Where to relax on the peloponnese. Open the left peloponnese menu

Peloponnes - Peninsula, which connects with the mainland 6-kilometer Corinth Carniff, is famous for beautiful landscapes, beautiful beaches, numerous coves, ancient significant monuments.

In antiquity, he was called very romantic - the Sea. According to Greek etymology, the origin of this name is associated with the ancient Greek word of Moria (μωρια) - Mulberry. His name "Peloponnese" of the peninsula received later, in honor of the king of the ancient Olympia Pelops.


The peninsula is the most southern region of mainland Greece, is washed by the Ionian sea in the west and the waters of the Saronic Gulf - in the East. Being the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, it connects to the Corinth Carniff. The highest point, Mount Hyos-oras (2404 m) is located in the mountains Taigaet.


Air temperature in summer + 30 ... + 33 degrees, water in the sea + 23 ... + 27 degrees. The characteristic feature of the local climate is the presence of a large number of sunny days a year.

Mythology and History

Pelop (or Pelopos), according to Greek mythology, was the son of Tantalum. The cruel father killed his son and invited the gods on the feast, where the main treats were the dishes from the Body Pelopa. However, the gods rejected such a terrible "treat" and asked Hermes to revive Pelopa. Resurrected, Pelop received extraordinary strength and beauty as a gift from his saviors.

Other legends and historical events are connected with Peloponnese. So, Elena was born on the peninsula, he is the birthplace of Olympic Games and Ancient Sparta.

The first settlements of the peninsula appeared in the middle of the Stone Age, and the first Hellenes set it up approximately 2000 to N. e.

The oldest population of Peloponnes - Ahaeis. However, in 1104 BC. e. They were supplanted by the Dorian tribes, founded several states, the most powerful of which became Sparta.

In 146 BC e. Peloponnese was subordinate to the Romans and formed with Central Greece the province of Akayayu, which later belonged to Byzantium and Venice.

In the XIII century, Peloponnese was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Only in 1827, Peloponnes, as a result of the people's liberation struggle, was again returned to Greece.

Traditions and customs

As elsewhere in Greece, many traditions and customs of Peloponnese are associated with religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. The Greeks themselves believe that real Easter is celebrated only in two places of Greece, one of which is located in the East Peloponnese in the area of \u200b\u200bArkady - this is the village of Leonidio. What makes an Easter night in this village special and unforgettable it is "Night of Aerostats". Before Easter in all houses from reed and paper, aerostats are made of two meters high and higher. With the first "Christ Risen!" Hundreds of these gigantic lanterns rise to the sky, which is also accompanied by the ruptures of numerous Petard.

In addition, Peloponnese is known worldwide with his carnival in Patra, which has traditions who came from the deep past - the first costume holidays here have appeared more than 180 years ago. Interestingly, carnival events last for more than a month and fall at winter - before the start of the Great Post.

Resorts and cities

The largest city of the peninsula is the city Patras, the second largest city - Kalamata., Corinf - in third place. Other major cities: Tripolis, Argos, Pyrgos, Sparta, Nafplion, Zakharo, Xylokastro.

Corinth- the most important cities in ancient Greece. It is known for the fact that at the beginning of our era became one of the main centers of the missionary activity of the Apostle Paul.

One of the most famous and visited cities, PatrasLocated on the shores of the Corinth Gulf - this is the northernmost point of the peninsula. The city port plays a big role in maritime messages between Greece, the Ionical Islands and the cities of Italy.

Kalamata. Known all over the world with its olives and olive oil. However, this is also a well-known port, and cultural Center With many museums and art galleries, place of attraction for believers. The Church of the Holy Apostles is the symbol of the city.

On Peloponnese, much less large hotels than in other resorts. However, there are hotels belonging to the famous Greek "chains" - Grecotel, Costa Navarino, Aldemar, on the west coast.

A distinctive feature of local resorts - the presence of modern spa.



Peloponnese is like a sheet of chestnut and has a large number of cozy coves with beautiful sandy and pebble beaches.

Amazing turquoise water, golden sand, the greens of olive, oak, pine groves and orange gardens attract a lot of holidaymakers from all over the world.

One of the most famous beaches Sarakiniko, Located on a small island Elafonisos. He conquers the purest sea, golden sand and is distinguished by an excellent service on the shore.

Vidokilia, 11 kilometers from the town of Plos, is considered one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Greece.

No less popular Kuruta 3 km from the city of Amaliad, where the center of water rides, Languvardos, located 2 km from the town of Marafupoli, Arkudi 1 km from the settlement Killini, Loutra Killinis 40 km from Pyrgos, Plaka. 10 km from Nafplion, Candy 17 km from Nafplion, Kalogria In the messenger, also known as Zorbas Beach, Zakharo in the field of Elijah Paralia Tir. At the foot of the resort village Tiros, 75 km north of Tripolis and many others.


Peloponnese is suitable for both lovers of a relaxing holiday, and for those who do not think themselves without sports.

Peloponnese cities are famous for their nightlife, beautiful cafes and bars on the seashore.

In the summer, festivals of the arts are held on the peninsula, and in winter, the best and colorful Greek carnival is held in Patra.


Peloponnes will delight those who want to buy here "something Greek." Ceramic tableware, interior items. Here you can even trace the process of the birth of the ceramic product in one of the workshops. Jewelry and leather Products also differ here originality and excellent quality, they can not only buy them, but also to make to order.

Souvenirs and gifts can be bought in numerous stores and shopping centers, such as in "Laiking Technicals", and art objects are concentrated in the gallery "Palissandros Art Space" in Patra. And, of course, it is impossible to leave the peninsula without delicious and useful products and sweets: Olive oil, olives, wine, uro, fragrant spices, nuts, sets with traditional pastries, jam, honey.

Transport and movement

You can get to Peloponnese flight through Athens. The resort season of Kalamata and Araksos airports fly charter flights.

You can also get here from Athens by bus or by train. Since Patras - the port city, go here and ferries.

The peninsula is also associated with the mainland modern and comfort route (to the capital of 1.5-3 hours drive), and maritime communication with ports not only Greece, but also Italy is well developed.

Kitchen and food

As they say, the most "real" Greek cuisine - on Peloponnese, as some of his areas have never been under the authority of the Turks, and culinary art was not strangering influence.

On Peloponnese, preferred easily accessible local products: fish, seafood, bread, olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Fish is prepared by all known methods and is used as a filling for other dishes. In seaside villages, fishermen deliver catch every day. Here you can evaluate real traditional fish dishes and homemade wine or "crayfish" - local grape vodka.

Peloponnese kitchen is also known as meat dishes prepared, most often on the grill. In addition, the peninsula is known for its dishes cooked in pots. Recipes are the most diverse, but the fragrant spices of this region are invariably used.

In Hyfion and Messinia, a traditional dish is prepared Lalance (twig), in Naples - cheese bread, mana - elobipitu (cheese pies with olives), as well as traditional Greek cake Ladopita.

Traditional sweets are horns with walnuts filling, jam from roses and Corinthian raisins, homemade baking and even yogurt with honey.

Speaking about the kitchen Peloponnese, it should be noted that olive oil, as well as the olives of Kalamata and Messinia, are the most famous outside of Greece.

But the peninsula is also known to other products. So, in the Sparta and Argos area grown delicious oranges.

For the first time I was on Peloponnese 6 years ago, when I was looking for a more civilized and inexpensive alternative to Montenegro and Croatia. The first delight of the gossip first in passion, and then became true love.

Peloponnes is a huge peninsula, and it will not be possible to meet him for one trip. It is worth starting with answers to questions:

  • When I want to go?
  • What do I want to do?
  • How will I move?

Oddly enough, but the question of value can remain behind the scenes - as soon as you find yourself in places far from tourist mainstream, or fall out of the high season, travel becomes very inexpensive, especially by European standards. If you are interested in history, then Peloponnese you It will truly amaze. Here everything breathes by Homer, here you can wander through the "rich killet," to swim in the source of Elena beautiful or walk to the sources of stycles, in which the mother was bathing a little Achles. Here I performed my brightest features Hercules and it was here that the history of the Olympic Games began.

If you like active rest - Peloponnese will delight you and mountain skiing, and rafting, and picturesque pedestrian and volo-plates. Lovers in the sun, too, will not be disappointed - the beaches can be found for every taste.

Fans are delicious to eat with the right approach on Peloponnese waiting for an unforgettable experience. Not only every area, but every place can boast some kind of unique taste. The northern part of the peninsula is permeated by "wine roads": local wines are known worldwide and get the highest awards in international competitions. Immediately nearby in small family chowers, you can try unique local grade of cheese. In the mountains of Arcadia they collect beautiful honey, jams are widespread from anything, right up to olive. Olives and olive oil on Peloponnese - a separate topic and in each region dominate their varieties.

I hope that my review, full of love and tenderness to Peloponnese, will help you decide on time and the next trip.

How to get

The road to Peloponnes is an equation with several unknowns. First you need to decide on the geography of your trip. If you are traveling to the north - in Corinth, Ahai or Argolid - is unequivocally easier to fly to Athens and travel along the ground. If you are traveling to the southern or southwest coast, it makes sense to fly to Kalamata. Until the west coast easier to get through patters. Immediately make a reservation, to travel from other cities of Russia here will most likely come through Moscow. The direct aircraft from St. Petersburg to Athens also exists, but its cost is significantly higher, and the schedule leaves much to be desired.

The next question is how do you plan to relax? Choose a specific place and, if possible, make shades around or you want to arrange a real road adventure, moving from place to place. In the second case, I recommend traveling through - here more flight options, the cheapest rental of cars and a wonderful bus station, from where you can go to almost any corner you like.


The northern part of the peninsula is available for flights through Athens, which saves on tickets. Prices for tickets are greatly dependent on the season and on the planning period. My personal experience shows that it is cheaper to fly by Aege's airlines or Elinyir, and with charter flights There is no point in the Athens.

Prices on the firmware flight from Moscow to high season begins from 250 EUR per ticket to both ends. Tickets from St. Petersburg will cost at least 50 euros more expensive. Depending on the tariff, you may have to pay extra for the luggage from 30 EUR per bag of 20-23 kg. To catch such prices, I book summer flights no later than March-April. If you do not have the opportunity to plan in advance, then most likely the tickets will cost you from 350 EUR per person.

If you have the opportunity to choose, then it is best to travel on Peloponnese, and throughout Greece, outside the high season. I constantly monitor the sale of airlines and, in my experience, it is quite realistic to buy tickets, for example, for 130-150 EUR in both ends, even with departure from St. Petersburg. The maximum discount of 30% (from a deliberately lower price) is usually available when booking 4-6 months before the trip, in addition, one-time shares of discounts on the direction occur. It is possible to comb the prices of the prices on the current dates.

How to get to Peloponnes

South, South-East and South-West Peloponnes from Athens will have to go at least 400 km, so if you are not afraid of a charter flight or a strong waiting for a docking flight, you can choose one of the two airports located directly on Peloponnese.

The most convenient of them is Kalamata Airport in the southern Peninsula. From here it is convenient to get to Laconia (Monemvasya, Mani, Ghifio) and Messinia (Koroni, Metoni, Pilos). From early June to the end of September, direct flights from Moscow fly to the end of September on Tuesdays and Sundays. The cost of tickets for "early birds" starts from 330 EUR for the trip "Round-back". If you are not afraid of transfers or if you do not have another choice, then you can get here with Lufthansa via or the Aegean Airlines through Athens, but to save on such a flight can hardly succeed.

The second airport of Peloponnes - Araksos - is located on the western tip of the peninsula near the Pattern, the third in the population of Greece. From here it is convenient to get to the western part of the Ahaya (Patras, Kallavrita), Elijah (Pyrgos, Olympia) and Arcadia (and famous mountain villages). From the end of May until the beginning of October, a charter from Moscow flies here 4 times a week. The cost of tickets from 380 EUR for flight to both ends. Despite the popularity of the direction, outside the summer season to get here, alas, it is impossible.

By train

I live in the north of Peloponnese and, as a rule, get here from Athens by train. If you need to get to Ahaya or Corinth, it is the most economical and convenient option, especially if you fly to international Airport Athens: The railway station is located near and connected to a glass transition airport.

However, it is necessary to take into account that the railway in this moment It is reconstructed and the train itself will take you only to Chiano - a small town in Corinthia. Further railway company OSE offers travelers to transfer to a special bus that can deliver you to a pat. Trains go every hour and directly to the train at the destination station served a bus. Most often it is an express, 4 times a day bus makes a stop in Dyacopto.

The fare from Athens International Airport to Chiauto - 14 EUR. Children under 12 years old enjoy a 50% discount. The cost of travel is added to the passage of the bus, depending on the destination, you will have to pay another 4-6 EUR. You can buy a bus ticket both at the departure station and in Choato.

In addition to the main railway branch, the Dyacofto-Kalawrite's tourist railway operates on Peloponnese, which not only delivers everyone to this popular ski resort, but also in itself is a landmark and a kind of attraction.


The bus most often turns out to be the most convenient public transportwhich will deliver you to any point of Peloponnese. Serves long-distance passenger Transportation KTEL. All buses are equipped with air conditioning, often Wi-Fi works in them. Roads are predominantly beautiful, although the mountainous areas are rather winding, and species open simply unforgettable.

The main difficulty for an inexperienced traveler is to get to the central bus station from arrival airport. Toby to get to bus stations in Araksos and Kalamate, you will have to use a taxi service. In the Athens Airport, in addition to a taxi (Question price 35-40 EUR), you can use special express X93, departing every 30-40 minutes from a stop between 4 and 5 output at the "arrival" level. Time on the way to the bus station - about an hour. This is the ultimate stop, so it is impossible to miss. The fare is 6-8 EUR.

At the bus station there are always information in English, and people around will be happy to help you find your stop and do not confuse the bus. The fare is very adequate and depends on the distance, for example, a trip from Athens to Kalamat will cost about 25 EUR.


The rented car is the most convenient way of traveling on Peloponnese, which not only completely unleashes your hands, but also often saves compared to public transport.

The road to Peloponnes from the Athens Airport is an excellent highway, for the fare of which you will have to pay about 7 EUR to get to the Corinth Canal, separating the peninsula from the mainland. Of course, you can drive through the old free road, but in this case you have to spend 4 hours instead of one.

After crossing the channel you will have a choice: to go east to the northern part of the Argold (Epidadavr, Methane, Hermioni), continue your way deep into the peninsula (Naphpakty, Arkady, Laconia, Messinia) and or go to the West (Corinthian, Ahaya, Elijah, Western part of the Messinia). At the same time you will always have an alternative paid roads. And it is impossible to say that free worse. Rather, even on the contrary, you will miss a lot by traveling by Highway. But if time is your main value, boldly go along the paid track, saving more than significant.


Riding the ferry on Peloponnese is only in 2 cases. If you are traveling from Italy or if on the road on Peloponnes you want to visit the aegine, cutter or poros.

The ferry from Italy is convenient for those who decided to get to Greece by car through Central Europe. For example, you can see Venice, and then ride around the sea (30 hours) so that in the Pathers to nap from the cargo deck on your own car and go where your eyes look. If 30 hours sea Walk. For you a lot, you can sit on the ferry in Ancona (23 hours) or in Bari (17.5 hours on the road). This is the fastest and inexpensive ferry, a ticket for it for a company of 4 people, such as 2 adults with 2 children on a regular car, will cost at least 400 EUR one way.

The second way on the Peloponnese ferry begins in Piraea - the port of Athens, to get to both on the subway, and on city buses, and taxi. The minimum cost of the ferry in the same company will be about 60 EUR. Cost when traveling with a car with a visit on the road, for example, excellent aegina, will cost 2 times more expensive.


Peloponnes - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 1.

Kazan 1.

Samara 2.

Ekaterinburg 3.

Novosibirsk 5.

Vladivostok 8.

When the season. When it is better to go

Peloponnese is beautiful round year. I do not even undertake to recommend a certain season, for this way I will diminish the beauty and advantages of other times of the year. So whenever your long-awaited vacation happens, Peloponnese will please you.

Peloponnese in the summer

The beginning of June on Peloponnese perfectly with his freshness and lack of a crowd of vacationers. The weather can still be unstable, and the sea is not warm (+ 20-22 ° C). To relax by the sea, at this time it is better to go to the west coast, as well as in Messinia and Lacon. There are many sandy beaches with shallow water, so the sea warms up faster.

Since the end of June, the most successful period of trips begins warm sea with minimum people and relatively low prices. The influx of tourists begins with the second half of July, and together with the increase in the number of people will fall the quality of your holiday. This rule, unfortunately, operates on Peloponnese everywhere and especially affects the quality of food in coastal taverns.

Planning holidays by the sea in July and August, I always preferred the coast of the Corinth Gulf in the north of Peloponnese. Thanks to thick green and protected from the hot southern winds, it is always a bit cooler here, and the lower humidity and permanent breeze make it easier to carry even severe heat. Alternative to the Northern and east Coast Argolides.

Peloponnes in autumn

Classes in Greek schools begin on September 15, so on the Velvet season It is worth going from the second half of September to mid-October. At this time, the best sea is amazingly calm, transparent, very comfortable temperature with a thin autumn note. And the weather pleases with soft warmth and calm, even though cool, evenings. The average temperature of the water in September +25 ° C, in October +23 ° C; The air is usually heated in the midst of + 25-30 ° C. You can go at this time anywhere, the whole peloponnese is beautiful.

After October 15, changes in the weather become more noticeable, rains begin, there may be windy and cool (+ 18-20 ° C). The sea is still pretty warm (+ 21-23 ° C), so the Russians who are accustomed to river water easily bathe. At this time, golden autumn begins, to see only in the mountains, for example, in the unique oak forest Foloons, where the islands of juicy green grass in the glades contrast brightly with a thick gold carpet of oak leaves.

Peloponnese Spring

In fact, spring on Peloponnese begins with the last decade of February. Solar and dry days is becoming more and more, and the daily temperature rises to + 16-18 ° C, and even higher. Almonds and magnolia begin to bloom, and the air is filled with honey flavors. The beginning of spring is best suited for traveling on the archaeological monuments of Peloponnese; The millennial ruins are covered with a motley floral carpet and there is a feeling that you have found yourself in the cartoon Hayao Miyaccasi.

Big Spring, which is more like the summer for us, begins with the second half of April. At this time, on the coast, you can admire the blooming tamaris and eucalyptus, and the cost of roads become red from poppies. If you are lucky and a few days in a row will last one-year hot weather, then the sea easily warm up to + 22-23 ° C.

At this time, travel well through the towns, which in the summer season is overwhelmed by tourists, for example, to live in Montama, Nafplio or Pilos. Each of them is also the key to a whole region.

Peloponnes winter

Winter for me is the best time to visit Peloponnese. The fact is that it is winter that the climate difference between Greece and Russia is felt the climate difference between Greece and Russia. Light day here lasts significantly longer, and the sun itself is significantly more. Statistically, a week accounts for a pair of rainy days, one cloudy, and everything else is reminded of a priest day in the Connection of October or early April. On average, daytime temperatures are kept in the area + 12-14 ° C, the cooling occurs when the temperature drops below +10 ° C, and warming to + 16-18 ° C. Of course, we are talking about the coast. In the temperature of a temperature of 10-15 degrees below, snow drops out, which allows the ski resorts to function.

To celebrate Christmas and New Year, it is better to choose a lively city, such as Nafplio. If you like the atmosphere in the style of "Fireplace Mulled Snowball", you can visit tourist trees in the mountains serving local ski resorts, such as Trikal, Zaruhlu or Kallavrit.

In the middle of January, the real miracle begins - alkeonides - something like our Babiy summer, but only in the middle of winter. The temperature rises to + 16-18 ° C and there is a quiet sunny weather. This phenomenon continues usually about a week and makes it possible to swim with the most brave. In fact, sea water in January is warmer than in March, and is usually held in the area of \u200b\u200b+17 ° C. In the shallow water of the lagoon, or in places of imposition in the sea of \u200b\u200bthermal sources, the temperature can reach +20 ° C.

In February, preparations for the coming carnival begins. The biggest of them, and not only on Peloponnese, but also in all Greece, passes in Patra. If you want to see more ancient version - You can go to one of the villages of Mountain Arcadia, and if you want to see the "Venetian carnival", then in Nafplio.


Peloponnes - weather by months

What are the prices for rest

Peloponnes offers rest on any wallet. Even at the height of the season here you can find prices in the area of \u200b\u200b30 EUR for a 2-bed room per day. It is more difficult to just find a luxury and an exclusive level of services. The general rule: the fact of the most famous, the more expensive it is.

Food in taverns here is somewhat cheaper than in more touristly developed regions. If you exclude fish and exclusive restaurants, then the average check will be 10-15 EUR per person with alcohol (homemade wine) in a conventional fishing tavern will have to pay from 20 EUR per person.

The cost of tickets for the sights of the first magnitude (Olympia, Myna) - 12 EUR (children under 18 visits sites and museums for free), less significant - 6-8 EUR, the entrances to local museums are usually worth 3 EUR. Attractions of an entertainment character, such as caves, are about the same, but for children there is a 30-50% discount.

You can save, if you visit attractions on special days when a free entrance is provided. For each place there may be your additional days, but the general list looks like this:

  • April 18 (International Day of Monuments),
  • May 18 (International Museum Day),
  • The last weekend of September (European Heritage Day),
  • October 28 (Okhi Day),
  • Each first Sunday of the month from November 1 to March 31.

Main attractions. What to see

Peloponnese is extremely rich in the sights, and to highlight the 5 best of them - a difficult task.

My personal top five-places will make up the classic attractions, for which you should do a distant path even from the other end of the peninsula.

Top 5.

Beaches. What better

Peloponnese is huge and good beaches Are found everywhere. Really unique of them are not much. As always clockwise

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

Peloponnes is traditionally one of the centers of religious tourism in Greece. There are no such major monastery centers as meteor, but there are no less severe places. When planning his visits to the monasteries, it is worth the concerns about the appropriate clothes (there are few somewhere "skirts") and the time of visits (each monastery has its own work schedule, depending on the season). If you want to get likely, it's worth come in the morning, to a break on a siesta, which begins at an hour of the day.


The most popular center of pilgrimage is the town of Kalawrit in the mountains of Ahaya. Here in the surrounding area there are several very famous monasteries, in particular Agia Lavra - the monastery in which the Greek Revolution and the most famous monastery of Peloponnese received a blessing. Mega Speileo. (Great, as they are called in Russian). The latter is the second in antiquity of the existing Christian monasteries after the monastery of St. Catherine on Sinai Peninsula. The monastery stores a unique icon of St. Luki, which miraculously survived several fires. In addition, the relics are collected here very many saints, and if you are lucky, you can enter their repository. In the monastery museum you can see a small, but very rich collection of books, icons and church utensils, and in the monastery store nearby buy its products: honey, jam, wine, herbs and a stunningly delicious onion from walnuts.

Another interesting monastery - Taxiarchon- Also located in Ahaya not far from the city of Egion. If the weather is allowed, here you can walk to the old monastery, located above in the mountains on a narrow karnis, which offers stunning views of the Selinus River Valley. Taxiarchon is famous for his jam from roses petals, which monks grown on their fields. But people believers go here above all to worship the Great Shrine: they are kept here with the "Reliquia of the Passion of Christ" - the gift of the Byzantine emperor to his brother, the founder of the monastery.


Another unique female monastery can be visited in Mr. - the Byzantine Ghost City, located near Sparta. This is the only part of the city in which there is still life. The monastery is based in the 15th century and amazes with its architectural design. In the upper galleries of the main temple, initial frescoes are preserved. Here is stored list with the famous icon Panagia Pantanassstored on Mount Athos. Icon is considered a miraculous, which can immediately be seen by the number of thank gifts left by believers.

In addition to monasteries, you can visit several truly unique temples on Peloponnese.


Stunning impression produces church of St. George Next to the town of Didim in Argolide. Why it is, I will not tell not to spoil a surprise, be sure to get here if you travel along this part of Peloponnese


The strongest impression on me produced church of Saint FeodoraLocated next to the Vasta village in Arcadia (Megalopoli district). This tiny church, built in the 12th century, keeps 17 adult plates on its roof, which miraculously did not dispel it with their weight and not blown the walls roots.


Panagia Katafigion - Church in Ahaya, which is similar swallow socket She lured right on the rock with a stunning view of the Corinth Bay. There is a dizzying path, cut down in a rock, and get from the coast here in just 20 minutes.

One of the most visited peeloponnese temples, cathedral St. AndreyIs nevertheless one of the most modern in all Greece. It was built in Patra specifically to return the relics of Andrei the First Called, which during the Ottoman conquest were transferred to storage in. Now in the cathedral you can worship the head of the holy and parts of the cross, on which he was crucified. When the relics were brought to Russia, a narrow stage was built to them, here you can stay close to complete solitude.


Several unique temples can be visited in Monemvasya, including church of Saint Sophia and Cathedral of Christ Elkomenos, built in the 13th century by Emperor Andronnik ιι Paleologist.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

Personally, I am in order to visit any museums. The modest entrance fee supports the unique culture of Greece and helps to keep people jobs.

History and archeology

Beautiful museums are with all major archaeological sites, they are good not only to cool from the heat, but also to get a more complete picture of the lifestyle, rituals and beliefs of the ancient Greeks and Byzantines. The cost of visiting such museums is included in the price of a visit directly to the archaeological site. The price of a common ticket, as a rule, is 12 EUR. Children under 18 years of charge are free of charge in the presence of a document confirming age (it makes sense to get acquainted only if you have a tall and developed teenager).

The most important museum, where to go certainly - museum of the Archaeological Site in ancient OlympiaAt least in order to see the sculpture of Hermes, the work of the famous ancient Greek sculptor of Prakkitel. Another such chance can only be introduced to the Louvre.

From municipal (urban) archaeological and historical museums on me, a very good impression was made museums Nafplio, Sparta and Patras. The latter immediately misses visitors, despite the fact that best Museum Europe and keep a truly unique collection of Roman mosaic. The entrance to such museums is significantly cheaper compared to larger attractions and is usually 2-3 EUR. Children visit them for free.

Themed museums

From museums other topics I really liked modern Museum of Olive Oil in Sparta and Museum of Mani in Ghifio. As a rule, similar museums are commercial projects, but their price policy It does not differ from state museums.


National parks occupy a substantial territory of Peloponnese, especially in its northern part. In these areas, hunting is prohibited and pedestrian and cyclers are equipped. The most interesting of them:

  • Helmos Mountain and Stiks - To get here the easiest most from the village of Zaruchla, where there is a tourist infrastructure. Routes start between the villages of Solo and Mescari.

  • Vouraikos gorge - One of the most popular pedestrian and bicycle routes connecting Kallavrit and Corinthian Gulf Coast.
  • Cape Terrent in the south - Local nature is similar to the alien landscape, and the oracle of the dead, which was located here, creates a kind of atmosphere.

  • A separate topic - observation of birds that stop on the lakes and salt Lagunafor example in the area Alikain Egion I. Prokokunot far from the pat, as well as on Lake Kayafa. Depending on the season, you can see more than 100 species, including Pelicans, and Flamingo.

  • Also K. national Parks include cave systems, the most interesting of which - dios cavesin the mani area in the south of Peloponnese, Cave lakesin the mountains of Ahaya and cave freggedin argolide.

Nearby Isles

If you go to the mainland, you are far away, pay attention to the nearest islands associated with Peloponnese ferries. For convenience, going clockwise, starting with the Saronic Gulf.

Food. What to try

Many people with whom I had to communicate about Greek cuisine, were disappointed with their experience. There are several reasons for this:

  1. They chose the wrong places. Do not count on quality in tourist establishments with high permeability, as soon as the number of visitors turns through a critical mark, the quality even falls in good establishments at times. In addition, foreign tourists know little, which should be "the right taste", so for tourists can always be saved on the ingredients. So choose the places where local.
  2. They chose the wrong dishes. In order not to wait for a long time, it is necessary to order snacks and ready-made dishes, the fact that in Greek is called "Magherfit". It is roast of different types of meat, vegetable and meat stew. Such dishes are prepared per 1-2 days, they are tasty and give a better idea of local cuisine.
  3. They ate only what has already tried. The knowledge of many tourists about Greek cuisine end on Greek salad and Musaka. The latter, by the way, appeared here quite recently. It is necessary not to be afraid to try new dishes and ask the Council from the owner.
  4. They did not take into account the season. Delicious food is obtained from delicious ingredients. For example, it is not necessary to order a Greek salad in June or stew green beans in December. So always check what products are at the peak during your trip.

Peloponnese cuisine deserves a separate article, because in almost every place there are special dishes that it is worth trying here. Kokokes Cokinisto in Kallavrite, roast made of pig in Sparta, Almond Clavier in Monemvasya - the list can be continued infinitely.

By the way, if you like to cook yourself, then in almost every large village of Peloponnese on Saturdays, the market (lairs in Greek) work, where local farmers are called their crop. You can find out where it goes away from the locals. On ordinary days, vegetables and fruits are better to buy from greenberry (Manavikos), fish in fish shops (Psaragora, Psaradiko), and meat at the butcher (Copopolio). From supermarkets it is better to choose or small local shops, or network galaxias and av (alphabet) - here priority is given to Greek products, which are significantly better than cheaper brands brought from other European countries.


Holidays on the peloponess celebrate the same as all of Greece. But, of course, there are local events that make travel at this time very attractive.

Summer events

Summer, especially his second half, is the time of village holidays - "Panigiri". These are completely open events for which communities are glad to welcome all guests. They usually pass on weekends and learn about them in advance on ads or talking with local residents.

In addition, in August there is a major religious holiday - the Assumption of the Virgin. This is the official day off, when it is necessary to look into the church, get a blessing and special breadshops - prosfora. These days are universally fried by a spiner of the rams, so if you want to try this miracle - do not miss the chance.

Activities of autumn

In September, it is necessary to look at moon calendar. In a large full moon throughout Greece, and the peloponneum is no exception, all night are open archaeological sites, where you can come and admire the lighted moonlight ruins completely free.

In the fall, duigiri continues, especially in areas rich in vineyards. It is very interesting to get to the holiday when the whole village is boiled on the central square of Tsipuro - the local grape moonshine. The fragrance is extraordinary.

Have something to add?

We will show you those places of recreation that are not so famous in a wide range, but who are also waiting for the guests and we would like you to appreciate them in dignity.

Let's go on Peloponnes (the historical name of Sea and Morias), the largest peninsula, which is located in the south of Greece. With the construction in 1893 the Corinthian Canal was cut off from the mainland. Since 2004, Rio Antirio Bridge again connected the Peloponnese with the rest of Greece. Peloponnes has rich cultural heritage (from the Mycenaean civilization to modern times), the ignition ceremony of the Olympic Fire, the national liberative movement, historical events, make this region interesting for travelers. Peloponnese landscape is diverse: the beautiful coast, the inner areas are mountains, plains and rivers. The climate is characteristic of the Mediterranean on the coast, and in the inner areas it becomes cooler and dry. The outlines of the peninsula resemble the halves of the maple leaf, so it is easy to find on the map of Eldla.

Along with popular resorts there are little-known. We will tell about them now.

So, Tor-9 little-known resorts on Peloponnese e.

Opens our charts. Patras are located in the north of Peloponnese, on patricos Bay Coast. Position of patterns as the closest major port in continental Western Europe As the city center and the transport hub, encourages its use by tourists, or as an entrance - access to the peloponnese or as a transit point. Port, railway line and station, occupy almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe city's beach, which, in combination with the existence of industries on southwest coast Make patrants "Primorsky city without the sea". Therefore, as a place for tourism, he had not been considered before.

The modern Rio Antirio Bridge unites Peloponnese with Western and Central Greece, crossing the Corinthian canal.

The main feature of the city geography of Patras is the division of the city to the upper and lower connected staircase. The lower city includes the urban kernel of the 19th century and the port, while the upper city is formed by the old settlements around the fort.

Attractions: Architectural monuments of various eras from the Mikan Tomb and the Source of Demetra to the Castle (Fort) of Patras. Ahaya Claus causes some interest - the first Greek wine plant with surviving architecture and technologies, wine tasting is carried out.

In addition, the city has the largest European, the Mediterranean style, the famous carnival in Pathers, who begins a series of similar festivals in all Greece. Distinctive features of this holiday: satirical and extravagant carnival figures and spectacular dances and parades.

Local cultural life It is expressed in the theater, plastic arts (ceramics, mosaic, etc.) and in modern literature. The city of Patras was the cultural capital of Europe in 2006.

Thus, the city of Patras will rather be in demand by travelers who want to relax in the comparative silence of a beautiful seaside city, wander according to the old streets, admire the beautiful buildings, visit the sights.

Lower along the coast somewhat south. Here is our second participant - Kiparissey (Κυπαρισσία) .

The city was erected in the form of amphitheater - descending from Mount Egleo to the Ionian Sea. Cypress region is well planned and equipped with all amenities. modern City. It is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The old upper city originated around the preserved archaic settlement, and the new (or lower) city was built relatively recently and stretches to the coast. In the upper city there are many architectural monuments, testifying to history, such as Arcadia Castle, Arkady Square with old planenes, fountains at the entrance to the castle, public bath (Hammam), beautiful vintage buildings on the streets. Certain interest is a folklore museum and beautiful churches, one of many - the Church of the Holy Trinity in the Upper City. It is known for old icons and a panorama that opens near her walls. In the spring, the folklore festival is held here in honor of the cartridge of the cypress area. The lower city is represented by modern infrastructure and architecture.

SAMI high Point Cities - Cypressions-Tank (Water Tank) will give an unforgettable spectacle: sunset, which is considered the most beautiful in this part of the world.

According to the old texts, the cypress area was the harbor, which played a big role in the Trojan War, since he was sent to nine trieres from here, and everything says that it was possible in this area the real kingdom of Nestor. In this regard, archaeological surveys are underway on the coast. In the vicinity of the city, there are also many archaeological excavations, for example, the peristyria district.

Cypress area has one of the most modern sewage treatment plants from 2012. Therefore, the sea and the beaches near her are among the cleanest, and they annually awarded the blue flag of SRV.

Beach holiday is the main entertainment on this coast. Therefore, cyparissy can not be distinguished as a "partition place", which does not give her a loud glory of the famous resort.

The city beach "Bunny" (άι-λαγούδης) has beautiful small sand, turquoise waves of the Ionian Sea are free from pollution. The beach has excellent equipment (umbrellas, sun beds, etc.), upstairs - bars and restaurants. Aborring the blue flag proudly over him.

In short, the city is intended for visiting tourists who love to combine pleasant with useful: the sea and walks in the sights.

Next, get acquainted with the third participant -.

Pylos is located on the southwestern tip of the peloponess, in the Messinia. The city is an important shipping center. Recently, tourists are attracted not only by the beauty of the coastline (Navarino Bay) but also the safety of the beaches. Sfatirias Island covers the entrance to the bay and serves as a natural wave. So there is no bay big waves Even with a storm. Beaches with small sand, blue water, calm sea - a magnificent rest away from the city noise.

A modern pylon is built around the castle of the 16th century, has two fortresses: old and new, which in the old days defended the bay. New fortress, neokastro, is the most beautiful in modern Greece. Opposite her, on the north edge of the bay there is an even more old fortress - Paleokastro (12th century). There is a peculiar picturesque cave of Nestor. It is worth visiting the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, whose white domes are visible from afar.

The region has a rich historical past. With archaeological excavations, elements of the archaeons of ancient Mycean culture are found, as well as the eastern wing of the Tsarist Palace (presumably nestor) with preserved frescoes and mosaics.

Further, along the coast north, there is a secluded Cute Vococal Bay (for a free recreation, a practically wild beach) with pink sand, surrounded by thickets of juniper. And to the south is salty (even compared to the Ionian Sea) Laguna Galov around the same name in the form of a heart. Pink flamingos flew into this lagoon.

The main feature of the resort - independent holiday, amateur, so how popular place Holiday, he has little studied.

With the presence of small villages in the vicinity of small villages, which are several streets with souvenir shops, bars and taverns, camping and small hotels develop the so-called "micro-tourism". These are travelers on bicycles, autotourists, and lovers are simply sowed on the sand.

Our path lies all south and south. Fourth stop - Metoni (μεθώνη).

The town is located in the southwest Peloponnes, 61 km from Kalamata. Metoni is a beautiful seaside town with unique attractions. In the summer months, it attracts many visitors, and is suitable for quiet family holiday.

Metoni built on the ruins ancient City Μεθώνη, and is one of the oldest cities of Peloponnese. It was known as a strategic and commercial port. Metoni Castle is the largest in Greece. His walls, five towers, and artillery platform are still in good condition. It was built by Venetians when they became the owners of the city in 1209 AD. It is built on a rock that goes into the sea and separated from the mainland by artificial moat. Its area is 93 acres. South of the fortress is the Bourge Tower, built on a small island. The lock is connected to the port 14 arched bridge. On the eastern side of the castle there is a small berth, which is now used as part of the Metoni port. On the territory of the castle there is a transformation church, a bridge column and ancient ruins. In the city, you can visit the catacombs of the cemetery of St. Onufriya, the Byzantine Church of St. Vasily, sunken settlement of the Bronze Age in the metony bay and others.

In addition, the tourist complex includes the inspection of three small islands opposite the metony: Sapires, Schiza and Agia Marina. Each of them has its own attractions.

Beach holiday in Mitoni. There is a private beach with shallow pebbles and a relatively small depth. A beautiful view of the bay and the castle opens.

On the way from Metoni, two beautiful beaches are located in Fiancon. First - Lambs, pebble. He is secluded, for lovers quietly enjoy swimming. Second - dates. The beach is more lively, with sand and clean blue water.

All metoni beaches are well equipped. Holidays in the meton is slow, no noisy discos and parties. Ideal for family holidays.

Fifth parade participant - Finikund (φοινικούντα).

Fichonda is the adorable coastal village of South Peloponnese. Located between Metoni and Koroni, 70 kilometers from Kalamata. It is precisely in the center of the bay opposite the Inuss Complex, which make up the islands of Sapires, Shizz and Agia Marina.

Phonicund is currently one of the main resorts of Messini, combining harmonically mountains and the sea. Visitors attracted mainly stunning sandy beaches with blue clean water. In addition, picturesque landscapes and excellent tourist infrastructure made a finnote good place Summer holiday. Here you will find extensive sandy and pebble beaches, popular and quiet, secluded, where you will be able to enjoy the sun, sea and having fun water species Sports.

From Finichonds, you can make interesting excursions in the surrounding area. Visit the traditional Mother with a magnificent castle and picturesque corona.

There are hotels, apartments and three campsites in the village, which will allow to accommodate tourists according to their wishes. There are also souvenir shops, a lot of taverns with traditional messine cuisine. During walks, you can relax in the cafe, drink coffee or refreshments, watch the life of a tourist town. Fikinov is practically not known in Russia, it is simply another tourist stop on the route of autotourism. But the one who visited here will return again for the state of peace and relaxation.

Visiting Finnis will leave excellent memories, tan and souvenirs.

Next, Sixth example of an unpleasant -

Koroni Middle Members of the Messinia city (about 1,668 inhabitants), is 52 km from Kalamata in the direction of South-West.

The main attraction of the city is the Venetian castle (ενέτικο κάστρο) of which rises to 6-7 centies. This is a typical sample of Venetian architecture. The highest point is Western Wall The castle with which the panoramic view of the bay opens. Currently, the castle is the current Church of Hagia Sophia and the Women's Monastery Prodromos with cellars, centers and warehouses. In the grove, Elisterium is the church Panagia Elisterium, the patron of Koroni. Holidays, autumn and winter are arranged in honor of it. The castle seems to swim in the sea, combined with one whole with a port and city.

Since the city is located along the bay, almost the entire coast occupies port facilities. The port, almost always, "decorate" sailing and fishing vessels, which supply fresh fish and seafood into the village taverns.

Going away from the castle on a wide staircase and streets ladded by a cobblestone, visit the museum with a collection of ancient coins of various eras. Old two-story mansions, built in medieval style, will also focus on themselves a curious look. On the central square there is a cathedral of Ionian architecture Agios Dimitris. Here are picturesque shops, taverns, souvenir shops. The best taverns are located in the harbor, their trademark is ... Hanging octopus.

Every summer pass various events: theatrical ideas, Sardina Festival, Barcarol (on Gondolas), Sports events, etc.

Karnival Koroni is held in February with an impressive parade of huge figures and marching soldiers.

Easter in Koroni: the whole town is covered with a religious atmosphere, where residents and guests experience the East of the Passion of Christ. The epitaph of the scenic streets of the city is passing to Good Friday and ends in the castle.

The urban beach of Zag is a crescent of golden sand, which is raided turquoise waves. The beach has modern equipment and equipment for a relaxing holiday and for entertainment on the water.

Only here you can buy olives of the crown grade and local olive oil.

Again, nightlife is not presented in any way. This is a place for a quiet rest, shelter from storms and shocks of modern civilization. This place is offset by advertisers. And indeed, that it can cost so cheap and at the same time so expensive as the sun, the sea and peace of mind.

Seventh participant of our hike.

Kalamata - the city on the south-west of Peloponnes, the second large city after the pattern, was built at the foot of the mountain of Calati (καλάθι) on the coast of the Messinsky Bay. Located 223 km from Athens, 215 km from Patras and 715 km from Thessalonik. There is an international airport. Attractions: The symbol of the city is the church of the Holy Apostles, a small Byzantine Church (middle of the 11th century) with frescoes of the 14th century.

Church of the introduction of the Cross and the Women's Monastery with her. Here are the famous silk scarves.

AT historical center Cities (παλιά πόλη) can be inspected by the vintage buildings of various eras, the set of them are renovated without loss of historical value.

Cultural life Kalamata is represented by theater activities, as well as International Festival Dance, which combines well-known names from international dance and is held once a year since 1995. This festival is held in the "Castle of Izabo", the stage platform in the form of an amphitheater built on the place of the old acropolis of the spotlight, from where it opens amazing view On the harbor and the city from the height. The old tradition of the "Setpole" ("War of Darts") is reborn at Easter, on the eve of the resurrection of Christ (in the area of \u200b\u200bOld Scotheen).

Carnival in Kalamate is distinguished by custom to dance from the "May Tree" on the central square.

Noisy nightlife in winter and summer. Winter - taverns and bars in the historic center of the city, while in the summer - in clubs and beach bars on the seashore and in the city suburbs of Rod Chtizmeni at the foot of Mount Calati, where there are wonderful bars and clubs with magnificent view At sea and city of Kalamata.

Navarina Street, passing along the beach, is the perfect place for hiking. As well as wide central square Vasileos Georgiu, which surrounds the cozy cafe is a place for meetings and walks of residents and guests of the city. From the square begins the pedestrian part of the street Aristomomus, with shops and coffee houses.

The harbor has a parking lot for yachts, you can rent a yacht.

The city beach stretches for more than 2 kilometers, has modern equipment and equipment. Such a big beach in the city feature is a rarity for Greece cities. Beach sandy-pebble: in front of the entrance to the sea - the strip of small pebbles. The entrance to the sea is also on a stony area, quickly by changing the sandy bottom.

Sea on this plot is transparent, visibility up to five meters, the shade of water closer to green. The sea warms well by August, up to 28 degrees.

Russians still well know this cozy city, spread in a small bay of the Ionian Sea. Kalamata - Resort not only for people valuable calm rest, but also loving nightlife. This city will have entertainment for every taste.

The next, eighth point of our tour -

Stupa is a charming seaside village of Mani, located 45 km east of Calamata.

Stupa built at the foot mountain Ridge Taighetos, in the area with olive groves and two sand bays. Currently, this is the most developed tourist village with modern infrastructure and equipping.


Mine Plastov (described in the book N. Kazanzakis "Greek Zorba"), many churches.

Borfort Fortress is located on a hill above the step, from here a wonderful view of the surroundings.

In the Turkish Cave-grotto you can get on the boat, the cave is located between the Stope and Calogria

Taighetos: Wild natural beauty of this mountain Massiva Charming visitors. Cool slopes, caves and gorges create a beautiful mountain landscape. Lovers of sports and mountains can ride a bike. This place is simply created for tourism and mountaineering for unique mountain routes.

Beach holidays in the village of Stupa are represented by three beautiful beaches:

Calogry: This is an extensive sandy beach with pure turquoise water. He is known as Zorbas Beach, as Kazanzakis and Alexis Zork lived there. This is one of the most famous and beautiful beaches of Messinia. A perfectly organized place of rest, which attracts thousands of tourists. Here you can enjoy coffee in the beach bar, water sports, get a smooth tan and admire a beautiful sunset.

Stupa: Located right on the main street of the village. This is a long beach with small golden sand and turquoise water. The lively street is located right above it, you will find many cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops on it.

Galikura: This is a secluded pebble beach with crystal blue water. Suitable for those who are looking for a quiet beach to enjoy the sun and the sea.

The cultural life of the stupas is represented by the Stupa Festival on June 20, on the Day of the Holy Spirit and the festival in Cardamili on August 15, on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin.

The evening and nightlife of the resort stupas offers travelers a pleasant pastime in local bars, where you can taste and classic cocktails, and traditional Greek wine.

This resort enjoys well-deserved due to the fact that the Roman N. Kozandzakis "Greek Zorba" was launched in these surroundings and he was also written here in the Turkish cave. Russians and author, and his romance is little known, so such a great place as Stupa is rarely visited by tourists from Russia.

And the last one, but not by beauty, the ninth participant of our hit parade - Pyrgos (ύύργος ηλεία).

Pyrgos is a city in the west of Peloponnese. It is located 19 km from the ancient Olympia and 315 km from Athens. The city is built on seven hills on the south - west of Ilya Province approximately five kilometers from the sea and at an altitude of thirteen meters.

Proximity to ancient Olympia and the ability to cruise - mooring in seaport Pyrgos, Catalyan, contribute to a significant contribution to the development of tourism. Actually, so Pyrgos himself is little known in the tourist plan.

Sightseeing: Monastery of St. Nicholas and Monastery of Panagia with a cave complex.

In Pyrgos itself, you can visit the market and the Archaeological Museum in Paleo Agora. And, in addition, on his speed, cobbled streets are so nice to walk, sit down at the table of street café or dine in Greek style in the tavern. The city is a monument to drachma, the national Greek currency. And in Pyrgos and in the cathalon, many bars and souvenir shops. Night life is absent.

Beach holidays: City Beach Catalog is located near the port of the same name. The beach is modest, pebble, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas.

Cultural life is represented by the theater and an international film festival for children and young people and (Olyfest) held annually in Pyrgos.

Pyrgos is better to use as headquarters in his wanders. And already from here to make raids at the surroundings: ancient Olympia, Corinthian canal and natural beauty and beaches (aldemar with a blue flag) nearby.

Peloponnese is the beautiful part of the eleventory, carved flowers and fruits, autonated by a rare shadow of olive groves, respiped by breathing history.

Beautiful beaches, azure lagoons and attractions are waiting for you with impatience! Open the season! -

  • Tours on May in Greece
  • Burning tours in Greece

Peloponnese is the most southern region of mainland Greece. It is less popular than, say, Chalkidiki, but its steady flow of tourists has. As - in no way, here is very clean sea and beautiful nature. The main cons - the lack of large resorts in their traditional understanding (usually the scattered hotel complexes, which, by their infrastructure and the number of services, are quite small resort village.) and expensive transfer due to airport remoteness. Hotels here are less than in other resorts of the country. But it was at Peloponnese that there were hotels belonging to the famous Greek "chains", including the large complexes of Aldemar and the Grecotel on the west coast.

The most attractive side of Peloponnes is its extensive historical heritage, an abundance of attractions. In addition, the peninsula is convenient to perform one-day excursions To other areas of Greece.

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How to get to Peloponnes

The fastest and cheapest way to get on Peloponnese - by plane through Athens, Kalamat or Araksos. Athens Airport by bus number x93 you need to get to the car station Ktel (Kifisias, 100). The bus runs with an interval of 35 minutes (at night 1 hour 5 minutes), the road takes about 1 hour, the cost of the 13 EUR ticket. The bus station leaves buses to Corinth (ticket 15 EUR), Nafplion (10-15 EUR), Tripoli, Sparta (17-24 EUR), Kalamat (18-31 EUR), Pyrgos and Patras. Taxi's trip from the airport to Corinth will cost 95-120 EUR, Nafplion - 100-130 EUR. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Railing a message connects the Athens airport with the nearest city of Peloponnese - Corinth. Suburban trains go 1 time at 2 o'clock, on the way 1.5 hours, ticket 15-25 EUR).

The international airport in Kalamate is located in the south of Peloponess. From Moscow, you can fly here by direct flight "Aegean Airlines" (time on the road 3 hours and 40 minutes, the cost of a ticket back and back from 400 EUR) or "Austrian Airlines" with a transfer in Vienna (7.5 hours, from 310 EUR). From St. Petersburg to Kalamat with a change in Athens, "Aegean Airlines" (7.5 hours, from 500 EUR) fly. From the airport to Calamata, Pilos, Koroni and choirs, Ktel Messinias transport buses (of. Site in English), cruising from 5:00 to 22:10 with an interval of 30 minutes. The fare is 4-5 EUR. Taxi in the center of Kalamata is 65 EUR, transfer to Killini - 350 EUR.

The small airport of Araksos is located in the west of the peninsula. In season, direct flights from Moskva A / K Nordstar (4 hours, from 460 EUR) are sitting here. KTEL buses from the airport are tied to flights a / k "Ryanair" and are very rare: 3 flights per week (ticket 10-15 EUR), Killini - 5 flights a week (35-30 EUR). In order not to waste time, it is worth ordering a taxi in advance on the Internet. The cost of a trip from Araksos to Patras - 55-70 EUR, to the nearest five star hotels Grecotel Mandola Rosa - 85 EUR, Aldemar Royal Olympian - 90-100 EUR.

Search for tickets to Athens (Nearest a / p to Peloponnes)

Regions and resorts Peloponnese

According to Peloponnese Square, for example, with Israel or Slovenia. Administratively is divided into 7 prefectures, each of which is attractive in its own way for tourists.

The largest resort is Loutraki, located in the prefecture of Corinthia in the north-east of the peninsula. Among the local advantages - a calm clear sea, sandy beaches under blue flags, proximity to the capital and healing mineral springssimilar to the chemical composition with Vichy's waters. AHEYA (ADM. The center of Patra) attracts a chain of inexpensive hotels along the northern coast of Peloponnese and a sandy beach in the town of Lakopetra near the Araksos airport - with palm trees, convenient to the kids to the flight bypass at sea and the center of water entertainment.

Elia (Adm. Center Pyrgos) and Messinia (ADM. Calamata Center) on the west coast is allocated by the abundance of ancient monuments, picturesque nature, beautiful lakes and the most extended on the peninsula beaches.

Killini's resort town with taverns, bars and discos on the shore are very popular among young people. From the local port you can go to a cruise to nearby islands. Calamata is quite suitable for resort recreation. Her beach is covered with small pebbles, and the tables of bars and restaurants stand at the very edge of the water. Another resort on the west coast - Cardamili, thanks to the rocky little beaches, it is attractive for lovers of a secluded rest.

The most southern prefecture is Laconia, in the time of Homer was called Sparta. There is no abundance of the beaches - the coated shore seems completely wild and is surprisingly beautiful. Pleasant exceptions are the resort town of Arkhangelos and the beach of Simos Beach on the island of Elafonissis, to which it is necessary to sail on the ferry. The main resort of the neighboring Arcadia (ADM. Tripoli Center) is an old fishing town of Leonidion, where when ordering food or drinks in the taverns, the umbrella from the sun on the local beach is free.

In Arkadia, there is the highest Peloponnese point - Ayos-Ihias Mount (2407 m) of the Mountain Arrays Taigaet.

The popular resort of Argolides is its administrative center Nafplion - a colorful town under the supervision of three old fortresses with an abundance of taverns and bars. But it is better to relax in the neighboring Tolo with a sandy beach, gentle by sunset and the purest sea.


Corinth, Kalamate, Patra, Egion and Tripoli run city buses. Tickets are 1-3 EUR and sold in stores, newsstands and special machines. They can be purchased from the driver, but with an extra charge of 10%. When landing, a ticket must be processed. Penalty for a non-flying passage - 72 EUR.

The main type of long-distance transport on the peninsula - buses of private carriers that are part of the total transport Syndicate KTEL. Each of the 7 prefectures have its own Ktel offices responsible for organizing a bus service within the region, with administrative centers of neighboring regions and with the capital of the country.

Calamata - Patters bus ticket costs 24-35 EUR, from Patras to Nafplion - 15-22 EUR, from Tripoli to Kalamat - 12-17 EUR, from Nafplion to Krantidi - 7-11 EUR. When buying tickets in both directions, their cost is lower by 20-40%.

Taxi trips do not belong to the category of ruinous: landing - 1.19 EUR, 1 km visit city - 0.68 EUR (from 0:00 to 5:00 - 1,19 EUR), 1 km visit outside the city 1,19 EUR, calling the car by phone - 3,39-5.65 EUR, the minimum travel fee is 3,16 EUR, tip are not required, but are welcome.

The cycling rugs are one of the most popular views of Peloponnese. Almost every hotel has the opportunity to rent a bike. The price of pleasure is 10-15 EUR / day.

Peloponnese maps

Rent a Car

The car is the best assistant for those who want to see the natural beauty and historical places of Peloponnese. Offices of international AVIS, EURPOCAR, SIXT, etc. and local rental companies have at airports and major cities of the peninsula. Economy Class rental cost - from 50 EUR per day and from 300 EUR per week. Higher rates of international companies reflect the best technical condition of the machines.

The cost of gasoline - 1.65 EUR / L, diesel fuel - 1.39 EUR / l. Penalty for irregular parking - 80 EUR, travel to red light - 700 EUR, using anti-radar - 2000 EUR, drunk riding - from 200 to 1200 EUR with deprivation of rights.

Streets in the center of cities are quite narrow, many with one-sided movement. Tubes are a rarity. There are few cars on country roads, however, local love to drive, can be rebuilt without a reason to turn on the turn signals without reason. There are no problems with parking on Peloponnese. The cost of paid parking lots: 2-3 EUR / hour, but if desired can always be found free. Along with the modern paid motorway Athens - Kalamata and excellent roads along the coast, in the central part of the peninsula there are many narrow and winding mountain roads.

Communication and Wi-Fi

To reduce communication costs, it is better to buy a SIM card of one of the Greek operators - Cosmote (the highest coverage area), Wind (the most modern technical base) or Vodafone. They are sold in the salons of operators, super- and mini markets, in newspaper and souvenir kiosks. Simka with zero balance costs 5 EUR. You can replenish it at the point of purchase or prepayment cards with a par with 5 to 15 EUR.

The SIM card popular among tourists with the FROG Mobile tariff plan allows you to make calls within the country (perception tariffing) and to Russia (charging every 30 seconds) for 0.42 EUR / minute. Call costs in the Wind Card to All tariff is 0.40 EUR / minute within the country and 0.47 EUR / minute to Russia. However, when the account is replenished in the amount of 10 EUR, it decreases 1.5 times. In addition, the Wind has very attractive prices for providing Internet traffic packages: 2 GB for 7 days - 10 EUR.

Free Wi-Fi has all hotels, guest houses and apartments, most cafes, bars and restaurants, in many museums and other public places.

Beaches Peloponnes

Beaches on Peloponnese sandy or sandy with small intersions of small pebbles. Families with children should pay attention to north coast Areas of Ahey and Corinthia. On the south coast are deserted picturesque beaches.

In Corinthia, tourists prefer to stop on the city beaches of Loutraki or Xylokastro or on the pebble coast of Sicia, which deserved the blue flag for the purity of their waters. The sandy beaches of Tolo, Plep and Porto Heli are remarkable in Argolid. The same who chooses a pebble for the transparency of unlucky waters, it is worth paying attention to the Palea-epidavros, Erioni or Arvantia.

Another winner of the Blue Flag is popular in Nakonia - Archangelos Beach, Simos Beach traditionally goes two numbers. In the elident, it is good to swim on the sandy beaches of Kurut, Chrysi Akti and Zakharo (on each of them, also proudly the flag of heavenly color). Ahey invites symporal and sandy beaches to pebble beaches in Kalogry. Arkady is famous for the coasts of Lako, Paralia Astros and Tigani.

As a rule, on the beaches of Peloponnese there are paragraphs of hire of umbrellas and chairs (umbrella + two sun loungers - 10-15 EUR), there are taverns, cafes, bars, food kiosks, shops with souvenirs and beach accessories. Fans of outdoor activities can ride water skiing for 25-30 EUR, flying to parachute for 60 EUR, driving on a water bike for 30-35 EUR.

Messinia is perhaps rightly considered one of the most picturesque areas of the peninsula. Local beaches are direct proof. It is worth paying attention to the coast of Costa-Navarino and an unforgettable Bay of Vodokilia. The city beach Kalamata, the capital of the region, is literally within walking distance of the city center. In the micrymantine, it is worth going to those who love the developed infrastructure: here the mass of restaurants in the water itself. The family beach of Stupa is noteworthy, which is 38 km from Kalamata, and sandy Petalidi, and the coast of the former fishing village of Finikund. Near pylos also have a couple of luxurious sandy beaches.



Peloponnese ski resorts are not so popular as Alpine, however, from December to the beginning of April, in local slopes, you can see skiers and snowboarders from around the world. The main advantages of the winter resorts of the peninsula are moderate prices, good infrastructure, proximity to Athens, a variety of tracks - from green to black, and, of course, the neighborhood with historical monuments.

The palm of the championship among the ski resorts of Peloponnese belongs to Kalawrite - a tiny town in the Prefecture of Ahey, next to which the Helmos ski center is located one of the best in the country. Between Caulrita and the Center, a special "ski" bus runs (the cost of the ticket and back weekdays / weekends: 13/15 EUR, children 6-12 years old - 10 EUR). The riding zone Helmos is at a height of 1700 to 2340 m and includes 14 tracks (green, blue, red and black) with a total length of 25 km. In addition to the tracks, a snowboard park and 8 lifts, the ski school and medical center operate in the center, there is equipment rental, restaurant, cafe and spacious parking. Here the Length Length (length of 3210 m) is laid here (length 3210 m), and the lighted path "Dana" (875 m) is suitable for night skiing.

Ski-pass for 1 day on weekdays / weekends costs 18/25 EUR, for 7 days - 70 EUR, for the entire season 2017/2018 - 330 EUR.

The second most popular - the resort was exchanged in Arkady Prefecture - one of the three oldest in Greece. After recent upgrades, 8 tracks were laid here total length 6 km and built the necessary infrastructure with lifts, snowboarding park, ski school, ski ammunition, cafes and bars. For a relaxing family holiday, it is worth choosing a quiet inexpensive resort of Ziria in the Corinthian Prefecture with a pair of lifts - adults and children's, and the only gentle track with a length of 500 m.

Hotels Peloponnese

On Peloponnese there are hotels of any category - from pathetic "five-star" with huge territories to modest "doubles" on the 3-4th lines. Regardless of the number of "stars", there will be Wi-Fi in each hotel, and in most - free parking.

In season, the minimum cost of the standard double room in hotels 5 * - 200-320 EUR, although there are 1000 EUR per night. Guests of such hotels can count on quality service, well-groomed beaches, good restaurants and a lot of pleasures in spa and fitness centers. However, the same can be obtained in hotels 4 * for a more modest fee - 80-210 EUR. In "Tryshka" (40-100 EUR), it may have to come to terms with modest interiors, lack of basin and fitness, and in hotels 2 * (30-80 EUR) - in addition to everything, donate the presence of a restaurant and elevator.

The apartments are most popular. Prices is impressive - from 20-25 EUR for Spartan lapidalka one-room apartment for two to 790 EUR - for a chic cooked villa of 200 square meters. m with 4 bedrooms.

What will bring

On the shelves of Peloponnese, the God of Trade Hermes still reigns - his figures from bronze, marble or ceramics is a popular souvenir, however, as the statues of other Olympic gods. Competition them are amphoras, ritons, funny figures of donks, models of Greek churches. It is worth looking at the clothes and footwear of the local production - inexpensive and high enough. Gold and silver jewelry are also good, ceramic dishes, natural cosmetics based on olive oil, aromatic handmade soap.

In the vicinity of Kalamata grown the best olives on the Peninsula with a thin purple skin, oil from which is above all praise. In the monastery of St. Konstantin and Elena in Kalamate, they sell products from silk, woven with nuns on manual machines, preserved from the time of the Byzantine Empire; In the village of Pyrgos Dira - Wonderful Goat Cheese "Tulumso Tiri"; In the mountain village of therapy - warm sheep wool sweaters associated with local residents.

Kitchen and restaurants Peloponnese

It is not surprising that in the country who gave the world of nectar and ambrosia, the cult of food is flourishing. Lunch on Peloponnese is difficult to imagine without the village salad "Horiary". Near him, stuffed eggplants and zucchini, several varieties of olives and brilliant in their simplicity and taste of Dzadziki sauce from yogurt, cucumbers and garlic are probably. In the menu of any establishment there are small kebabs "Suvlaki" and Musaka from the raggy minced meat, interlaced vegetables. In the mountainous areas, Peloponnese is perfectly preparing a kid in a pot, a lamb and a river trout on coals. On the coast popular fish and seafood.

The main Easter dish of Peloponnese - "Coconges" - a roll of lamb rubble, grilled on the grill. However, in the restaurant it can be ordered at any time of the year.

To appreciate the real Greek cuisine, it is not necessary to look for a restaurant with starchy tablecloths. It is better to choose a tavern, where the Greeks themselves also dine, and order 5-6 dishes to try everything gradually: grilled drum drum baked in tomato shrimp sauce "Garides Saganaka", crabs with artichokes "Cavury Meangains", cooked at octopus coals Khtaphodi Skaras and the local delicacy - caviar of marine hectares with olive oil and lemon juice.

Breakfast in Cafe Confectionery costs 4-6 EUR per person, meat lunch - 8-14 EUR, lunch in the fish tavern - 15-22 EUR, dinner at the middle price restaurant - 25-40 EUR, ice cream on the beach - 2 EUR. The most popular Fast Food - Gyros Pellet with meat filling, fries and vegetables at a price of 2 EUR. Next after it goes the omnipresent big-maki (3 EUR), pizza (piece 3-4 EUR) and boiled corn (from 1.50 EUR).

The best photos of Peloponnes

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Mycenae, it is necessary to cross the narrow Corinthian canal - one of the main attractions of modern Greece. 100 With more than a year ago, he cut off the Peloponnese from the mainland and turned it, in essence, to the island. The entrance to the "maltons" mixes lies through the lion's gate, from which the road begins by the Tomb to ruins the Palace of Tsar Agamemnon - the leader of the Greeks during the Trojan war.

During the excavations of the Mygen burials in 1876, Henry Schliman found many gold artifacts with a total weight of 15 kg. Today they are in the Athens National Archaeological Museum. The mixes are copied.

Alas, when, after taking Troy, the king Mikten returned home, his own wife killed him in the bath. What happened then described in detail Eschil in his tragedy "Oresteya". From June to September, it is still put on the scene of the Grand Theater in the epidavr town. In antiquity, the theater was in the sanctuary of the god of Medicine Asclepia, and the performances of the spectacles were part of therapeutic process.

To see the homeland of Hercules - tyrinf, it is not even necessary to leave the car - the highway passes by his walls folded from huge blocks, some of which weigh more than 12 tons. It is from here a cowardly king Eurisfey sent Hercules to perform feats. In one of them, the hero had to descend into the kingdom of Aida, the entrance to which the ancient Greeks were placed in a Dira cave with the largest underground lake in Europe.

After his next 6th feat, in the West Peloponnese Hercules founded Olympia and in honor of the gods established the Olympic Games. Here you can still see the ruins of the temple of Zeus, where there was once a huge statue of the god of the throat, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the world, and spent on the field of the stadium, where herakli competed, the king of Macedonia Philipp II and the Roman Emperor Nero.

6 Things to do on Peloponnese

  1. Win a personal race at the stadium in the Olympia.
  2. Repeat the feat of Hercules, descending into the underground aid.
  3. Present by Mikten Ores, pursued by the goddesses of Mission by Eriniami.
  4. Make sure in the amazing acoustics of the epidavra theater.
  5. To walk along the streets of the ancient Corinth, where the barefoot diogen wandered with the lantern and preached the apostle Paul.
  6. Take the storm one of the three fortresses of Nafplion.

Peloponnese for children

On the iste, connecting the Peloponnese with Central Greece, next to the popular Loutraki, the Water Fun Water Park with pools, slides and other water entertainment. It is open from 10:30 to 18:30, the cost of a children's ticket (5-8 years) - 10 EUR, an adult (9-64 years) - 15 EUR, children under 4 years old and retirees - free. On the territory there is a restaurant, bar, medplex, luggage storage, duty rescuers. Umbrellas and sun loungers are free, as well as parking in front of the entrance to the park.

On the beach in Tolo straight to the sea, inflatable slides are installed, on which even the smallest children can ride. Parents will have to fork out for 5 EUR.

Popular among children and adults tourist entertainment is in the coastal town of Dyacopto in the Prefecture of Ahey. Three times a day (on weekends and holidays 5 times) The composition of three small trains is sent from here in the town of Kallavrite, located in the mountains at an altitude of 737 m. The train climbs up narrow-headed gear railwaylaid at the end of the 19th century, and its passengers are unable to take a look from the harsh rocks that swore deep gorges on the forest and beautiful waterfalls. Ahuta lucky, you can see the seasons sitting along the cloth. The length of the road is 22.5 km, travel time is about an hour, the cost of the ticket price and back 19 EUR.

Do not try to book a ticket via the Internet, they are still discharged by hand.


Climate on the Mediterranean Peninsula - with a arid summer and rainy warm winter on the coast. Spring is stormy, filled with smells of meadow colors. You can sunbathe on the beaches from April, take sea baths from mid-May. Swim in the sea comfortably until the end of October. High season - July-August. Autumn quiet and calm, with an abundance of fruit and an unusual palette of mountain forests. The November sun still gives heat, but they will have to swim only in the pool. From December to March Mount Peloponnese shelters snow cover attracting lovers mountain Ski. and snowboard.

Peloponnennese - Peninsula in the south of Greece, rich in monuments, which are almost the entire antique history of the country. Here are the legendary palaces of Agamemnon, and the famous Olympia, incredible number Venetian, Turkish palaces, beautiful temples and even battle fields of antiquity. But not only the abundance of sights is striking on Peloponnese, here the tourist also opens up excellent opportunities for the most diverse rest - ranging from an active exciting pastime to calm relaxation on pleasant sandy shores.

Read the article and find out all about the rest on Peloponnese, Greece in 2020 - prices, beaches, entertainment and attractions, as well as other important information.

Brief historical certificate

It must be said that no more, nor less, namely, the great civilization of the ancient Greeks originated. The aheitsy, famous for Homer himself, lived on Peloponnese Peninsula more than a thousand years before the start of our era. On the peninsula there were such education as well-known by all harsh Sparta. Spartans owned up to 4 centuries to our era. Later, when one civilization replaced the other, the peninsula switched to the hands of militant invaders-Romans, and then was in the power of Byzantium and the Venice Republic.

In the Middle Ages, in the 15th century, the peninsula had the name of the sea and was captured by the Turkish army. In the 17-18 century, for some time was again under the authority of the Venetians. And in the 19th peninsula became the center of war for independence from the Ottoman Empire, and as a result of the foundation of the desired liberation, this terrain began to be controlled by the descendants of the original population again.

Now Peloponnes is large tourist centerAfter all, everything that remained due to such a turbulent and rich history events, quite attracts tourists, and the beach holiday is beautiful here.

Brief geographical reference and climate

Peloponnese is the peninsula connected to the Balkan Peninsula Corinth Crest. This channel separates from each other ionic and Aegean seas. Administratively shares on the fields of Ahey, Elia, Argolid, Arkady, Corinthia, Laconia, Messinia. The largest city - Patras.

Peloponnes has relief and from the plains, and from the mountains. Mountains Taigaeth reach 2000 meters high. On the peninsula, many rivers, lakes, mountain sources. Vegetation is also rich in: beautiful cedar, chestnuts, planenes, as well as rare plants, fruit trees.

The climate of the peninsula is soft, winter is not cold, and summer is not too hot. In summer, almost no precipitation. If you want to go to the Peloponnese with the goal of a beach holiday, the best time will be the period from the end of May to the end of October. Most tourists choose, of course, July and August.

Peloponnes on the map

Safety on Peloponnese

Of course, an ancient Olympia can be considered one of the very first and most important historical memorable seats, this is the place where the Olympic Games were first organized and started. In Olympia, you can observe the ruins of the temple dedicated to Zeus.

Probably not in the modern world of a person who would not hear about the legendary ancient Greek city of Mycenae. After all, it was here that Agamemnon lived, who led the Ahaseians to Troy, and not only he, but also a large number of Homeric characters, the heroes of the myths and the legends of Greece. It was in this place that one of the most famous world archaeological finds was discovered - the Golden Mask. Until now, you can observe the remains of the fortress, Megarona.

Next to Loutraki, if you stayed at this popular resort, you can see several temples of the period of antiquity and the Byzantine domination. In a pathra, it is worth paying attention to the Orthodox Temple - the Cathedral of Andrei First-Called, in which the relics of the saint, stroll along the old district of Palia Peter. From Kalamata it is worth going to the city of Koroni: take a look at the Venetian fortress and the Byzantine castle.

Rich peninsula and natural beauty. So, stunning impressions will give a visit to the caves Dira (Laconium). They are equipped with everything that is necessary in order to inspect these stunning beauties: stalactites and stalagmites, as well as a beautiful underground lake, which can even ride a boat.

Corinth Canal is not entirely natural, and a manual landmark: This is an artificially created watershed. While near Corinth, it is necessary to look at the channel, if possible, make a water trip.

Entertainment Peloponnes

Lovers of outdoor activities on Peloponnese do not have to miss: almost all the comfortable beaches that in popular resort areas, you can ride water skiing or motorcycle, as well as fly over the great and ancient peninsula on the parachute. Children and adults will appeal in the water park located near Corinth, and those who prefer other water entertainment, it will be interesting to look at the diving center near Achei.

During the first months of autumn, the Western coast of Peloponnese is ideal for surfing and windsurfing. Interestingly, some still go to the Peninsula in winter - after all, ski resorts operate at the peloponnese at this time. The most famous of them - Caulrita and changed.

From entertainment on Peloponnese there is a huge set tour tours, involving visits to historical sites and the inspection of the oldest sights of Greece. However, the peninsula is not quite suitable for those who go to Greece for parties and noisy night entertainment. It is more common small authentic taverns and cafes with Greek cuisine. But some resorts are still considered more suitable for youth nightly parties: so, in Loutraki is the largest casino in Greece, and many more bars and discos are in a pathra.

In the city of Epidavr, you can still watch the traditional Greek view: the formulation of the ancient tragedy of Oresteya on the stage of the old theater.

As for the shopping, on the peninsula, you can quite pay attention to the clothes and shoes of the production of local companies. It is quite high quality, but inexpensive. What is brought from the souvenir shop from this glorious place? For example, it can be:

  • figurine of the Olympic Divine;
  • amphora;
  • ceramics;
  • natural cosmetics from olive;
  • olive oil;
  • silk from Kalamata or wool from therapy.

Greece's culinary traditions have long been famous for the whole world. Greek cuisine is considered very healthy nutrition, useful for the body, besides, it is very tasty. Be sure to do not rush into the fast food or for traditional food, but to taste local dishes. Svlak kebabs, traditional habitat salad, a lamb of the grill called Coctetzi ... In coastal establishments, it is also necessary to have dishes from fish and seafood, because fishing in Greece flourished from ancient times.

The middle check for dinner for two in one of the meat taverns of the peninsula will be about 20 euros, in fish - 30 euros. Independent purchase of products in supermarkets will be carried out at about 12 euros per person per day. If you still want to try Fast Food, take Greek gyros for a couple of euros.

It is impossible to cover all the beauty of Peloponnese in one article. As can be seen, it all depends on the choice of the resort, the possibility of riding the peninsula, time trip. However, every corner of Peloponnes pleases and lovers of natural beauty, and those who are delighted with antiquity, because where, as not here, both are truly in Greek abundance.

Finally, a little more atmosphere of Peloponnese - in video:

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