Mexico resorts on the Caribbean Sea Cancun. What is the ocean like in Mexico?

Mexico resorts have recently attracted more and more travelers from different parts of the world. globe. Someone is attracted by the opportunity to discover a never-before-seen beach holiday, some people like getting to know culture and traditions exotic country, and there are those who can’t wait to try the delights in person local cuisine, which, according to rumors, may well be considered a real paradise for gourmets.

However, this article will not only describe best resorts Mexico. The reader will get a lot useful information about how to make your vacation even more interesting and educational.

Section 1. Why Mexico?

First of all, it should be noted that this is actually an amazing country, characterized by contrast. Today, extreme poverty and luxury of large cities are closely intertwined here.

Ideas about this state are quite diverse. For some, this is a vacation spot with gorgeous beaches and villas, famous for resorts, diving and windsurfing. Others are attracted by the beauty of the tropics and the opportunity to plunge into the history of ancient civilizations, to see mysterious pyramids and other mysterious monuments.

According to tourism brochures, this destination offers its guests the best coastal areas that meet world standards. The country is famous for its cultural heritage, tequila, sombrero and passionate TV series.

Mexico is the homeland of the Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayans and Zapotecs, who had a huge impact on history and left behind many secrets. Some of them still remain unexplained. Most scientists believe that ancient civilization arose due to an alien presence. One of the anomalous places in Mexico is the “Zone of Silence,” which exists at the same latitude as the pyramids of Egypt and the Bermuda Triangle. Strange phenomena occur in this zone, radio equipment turns off and the clock stops.

But for some tourists, the popular resorts of Mexico are also associated with poverty and slums in the suburbs of large populated areas. This is another part of the state and unprepared travelers definitely shouldn’t go there.

As we can see, almost everyone can find something they like. The only inconvenience for tourists is the country’s remoteness from Europe and the duration of the flight with transfers. But all this is easily compensated by the impressions received during the trip.

Section 2. What hotels offer guests the best resorts in Mexico?

Tourism occupies an important place in the country's economy. The classification of hotels by level of service is controlled by the state itself. Although this primarily applies to modern hotel complexes.

However, you should be prepared for the fact that in Mexico there are many non-standard hotels located in ancient estates or palaces. Their owners, however, offer comfortable rooms with modern equipment.

If you have decided for yourself the answer to the question of which resort in Mexico to choose, then it’s time to choose a suitable hotel.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the most budget accommodation option is accommodation in 1-2* hotels, where small rooms with modest decoration are provided. Such rooms, as a rule, do not have air conditioning, TV or comfortable furniture. Despite this, 2* hotels differ from 1* hotels. Many 2* hotels have swimming pools.

Hotels with a star rating higher than three are closer to the European category of service provision. When choosing a stopping place, read in advance the interior view of the apartment, the list of available services and reviews. In addition to traditional hotels, in the country you can find hotels with additional classifications - “grandtourist” and “special category”.

The first group includes expensive hotel complexes, located mainly in the resorts of Acapulco and Riviera Maya. The most expensive and elite in Mexico are the complexes marked with a “special category”, which offer their guests exclusive types of recreation.

Section 3. Let's taste the holiday

Resorts in Mexico, as a rule, are impossible to imagine without getting acquainted with local dishes.

In general, the country's cuisine is actually distinguished by its gastronomic diversity. However, one should also take into account the fact that each region has its own preferences in the choice of products and dishes.

Thus, in the northern part of the state, the main food of residents is beef and goat meat. The process of cooking meat is reminiscent of the American method (most often barbecue type). Central Mexico favors a variety of seasonings and dishes made from beans and corn. Meat is also included in the diet. Southern provinces are influenced by Caribbean cuisine, where they love spicy vegetables and chicken dishes. The closer to the coast, the more popular fish and seafood.

But over the centuries, unchanged components national cuisine What remains are chili peppers, corn tortillas and beans. And the most favorite delicacy for Mexicans is “canas asadas” - a piece of fried sugar cane. The strong drink tequila brought real fame to Mexico.

Mexican wines, made mainly using European technologies, are also in demand. Other popular drinks include horchata (made from rice flour), iced hibiscus tea and champurado hot chocolate. The south of the country is famous for its excellent coffee.

From all of the above we can conclude: a holiday in Mexico, whose resorts are now extremely popular, will also be interesting for those who like to eat tasty and satisfying food.

Section 4. Which holiday is right for you?

The resorts of Mexico, descriptions of which can be found in almost all the most popular tourist brochures in the world, are distinguished by their diversity. Although, according to vacationers, they can, in principle, be divided into two main categories.

So, the main resorts in Mexico are located on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts. The most famous of them:

  • Acapulco;
  • Riviera Maya (Cozumel Island and Playa del Carmen);
  • Los Cabos;
  • Puerto Vallarta.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that each of them is good and interesting in its own way. In addition to beach holidays, these tourist destinations have their own characteristics.

For example, Acapulco is famous for its expensive hotels and monuments of Spanish colonization, night parties and discos, restaurants and water activities. Convenient beaches ideal for holidays with children.

To get acquainted with the history of the Mayan civilization, you should go to the Riviera Maya. This resort has famous luxury hotels and the best beaches.

Still, Mexico is amazing and unique. The resort of Cancun, for example, in addition to its amazing beaches, is also notable for its ancient sights. The island of Cozumel is known for its coral reefs, which attract divers.

Section 5. Luxury vacation in Cancun

The large resort city of Cancun is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. This is a real paradise for lovers of nightlife - restaurants, night bars, casinos, discos and incendiary afterparties.

For tourists there are golf and tennis courts, bicycle rentals and other entertainment. The most beautiful corner of the resort is the Nichupte Lagoon, which separates the city from the hotel area. Here you can take yacht trips or spend time in a bar or restaurant. From their terraces you can see great view to the lagoon. In the north of Cancun there are ruins of ancient Mayan settlements.

Hotels offer special programs for lovers to organize wedding ceremonies committed under the internal laws of a state such as Mexico. This is why resorts on the Caribbean Sea are famous for their huge number of newlyweds. By the way, in order for this marriage to be recognized as valid, say, in America or Europe, it will simply need to be legalized in its home country.

Section 6. What awaits us in Acapulco?

The resorts of Mexico, reviews of visits to which are usually positive or even enthusiastic, are impossible to imagine without this locality.

Acapulco is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations. It is not without reason that the city is considered the “night capital” of Mexico. It is a place of entertainment, casinos, bars and restaurants that comes alive as night falls. His fiery discos are known throughout Mexico. Famous DJs and artists from all over the world come here. In addition to entertaining shows, tourists can take excursion trips to historical attractions.

On the mountain is Cathedral"Chapel of Peace", built during the period of Spanish rule. Next to it stands a majestic cross, blessing sea travelers. In the 17th century San Diego fortress. located historical Museum, and you can get acquainted with objects of Indian culture at the Museum of Archeology. IN national reserve Papagayo is home to a water park. Having completed boat trip on a glass-bottom boat to Roqueta Island, you can see the statue of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe (patron of sailors) underwater.

Section 7. The miracle called Riviera Maya

Mexico can offer its guests many unforgettable places. It is not without reason that the resort cities of this country are extremely popular. Here you can find something to suit every taste and budget, as they say.

For example, from Cancun to Tulum stretch snow-white beaches Riviera Maya. The main settlements in this region are Playa del Carmen and the island of Cozumel. Mostly tourists from Europe vacation here.

It should be noted that these places are ideal for family vacation and diving activities. Free time can be devoted to sports games, SPA treatments or excursions. The resort town of Playa del Carmen, located in the center of the Riviera Maya, is popular among young people.

Mexico also attracts vacationers in this part with its beaches and coral reefs, the ruins of ancient Indian settlements (Chichen Itza, Ekbalam, Tulum), included in the UNESCO list. You should definitely visit the Shel-Ha nature reserve, famous for its unique karst lakes and stalactite dungeons.

In the ecological park Xcaret there is an aquarium museum, a turtle farm, butterfly and orchid parks, and an island of jaguars. Here you can frolic with dolphins, go scuba diving or swim along an underground river. Flocks are especially striking pink flamingos, living in the bay near the fishing village of Rio Lagartos.

Recently open park Xplor invites visitors to experience extreme rafting along the warm rivers of the underground. The river leads to natural wells that served as a source of water for the Mayans. In addition, other adventures await you in the park: ziplining, jungle treks and walks along suspension bridges.

Section 8. Los Cabos - a place worth visiting

In fact, Mexico's resorts are diverse and unique. What to choose for your next vacation? Why not discover something new?

Between the cities of San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, the Los Cabos resort area stretches for almost 40 km. This relatively young resort is considered one of the most expensive. The climate of Los Cabos is different from other resorts in Mexico. Here it is drier, which creates favorable conditions for relaxation. Luxury hotels surrounded by greenery, excellent sandy beaches and the sea blend perfectly with the desert dunes.

Many hotels are part of global hotel chains with an all-inclusive system. Each of them differs in architecture and design. Golf courses, swimming pools, restaurants and bars are open to tourists, and various show programs are organized. From January to April, huge whales swim to the shores of Los Cabos, which can be observed right from the coast.

Section 9. Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel

On the shores of the largest Bay of Banderas is the colonial city of Puerto Vallarta. You should pay attention to the fact that the most fashionable hotels in the resort are concentrated in the Marina Vaillarta area, south of the center.

You can find the most affordable accommodation options in the area of ​​New Vayarta. Some of the hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. Ordinary life here proceeds calmly and measuredly; organizations provide for a siesta in the afternoon. But with the arrival of darkness, the city comes to life, incendiary parties begin and evening trade opens. Particularly good locality from October to May.

It is impossible to imagine Mexican resorts without the island of Cozumel, which is suitable for a relaxing and beach holiday. Thanks to its coral reef, it is popular with scuba diving enthusiasts. There are many inexpensive hotels here, aimed mainly at tourists engaged in aquatic species sports and diving, which, as a rule, are not particularly picky and do not need luxury apartments.

For more discerning holidaymakers, there are luxury hotel complexes with accommodation in bungalows in the western part of the island.

Section 10. Diving and surfing

We have described all the main resorts in Mexico. What to choose depends on each individual traveler, or rather, on his tastes, preferences and financial situation.

The magnificent underwater landscapes and coral reef inhabitants of Mexico's coastal waters attract divers from all over the world.

On the island of Cozumel marine park coral there is a coral reef, which ranks second on the planet in size. And the unusual Sea of ​​Cortez is home to many rare and exotic fish. Famous explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau dubbed it “the aquarium of the world.”

On the coasts Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico a lot interesting places for wreck divers. The Yucatan Island beckons with its underground rivers. Mexican dive spots: Cancun, Cozumel, Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen.

Almost all resorts in Mexico are suitable for walking on the waves. Surfing competitions often take place here. The most famous surf beaches are in Cancun, Merida, Riviera Nayarit, and Puerto Escondido.

Travel packages and tours

about country

- embodiment of the ideal tourist destination: the country not only meets the most optimistic expectations of travelers, but also amazes with unexpected discoveries. The country, whose history dates back three thousand years, boasts an amazing cultural and spiritual heritage. Ancient cities of powerful civilizations (Aztecs, Olmecs and Mayans), a vibrant, distinctive culture that unites the traditions of numerous regions of the country, colonial treasures, magnificent beaches that are among the best beaches in the world, lush tropical nature, original, internationally popular cuisine turn Mexico into a dream. any tourist.

Tequila, cheerful Mexicans in sombreros, human-sized cacti are just the tip of the iceberg that hides the real wealth of the country: living Indian cultures, unique monuments architecture, natural wonders and a special atmosphere filled with ancient magic. Take part in a pagan mass, learn one of the beautiful Indian legends, climb to the top of the pyramid, see with your own eyes the new wonder of the world Chichen Itza, dive into the underwater world of the second largest barrier reef in the world, stroll through the most crowded city on the planet Mexico City - to explore Mexico it will take more than one trip.

It has truly unique opportunities for all types of tourism. Among the most popular entertainment: historical excursions, beach holidays, diving (Cozumel Island, Marietas Islands near Puerto Vallarta); caving diving, swimming in a cenote, rappelling into caves (Yucatan Peninsula); mystical purification ceremonies in Mayan traditions; ecotourism (boat trips in the mangroves on the Riviera Maya, Xcaret Ecopark, hiking in the Sierra Madre mountains, etc.), folklore evenings, visits to tequila factories, nightclubs in Cancun, Acapulco, and many others.

(United Mexican States) - state in the south North America, washed by the Quiet and Atlantic Oceans. Mexico is a federal republic consisting of 31 states and the Federal Capital District.

Square- 1958.2 thousand km2.
Population- 89.95 million people, mostly Mexicans.
Official language- Spanish.
Religion- mainly Catholicism.
Head of State and Government- the president.
Legislature - bicameral parliament (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).
Capital- Mexico City.
Currency unit- Mexican peso.

Time: It is 9 hours behind Moscow. From the first Sunday in April to October - summer time.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. The average annual air temperature in resort areas and in areas located no higher than 1700 meters above sea level is +25° C. At resorts, the air temperature ranges from +22° C to +35° C throughout the year. In Mexico City and in the mountainous regions of the country during the winter months, daytime temperatures can drop to +16° C. It should also be borne in mind that the difference between night and day temperatures in some regions of Mexico can be 20°. The rainy season lasts from June to September; The increased precipitation is most felt along the Gulf Coast.

Nature and geography

Occupying an area of ​​almost 2 million square meters. km, Mexico is shaped like a loop, stretching from northwest to southeast, narrowing closer to the Tehuantepec Isthmus and expanding again in the Yucatan. In the west and south, Mexico is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Peninsula California and Big Earth divides the Gulf of California. The eastern coast of Mexico is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern coast of Yucatan extends into the Caribbean Sea. The country's land borders separate it from the United States in the north and from Guatemala and Belize in the southeast.

Mexico - Mountain country. Two mountain range to the north and south the country is framed by a group of broad plateaus in central Mexico known as the Altiplano Central. In the south, the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains stretch across the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. From the isthmus, a narrow line of lowlands runs along the Pacific coast to Guatemala. Beyond these lowlands are the Chiapas highlands, which transition into hot tropical rainforests that also extend into Guatemala. The plains and lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula are covered with tropical savannas.

Mexico's geographical location has countless natural and plant areas, and the mountainous nature of the landscape contributes to the creation of microclimatic zones. Despite the potential for great ecological diversity, the impact of human activity is felt here. Before the Spanish conquest, almost 2/3 of the country was covered with forests. Today, forests remain only on 1/5 of Mexico's territory, mainly in the east and south. Increasingly expanding livestock grazing areas are forcing wild animals such as cougars, deer and coyotes to seek refuge in isolated habitats. However, armadillos, hares and snakes are very common, and in the tropical forests of the south and east live howler monkeys and spider monkeys, jaguars, ocelots, tapirs, anteaters, wild pigs, deer, parrots, toucans, and some tropical reptiles like the boa constrictor, although all these forest dwellers are oppressed.

The climate in Mexico varies according to the topography of the area, namely, it is hot and humid on both coasts of the country, but inland areas, such as Guadalajara or Mexico City, the climate is drier and more temperate. The hot and humid season lasts from May to October, with the hottest and wettest months being from June to September. Low-lying coastal areas receive more rainwater than inland areas. The coolest time of the year lasts from December to February. It is during this period that the cold blows north winds, sometimes causing the air temperature to drop below zero.

If you want to be alone with nature, then you are on the right track. Mexico is an incomparable mosaic of ecosystems: after all, we are talking about a country that ranks fourth in the world in terms of biological diversity. There are 58 in Mexico national parks and biosphere reserves, not counting the many beautiful corners of nature:

  • If you want to see whales, take a trip to Mar de Cortez - that's what Mexico calls the Gulf of California. From Guamas (Sonora) to La Paz (Baja California) there are hundreds of islands where seabirds nest.
  • For a different experience, take the train from Los Mochis to Chihuahua and stop in the towns of Bauchivo, Divisadero and Creel to explore Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Gorge), Urique and Batopilas. Copper Gorge is four times longer and one and a half times deeper than the famous Colorado Canyon.
  • The great central plateau contains some of the most high peaks continent. The Popocatepetl volcano always attracts mountain and adventure lovers. The ascent can begin in the village of Tlamacas.
  • Every winter, tens of millions of king butterflies fly to Mexico to escape the northern cold. Visits to only one of their reserves, located in the vicinity of Zitacuaro (Michoacan state), are allowed.
  • Seven of the world's eight species sea ​​turtles choose Mexican beaches to lay eggs. Observing this is a privilege that nature grants only to those who know how to respect it. To visit these reserves, permission from the Ministry of Fisheries or accompanied by professional guides is required.
  • The south of Mexico is the most large area tropical forests north of the Amazon. There you can visit the biosphere reserve in Montes Azules (Blue Mountains), get acquainted with the surroundings of the city of Tenosique (Tabasco state) or Palenque. Don't miss the opportunity to go to the Lagoons of Montebello or take a boat tour from the archaeological zone of Chiapa de Corzo to the Sumidero Gorge (Chiapas state). The El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, located near the city of Escuintla (Chiapas state), is not at all similar to these cloud forests. This is one of the few places where you can see the quetzal bird - the most beautiful bird in the world.
  • The entire Yucatan Peninsula is a true miracle of nature. Tropical forests and grasslands border the Caribbean Sea and are home to the world's second largest coral reef. All these ecosystems are located in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve (Quintana Roo state), south of Tulum.

Many of the above-mentioned places are under state protection, and in order to preserve their integrity, access to them may be limited. Before you travel, check with the tourism office in your respective state capital.

Helpful information

Holidays and non-working days:
September 16 (Independence Day (1810), November 1-2 (All Souls' Day), December 12 (Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe), December 25 (Christmas). In addition to these holidays, the country celebrates Holy Week (March or April) Carnival is very popular and takes place in March or February.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. The Mexican Highlands area is usually cooler than the coast, where the air temperature does not drop below +20 C even in winter. Northern Mexico experiences little snow in winter. At resorts (Acapulco) the temperature ranges from +22 C (winter) to +35 C (summer). Typically, a distinction is made between dry and wet seasons, which are formed under the influence of tropical cyclones that bring heavy rainfall and sometimes reach destructive power. The rainy season occurs from June to September and is especially pronounced on the Gulf Coast.

The official language is Spanish (Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world). In addition, local ethnic groups speak their native languages ​​(Nahuatl, Mayan, Otomi, Zapoteca, etc.). English is widely spoken.


The monetary unit is the Mexican Peso. There are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20 and 10 pesos and coins of 50, 20, 10 and 5 centavos (cents). 1 peso = 100 centavos (cents). The import of foreign currency is not limited (declaration is required), national currency - no more than 5 thousand pesos. The export of imported foreign currency is allowed, national currency - no more than 5 thousand pesos.

Currency exchange:
Banks are open from 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturday. Banks are closed on Sunday. Currency can also be exchanged in large hotels, airports, and currency exchange offices.

What to take with you:
Sunscreen, warm clothes (if the tour program includes a visit to mountainous areas), comfortable clothes and shoes for visiting archaeological sites, a swimsuit. You can buy a sun hat in Mexico itself.

Tequila (the most famous brands are “Jose Cuervo”, “Sauza”, etc.). Taxco is famous for its original high-quality silver jewelry, wicker baskets and painted wooden animal figurines, San Cristobal de las Casas for its hand-woven items and embroidered shirts, Morelia for its sweets, Guadalajara for its handmade Huichol souvenirs, Zacatecas for its with woven bedspreads and cactus sweets, Merida with blouses, jewelry, hammocks of all colors and sizes.

Customs regulations:
Import prohibited: fruits, vegetables, plants, cuttings and seeds of plants, flowers; medications that the passenger does not use; psychotropic substances; pornographic publications. The export of: archaeological valuables, antiques, rare animals and birds, their skins and stuffed animals, national currency over 10 thousand US dollars is prohibited. Duty-free import: personal items (clothing, toiletries, etc.), cigarettes - up to 200 pcs. (or up to 50 cigars, or up to 250 grams of tobacco), alcoholic beverages - up to 3 liters, household appliances, photo, audio, radio and video equipment, sports equipment, 1 item per person, souvenirs and gifts, the cost of which does not exceed 300 US dollars. When leaving Mexico - $18 per passenger, excluding children under 2 years of age and transit passengers.

Mains voltage is 110/127 volts.

International calls are extremely expensive due to the high tax rate of 49%. It is recommended to use telephone service if your correspondent can pay, even then a high service tax will be added to his bill.

The shops:
Shops are open from 10.00. until 22.00. Break for the traditional "siesta" from 14.00. until 16.00. Payment by credit cards is possible. VAT (IVA) in Mexico is 15%. By law it must be included in the price, but in some expensive hotels prices are quoted excluding tax.

National cuisine, drinks:
Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions all over the world. You may find some dishes a little spicy at first, but you will still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes are not complete without at least one of three typical components: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers.

The appetizers are genius, just like everything simple. Actually, most popular snacks - nachos, quesadillas, tacos, tostados, chimichangas - are the same unleavened corn tortillas (not only from corn, but also from wheat “imported” by the Spaniards) with fillings from corn, beans, peppers, cheeses, meats minced meat with tomatoes, for example, picadillo.

Stews with seafood, legumes, and spices are common. Salt, chili and tortillas must be on the table. Hot dishes are prepared from several types of meat; goulash olla podrida, fried beef ribbons with a side dish of carne asado, and even the famous chili con carne, the preparation of which is held in real championships, are popular. Again, hot flatbreads with fillings: reminiscent of our dumplings or empanadas, which were once a simple omelette, and then turned into a kind of enchiladas rolls, thick, like packs on the back of a donkey, burritos. Well, for lovers of antiquity - aromatic tamales, steamed pieces of corn dough, wrapped in a leaf of corn on the cob and topped with a sauce of your choice.

The most famous Mexican dessert is the sweet royal bread Rosca de Reyes, the center of which is filled with dried fruit, and a doll is placed inside, symbolizing the Christ Child and the onset of the fiesta.

Tips: It is customary to leave it in restaurants, bars, porters, taxi drivers, etc. - 10% of the total bill.

Safety: The hotel area is a calm and reliable part of the city, but the usual precautions, as in any foreign city, will not be superfluous.

Health: Most hotels, especially high class, have purified and potable water, but it is nevertheless recommended to drink drinking water in commercially bottled plastic bottles, which are sold in all grocery stores and bars.

Emergency numbers: Police, ambulance, fire brigade and other emergencies - 06.

Mexico map

Cancun- located on the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo state and is one of the most famous resorts in the Caribbean. Cancun was once a small fishing village and only in the 70s of the last century began to rapidly develop as a seaside resort. Now Cancun is a favorite vacation spot for Americans. And if our tour operators send tourists to Mexico, in most cases it is to Cancun.

Cancun is famous for its bright turquoise Caribbean Sea and long white beaches.

Cancun is divided into two parts

  • Cancun Downtown (the city of Cancun itself, where locals, backups and winterers live)
  • Hotel Zone (Hotels Zona or Zona Hotelera)

Features of the Cancun resort

The hotel zone runs along Kukulcan Boulevard and is a figure seven stretched along the sea, on one side of which is the Caribbean Sea, and on the other is Nichupte Bay (in which, by the way, there are crocodiles!), along coastline There are hotels mainly of 4 and 5 stars.

Most hotels offer all-inclusive holidays.

Most hotels in Cancun are multi-story concrete buildings with not a very large area. It depends on you, but I don’t like such multi-storey hotels on the beach. I prefer not large bungalows on the beach like, for example, in, or on or.

The short side of the “seven” is less windy, there are rarely waves there, and the beach is protected from storms by the Island of Women, located nearby in the Caribbean Sea.

Beaches without waves in Cancun these are the beaches from 1 to 10 km, UNTIL the bend called Punta Cancun.

The long side of the “seven” attracts tourists with a long beach strip, a more beautiful beach, but the sea there is often not calm, in some places it is simply dangerous to swim due to treacherous undercurrents.

Beaches with waves in Cancun these are the beaches with 10 to 20 km.

Cancun Beach

Cancun Beach very long, each part of it is marked by kilometers. Kilometers are calculated from north to south. For example:

  • The beach at 2 km is called Pearl Beach and popular with local residents and tourists with children
  • There is a beach at 4 km Linda, which is always crowded. Glass bottom boats depart from it to Isla Mujeres
  • At 6 km there is Turtle Beach , which is suitable for families with children, because there is a gentle entrance to the sea
  • There is a beach at 8 km Snail, which is suitable for water skiing, because there are no undercurrents. This is also the center of Cancun nightlife
  • There is a beach at 13 km Marlin, where it is less crowded, there is also a small turtle nursery located on the territory of the Ritz Carlton hotel
  • A little further - at 18 km is located Dolphin Beach, which is suitable for lovers of solitude, there are no crowds of tourists here and you can often see dolphins!

Cancun has everything you need for have a great holiday: premium hotels, beautiful sea, amusement parks, restaurants, shopping centers and many nightclubs. Many tourists come to Cancun just to party :)

Cancun how to get there

Located in Cancun international Airport, where dozens of flights from different countries arrive every day.

  1. From Russia and Ukraine to Cancun in the high season you can get by charter flights. Most often, tickets are not sold separately, but only with the tour
  2. You can get directly to Cancun by Aeroflot companies
  3. Cancun can be reached with a transfer through Europe by Air France (via Paris), KLM (via Amsterdam), Iberia (via Madrid), Lufthansa and through the USA by Delta. Important! When flying through the USA you need an American visa!
  4. Local airlines fly from Mexico City and other Mexican cities to Cancun: InterJet, VivaAerobus, Volaris, AirMexico

Cancun can be reached by bus from other cities in Mexico. Central Bus Station located in the center of Cancun (in Downtown). We traveled to Cancun from Volaris. Tickets were purchased three weeks before the trip on their website. A ticket for one person on the Mexico City-Cancun-Mexico City route cost $200. Local airlines often have promotions where you can fly from Mexico City to Cancun and back for $100-150.

Initially, I knew that I wouldn’t want to vacation in Cancun itself: I don’t like concrete high-rise buildings on the seashore, nightlife and all-inclusive hotels. And prices for everything in Cancun are much more expensive than in other parts of Mexico. But I wanted to see the snow-white beach and the turquoise Caribbean Sea 😎 Therefore, it was decided to spend one night in Cancun before

It was planned that we would arrive in Kanun at 12 noon, pick up, check into a hotel, and even have time to swim in the sea and sunbathe a little before our 12-day journey.

The flight from Mexico City to Cancun lasts about 2 hours, and they even provided cookies, juice and coffee during the flight.
We arrived in Cancun right on schedule, got off the plane and found ourselves in a downpour! And judging by the surrounding landscapes with swamps instead of fields, it was clear that it had been raining here for several days. Of course, this spoiled our mood. After waiting a little for the person who met us from the American car rental office, we went to their office, registered and picked up the car and went to look for our hotel.

Hotel in Cancun by the sea

I booked the hotel on I chose the most inexpensive hotel in the Cancun hotel area. Our hotel cost us $64 plus 14% taxes, a total of $73. Of course, it was possible to find a hotel much cheaper, in the city of Cancun itself, but I really wanted to live on the very shore Caribbean Sea.

Cancun Hotel Specials

Located at 11.5 kilometers of Cancun Beach. Check-in to the room according to the hotel rules is at 15:00 and despite the fact that it was raining and it seemed like there were many free rooms in the hotel, they didn’t want to check us in before the allotted time 😥 . Well, this is not Thailand, where the issue of early check-in has always been resolved without problems, even in.

Leaving the car in the hotel's private parking (By the way, parking at the hotel is not very convenient. It is located in the basement, and there are no stairs or elevator directly to the lobby, you have to go across the street, and in the rain that we found in Cancun it is not at all comfortable) we went to the nearest shopping center, which is literally across the street from .

Flamingo Mall is a small shopping center, or rather I wouldn’t call it shopping center, but a place where souvenir shops and one small store with cookies, beer and water are collected under one roof. There is also a Steak House restaurant here. Since we still wanted to eat, we had lunch there. Prices after Mexico City did not seem cheap to us at all. But the dishes were all very tasty 😎

Delicious spaghetti with seafood! I still remember it :)

We paid for spaghetti with seafood, fish with a side dish and a margarita cocktail 550 pesos ($44).

After eating we went to the hotel, where we finally received the keys to the room.

NYX Hotel Cancun Formerly Avalon Grand - view from the street

View from the hotel entrance to Nichupte Bay

I booked the cheapest room (small room, located in a quiet part of the hotel, according to reviews - in a semi-basement and without a window or with a small window). They gave us a huge family apartment overlooking the pool and the Caribbean Sea. It looks like the hotel was half empty, and we only came for one night, so they decided to put us in a nice room 😎

The room has two rooms, each with a huge bed, TV, refrigerator and even a coffee maker 😎

And most importantly, a huge balcony with a magnificent view of the Caribbean Sea. It’s a pity that we weren’t able to enjoy the sea views from the balcony - the rain didn’t stop...

If it weren't for rain, you could have a great time on the balcony overlooking the Caribbean Sea :)

The NYX Hotel Cancun Formerly Avalon Grand has several swimming pools, a jacuzzi, a small gym with treadmills, and a restaurant. And most importantly - a beautiful beach.

Despite the rain, we put on our raincoats and tried to walk along the beach.

Walk in the rain and wind along Cancun Beach

But it didn’t work out very well: I’ve never seen such rain and wind! We tried to plunge into the Caribbean Sea, but the rescuers kicked us out of there. I wanted to swim in the pool, but the water and the air were cold.

I'm trying to swim in the pool :)

I had to go to my room to warm up 😎

By the way, we got WiFi in our room, although the hotel description said that free WiFi is only in the lobby, and paid for in the rooms.

This is how we were unlucky with our vacation in Cancun. We went to bed at 9 pm, and at 6 am we were already up to move on. The first days it was easy to get up at 6 am, due to the time difference between Mexico and Moscow: 10 hours.

In the morning we filmed a beautiful sunset over the Caribbean Sea

And finally, a short video from our balcony 😎

Goodbye Cancun! We're going to !


Cancun is a comfortable Mexican resort on the Caribbean Sea. An excellent place for those who love a tropical climate, are interested in ancient culture and want to fully immerse themselves in the Mexican flavor.

Riviera Maya

The Riviera Maya resort is sunny and hospitable, relatively young, with snow-white beaches, beautiful nature and coastal Mexican exotica. The most popular resorts are Playa del Carmen and. Cozumel. Tourists are offered 368 hotels operating according to the all inclusive.


Yucatan is a peninsula located between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The territory of the peninsula is divided by three states - Guatemala, Belize and Mexico. Holidays in Yucatan are quite popular among tourists, especially among those who appreciate active entertainment.

Description of Mexico resorts

The concept of “resorts in Mexico” includes many delightful places. This is the Pacific coast of the country, and the shore of the Caribbean Sea (or Gulf of Mexico), with the white sandy beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula, where the largest tourist town Cancun, with luxury hotels on the Riviera Maya coast.
Beach holidays in Mexico, whose resorts are located along the entire coastline of the country, are available year-round in a variety of corners, from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast.
Mexico's Pacific resorts, most famously buoyant Acapulco and welcoming Puerto Vallarta, are renowned for their 24-hour fun. Luxury lovers love to stay here, as the beaches of Caleta and Galetilla on La Roqueta are considered private area holidays, where the price of accommodation in luxury club hotels is quite high.
Mexican resorts on the Pacific Ocean - Mazatlan and Huatulco attract lovers of windsurfing, fishing, spearfishing and traditional hunting, as well as walking excursions in picturesque places
Other popular resorts in Mexico are favored by extreme sports enthusiasts - surfers and divers. Especially Riviera Nayarit, Merida, La Paz, Playa del Carmen and Porto Escondito. And the island of Cozumel off the Atlantic coast is known for the most exciting diving.
The beach resorts of Mexico - Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres, Los Cabos, as well as the quiet bays of the Gulf of California are preferred by romantics looking for a calm and measured holiday.
Puebla, Guadalajara, Mazatlan, Chopula, Tijuana, Campeche and other Mexican resort cities are of interest to connoisseurs of historical sights, ancient Indian pyramids and active nature reserves.
Holiday destinations in Mexico are affordable at any time of the year, attract tourists and delight with their contrast and unusualness.

International tourism in the Mexican states is developing rapidly. Until recently, unremarkable fishing villages became known throughout the world as best resorts in Mexico. But what did these areas of Mexico deserve such recognition? And how can you choose the most suitable one for yourself and your family among their many? At what time of year is it worth coming on vacation to a Mexican resort, and in what months is it better to refrain from traveling?

Mexican states can boast of their beautiful geographical location: on one side the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California, on the other – the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The coasts are famous for their endless white beaches, and the tropical climate makes the resorts of Mexico a favorite vacation spot for millions of tourists from all over the world. Here you can find a resort for every taste: shallow, calm waters for families with children, huge waves for fans of extreme surfing, stunning coral reefs for fans of diving, beaches with the ruins of Indian and Spanish cities for connoisseurs of antiquities.

The most popular resorts with developed infrastructure are located on the Pacific coast (Santa Cruz, Cabo San Lucas) and on the Caribbean coast on the Yucatan Peninsula (Riviera Maya).

Best Resorts in the Caribbean

Since the end of the last century, the main competition for Mexican resorts on the Pacific Coast has come from the rapidly developing resorts of the Caribbean. And this is not surprising, because snow-white beaches, beautiful coral reefs, wild jungles and mysterious cities of ancient Indians are just some of the attractions of this region.

Cancun Resort

Undoubtedly, it occupies a leading position among Mexican resorts on the Yucatan Peninsula. It is located in the very east of the peninsula. It is very easy to get to, as the international airport of the same name is located nearby. Many flights from Moscow are sent in transit to Cancun.

Although Cancun began to develop only recently, today it is the resort capital of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of people come here every year, mostly from the United States. But also Russian tourists Cancun is becoming increasingly popular. Sights of Cancun: El Embarcadero amusement park, La Isla aquarium, water park, as well as the ruins of the ancient Mayan cities of El Meco, Pok Ta Pok temple, Yamil Luum.

The snow-white beaches of Cancun stretch for many kilometers. Here, in the so-called “Hotel Zone”, most hotels are located, as well as many shops, clubs and restaurants. Tourists can have a great time and go shopping without leaving the Hotel Zone. The most visited beaches: Linda, Langosta, Perlas, Dolphin Beach, Tortugas.

A special advantage of Cancun is that many departures from this city sightseeing tours sightseeing in Yucatan. From Cancun it is easy to get to, etc.

Resort Playa del Carmen

It's not huge resort metropolis with hundreds of hotels, and a quiet and cozy town on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. It is located in the northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Riviera Maya zone.

Its main advantage is its delightful beaches with white sand and wooden piers stretching far into the sea. There are several beaches here: Paamul, Paraiso and Playacar.

– a place included in many tourist routes from Cancun. This is not an ordinary resort, but a Mayan port city with well-preserved ancient buildings. In that picturesque place There have been many films and TV series about pirates. Tulum is located in the north of Yucatan, 80 km from Playa del Carmen.

Among the main attractions of Tulum are the ruins of the ancient protective wall of the city, the Temple of the Frescoes, the Temple of the Descending God, and the Temple of the Wind.

The beaches of Tulum are recognized as one of the cleanest in the Mexican states. Among the most popular beaches are Maya Beach, Boca Beach, Santa Fe Beach, and Palm Beach. These places are not as crowded with tourists as Cancun or Playa del Carmen. Therefore, those who are looking for privacy and tranquility will appreciate Tulum.

People come here from all over the world not only to sunbathe and swim in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. The depths of the sea are home to amazing treasures of flora and fauna, so diving is the most favorite activity of tourists.

The delightful island of Cozumel is located 20 km from the eastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. Almost the entire territory of the island is protected by the state.

Cozumel primarily attracts diving enthusiasts. This is where the Second begins barrier reef with an incredibly rich animal and flora. Amazing underwater caves stretch for many kilometers and have not yet been fully explored.

Snow-white quiet beaches and emerald jungles make Cozumel a truly paradise island.

Resorts of Mexico on the Pacific Ocean

Many people are attracted to a vacation in Mexico on the shores of the endless Pacific Ocean. Unlike US resorts, the weather and ocean water temperature here are warmer, nature captivates with its diversity, and prices for hotel accommodations and entertainment are much lower. Traditionally, many residents of the United States and Europe come here to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Acapulco resort

Back in the mid-20th century, it was considered a leading resort among American Hollywood stars. Glorified in famous films and TV series, Acapulco still remains one of the most visited resorts in the Mexican states.

Acapulco is located on the southern Pacific coast of Mexico. From October to April there is practically no rain here, and the air temperature is +28 degrees Celsius. This is the right time for comfortable rest. This weather will be especially appreciated by those who are tired of severe frosts and snowy landscapes in their homeland.

Acapulco can offer a wide variety of entertainment for a variety of people, accommodation in the most luxurious hotels with 5* status or economy class hostels. Sights worth visiting Botanical Garden, La Cuebrada cliff, San Diego fortress, Acapulco water park, Catholic cathedral on main square cities. “Palma Sola” is especially popular – nature reserve, in which huge stones with ancient mysterious drawings and petroglyphs were found. A night life Acapulco, with its restaurants, clubs and shows, has made the city famous far beyond Mexico.

And of course, Acapulco is famous for its beaches. The most famous of them are Caleta, Condesa, Caletilla and Cuesta. At the end of the last century, Acapulco began to lose its former attractiveness due to the pollution of coastal waters and beaches. The city authorities, alarmed by the noticeable decline in the influx of vacationers, began to seriously clean the resort of pollution. Now it is a well-kept, thriving tourist center.

The resort is located 330 km from Guadalajara on the shores of Banderas Bay. has existed since the mid-19th century. At first it was an unremarkable fishing village. And when the famous American film “Night of the Iguana” was filmed on its picturesque shores in 1964, the quiet resort town began to gain its popularity. These days Puerto Vallarta is considered one of the most expensive tourist centers Mexican states. Luxurious hotels, cottages and villas were built here for the richest and famous people not only in Mexico, but throughout the world.

The main attractions of Puerto Vallarta are the botanical garden with exotic plants and birds, the island of Rio Cuale with art exhibitions of famous painting masters, the Church of Guadalupe with the diadem of Queen Carlota of Mexico.

Sunny beaches stretch for many kilometers along the Pacific coast, there are more than 40 of them. Olas Atlas, De los Muertos, Las Animas are considered the best. Water activities include fishing, diving, snorkeling, yachting, surfing and much more.

This beach area is about 40 km long and is located on the Baja California Peninsula between resort towns San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. Tourists from the USA and Canada prefer to relax here.

Vacationers can enjoy all kinds of entertainment in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, such as scuba diving near coral reefs, sailing on a pirate ship, fishing, surfing, etc. In addition, from January to April you can see whales here, which come especially close to the shore during this period.

Los Cabos is famous for its golf courses and is considered one of the most popular tourist centers among connoisseurs of this elite sport.

Those who prefer extreme species recreation, they can take a ride in an SUV along the deserted slopes of the California Peninsula. Baja California is home to a huge variety of cacti species, 85% of which are found nowhere else on the planet.

The beaches of this tourist area attract tourists with a variety of landscapes. For example, the Costa Azul beach has become famous among surfers for its high waves. Chileno Beach is popular with divers and snorkeling enthusiasts. And it's amazing beautiful beach Palmilla was very fond of masters of painting and photography. It is worth noting that the beaches of Los Cabos are recognized as one of the cleanest resort beaches in the world and have received the Blue Flag award for this.

One of the main attractions of Cabo San Lucas is the arch-shaped rock located in the middle of the ocean. Once every 7 years, during a strong low tide, the bottom under the arch is exposed and you can walk on it. The rest of the time, tourists enjoy sailing under the arch on a boat and admiring its stunning beauty.

At the resorts of Mexico, the weather throughout the year pleases vacationers with warm air and sea water temperatures. Although the weather can be very unstable, the region is characterized by two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

In the winter months, the air warms up to +28C during the day and up to +23C at night. Winter is the driest period of the year, so there is no stifling humidity.

March and April are two very comfortable months for families with children, when there are practically no waves at sea. The air temperature is about +29C.

In May, the direction of the waves begins to change, and rare precipitation occurs. The temperature rises to +31C.

Summer in Mexico is the rainy season with the highest daytime temperatures reaching +36C.

September is the rainiest month of the year. The temperature on a sunny day is up to +32C, on a cloudy day about +20C. This is not the most suitable month for traveling to the resorts of Mexico.

Mid-October and November – beginning holiday season, when more and more tourists from Russia appear. During the day it is warm up to +28C, in the evening and at night it is cool up to +23C.

Resorts of Mexico - where is the best place to fly?

Choosing a resort in Mexico, of course, is not an easy task. After all, advertising brochures look so attractive and tempting that you definitely want to visit them all. popular resorts. It would be great if someone has this opportunity. But usually, even if tourists are not limited in funds, then at least in time. What will help you make your choice?

Resorts on the Pacific coast and resorts in the Caribbean have much in common: there is a well-developed infrastructure, beautiful beaches, amazing beauty and sights, and a rich underwater world.

Of course, each resort has its own characteristics. For example, where the Pacific resorts are located on the California Peninsula, the area is deserted, with sparse vegetation, but the beaches are particularly clean. Yucatan is famous for its dense jungle thickets, ancient Mayan Indian cities, many cenotes and paradise islands nearby. It turns out that whatever choice tourists make, they will not be disappointed. Mexican resorts will certainly give you many of the most pleasant and unforgettable experiences.

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