesque placesAs a rule, next to the river and dense forests.

Pleasure available to everyone

A feature of the Carpathians is that almost everyone can visit them. The available cost and indescribable beauty of landscapes will help to make rest or improvement unforgettable and interesting. Also within certain periods of tourists, a pleasant surprise is waiting - discounts on vouchers and various bonuses. In addition, the cost of the trip varies depending on the region chosen for recreation, the number of days of stay and the intended cultural program.

Carpathian mountains spread out in Eastern Europe and ... Moon. Yes, mountain Ridge With this name stretched along the southern "coast" of the lunar sea of \u200b\u200brains. Perhaps in the near future will be sent there tourist groups. However, now only earthly Carpathians are of interest to us.

The mountain system begins not far from the Slovak capital of Bratislava and ends near the Romanian city of Orshov. On the cosmic picture, the Carpathian Mountains resemble the wriggling snake. Her head "bites" the Alps, and the tail is lowered to the Black Sea. The impression arises that the Carpathians arose as a result of some kind of vortex process like the atmospheric cyclone.

A narrow mountain chain crosses the territory of several Eastern Europe immediately. Austria, Hungary, Serbia and the Czech Republic own only her tiny pieces. Poland and Ukraine got much more. Slovakia and Romania are owned by the largest slices of mountain pie. In the last mountain occupy a significant part of the territory.

Scientists still lead disputes about the names of the mountains. It is curious that in almost all the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples inhabiting the above countries, the word "Carpathians" sounds almost the same. In some cases, it literally means "Mountain" or "Stone Wall". There is also a version that the "Carpathians" went from the Karp's tribe, which inhabited these places in the first century of our era. At the same time, linguists cannot explain why this people acquired exactly the name.

It should be borne in mind that the Eastern Carpathians are considered to be a seismic region. Very strong earthquakes happened here. There is a so-called seismic zone in Romania. The forces of the jigsaw in it reached 8.3 points on the Richter scale. Their echoes were fixed even in Finland. The most elected element was played out in 1940 and 1977. Then Bucharest suffered greatly. However, in comparison with Japan, where the earthquakes occur almost daily, the Carpathians seem to be an island of complete stability.

Between the Alps and the Black Sea

Southern Carpathians in the late autumn

Despite relatively modest sizes, the Carpathians have a complex structure. In the western part there are external and internal Western Carpathians. They are divided into 12 regions. And those in turn by 60 mountain areas! Perhaps the most famous of them are Czech Tatras. This is followed by external and internal oriental carpathians. Here mountain areas are smaller - just about a dozen. Western Romanian, South, Serbian Carpathians and Transylvanian Plateau are adjacent to them. To simplify the Carpathians are conditionally divided into Western, Eastern and South.

On the physico-geographical map, the mountain system looks thin strip. With the total length of the mountains of 1500 km, their width ranges from 100 to 340 km. The most narrow part falls on Ukraine, and the greatest - on Romania. The highest vertex is considered to be Mount Gerlakhovsky shtit in Slovakia. Its height reaches 2654 m. From the Alps Carpathians separates the narrow gap of the width of only 14 km!

Only here

In the lower tatras there is a whole collection of caves

To make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most interesting places In the Carpathians, make a virtual journey through a mountainous country. Let's start with the western part, then we will move to the east, and from there let me south. The natural border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia is the so-called whites of the Carpathians. Here is the eponymous reserve, which spread in the territory of two countries at once. There are several types of orchids in these places! But there is a stereotype that these gentle flowers are exclusively inhabitants of the tropics.

In Slovakia there is a mountain range of Sharishk-Varhovin. He is famous for his Lachnovsky canyon with an unusual rock, which is called Moses Pole. And the name "Slovak paradise" speaks for itself. Better place For adventure lovers do not come up with. Caves, abyss, canyons and waterfalls attract them like a magnet. In addition to natural objects, in these places there are interesting man-made sights. For example, in the Slovak Mountains of Muransk Planina go to watch the ruins of the ancient Muranian town.

High Tatras in Poland are really great - it is here that one of the highest points of the Carpathians are. Tourists here attracts very beautiful lake entitled "Sea Oko". Located in the valley of oval shape, it actually resembles a huge eye. Not less picturesque is the largest Polish waterfall, which is called Siklava. Water drops here from a height of 70 m.

Low tatras are known for their panoramic dots whose role is performed by the vertices of Kralyow Golla, Habenz and Deresh. In this area, the most beautiful is considered Demenovsk Valley with caves. It should be noted that in the local mountains there is a whole collection of all kinds of caves. One of them is called the "Cave of Dead Volatile Mice." On mountain valves and slopes, many centers are scattered, from where it starts tourist routes.

In Hungary, there is a mountain range matter. Here come to rest on thermal springs and ride on alpine skiing. Vineyards spread out at the foot of the mountains, so the region is known for its wineries. Among the tourists are popular with Array of Bridge. His property is considered National Park Duna-Ipa with a large number of springs, winding rivers and stormy streams.

Gorgan means "stone scape". The same name has a mountain range in the Ukrainian Carpathians. These places have long chosen extremals because the area is abounding wild tourist routes. Local hits are the Manyava Falls and mountain Lake Synevir, which is located on the territory of the National Park of the same name.

Castle "Peles" in the mountains of Romania

Southern Carpathians are also called Transylvanian Alps. All this beautiful mountainous country fit into the entire territory of Romania. Mount Moldova is considered the highest point (2544 m). Here are the majority ski resorts countries. Do not forget that Romania is a country of locks. It's worth come here to see with your own eyes. the Royal Castle "Peles" in Sinai and the Castle of Dracula in the town of Bran.

Climbers and climbers go to Romanian union. Very spectacular Salt Mine Uniwood, which is currently a museum and a balneological resort. And the landscapes in Pyklele Mary look alien. Here in the territory of 30 hectares bouffal and spits mud volcanoes.

There are places for fans of alloys. For example, the gorge of the River Zhu in Osthenia is one of the most popular routes for rafting in Romania. Usually the Danube is associated with a calm current. However, in the gorge of Kazan, water literally boils from the narrowness of the canyon. This is a spectacle worthy of seeing it with his own eyes.

Mountain lake eye Bay, located in historical area Banat, does not freeze even in winter, so during this period there are many migratory birds on its shores. Together with them, lovers come to watch the life of feathery. The lake is worth a visit and in order to simply admire the beautiful landscapes and make spectacular photos.

In Romanian Carpathians there are places for fans of alloys

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the Romanian transylvania. In the local reserve, located in the town of Zernesht, about a hundred bears saved from captivity live. Tourists organize excursions to the reserve. It is also worth viewing the fantastic stone columns in the Mountains of the Aposen, formed when the basalt lava is frozen. And on the former Salo Mine of Turda, you can rent a boat and ride on a luxurious underground lake.

Nuances of Carpathian weather

Snow in the mountains is from December to March. At another time you can safely go to hiking

Since the Carpathian Mountains occupy a large area and are characterized by different heights, weather conditions may be pretty different even in the same area. The higher, the colder. Than south, the warmer. In the mountain valleys of snow may not even be in winter. The farther from the Black Sea, the more continental climate. Despite such a variety of conditions, however, there are some climatic patterns.

The coldest month is counted January. The average temperature in the north and east of the Carpathians oscillates near -5 ° C, in the south - about -3 ° C. However, on the tops of the mountains can be colder - to -10 ° C. According to Russian standards, such temperatures are not considered frost. The average temperature of July in the foothills in the north is + 18 ° C, in the south + 20 ° C. High in the mountains even in the midst of summer, the temperature may be no higher than + 5 ° C. In general, the temperature regime in the Carpathians is favorable all year round.

If we talk about precipitation, then the least falls in the East and the south of Carpath (800 mm per year). In the Western and Romanian carpathians, their number grows up to 1000 mm. In the highlands, this figure increases 1.5-2 times. Maximum precipitation falls for the summer. Most often it rains. The duration of snow cover in the foothills is 2-3 months. Ice and eternal snow in these places are not.

Morality is simple. The ski season in the Carpathians usually begins in December and ends in March. They ride at altitudes from 1000 m. This means that the rest of the year is quite suitable for hiking. At altitudes up to 1000 meters it can be done in winter. But for high mountain routes, warm clothes will be needed even in the summer.

If you want to avoid rains, it is better to go hiking in spring or autumn. True, in the summer, the risk of getting ridiculed only in high-mountainous areas. If the route passes through the foothills or slopes at small heights, the rain is not feared. Enough in the raincoat and waterproof tent.

Hiking hits

And now we will get acquainted with popular tourist routes in those countries in which the Carpathians are located:

Czech Republic

In the Moravian Cars, there are up to a thousand cave

In the Czech Republic, Krkonoshe Mountains are very popular. They are located on the border with Poland. Here the most sought-after route is the rise of the snowball mountain (1603 m). The path passes through a picturesque mountain valley with an unusual name of the Obli Doul. Those who wish can rise up with the help of a mole. It begins in the town of Pecy-under-snow.

The purpose of another popular route is the ELBA source. The powerful European river, on which Hamburg stands, originates in the town of Lab's meadow. Here you understand that all the largest rivers The world is born from springs or formed from small streams. The starting point serves the tourist center of "Hornbear Mishki". It is located next to Spindleruv-Mlyn spa town. Also highlight routes laid on the Jesenic Range are also in demand. Landscapes are considered beautiful in the country.

The most interesting tourist facilities include the Moravian Carsman. The length of this mountain range reaches 25 km. Its unusual is that the mountains permeated by the cave system, which are more than a thousand. Underground you can see the drawings of primitive people. In the same place there is another popular object - Matsuha Canyon, which is considered the largest in Central Europe. Its depth is 138 m.


Tatras for the Poles is the same as the Alps for the French. The main tourist center of local places is the city of Zakopane. It serves as a starting point for the pedestrian route, which includes the Valley of Klecemark, Mountains Gevont and Kasprene Top, Tropow Eagle Path, Valley of Five Lakes, Lake Sea Oko. and Mount Rys (2499 m), which is highest vertex Poland. The program usually includes a visit to the salt mine in the city of Village.


In high tatras there are many lakes of glacial origin

A very attractive place for tracking is considered the "Slovak paradise" reserve. Tourist trails are equipped with bridges and stairs. Through small rivers, you can ship on artificial belts. The trail passes by numerous waterfalls. The length of the gorge is 4 km. You can get into it from tourist Center "Undergrowth" near Grabushits. The campaign refers to the average complexity category.

Slovak high tatras numbered 26 vertices, the height of which exceeds 2500 m. The most visited is the Gerlakhov peak height of 2654 m. It is quite simple for ascent. It is from his peak that the most spectacular panoramas opens.

Another popular mountain is the Lomnitsky peak (2634 m). At his top, the most highly mountainous Slovak meteorological station was pushing. You can go to it on foot or with the help of a tattrack squeeze. In clear weather from the mountain you can see a kind half of Slovakia!

High Tatras - a place where the largest number of water bodies are concentrated, which the glaciers created in the distant past. Now they are about hundreds. The transparency of water in the lakes reaches 12 m. Between the ridges, the so-called Mengus Valley stretches. There are tourists in any season. At the end of the valley, Lake Velka Gintsovo Pleso spread. It is considered to be deepest in the tatras.

Tatra valleys are also attractive as cascades of waterfalls. One of the most visited was recognized by a waterfall student stream. The famous refers to the Waterfall, falling from a height of 20 m. No less effectant Big waterfall. It is allocated to the thirteen meter cascade. Routes to them start from Tatransk Lomnitsa.

There are tourist routes and Low tatras. Usually they pass along the central ridge, which stretched over a hundred kilometers. The ridge consists of a chain of 55 vertices, the height of which exceeds 1700 m. Those who wish can choose either a complex one-day alpine hike, or the routes of medium difficulty, where the height differences are small.


Neighborhood of Sinai

Very picturesque places in the vicinity of the famous Romanian resort Sinai. There is a pedestrian route that includes not only a visit to this colorful town, but also famous Castle Dracula in the town of Bran. The route starts in Brasov. The program provides for lifting to the cross the heroes on Mount Karaim, as well as a visit to Lake Bulbeci and Peak OMU (2507 m).

Our Turklub offers the following hiking programs in the Carpathians:

  • New Year in the Carpathians (accommodation in the manor and autoexcursions)
  • Snow Carpathians: accommodation in the estates and autoexcursions

Carpathian slopes

Riding zones in the Carpathians are located at altitudes from 800 to 2400 m

The ski season on the Carpathians lasts from December to March. Catania zones are located at altitudes from 800 to 2400 m. In many resorts, artificial abnormalities are used, so the season can significantly increase.

In the Czech Carpathians there is a ski resort Bila. The routes are laid on the slopes of Zbochnik and Jaworin mountains, which are part of the Beskidsky array. The resort has been operating since 1965. It is located at an altitude of 518 m. The length of the descents is from 700 to 1000 m.

In Poland, ski centers are located along the border with Slovakia. These are the resorts of Szccock, Zakopane, Schnik, the root. Only in one zakopane there is about a dozen ski centers and about 90 lifts. Here is the largest Polish springboard.

Most of the same ski centers in Slovakia. Their number has exceeded a hundred, and all of them are in the Carpathians. A variety of conditions allow you to ride everything - from newbies to extremals. Often there are thermal sources in the resorts. In winter, hiking campaigns to student waterfalls are organized, which are converted to enchanting ice cascades.

In Romania, the main ski resorts are concentrated in the very center of the country in the districts of Brasov and Prahov. The famous Azuga, Busthen and Sinai Centers are located in Prahaov Valley. The riding zone is also the slopes near the city of Brasov. Ski highways Act at altitudes from 1000 to 2400 m.

Close Carpathians

Mountain Selo

The Ukrainian Carpathians are good because they are closer than others, and the visa is not required to visit them. Eastern tip of a big European mountainous country Discussed in the territory of four regions - Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Chernivtsi.

The length of the Ukrainian Carpathian area is 280 m, and the width is about a hundred kilometers. On average, the mountain is low - about 900-1000 m, but there are tops of more than 2000 m. To those, for example, Goverla refers (2061 m). She is considered higher point countries.

Carpathians combined more than a dozen ski resorts - "Zakhar Berkut", "Zhdniyevo", "Praying", "Slavic", "Pilipers" and others. They are all located in scenic places and away from large settlements. The business card of the local Carpathians is considered the resort "Bukovel". Skating season lasts from November to mid-April. More ride only on "Dragobrat", where sometimes the season ends in mid-May.

In the mountains you can find a lot of natural masterpieces. As such, for example, the Makovits Mountain belongs (984.5 m) in the vicinity of the city of Yaremche. A huge scree on her slope is similar to the giant elephant who came on the water. It is often called - elephant-mountain. You can rest on the banks of the river Prut. This route cannot be called a hike. This is rather a light walk.

There is an interesting route to the location of the Knyagin Meteorite. This event occurred in 1866. Space guest weight Scientists were estimated at 280 kg. They argue that small fragments can be found today. For a border, black mlats, where a space catastrophe occurred, you can get from the villages of Prinuginet or the stuzyr. The trail goes by mineral sources And the oaks whose age has passed for a thousand years. Total length Route - 14 km.

Another route allows you to walk along the bottom of the ancient Sea! Once the Carpathians were really under water. From the village of Verkhovyven-Fast in the Transcarpathian region to the mountain Mountain, a marked trail was laid. It overlooks the Uzhan National nature Park. In 1968, the fossil skeleton of fish was found in these places, which melted about 36 million years ago. Such finds can be seen in the Transcarpathian Museum of Museum in Uzhgorod Castle.

What a hike without a faithful friend!

Ukrainian Carpathians are well mastered in a tourist plan, so the account interesting routes It goes to dozens. There are hiking on the mountains "High Stone", Parashka, "Pikui", "Spitza", "Hamster", "Gemba" and others. The special route is dedicated to the Doyal Mountains - six pieces in Ukraine.

A separate position is allocated by the Gorgan Mountains. There is a combined option called "Five Carpathian Pass". He goes to the Verkhovinsky Range. There are routes for Marmaros Massives, Svidovo Range, to the "Russian Way" pass - you all do not list. One thing is clear - in the Carpathians, you can not separate two days. You need to come here at least for a week. And better for two.

See also: